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1582 articles
Proceedings Article

Association of Clinical Evaluation and Patient's Level of Satisfaction among Complete Denture Wearer

Putri Welda Utami Ritonga, Luveena Loshini Prabakaran
Dentist's evaluation of complete denture differs from patient's evaluation. Dentists prioritize the clinical aspects of dentures, such as vertical dimension, aesthetic, stability and denture-bearing area while patients measures their satisfaction based on aspects, like aesthetic, mastication, comfort...

An Analysis of Prepositional Phrase Used in Thesis at Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Padang

Yuli Eka Putri, Hermawati Syarif, Refnaldi
The principal purpose of this article was to present the types of prepositional phrase structure are mostly found on students’ Thesis in Graduate Program at Universitas Negeri Padang. The method used in this research was descriptive. The source of the data for this research was the review of related...

Examining the Effects of Mobile Seamless Learning on Students’ Literacy

Intan B. Putri, Abdulloh Hamid, Husniyatus S. Zainiyati
Technological developments create new opportunities to develop learning with a technological approach. Borderless learning is identified as a form of mobile learning that can be accessed and continuously improved through technology. The application of mobile seamless learning is defined as a learning...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Digital Literacy of Pre-service Teachers Involved as Teaching Assistants in Independent Study Programs (Called MBKM) 2022

Hairida, Lily Thamrin, Putri Tipa Anasi, Dyoty Auliya Vilda Gasha, Nurfadilah Siregar, Erlina, Anggi Fatmadiw
Digital technology cannot be separated from education as it can support teaching and learning activities. Therefore, pre-service teachers must have digital literacy. This study aimed to determine and analyze the digital literacy of undergraduates involved in the program MBKM as teaching assistants at...

Comparative Analysis of Public Officials’ Innovation Capacity Between Central and Regional Agencies in Indonesia

Putri Wulandari Atur Rejeki, Yuyu Yuningsih
As one of the initiators of the public sector’s innovation, public officials, both in central and regional government agencies, must have a strong innovation capacity to deliver innovations that are beneficial to society. The purpose of this study is to further explore on how is public officials’ innovation...

Ornamental Plant Entrepreneurship During the Covid -19 Pandemic in Koto Tangah District, Padang City

Mega Putri Nolasary, Fanny Wulanda, Rihan Ifebri, D anny Hidayat
This study aims to: a) Find out the internal and external factors faced by ornamental plant business actors in Koto Tangah District. b) Analyze the marketing strategy of the ornamental plant business in Koto Tangah District. This is qualitative research, which is a process of finding new knowledge using...

Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting

Irman Irman, Silvianetri Silvianetri, Zubaidah Zubaidah, Putri Yeni, Zulamri Zulamri, Nidya Juwita Roza, Zulfikar Zulfikar, Wahyu Gusria
The anxiety experienced by parents occurs at the beginning of leaving their child at the boarding school. Islamic boarding school counselors try to provide online counseling services based on zoom meetings. This study aims to determine the efforts of counselors to reduce the anxiety of parents of students...

Corpus-study: Understanding Second Language Lexical Acquisition through Word Frequency Effect

Cicilia Deandra Maya Putri
Corpus-based approaches have been utilized to examine second language acquisition, especially in terms of how L2 learners acquire new lexical items. The present corpus study is related to word frequency research regarding lexical item issues since the corpus provides information on how frequently a lexical...

An Attempt to Improve the EViews-Based Econometrics Learning

A Case Study of Economic Education Study Program, State University of Medan

Putri Sari M J Silaban, Dede Ruslan, Joko Suharianto
This study is a development research which aims to improve and produce Econometrics textbook based on EViews application and portfolio of 6 Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) assignments. This book was designed to improve students’ ability at mastering Econometrics, whether manually or...
Proceedings Article

Density and Diversity of Herpetofauna Using a Transect Method Implemented in a Coconut Plantation (Cocos nucifera L.)

Ridwan Syarif, Rijal Satria, Fitra Arya Dwi Nugraha, Irma Leilani Eka Putri
Plantation openings are to blame for Indonesia’s highest rates of forest loss. The goal of this study was to use the transect approach in Simbur Naik Village, Muara Sabak Timur District, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, “Jambi Province” to determine the diversity and density of herpetofauna in a coconut...

