Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Creativity, Innovation and Technology in Education (IC-CITE 2018)
71 articles
Proceedings Article
Creative-Critical Thinking Stimulation of Pre Service Teachers by Socratic Questions and Chemical Representation
Abdul Hamid
Creative-critical thinking skills are two things that are inseparable. Critical-creative thinking skill is a skill demanded in the 21st century to survive in facing the world change. Creative-critical thinking skill is very important for pre service teachers. This will affect the ability to think of...
Proceedings Article
The Character of Love to the Country in the Novel '5 cm'
Ahsani Taqwiem
The fading of the love feeling to the country will cause various problems such as the development of radical ideas that lead to the disintegration of the nation. As a pluralistic nation, Indonesia needs communion and unity to continue developing into a strong and large country. If the love of the country...
Proceedings Article
Improving the Student’s Cooperation and Environmental Care Skill using Outdoor Learning Strategy Outbound Variation
Akhmad Riandy Agusta, Noorhapizah
This research describes the impact of learning process use the outdoor learning strategy outbound variation based on Banjarese local wisdom to improve student's cooperation and environmental care skill. The type of research method was classroom action research, and the research subject were students...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation Program Planning Individual Learning Plans for Education in SMP Negeri 1 Barabai: Discrepancy Model
Akhmad Sugianto
Individual Learning Plans (ILP) is a guidance and counseling program that can be used to help learners educational planning and decision making further studies SMA / MA / SMK. In order to implement professional programs, the program organized by following the rules of implementation of ILP existing program....
Proceedings Article
Senior High School Students’ Attitudes Through Inquiry-Based Learning
Zaini, Amalia Rezeki, Fathul Zannah
This is a descriptive study aimed to identify students’ attitudes during the learning process through inquiry based learning. The attitudes cover character behavior and social skills observed during the learning process. The indicators of character behavior are cooperation and appreciation to friends,...
Proceedings Article
The Validity of the Student Worksheets about The Moral Dilemma of Environmental Change through Solving Wetland Problems
Aminuddin Prahatama Putra, Olfia Ekasari
This study aims to describe the validity of worksheet on the concept of Environmental Change using the solution to the developed wetland problem. Problem-solving models are learning models that can be used related to answers to wetland environmental problems on the concept of environmental change. The...
Proceedings Article
The Exploration of Empathy of the Inclusive Elementary School Teacher in Denpasar
Aritya Widianti, N. Trisna Aryanata, A.A.I. Mira Pramitya
Empathy is an activity to understand what other people are thinking and feeling by engaging cognitive, affective and communication skills without losing self-control. This research explores empathy in inclusive elementary school teachers in Denpasar. This research uses qualitative Focus Group Discussion...
Proceedings Article
The diversity of Zooplankton in Water Area of Coal Mining as The Teaching Material
Bunda Halang
PT. Adiabara Bansastra is a company which works in coal specific port that lies at the side of Serongga River and discards the waste to the river so the quality of the river can decrease in the future. One of the activities of local fisherman society which is often done at that river is caught fishes...
Proceedings Article
Developing Skill of Art Using the Explicit Instruction Model with Finger Painting Media in Kindergarten
Mohammad Dani Wahyudi, Amanah Fathani
The purpose of this research is to develop children of the art in drawing objects around them on Kindergarten. This research applied qualitative approach with classroom action research type. Analyzed using descriptive qualitative technique. The data was collected using observation. In conclusion, learning...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Increase Mathematical Learning Activity Material of Space Building Using Problem Posing Model Combination of Group Investigation and 3D Media
Darmiyati, Ratna Tiara
This study aims to improve students' learning activities in mathematics regarding the nature of waking space using the problem-posing model combination group investigation and 3D media. This research was carried out at SDN Benua Anyar 4 Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Subjects in this study were 12th-grade students....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Adiwiyata Program Implementation in SMAN 1 Martapura
Deasy Arisanty, Sifani Lulu Nisfinahari, Siti Misbah, Indah Sari Suci, Purnama Sari Yurika
Adiwiyata is a program created by the government to shape the character of students to care about the environment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the adiwiyata program at SMAN 1 Martapura and to analyze the obstacles in implementing the adiwiyata program at SMAN 1 Martapura....
