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1582 articles

Regulatory Sandbox: A Regulatory Model to Guarantee the Accountability of Electronics Financial Technology Implementation

Edmon Makarim, Zahrashafa Putri Mahardika
The development of innovation in the technology sector has led to a variety models and variations in financial technology products and services. As a measure to ensure the utilization of financial technology for economic growth and to prevent the potential disruption of financial system stability, a...

The Role of Teachers in Providing Guidance and Guidance Services to Overcome Elementary School Students’ Learning Problems

Isnawia R. Djou, Elsa Herliana, Nada Putri Suhaendi, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman, Fitria Nurulaeni
This research aims to determine the role of classroom teachers in providing guidance and counseling services to overcome problems experienced by elementary school students. This is known through observations and interviews with class teachers. The problem that occurs is that there are still students...

Development of a Flexible Financial Planning Web-Based Application for Indigenous Communities at Village Credit Institution in Badung Regency, Bali

I Made Wijana, Anak Agung Putri, Suardani Suardani, I Ketut Suwintana, I Gusti Putu Fajar Pranadi Sudhana
This research aims to develop a Flexible Financial Planning Web-based application For Indigenous Village Communities at Village Credit Institution (LPD) in Badung Regency, Bali. This research is a continuation and refinement of previous research results. This stage includes: revision to be more flexible,...
Proceedings Article

Children-Friendly Assessment of Urban Green Open Space: The Case of Trunojoyo Park in Malang City, Indonesia

Anthea Putri Yasmin, Novi Sunu Sri Giriwati
UNICEF issued a policy in the form of CFCI (Child-Friendly City Initiative) as an effort to fulfill children’s rights. Malang City has fulfilled the child-friendly indicators with a Madya rank, by meeting 60-70% of the Child-Friendly City Indicators. Malang City provides a playground for children in...

Determinants of Regional Budget Absorption in the Regional Apparatus Organization of Palembang City

Vega Nabila Putri, Kuo Keo Pisey, Mardhiah, Rita Martini
This study aims to investigate the effect of budget planning, budget execution, goods / services procurement, and competence of human resources on budget absorption in the regional apparatus organization of Palembang City. The data used are primary data. The sample selection technique was purposive sampling,...

Rhetorical Move Analysis in Students’ Abstracts Across Degrees

Fanny Putri, Budi Hermawan, Rd. Dian Muniroh
Abstract section of a thesis represents the whole text. It is the first thing that the readers will read and decides whether the readers will read the text as a whole or not. As a summary of the whole text, it is comprehensible that in writing abstracts, authors may put a lot of information compactly....

Role of Preventive and Functional Control in Budget Control Effectiveness

Kartika Rachma Sari, Dwi Kurnia Oktora Putri, Rita Martini, Kartini binti Che Ibrahim, Desri Yanto, Yulianto Wasiran
The goal is that the government can control wastage of expenditure. Budgeting in order to prevent budget irregularities, such as irresponsibility to the budget, inappropriate budgets and others. There is a need for research to determine the impact of preventive and functional control on the effectiveness...

The Implementation Of Fast, Safe, Modern, Accountable And Transparent Subdistrict Administration Service Applications As An Innovation Of Public Services In Tanjungpinang Barat, Indonesia

Nur.A.Dwi Putri
In Order to improve the quality of service for the community, the subdistrict goverment of Tanjungpinang Barat innovate by launching the application of sub-district administration service that is fast, safe, modern, accountable and transparent or abbreviated with "PAK CAMAT". This Android-based applications...
Proceedings Article

Design Of Rolled Conveyor Using Rational Product Development Method

Mira Rahayu, Amrullah Paksi Imami, Ikhsana Diana Putri
AMDK PDAM Bandung City Company is a startup company that produce mineral water size 220ml and 19liters. The production process, transferring process of 19liters gallon from sealing machine to loading bay is using manual material handling method without material handling equipment. The company has a policy...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Student Preparedness Living in the Pandemic

Trisna Amelia, Bony Irawan, Erda Muhartati, Azza Nuzullah Putri
Entering the second year of the Covid 19 pandemic, it has become clear that preparedness to live and adapt to the pandemic situation is key to survival and filled life. High school students are among the high-risk demographic group of the pandemic in Indonesia, which saw their age group excluded from...

