Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2367 articles
Proceedings Article

The Bioinformatics Analysis in the Whole Genome mtDNA Sequence of Chickens (Gallus gallus)

Suhardi Suhardi, Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra, Rofik Rofik, Servis Simanjuntak, Khoiru Indana, Ari Wibowo
Chicken is important livestock in the world that is kept for egg and meat productions. This study was aimed to perform a bioinformatics analysis in the whole genome mtDNA (16,979 bp) of many chicken breeds. Total 84 whole-genome mtDNA sequences were used in this study and obtained from the reference...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Microbiology Textbook on the Microorganism Classification Subject for Biology Students of Universitas Negeri Padang Using Science Technology Society (STS) Approach

Putri Islamiah Suci, Dwi Hilda Putri
Initial investigations obtained reference data used by the students so far have been taken from a microbiology book with a long publication year. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the students felt the benefits of studying microbiology in daily life, but the students’ references did not support...
Proceedings Article

Small Pelagis Fisheries Productivity in Coast of the Sunda Strait of Banten Province

Ririn Irnawati, Hery Sutrawan Nurdin, Adi Susanto, Fahresa Nugraheni Supadminingsih, Dini Surilayani, Asep Hamzah
Banten Province has a very strategic position because it has unique water characteristics because the borders are direct with the Indian Ocean and the Java Sea, and the mixing of water masses in the Sunda Strait. These conditions make the waters as a center of fishing activity, especially pelagic fish....
Proceedings Article

The Adaptability of Six Introduced Shorea spp. to the Community Forest in Sleman, Yogyakarta

Sapto Indrioko, Widiyatno, Birowo Aji Wicaksono
Dipterocarp species dominated tropical rain forests in Kalimantan. Shorea is one of the genera with the highest number of species. It supported the diversity of characters between species, including the possibility to develop outside their natural habitat as exotic species. The prospect of developing...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Storage Time to the Leather Microstructure due to Collagenolytic Bacteria Activity

Novita Kurniawati, Viagian Pastawan, Ragil Yuliatmo, Yuny Erwanto, Ambar Pertiwiningrum
Raw skin is the common primary material that used in the leather tannery. As an organic material, leather has a risk of microstructure damage from microorganisms. Although the tannery process uses several chemicals and actions to prevent its damage, the long storage time of leather can provide opportunities...
Proceedings Article

Pine Based Blend Essential Oil Did Not Reduce Methane Production But Increase Organic Matter Digestibility On Ruminal Feed Fermentation In Vitro

Asih Kurniawati, Muhlisin Muhlisin, Chusnul Hanim, Muhsin Al Anas
This research was done to investigate the effect of blend essential oil EOs1 with pine (Pinus merkusii; Jungh. and de Vriese) essential oil as the main component on feed nutrient digestibility and methane production. Blend essential oil consist of pine and eucalyptus (Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) essential...
Proceedings Article

Selections and Egg Characteristics of Village Chicken Crossing with Pelung-Crossed Chickens

Takdir Saili, La Ode Nafiu, Rusli Badaruddin, Syamsuddin
Improving the productivity of village chickens (KP) can be done by crossbreeding using chicken that has high productivity, such as pelung chicken or pelung-crossed chicken (PS). In this study, three mating systems were applied, namely the mating between PS hens and PS roosters, KP hens and PS roosters,...
Proceedings Article

Verification of the Implementation of Land Cover Technology with Plastic Mulch for Control of White Grubs Lepidiota stigma Fabricius in Sugarcane

Dwi Adi Sunarto, Subiyakto
Plastic mulch is one of the cultural practices that can be applied to control white grubs Lepidiota stigma Fabricius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in sugarcane. The strategy needs to be tested for its effectiveness in the broader area before it is disseminated to farmers or other users. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Activity Against Propionibacterium acnes of n-Hexane Fractions from Siam Weed Leaves (Chromolaena odorata)

