Advances in Intelligent Systems Research

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19076 articles
Proceedings Article

A Lifelong Learning Approach for Improving Accurate Face Recognition

Zhangqu Yu
With the popularity of artificial intelligence and computer vision, an increasing number of software engineers attempt to make their systems be able to recognize the user, through the way of face recognition, e.g., Characteristic Points (i.e., CP)-based face recognition. Generally, the traditional CP-based...
Proceedings Article

Learning the Masking and Reverse Complement Method of the Sequence Reads

Henghua Shi, Xin Xu
There are some base characters with specified quality score value in the initial sequence reads. The base characters need the bioinformatics analysis method to mask such as mask by quality score. In the other hand, there are many sequence reads need the bioinformatics analysis method to reverse complement...
Proceedings Article

Teaching the PPP Network Course Based on Network Simulator

Wang Anbao
Due to the complexity of network, the original teaching method cannot meet the needs of development of network. Network simulation is an effective means of researching in network protocols and a new kind of network design and optimization technique, it can provide reliable network planning design of...
Proceedings Article

The Simulation Evaluation System Fuzzy Reliability Based on Fuzzy Fault Tree

Haidong Du, Junhai Cao, Shen Ying, Lingwei Li
For the indeterminism problem existing in dynamic reliability of complex system, the thesis presents the simulation analyze method for reliability based on fuzzy Markov process. Firstly, a reliability model according to the fuzzy theory and fault tree was described; and then, the paper study the transformation...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the "Double Evaluation" Model of Urban Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Supported by GIS

Xiaozhuo Wang, Zhitao Wang, Donghui Ma, Jingyu Su
The evaluation of urban comprehensive disaster prevention is an important part of urban planning work.Starting from the regional disaster system theory,the indicator system was established based on the urban disaster-fighting sequence and the type of hazard factor,and the “double evaluation” model of...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of the Addition of Pectin Concentrations on Physical and Chemical Properties of Functional Food of Nori derived from Cassava Leaves

Gesti Annisa Innayatuhibbah, Nur Wahyu Sholitan, Afrianita Fitriani, Desi Anisa Nurlaily, Esti Widowati
The present research sought to find out appropriate pectin concentrations in the production of nori derived from cassava leaves, and the influence on chemical properties of the produced nori. The research is useful to optimize the use of cassava leaves as alternative raw materials for the production...
Proceedings Article

The Ball Mill Load Measuring algorithm though Grinding tone signal based on GA

Yingmin Yi, Haichuan Yang, Lu Sun, Xiaoli Liu
For a high energy loss and complex system of ball mill, this paper provide a ball mill load detection method based on genetic algorithm optimizing BP neural network. The effective frequency range of mill sound signal is analyzed. The soft measurement model of mill load based on mill sound signal is built....
Proceedings Article

An Oil-water Layer Recognition System Based on Composition Intelligence Computation

Huanglin Zeng, Juan Li
In this paper, a composition intelligence computing method is suggested for an oil-water layer recognition system. The redundant condition attributes are reduced based on rough set attribute simplification algorithm so that an oil-water layer neural network recognition system can be simplified in order...
Proceedings Article

Improved SURF Algorithm Based On ACO

Chao Chen, Xiaohong Wang, Shizheng Zhou
SURF (Speeded-Up Robust Features) is a scale- and rotation-invariant algorithm, which has a better repeatability, distinctiveness, robustness, and a faster computing and comparing speed. In this paper, we propose an improved SURF algorithm based on ACO (Ant Colony Optimization). First of all, the algorithm...
Proceedings Article

Risk Analysis of Earthquake Disasters in Shandong and Coastal Areas and Its Preliminary strategies

Sen Qiao, Zengping Wen, Changlong Li, Qing Wu, Zongchao Li, Tiefei Li
Shandong and its coastal areas are located in the eastern part of the North China tectonic region, and their strong seismic activities are uneven. There have been devastating earthquakes such as the Tanlu earthquake, the Bohai earthquake, and the Heze earthquake in history. With the development of the...
Proceedings Article

Solutions for a Class of the higherDiophantine equation

Yin xia Ran
We studied the Diophantine equation x2+4n=y9. By using the elementary method and algebaic number theroy, we obtain the following concusions: (i) Let X be an odd number, one necessary condition which the equation has integer solutions is that 28n-1/3 contains some square factors. (ii) Let X be an even...
Proceedings Article

Locative Inversion and Temporal Aspect Marker –guo in Mandarin

Lu Lu, Hongming Zhang
This paper is to examine the relationship between locative inversion and temporal aspect markers –guo in Mandarin. Guo cannot be ignored or easily be considered the same as the perfective marker –le without thinking its experiential features, and such feature can prove the syntactic function of preposed...
Proceedings Article

