Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational, Management, Administration and Leadership
191 authors
- Abubakar, Abubakar
- Authentic Leadership Principals and Teachers' Commitment to Improve Work Discipline
- Agung, Achmad Imam
- Design of Intelligent Robot as a Tool for Teaching Media Based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learning to Improve the Skill of Learner
- Ahyani, Nur
- Needs Analysis in Learning History Model of Senior High School
- Ahyar, M.
- Needs Analysis in Learning History Model of Senior High School
- Aman, Aman
- The Difficulties of Vocational High School History Teachers in Developing Historical Learning Evaluation Instrument
- Amin, Zakki Nurul
- Counsellors' Personal Quality in Public Senior High School
- Anggorowati, Rita
- The Use of Trade-Off Analysis in Analyzing the Implementation of New Students Admissions Selection Policy in Bandung State Middle School
- Anggorowati, Rita
- The Role of Values-Based Leadership within the Framework of Values Shifting Appearing in Indonesian Education
- Anuar Sanusi, Anuar
- Managerial Performance Model of Private Higher Education in The South Sumatra
- Ari, Zainab
- Essential Practices for Instructional Leadership in the Implementation of Elementary Science and Technology Education from Preservice Teachers' Perspective
- Armiati, Armiati
- Developing Cooperative Learning Video for Studying Economics at Senior High School
- Asrin, Asrin
- Developing Character Education Management Model for The Empowerment of Ethos Transformation based Multiple-Intelligence of Junior High School Student's
- Asyahidda, Fajar Nugraha
- Young Generation and Future Leadership: Learn from now for Better Tomorrow
- Badri, Nor Azizah
- The Effects of Lecturers' Leadership on Pre-Service Teachers' Perception of Mathematics as an Elective Subject
- Badrudin, Badrudin
- The Effectiveness of Study Program Quality Improvement (A Case Study at Islamic Education Management Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training)
- Benti, Djum-Djum Noor
- Meassuring of Teacher Asset Value
- Berlian, Mery
- Improving the Capacity of Private Universities Management
- Berliana, Berliana
- Judging Social Behavior and Level of Intellegence Changes as A Result of Team Sport Training
- Bhakti, Caraka Putra
- The Pedagogical Communication Skill of Senior High School (SHS) Teachers in North Maluku Province, Indonesia
- Cahyawati, Dian
- The Interest of Prospective Students in Study Programs in Higher Education: a Preliminary Study
- Carti, Carti
- Counsellors' Personal Quality in Public Senior High School
- Darna, Nana
- The Effects of Marketing Mix to Buying Interest and Their Implication toward the Decision of Choosing Private Higher Education
- Daud, Noorafizah
- Essential Practices for Instructional Leadership in the Implementation of Elementary Science and Technology Education from Preservice Teachers' Perspective
- Daud, Zulkefli
- Essential Practices for Instructional Leadership in the Implementation of Elementary Science and Technology Education from Preservice Teachers' Perspective
- Dekawati, Ipong
- The Influence of Implementation of Human Resources Management towards the Success Rate of Management of Early Childhood Education Institutions in Sumedang Regency
- Demartoto, Argyo
- Introducing Gender Perspective in Darussalam Islamic Boarding School
- Desfandi, Mirza
- The Role of School Principal Leadership in Implementation of Eco School Program as the Effort to Support Sustainable Development
- Diana, Sri
- Behaviour Management Plan for Elementary School Students
- Disman, Disman
- The Role of School Principal Leadership in Implementation of Eco School Program as the Effort to Support Sustainable Development
- Eliawati, Titim
- Resource Acquisition in Providing Free Education for Street Children
- Faruk, Mujaddid
- The Effects of Marketing Mix to Buying Interest and Their Implication toward the Decision of Choosing Private Higher Education
- Febriantina, Susan
- Prospects and Sustainability Analysis Diploma Program Three Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
- Febriantina, Susan
- Outstanding Female Leadership in Implementing Effective School
- Firmansyah, Helmy
- Physical Education and Character Education
- Fitria, Ratna
