Proceedings of the 2022 Brawijaya International Conference (BIC 2022)

295 authors
Kumboyono, Kumboyono
Inhibition of Senescence Through Decreasing P16iⁿk⁴a Expression by Sirt-1 in ADMA Exposed EPC
Kuswondho, Harri
Bridging the Gap Between Economics and Ecology in Peatland Restoration (Case Study: Paludiculture of Sago in Pulau Padang Peatland Hydrological Unit, Riau)
Laily, Alfauzia Noer Rochmatul
The Influence of Green Accounting on the Company Profitability
Latowale, Muh. Irdiansyah
SMEs Participation in Green Public Procurement: An Academic Literature Review
Lestari, Febrianti
Spatial Mapping of Mangrove Land Tenure Based on Local Community Participation in Bintan Island – Indonesia
Lintangsari, Alies Poetri
Students Critical Thinking Toward Environmental Issues: An Analysis on Students’ Arguments
Lukitasari, Mifetika
Differences in Haemoglobin and Erythrocytes Levels in Smokers and Non-smokers
Maghfiroh, Intan Sartika Eris
Forming Alliance for Greener Palm Oil: Example from Japan
Magistra, Muhammad Reza
Political Law of Carbon Tax Regulation as the Implementation of Green Economy Policy
Maharani, Nur Sista
Nutritious and Low-Cost Alternate for Marine Microalgae Growth
Maimunah, Y.
Identifications Mitochondrial DNA Control Region Sequence of Captive and Wild Tilapia Species Existing in Ranu Klakah
Mardiati, Endang
Sharia Governance and Compliance Towards the Financial Statement Quality of Islamic Banking
The Temperature and Humidity Measurement for the Rooftop Type of Solar Power Plant Development Planning at the Building of Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo
Anticipating the Scarcity of Food Commodity to Sufficient Availability for the Community in East Java with a Comparison Approach to Forecasting Artificial Neural Networks and Exponential Smoothing
Martati, Erryana
The Use of Green Coffee and Green Tea Extract as Cost-Effective Herbs to Counteract Obesity by Inhibiting PPAR-γ Gene Expression
Maryanto, Sukir
An Integrated Laboratory: A Place to Bridge Scientific Approach to Community as an Effort to Prevent Disaster Risks Surrounding Pronojiwo District, Lumajang, Indonesia
Mellynia, Maerry Bunga
Physicochemical Properties of Chicken Nugget with the Addition of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) and Suweg Flours (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
Mugroho, Condro Puspo
Shallot Farmers Performance in Entrepreneurship Perspective with Linear Programming Approach Data Envelopment Analysis
Mugroho, Condro Puspo
Sugarcane Farming Risk Analysis in Malang Regency
Naba, Agus
IoT-Based Temperature Monitoring for Milk Collection Tank in Remote Area
Nabiela, Virana
Legal Protection for Investors in Equity Crowdfunding Technology-Based Share Offering Services that are Friendly to the Control of Agrarian Resources to Avoid the Risk of Fraud
Najidah, Warkhatun
Grand Design of Legal Capacity Based on Green Economic for Mangrove Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Nasir, Anugrah Andini
Bridging the Gap Between Economics and Ecology in Peatland Restoration (Case Study: Paludiculture of Sago in Pulau Padang Peatland Hydrological Unit, Riau)
Nasution, Muhammad Taufik
Application of the Principle of in Dubio Pro Natura by Judges in Realizing Sustainable Environmental Development (Study of Supreme Court Decision No. 651 K/Pdt/2015)
Natsir, Muhammad Halim
The Effect of the Used Liquid Probiotic as Feed Additive on Physical Carcass Quality of Cross-Breed Chicken
Natsir, Muhammad Halim
The Addition Probiotic as Feed Additive on Intestinal Characteristic of Cross Breed Chickens
Natsir, Muhammad Halim
Physicochemical Properties of Chicken Nugget with the Addition of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) and Suweg Flours (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
Natsir, Muhammad Halim
Genetic Potency for Body Weight and Beak Length in Local Chicken Based on the Performance of its Crosses with Lohmann Laying Hen
Natsir, Muhammad Halim
Effect of the Addition of Phytobiotic and Acidifier as Feed Additive on Carcass Quality of Hybrid Ducks
Ngemba, Hajrah Rasmita
SMEs Participation in Green Public Procurement: An Academic Literature Review
Nisa, Ayu Raisa Khairun
Large Scale Image Classification of Exotic Fruits in Indonesia Using Transfer Learning Method with MobileNet Model
Nisa’, Milhatun
Probing the Nexus of Trade, FDI, HDI, Non-renewable Energy, Subsidy and Globalization on Carbon Emission in ASEAN Countries: Evidence from Panel Estimations
Nugrahini, Nur Ida Panca