An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Local Government Expenditure Allocations in Education, Health, Social Assistance, and Per Capita Income on The Human Development Index in The Pati Residency

Anindya Putri Kusuma, Muhammad Arif
This study aims to determine the development of human resources in the Pati Ex-Residency and its influencing factor during the 2014-2020 period. This study utilized secondary data in panel data (combined time series data with cross-section data), observations in five regencies of Pati Residency from...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Fungy on Flour Albus Pathological of Pregnant Woman in Puskesmas Pekauman City Banjarmasin

Dede Mahdiyah, Putri Vidiasari, Junarta Fitriani Simarmata
Background: Infectious diseases are still one of the leading causes of death in the world. One of the infectious agents that often infect humans is a fungal infection. The fungus will cause primary or secondary disease if there is a predisposing factor. One of the predisposing factors is pregnancy. Purpose:...

Application of Visual Identity to Semolowaru Culinary Tourism Centre Revitalization

Puspita Sari Sukardani, Gilang Gusti Aji, Putri Aisyiyah Rahma Dewi, Awang Dharmawan
Tourism becomes of one the prioritized sectors for development, and culinary tourism centers are essential for the development of regional culture as well as the public economy. Culinary tourism not only provides an experience of enjoying the food of one region but also becomes a communal place with...

The Effect of Profitability and Tangibility on Capital Structures

S. Sulastri, Putri, Heraeni Tanuatmodjo
The aims of this study to determine the overview of the profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE), tangibility, and the capital structure measured by Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and to know the profitability and tangibility of the capital structure. The research methods used are descriptive and...

Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Siti Khotimah, Saiful Amin, Yeny Irawati, Wahdaniyah Azizah Putri Ayuningtyas
This study aims to describe the improvement of Civics learning outcomes by using the active learning model with the role reversal question type for fifth-grade students of SD Negeri Tangkil 03 Wlingi. This type of research is classroom action research. The research subjects were students of class V SD...

The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Asih Rachmani Endang Sumiwi, Yusak Sigit Prabowo, Joko Sembodo, Agustin Soewitomo Putri, Erik Prasetyo
The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community is inextricably linked to a rapidly changing world civilization. The transition towards a new era known as Industrial Revolution 4.0 is taking place and must be properly addressed. The church cannot remain unaffected...

Placemaking in the Digital Era

A Case Study of M Bloc Space – Jakarta

Woerjantari Soedarsono, Erika Yuni Astuti, Angela Upitya Paramitasari, Nova Asriana, Delima Putri, Arsyil Zahra
In the present day, social media, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, has enhanced placemaking activities, as followed by prior media support such as Kompas press. This paper examines the M Bloc Space, a complex of creative spaces that exemplifies a multi-functional hub for the millennial community....

The Phenomenon of Ethnic Java Women as Weavers Hiou in Karang Rejo Village, Simalungun Regency

Ratih Baiduri, Tri Nur Putri
Working as a Hiou weaver is an alternative for Javanese women for family economic welfare. Javanese women learn to weave Hiou with a feeling of being aware, happy and proud because they can weave Hiou like Simalungun women. The woven products they make are of good quality, which makes the owners of capital...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Education and Economic Status on Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Rusnoto, Nasriyah, Putri Meitasari, Ana Zumrotun nisa
Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis which is the second highest incident based on the data of Public Health of Kaliwungu, Kudus. Both education and economic status are risk factor that influence the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the...
Proceedings Article

Genetic Algorithms for Holt Winter Exponential Smoothing Parameter Optimization in Indonesian Car Sales Forecasting

Mamluatul Hani’ah, Ika Kusumaning Putri, Ariadi Retno Tri Hayati Ririd
The Indonesian automotive industry contributed significantly to the economy. Indonesia has 22 automotive companies that have been operating and have helped absorb many employees. Sales forecasting is considered as future market demand. So that accurate sales forecasting can be used as one of the decision...