An Intertextual Perspective of Chinese Dream and American Dream

Yingjie Guo, Qing Zhao
To have an intertextual perspective of Chinese Dream and American Dream, the paper employs Julia Kristeva’s concept of intertextuality and probes into their corresponding historical backgrounds for the consideration of their cultural roots and unique developments. Obviously, the two dreams are deeply...
Proceedings Article

Exploring The Use of Digital Games for Teaching and Learning

Wan Mohd Nazmee Wan Zainon, Abdullah Zawawi
Whether we like it or not, digital gaming and social networking are already wide-spread activities in our culture. More and more homes are now equipped with video-game consoles, computers, tablets or smart phones. The main purpose of this paper is to present an outcome of a preliminary studies done in...
Proceedings Article

A Wavelet Based Algorithm without a Priori Knowledge of Noise Level for Gross Errors Detection

Paolo Mercorelli
This paper deals with Gross Error Detection using a signal-based approach and proposes an algorithm to be applied in industrial processes. The developed algorithm is used in some industrial software platforms to detect sensor outliers. A validation of this algorithm through computer simulations is shown....
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study on Multi-goals of Farm Hotel Operators between China and Australia

Xiuhong Wang
Different social backgrounds and developmental stages in tourism industry resulted in disparities in multi-goals of farm hotel operators between China and Australia. The multi-goals of farm hotel operators were analyzed from such aspects as start-up goals, formal business goals and family-related goals....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Key Technology of Massive Vector Graphic Displaying

Jun Wu, Dan Xu
The paper introduces a new method which can load TOPO elements more quickly. After analyzing the problem of the old TOPO component, this paper gives the solution containing method of data loading management and display control. The realization is presented at the end of the paper.
Proceedings Article

Standardization Efficiency Variability Index Model of Supply Logistics Systems for Automobile Parts

Huishu Piao, Jing Wang, Xia Li, Jinfeng Chen
For effectively measuring logistics standardization effect to promote the logistics standardization, it was proposed that logistics standards system and two kinds of "push" and "pull" logistics standardization modes based on supply logistics system architecture of automobile parts. Based on defining...
Proceedings Article

The meteorological disasters risk analysis and risk management in large scale activities

Haibo Hu, Yanli Zhang
On the basis of risk analysis, the risk control and risk sustainability should be assessed for the requirement of risk management on the meteorological disaster so that it can keep safeties during large-scale activities. Thus, the AHP model combined with the method of experts score is introduced in the...
Proceedings Article

Rail Transit Investment and Financing Mode Comparative and Matching Study

Yi Qin, Renxiang Wang
In China, rail transit is in a rapid development stage currently. The matching between the pattern of investment and financing and the actual needs determines the construction efficiency and operation effect of the rail transit project. This article summarizes the existing models, constructs the matching...
Proceedings Article

Research on Personalized Recommendation Algorithm for Internet User to Browse News

Chunsheng Li, Shuchao Feng, Wenqian Shang
At present, the mode analysis methods for Internet User to browse news have three main kinds: that is, association analysis, clustering analysis and the mode of sequence analysis. This paper mainly focuses on the personalized news recommendation for Internet user. We combine the membership functions...
Proceedings Article

Method for Mitigation of NLOS Error based on SVM using Geometry Information and Training data

Jiyan Huang, Peng Liu, Mingquan Lu, Baogen Xu, Zhongchu Rao, Yihe Wan, Chuan Lu, Hongyan Zhang
In this paper, a novel least square support vector machines (LS-SVM) based on geometry information and training data is proposed to improve the performance of mobile localization in the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments. Simulations show that the performance of the proposed method is better than...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Enlightenments about the Cases of Cultivating and Developing Strategic Emerging Industries at Home and Abroad

Ling-yu Xu, Jun Wu, Qing-qing Yang
By analyzing the cases of cultivating and developing strategic emerging industries at home and abroad, this article points out the principles which should be followed during the development of strategic emerging industries. The principles are listed as follows:(1) The development patterns of strategic...
Proceedings Article

The Research of Grade Prediction Model Based on Improved K-means Algorithm

Yongguang Zhang, Hua Wang, Hongyang Li
Grades reflect how well you learnt in courses. This paper introduce a model to predict student grade-data with a refined K-means clustering algorithm. K-means clustering algorithm based on the normal distribution is proposed to overcome the flaws that caused by using Euclidean distance algorithm to measure...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Marine Industry Structure and Competitiveness in Zhejiang Province Based on the Shift-share Method