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Mathematical Ability and Programming Ability of Computer Science Education Students
Delsika Pramata Sari, R. Ati Sukmawati, Iskandar Zulkarnain
Mathematics is one of the sciences that can improve thinking skills and contribute to solving daily problems as well as the world of work. Some compulsory subjects in the Computer Science Education study program are in the field of mathematics. Also, one of the important things for students of Computer...
Proceedings Article
Problem Solving Learning, Think Pair and Share (TPS) based on Audio Visual Media Improving Oral Activities
Diani Ayu Pratiwi, Nurina Sofiawati
This study aims to improve Oral Activity by using Problem Solving Learning, TPS learning, Audio Visual Media with Classroom Action Research (CAR), in two cycles of four meetings. The study was conducted at VA of SDN Pemurus Luar 1 Banjarmasin. The data from the observation sheet instrument then analyzed...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Economic Learning Resources Based on Ecopedagogy
Dwi Atmono, Muhammad Rahmattullah, Sri Setiti
The utilization of the environment as a source for economic learning based on eco-pedagogy is an alternative way to internalize students' understanding of economic concept with environmental awareness. The Sago Industry in Pemakuan Village is an example of community’s economic activities which are full...
Proceedings Article
Self Awareness of Adolescent Girl Students on Their Educations in Banjar Regency Indonesia
Dwi Nur Rachmah, Muhammad Aditya Ais Purnama
Every year, adolescent girl students who dropped out of school in Indonesia, especially in Banjar regency, increase. The reasons for dropping out vary; some prefer to move to Islamic boarding schools, some are married, even the most severe is due to tired of the assigned task. The purpose of this research...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation Study on Implementation of Home Visit Service through CSE-UCLA Model in SMP Negeri 2 Anjir Muara
Eklys Cheseda Makaria
The focus of this research was the implementation of home visit service in SMP Negeri 2 Anjir Muara through the CSE-UCLA evaluation model. This evaluation model evaluates four aspects: Need Assessment, Program Planning, Formative Evaluation, and Sumatif Evaluation. This research aimed to find out how...
Proceedings Article
Differentiating Instructions to Teach English Reading Comprehension for Mathematics Department Students
Emma Rosana Febriyanti, Elvina Arapah
Many approaches, strategies, or techniques can be chosen by teachers to deliver their teaching materials. However, not all can be applied in a class especially if the students are coming from various backgrounds, have mixed ability and are at different levels of proficiency. Therefore, the teachers have...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening The Pancasila Character Values in Forming The Character of Pancasilais Generation
Fathul Jannah, Reja Fahlevi
The objective of National Education stated in Law No. 20 of 2003 is to make people believe and fear God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and a democratic and responsible citizen. The Ministry of National Education has formulated 18 Character Values that are formed...
Proceedings Article
The Mapping of the State Junior High School Teachers’ Competence in Banjarmasin
Hamsi Mansur, Jumadi
The purpose of this study was to examine two main problems, namely (a) analyzing the level of education of teachers in Banjarmasin City Public Junior High School, and (b) analyzing the competence of teachers at SLTP Negeri Banjarmasin in formulating learning plans. This research was classified as a type...
Proceedings Article
Electronic Information Resources Usage of Afghan International University Students in Malaysia
Hanifa Khawari, Mohd Isa Hamzah, Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin, Hamsi Mansur
Electronic information resources (EIRs) play an important role in learning process at university level by providing information resources regardless of time and place. The objective of this study is investigating the electronic information resources usage of Afghan international university students in...
Proceedings Article
Intelligence Search with WISC Test Equipment For Students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Hayatun Thaibah
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder in the form of an unusual increase in children's activities and tends to be excessive. This is characterized by various complaints of feeling restless, unable to be quiet, unable to sit quietly and always leaving a permanent...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Natural Materials to Increase Calculation Ability of 4-5 Year-old Children
Henny, La Jeti
The purpose of this study is to know the increase in counting ability through the use of nature material of grade A Kindergarten students. The population in this study consisted of 15 students of grade A at Kartika Wirabuana 51 Kindergarten, Baubau. This study used Action Classroom Research method according...