- Young Generation and Future Leadership: Learn from now for Better Tomorrow
- Fitriana, Andita
- Capacity Building of Associate Professors for Improving Lecturers' Performance: A Case Study in a Leading University in Indonesia
- Gaffar, Mohammad Fakry
- Marketing Management in Higher Education
- Hakam, Kama Abdul
- Young Generation and Future Leadership: Learn from now for Better Tomorrow
- Harahap, Junardi
- Evaluation of Teaching Methods in the Individual and Team
- Haris, Ikhfan
- Developing Character Education Management Model for The Empowerment of Ethos Transformation based Multiple-Intelligence of Junior High School Student's
- Haris, Ikhfan
- Developing School Performance Index for Assessing Innovation Capability of School in Quality Improvement
- Haris, Ikhfan
- A Scalable Management Model for Developing Reading Habits in Children through "Proactive Reading" and "Early-Literacy-Awareness" Approach
- Hariyati, Nunuk
- Beyond Vocational High School and Corporates Cooperation: A Social Exchange Perspective in Education
- Hartantyo, Eddy
- Can We Use E-Learning to Increase Cognitive Process on Physic Equation Understanding? A Preliminary Result
- Haryudo, Subuh Isnur
- Design of Intelligent Robot as a Tool for Teaching Media Based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learning to Improve the Skill of Learner
- Hasbi, Imanuddin
- Marketing Management in Higher Education
- Herawan, Endang
- Model Development of Quality Management Education in Vocational Schools Bandung
- Herlina, Herlina
- Authentic Leadership Principals and Teachers' Commitment to Improve Work Discipline
- Hermino, Agustinus
- Implementation of School-Based Management Towards Peace Building and Child Protection
- Herri, Sar Joni
- Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Global Values in Peace Education: Cross-Sectional Survey
- Isbianti, Pandit
- Teacher Leadership Behaviors on Sport Class
- Ismail, Zamidi
- Essential Practices for Instructional Leadership in the Implementation of Elementary Science and Technology Education from Preservice Teachers' Perspective
- Ismanto, Bambang
- Evaluation on Financing Collaboration in Improving the Quality of Primary Education
- Ismayanti, Euis
- The Enhancement of Teaching-Learning Process Effectiveness through The Development of Instructional Media Based on E-learning of Surabaya's Vocational Student
- Jabar, Cepi Safruddin Abdul
- Climate Establishment in An Ex-Indonesian International Standardized School
- Jonid, Fazidah
- The Effects of Lecturers' Leadership on Pre-Service Teachers' Perception of Mathematics as an Elective Subject
- Joyoatmojo, Soetarno
- Needs Analysis in Learning History Model of Senior High School
- Juliana, Juliana
- The Effect of Principal's Leadership and Work Climate on Teachers Leadership with Work Motivation as Intervening Variable
- Jumiran, Mohamad Nurizwan
- The Effects of Lecturers' Leadership on Pre-Service Teachers' Perception of Mathematics as an Elective Subject
- Kassim, Abu Bakar
- Essential Practices for Instructional Leadership in the Implementation of Elementary Science and Technology Education from Preservice Teachers' Perspective
- Khalid, Kharshiah
- The Effects of Lecturers' Leadership on Pre-Service Teachers' Perception of Mathematics as an Elective Subject
- Kholis, Nur
- Design of Intelligent Robot as a Tool for Teaching Media Based on Computer Interactive Learning and Computer Assisted Learning to Improve the Skill of Learner
- Khotimah, Siti Khorriyatul
- Role Playing Method: Learning to Avoid Cheating
- Komariah, Aan
- A Model for School Management Capacity Building through Professional Learning Community in Senior High School
- Komariah, Aan
- The Use of Trade-Off Analysis in Analyzing the Implementation of New Students Admissions Selection Policy in Bandung State Middle School
- Komariah, Aan
- Authentic Leadership for Conducive Madrasa Climate
- Komariah, Aan
- Authentic Leadership Principals and Teachers' Commitment to Improve Work Discipline
- Komarudin, Komarudin
- Physical Fitness Test Through Portfolio Assessment
- Kurniady, Dedy Achmad
- Learning Leadership Role in Funding Education in The Era of Regional Autonomy
- Kurniady, Dedy Achmad
- Model Development of Quality Management Education in Vocational Schools Bandung
- Kurniatun, Taufani C.