Irawan Wijaya Kusuma, Rahmini, Enih Rosamah, Supomo, Harlinda Kuspradini
The present study aims to separate the active fractions from the n-hexane extract of Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata (L) R.M. King & H. Rob) leaves with potential as the antiacne agent. The present work includes isolation of active fractions guided by antiacne assay against Propionibacterium acnes...
Proceedings Article

Remediation of Lead Contaminated Paddy Field Using Ramie Plants Combined with Bioremediation Agents and Inorganic Fertilizer

Sutami, R Rosariastuti, Purwanto
Industrial waste containing heavy metals which used for wetland irrigation will affect the heavy metals content in the soil. The accumulation of heavy metals in the soil may result in reducing microbial activity, soil fertility, soil quality and heavy metals compounds in agricultural products. Agricultural...
Proceedings Article

Deep Learning for Lymphoma Detection on Microscopic Images

Ammar Ammar, Irfan Tito Kurniawan, Resfyanti Nur Azizah, Hafizh Rahmatdianto Yusuf, Antonius Eko Nugroho, Ghani Faliq Mufiddin, Isa Anshori, Widyawardana Adiprawita, Hermin Aminah Usman, Okky Husain
Early lymphoma diagnosis is essential to improve the patients’ survival rate and avoid irreversible damage. Immunohistochemistry-based lymphoma diagnostics is an expensive and time-consuming process, especially in developing countries with limited resources. Image-based lymphoma diagnostics might serve...
Proceedings Article

Influence of 660 and 830 nm Laser Irradiation on Genetic Profile of Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Diabetic Wounded Human Skin Fibroblast Cells

N.N. Houreld
The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides tissue structural integrity and its synthesis plays a crucial role in wound healing. Impaired wound healing ensues following the destruction of the ECM, or the inhibition of its synthesis. An imbalance in ECM synthesis and degradation is seen in patients with diabetes....
Proceedings Article

The Distilled Characteristics Analysis of Olive Brandy

Ji-Tian Song, Xi Chen, Hong Kan, Wen-Chao Wang, Yu-Chen Song, Wei Tian
There will be a lot of fragrant component loss and damage in the distillation process of olive brandy, which influences the quality of brandy seriously. In order to obtain good quality brandy, the effects of different distillation temperature are studied. It is found that the most suitable temperature...
Proceedings Article

Isolation of Good-Quality RNA from Rosa chinensis, Rich in Secondary Metabolites

Yong Zhang, Yunting Zhang, Haoru Tang
Rosa chinensis is being widely investigated because of its extremely high ornamental value and commercial value. Scientists have entered the molecules for its researching level. Extraction of high quality RNA is a primary and key step towards undertaking molecular biology experiments, which is often...
Proceedings Article

Tongue Characteristics of Different TCM Syndromes on Asthma

Sijing WANG, Zhaoxia XU, Yiqin WANG
Asthma is kind of disease affecting quality of life. Different TCM asthma types have different characteristics.TCM tongue images can be objective indexes for asthma TCM differentiation and therapeutic evaluation. More and more modern technique and analysis methods are used to discuss meaning of tongue....
Proceedings Article

Critical Assessment of Factors Negatively Impacting on Effective Participation of Women in Key Leadership Roles in Nigeria: A Study of Abia State

J. U. Philips, N. E. Okoronkwo, V. Benson-Eluwa
Issues relating to gender and leadership, especially the female gender, in key leadership roles has remained a crucial subject matter in contemporary politics and leadership discourse. The study critically assessed the factors that tend to negatively impact on effective participation of women in key...
Proceedings Article

Antitumor Effect and Immune Regulation of the Pingyan Capsule on Lewis Lung Cancer Cells in Vivo

Na LI, Yan LI, Tian-yu LIU
Objective: we investigated the function of Pingyan capsule on antitumor and immune regulation in Lewis lung cancer tumor-bearing mice. Methods: mice were randomly divided into normal control group, model group, positive control group, high, medium and low dose Pingyan capsule groups. Lewis lung carcinoma...
Proceedings Article

The Diversification Use of Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) in Banten Local Food

