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188265 articles

Determinants of Enterprise Risk Management

A Case Analysis on Telecommunication Company

Jiaqing Huang
Enterprise risk management (ERM) is vital in corporation management; however, there exist problems in risk control. This article discusses the challenges in risk control process on the basis of scholars’ conclusions and models, developing approaches to help enterprises struggle with risk management....

The Identification of Local Wisdom in Lebak Swampland Management (Shallow and Middle Type) and Its Relation on Rice Farmers’ Household Income in Ogan Ilir Regency

Eka Mulyana, Indri Januarti, Friska Syaiful, Dini Damayanthy
Lebak Swampland is a sub-optimal land that has potentially been used by the community as an integrated agricultural land, generally located in basin areas, forming in various depths and durations of inundation, so that it requires different management techniques. In its management, lebak swampland is...
Proceedings Article

Tackling Organic Waste with a Circular Economy: Case Study in Sukabumi City

Eneng Rahmi
The waste management situation in Sukabumi city is still not well-controlled. The management pattern still follows the linear model, which involves collection, transportation, and disposal. However, for certain types of waste that are considered to have economic value, circular economy principles are...

Vocational Lecturers’ and Students’ Perceptions on Online Learning during Pandemic

A.A.N. Yudha M. Mahardika, I Putu Gede Parma, I Putu Arya Dharmayasa, M. Rudi Irwansyah, Komang Krisna Heryanda, Nyoman Dini Andiani
This research aims to look into the perspectives of lecturers and students on online learning during the pandemic, particularly in disciplines that require practical experience. This study is driven by a desire to better understand the potential of online learning in education, the acceptance of technology...
Proceedings Article

Design and Development of Visual Analysis System for Enterprises Economic Operation Indicators in Big Data Era

Yang Xin, Yinning He
Based on B/S architecture, this paper has completed the construction of the visual analysis system of enterprise economic operation indicators. Among them, the realization of D3.js visualization framework by JS in the client is not only conducive to the display of economic indicators, but also conducive...

Investigate the Impact of the Covid-19 Epidemic on Stock Investments in the American Insurance Industry Based on the Fama-French Five-Factor Model

Xinyuan Zhang
As one of the most important indicators in financial markets, stock markets can reflect the changing trends of the market. In this paper, using the background of the American insurance industry, according to the Fama-French Five-Factor model and Multiple Linear Regression, the pertinence relations between...

Role of Family on Work-Life Balance of Active Workers

A Meta-Synthesis Systematic Literature Review

Nurmuliasneny Musa, Achmad Chusairi
Job is one of the most fundamental things for a human being, but currently, the job has complexity and a significant impact on the worker’s life. In addition, the family is one of the stakeholders who have a huge impact on encouraging workers to achieve a work-life balance. The issue of work-life balance...

Dance Learning Methods for Deaf Children at Junior High School During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sandi Jembar Wijaya, Juju Masunah
The purpose of this article is to describe the approach to dance learning for deaf children in inclusive classes in limited face-to-face learning or in Indonesian it is called Pembelajaran Tatap Muka (PTM) terbatas, The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the teaching and learning process in education...

The Influence of Suggestibility of Brand Names of Agricultural Products on Consumption Decision-Making: A Case Study of Names with Taste Suggestibility

Ruoxun Zeng, Xue Li, Yulu Liu, Zixin Meng, Jialin Xu
With the continuous development of agricultural economy, China has entered the era of agricultural products brand from the era of agricultural products shortage, agricultural products market competition has gradually developed into quality, reputation, popularity and other comprehensive strength competition....

Social Media Utilization in the Yogyakarta Millennial Farmer Community

Ririn Puspita Tutiasri, Dian Hutami Rahmawati, Aulia Rahmawati, Syafrida Nurrachmi Febriyanti, Kusumajanti Kusumajanti
Millennial farmers are an element supporting development. They use technology as a transformation source. Millennial farmers are identic as an informed community. They onsider technology having strategic and economic values. Millennial farmers are used to using technology to search and distribute information...

Good Corporate Governance on Firm Value in the LQ45 Index (Indonesia Stock Exchange)

Nurlisa Borliani Siregar, Isfenti Sadalia, Amlys Syahputra Silalahi
The company does not only aim to seek profit but also to maximize its value, which is reflected in the company’s share price. Good corporate governance is a system that regulates the relationship between managers, creditors, and employees by considering their rights and obligations to create added value...

How Does Artificial Intelligence Synergize to Make Investment Decisions? A Critical Analysis

Satia Nur Maharani, Risal Fadhil Rahardiansyah
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about major changes in various fields, including investment decisions. In the context of investment decisions, AI can synergize to provide various advantages, but it also has some challenges that need to be faced. AI can greatly benefit investment decision-making...