Proceedings Article
The Power of Group Investigation Model on Student Critical Thinking, Attitude, and Character in Learning Physics
I Wayan Santyasa, I Wayan Sukra Warpala, I Komang Sudarma
Learning physics in senior high school by using a teacher-centered teaching habit must be changed. It has to empower the investigated-based collaboration. This quasi experimental study aims to analyze the effect of group investigation (GI) model compared to direct instruction (DI) model on critical thinking...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation and Curriculum Modifications in Inclusive Schools
Imam Yuwono
This evaluation study aims to determine the effectiveness of implementing school curriculum modification of inclusive education providers of primary schools in the city of Banjarmasin. Evaluation uses the CIPP model (context, input, process, product). Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Student Responsibilities Through Collaborative Based Science Learning (CBSL) Model
Isnawati, Muslimin Ibrahim, Tjandrakirana, Rusmansyah
Research has been conducted on the feasibility of Collaborative Based Science Learning (CBSL) learning models to train critical thinking skills and student responsibility of Junior High School State 6 Banjarmasin. The syntax of the CBSL model is 1) Motivation and Problem Orientation; 2) Collaborative...
Proceedings Article
Early Childhood Education and the Reforming of Universal Program: Radicalism Movement in Indonesia
Juniar Laraswanda Umagapi
In this paper, the author examines the educational preparation and the impact of early childhood education programme by the government and how the result of it. The study aimed to identify successes and barriers of the early childhood education program in Indonesia and to analyse the current policy implementation...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Learning Decimal Counting Operation in the 4th Grade of Elementary School Students in the Context of a Floating Market
Karim, Agni Danaryanti, Sutarto Hadi
This study aims to develop a learning design of the decimal numbers counting learning on the fourth-grade of elementary school students in the context of the floating market. The mathematical learning in the context of the floating market is an effort to present the real-life context to the students...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Cross-Cultural Counselling in Efforts to Improve The Tolerance of Tionghoa Ethnic Students
Karyono Ibnu Ahmad, Berkatullah Amin
Humans are individual beings and also as social beings who must have differences in each individual. One of the differences is culture. culture in a place will be different from culture in other places in accordance with the circumstances of the environment to create cultural diversity or what we call...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Biological Learning Integrates The Local Wisdom of Mamanda Using The Role Playing Method on Student Learning Outcomes
Learning mastery the concept of gametogenesis to students majoring in biology education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lambung Mangkurat less because the concept of gametogenesis is very abstract and requires a high level of understanding with high memorizing abilities....
Proceedings Article
Management and Curriculum Development
Kasypul Anwar
Learning objectives are one aspect that needs to be considered in learning planning. In an effort to improve the quality of education, one important component in it is the curriculum. Therefore, the curriculum must be well developed and professionally developed. This study aims to find out how management...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Parenting Style Toward Child’s Moral Values Development
La Jeti
This research aimed to know the influence of parenting style on the child’s moral values development. This research used a quantitative approach. The kind of this research is ex-post facto. The population in this research consisted of 150 parents and 150 children. This research was conducted at Raudhatul...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation Model Combined with Think Pair Share and Course Review Horay
Mohammad Dani Wahyudi, Galuh Tripuspitaningrum
This study aims to determine the activities of teachers, students, and student learning outcomes in learning Social Sciences. This study used a qualitative approach with the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in 2 cycles. The research subjects were VB grade students of SDN Pemurus Luar...
Proceedings Article
Study of Students` Character in Coastal Communities
Mariatul Kiptiah, Harpani Matnuh
Character is the value of human behavior that is related to God Almighty, oneself, fellow human beings, environment, and nationality which is manifested in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, and actions based on religious norms, law, manners, culture, and customs. This study aims at identifying students`...
Proceedings Article
Instructional Leadership Strategy Principal in Improving the Quality of Graduates of Public Vocational School 1 Barabai
Metroyadi, Ainun Jariah
This study aimed to describe the application of principals' leadership instructors to improve the ability of graduates of Public Vocational School 1 Barabai 1. This study used a qualitative method. Data collection techniques were interviews, data collection techniques through interviews, and documentation....
Proceedings Article
Application of PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) to Improve The Expressive Language Skills of Autism Children
Mirnawati, Amka
This A person can interact with communication; communication can be established well if there is a two-way interaction or someone has the ability not only in expressive language but also in expressive language. Autistic children have limitations which are shown by the inability to express themselves...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Flipped Classroom Assisted by Learning Management System for Numerical Method Courses
Mitra Pramita, R. Ati Sukmawati, Delsika Pramata Sari
This study aims to describe the implementation of reversing classes assisted by the learning management system (LMS) for numerical method subjects. The research method used was a combination method (mix method). The mix method model used in the study is a concurrent triangulation model. The subjects...
