Proceedings of the 2ND International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2023)

153 authors
Rasyad, Ach.
Field Study Learning Construction Social Communication Interaction Approach for Students as Village Community Empowerment Mentors Labsite PLS FIP UM
Rimadani, Rida
Hasta Brata: Main Values of Educational Leadership in Multicultural based International Learning School of Indonesia
Rimadani, Rida
Analysis of Institutional Support and Learning Management Strategies on Student Participation in MBKM Programs in Higher Education Institutions
Increase Creativity Learning and Pedagogical Skills of Teachers in Remote Schools based Hybrid Smart System (HSS) with K-Jalakar
Exploration of Integrating Local Wisdom Values in Education: Focus on Feasible Learner Management Activities and the Stakeholders
Saputra, Bagus Rachmad
Passion Trend Based Learning Scale Validation
Saputra, Nur Mega Aris
Validity of SIPEJAR Material about Career Planning using Team Based Project Learning to Improve Generation Z Career Readiness
Saputra, Nur Mega Aris
Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region
Sari, Luthfia Amanda
Obstacles to the Implementation and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesian Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
Sari, Luthfia Amanda
Superior Characteristics and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesia Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
Setiyowati, Arbin Janu
Visualizing Knowledge Domains for University Research Strategic
Simon, Irene Maya
Effectiveness of REBT Group Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Reduce Academic Stress in High School Students
Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
Validity of SIPEJAR Material about Career Planning using Team Based Project Learning to Improve Generation Z Career Readiness
Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
Obstacles to the Implementation and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesian Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
Empowering Vocational High School: The Crucial Role of Leadership in Building Management Capacities of Regional Public Service Agency
Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
Superior Characteristics and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesia Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region
Soputan, Shania Dea Menany
Prevalence Psychological Welfare of Vocational High School Students in Semarang City Post Pandemic Covid-19Prevalence Covid-19
Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region
Sulfa, Devi Mariya
Students’ Creative Thinking based on Loose Parts: A Case in Frugal context
Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
Suriansyah, Ahmad
Peer-Review Statements
Surya, Eka Putri
Digitalization of Early Childhood Learning Media Based on 3D Virtual Teacher Figures
Analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Branding Model of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions in East Java
Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Branding Development of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions
Tamyiz, Muchammad
Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
Thaariq, Zahid Zufar At
Students’ Creative Thinking based on Loose Parts: A Case in Frugal context
Timan, Agus
Hasta Brata: Main Values of Educational Leadership in Multicultural based International Learning School of Indonesia
Timan, Agus
Analysis of Institutional Support and Learning Management Strategies on Student Participation in MBKM Programs in Higher Education Institutions
Triwiyanto, Teguh
Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
Triwiyanto, Teguh
Obstacles to the Implementation and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesian Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
Triwiyanto, Teguh
Superior Characteristics and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesia Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
Triwiyanto, Teguh
Analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Branding Model of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions in East Java
Triwiyanto, Teguh
Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Branding Development of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions
Tsani, Yasmin Meilana
Prevalence Psychological Welfare of Vocational High School Students in Semarang City Post Pandemic Covid-19Prevalence Covid-19
Ulfatin, Nurul
Increase Creativity Learning and Pedagogical Skills of Teachers in Remote Schools based Hybrid Smart System (HSS) with K-Jalakar
Wahyuni, Sri
Digitalization of Early Childhood Learning Media Based on 3D Virtual Teacher Figures
Wijanarko, Dhimas Adhitya
Students’ Creative Thinking based on Loose Parts: A Case in Frugal context
Wijayati, Primardiana Hermilia
Transformational-Digital Leadership of School Principals for Service Acceleration and Digital Literacy: Empirique Study Literature Review
Wiyono, Bambang Budi
Identifying Risks Based on ISO 31000:2018 Using Risk Factors at Public Universities of Legal Entities
Wiyono, Bambang Budi
Passion Trend Based Learning Scale Validation
Wiyono, Bambang Budi
Integration of Digital Pedagogy for Teacher Internship Program through E-Training to Realize Smart Society
Wiyono, Bambang Budi
Analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Branding Model of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions in East Java
Wiyono, Bambang Budi
Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Branding Development of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions
Wulandari, Arifah
Validity of SIPEJAR Material about Career Planning using Team Based Project Learning to Improve Generation Z Career Readiness
Wulandari, Retno Tri
Innovation in Early Childhood Fine Arts Learning with Drawing, Matching and Sticking Techniques
Yasmine, Lilik Yulia
Literature Study: The Role of Innovation in Education in the Learning Process Teaching Children with Special Needs Using Digital Technology
Yasmine, Lilik Yulia
Analysis of the Use of Audiometers as an Assessment Instrument of Deaf Students in Preparation to Enter the World of Education: A Case Study of Deaf Students in Malang Raya
Zahro’, Azizatuz
Increase Creativity Learning and Pedagogical Skills of Teachers in Remote Schools based Hybrid Smart System (HSS) with K-Jalakar
Field Study Learning Construction Social Communication Interaction Approach for Students as Village Community Empowerment Mentors Labsite PLS FIP UM
Zulkarnain, Wildan
Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
‘Alam, Ghasa Faraasyatul
Integration of Digital Pedagogy for Teacher Internship Program through E-Training to Realize Smart Society
‘Ilmi, Achmad Miftachul
Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region