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1582 articles
Proceedings Article

Birth Plan Assistance as a Way to Increase Birth Preparation and Parenthood Readiness

Ayu Nurdiyan, Indah Putri Ramadhanti, Lady Wizia
After acquiring information on pregnancy and childbirth processes, pregnant women will create a written legal document which called a birth plan. Birth plan is the central axis of therapeutic relationship that develops between pregnant women and midwives, and it guides health care from conception until...

Developing Computer Based Test Of Higher Order Thinking Skills Instrument In Cosmetology Comprehensive Examination

Vita Pujawanti Dhana, Habibah Hanim Lubis, Wisri Ardhita Manda Putri, Astrid Sitompul, Irmiah Nurul Rangkuti
The purpose of this study was to develop the High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) instrument for the comprehensive examination of students of the Cosmetology Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University, which was applied through a Computer Based Test (CBT). Students of the Cosmetology...

Implementation of the Accounting Bookkeeping System for MSMEs During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Sulastri Sulastri, Dhika Maha Putri, Ferby Mutia Edwy, Mohd. Rizal Palil
The purpose of this study was to find out how the practice of financial accounting in MSMEs in East Java Province, especially during the Covid Pandemic. This research is qualitative research using a case study approach. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Age, Body Mass Index, Length of Work with Superoxide Dismutase in Roof Tile Manufacturing Workers

Diki Bima Prasetio, Jipri Suyanto, Eli Sahiroh, Nasya Adelia Putri, Shinta Dwi Surya Pramesti, Yuliani Setyaningsih
Physical activity causes an increase in oxygen consumption, increasing free radicals. As such, cellular conditions occur due to physiological imbalances between antioxidant levels and oxidants (free radicals or reactive oxygen species). The study aimed to explore factors influencing workers’ SOD (superoxide...

ASEAN Way in Communitarianism Perspective

M. Husni Syam, Sri Poedjiastoeti, Rusli K. Iskandar, Fadia Annasya Putri M., Gina Nur Aini
Discussion on the ASEAN issue generally becomes the theme among political elite state officials (state-oriented). Each ASEAN member country resolves problems based on its concerns which has never been a problem for ASEAN as an international organization (supranatural organization). The participation...

Fashion in West Sumba Culture: From Identity to Power in Indonesian Novels

Cahyaningrum Dewojati, Renanda Putri Sabrina
One of the ethnic identities in Indonesia is their traditional dress. The identity of people of West Sumba who live in Waikabubak have a diverse style of dress as a symbol of their identity and social strata. The symbols and strata of West Sumba society are also interestingly displayed in the novel Perempuan...

Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Instrument Using Rasch Model

Elfis Suanto, Putri Yuanita, Armis Armis, Fadilah Gustin Khainingsih
Reasoning ability is a necessary and important ability for students of mathematics education. This ability is required to construct a mathematical thought and provide evidence that the idea is true. Therefore, instruments for measuring mathematical reasoning abilities are very important. The focus of...

Metacognition and Podcast Use: Developing German Language Learner’s Listening Skill

Dwi Putri Ningsih, Sonya P. Suganda
German language beginner learners faced difficulties in learning the listening skill, such as limitation in vocabulary knowledge, the pace of oral L2 input, and the lack of listening materials. Because of those, learners’ learning results are not optimal. Learners are pushed to use learning strategies...
Proceedings Article

Formulation and Antibacterial Activity of Natural Disinfectant Combination of Psidium guajava and Piper betle Leaf Infusion Against Staphylococcus aureus

Nori Wirahmi, Camelia Dwi Putri Masrijal, Zul Amri, Ikhsan, Muhammad Ichsan Triyansyah
Spraying disinfectant all over the body in the disinfection room is being used to prevent the spread of the SARS- CoV-2 as the cause of the Covid-19 disease. Due to chemical disinfectants have high toxicity to the body, a relatively safe natural disinfectant is needed. The purposes of this study were...

Project Based Learning Design “Gadget Play Duration Survey” for Junior High School Students

Selly Dian Utami Sitio, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Nyimas Aisyah
This study aims to produce a learning trajectory in project-based statistical learning using blended learning that helps students in the learning process during the pandemic. The research method used is design research, which is a research method that aims to develop local instruction theory through...

