Advances in Intelligent Systems Research

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19076 articles
Proceedings Article

Supply chain inventory strategies using fuzzy neural networks

Hui Wee, C. Edward Wang, J. C. Chen, K.-J. Wang, Y.-S. Lin
In the fast-changing business environment, supply chains are affected by the production and inventory strategies, which influence the amount of information needed by the chains. The firms must therefore determine the best supply chain inventory strategies for their products. The lack of precise market...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of a Fuzzy Controller Using Taguchi Methods With Multiple Performance Characteristics

Cheng-Hsiung Chiang, Liang-Hsuan Chen
Fuzzy controllers in general are designed using the experts’ knowledge or human experience in order to decide the settings of a number of system factors. However, the relations between the factors and system performance are not easy to be determined. Usually, more than one system performance characteristic...
Proceedings Article

Bargaining Strategies for Construction Joint Ventures by Fuzzy Logic

Min-Ren Yan, Chien-Liang Lin, Wei Lo
As the modern construction market and environment encounter drastic changes, a single company alone can no longer manage a complex project and satisfy project owner’s needs. Joint venture (JV) of companies, formed to integrate various expertises, becomes a necessity to obtain competitive advantages to...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy Logic Controlled Protocol for WLANs

Chien-Tung Lu, Yu-Sun Liu
A fuzzy logic controlled protocol that enables each station to tune its contention window based on the on-line channel sensing results is proposed for the wireless local area networks. Extensive simulations are provided to compare the performance of the proposed protocol with that of the distributed...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy Modeling with Immune Multi-Objective Algorithm to Optimal Allocate of Capacitors in Distribution Systems

Hsiao Ying-Tung, Tsong-Yau Huang, Chia-Pang Chen, Chih-Han Chang
This work proposes a two-stage immune algorithm that embeds the compromise programming to perform multi-objective optimal capacitor placement. A new problem formulation model that involves fuzzy sets to reflect the imprecise nature of objectives and incorporates multiple planning requirements is presented....
Proceedings Article

Establishing a multiple structures AHP evaluation by extending Hierarchies Consistency Analysis

Yuh yuan Guh, Hui ming Wee, Rong wei Po
The purpose of this paper is to extend the theory of Hierarchies Consistency Analysis (HCA) to establish a multiple structures evaluation model for the AHP. Traditionally, the AHP process is based on a single evaluation hierarchy, according to statistics and group decision theories, a more objective...
Proceedings Article

An SOM-Based Search Algorithm for Dynamic Systems

Yi-Yuan Chen, Kuu-Young Young
The self-organizing map (SOM), as a kind of unsupervised neural network, has been applied for both static data management and dynamic data analysis. To further exploit its ability in search, in this paper, we propose an SOM-based search algorithm (SOMS) for dynamic systems, in which the SOM is employed...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy Information Retrieval Techniques for Help-Seeking System

Yueh-Min Huang, Yen-Hung Kuo, Jim-Min Lin, Yu-Lin Jeng, Juei-Nan Chen
The forum system is useful for knowledge sharing and help-seeking. However, the existed forums are having the same problem such like nobody to answer the given questions. In order to attack the problem, this study proposes a human-expert oriented forum architecture to perform efficient knowledge sharing....
Proceedings Article

Progressive Lane Analysis in the Digital Map using Fuzzy Method

Chia-Ming Chang, Tai-Yu Lin
In this paper, a progressive road analyzes using fuzzy technique is proposed. In this system, only the low cost GPS receivers are used. The road attribute and map are constructed only using the received data.
Proceedings Article

Increasing and Decreasing with Fuzzy Time Series

Ming-Tao Chou, Hsuan-Shih Lee
There is a significant problem associated with the fuzzy time series. That is a strict increasing and decreasing case. Under the discussion case, fuzzy time series model arise a continuous increasing/decreasing forecasting value. From the illustrative example, we can see that our definition not only...
Proceedings Article

The Logic of Uncertainty with Irrational Agents

Boris Kovalerchuk, Germano Resconi
Modern axiomatic uncertainty theories (fuzzy logic, probability theory and others) provide a calculus for manipulating with probabilities, membership functions, and degrees of belief when the initial values such as probabilities of elementary events are already given. These theories do not include a...
Proceedings Article

The use of grey-based Taguchi methods to determine Process Parameter of linear motion guide with Multiple Performance Characteristics

Yung Fa Hsiao, Kuang Yuan Kung, Y.S. Tarng
By the grey-based Taguchi methods, this study attempts to analyze the process parameters pertinent to the multiple performance characteristics of linear motion guides and obtain the multiple performance characteristics of the noise level, push force value and horizontal combination precision of the linear...
Proceedings Article