Proceedings Article
Competency Teaching and Learning 21st Century Education: Preschool Teacher
Mohamed Ayob Sukani, Arfah Hj Abd Karim
The study aims to identify the competence of teaching and learning practice (PdP) of preschool teachers in 21st-century education (PAK-21). The tens PdP constructs in the PAK-21 assessed were from aspects of student-centered PdPs, collaborative learning, skill oriented, process applications, high level...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Increase Capacity of Self Adjustment of The Situation of Learning Through Group Discussion Technique
Mubarak Al Qarni
The purpose of the research is to improve the ability of Adjustment to the Situation Learning through group discussion techniques. The general objective of this study is to describe the activities of counselors (researchers), as well as improving student’s adjustment to the learning situation. This study...
Proceedings Article
The Relevance of Job Selection of Guidance and Counseling Department Graduates of Lambung Mangkurat University
Ali Rachman, Muhammad Andri Setiawan, Mubarak Al Qarni
This research was conducted in order to find out the relevance of job selection of Guidance and Counseling Department graduates of University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM). The objective of this research is to obtain empirical data of the graduates who have a job in accordance with their major. This research...
Proceedings Article
Improving Motivation of Underachievement Students Using Cognitive Behavioral Counseling (CBC) Interventions
Muhammad Arsyad
Basically every student has the potential in learning, but not all students are able to reach their potential optimally. In the case of this study, students have good potential in terms of cognitive, which has an intelligence level that is classified as above average but has a very low achievement. This...
Proceedings Article
Developing Cognitive Instruments Based on Science Literacy on Sound Materials
Mustika Wati, Asmaul Husna, Sarah Miriam, Saiyidah Mahtari
This study aimed to produce cognitive instruments that could help teachers train students' literacy skills. The development of cognitive instruments based on scientific literacy on sound material was aimed at; (1) Describe the validity of the instrument being developed, (2) Describe the reliability of...
Proceedings Article
Level of Student Social Skills Achievement on Adolescence
Mutiani, Ndaru Mukti Oktaviani, Panji Rizalul Fatah
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the achievement of students' social skills in adolescent times. The type of research that will be used is survey research. The research subjects were students of PGSD at the University of Kuningan. The research method used in this research is a...
Proceedings Article
The Study of the Concept of Child-Friendly Schools Programs in the Riverbank Areas of North Banjarmasin
Nina Permata Sari
This study aims to design the concept of Child-Friendly Schools programs for elementary schools in the riverbank areas of North Banjarmasin. The concept used is based on the Guidelines for Child-Friendly School Development Stages compiled by the Ministry of Education and Culture (2016) in The Guide ofChild-Friendly...
Proceedings Article
Self-Concept Analysis of Students in Study Program of Early Childhood Education in Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
This study is intended to obtain an overview of teacher education self-concept Early Childhood Education in Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. The study was conducted on third semester students totaling 92 students with total sampling. The results showed that they had a high self-concept of 62 students (67%),...
Proceedings Article
Developing the Ability of Social and Emotional Aspects of Kindergarten Children through the Story Method, Direct Practice, and Play
Novitawati, Siti Khadijah
This study aims to find out teachers and children's activities, and to know the emotional, social aspect of the children by showing the enthusiasm in conducting competitive games positively through storytelling method, direct practice, and play method. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR)...
Proceedings Article
The Identification of Scientific Attitude on Biology Education Department in Plant Botany I
Sri Amintarti, Aulia Ajizah, Nurul Hidayati Utami
This study aims to describe the scientific attitude of students who took Plant Botany I course and to study scientific attitudes among male and female students. The study used a survey method for students whom participating in the Plant Botany I course listed on 2017/2018 academic year as many as 54...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation Learning Program "You And Me" At The Kindergartens Built by PKBI In Central Java
Ode Yahyu Herliany Yusuf
This study aims to evaluate sex education programs called “You and Me.” This study was conducted in three preschools namely Kindergarten Lab school UNNES, Taman Belia Kindergarten, and TK Post Anak Bangsa preschool with CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product). The study applied a quantitative...