The Use of Green Coffee and Green Tea Extract as Cost-Effective Herbs to Counteract Obesity by Inhibiting PPAR-γ Gene Expression
Nugrahini, Nur Ida Panca
Combination Therapy of Green Tea and Green Coffee on Improving Cardiomyocyte Metabolism Through Increased Expression of AMPK and AKT Genes in Metabolic Syndrome Model Rats
Nugroho, Condro Puspo
Analysis of Product Attributes and Consumers’ Satisfaction on Buying Vegetables Using E-commerce Platform During Covid-19
Nugroho, Fajar Ari
Peer-Review Statements
Nugroho, Wahyunanto Agung
Nutritious and Low-Cost Alternate for Marine Microalgae Growth
Nuningtyas, Yuli Frita
The Effect of the Used Liquid Probiotic as Feed Additive on Physical Carcass Quality of Cross-Breed Chicken
Nuningtyas, Yuli Frita
The Addition Probiotic as Feed Additive on Intestinal Characteristic of Cross Breed Chickens
Nuningtyas, Yuli Frita
Physicochemical Properties of Chicken Nugget with the Addition of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) and Suweg Flours (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
Nuningtyas, Yuli Frita
Effect of the Addition of Phytobiotic and Acidifier as Feed Additive on Carcass Quality of Hybrid Ducks
Nurgiartiningsih, Veronica Margareta Ani
The Effect of the Used Liquid Probiotic as Feed Additive on Physical Carcass Quality of Cross-Breed Chicken
Nurgiartiningsih, Veronica Margareta Ani
The Addition Probiotic as Feed Additive on Intestinal Characteristic of Cross Breed Chickens
Nurgiartiningsih, Veronica Margareta Ani
Physicochemical Properties of Chicken Nugget with the Addition of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) and Suweg Flours (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
Nurgiartiningsih, Veronica Margareta Ani
Effect of the Addition of Phytobiotic and Acidifier as Feed Additive on Carcass Quality of Hybrid Ducks
Nurgiartiningsih, Veronica Margaretha Ani
Genetic Potency for Body Weight and Beak Length in Local Chicken Based on the Performance of its Crosses with Lohmann Laying Hen
Comparison of Legal Culture on the Imposition of Interest on Online Loans in Indonesia, USA, and China
An Integrated Laboratory: A Place to Bridge Scientific Approach to Community as an Effort to Prevent Disaster Risks Surrounding Pronojiwo District, Lumajang, Indonesia
Nurwidyaningtyas, Wiwit
Inhibition of Senescence Through Decreasing P16iⁿk⁴a Expression by Sirt-1 in ADMA Exposed EPC
Palupi, Nurul P.
A Comparison of the Silvofishery Models for Mangrove Restoration in East Kalimantan
Palupi, Nurul Puspita
Grand Design of Legal Capacity Based on Green Economic for Mangrove Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Paramitha, Amelia Ayu
Political Law of Carbon Tax Regulation as the Implementation of Green Economy Policy
Perdhani, Widya Caterine
Students Critical Thinking Toward Environmental Issues: An Analysis on Students’ Arguments
Permadi, Iwan
Legal Protection for Investors in Equity Crowdfunding Technology-Based Share Offering Services that are Friendly to the Control of Agrarian Resources to Avoid the Risk of Fraud
Permadi, Iwan
The Problem of State Land Regulation in Indonesia and Comparison of Its Regulation with Malaysia
Permanasari, Paramyta Nila
Study of Food Carrying Capacity in Batu City
Permata, Fajar Shodiq
The Effect of Enrichment on Science Subjects Respiration System and Animal Digestion System Materials for Cognitive Improvement of Grade 4 and 5 Students at SD NU Hasyim Asy'ari, Kedungkandang District, Malang City
Permata, Fajar Shodiq
The Black Soldier Fly Maggot Powder as a Feed Additive Increased the Bodyweight and the Percentage of Palatability of Broiler Chicken
Permata, Fajar Shodiq
The Potency of BSF Maggot Culture for Green Economic Resilience
Pertiwi, Annisa Berliantika Korining
Behavior Change of Peatland Farmers Through Farmer Field Schools to Support Green Economy in Indonesia
Pertiwi, Nanda Dewi
Strengthening the Magersaren Community in Producing and Marketing Handicrafts Based on Natural Waste for Economic Independence in Boro Sumbersari Hamlet (UB Forest), Malang Regency
Phang, Jessica Theodora
A Study of Renewable Energy Governance from the Perspective of Public Trust Doctrine
Pitaloka, Erline Fitridiah
Behavior Change of Peatland Farmers Through Farmer Field Schools to Support Green Economy in Indonesia
Prabandani, Asyora Dewi
Large Scale Image Classification of Exotic Fruits in Indonesia Using Transfer Learning Method with MobileNet Model
Prakasa, Yudha
Does the Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation Towards Environmental Issues