Evaluation of Teaching Reform Quality of Animal Medicine Course Based on AHP

Lihua Yang
In order to know whether the evaluation method of teaching reform quality of animal medicine course is effective, a research method of teaching reform quality evaluation of animal medicine course based on AHP is put forward. Firstly, this paper takes the examination papers of animal parasitology course...

Research on the Influence of Early Music Education on Composers’ Creativity—Taking Mozart and Shutong Li as Examples

Hongyu Chen
This paper will take Wolfgang Mozart and Shutong Li as examples, presenting and comparing the experience and education of Mozart’s childhood until his return to Salzburg in 1773 with the music education received by Shutong Li in his early years. By comparing the influence of their family environment,...

Constitutionality of Norms Used by Judges in Criminal Jurisdictions in Indonesia

I Gusti Bagus Suryawan
Legal norms are not only the basis for judges in examining and adjudicating a case. However, the essence of every court decision, in casu of a criminal judgment, is a matter of legal certainty for defendants to safeguard so that it does not violate the principles of human rights and constitutional rights...

Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector

Rakesh Sitepu, F. S. Beby Karina, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Endang Sulistya Rini
Insurance is different from other service-based business models because it takes on risks from third parties. If insurance companies aren’t run well, they can become very risky. It was also shown that insurance is built on the trust of the public. The job of the insurance company is to collect money...

Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School

Hendri Marhadi, Erlisnawati, Guslinda, Sapriya, Kama Abdul Hakam, Dasim Budimansyah
The current study was intended to develop and create students’ worksheet based on Batobo tradition as teaching material in elementary school. The Batobo-based worksheet was a task developed by integrating Batobo tradition which contain material, summary and the instruction to do the task. The students’...

Job Creation Omnibus Law and Tourism Industry in Indonesia

Andy Omara, Novira Maharani
Job Creation Law provides “new” model of the Indonesian legislation. Unlike the conventional law which regulate specific issues, Job Creation Law consists of multiple topics which are not necessary related each other. The Law contains rules on permits, manpower, forestry, environment and so on and so...

Exploration on teaching reform of Mechatronics System Design

Bingchun Jiang, Lianyao Tang
“Mechatronics System Design” is a mechanical professional course involving many disciplines with high comprehensive degree and strong practicality. The traditional teaching method mainly uses the lecture-based, the examination method is old, the practical teaching is not strong, the effect is unsatisfactory....

To Explore the Similarities and Differences of Chinese and Western Modern and Contemporary Art Theories

Yuanting Jiang
This paper discusses the similarities and differences between Chinese and western modern and contemporary art theories, including definitions, viewpoints and ideas. By comparing the similarities and differences between modern and contemporary Chinese and Western art theories, we can deepen the understanding...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between the Level of Consumption of Energy, Protein, Fe and Blood Tablets with Anaemia Status in Adolescent Girls at SLTPN 1 Menui Morowali Regency

Suriana Koro, La Banudi, Rofiqoh Rofiqoh, Asmita Asmita
A global health concern, anaemia stunts teenage girls’ motor development and impairs their cognitive function. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that between 40% and 88% of the world’s population suffers from anaemia in 2015. According to 2018 statistics from Riskesdas, the prevalence of anaemia...
Proceedings Article

Textual Clustering Analysis of River Chief System Policy in China

Zhimo Zhao
The river chief system is an innovation of China’s water resources management system, the core of which is to control and protect the water environment of rivers and lakes. The optimization of the river chief system cannot be achieved without the support and guarantee of policies. In this paper, the...

Sekaten: A Multicultural Form for Instilling Tolerance and Acculturation Values in Education in Yogyakarta City

Raden Roro Anisa Khaura, Zulkarnain
The value of tolerance and acculturation contained in Sekaten Traditional Ceremony is a form of multiculturalism in the city of Yogyakarta, which values can be instilled through education. This study is expected to provide insight into the cultural locality that exists in the city of Yogyakarta, especially...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Contribution of Agribusiness Microfinance Institutions on Increasing Farmers Income in Serdang Bedagai District

Mhd.Buhari Sibuea, Faiz Ahmad Sibuea, Gustina Siregar
This study aims to determine the existence of agribusiness microfinance institutions (LKMA) and their contribution to farmers’ income. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method in Pematang Setrak Village, Teluk Mengkudu District, Serdang Bedagai Regency. Sampling was done randomly with...

Village Income and Economic Growth for Poverty Reduction on South Sumatra Province

Zulkifli, Ibnu Maja, Rita Martini, Sukmini Hartati, Mardhiah Mardhiah
Village community welfare research is urgently needed, particularly in the areas of village funds (VF), village fund allocations (VFA), village original income (VOI), and economic growth (EG). Samples taken from fourteen districts and cities in South Sumatra for five years (in 2016–2020). It was found...