Jianjun Xu
Based on marine statistical data from 2001 to 2012, this paper analyzes the marine industry structure and competitiveness of Zhejiang with the Shifted-share method. According to horizontal static comparison, the results show that the marine industry growth of Zhejiang is resulted from the growth of the...
Proceedings Article

An Application of Virtual Assessment and Enhanced Testing Methods in Developing of Aerial Pressure Sensor System

Li Weilin, Li Zhiqiang, Li Xiaoxiao, Qin Sha
The combined application of virtual technology and enhancement testing plays an important role to improve the reliability of avionics products in the design stage. The manufacture processing of static pressure probe is introduced in this paper in which finite element simulation analysis software ANSYS...
Proceedings Article

A New Magnetic Model for Distinguishing Between UXO and Non-UXO

Yaxin Mu, Xiaojuan Zhang, Wupeng Xie
The traditional magnetic measurement method is based on the magnetic dipole model that is a point model, and the shape information of the target cannot be determined, resulting in high false alarm rate and low detection efficiency. In this paper, a magnetic multi-order pole expansion model is proposed,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Airport Security Based on Virtual Queuing Theory

Yaxin Liu
Airport screening process takes too long time and people take more attention to this phenomenon and hope it to be solved. In this paper, we propose virtual queuing model in order to minimize the average waiting time, minimum waiting time variance and to ensure the airline's maximum revenue. By establishing...
Proceedings Article

Computer-aided Subassembly Generation

Arkady Bozhko, Anatoly Karpenko
The article deals with the task of product decomposition into assembly units in CAAP systems. This is an important design decision that allows to rationally organize the process of assembling complex products and improve economic indexes of production. A hypergraph model of the assembly structure of...
Proceedings Article

Distortion Reduction Strategies for PCD Runout of Cam Shaft Gear

V. Kulkarni, M. Dhanvijay
The purpose of heat treatment will be to modify the structure of material and relieve the stresses set up in the material. Rejection of Gears is susceptible, after heat treatment process, due to excess distortion. This leads to risk of getting PCD Runout fired owing to its chronicle failure. Analysis...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Approach to Understanding General Intelligence: Predicting Cognitive Performance in an Open-ended Dynamic Task

Christian Lebiere, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Walter Warwick
The evaluation of an AGI system can take many forms. There is a long tradition in Artificial Intelligence (AI) of competitions focused on key challenges. A similar, but less celebrated trend has emerged in computational cognitive modeling, that of model comparison. As with AI competitions, model comparisons...
Proceedings Article

The Research of Future-Market-like Supervision of the Exchange of Cultural Products and Artworks

Chunxu Liu, Wenzheng Shang
As an innovation of the trade of Cultural products, the Exchange of Cultural Products and Artworks makes the market of cultural products more prosperous, but there are also some problems. Through analysing the characters of the Exchange of Cultural Products and Artworks and the trade model of the cultural...
Proceedings Article

LSSVM-based social spam detection model

Xiaolei Yang, Yidan Su, JinPing Mo
To Resolve the garbage tag issue in Folksonomy, Lssvm algorithm for social spam detection model (least Squares support vector machine classifiers) was proposed. The method of inequality change the constraints in the traditional support vector machine into equality constraints, and take the empirical...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Equipment Management System Based on Internet of Things

Jiangkun Mao, Yufeng Xu
For the demands of unit equipment management under the new situation, equipment management system model was constructed based on Internet of Things, building programs of equipment information management system was put forward based on the system. Information sensing device are combined with inside LAN,...
Proceedings Article

Computer Wargame System Based on HLA

Yunlong Li, Wenming Chen, Fen Yao
This paper proposes a set of design of computer wargame system based on HLA. This system can process the time sequence and logic sequence of command better than existing wargame system. The system simplifies the calculation of the logical process which is used to calculate war results.
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Interactions in Structural System Representations

Dmitry Sysoev, Alexander Osipov, Svetlana Sazonova, Victor Asminin
Interactions between the elements of a functioning system in its structural representation are considered. This raises questions of system modeling for the development of models and algorithms for structuring relationships and decision rules on sets of information. This is necessary for generating output...
Proceedings Article

Colleges informationization construction project analysis and evaluation

Jing Zhang, Meng Liu
This article through the domestic and international information level measurement methods, draw out college information level evaluation problems to be solved, information level of colleges factors analysis, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is used to construct the evaluation system, the informatization...
Proceedings Article

Cognitive Perspective of Lexical Metaphor in Scientific Language

Na Zhang
Contemporary metaphor research offers a cognitive view to help understand the existence of metaphor used in scientific language. Different from literary metaphor, used as a decorative device, lexical metaphor in scientific language has its unique features. And it serves not decorative function any more,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Cost of Human Resource Fine Management of Municipal Power Supply Enterprises