Evi Amelia, Indria Wahyuni, Pipit Marianingsih
Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) is a very potent plant because many of its parts, like leaves, flowers, and seeds, can be useful for culinary purposes. This study aims to explore and inventory the use of melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) in Banten Province, specifically the use in Banten local food. The research was carried...
Proceedings Article

Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies for the Evaluation of Laccase Mediated Biodegradation of Triclosan

G. Ranimol, C. B. Devipriya, Swetha Sunkar
Triclosan (TCA) is an antibacterial and antimicrobial compound that is incorporated into toothpaste, soap, and liquid dishwasher. Continuous TCA exposure may contribute to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the microbiome. Triclosan also reacts to form dioxins, which bioaccumulate and...
Proceedings Article

Cheese Yield and Texture Acceptance of Probiotic Feta Reduced Fat Cheese (using Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, and Lactobacillus casei)

Tridjoko Wisnu Murti, B. J. Puspitasari, N. D. Pratiwi, Y. Aranda, M. E. W. Pradana
The study was conducted to measure cheese harvest and texture acceptance of Probiotic feta reduced-fat Feta cheese. Reduced-fat milk (50% Fat) from Peranakan Ettawa (PE) goat in Special Region of Yogyakarta. They have added Lactobacillus acidophilus (T1), Bifidobacterium longum (T2), Lactobacillus casei...
Proceedings Article

Phenomena and Real Conditions of Farmers in Pacitan

Adi Budiwan, Syarif Imam Hidayat, Sri Tjondro Winarno, Indra Tjahaja Amir
Pacitan Regency has the authority to organize government and development, as well as provide services to the community, has good authority to manage, plan, and optimally utilize the regional economic potential. To meet the needs of people in general, they depend on the agricultural sector. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Study of Reservoir Effect on Water Dynamics in the Main Channel of Belanti I Lowland Irrigation Area

Irfan Setiawan Zay, Bambang Triatmodjo, Azwar Maas
The Belanti I lowland irrigation area is a lowland development area built in the 1980s through the Tidal Rice Field Development Project (P4S). Currently, the land functioned for agriculture is only 1.211 hectares out of 3.392 hectares. These conditions are caused by unfulfilled water and soil quality...
Proceedings Article

Strategy Propagation of Coffea arabica L. by Tissue Culture Techniques

Rizka Amaliah R. Maruka, Meryany Ananda, Eny Yuniati, Asri Pirade Paserang
The research of in vitro callus induction on arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) with 2.4 D, BAP, and NAA, was conducted in Biotechnology and Genetics Laboratory, Tissue Culture Unit, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Tadulako University. The purpose of this research...
Proceedings Article

Glycoconjugate Residues Type in Endometrium Aceh Cattle (Bos indicus) During Estrus Cycle

Muhammad Jalaluddin, Teguh Budipitojo, Dwi Liliek Kusindarta, Fajar Shodiq Permata, Priyo Sambodo, Hamny Hamny, Sri Wahyuni, Mustafa Sabri, Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Erdiansyah Rahmi, Awaluddin Awaluddin
The ability of aceh cattle to reproduce in extreme environments is thought to be supported by their reproductive system. This research was conducted to study the reproductive system of Aceh cattle by identifying the types and distribution of glycoconjugates in the endometrium of Aceh cattle at various...
Proceedings Article

Sperm Quality of Hybrid Chicken Affected by Propolis, Honey, or Royal Jelly as Organic Diluent Materials and Storage Periods during Sperm Preservation

M. Aman Yaman, Muhammad Aulia Reza, Agus Nashri Abdullah, Yunasri Usman, Hendra Koesmara
The increasing population programs of cross-breeding chickens (hybrid chickens) need to be supported by breeding strategies that depends on artificial insemination programs (AIP). Sperm diluent is one of the important factors that support the survival of spermatozoa during the implementation of AIP....
Proceedings Article

Application of Logistic Model to Root Growth of Vegetables under Drip and Mist Irrigation