A Study of the Herding Effect of Chinese Open-End Funds at the Industry Level

Xianming Chen
In recent years there has been a growing perception among investors that there is a huddle of institutional investors in A-shares. To investigate this problem this paper applies a modification of the classical LSV model, which studies herd behaviour, to the industry level. By analyzing the data of open-end...

Effect of Mahabbah Package to Increase Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers after The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia

Maryatun, Indarwati, Endang Sri Wahyuni, Fida’ Husain, Dewi Kartika Sari, Tri Susilowati
Postpartum mothers in the Covid-19 era have greater challenges in the case of early prevention. Birth mothers experience a difficult adaptation process from pregnancy to delivery and the breastfeeding period. Unsuccessful adaptation can cause anxiety and the production of breast milk needed by the baby...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of the Training Path for Applied Innovation Talents Based on the Integration of Industry and Education

Zhenfei Zhang
Cultivating application-oriented innovative talents is an objective requirement for enhancing the core competitiveness of industries and gathering new driving forces for development. The integration of industry and education is a strategic choice for cultivating applied innovative talents. It is necessary...

The Adequacy of Antioxidant Intake of Pregnant Women in Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining in Encountering Pandemic Condition

Ardiana Ekawanti, Suryani As’ad, Rosdiana Natsir, Husaini Umar, Deasy Irawati, Ima Arum Lestarini, Lina Nurbaiti
Background: The antioxidant is a nutrient that is needed to encounter free radicals produced by internal metabolism and also from the environment. In artisanal small-scale gold mining areas, environmental pollution, particularly mercury, could be the source of the free radical agents. Besides pollution,...
Proceedings Article

Material Study of a Facade-Integrated Adsorption System for Solar Cooling of Buildings

Tim Dubies, Olaf Böckmann, Micha Schäfer
Within the Collaborative Research Center 1244 at the University of Stuttgart, a facade-integrated solar cooling system for lightweight buildings is being developed. It addresses the reduction of CO2 emissions twofold. First, lightweight buildings require less concrete but require cooling due to their...

Mathematics Modelling Ability of Students on the Set Materials of VII Class with Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

Miranda Indah Pratiwi, Indaryanti Indaryanti, Yusuf Hartono, Cecil Hiltrimartin
This research is motivated by the low ability of students in mathematical modelling, especially in the set material. To overcome this problem, the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) learning model is used. This study aims to describe how students’ abilities related to mathematical modelling on the set material...
Proceedings Article

Research on material loading problem of coal mine car for reverse logistics

Zhang Shuntang, Zhang Guojun, Shi Zhenyang, Hu Lihua
Coal underground reverse logistics is a subject that requires special attention in coal production. Waste materials or equipment, etc. produced by underground production need to be transferred to the surface and sorted according to the requirements and finally passed to different processing departments...

The Developing of e-Module Flip Pdf Professional Based on Napai Ethnoscience to Improve Science Literacy on Biotechnology Materials

Ema Juwita, Sunyono, Undang Rosidin
This study aims to develop a Professional Flip Pdf e-Module Based on the Napai Ethnoscience, to describe its validity, practicality, and effectiveness, to improve Science Literacy on Biotechnology materials. Research and Development (R & D) is used as a research method refered to the 4-D model (Define,...

MSME Performance in FinTech Era: Financial Literacy, Peer to Peer Lending, and Financial Attitudes

Istiqomah Istiqomah, Andini Nurwulandari
This research aims to analyze the effect of financial literacy, peer-to-peer lending (P2P), and financial attitudes on the financial performance of MSME actors in Kuningan Barat Village, Setiabudi District, South Jakarta. Methodology The data were gathered by the distribution of questionnaires. The sample...

Relationship Between School Well-Being and Academic Flow in Vocational School Students

Eko Rudi Rangkutih, Eko Hardi Ansyah, Effy Wardati Maryam, Mokhichekhra Yakubovna Ruzieva
This study aims to determine and provide an explanation of the relationship between school well-being and academic flow in students of SMK 10 November. This research method is quantitative correlation with the subjects of SMK 10 November students totaling 1,316 students. Determination of the research...
Proceedings Article

EGR Intelligent Control of Diesel Engine Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

ChenGuang Lai, ChaoBing Wu, SiZheng Wang, JiaXi Li, Bo Hu
Intelligent Connected Vehicle (ICV), as a revolutionary technology for automobiles, is rapidly developing and changing the way people travel. However, the current smart cars lack the intelligent control of the powertrain, and even if the network connection is completed, the power, economy and emissions...

Rights of Online Peaceful Assembly in Malaysia

Gary Kit Min Ng, Joanne En Ling Lau, Francesca Nyuk Oi Chin, Eng Siang Tay
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, Malaysia imposed the Movement Control Order (“MCO”) in order to contain and restrain the spread of the virus. Even with the recent announcement that Malaysia is moving towards the endemic phase, life would never be the same as how it was in the pre-COVID era. As a result...