Analysis of the Application of the Regional Financial Management Information System in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta

Putri Amalia, Dodik Siswantoro
The purpose of the study is to analyze the use of the Financial Management Information System (Sistem Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah) (SIPKD) by the Jakarta Provincial Government. This research used four variables recommended for analyzing a computer-based information system, which are the security, response-time,...
Proceedings Article

Black Triangle, Etiology and Treatment Approaches: Literature Review

Putri Masraini Lubis, Rini Octavia Nasution, Zulkarnain
Currently, beauty and physical appearance is of a major concern for many people, along with the greater demands of aesthetics in the field of dentistry. Aesthetics of the gingival is one of the most important factors in the success of restorative dental care. The loss of the interdental papillae results...
Proceedings Article

Eucalyptus pellita Actived Carbon for Fe Absorption Effect of Carbonization Temperature and Concentration of KOH Activator

Leila Kalsum, Idha Silviyati, Jenie Fahlevi Putri
Eucalyptus pellita bark is a waste from the pulp industry that can be used as a raw material in activated carbon manufacturing because it contains high enough cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. This study aims to determine the effect of various carbonization temperatures and KOH activator concentrations...

The Nexus of International Trade and Inflation on ASEAN-5 Countries’ Economic Growth: The Mediating Role of Exchange Rates

Putri Haryani, Agung Maulana, S. M. Ferdous Azam
Since the last decade, ASEAN countries have been chosen by the developed countries as one of the favorite trading partners. The establishment of ASEAN allows member countries to accelerate their open trading activities worldwide, especially among ASEAN members. However, the export and import activity...

A Promotional Discourse Analysis of Erigo’s Campaign and How It Has Reached Their Intended Audience

Theresia Felita Andita Putri, Hanna Najmi
Advertising and promotion are one of the aspects in which language plays an important role. To make sure that their intended message can be conveyed properly to their target audience, companies need to be mindful of their lexical choices. As advertisements display the advantages, features, and values...

Development Strategy of Rumah Semut (Musamus) as a Tourist Attraction (Case Study in Merauke Regency)

Reni Sulistiyowati, Ni Made Dwiyana Rasuma Putri, Marya Yenny, Dewi Fitriani
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a variety of natural, ethnic and cultural beauties. This diversity creates a lot of tourism potential, both natural and cultural, which is able to attract the interest of many local and foreign tourists. Indonesia has a lot of potential and natural resources...

The Learning Center for Excellence Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership (ExCEL) in Higher Education : A Conceptual Model

Sisca Eka Fitria, Mediany Kriseka Putri, Grisna Anggadwita, Hani Gita Ayuningtias
Learning Center for Excellence Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership (ExCEL) is an organization formed to develop students of higher education environment in innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Higher education is a place to create and develop new entrepreneurs; to support this purpose...

The Comparison of Credibility and Authenticity of Scoutmasters of Indonesian Scouting

Yulianti Yulianti, Dian Widya Putri, Stephani Raihana Hamdan
Referring to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2010, the 2013 National Education Curriculum, and Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 which all lead to strengthening character education through Praja Muda Karana (Pramuka) that was scout activities as mandatory extracurricular...

Website-Based Interactive Media to Expand Guidance and Counseling Services for Adolescent

Harlina, Rani Mega Putri, Chreisna Lapriyandi
This research aimed to develop a website based interactive media which was feasible and efficient to expand and make easier the services delivery of guidance and counseling process. The website would be easier to be accessed and realtime without time limitation. The research approach was developmental...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics Participants of Covid-19 Vaccination Dose 3 in the Mojolangu Health Center Working Area

Putri Djamilah Wahidah, Lucky Radita Alma, Hartati Eko Wardani
COVID-19 booster vaccination is still being encouraged today to provide maximum protection against. One of the first-level health service facilities also must provide booster vaccinations. In order to increase the willingness of the community to participate, it is important to know the characteristics...

Students’ Mathematical Connection in Programming Using GUI Matlab

Octavina Rizky Utami Putri
The purpose of this research is to describe students’ mathematical connection in making programming using GUI (Graphical User Interface). The subjects of this research are the students of Mathematics Education who are taking the Programming Language Course. The data were collected through the final task...