Speech Classification Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory

Chih-Hsu Hsu, Ching-Tang Hsieh
This paper presents a neuro-fuzzy system to speech classification. We propose a multi-resolution feature extraction technique to deal with adaptive frame size. We utilize fuzzy adaptive resonance theory (FART) to cluster each frame. FART was an extension to ART, performs clustering of its inputs via...
Proceedings Article

Mean Values of Fuzzy Numbers with Evaluation Measures and the Measurement of Fuzziness

Yuji Yoshida
This paper discusses an evaluation method of fuzzy numbers as mean values and measurement of fuzziness defined by fuzzy measures, and the presented method is also applicable to fuzzy random variables and fuzzy stochastic processes in decision making modeling.We compare the measurement of fuzziness and...
Proceedings Article

Application of Hardware Architecture of Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Packet Scheduling

Rong-Hou Wu, Yang-Han Lee, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Hsien-Wei Tseng, Ming-Hsueh Chuang, Yung-Kuang Wang
In Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technologies, the optimal packet scheduling is a common encounter issue in multiple channels network. NP-hard problem deals with finding a way to rearrange packets in multiple channels into a finite and rare channel. Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of the...
Proceedings Article

A Hybrid System with Petri Net and Fuzzy Theory

Rong-Hou Wu, Yang-Han Lee, Yih-Guang Jan, Hsien-Wei Tseng, Ming-Hsueh Chuang, Jheng-Yao Lin
In this paper, we issue a hybrid system, which is integrated with the fuzzy system and Petri net models. We exploit the characteristics, imprecise or ambiguous information, of fuzzy theory to map the algorithm of crisp inputs and outputs, furthermore, model problems, product a nonlinear function, and...
Proceedings Article

Image-Based Fire Detection Using Neural Networks

Wen-Bing Horng, Jian-Wen Peng
An image-based fire detection method using neural networks is proposed in this paper. First, flame color features, based on the HSI color model, are trained by a backpropagation neural network for flame recognition. Then, based on the learned flame color features, regions with fire-like colors are roughly...
Proceedings Article

Urban Traffic Intersection Incident Prediction Using AI Algorithm

Yaguang Kong, Huakui Chen
Automatic incident detection and characterization is urgently require in the development of advanced technologies used for reducing non-recurrent traffic congestion on urban traffic. This paper presents a new method using data mining to identify automatically freeway incidents. As a component of a real-time...
Proceedings Article

Locating Matching Rules by Mining Software Change Log

Ming-Shi Wang, Jung-te Weng
A software system maintenance activity is typically performed under an environment of lacking knowledge about how to process it. This scarcity of knowledge may be caused by various factors, such as the large size and complexity of the systems, high staff turnover, poor documentation and long-term system...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy LP with a Non-Linear MF for Product-Mix solution: A Case-Based Re-modelling and Solution

Sani Susanto, Pandian Vasant, Arijit Bhattacharya, Fransiscus Rian Pratikto
This paper deals with re-modelling of a fuzzy linear programming (FLP) for an optimal product-mix decision problem and its solution. Database of a chocolate exporting company has been used here to show the practicability of using the proposed model. The proposed model includes a non-linear membership...
Proceedings Article

Learning with Hierarchical Quantitative Attributes by Fuzzy Rough Sets

Tzung-Pei Hong, Yan-Liang Liou, Shyue-Liang Wang
This paper proposes an approach to deal with the problem of producing a set of cross-level fuzzy certain and possible rules from examples with hierarchical and quantitative attributes. The proposed approach combines the rough-set theory and the fuzzy-set theory to learn. Some pruning heuristics are adopted...
Proceedings Article

A High-Efficient Image Scalar Algorithm for LCD Signal Processor

Tze-Yun Sung
In this paper, the image scalar algorithm and architecture for LCD monitor and television controller is presented. The program of hardware code is described to explain the proposed algorithm and architecture. The proposed image scalar has been applied on LCD monitor and TV controller or signal processor....
Proceedings Article

Excess Noise Factor of a-Si:H/a-SiC:H Separated Absorption and Multiplication Region Superlattice-like Avalanche Photodiodes (SAM-SAPDs)

Neng-Fu Shih, Huei -Ching Huang, Chung-Yuan Kung, Chun-Chih Chiu, Hong Jyh-Wong
In this paper, an a-Si:H/a-SiC:H separated absorption and multiplication region superlattice avalanche photodiode (SAM-SAPD) is fabricated successfully by using combined effect of band edge discontinuity and build-in potential in p-n junction. We discuss the relationships among excess noise factor (Fe),...
Proceedings Article