Tao Li, Cong Wang
This paper introduces the concept of Activity-based Costing Management to analyze new division of human resource cost management control authority and the influencing factors in the degree of controllability, and makes a fine management plan for the provincial power grid company -the joint level, and...
Proceedings Article

Changes in Body Composition of Students after 16 Weeks Tennis Training

Xiaole Shen
Body composition in 15 healthy students in which participated the 4th Henan university Tennis championships was determined with bioelectrical impedance (BI) method. After 16 weeks training, Results showed that their body composition was improved significantly: reduce their body mass, body fat content,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Current Situation of Beijing Arts and Crafts Industry Exhibition Design

Jiang Li, Linxue Lv
The Paper summarizes the data of Beijing exhibition industry development in recent years, extracts arts and crafts exhibition conditions, uses the way of classification survey and comparative study to cut modern display design elements, analyze the structure and design representation demands of Beijing...
Proceedings Article

Corridor Lamp Control System Based on Solar and LED Lighting

Xiangrong Ding, Ping Jia
Porch lamp control system is a very important part of the smart home system. The traditional light source control system is unable to control and adjust the color temperature of the light source. This design uses LED and solar porch lamp as the light source with STC15 Series MCU intelligent control unit...
Proceedings Article

Linguistic Interpretation of Mathematical Morphology

Agustina Bouchet, Gustavo Meschino, Marcel Brun, Rafael Espín Andrade, Virginia Ballarin
Mathematical Morphology is a theory based on geometry, algebra, topology and set theory, with strong application to digital image processing. This theory is characterized by two basic operators: dilation and erosion. In this work we redefine these operators based on compensatory fuzzy logic using a linguistic...
Proceedings Article

Constraints of External Sources of Financing for Domestic Private Enterprises in China

Fang Yang
Private enterprises have been playing an increasingly important role in the development of Chinese economy, but they are having difficulties in accessing external sources of financing which mainly include bank loans, stock market and informal finance. This paper has analyzed the reasons why they face...
Proceedings Article

Study on Interacting Multiple Model-Unscented Filter Algorithm for Airspace Maneuvering Target in Radar Networking

Wenbo Zhao, Hailong Ding, Jiyan Du
Using radar networking system (RNS) to track airspace target, the maneuvering target model is uncertain and the system is nonlinear. Constructed-parameter interacting mutiple model-unscented filter algorithm (IMM-UFA) proposed in this paper, by means of modeling initialization based on original points...
Proceedings Article

Aviation Equipment Fault Information Fusion Based on Ontology

Yuan Wang, Qing Li, Yong Sun, Jinliang Chen
The designing institution, manufacturer and end-user jointly participate in aircraft maintenance. Maintenance data from multiple sources results in syntax and semantic conflicts, which have restricted integration and sharing of information on aircraft faults. To solve this problem, a solution based on...
Proceedings Article

On Practice of the Citizen Education in Social Fields in the Early Years of the United States

Heng Wu
In addition to the school education way, the citizen education about the early years in social fields in the United States is carried out by party politics, religion and social group activities. The political activities of political parties and elections activities gradually become an important way to...
Proceedings Article

Study on Community Co-management Model of San Jiangyuan Nature Reserves

Weijuan Feng
In order to solve the contradiction between protection and development of Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserves, the community co-management project was the first one introduced in the village of Cuochi in 2007. This paper intends to illustrate the superiority of developing community co-management based on ecological...
Proceedings Article

An Improved Capture Data Processing Technology based on Human Eye’s Resolution

Xiangning Zhou, Zhiyong An
A large number of redundant data will be produced during the data capture processing. This paper based on the resolution of the human eye and the improved algorithm, uses the sensors as little as possible to capture the movement data in the skeletal animation technology. Then based on 3D virtual human...
Proceedings Article

Research on Motivation Tactics of Middle School Teachers from the Perspective of Occupation Happiness

Li Min
Teachers are the honest executors of the school's teaching plan and teaching goal, and they are the most precious for school survival and development of human resources. How to find the right breakthrough point to stimulate, further development and manage, which is the school administrators and education...
Proceedings Article

Application of form generation in design for the improvement of users' perception of public faucet hygiene

Meng-Dar Shieh, Chien-Nan Chen, Ya-Chi Chiu
With the growing global population, there is an increasing rate of human contact. In particular, we often find that many public restroom users collect water with cupped hands to pour on the faucet switch after washing their hands due to their suspicions about the lack of hygiene. This study redefined...
Proceedings Article

Wireless Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on PCA

H.L. Li, W. Quan, G. Ji, Z.H. Qian
The use ofWLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks)for indoor localization is an important content in the field of mobile Internet, usually based on the Received Signal Strength(RSS) and the fingerprinting algorithms. Due to the characteristics of the RSS, environmental factors have great influence on the...
Proceedings Article