Proceedings Article
Improving Science Learning Using a Combination of Concrete Inquiry Model, Numbered Head Together (NHT) Model, and Example Non-Example Model
Radiansyah, Leni Vera Anggraini
This study was conducted by the low level of natural science learning on grade V students of SDN 1 Cempaka Banjarbaru, the material for Land Formation and Soil Type Processes due to the monocular learning process and abstract material. This problem caused low student learning outcomes which were caused...
Proceedings Article
The Improvement of Learning Outcomes of Social Theme Using Group Investigation and Mind Mapping Models for Students in SDN 3 Alalak Selatan Banjarmasin
Raihanah Sari
Problem occurred on the theme of my living areas in IVA class on SDN 3 Alalak Selatan is some students tend to be inactive in learning. The causes of this problem are a teacher as centered on teaching. Learning is not practical and less fun, thus causing the number of students to score below KKM. The...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Multicultural Counselors to Help LGBT Against Discrimination Due to Failure of Communication
Faisal Rachman, Rilo Adityo
During their lives, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) always get discrimination from the community because they are considered 'different'. The role of the counselor upholds the values of social justice, humanism, and universal goodness that can be accepted by LGBT people so that they can...
Proceedings Article
Teachers and Parents’ Perception toward English as a Local Content Subject at Elementary School in Banjarmasin
Rina Listina, Irene Yudhistira
Despite the policy of English as a local content subject in Indonesia’s elementary school, the process of teaching and learning English is still relevant. However, some aspects need to be considered in implementing the policy, for instance, teachers and parents’ perception. This research is intended...
Proceedings Article
Literature Study Description of Corporation Between Classroom Teacher and School Counselor In Elementary School
Ririanti Rachmayanie
The purpose of the literature review of this article is to reveal the cooperative relationship between the guidance teacher and the school counselor. The literature review method undertaken is to collect a number of studies on the implementation of guidance and counseling in elementary schools from 2014...
Proceedings Article
The Development of an Authentic Assessment with Project Based Learning to Improve Creative Thinking Skills
Riya Irianti, Ms. Noorhidayati
This study aims to describe the validity and effectiveness of an authentic assessment with Project Based Learning to improve creative thinking skills. The subjects of this study were 75 students of the Biology Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training University of Lambung Mangkurat who are...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Approach for Elementary Schools Teachers
Rizky Amelia
The purpose of this study was to describe the teacher's skills in applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach to Indonesian language subjects for elementary schools in Sijunjung through training activities. The method used was a descriptive qualitative approach — techniques for collecting data...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Guidance and Counseling in Developing Skills Youth Communication in The Digital Era
Romdiyah, Mufida Istati
Islamic counseling and guidance is a technique which can be used to help an adolescent in developing their communication skills. Guidance and counseling services were carried out for three meetings with specific themes, including communication characteristics in the digital era, communication ethics...
Proceedings Article
Reading Learning Strategies through Novel Review for the Student Characters Development
Rusma Noortyani
This research is based on the results of students reading learning in reading learning theory course. This research aims to study the students reading learning through a novel review. The research method uses descriptive qualitative methods. This method is appropriate to use because the implementation...
Proceedings Article
Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Scientific Critical Thinking Model
Rusmansyah, Leny Yuanita, Muslimin Ibrahim, Isnawati
Research has been conducted on the feasibility of the Scientific Critical Thinking (SCT) model to improve critical thinking skills and self efficacy of PGSD students in colloidal material. The syntax of the SCT model is 1) student orientation, 2) scientific activity, 3) presentation of results of scientific...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Diagnostic Test Instrument Based Online Multimedia to Describe Students Difficulties in Integer and Fraction Operation
The purpose of this study was to develop a diagnostic test of students' difficulties in the matter of integer and fraction operations through the approach of strength and weakness profiles. The instrument was developed using test development procedures consisting of (1) preparing the test specification,...
Proceedings Article
The Management of Character Education Curriculum at Vocational High School 2 Kandangan
Suhaimi, Yuli Rinawati
This research aims to know Management Education Curriculum with Character at SMKN 2 Kandangan. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data sources were obtained from the principal, head of the school committee, vice principal, homeroom teacher, teacher, and students. The technique of collecting...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness Guidance on Group Career Self-Efficacy Student Media Tree With Career
Ms. Sulistiyana
This study aims to test the effectiveness of group counseling on career self-efficacy. This research is motivated by the lack of understanding of students about careers for the future. The effort in helping students overcome the problem of career self-efficacy research is conducted by the method of quasi-experimental...