Fabrication and characterization of two-dimensional photonic crystal using holographic lithography technology

Kuo-Chang Lo, Mei-Li Hsieh, Yi-Sheng Lan
We propose and demonstrate a holographic system using three beams to generate periodic patterns for fabricating photonic crystals. By properly adjusting the incident angle and intensity of three laser beams, the period and structure of interference pattern can be modified. Computer simulation results...
Proceedings Article

Multicast Wavelength Assignment with Sparse Wavelength Converters to Maximize the Network Capacity using ILP formulation in WDM Mesh Networks

San-Nan Lee
We have studied the multicast routing and wavelength assignment (MC-RWA) problem in this paper, and focused on maximizing the network capacity and minimizing the resources used by a multicast session. We show that a multicast wavelength assignment problem is quite different from a unicast wavelength...
Proceedings Article

90-nm Wideband Optical Amplifier Including an Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and a DCF-based Raman Fiber Amplifier with Gain Clamping and Dispersion Compensation

Chia-Hsiung Chang, Hermann Lin
We have experimentally demonstrated the gain-clamped wideband optical amplifier using a DCF-based Raman amplifier and an semiconductor optical amplifier for 90-nm wide bandwidth amplification with good gain flatness (of 3 dB) as well as dispersion compensation of 10Gb/s DWDM signals over 100-km SMF link....
Proceedings Article

A Key Renewal Scheme under the Power Consumption for Wireless Sensor Networks

Chien Lung Wang, Tzung-Pei Hong, Gwoboa Horng, Wen-Hung Wang
In this paper, we propose a distributed, reliable and low-power-consumed key-renewal scheme for wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme is divided into parts: the server part and the sensor-node part. The server will produce an appropriate key-generation function (KGF) for key renewal on sensor...
Proceedings Article

Optical reconstruction of digital hologram using cascaded liquid crystal spatial light modulators

Mao-Ling Chen, Chau-Jern Cheng, Mei-Li Hsieh
A dynamic optical reconstructed system for digital hologram is developed using two commercially available twisted-nematic-liquid- crystal spatial light modulators (TNLC-SLMs), which are operating in the amplitude- and phase-mostly modulation modes, respectively. The complex modulated properties of this...
Proceedings Article

Grid Reconfigurable Optical Wireless Network (GROW-Net) åÁV A New Hybrid Optical Wireless Access Network Architecture

Wei-tao Shaw, David Gutierrez, Kyeongsoo. Kim, Ning Cheng, Shing-Hwa Wong, Shing-Hwa Yen
In this paper we have proposed the GROW-Net, a novel hybrid optical wireless access network architecture. GROW-Net is designed to provide cost-effective broadband access connections in a highly populated and dense metropolitan area and consists of an optical grid network that provides a broadband backhauling,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of dispersion properties of elliptic air hole photonic crystal fiber

Yuh-Sien Sun, Chau Yuan-Fong, Tsai Din-Ping
The two dimensional with a triangular-lattice cross sectional pattern of elliptic air holes photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is investigated in detail by use of plan wave expansion (PWE) method. Using PWE method, the dependence of dispersion on structure parameters is calculated. We compared the dispersion...
Proceedings Article

Building a Simulation Model of the Currency Basket Peg System

Michiru Kunitomo, Takashi Iba, Hideki Takayasu
This paper presents a institutional framework for the currency basket peg system. After the Asian currency crisis, the needs of seeking adaptive currency system has risen up but the best currency system has not still appeared. In this paper, we propose the model of “the currency basket peg system”. This...
Proceedings Article

Building a Simulation Model of Foreign Exchange Market: Reproduction of Yen Dollar Market

Ayako Usami, Ryunosuke Tsuya, Takashi Iba, Hideki Takayasu
The purpose of this study is to make a basic Foreign Exchange Market Model. It is important to make a simple basic model at first to understand the complex emergence of exchange rate which is caused by various factors. The model is a multiagent-based model, consisting of dealer and speculator. Both agents’...
Proceedings Article

A Final Price Prediction Model for online English Auctions ─ A Neuro Fuzzy Approach

Chin-Shien Lin, Shihyu Chou, Chi-Hong Chen, Tai-Ru Ho, Yu-Chen Hsieh
Markov Chain Model provides a concise mathematical model to describe the online English auction process, converting the complicated interaction between the bidders and auctioneer into a tractable mathematical problem, which is a milestone for researches involved in this area. However, the assumptions...
Proceedings Article