Patient Experiences In Internal And Surgical Ward at State Hospital Labuang Baji Makassar

Nur Arifah, Fridawaty Rivai, A. Zulfaidah Putri Delima
People use the term patients experience and patient's satisfaction, alternately. As a matter fact, these two terms are different specifically in terms of measurement's concept. Patient satisfaction survey usually consist of questions that do not really measure the exact treatment experience. Satisfaction...

Exploring The Correlation Between Mathematics Student Teachers’ Proficiency and Their Self-Efficacy in Teaching at International School

Palupi Evangelista Lus Windyana, Putri Hani Rizkia, Yonata Bertha, Sari Dhita A P, Jauhariyah Mukhayyarotin N R, Basri Ahmad, Hidayah Rusly
This study is aimed to find out the relation of student teachers’ English proficiency and their self-efficacy in teaching at international school. Students’ English proficiency is based on two aspects: students English proficiency score and their self-efficacy in English comprehension. In order to measure...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques on the Nausea and Vomiting Response of Intraoperative Patients with Spinal Anesthesia in the Central Surgical Installation of Padang Panjang City Hospital

Ratna Indah Sari Dewi, Honesty Diana Morika, Putri Dafriani
One of the complications after spinal anaesthesia is nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are undesirable events that often occur during surgery. Cases reach 60-70% under general anaesthesia and 25% under spinal anaesthesia. The response to nausea and vomiting that occurs in spinal anaesthesia can...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Chemical Activation Conditions for Activated Carbon From Coconut Shell Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Its Ability to Adsorb CO2

Nur Afiqah Anuwar, Putri Faizura Megat Khamaruddin
Coconut shell was used as a precursor to prepare activated carbon using potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a chemical activating agent for carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption at ambient conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum activation parameters of the activated carbon using Response...

Alteration in the Levels of Neutrophils and Lymphocytes in Male Wistar Rats (Second-Hand Smoker) with Marigold Leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.)

Fitri Komala Sari, Fathimah, Hafidhotun Nabawiyah, Sartika Amanda Putri, Retno Ayu Nurhayatun
The second-hand smoker will have difficulties because of nicotine and other substances leading to activate free radical in the body and stimulate the secretion of inflammatory mediators. Flavonoid is a compound contained in marigold leaves, believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. This study aims...

Preparing Accountants in a Globalized Industry

Analysis of Language Use in Professional Setting

Indah Purnama Dewi, Evi Karlina Ambarwati, Praditya Putri Utami, Nina Puspitaloka
As a lingua franca in the globalized professional community, English language is important to acquire. Unfortunately, previous studies reported that the textbook in Vocational High School (VHS) is non-vocational. Hence, there is a need to create learning materials which provide the language skills for...

Autopoeisis of Local Media in East Java in the Era of Information Disruption

Awang Dharmawan, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, Favian Daffa Gusma
Information disruption in the digital era creates two sides, namely opportunities and challenges. The speed of access to information and interactivity encourages all to become sources of information, even the phenomenon of influencers on social media that can create personal media such as podcasts, YouTube...

Developing Audiovisual Learning Media Using Corel Video Studio Pro X10 on the Heritage of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate to Increase Students’ Interest in Learning

Putri Rizki Mpayang, Syarifuddin, Dea Lestari
This study aims to determine the results of the audiovisual learning media on the heritage of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate developed with Corel Video Studio Pro X10 and determine students’ responses towards it along with the effectiveness of the developed learning media. This study was conducted in...

The Effectiveness of Developing Econometrics Learning Media Based on the Website “” on Learning Outcomes

(Case Study of Economic Education Study Program)

Putri Sari M. J. Silaban, Joko Suharianto, Aurora Elise Putriku, Sabda D. N. Siahaan, Jessica Putri Br. Sembiring
One of the breakthroughs to facilitate learning is to change the concept of online using a platform that is more practical and more accessible to students, namely website-based learning media. One of the latest innovations in the development of web-based econometrics learning media is named Website

Training of Trainer Model in an Effort to Improve the Professionalism of Accounting Teachers

Dhika Maha Putri, Sunaryanto, Slamet Fauzan, Sheila Febriani Putri, Mohd. Rizal Palil
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 demands a comprehensive individual portfolio in communicating and collaborating to improve learning abilities. Competent teachers are able to create an effective learning environment and carry out tasks optimally for the benefit of student learning outcomes. Thus the professional...