The Influence of Financial Performance on Stock Price in Indonesian Oil and Gas Companies

Nurul Eka Putri Purnamasari, Imas Purnamasari, Budhi Pamungkas Gautama
Oil and gas industry showed a declining financial performance caused by the collapse in world oil prices. The purpose of this research to know the effect of profitability and solvency on the stock price of Oil and Gas Company listed on the Stock Exchanege in The Period of 2010-2015. This research applied...

Practicality of Islamic Religious Education Module Anti-Radicalism and Terrorism Nuance on Islamic Religious Educational Subject

Syahrizal Syahrizal, Riska Putri, Liza Sari
The subject of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) is the compulsory subject in college. IRE subject in universities needs to be prepared, delivered, and practiced in a practical and efficient way to prevent the development of student thoughts and behaviors leading to the occurrence of acts of radicalism...

Effectiveness of Using Child Growth and Development Applications

Sandy Tegariyani Putri Santoso, Pertiwi Putri Setya
Children need stimulation according to their age. The child growth and development application is an application that aims to help parents know the stages of child development in accordance with the stages of their age. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the use of child development applications....

The Importance of Shaping to Student Regulation Learning

Rahmatika Nur Aisyah Windra Putri, Sigit Sanyata
Students’ abilities are arranged by metacognitive aspects, which include prior knowledge, learning styles, strategies in learning (cognitive, motivational, and environmental) reflected by self-regulated learning consisting of plans, observations, and evaluations. It can be said that self-regulated learning...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of Ultrasound Examination in Patients With Suspected Acute Appendicitis

Ana Majdawati, I Gusti Ayu Putri Anom Sari
Background: Acute Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, which manifests as pain in the lower right abdomen that can develop into an acute abdomen. This situation can end in the emergency room and require immediate surgical treatment. Ultrasound is the initial choice most often used for the diagnosis...

The Influence of Job Insecurity and Organizational Commitment to Honourer Nursery Intention Turnover in Dr M Salamun Hospital

Neng Siti Solihat, Dikdik Purwadisastra, Putri K Anindhita
This study aims to determine the effect of Job Insecurity and Organizational Commitment on Intention Turnover for Honorary Nurses at Dr M Salamun Hospital, Bandung City. The method used in this research is quantitative and descriptive research methods. The population used in this study were honorary...

Psychological Well-Being of Atopic Dermatitis Sufferer Since Childhood

Putri Milenia Gusdian, Diana Septi Purnama
Atopic dermatitis also known as atopic eczema or eczema can attach to individuals into adulthood or even in adulthood. Atopic dermatitis can influence psychological well-being aspects because it is closely related with the self-acceptance of atopic sufferers, positive relationship with others, environmental...

Effort of “Komisi Nasional Perempuan” in Struggling for P-KS Bill in Indonesia

Putri Alifah, Restu Rahmawati, Dodi Faedlulloh
This study discusses “Women’s Protection Policy: Study About the effort of national commission of women in Struggling for the P-KS Bill in Indonesia.” This study aims to find out the efforts made by the National Commission of women in fighting for the P-KS Bill. This research is motivated by the number...

Implementation of SOR Framework on Omnishoppers’ Loyalty from Channel Integration Quality Perspective

Tigar Putri Adhiana, Milena Novita Piranti, Indro Prakoso
Omnichannel is a retailing model which integrates all available channels to provide customers with a smooth shopping experience. Every omnichannel retail company (i.e., IKEA, Starbucks, Sephora, etc.) tries to keep its customers from turning to competitors. The present research aims to investigate the...

A Sociocultural Perspective on EFL In-Service Teachers’ SFL/Genre Knowledge Development

Bestari Kirana Putri, Wawan Gunawan, Emi Emilia, Eri Kurniawan
SFL/genre knowledge is considered as an effective tool for teacher candidates or pre-service teachers to prepare to give instruction in their teaching activities. It can also be used as conceptual tools for teacher candidates or pre-service teachers to develop their linguistic knowledge. This study investigated...
Proceedings Article

Ammonia Exposure Among Citizen Living Surrounding Fertilizer Factory

Achmad Fickry Faisyah, Yustini Ardillah, Dini Arista Putri
Air pollution remains problem around the world. One of dangerous chemical substance is ammonia. Fertilizer factory emission is ammonia that could affect to people health. The purpose of this study was to describe ammonia effect to health among citizen living surrounding fertilizer factory.Methods: This...
Proceedings Article