Incorporating Value-at-Risk in Portfolio Selection: An Evolutionary Approach

Chueh-Yung Tsao, Chao-Kung Liu
The mean-variance framework for portfolio selection should be revised when investor’s concern is the downside risk. This is especially true when the asset returns are not normal. In this paper, we incorporate value-at-risk (VaR) in portfolio selection and the mean-VaR framework is proposed. Due to the...
Proceedings Article

Difficulty of cooperation in iterated multi-Prisoner's Dilemma situation-Experimental evidence-

Kazuhito Ogawa, Tetsuya Kawamura, Tatsuya Kikutani, Sobei H. Oda
Using the laboratory experiment and simple multi–Prisoner’s dilemma model, this paper explores the effect of the change in the number of contacts and in the contact (payoff) structure, and then the characteristics of the strategy that leads players to reach mutual cooperation. When the number of contacts...
Proceedings Article

Hybrid Neural Network Bankruptcy Prediction: An Integration of Financial Ratios, Intellectual Capital Ratios, MDA, and Neural Network Learning

Wen-Kuei Hsieh, Shang-Ming Liu, Sung-Yi Hsieh
One purpose of this paper is to propose hybrid neural network models for bankruptcy prediction. The proposed hybrid neural network models are, respecitvely, a MDA model integrated with financial ratios, a MDA model integrated with financial ratios and intellectual capital ratios, a MDA-assisted neural...
Proceedings Article

Detecting and Classifying Emotion in Popular Music

Chia Chu Liu, Yi Hsuan Yang, Ping Hao Wu, Homer Chen
Music expresses emotion. However, analyzing the emotion in music by computer is a difficult task. Some work can be found in the literature, but the results are not satisfactory. In this paper, an emotion detection and classification system for pop music is presented. The system extracts feature values...
Proceedings Article

Fast Occluded Object Tracking Technique with Distance Evaluation

Tsung-Han Tsai, Yuan-Chen Liu, Dung-Mau Chen, Chung-Yuan Lin
Objects in the world exhibit complex interactions.When captured in a video sequence, some interactions manifest themselves as occlusions. A visual tracking system must be able to track objects which are partially or even fully occluded. Occlusion is a difficult problem in target tracking, especially...
Proceedings Article

Novel Silicon-Based Microwave Bandstop Filters for Communication Systems

Yeong-Lin Lai, Pei-Yen Cheng
This paper presents state-of-the-art silicon-based bandstop filters for the realization of microwave system-on-a-chip (SOC) communication systems. The characteristics of the bandstop filters are designed by the adjustment of the geometric dimensions of the filters in order to meet different system requirements....
Proceedings Article

Predicting Technical Investors' Decisions in a Financial Market through Agent-Based Simulation

Yoshiki Kano, Takao Terano
We are developing an artificial stock market model with investor agents in order to analyze characteristics of a market price. In this paper, we analyze the effects of agent’s reaction rate to technical indicators in a financial market. Intensive experiments have suggested that trend follow investor...
Proceedings Article

Enhanced Competitiveness of Multi-Agent System by Special Algorithm

Tin Yau Pang, Kwok Yip Szeto
Resource allocation in the econophysics of competing supermarket chains, modelled as a Multi-Agent System is addressed in the context of finding good method to increase the competitiveness of the company in networked economy. A special swapping algorithm which increased the local clustering effects of...
Proceedings Article

Chain of Firms Bankruptcy

Yoshi Fujiwara
A link in production network is usually a creditor-debtor relationship. If a firm goes into financial insolvency state or bankruptcy, then firms on its upstream can have secondary effect from the bankruptcy. By using the recent 10 years data of bankruptcy in japan, we show that these causes of ``link...
Proceedings Article

A Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming Approach for Vendor Selection in Iron & Steel Enterprise

Yuan Chen, Zhi-Ping Fan, Jun Lv, Jian-Yu Wang
The purpose of this paper is to study vendor selection problem with multi-vendor and multi-item in iron & steel industry. Firstly, the native fuzziness, derived from some uncertainty information, of some parameters in decision-making objectives is analyzed. After that, a fuzzy multiobjective programming...
Proceedings Article

The Prediction for Index Futures Returns and the Relational Analysis of Spillover Effect

Ling-ming Kung, Shang-Wu Yu
This paper adopts the grey prediction methods, to investigate the return and volatility of major index futures among American and Eurasian markets. The grey relational theory and GM(1,N) model are further used to observe the volatility spillover effect and find the main influence factor in the volatility...
Proceedings Article