Intellectualization of Transport and Logistics Infrastructure Agents Network Interaction through Adaptive Information and Communication Technologies Introduction

Marina Bolodurina, Anastasia Mishurova
The aetiology of the Russian Federation transport and logistics infrastructure development heterogeneity is caused by the following factors: many of elements of the system, territorial distribution, nonlocal effects exist. The article describes a methodological approach to assessing the existing potential...
Proceedings Article

Rigid-flexible Coupling Simulation for a Three-chamber Hydraulic Cylinder of a Rocket Launcher

Tong Xu, Lijun Cao
The elevation-balancing machine is used to give the elevation angle of the landing parts of the rocket launcher, and the three-chamber hydraulic cylinder is the power device in the system. In order to obtain the dynamic characteristics of cylinder reasonably and scientifically, considering the flexible...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom: Local Paddy Breeding Through Farming Revenue Analysis Approach (Case Study: Indramayu Regency, West Java)

Lilis Imamah Ichdayati, Rizki Adi Puspita Sari
Farmer’s aptitude on paddy breeding developed through Participatory Plant Breeding School (Sekolah Lapang Pemuliaan Tanaman Partisipatoris/SLPTP) was shown by reemerging of local paddy varieties. From 2002 up to 2010, Indramayu breeder farmers have succesfully created 400 varieties of paddy seeds which...
Proceedings Article

3D Scene Reconstruction Using Multi-Sources Data

Mingder Yang, Hungyu Lin, Ilin Chan, Huiping Tsai, Yiping Chen
This paper focuses on 3D scene reconstruction by various simulation methods and multi-sources data. 3D scene reconstruction is a tool to be able to analyze an area by rendering it in 3D. This is a research piece that looks at how different methods of modeling have different functions and applications....
Proceedings Article

Research on Evaluation Model of Department Responsibilities Conflict Based on DRCI

Xiaosong Li, Zenghua Li, Tong Liu, Junlei Hao
The definition of department responsibility conflict evaluation is first given in the paper. Following the analysis of the evaluation process, which is generalized to assess extent of the responsibility conflict among different power departments, the department responsibility matrix is established and...
Proceedings Article

Finding Topics in News Web Pages by Parameter-free Clustering

Ji Xiang, Neng Gao, Jiwu Jing
Topic detection is a novel technology which structures news stories into several topics. Present topic detection approaches are mainly based on clustering algorithms such as single pass or agglomerative clustering, and all these algorithms need at least one input parameter. We proposed a novel clustering...
Proceedings Article

Location Prediction Weighted Clustering Algorithm Based on WNNM in Ad Hoc Network

Yi Sha, Li Huang, Jiafu Chu, Lili Zhang
Introducing a wavelet neural network model (WNNM) at a route maintenance stage to predict the position of nodes in ad hoc networks, a new weighted clustering algorithm (WCA) is presented. Using the nodes’ position information from GPS, this algorithm predicts the position of nodes at next time by WNNM,...
Proceedings Article

Theoretical Research on Autonomous Regional Ethnic Minority Cadres

Zhang Hongtian, Zhao Ran
Ethnic cadres is one of the nation in Social Work administration, the subject is related to national and ethnic areas of global social development issues. The realization multi-national area modernization and speeds up the multi-national area the development, cannot leave the high quality national cadre....
Proceedings Article

An Effective Image Fusion Method Based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and Pulse Coupled Neural Network

Lijuan Ma, Chunhui Zhao
In order to solve the problem of spectral distortion and the fuzzy texture in visible and infrared image fusion technology, a novel visible and infrared image fusion method based on the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT) and Pulse Coupled Neural Networks (PCNN) is proposed in this paper. First,...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Control Strategy under Tip-in Condition Based on AMT Vehicle

Yang Gao, Yong Chen, Daguo Luo, Wenzhong Liu, Mingqi Gu
The control strategy of gear-position optimization of an AMT vehicle under Tip-in condition is presented in this article. The down-shift principle of an automatic transmission under an acceleration condition is also analyzed. The in-the-loop simulation platform of transmission system software of an AMT...
Proceedings Article

Public Service Motivation Measurement : A Test for Perry's Proposed Scale in China

Kaipeng Gan, Linghua Li, Qiu Wang
This article proposes and tests a shortened instrument for public service motivation based on Perry’s (1996) exploratory 24-item scale according to the investigation of Chinese civil servant in Kunming city. Results show good support for the shortened scale compared to Perry’s original work through investigating...
Proceedings Article