Proceedings Article
The Role of the Supervision in Preparing a Professional Physical Education Teacher in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Sunarno Basuki
The world of education is directly influenced by the industrial revolution 4.0. How to teach the teacher and the style of student learning have relied on the internet. They look for information sources with broad access without being restricted by region and time. If the world of education is not responsive...
Proceedings Article
The Factors Influencing Quality Work Culture in Education in Indonesia: A Case Study at Graduate Program of Educational Management, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Ahmad Suriansyah
The objective of the study is to identify the factors influencing quality work culture in education in Indonesia. This study focuses on teachers who study in a graduate program of educational management. It was particularly because the teachers who are students in the graduate program will back to schools...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), Explicit Instruction, and Crossword Puzzle Models for Increasing the Indonesian Language Student Outcomes
Susilawati, Khairil Anwar
The purpose of this study was to determine the activities of teachers, increase student activities and student learning the application of Cooperative Reading and Composition (CIRC), Explicit Instruction, and Crossword Puzzle models in the material identifying the elements. This study used a qualitative...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of E-learning Based Schoology on the Learning Outcomes and Problem Solving Skills in Chemistry
Syahmani, Rilia Iriani, Nur Aisyah
This study aims to determine the differences of cognitive learning outcome and problem solving skills between classes taught by using problem solving learning model through Schoology and problem solving Polya model in solubility and Constant Solubility Product material. This quasi-experimental research...
Proceedings Article
A Strategy of Preparing Character Social Science Teachers
Lately, school teachers graduated intelligent students who lack awareness of the importance of moral values and manners in school life and society. This is due to what students are showing is also learning outcomes, both directly and indirectly. Therefore, in short, a school tends to be a place knowledge...
Proceedings Article
Boosting the Affective Factors Of Applied Linguistic UNDIP Students Using the Technique Of Hypnosis
Yusuf Al Arief, Fahmi Hidayat
There are many factors affecting the success in teaching and learning process. One of them is the affective factor. Hypnosis as an alternative was applied in the teaching and learning process to help to overcome the problems from this factor. This study was aimed to analyze whether the hypnosis was effective...
Proceedings Article
Improving Learning Activities Using a Combination of Mind Mapping Model, Think Pair Share and Teams Game Tournament
Asniwati, Zain Ahmad Fauzi, Hidayatul Fikri
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the implementation of classroom action regarding teacher’s activity, student’s activity, and student’s learning outcomes with matters of the Joint Decision using a combination model of Mind Mapping, Think Pair Share, and Teams Game Tournament. This...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Teaching Material Oriented to Science and Technology and Local Wisdom in Wetland Environment
Zainuddin, Helman Ari Afnizar, Mastuang, Misbah
This research was based on science lesson that had not been linked with science and technology and local wisdom of Barito Kuala society. Therefore, research that aimed to describe the feasibility of teaching materials of vibration and wave of science and technology insight and local wisdom in the wetland...
Proceedings Article
The 21st Century Learning in Malaysian Primary School: Exploring Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of HOTS
Zainudin Hassan, Jayalatchmee Muthusamy, Lokman Tahir, Rohaya Talib, Sanitah Mohd Yusof, Noor Azean Atan
In the schooling system, teachers are the forefront in every educational system elsewhere. Thus, teachers’ competencies and how their instructional practice become significance in determining students’ achievements. The purpose of the study is to explore how primary teachers tried to implement the practice...
Proceedings Article
Perception of Freshmen Students on Statistical Subject in Psychology Study Program
Zerlinda Rezkika Lestari Putri, Meydiisa Utami Tanau
This study aims to unravel the perception of freshmen students on what are the aspects of perception and the factors that affect perceptions of freshmen students about the statistical subject. In fact, many freshmen students have a slight knowledge of the statistical subject, and that affects the perception...
Proceedings Article
Teacher's Role in the Implementation of Character Education on Students
Mr. Zulkifli
Teachers’ duty is not only teaching, but also educating. Teachers are also known as a mentor, facilitator, learning resource, and learning manager. This article uses the literature to understand the teacher role in the implementation of character education on students. The teacher is one of the determining...