Algorithms for Indexing Dynamic XML Data

Jeang-Kuo Chen, Jen-Peng Hsu
Some approaches such as path indexing, labeling, and numbering scheme have been proposed in order to facilitate query of XML data. The indexes derived by these approaches must be rebuilt if XML data is updated. The method LSDX (Labeling Scheme for Dynamic XML data) can dynamically add new labels without...
Proceedings Article

A Study of the Performance Evaluation for Airline Operation

Gin-Shuh Liang, Tsung-Yu Chou, Shan-Shan Chuang
Combining the concepts of balanced scorecard, fuzzy set theory and entropy, a systematic fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) for airlines operating performance evaluation is proposed. A hierarchical structure is constructed through the concept of balance scorecard includes four perspectives:...
Proceedings Article

The Distinctiveness of Individuals: Using Knowledge Structures To Represent Research Focuses; The Field of Stem Cell Research

Jonathan Feinstein
Building on the framework presented in The Nature of Creative Development (Stanford U. Press, 2006), I describe an approach for representing researchers' focuses of research activity in a field; the approach is based on use of a knowledge representation framework. Application is made to the field of...
Proceedings Article

A Fuzzy Preference Relations to Service Innovation Project Selection

Tsuen-Ho Hsu, Ling-Zhong Lin
In order to reduce the bias of linguistic recognitions among the group decision makings, this study develops “fuzzy multiple preference model” with two stages to better determining the suitable service innovation. A real numerical application in the chain wholesale has also been demonstrated.
Proceedings Article

Emergence of Overconfidence Investors in Financial Markets

Hiroshi Takahashi, Takao Terano
This research utilizes the Agent-Based Model to clarify microscopic and macroscopic links between investor behavior and price fluctuations in the financial market. This analysis places focus on the role that investors’ overconfidence plays in the financial market. As a result of this analysis, it has...
Proceedings Article

Hidden structure visualization adaptive to human's prior understanding

Yoshiharu Maeno, Ohsawa Yukio
This paper addresses hidden structure visualization adaptive to human’s prior understanding. The degree of understanding is parameterized by temperature used in the human-interactive annealing process along with stable deterministic crystallization algorithm. This adaptive nature is demonstrated with...
Proceedings Article

Image Up-Sampling Using Discrete Wavelet Transform

Ping-Sing Tsai, Tinku Acharya
Image up-sampling is found to be a very effective technique useful in today’s digital image processing applications or rendering devices. In image up-sampling, an image is enhanced from a lower resolution to a higher resolution with the degree of enhancement depending upon application requirements. It...
Proceedings Article

A Maximum Achievement Model for a Interdependent Multi-location Investment Problem Using Goal Programming and Piecewise - Linear Approximation

Cheng-Chang Chang, Chung Yung, Wang
Consider an enterprise that wants to expand its business to multiple cities in global and to be one of well-known multinational enterprises (MNEs). Suppose the MNE hopes each planning investment subsidiary gleans a specific target return within a constant time horizon. Under this premise, this paper...
Proceedings Article

Mobile Agent Migration Strategy using Itinerary Graph and Neural Network

Nripesh Chauhan, Manjeet Singh
Mobile agents (MA) needs to migrate to several host to accomplish its task .Migration strategy is responsible for planning out an optimal migration path ,which ensures mobile agent to complete its task correctly and efficiently at the minimum cost .This paper describe the strategy adopted by a mobile...
Proceedings Article

Performance analysis of DYMO and Bellman Ad hoc Routing Protocol for various Battery models in MANET using Qualnet

It is a challenge area in the field of ad hoc networks to support prioritized routing for time sensitive applications, such as multimedia communications, IP telephony and interactive games. However the existing protocols did not consider the special battery discharging behavior of wireless devices. The...
Proceedings Article

Performence Comparison of DSDV, AODV and DSR for Mobile Ad HOC Network by Varying Network Size

Priyanka Jangir, Saurabh Mishra
Mobile Ad Hoc network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes connected through a wireless link resulting in formation of temporary network without any assistance from existing infrastructure or any kind of centralized administration. The performance of an Ad Hoc network depends on the kind of routing...
Proceedings Article

VHDL Implementation of a prototype switching system

Prashant Rai, Anuj Kumar Sharma, Gaurav Verma, Varun Kumar Kakar
Switching system implies data transmission between two communicating entities. This transmission can be either via trunks or it can be completely wireless, technically termed as Telephone Switching and Mobile switching, respectively. We report the implementation of a switching system using very high...
Proceedings Article