Management of School Learning Based on Madura Local Wisdom Applications in the Freedom to Learn Era

Dias Putri Yuniar, Fajar Luqman Tri Ariyanto, Anis Fitria, Umu Da’watul Choiro, Anggia Listyaningrum
In the era of Merdeka Belajar, education in Indonesia is increasingly encouraging the development of innovative, inclusive, and locally-based learning. One relevant approach is the implementation of school learning management based on the local wisdom of Madura. The local wisdom of Madura holds great...

Simple Technologies in Early Childhood Learning: Benefits, Advantages and Disadvantages

Upik Elok Endang Rasmani, Yuanita Kristiani Wahyu Widiastuti, Putri Agustina, Siti Wahyuningsih, Novita Eka Nurjanah, Jumiatmoko
Simple technology is a learning medium or program that contains a combination of images, sounds and animations in an integrated and synergistic manner with the help of computer devices and devices to achieve learning goals in the classroom. To understand more deeply related to simple technology in early...

Independence of Autistic Children who Participate in the Daily Life Activities Program

Triwahyuni Rezki Putri, Sugito Sugito
Autism is a gray area in the field of medicine, which means that there are still unclear causes, mechanisms, and therapies. Autism is a developmental disorder in children characterized by behavioral disorders, communication disorders, and interaction disorders. Autism can be seen in children, before...

How’s Indonesian Candidate Migrant Worker’s Social Support and Psychological Well-Being in Real Life?

Putri Suci Suci Hati, Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani
The purpose of this study was to determine how much the relationship between social support and psychological well-being in the Indonesian Migrant Workers’ candidate. Participants in the study were 134 prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers’ (CPMI) IN BLKLN. Measuring instrument used in this study is...

Designing and Building Electronic Medical Record (EMR) on Web-Based in Primary Health Services

Sustin Farlinda, Feby Erawantini, Saiful Anwar, Destya Putri Zakiah Utami
Primary health services in Jember consist of community health centers (puskesmas) and clinics and most of them are still manual systems, namely registration of old patient files takes a relatively long time, old patients who do not carry the treatment card are new patients. This will affect the quality...
Proceedings Article

Distribution Analysis of Leachate Using the Wenner Configuration Resistivity Method at Sambutan Tpa, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Ikhzan, Resty Intan Putri, Muhammad Amin Syam
The research located in Sambutan TPA, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, with an area of ±350 m2. This study aims to interpret the resistivity and direction of the distribution of subsurface leachate using the resistivity method of the Wenner configuration with a track length of 90...

Enhancing High Order Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students Using the Social Reconstruction Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Arwin Arwin, Ary Kiswanto Kenedi, Hamimah Hamimah, Yesi Anita, Yullys Helsa, Zuardi Zuardi, Tasya Eka Putri Kenedi, Atri Waldi
The learning process during the covid-19 epidemic was not efficient, resulting in low higher-order thinking skills in elementary school students, which prompted this study. The purpose of this study was to improve the higher-order thinking skills of elementary school students using the social reconstruction...
Proceedings Article

Literature Review: Overview of Giving Weaning Food to Babies Aged 6–24 Months

Lia Mulyanti, Yoni Meilinda Putri Stiawan
A person's nutritional status is a reflection of what they consume. The problem of malnutrition is influenced by several factors, including the provision of WEANING FOOD. You need to pay attention to giving WEANING FOOD starting from food intake, frequency, quantity, and portions. Aim: The aim of...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis of Diethanolamide Surfactant from Palm Oil by Esterification and Amidation Processes

Harsa Pawignya, Nur Fanila, Ananda Putri Mellinia
Coconut oil as a surfactant can be derived from renewable, cleaner, and purer resources than petrochemical-based raw materials. Therefore, this study was conducted to obtain the required criteria for forming a surfactant such as diethanolamide. During the analysis, diethanolamide surfactant was produced,...

Digital Literacy of Muslim Millennials in Persis Jabar

Ratri R. Kusumalestari, Yenni Yuniati, Dian W. Putri, Yuristia W. Cholifah, Sophia Novita
One of the obstacles faced in the transfer of knowledge during the pandemic is digital literacy problems. This is also experienced by the du’at (Islamic preachers) of Persis Jabar, an Islamic Union in West Java area. They cannot hold recitations offline like the regular days before pandemic but they...