Applications of Categorical Fixed-basis Fuzzy Topological Spaces to A-valued Spaces

Mustafa Demirci
As an application of the dual equivalence between the category of L-spatial C-objects and the category of L-sober C-M-L-spaces, it is shown in this paper that for a fixed augmented partially ordered set A, there exists a dual equivalence between the category of A-spatial augmented partially ordered sets...
Proceedings Article

Image Acquisition Method of Kiwifruit Picking Robot

Shuai Su, Longsheng Fu, Fanian Zhang, Yongjie Cui
In order to overcome the complex and diverse background appeared in kiwifruit image that acquired by approximate level capture method (ALCM), a look up capture method (LUCM) to acquire fruit images was proposed. According to study fruit identification process and effect of the kiwifruit in the image...
Proceedings Article

Design and Verification of AC/DC Comparator Based on A/D Sampling

Yuanqiang Xiao, Min Cao, Bo Li, Dada Wang, Chuan Li, Zhizhou Bi
There is an important significance of AC/DC comparator with high precision for the precision measurement in electric power industry. An AC/DC comparator based on the non integer period Sampling and rapid data refactoring is designed. The AC/DC comparator consists of the input buffer A/D change DC reference...
Proceedings Article

Attirbute Reduction in Consistent Approximate Representation Spaces For Formal Contexts

Xia Wang
Consistent approximate representation space is a unified model for formal contexts, consistent formal decision contexts and inconsistent formal decision contexts. In this paper, notions of attribute reduction are first developed in a consistent approximate representation space, and then necessary and...
Proceedings Article

Research on Fuzzy Association Classification Algorithm for Large Transaction Database Based on SVM

Wen-qi Wang, Qiang Li
Aiming at the defects of inefficiency and hard classification boundary in large transaction database classification, A. fuzzy associative classification algorithm based on SVM was proposed, SVM input eigenvector was constructed by weighed index and compatibility measure of fuzzy associative classification...
Proceedings Article

Detection and Evaluation of Heavy Metal in Lentinus Edodes from Shenyang’s market

Na Li, Guode Li, Shigang Xin, Shiwei Wu, Yan Wang, Fulong Ren
Adopting microwave digestion and ICP-AES method while detecting Ni Cr Pb Cd As and Hg in lentinus edodes of Shenyang, results show that the average content of the elements is respectively Ni Cr Cd Pb As Hg, Hg was not detected and in some particular samples Cr Cd Pb exceed standard. So the excess of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Management Mode of Aquatic Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base of Domestic Colleges

Shan He, Haipeng Cao, Hongxin Tan
This paper analyzes the construction status of innovation and entrepreneurship bases by domestic universities in respects of organization establishment, institutional guarantee and school-enterprise cooperation. Furthermore, this article proposes three advantages which are embodied in fields of students’...
Proceedings Article

An Improved Patch based Multi-View Stereo (PMVS) Algorithm

Lichun Wang, Ran Chen, Dehui Kong
Multi-view based reconstruction is always focused in computer graphics and many excellent algorithms have been reported these years. According to Middlebury benchmark, PMVS(Patch based Multi-View Stereo) outperforms all the other submitted algorithms [1]. In this paper, we propose an improved PMVS algorithm...
Proceedings Article

PDM Teaching Reform based on the Ontology Module and Data Management Platform

Yanchun Xia
The course of the Product Data Management (PDM) is an Interdisciplinary course, which has the distinctive engineering and management characteristics. In order to satisfy the demand of teaching reform and researching of the PDM, the practice and applying is analyzed based on PDM software management platform....
Proceedings Article

Digital City 3d Model Making Technology

Rui Jiang
Starting from the concept of digital city, this paper briefly introduces the specifications and requirements, the three-dimensional modeling of digital city are introduced from the practical Angle in the 3 ds MAX software used in two-dimensional environment tracing and extrusion method model, and use...
Proceedings Article

The research on university curriculum reform for innovative talents cultivation

Junye Wang
In the recent years, the social demands for college graduates are gradually increasing with the China’s economic development. Most of the colleges and universities pay more attention on technical expertise and capabilities training, but neglect the cultivation of the students’ innovative spirits. According...
Proceedings Article

The Virtual Assembly Technology Based on Natural Gesture

Yanjiao Chen, Guanglong Du, Ping Zhang
The purpose of this paper is to present a method called virtual assembly technology based on natural gesture. In the proposed method, five Leap Motions are fixed on the table to measure the position of the hands. Due to the tracking errors and the noise of equipment, the measurement errors will increase...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Based on RBF Neural Network for Effect of Artificial Flow Field on Dissolved Oxygen Uniform Distribution