Electricity Generation through Road Ribs using law of Electromagnetic Induction

Parul Bisht, Rajni Rawat
Recognizing the importance of developing renewable energy resources, the Highways Agency commissioned a preliminary scoping study in 2001 to explore available methods and assess the possibility of renewable energy generation being exploited within the highway network. Among the various means of transportation,...
Proceedings Article

Adaptive License Plate Detection

Pramod U. Chavan, Parag Kulkarni, Amit Khandebharad, Dattatray Khope
License plate detection process can be divided in two parts 1] plate extraction, 2] character segmentation. License plate detection relies on illumination conditions, background and mainly on camera resolution. There is absence of any common standard to compare various algorithms for a LPD system, because...
Proceedings Article

Ventricular Premature Beat Detection in ECG using Correlation Techniques

Shahanaz Ayub, J. P. Saini
Correlation techniques are used to find whether the electrocardiogram (ECG) is normal or abnormal. These correlation techniques could be further used to detect the type of abnormality present in the abnormal ECG. Reference ECG signals could be stored for all type of abnormalities and the test ECG signal...
Proceedings Article

Comparative analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna using different substrate and observe effect of changing parameter at 5.4 GHz

Brajlata Chauhan, Sandip Vijay, S.C. Gupta
In this paper, an attempt has been made to design Edge Feed Microstrip , VSWR, phase chactersrtics and observed effect of different parameter by hanging height for all substrate in terms of return losses. The matching act as high radiator for low dielectric and low radiator for high dielectric
Proceedings Article

Analysis of LMS Algorithm in Wavelet Domain

Pankaj Goel, Sonam Rai, Mahesh Chandra, V.K. Gupta
In this paper Time Domain Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm and Wavelet Transform Domain Least Mean Square (WDLMS) algorithm with Daubechies wavelets are used to minimize the undesired noise from speech signals. The performance of this algorithm using different Daubechies wavelets db1, db5 and db10 are...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Static Clustering Scheme for Energy-efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Network

Rakesh Kumar Saini, Sandip Vijay
Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is one of the most popular distributed cluster-based routing protocols in wireless sensor networks. Clustering algorithm of the LEACH is simple but offers no guarantee about even distribution of cluster heads over the network. LEACH doesn’t ensure even...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing Impact of TDMA MAC Framing Structure on Network Throughput for Tactical MANET Waveforms

Bhupendra Suman, LC Mangal, SC Sharma
With the advancement of networking technology it is anticipated to have Internet like functionality in tactical network. However, unlike commercial network the tactical networks operate under severe environment and resources constraints. Moreover, the MANET architecture and shared resources of wireless...
Proceedings Article

Revisit Technology Acceptance Model for Internet Banking (Case Study: Public Banking in Indonesia)

Sevenpri Candra
In nowadays business, online service in Internet Banking is a major concern for managing customer relationship but on the other side, there are several challenges that should be faced by banks when they implement this technology. By using the technology acceptance model, this research was conducted through...
Proceedings Article

An Efficient Heuristic to Solve a Multi-objective Scheduling Problem in a Cloud Environment

Fatima Hassan, Jihene Kaabi
Due to the spread usage of cloud computing and the dramatic increase on resources used by cloud providers such as the data centers, the effect of those resources becomes a major concern of many organizations. Since the huge amount of energy used in those data centers has noticed impact on the world....
Proceedings Article

Statistical Significance of Typhoon Risk and Calculation of the Risk per Year

Chongfu Huang
The risks in terms of statistical significance refer to ones that could be analyzed by using random samples. The typhoon risk in statistics is the average loss caused by typhoons. The risk per year calculated with a stochastic process has more clear physical meaning. Monte Carlo method can not improve...
Proceedings Article

Establishment and Practice of Training Program for Undergraduate Talents of Agricultural Industry

Lijia Xu, Zhiliang Kang
Aiming at training inter-disciplinary agricultural engineering talents with sound theoretical basis and strong practical capacity and focusing on fostering students' consciousness of innovation, engineering capacity and pioneering capacity, we integrated reform of talent training program with requirements...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Assessment in ESL Writing Classroom

Tianshun Miao, Lyu Mian
Based on the Socio-cultural Theory and its key notion of Zone of Proximal Development, this study constructs a Dynamic Assessment writing Framework, which integrates three stages of writing process into the pre-writing – mediation – post-writing dynamic assessment model. The thesis conducts a detailed...
Proceedings Article

