Proceedings of the 2ND International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2023)
153 authors
- Rasyad, Ach.
- Field Study Learning Construction Social Communication Interaction Approach for Students as Village Community Empowerment Mentors Labsite PLS FIP UM
- Rimadani, Rida
- Hasta Brata: Main Values of Educational Leadership in Multicultural based International Learning School of Indonesia
- Rimadani, Rida
- Analysis of Institutional Support and Learning Management Strategies on Student Participation in MBKM Programs in Higher Education Institutions
- Rochmawati
- Increase Creativity Learning and Pedagogical Skills of Teachers in Remote Schools based Hybrid Smart System (HSS) with K-Jalakar
- Rochmawati
- Exploration of Integrating Local Wisdom Values in Education: Focus on Feasible Learner Management Activities and the Stakeholders
- Saputra, Bagus Rachmad
- Passion Trend Based Learning Scale Validation
- Saputra, Nur Mega Aris
- Validity of SIPEJAR Material about Career Planning using Team Based Project Learning to Improve Generation Z Career Readiness
- Saputra, Nur Mega Aris
- Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region
- Sari, Luthfia Amanda
- Obstacles to the Implementation and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesian Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
- Sari, Luthfia Amanda
- Superior Characteristics and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesia Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
- Setiyowati, Arbin Janu
- Visualizing Knowledge Domains for University Research Strategic
- Simon, Irene Maya
- Effectiveness of REBT Group Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Reduce Academic Stress in High School Students
- Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
- Validity of SIPEJAR Material about Career Planning using Team Based Project Learning to Improve Generation Z Career Readiness
- Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
- Obstacles to the Implementation and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesian Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
- Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
- Empowering Vocational High School: The Crucial Role of Leadership in Building Management Capacities of Regional Public Service Agency
- Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
- Superior Characteristics and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesia Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
- Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
- Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region
- Soputan, Shania Dea Menany
- Prevalence Psychological Welfare of Vocational High School Students in Semarang City Post Pandemic Covid-19Prevalence Covid-19
- Sowiyah
- Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region
- Sulfa, Devi Mariya
- Students’ Creative Thinking based on Loose Parts: A Case in Frugal context
- Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
- Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
- Suriansyah, Ahmad
- Peer-Review Statements
- Surya, Eka Putri
- Digitalization of Early Childhood Learning Media Based on 3D Virtual Teacher Figures
- Suwandi
- Analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Branding Model of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions in East Java
- Suwandi
- Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Branding Development of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions
- Tamyiz, Muchammad
- Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
- Thaariq, Zahid Zufar At
- Students’ Creative Thinking based on Loose Parts: A Case in Frugal context
- Timan, Agus
- Hasta Brata: Main Values of Educational Leadership in Multicultural based International Learning School of Indonesia
- Timan, Agus
- Analysis of Institutional Support and Learning Management Strategies on Student Participation in MBKM Programs in Higher Education Institutions
- Triwiyanto, Teguh
- Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
- Triwiyanto, Teguh
- Obstacles to the Implementation and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesian Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
- Triwiyanto, Teguh
- Superior Characteristics and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesia Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
- Triwiyanto, Teguh
- Analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Branding Model of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions in East Java
- Triwiyanto, Teguh
- Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Branding Development of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions
- Tsani, Yasmin Meilana
- Prevalence Psychological Welfare of Vocational High School Students in Semarang City Post Pandemic Covid-19Prevalence Covid-19
- Ulfatin, Nurul
- Increase Creativity Learning and Pedagogical Skills of Teachers in Remote Schools based Hybrid Smart System (HSS) with K-Jalakar
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Digitalization of Early Childhood Learning Media Based on 3D Virtual Teacher Figures
- Wijanarko, Dhimas Adhitya
- Students’ Creative Thinking based on Loose Parts: A Case in Frugal context
- Wijayati, Primardiana Hermilia
- Transformational-Digital Leadership of School Principals for Service Acceleration and Digital Literacy: Empirique Study Literature Review
- Wiyono, Bambang Budi
- Identifying Risks Based on ISO 31000:2018 Using Risk Factors at Public Universities of Legal Entities
- Wiyono, Bambang Budi
- Passion Trend Based Learning Scale Validation
- Wiyono, Bambang Budi
- Integration of Digital Pedagogy for Teacher Internship Program through E-Training to Realize Smart Society
- Wiyono, Bambang Budi
- Analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Branding Model of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions in East Java
- Wiyono, Bambang Budi
- Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Branding Development of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions
- Wulandari, Arifah
- Validity of SIPEJAR Material about Career Planning using Team Based Project Learning to Improve Generation Z Career Readiness
- Wulandari, Retno Tri
- Innovation in Early Childhood Fine Arts Learning with Drawing, Matching and Sticking Techniques
- Yasmine, Lilik Yulia
- Literature Study: The Role of Innovation in Education in the Learning Process Teaching Children with Special Needs Using Digital Technology
- Yasmine, Lilik Yulia
- Analysis of the Use of Audiometers as an Assessment Instrument of Deaf Students in Preparation to Enter the World of Education: A Case Study of Deaf Students in Malang Raya
- Zahro’, Azizatuz
- Increase Creativity Learning and Pedagogical Skills of Teachers in Remote Schools based Hybrid Smart System (HSS) with K-Jalakar
- Zulkarnain
- Field Study Learning Construction Social Communication Interaction Approach for Students as Village Community Empowerment Mentors Labsite PLS FIP UM
- Zulkarnain, Wildan
- Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
- ‘Alam, Ghasa Faraasyatul
- Integration of Digital Pedagogy for Teacher Internship Program through E-Training to Realize Smart Society
- ‘Ilmi, Achmad Miftachul
- Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region