Analysis of Internal Control of Procurement of Government (Case Study on at XYZ University)

Prita Putri Primanda, Siti Nurwahyuningsih Harahap
This study aims to explain the mechanisms of procurement of goods and services and identify the weakness of internal controls in the procurement of goods and services at XYZ University. Due to time and data constraints, this study is limited to control activities on the procurement of goods and services...

Social Level Parameters of Banjar Society in the Tradition of Jujuran Islamic Law Perspective

Muthoifin, Pristila Putri
This study aims to analyze the foundation used by the people of Tanah Bumbu Regency in determining jujuran, to understand the perspective of the Banjar people in Tanah Bumbu Regency about the philosophical values contained in jujuran customs, and to explain the correlation of Islamic views on dowry and...

Auditee's Perception Of The Implementation Of Internal Supervision At Bali State Polytechnic

Anak Agung Putri Suardani, Ida Bagus Anom Yasa, IMade Wijana
The purpose of the study was to analyze the auditee's perception of the implementation of internal supervisory unit (SPI) in terms of competence, independence, and management support at Bali State Polytechnic. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling with a total of 33 respondents...

Evaluation of Main Land Facilities at the Kariangau Ferry Port, East Kalimantan Province

Febriyanti Himmatul Ulya, Monica Amanda, Nadia Maharani Chadiza, Nindya Ayufia Putri
The existence of crossing transportation must be equipped with adequate facilities and infrastructure for service users. Land facilities that are adequate and can be utilized are an important element in providing services. This research aims to evaluate the level of feasibility of land facilities and...

Politics of Law Policies for Adaptation of New Habits in Overcoming the Spread of Covid-19 in West Sumatera Province

Tamrin, Indah Adi Putri
The Indonesian government is late in dealing with the spread of Covid-19, the government’s policy to issue Presidential Decree No. 12/2020 on April 14, 2020 concerning the Determination of the Covid 19 Non-Natural Disaster was carried out after the WHO’s warning regarding the readiness of the government...

Maintaining the Tradition of Asokanas a Media of Informal Education in Village Communities

Case Study of Pematang Ganjang Village Sei Rampah District

Dhita Mariane Perdhani Putri Manik, Hidayat, Tappil Rambe
The village community has a basic concept of living together that is full of awareness and a sense of responsibility. People live in groups. Life in groups causes a close relationship with one another, so that mutual help is an obligation and a necessity for society itself. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article

Abelmoschus Manihot L as Fever Reducing (Adverse Event Following Immunization) After Dtp-Hb-Hib Vaccine

Kholilah Lubis, Nopa Darmiati, Desti Nataria, Indah Putri Ramadhanti, Riri Aprianti
Fever is a common clinical complaint for toddler as well as a frequently reported Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) after DTP-HB-Hib vaccine administration. Commonly, the parent used a reliever as a drugs fever. Naturally, therapies from natural products consider better than chemical drugs...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing the Level of Depression of Twitter Users Using Machine Learning

Putri Armaini, Achmad Maududie, Priza Pandunata
Depression is a psychological disorder characterized by changes in an individual's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), those who regularly check their smartphones tend to experience higher levels of stress compared to individuals who spend...

Future of Work, Protection of Labor’ Rights in Using Artificial Intelligence Based on SDGs 8.9

Asri Wijayanti, Chamdani, Mualimin Mochammad Sahid, Aulia Putri
There is a fear of workers on the losing of their jobs due to the use of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is very much needed as an effort to create jobs in the tourism sector. Involving all parties is absolutely necessary as an effort to realize Sustainable Development Goal’s 8.9 (SDGs...

Optimization of Academic Records Management and Service Effectiveness to Improve Guidance Studio Teacher Performance

Dhea Ariesta Putri, Putri Rahim, Nur Inda Sari, Hindun Rahim, Detak Prapanca
School-Based Management is the government’s concern for what the community is doing to improve the quality of education. Garden Path Tutoring Studio has a very complicated matter of academic archive and performance improvement services. Efforts to improve the quality of education through (School-Based...

Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions as Intellectual Property in Indonesia: A Juridical-Sociological Review

Dwi Ratna Indri Hapsari, Nur Putri Hidayah, Yaris Adhial Fajrin, Isdian Anggraeny
The results of human intellectual work do not only occur in the present (modern) but also past intellectual works that last a long time and are passed down from generation to generation. Creations in the past were produced in groups in a community environment which were usually directly related to nature...

Gender Implementation in Minangkabau Family

Lili Dasa Putri
This study aims to describe gender in Minangkabau customs. Husbands and wives in Minangkabau family have different roles. A wife has a domestic and public role, while the husband has a role as the head of the household and mamak. In Minangkabau families, the instillation of values and characters is given...

Mapping and Resolution of Conflicts Pagang-Gadai Land Ulayat in Minangkabau: Case study: clan customary land conflict in Jorong Kajai, Nagari Ladang Panjang, Tigo Nagari District, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra

Eti Siska Putri, Maria Montessori
Pagang-gadai is an activity that makes a valuable object as collateral for, as long as there are two possibilities to return the money or take some of the object. The purpose of this study are to map and formulate the resolution of the conflict of traditional land tenure-mortgages in Jorong Kajai Nagari...

The Correlation of Metacognitive and Learning Motivation in Medical Students Academic Integrity in a Medical School

Destiana Putri Nurfauziah, Agneta Irmarahayu, Hikmah Muktamiroh
Background: The Academic integrity is a major part of academic culture in the sense of being obedient to basic principles, including academic honesty, mutual trust, mutual openness, mutual respect, and a sense of responsibility. However, there are few data on understanding of academic integrity among...

How Important Energy Awareness in Vocational Education to Support Energy Transition

Iis Rahmania Putri, Agus Setiawan
Renewable energy is the energy choice of the future for developing countries. The processing of renewable energy resources and technologies has not been optimal. There are many multidimensional obstacles to be faced. Environmental factors, resilience and scarcity of fossil energy, rising fossil energy...
Proceedings Article

Administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus FNCC 0051 in Rattus norvegicus with Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus: Glucose and Lipid Metabolism

Mardhatillah Sariyanti, Sylvia R. Putri, Tika P. Sari, Ory L. Fitkarani, Besly Sinuhaji, Nikki A. Massardi, Novriantika Lestari, Elvira Yunita, Diah A. A. Dita
The imbalance of gut microbiota contributes in development of type 1 diabetes melitus (DM), which is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by immune-mediated destruction of the insulin-producing pancreatic beta (ß) cells. Around 7–12% of all diabetics were type 1 DM with the most cases occurred...

STEAM-PBL in Early Childhood Education: Optimization Strategies for Developing Communication Skills

Indah Nopiyanti, Nahrowi Adjie, Suci Utami Putri
Early childhood education in schools must be able to stimulate the development of communication skills as one of the most important aspects of development. Based on the results of preliminary observations, it was identified that the learning process in early childhood education is still dominated by...

Improving Questioning Skill through Application of the Scientific Approach to Children 3-4 Years Old

I Wayan Sutama, Sandy Tegariyani Putri Santoso, Leni Gonadi, Wuri Wuri Astuti
This study aims to describe the improvement of learning quality and questioning skill through the scientific approach in children aged 3-4 years. The subjects of this study were the children aged 3-4 years in PAUD Tunas Harapan Blitar. This research used classroom action research based of Kemis and Taggart...

The Relationship Between Optimism and Subjective Well-Being in Covid-19 Pandemic Context

Garvin Garvin, Rahuel Adhi Putri
Work from home and social distancing that were implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic caused various psychological complaints such as boredom, anxiety, and even frustration. Especially for employees who work, the covid-19 pandemic provides uncertainty about the sustainability of their jobs. It is reported...

The Power of Outside Monitors and Owners on Disclosure of Business Ethics: An Empirical Study

Savira Anisya Putri, Riesanti Edie Wijaya
This study aims to determine the understanding of the effect of the characteristics of corporate governance and business ethics disclosure. In addition, this study can provide a broad overview of business ethics disclosure in manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The object of this research is manufacturing...