Gang LIU, Jiaoyan AI, Zengqiang LEI, Kui LIANG
To verify the effect of artificial flow on the improvement of local DO(dissolved oxygen) imbalance distribution, Lake Jing in Guangxi University was taken as the experimental area, five groups of experiments were designed, pump with different flow rate and different nozzle were used to push flow in experimental...
Proceedings Article

The Research on Forensic DNA Evidence Base on Criminal Law Vision

Changmeng Jiang
Since the introduction of DNA technology into the field of forensic science, it has gradually become the main means of forensic evidence identification in criminal cases. The forensic DNA evidence produced by this technology has important functions in criminal proceedings, which can provide clues for...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Flexible Vibratory Feeding System Based on HALCON Machine Vision Software

Liang Han, Jie Deng
Vibratory feeder, thanks to its excellent material storage, workpiece orientation and continuous feeding characteristics, is widely used in industrial automation. Since its versatility is not strong, orienting mechanism needs to be designed for different workpieces, which often cannot meet today's rapidly...
Proceedings Article

A Simple Manner of Dynamic Gesture Recognition Based on Kinect

Fenggang Li, Xiangfei Jiang, Xiaobo Xia
The paper develops a simple method of dynamic gesture recognition based on the Kinect which is a new sensor from Microsoft in the environment of VS2010 combining Kinect for Windows SDK v1.8. Kinect sensors can track human bodies within their effective scope in real-time and obtain the depth of the corresponding...
Proceedings Article

Using Origin Software to Study Silicon Effect on Yunnan Building Phosphogypsum

Yihui Yao, Zhiman Zhao, Sichen Quan, Wenjia Zhang, Feng Gao
This paper had explored the effects of different contents of silicone defoamer for time of coagulation and compressive strength of building phosphogypsum. At last, this paper had used origin software to deal with the data of test and verified fitting equation.
Proceedings Article

Research on Complex Network Evolutionary Game Model and Simulation of Economic and Trade Cooperation of "the Belt and Road"

Changping Zhao, Yecheng Wang, Xiangshun Jin, Jianhua Qi, Houming Fan
The exploration of the influence of the network neighbor's reward, the social pressure of the network, the profit loss rate of the betrayal, the pressure of the opponent's public opinion, the type of the game on the network cooperative behavior of "the Belt and Road" through the network game model is...
Proceedings Article

State policy for digitization in agricultural sphere: foreign experience

Elena Ustinovich, Mikhail Kulikov, Yuri Vorobev
Today the world is in a new technological trend – the digital transformation. The transition to digital technologies in the world has been going on for several years and covers various sectors of the economy and social production – from the media and tourism to agriculture and health care. In 2017, the...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Influencing Factors and Policy Simulation of Low Carbon Business Behavior of Metallurgy Enterprises in Jiangxi Province

Jun-nan Hu, Shuai-cheng Sun, Yu-lei Wan
As a province with rich resources, Jiangxi Province has many metallurgical enterprises. However, most of Jiangxi metallurgical enterprises' production pattern are not environmentally friendly. The government urgently needs to formulate policies to reduce pollution. This paper uses the method of system...
Proceedings Article

Research of Action Recognition Methods Based on RGB+D Videos

Zhongyin Huang, Wei Chen
In order to solve the problem on making full use of RGB+D dataset that includes RGB data, 3D skeletal data, depth map sequences and infrared videos, this paper proposes an action recognition method of RGB+D videos that merges a multi-layer recurrent neural network and two-stream convolutional networks,...
Proceedings Article

Standard of Green Industry with Green Industry in Go Public Cement Industry

Kukuh Winarso, Moh. Jufriyanto, Astri Putri Dewanti
One of the industrial visions in Indonesia is the realization of an industry that is independent, able to compete and implement the green industry. The Ministry of Industry responded to this by incorporating the green industry as the National Development Master plan in 2015-2035. To take the industry...
Proceedings Article

Properties of Anti-Adjacency Matrix of Cyclic Directed Windmill Graph K ⃗(4,n)

Muhammad Sabili Robbi Solihin, S Aminah, Suarsi Utama
Anti-adjacency matrix is a way to represent a directed graph as a square matrix, whose entries show whether there is a directed edge from a vertex to another one. This paper focuses on the properties of anti-adjacency matrix of windmill graph (4,), such as its characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues....
Proceedings Article

A Bandwidth Efficiency of the Locally Adaptive Compression Method for Hiding Secret Messages

Tzu-Chuen Lu, Chin-Chen Chang
This paper proposes a novel lossless information-hiding scheme that hides information in locally adaptive compressed codes. The scheme is abbreviated as IHLAC for wider the efficiency of the compressed codes. IHLAC is designed for two objectives; one is to compress a text file; the other is to hide secret...
Proceedings Article