The Integration of Critical Thinking Skills into College Students’ Spoken English Classes

Bei Zhang
Solving problems and making worthwhile decisions is valued in our rapidly changing environment today. Nowadays we see students as too often being passive receptors of information and knowledge. Surely students need a guide to weed through the information and not just passively accept it. Students need...
Proceedings Article

A Fault Propagation Model of Embedded Systems Based on Fault Association

Qing Hua Gao, Chang zhen Hu, Kun sheng Wang, Huai Zhi Yan
According to the characteristics of the hardware associated with software in embedded systems, this paper defined a new Fuzzy Petri Nets, and presented a model of embedded systems based on the Fuzzy Petri Nets according to the new definition. Finally, an example showed the specific modeling method and...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Research of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Practice Platform for Students of Industrial Design

Qiulei Du, Liai Pan
In the paper, the construction and measures of innovative and entrepreneurial practice platform for the major of industrial design have been studied, and it have been introduced comprehensively and detailedly how to how to develop their innovative and entrepreneurial abilities. According to the teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Enlightenment of German FH Education to the Cultivation of Applied Talents for Our Country's Local Colleges and Universities

Xiang-feng Guan, Jin-ling Liu
German universities of applied science and technology (FH is the abbreviated form to Fachhochschule) are the new kind of institutions of higher learning to cultivate advanced applied talents in Germany. This essay first introduces the teaching concept, the training goal, the curriculum system, talents...
Proceedings Article

Research on FMCW Radar Signals Processing

Bin Li, Xiaodan Yu
Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar or FMCW radar has obvious advantages on its low emitting power, strong resistance to inference signals, compact in size and high precision, therefore it is becoming widely used for distance and velocity measurement. The resolution of the FMCW radar is largely...
Proceedings Article

On a Graded Inclusion of Bipolar Fuzzy Relations

Ludovic Liétard, Olivier Pivert, Daniel Rocacher
This paper deals with database fuzzy queries in the context where the fuzzy preference conditions involved are of a bipolar nature (the first pole corresponding to a constraint, the second to a wish). More precisely, we consider queries where an inclusion-based condition comes into play (a typical example...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Innovation: Localization and Internationalization of China’s Higher Education

Dengchao Zhou
The chief aim of the paper is to study the major function of higher education in cultural innovation through an analysis of how China’s higher education nationalizes and internationalizes and draws challenges for cultural innovation. The starting points are an original contribution to the understanding...
Proceedings Article

New Proportional Integral Controller for Nth Order Transfer Function Model

Choon Lih Hoo, Chung Chin Yau Edwin, Mohamed Haris Sallehuddin, Nik Mohamed Nik Abdullah
The windup phenomenon in control has results in performance degradation or even system instability. The existing methods manipulate the integral control in their own respective way when saturation occurred in order to bring the system back into the linear region. The proposed new proportional integral...
Proceedings Article

Research on Online Control for Product Development Process

X.Y. Li
for implementing the online control of product development process in Micro-Plant, an integration control platform is proposed based on web service technology. Professional software such as G2, GAMS, Matlab, are wrapped as web services based on multi-agent technology, and the web service named Data_Service...
Proceedings Article

Role of Education of People in Charge of Facilities Producing Pastry in Avoiding the Use of Food Colors

Fereshteh Farzianpour, Shayan Hosseini, Shadi Hosseini, Seyed Shahab Hosseini
Training of foodstuff producers as a group effective on the quality of food materials is an important factor in achievement of food safety. This was an analytical interven-tional study, which was performed in a cross-sectional manner in 10 months. The target population consist-ed of 180 individuals in...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Motivation on Ego Depletion in College Athletes

Lihong Sun
The negative effects of ego-depletion may cause the reduction of effort and performance of consecutive task, it’s important for college student to develop coping method to counteract ego-depletion and minimize the negative effects. Present research, based on former research, investigate the influence...
Proceedings Article

Grotesque and Gaudy World of Music, Indispensable Narrative Pen- Study on The Narrative Strategy of Modern Chinese Pop Songs’ Lyrics

Chunjing Zhang
Since the 1990s, the creation of pop songs’ lyrics has undergone a lot of changes, transforming from the past emphasis on inner expression to frequent use of narration. Thus, the grotesque and gaudy world of music, concentrating on creators ’narrative pen, unfolds vividly. Some important narrative strategy...
Proceedings Article

Data Mining in Cloud Computing

Xia Geng, Zhi Yang
Mining is a process of extracting potentially useful information from raw Data, so as to improve the quality of the information service. With the rapid development of the Internet, the size of the data has increased from KB level to TB even PB level; The object of data mining is also more and more complicated,...
Proceedings Article