Overview of Legal Assurance About Crimes Against the Dignity of the President and Vice President in Indonesia Post the Decision of the Constitutional Court

Fitria Esfandiari, Nur Putri Hidayah, Yaris Adhial Fajrin, Isdian Anggraeny, Sholahuddin Al-Fatih
In the Indonesian constitution, the President is the holder of government power as well as the head of state. The Constitutional Court in Indonesia through its Decision Number 013-022/PUU-IV/2006 and Number 6/PUUV/2007 stated that the articles contained in the Criminal Code are in principle contrary...

Making An Apple Motif On Painted Hijab Originated From Malang For Female Prisoners

Selena Johanna Putri, Fira Dia Ayu Candra, Nurul Hidayah, Agus Hery Supadmi Irianti
Painted-hijab training which conducted in correctional institution for women in Sukun, Malang, was followed by 30 prisoners. This training aimed to give skill training for prisoner after they are free from punishment. After attending this training, it is possible for the participants to create new job...

Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management Policies in Padang Panjang City

Adil Mubarak, Nora Eka Putri
This study aims to find out, describe the direction and implementation of the Padang Panjang City Government policy in environmental protection and management. Based on Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, each region must develop a plan for regional environmental protection...

The Effects of Price Discount, Bonus Pack, and In-Store Display on Impulse Buying at Supermarkets

Della Asmaria Putri, Emil Salim, Vicky Brama Kumbara, Elfiswandi Elfiswandi
The purpose of this research was to analyze the effects of price discounts, bonus pack, and in-store display on impulse buying at Supermarkets in Padang City. This study used quantitative method to investigate certain populations and samples. The sampling technique used in this study was accidental sampling;...

The Impact of Agriculture Trade Liberalization on Farmers Income in Indonesia: Applying CGE Model

Ermita Yusida, Dwi Budi Santosa, Wen-Chi Huang, Rizky Dwi Putri
Agriculture Trade Liberalization has been one of the crucial issues in Indonesia. It was indicated with increasing international trade, both export, and import. Indonesia as a country with an agriculture basis still has pro and contra about agriculture trade liberalization. The purpose of this research...

Dynamics of BMKT Investment Policy: Challenges in Application

Dinda Silviana Putri, Bebeto Ardyo
Changes in investment policy choices for Valuable Objects from Sinking Ships (BMKT) in Indonesia are quite dynamic. Starting with foreign freedom in the ownership of BMKT based on Law 5 of 1992 concerning Cultural Conservation, the inclusion of BMKT in the Negative Investment List (DNI) based on Perpresulation...

Needs Analysis on English Language Use for Students of Hospitality Department

Liza Amalia Putri, Muhamad Ridwan, Maria Ulfah Catur Afriasih
In expanding the curriculum of English for Specific Purposes, needs analysis has an important role. The author examined the need of English, especially the language function, of employees at 4 (four) and 5 (five) star hotels in Jakarta. The subject of the research was the employees who had worked for...

Digitalization of Early Childhood Learning Media Based on 3D Virtual Teacher Figures

Ica Purnamasari, Sri Wahyuni, Iriaji, Alby Aruna, Eka Putri Surya
Digitizing early childhood learning media is an innovative educational solution to help children learn and develop independence in their learning process. This research focuses on the development of augmented reality (AR) technology-based learning media using virtual teacher figures in 3D form. The aim...

An Analysis of Students Language Anxiety based on Gender Differences During Online (Zoom Meeting) and Offline Class Towards English Department Students at Universitas Negeri Padang

Nur Maulina Putri, Desvalini Anwar
Indonesian ELT process still cannot be avoid from language anxiety matters. During the transition of offline class to online class due to the pandemics have given new experience on Educational sector either for teachers or students. This study was aimed at exploring the students level of language anxiety...

The Effect of Asymmetry Information and Corporate Governance Mechanism on Earning Management in Companies Listed in the Islamic Index Period of Jakarta 2015–2018

Nursanita Nasution, Diana Hapsari Putri, Faris Faruqi
The aims of this research to determine the effect of information asymmetry and corporate governance mechanisms that proxied by institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and audit committee on the earnings management occurred in companies listed in Jakarta Islamic Index over the period 2015–2018....