Murtiningrum Murtiningrum, Ilham Nawan Rasyid, Lia Christyaningrum, Erlina Fahrunisa, Ngadisih Ngadisih
Mathematical model uses a set of mathematical equation to represent of a system. In agriculture, one of the functions of mathematical models is to predict crop growth. The objective of this paper was to apply the logistic model to root growth of three types of vegetables, namely water spinach, mustard,...
Proceedings Article

Simulation of Excess Nutrient Solution Volume of Greenhouse Cucumber Under Soilless Culture

Jing Hu, Guopeng Chen, Xinhao Gao, Chunyun Zhang, Yifang Wen
The prediction of excess nutrient solution volume was an essential part of re-used of nutrient solution system, and it was determined by volume of irrigation, substract, crop development stage and water content of substract. In order to found simulation model of excess nutrient solution volume, experiments...
Proceedings Article

Rationalization of the range of medicines for the treatment of patients with diabetes (on the example of the Tyumen region)

Alexandra Egorova, Olga Knysh, Ksenia Vikulova, Yulia Rodina, Yulia Latypova, Viktoria Melnikova
The significant importance for preventive measures of early disability of patients with diabetes belongs to drug treatment of underlying and concomitant disease, that must be provided by high –value medicines timely and in full volume. In this regard, it is important to find ways to improve the quality...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Relation between Thermal Oxidation Kinetics of Raw Constant Viscosity Natural Rubber and Ageing Characteristics of Its Vulcanizate

Bei-Long Zhang, Hong-Hai Huang, Wei-Yong Deng, Li Ding, Yong-Zhou Wang, Ping-Yue Wang
Thermal oxidation kinetics of raw constant viscosity natural rubber (CVNR) prepared with fresh natural rubber (NR) latex containing several difference viscosity stabilizers was studied. The comparison with the ageing characteristics of hot oxygen (hot air), ozone and light oxygen (ultraviolet light)...
Proceedings Article

Optimal Thickness and Heating Time Based on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Densified Sengon Board

Iskandar, Edy Budiarso, Isna Yuniar Wardhani, Agus Sulistyo Budi
Sengon is classified as low density wood. It is widely planted in the plantation forest so that it has a high potency for industry. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the strength of its wood through densification as one way. The results showed that fluctuation in water-content reduction were only...
Proceedings Article

Ethnobotany Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith (Cikala) in Ethnic Gayo

Saudah, Fitmawati, Dewi Indriyani Roslim, Zumaidar, Darusman, Ernilasari
Etlingera is a genus of medicinal plants originating from the Indo-pacific region. Traditionally, people have used the Etlingera plant as a culinary ingredient, food flavouring, and also as traditional medicine. Gayo tribal people know Etlingera elatior by the name cikala. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Prepartum Zinc Supplementation in Dairy Cows and Its Effect on Plasma Calcium, Titers Antibodies and Milk Zinc Content in Postpartum Dairy Cow

Novi Mayasari, Ahmad Fizri Afriandana, Endang Yuni Setyowati, Lia Budimulyati Salman
The plane of energy nutrient and supplementation of mineral fed to cows in the prepartum period has been shown to influence energy status, immune response, and metabolic health. However, the effect of supplementation of essential mineral like Zn in the diet on plasma titers antibodies and mineral status...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of User Center Design (UCD) in Achieving Design by Focusing on End Users in the Caribi Mobile Application

Heni Sulastri, Rahmi Nur Shofa, Andri Ulus Rahayu, Nurul Hiron
The industrial revolution 4.0 does not only have an impact on changes in technological culture in the fields of industry, agriculture and animal husbandry also have a significant impact. The application of technology in the field of animal husbandry can assist farmers in maximizing the results of their...
Proceedings Article

Empowering Communities of Mango Agribusiness in North Lombok, Indonesia

Zainuri Zainuri, Taslim Sjah
System and sub systems of mango agribusiness in North Lombok, Indonesia have not fully worked well. One of the parts of the weaknesses is on the human side, i.e. the entrepreneurs of the mango agribusiness. Therefore actions need to be taken to this human capital to be empowered with necessary skills...
Proceedings Article