The Influence of Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation and Job Loyalty on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at Pt Unichem Indonesia

Retno Purwani Setyaningrum, Nining Yuningsih, Putri Aprillian
This research is motivated by competition in the business world which is currently increasing, that results in each company required to prepare itself to have a higher competitive advantage - which means that the company has more value to be able to compete with other companies. The problem in this research...

The Role of Nano Influencers Through Instagram as an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

Rafki Chandra Wibawa, Chairani Putri Pratiwi, Hasna Larasati
Digital marketing is one of the most preferred forms of marketing after the Covid 19 pandemic. The younger generations are using digital marketing extensively, and they are also using it by middle and older generations. Marketers are using digital marketing to market their products and services. Due...

How Can Brand Image Mediate the Effect of Green Marketing on Purchase Intention in Fast-Food Industry?

Kirana Salshabila Putri Susilo, Ita Prihatining Wilujeng
People are beginning to alter their lifestyles to reduce the use of plastic materials because waste management is still a problem in Indonesia. As a result, green marketing is currently a trend in society and customers are more interested in brands that practice it. This study examines the effect of...

Indonesian General Tax Authorities:

The Optimalization Strategies of Compliance Behavior by Using Joint Analysis Program

Kartika Putri Kumalasari, Astri Warih Anjarwi, Diana Khaira Ernengsih, Mohd Aliff Syahmi bin Abdul Rashid
The Tax Authorities is an agency that has the goal of optimizing state revenue and reforming tax administration. Then, this goal is outlined in the Tax Authorities at 2015-2019 Destination Statement. The policy set in 2018 is the Synergy of Agencies, Governments, Institutions, Associations, and Other...
Proceedings Article

Qualitative Study of Nutritional Knowledge and Parenting Patterns on the Child Feeding Patterns of Stunting on Sebatik Island, North Kalimantan

Agil Dhiemitra Aulia Dewi, Yuga Putri Pramesti, Jihan Ukhti Nashiha
Background: The prevalence of stunting and under-nutrition of children under five in Nunukan Regency, Sebatik Island is still quite high. An important factor for children's health is the mother's knowledge and behavior, as a person who plays a role in child care. Stunting, malnutrition and...

Reinterpretation of Traditional Dance through Contemporary Dance

Wahyuni Ni Nyoman, Ni Nyoman Seriati, Trie Wahyuni
Surakarta is one of the cultural cities in Central Java that plays a role in the development of both traditional and contemporary art. Many artists are involved in traditional arts and develop traditional arts. They are from both from academics and non-academics artists. One of them is contemporary artist...

Social Support and Learning Motivation for New Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Putri Rahayu Safitri, Raja Oloan Tumanggor, Willy Tasdin
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many students started a new learning system, namely distance learning or online which could cause the motivation to learn of new students to decline. New students need social support from family, friends, and a significant other to get good and positive learning motivation....

Will Customers Pay More for Green Products?

Nonik Kusuma Ningrum, Antonius Satria Hadi, Jeanette Gaoat Dials, Putri Dwi Cahyani, Ratih Kusumawardhani, Nurul Myristica Indraswari
This study addresses how environmental concerns affect the willingness of customers to pay more for green products. A quantitative approach with a survey was used to gather the data. This study results show that only loyal customers with environmental concerns have the willingness to pay more for green...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing the Concept of Self-Management in Hemodialysis Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Anto Susfolyanto, Candra Permadi, Syafika Putri Alya, Satriya Pranata
Haemodialysis is a therapy that functions as filtration, removing waste substances from the body’s metabolism that should be expelled by the kidneys. Complications arising from haemodialysis often result from suboptimal patient self-management. Therefore, self-management is administered to motivate patients...