Research on Machine Learning Driven Stock Selection Strategy

Keran Wang
As a representative technique of artificial intelligence, machine learning could explore the relationship between stock market anomalies and excess returns, and hence develop investment strategies with high performance. This paper provides a comparative analysis of machine learning algorithm applications...

The transformation of parent-child leisure time in primary school during the COVID-19 pandemic

Monika Stříteská, Tomáš Čech, Jana Hradilová
This paper examines the transformation of parents’ and children’s leisure time in primary school during the COVID-19 pandemic.The aim of the paper is to analyse the transformation of parents’ time spent together at home during the pandemic with at least one child in primary school from 1st grade to 4th...

Actual Problems of the Development of Technological Entrepreneurship in the Context of the Digital Transformation of the Economy

I. Arsakaev
The ongoing change in various sectors of the economy, taking place in connection with the scale of the process of transformation of the economic paradigm caused by the introduction of digital technologies, which directly affects entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is changing its essence, using an innovative...

How Do Political Parties Handle Their Internal Problems? A Comparative Study between the Nationalist Party and Islamic Party in Indonesia

(Golkar and PKS)

Addin Khaerunnisa Juswil, Sanny Nofrima, Suswanta Suswanta, Herdin Arie Saputra
Recently, many parties have been trapped into an internal conflict, such as Golkar and PKS that have different ideological foundations. There are significant differences on their conflict resolution mechanisms, but the internal conflicts are still similar related to the existence of party elites, especially...

Consumer Decision-Making Factors in Heavy Equipment Services Analysis CV. Rizky Fadillah

Neni Nuraeni, Hasni Farida, Fuji Maulana
The success of a project is determined by the resources of the equipment because tools serve as the main means of supporting project implementation. The rental system is the choice of project actors to carry out their projects without having to buy equipment at a high cost. The purpose of this study...

Ethnoscience and Ethnomathematics Analysis of Kupatan Tradition in Durenan Trenggalek East Java

Tutik Sri Wahyuni, Nuril Huda
Kupatan tradition in Durenan District, Trenggalek Regency is celebrated on the 8th day of Shawwal in Hijri year. This tradition has conditions with positive values, including strengthening the relationship, realizing tolerance, preserving the teachings of charity, and honoring guests. This kupatan tradition...

Research on the Construction of Technology Co-opetition Network Based on Patents and Its Application in Industrial Analysis

Yan Li, Yingfan Gao, Di Cui, Mo Pu, Ming Yuan
Objective This study constructs a technology co-opetition network based on patent data, which then reveals the competitive and collaborative relationships in the technological field. By analyzing the innovation characteristics and advantages of enterprises, industries, and regions, it provides...

The Learning Toll of Integrated Science Bases Controversy: Students’ Views

Sudarto Sudarto, Rosmalah Rosmalah, Siti Jauhar, Rukayah Rukayah, Muliadi Muliadi, Mujahidah Mujahidah
This study aims to determine respondents’ views on controversial-based integrated science learning tools. This research is a survey method involving 28 students. The collected data is processed using descriptive statistics. Conclusion: There are 13 points of respondents’ views on controversial-based...

Defense as an Economic Problem from an Archipelagic Perspective: The Indonesian Case

Agus R. Rahman
Indonesia occupies the strategic region of Southeast Asia, which is not only one concept, but it is also a body of knowledge. The region covers a land and maritime sphere that Indonesia adopted as an archipelagic state. Consequently, a critical issue for Indonesia reflects some crucial threats such as...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Dynamic Characteristics of an Elastic Electromechanical System

L.A. Ziganshina, K.A. Porokhnenko
The paper presents a mathematical model of an electromechanical system in the MATLAB environment. The sensitivity of the system to changes in the parameters of the executive body and the transmission of elastic loads is studied. The question of the influence of the disturbing influence on the system...

The Impact of S-Commerce Usage in Indonesia Towards Social Commerce Intention

(Case Study on TikTok)

Anggit Saghfira, Rifelly Dewi Astuti
This study aims to investigate the role of social commerce construct (SCCs) in influencing emotional support, informational support, perceived usefulness, and perceived risk, which will increase trust in the buying process through TikTok s-commerce in Indonesia. This study was obtained by an online survey...

Teaching Integrated English Productive Skills Using British Parliamentary Debate

Ira Atika Zahra, Sonya Puspasari Suganda
Media in teaching and learning languages keeps evolving for years. Parliamentary debate is a student-centered activity that integrates the four language skills and it promotes Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Most parliamentary debate activity has been done in informal learning context, therefore...
Conference Abstract


S.C. van Dijk, A.H. van den Meiracker, F.U.S. Mattace-Raso, N. van der Velde
Pages: 151 - 152