Blends of Poly (L-Lactic Acid) and Glucose Prepared from Mixture Solution

Dan CAO, Qinwei GAO, Yinping ZHAO, Wei MING
Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) and glucose (Glu) were respectively dissolved in N, N-dimethyl acetamide to prepare solutions. The blends of PLLA and glucose with various ratios were prepared by mixed solution method, and characterized with infrared Fourier transform spectrometry, differential scanning calorimetry,...
Proceedings Article

The Performance of a Modified Dehumidifier Drying Machine for Peanut Seeds (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Drying

Bambang Susilo, Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, Retno Damayanti, Pipit Elok Nikmatus Sholikah
The amount of peanut consumption in Indonesia has increased while panut production is still insufficient, so it must be imported. Domestic peanut production is caused by several factors such as seed quality, soil conditions, fullfillment of nutrient need and other. One of strategy to increase peanut...
Proceedings Article

Genetic Diversity of Cogongrass [Imperata Cylindrica (L.) Raeusch] in Java Island Based on psbA-trnH IGS

Murni Dwiati, Talita Ade Novita Dewi, Agus Hery Susanto
Cogongrass [Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch] is a wild plant species widely distributed throughout various tropical and subtropical regions. The wide distribution may lead to genetic differences among the species populations, which can be analyzed using particular molecular markers showing high mutation...
Proceedings Article

A Review: TSS (True Shallot Seed) Development in Indonesia and Its Health Benefit

Adriyanita Adin, Rohim Firdaus, Haerudin Haerudin, Fatkhu Rokhman, Asep Harpenas
With annually 145,000 ha cultivated area, shallot is widely used in Indonesian daily cuisine and therefore an important crop for farmers and consumers in Indonesia. Bulb propagation for many years resulted in yield reduction. Alternatively, True Shallot Seed (TSS) has many advantages to offer as lower...
Proceedings Article

Natural Science Higher Order Thinking Skills Analysis of Junior High School Students

Rahmawati Darussyamsu, Satri Vani Karisfa, Fitri Arsih, Fatma Rahmadhani
The 2013 curriculum is learning curriculum that emphasizes higher-order thinking skills, besides learning activities also by training students with questions based on high-level thinking skills, namely by Trends in International Mathematics and Sciences Study (TIMSS). The application of high-level thinking...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Flower and Fruit of Sugar Palm in Pandegelang and Serang Districts, Banten Province

Nurmayulis Nurmayulis, Susiyanti Susiyanti, Meilani Yusi, Ismingsih Sulastri
Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata Merr,) has a high economic value and have the potential to export and can be processed into various food and non-food products. Sugar palm is a versatile tree because all parts of the tree can be used, such as a trunk, palm sap, leaves, etc. Characterization of local sugar...
Proceedings Article

Tree Diversity on The Ultrabasic Soil in the Wallacea Region

Ramadanil Pitopang, Moh. Iqbal, Muhammad FRMS Saleh, Mahfudz
We presented tree diversity on the ultramafic soils in Tojo Una-una district, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The research was carried out from March to July 2022. This study aims to determine the diversity of tree species at the study site using the single plot method with plot size 50m × 50m, which is...
Proceedings Article

The Potency of Red Betel (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav.) Methanolic Extract as α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase Inhibitor

Yustina Sri Hartini, Dewi Setyaningsih
Methanol is an effective menstruum for attracting compounds with various pharmacological activities from Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav. Several studies reported that laboratory tests for reducing blood sugar content of red betel extract such as aqueous, ethanolic, and ethyl acetate extracts. This study...
Proceedings Article

Effort to Reduce Fat and Cholesterol of Quail Eggs Using Citronella Oil in Feed

Elly Tugiyanti, Soegeng Herijanto
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of citronella oil supplementation in feed on fat and cholesterol levels of quail eggs (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The materials used were 100 female quail Coturnix-coturnix japonica, quail commercial feed, commercial citronella oil. The design used...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Soil Amelioration on Photosynthetic Physiology and Soil Respiration of Blueberry