Prasetya, Arik
Does the Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation Towards Environmental Issues
Pratama, M. Rizki
Does the Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation Towards Environmental Issues
Pratiwi, Destyana Ellingga
Analysis of Product Attributes and Consumers’ Satisfaction on Buying Vegetables Using E-commerce Platform During Covid-19
Priyastomo, Muhammad Dimas
Household Scale Ecological Literacy: A Green Leap Towards Achieving Sustainable Food Waste Management
Puspitasari, Diana
Potential Mapping and Feasibility Study of Cepokolimo Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency as a Tourism Village
Putro, Triswantoro
IoT-Based Temperature Monitoring for Milk Collection Tank in Remote Area
Qurbani, Indah Dwi
Peer-Review Statements
Qurbani, Indah Dwi
Collaborative Governance to Strengthen Synergy of Village Governance Planning in the Management of Peatland Based on Green Economy in Jambi Province
Qurbani, Indah Dwi
Implementation of the Green Economy Concept in Regulation of Business Competition in Indonesia
Qurbani, Indah Dwi
A Study of Renewable Energy Governance from the Perspective of Public Trust Doctrine
Qurbani, Indah Dwi
Strengthening Information Networks and Internal Cooperation Environmental Criminal Law Enforcement and Forestry in Wildlife Reservation Area (Case Study of Road Opening in the District of Barumun Wildlife Reserve, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra)
Qurbani, Indah Dwi
Political Law of Carbon Tax Regulation as the Implementation of Green Economy Policy
Qurbani, Indah Dwi
The Urgence of Governance of Village Regulations and Traditional Regulations as Peatland Management Effort Based on Green Economy in Jambi Province
Rachmansyah, Arief
Study of Food Carrying Capacity in Batu City
Rafianto, Vibi
Preparation of Activated Carbon from Local Biowaste as Fillers for Mixed Matrix Membranes
Rahayuningsih, Tri
Potential Mapping and Feasibility Study of Cepokolimo Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency as a Tourism Village
Rahimah, Anni
Does the Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation Towards Environmental Issues
Rahma, Aisya
Household Scale Ecological Literacy: A Green Leap Towards Achieving Sustainable Food Waste Management
Rahmi, Atikah
Legal Protection of Child Victims of Sexual Violence in Tourist Attractions in Support of the Green Economy Through a Child-Friendly Tourism Industry
Rakhmawati, Nahlia
Anticipating the Scarcity of Food Commodity to Sufficient Availability for the Community in East Java with a Comparison Approach to Forecasting Artificial Neural Networks and Exponential Smoothing
Rejeki, Fungki Sri
Potential Mapping and Feasibility Study of Cepokolimo Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency as a Tourism Village
Reni, Angga
Spatial Mapping of Mangrove Land Tenure Based on Local Community Participation in Bintan Island – Indonesia
Risk and Control of Electronic Procurement System (Phenomenological Studies in Palu City)
Rifai, Ainrisq Auliya
The Potency of BSF Maggot Culture for Green Economic Resilience
Rofiq, Muhammad Hanaul
Nutritious and Low-Cost Alternate for Marine Microalgae Growth
Rohman, Ahmad Zaki Fadlur
Institutional Problems in Policy Governance Environment in Indonesia
Rohman, Mohammad Saifur
The Use of Green Coffee and Green Tea Extract as Cost-Effective Herbs to Counteract Obesity by Inhibiting PPAR-γ Gene Expression
Rohman, Mohammad Saifur
Combination Therapy of Green Tea and Green Coffee on Improving Cardiomyocyte Metabolism Through Increased Expression of AMPK and AKT Genes in Metabolic Syndrome Model Rats
Rosyidi, Djalal
Physical Quality of Ultrasonicated Liquid Smoke as the Goat Meat Coating
Rosyidi, Djalal
Citrus Aurantiifolia Extract as a Green Technology Marination with Vacuum Marinator to Increase Physical Quality of Duck Meat
Safa’at, Rachmad
Strengthening Information Networks and Internal Cooperation Environmental Criminal Law Enforcement and Forestry in Wildlife Reservation Area (Case Study of Road Opening in the District of Barumun Wildlife Reserve, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra)
Safitri, Myrna
Spatial Mapping of Mangrove Land Tenure Based on Local Community Participation in Bintan Island – Indonesia
Safitri, Myrna Asnawati
A Comparison of the Silvofishery Models for Mangrove Restoration in East Kalimantan
Said, Mochammad Fauzie
Institutional Problems in Policy Governance Environment in Indonesia
Saitama, Akbar
Study of Food Carrying Capacity in Batu City