Multivalued Fuzzy Logics: A Sensitive Analysis

Pablo Michel Marin Ortega, Rafael Espín Andrade, Jorge Marx Gómez
The main goal of this research is develop a sensitive analysis (SA) among some fuzzy operators, to ask the question: which is the most robustness fuzzy operators The fuzzy operators consider in this study are: Zadeh operators, Probabilistic operators and finally the compensatory fuzzy logic operators:...
Proceedings Article

Artwork E-Marketing---- New Paradigm of the Artwork Marketing in New Media Era

Yanli Li
As a new research perspective and method in the field of art marketing, artwork E-marketing is dramatically changing the forefront of theoretical research. Focused on the research of artwork E-marketing, with the new media era as the research background, starting from the essence of marketing, the evolution...
Proceedings Article

A QoS-based service composition optimization method

Wang Xiaolong, Zou Peng, He Jun, Wang Peng, Chen Liang
With the development of web services technology, service composition gradually call people's attention, and how to improve the efficiency of Web service composition is the focus of research. In this paper, in order to improve the QoS (i.e., Quality of Service) of composition service, first of all using...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Financial Information of Charity Foundations on Donations: An Empirical Test

Xiaoxia Xie, Yonghong Ding
Public officials have recently sought increased regulations of financial disclosure of charitable organizations as a means of improving charity transparency .One subject of this study is to examine whether it exists some important financial information affecting donations to charitable foundations. Further,...
Proceedings Article

Blind Identification and Digital Calibration of Volterra Model Based on Least Mean Square Method

Peng Liang, Haihua Deng, Ming Chen
Nonlinear distortions and memory effect of broadband receiver’s front-end are canceled out simultaneously using a digital post-calibration technique based on Volterra model. This paper develops a least mean squared blind identification criterion for the measurement of the model parameters without prior...
Proceedings Article

Architectures of Delay Line ADC and Delay Cells for Digital DC-DC Converters

Chuang Wang, Zunchao Li, Yuanfa Wang, Zhicong Miao
A survey and classification of architectures is presented in this paper for delay line ADC and its delay cells targeting digital control of DC-DC converters. Previously presented designs are identified as particular cases of the proposed classification. In order to optimize occupied area and power consumption,...
Proceedings Article

Double digital watermarking algorithm based on SVD - DFT technologies

Shao-hua Zheng, Cai Yun Xu, Xiao-gen Pei
In view of the current most based on Fourier transform domain method, its resist geometric attacks performance is very good, the embedded information is also big, but there are shearing attack ability is bad problems, and put forward a kind of based on singular value decomposition and discrete Fourier...
Proceedings Article

Methodological assumptions made in research into the benefits of ecosystem services in protected areas in the suburbs of Wroc aw, Poland

Beata Raszka, Kalbarczyk Eliza
This paper presents the methodological assumptions made in research into ecosystem services in communes near the city of Wroc aw which lie within the protected areas of landscape parks and are subject to suburbanization. These ecosystem services were categorized as follows: services to humans (pati),...
Proceedings Article

The Research on Core Competence of Furniture Company

Liwen Liu
Chinese furniture industry has beco- me the world's furniture manufacturing center after a rapid period of development in the past 25 years. China also has become the world's largest furniture pr- oduction and export country. However, most of the furniture enterprise haven’t strong competitiveness. How...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Algorithm for Duplication-Loss Problem Based on NNI Local Search

Hui Wang, Daming Zhu
The duplication-loss problem is to infer a species supertree from a collection of gene trees that are confounded by complex histories of gene duplication and loss events. The decision variant of this problem is NP-complete. The utility of this NP-hard problem for large-scale phylogenetic analyses has...
Proceedings Article

Systemic Risks and Resilience of Global Financial Networks

Akira Namatame, Kiyotaka Ide
The current financial crisis has triggered research interests on financial networks, since the linkages created by liabilities among banks and other financial institutions play a crucial role, but they are poorly understood. Understanding the structures of financial networks holds the key to understanding...
Proceedings Article

Aviation Wiring Networks Fault Modeling and Simulation Based on Reflectometry

Xudong Shi, Chengzong Liu, Yulei Xu, Zhangang Yang
This paper presents a method to model and simulate the aviation branched wiring networks. According to the characteristics of the wiring networks faults, establishing a mathematical model of the branched wiring networks faults based on the reflectometry. Simulation reveals the propagation of high-frequency...