On Local (a, d)-Antimagic Coloring of Some Specific Classes of Graphs

Fadlila Putri Almaidah, Dafik, Arika Indah Kristiana, Robiatul Adawiyah, Rafiantika Megahnia Prihandini, Ika Hesti Agustin
For any graph G = ( V , E ) , the vertex set V and the edge set E, and let w be the edge weight of graph G, with ...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Effectiveness of Stemming Algorithms in Indonesian Documents

Dyah Mustikasari, Ida Widaningrum, Rizal Arifin, Wahyu Henggal Eka Putri
Stemming is a process to determine basic word with some rules. In Bahasa Indonesia, the way is to eliminate prefixes, infixes, suffixes, or combination of prefixes and suffixes in derivative words. Several stemming algorithms for Bahasa Indonesia have been developed. But their effectiveness has not been...

The Behaviour and Welfare of Sharing-Based Transportation Workers Case Study of Go-Jek and Grab Drivers in Jakarta

Akka Cendana Putri, Kasri Rahmatina Awaliah
Although sharing economy is believed to lead to various impacts, few studies attempted to analyse the welfare impact of sharing-based services particularly in the context of emerging economies. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the impacts of sharing-based transportation services in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude with Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in One of Malang City Health Center

Alfinadelasari Putri Fariadi, Septa Katmawanti, Agung Kurniawan, Supriyadi Supriyadi
Pregnancy is a time to increase fetal growth and development. The growth and development of children certainly cannot be separated from the nutritional status of the mother. Lack of knowledge about nutrition can cause mothers not to know how to fulfill nutrition during pregnancy. The purpose of the research...

The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War

Dini Dewi Heniarti, Oentoeng Wahjoe, Anita Puspawati, Liya Sukma Muliya, Husni Syawali, Rahmadani Putri, Iip Saripudin, Novianto Novianto
The handling of criminal acts of terrorism has been carried out by the Police as the leading sector. The broad scope of the handling of terrorism resulted in the emergence of the idea of involving the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in efforts to eradicate terrorism. The purpose of this article is to...

Are Girls More Anxious Than Boys? The Analysis of Writing Anxiety on Writing Achievement

Kurniasih, Ika Hidayanti, Merliyani Putri Anggraini
It has been said that writing is a difficult skill to acquire because it involves not just language but also personality traits (age) and emotional aspects (writing anxiety). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare writing performance and writing anxiety across gender. This study also examined...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Material Characteristics, Adequacy Intake of Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin C with Anemia Status in Women of Reliable Age (WUS)

Marisa Lia Anggraini, Ade Nurhasanah Amir, Putri Minas Sari, Honesty Diana Morika, Eliza Arman, Hartati Deri Manila
Women of childbearing age as prospective mothers are a vulnerable group whose health status must be considered, especially their nutritional status. The quality of the next generation will be determined by the condition of the mother since before pregnancy and during pregnancy. Preconception health is...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Haemoglobin Levels and Leukocyte Numbers against Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Patients

Gela Setya Ayu Putri, Siti Linda Purnamasari, Andri Sukeksi
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations. SLE clinical manifestations include hematological symptoms such as anemia (low hemoglobin levels) and leukopenia. Anemia in SLE occurs by suppressed erythropoiesis caused by chronic inflammation, whereas...

Youth Knowledge on the Health Protocols During Covid-19 Pandemic

Yani Triyani, Heni Muflihah, Mirasari Putri, Winni Maharani
Buah Batu District is the sub-district with the second-highest Covid-19 incidence rate in Bandung City on December 2020. Many factors affects the high incidence of Covid-19. Medical Faculty Community Service in collaboration with the Indonesian Youth National hold activities to help overcome the problems....