- Cost Analysis in Indonesia Open University Post Graduate Program
- Kurniatun, Taufani C.
- Early Childhoods Cost of Education in Indonesia: An Ethical Consideration in Educational Marketing
- Kurniatun, Taufani C.
- Service Encounter Condition, Service Quality and Frontline Employees Role in Higher Education
- Kurniawan, Asep
- Unit Cost Analysis in Higher Education
- Kusumawati, Erna
- Training Management Effectiveness
- LV, Yuhendri
- Model of Development Students Softskill With Credit System by Integration of Academic and Student Activities in ORMAWA Activity
- Lasambouw, Carolina M
- New Paradigm of Research Management in Higher Education: The Case of Politeknik Negeri Bandung
- Lestari, Ambar Sri
- E-Portfolio Assessment Design in Learning
- Lestari, Slamet
- The Implementation of Beyond Centers and Circle Times (BCCT) in Early Childhood Education
- Manaf, Peri Akbar
- Early Childhoods Cost of Education in Indonesia: An Ethical Consideration in Educational Marketing
- Mariyaningsih, Nining
- Context, Input. Process, Product Evaluation of The "SMK Rujukan Program in Salatiga"
- Marsofiyati, Marsofiyati
- Prospects and Sustainability Analysis Diploma Program Three Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
- Martono, Martono
- Lesson Planning The Key to Success of The Teachers Teaching in the Classroom
- Maryani, Enok
- The Role of School Principal Leadership in Implementation of Eco School Program as the Effort to Support Sustainable Development
- Maryani, Ika
- The Pedagogical Communication Skill of Senior High School (SHS) Teachers in North Maluku Province, Indonesia
- Maryati, Deliana Sri
- The Effect of Self Efficacy on Burnout Mediated By Stress Among Kindergarten Teachers in Indonesia
- Mas, Siti Roskina
- A Scalable Management Model for Developing Reading Habits in Children through "Proactive Reading" and "Early-Literacy-Awareness" Approach
- Masaong, Abdul Kadim
- Developing Character Education Management Model for The Empowerment of Ethos Transformation based Multiple-Intelligence of Junior High School Student's
- Mirfani, Aceng Muhtaram
- The Alternative Model of Controlling Change in Educational Policy Implementation
- Mudzakir, Ahmad
- The Ability of Prospective Teacher of Elemetary School to Solve The Problems Related to Water, Air, and Soil Themes
- Mujahidin, Endin
- Profiles of Self-Reliance of Elementary School Students in Indonesia
- Mulawarman, Mulawarman
- Counsellors' Personal Quality in Public Senior High School
- Mulyani, Heni
- The Effectiveness of the Vocational High School
- Mulyani, N. Leni Sri
- The Implementation of Budget Model Programme in Forming the Primary School Operational Assistance Budgets
- Mulyati, Yati Siti
- The Relevance of Vocational High School Programs to Workforce Demands
- Munadi, M.
- Critical Review of The Curriculum for Islamic Education Management Study Program on Graduate Program
- Mustika, Pramudhita Ghia
- The Effect of Self Efficacy on Burnout Mediated By Stress Among Kindergarten Teachers in Indonesia
- Nasution, Syamsuddin Ali
- Profiles of Self-Reliance of Elementary School Students in Indonesia
- Naway, Fory A.
- A Scalable Management Model for Developing Reading Habits in Children through "Proactive Reading" and "Early-Literacy-Awareness" Approach
- Niasari, Sintia W.
- Can We Use E-Learning to Increase Cognitive Process on Physic Equation Understanding? A Preliminary Result