Partnering with Automatic Writing Evaluation

Exploring Teachers' Perspective

Indah Purnama Dewi, Evi Karlina Ambarwati, Praditya Putri Utami, Alvin Yahya Makarim Nazar, Bela Ardianti Simbolon
Formative feedback is an important element in writing instruction and benefits students’ domain-specific skills as well as their overall writing development. As an instructional method, feedback is primarily delivered by teachers in many classrooms. Current technological advancements create affordances...

Instilling Positive Characters in Students Using Folker in the Macromedia Application

Elfia Sukma, Vivi Putri Azrianti
The purpose of this study was to be able to instill positive character in students through folklore using the Macromedia Flash application. The method used is the 4D development model (define, design, development and deseminate). The subjects of this study were elementary school teachers and 48 Ganting...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Financing for the Construction of Puzzle Houses by Polsri in an Effort to Provide Affordable Housing for Low-Income Communities

(Case Study of the Construction of the Polsri Puzzle House Mockup)

Hendi Warlika Sedo Putra, Ahmad Syapawi, Doni Sastra, Ria Dwi Putri
The 1945 Constitution Article 28 paragraph (1) letter H and Law No. 1 of 2011 explicitly state that housing is a basic right of citizens, and the government guarantees and ensures that housing is decent and affordable. This is undoubtedly a challenge for the government and the people, considering Indonesia's...

An Analysis of Values in Social Life in Snowpiercer Movie

Chinta Ade Putri, Indah Damayanti, Mei Hardiah
This research aims to find out how the lower class and the upper class are represented in the Snowpiercer movie as well as to find out how the Snowpierce movie portrays values in social life. Library research (documentation) and descriptive qualitative method were used to conduct the research. The data...

The Application of Photography as an Art Medium in The Contemporary Era

BACAA 2019 Finalists’ Works Analysis

Ismi Nabilah, Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri
Photography as an art medium in Indonesia started with the establishments of Perhimpunan Amatir Foto (PAF) and Forum Fotografi Bandung (FFB) which marked its rapid growth in Bandung. This study focuses on Terry Barrett’s Selectivity, Instantaneity, and Credibility principle, particularly its application...
Proceedings Article

Reproductive Health Snake Game in Prevention of Before Marriage Sex Prevention in Adolescents

Ayu Dwi Putri Rusman, Usman, Fitriani Umar, Haniarti, Henni Kumaladewi Hengky, Makhrajani Majid, Herlina
Kemenkes reports that as many as 4.31% of junior and senior high school boys and girls have been forced to have sexual relations before marriage. BPS reports also reported 0.9% of children aged 10-17 in South Sulawesi had been married and as many as 0.11% had been divorced. This study aims to analyze...

The meaning of implications on banners and billboards in learning Class XII Ad Text

Ajeng Lintang Lutfiah, Yunita Yunita, Okky Putri Rahmawati
Studying ad text is an indispensable requirement. In order to achieve the learning objectives, one of which is the need for teaching materials that are in accordance with the understanding and development of students. With the large selection of advertising text teaching materials, an educator must be...

Impact of Salespeople's Entrepreneurial Behavior toward Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Commitment, and Loyalty

RA. Putri Tri Widyaningrum, Rizal Edy Halim
The past 10 years has witnessed a dramatic shift in customer's orientation from goods-dominant to service-dominant logic (Vargo, Merz, He, & Vargo, 2014). Salespeople not only sell a product or service, but also focus on helping customers to make the right decision to buy a satisfactory product or service...

The Trend of Transaction on E-Commerce by Millennial Generation

Wayan Eny Mariani, Ni Made Ayu Dwijayanti, Wayan Tari Indra Putri
Technological developments in the digital era have made internet use necessary for society. Buying and selling activities that used to be carried out directly between buyers and sellers in actual stores have now shifted to e-commerce. E-commerce combines conventional business processes with information...

Capturing Stakeholder Needs: A Case Study About Satisfaction Survey Follow-Up in the University

Dwi Narullia, Dhika Maha Putri, Fitri Purnamasari, Mohd. Rizal Palil
This study aims to narrate stakeholder perceptions of the follow-up to university satisfaction survey results. Informants in this study are stakeholders at universities in Indonesia who have good ratings in public services, especially in terms of information disclosure. The research uses a qualitative...