Strategy for Tourism Development in Ex-Tin Mining, Lake Pongkar Tanjung Balai Karimun, Riau Islands, Indonesia

T. Putri Tiara, Darsiharjo Darsiharjo
Government aggressively explores mining potential because of the limited ability of the state to earn revenue from other sectors. The mining activities have been taking place in Riau Islands since many years ago. Tanjung Balai Karimun is one of the lead mining regions in Riau Islands that would have...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Suckermouth Catfish (Pterygoplichthys sp.) Population Explosions on the Effectiveness of Fishing and the Sustainability Status of Sidenreng Lake Waters

Hasrianti, Surianti, A. Rini Sahni Putri, Damis, Resky Amalia Rajab, Abd Hakim Akbar
The suckermouth catfish is one type of fish species which is an invasive species. The occurrence of suckermouth catfish population explosion in the waters of Lake Sidenreng had an impact on the sustainability of marine biodiversity as well as an impact on the production of fishermen’s catch. This study...
Proceedings Article

Study of the Effect of Electroacupuncture Combination in Total Erythrocyte, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrite Values in Domestic Cat

Mudhita Zikkrullah Ritonga, Muhammad Jalaluddin, Wahyu Eka Sari, Triva Murtina Lubis, Indah Novicia Putri, Nurliana, Arman Sayuti, Teuku Zahrial Helmi
Acupuncture is an alternative treatment originating from China. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the condition of blood insufficiency including blood deficiency and blood stagnation. The study aimed to determine the effect of electroacupuncture on erythrocyte number, haemoglobin level...
Proceedings Article

Flood Vulnerability Analysis Using Ahp Method in Puwajaya Village, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Resty Intan Putri, Utari Alifia, Puspa Indah Rindawati, Retno Anjarwati
The analysis of flood-vulnerability areas in this study uses the help of a Geographic Information System (GIS) where GIS capabilities can be harmonized with remote sensing. This analysis uses five criteria, namely (1) Slope (2) Land Use (3) Distance to River (4) Rainfall (5) Rock Unit. By using three...

Analysis of Arsenal FC debit card in Bank Muamalat Indonesia

Sugeng Hariadi, Dea Switani Juniar, Irzameingindra Putri Radjamin
Football is considered one of the most popular sports in the world. As a result, a reputable football club is deliberated to be a promising partner as it has many fans. Today, football is widely used by companies as the brand of products, including the financial sector in Indonesia. Several well-known...

Empirical Study About Islamic Stock Index Case in Indonesia

Siti Jubaedah, Janiman Janiman, Putri Adhiani Islami
This study was intended to test whether the external factors represented by Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate (SBIS), Exchange Rate, Inflation and BI Rate significantly influence the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) during the period January 2015 to December 2018. This type of research is an explanatory...

The Interaction Between External Factor and Financial Cycle in Indonesia

Yollit Permata Sari, Isra Yeni, Doni Satria, Joan Marta, Melti Roza Adry, Dewi Zaini Putri, Urmatul Uska Akbar
After the global financial crisis in 2008, economists believe that global economic conditions are a source of instability for the domestic economy in developing countries such as Indonesia. These external factors include fluctuations in global financial markets, volatility in commodity prices and capital...

The Role of Fashion Design Education in Developing Ecoprint Technique Clothing to Support Final Projects and Increase Sustainability Awareness

Sri Endah Wahyuningsih, Widowati Widowati, Adhi Kusumastuti, Maria Krisnawati, Roudlotus Sholikhah, Nurul Azhar Ratna Putri, Risfani Rahmawati
Contemporary mode education requires multidimensional adjustments to curriculum, which reflects the complex nature of sustainability issues. This is a global challenge, compounded by inadequate and uncoordinated public support, problems related to the institutional context of private and public education,...

Do Emotions Affect Students’ Eating Behavior?

Weni Anissa Putri, Ari Widodo, Rini Solihat
Students’ emotions may affect eating behavior when students have negative and positive emotions that can affect how much they over-eat or less-eat. This research aims to analyze how emotion affects students’ eating behavior. The participants are 20 students from 8th grade from one private school in Bandung,...

Students' Creativity in Matlab Programming as Media in Learning Mathematics

Octavina Rizky Utami Putri
The purpose of this research is to describe the process and product of student creativity in programming Matlab as the base of making of learning media of mathematics based on Information and Technology (IT). This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The data collection technique employed...