A Generic Adaptive Agent Architecture Integrating Cognitive and Affective States and their Interaction

Zulfiqar A. Memon, Jan Treur
In this paper a generic adaptive agent architecture is presented that integrates the interaction between cognitive and affective aspects of mental functioning, based on variants of notions adopted from neurological literature. It is discussed how it addresses a number of issues that have recurred in...
Proceedings Article

On generalizations of weighted means and OWA operators

Bonifacio Llamazares
In this paper we analyze two classes of functions proposed in the literature to simultaneously generalize weighted means and OWA operators: WOWA operators and HWA operators. Since, in some cases, the results provided by these operators may be questionable, we introduce functions that also generalize...
Proceedings Article

Mathematical Model and Simulation of Magnetic Levitation Spherical Driving Joint with Inverse System Decoupling Control

Yang Yanneng, Zeng Li
The paper presents a new magnetic levitation spherical driving joint. It analyses the theory of air-gap magnetic of the driving joint and the mechanism of the generation of the magnetic levitation force and electromagnetic torque which based on the principle of reluctance motor. The mathematical model...
Proceedings Article

Modified iterative sphere decoding algorithm in LTE system

Qin Zhu, Xiao-wen Li
In the long-term evolution (LTE) system, channel equalization makes compensation to restore the original signal, the paper puts forward iteration sphere decoding algorithm which combines traditional sphere decoding and the improved QR based on the conventional QR decomposition detection algorithm. It...
Proceedings Article

Multi-touch intelligent infrared interactive projection system

Liming Wu, Hongna Chen, Dezhi Zeng, Wenjie Li
The system is based on optical principles of the multi-touch technology, multi-touch tracking, gesture recognition and other theories to design a laser pointer through the touch of a finger or a new type of light to operate a computer projection system to achieve low-cost, high-performance multi-touch...
Proceedings Article

Can the Context be Commensurable with the World in Heideggerian Sense?

Ping Qu
Understanding of being as world-disclosure existentially determines both the kind of being of humans and the kind of being of entities which we encounter within the world; this means that understanding of being is essentially equivalent to the human being’s being-in-the-world. The aim of study is to...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Chaos Immune Genetic Algorithm in Sequencing Problem of Sports Meeting

Ying Pan
The sequencing of sports meeting is quite complicated due to the huge number of people and events. A new immune genetic algorithm aiming at solving the sports meeting sequencing problem is proposed in this paper, namely the chaos immune genetic algorithm, which combines the immune algorithm, chaos algorithm...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing the Relevance of Searching Result of Songs’ Information Using Ontology

Muhammad Ihsan JAMBAK, Indah SURYANI, Dedy KURNIAWAN
The crawler and Machine Learning based search engine are not optimal in determining relevant search results. The aim of this research, therefore, is to increase the relevance of search engine results. This design was carried out on a semantic web, using ontology with RDF due to its knowledge representation,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Mutation Mechanism of Victim's Psychology and Behavior after Natural Disaster Based on Catastrophe Theory

Weiwei Zhang, Xuanhua Xu, Bin Pan
Aiming at the problem of victim's rational and irrational behavior during recovery stage in natural disaster, this paper analyzed the victim's psychological and behavioral characteristics and influencing factors during recovery stage based on lots of literatures and an interview with victims. Besides,...
Proceedings Article

On the Cultivation of College Students' English Self-regulated Learning Ability

Zhen Zhou
As the teaching concept of "student-centered" is widely advocated, it has attracted great attention in the educational field. But at present, the self-regulated learning awareness and ability of college students is very weak, which should call our great attention. In order to change the situation, the...
Proceedings Article

Design and research of Wind powergenerati on power controller

Zhi jie Tang, Ping long Liu, Jia li Shen, Jun Luo
Wind energy is a kind of inexhaustible and clean renewable energy. Wind power system has some characters of simple structure, convenient maintenance and easy management, which gets a lot of attention. This paper analyses the composition and the principle of wind power system. Based on variable speed...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Group Dynamics Mechanism on Individual Performance in ESL System

Yifei Weng
In this thesis, group dynamics mechanism in ESL teaching and learning system is researched. First of all connotations and significance of ESL are introduced. And then group dynamics mechanism of ESL system is qualitatively analyzed from the views of system, psychology and behavior, with main viewpoints...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Innovative Talents in Wuhan Industry in the Transformation and Upgrading Period

Zhihong Li
The 12th Five-Year Plan is the important period of the transformation and upgrading of the industry in Wuhan and the time to further lay its foundation. The success in the industrial transformation and upgrading depends on the talents, especially on those with innovative spirits and courage. Aimed at...