Xia Qiu, Yun-Peng Zhang, Kai-Li Chen, Zhi-Hui Wang, Xun Wang
The best soil for blueberries is a sandy loam that is well drained and contains lots of organic matter. And soil for blueberries should also be acidic. In order to modify the crop land to be fit for blueberry growth, we added several soil conditioners, peat, manure, commercial fertilizer slag, sawdust,...
Proceedings Article

Potential Productivity Analysis of the Timiryazevskaya 42 New Spring Triticale Cultivar at Nitrogen Fertilizer Application

Ekaterina Enzekrei, Olga Schuklina, Alexandr Soloviev, Sergey Zavgorodniy, Olga Ermolenko, Alexandr Polkhovskiy, Irina Voronchihina
In this work we bring the results of the new Timiryazevskaya 42 triticale cultivar potential productivity analysis at different amount of nitrogen fertilizer application. Field experiments held in between 2016 and 2018 on podzol soil showed that increase of fertilizer dose led to the increased yield...
Proceedings Article

Scabies Vaccine as a New Breakthrough for the Challenge of Acaricides Resistance

Aryani Adji, Laurentius J M Rumokoy, Christina L Salaki
Scabies is first recorded as far back as 2500 years ago and considered as an ancient disease. It affects around 300 million people every year around the world, and its prevalence is as high as around 60% in children. Several amount of drugs have been used for the disease treatment, but conventional therapy...
Proceedings Article

Metabolome profile of osmotolerant rhizobacteria under osmotic stress

T A Surya, O Palupi, T Yuwono, Ngadiman, S Wedhastri
An osmotolerant rhizobacteria (Enterococcus flavescens), isolated from the weed rhizosphere, has been subjected to osmotic stress in broth media supplemented with varied concentrations of glucose and sodium chloride (NaCl). The aims of this work was to evaluate the cells’ response and obtain a comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

Inventory List of Epiphytic Lichens Inhabiting Low and High Altitude Environment

Asmida Ismail, Aini Nadhirah Nor Azian, Nur Syafiqah Abd Hakim, Faezah Pardi, Khairul Adzfa Radzun, Faeiza Buyong, Nurul Aida Kamal Ikhsan
Lichens, taxonomically classified as lower plants due to their basic morphological traits, are easily affected by climate. Interactions between microclimatic factors such as temperature and humidity are particularly important in determining local differences in lichen species composition and coverage....
Proceedings Article

Whey Valorisation of Probiotic Fermented Milk

Nur Laili Ma’rufah, Trijoko Wisnu Murti, Z Nurhanifah, M Devina
Cheese making process produces whey as its by-product in which contains valuable nutrients. Whey has the potential to be utilized to reduce pollution to the environment. This study aims to compare acidity (titration), pH (pH meter), viscosity (viscometer), and volatile compounds (GC-MS) of fermented...
Proceedings Article

Identifying the Sulfate Ion Binding Residues in Proteins

Shao-bo LI, Xiu-zhen HU, Li-xia SUN, Xiao-jin ZHANG
Many proteins function execution depends on the process of protein and ligand interact with each other. The identification of ligand binding residues is important for the research of the protein function. The 4442 protein chains with
Proceedings Article

Business Model Strategy for Utilization of Pregelatinized Cassava Flour (PCF) by Micro-Small-Medium Enterprise (MSME)

I Putu Wardana, Endang Yuli Purwani, Saktyanu Kristyantoadi Dermoredjo, Mutaqin, Bambang Sayaka, Sahat M. Pasaribu, Renny Rochani, Erliana Ginting, Dian Adi Anggraeni Elisabeth
Micro-Small-Medium Enterprise (MSME) Siengkong as a start-up that utilizes PCF for producing bakery and noodle needs to optimize existing opportunities. Lack of intensive marketing seems to be a crucial challenge in running the MSME Siengkong. This study aimed to analyze the existing value chain, to...
Proceedings Article

Production and Fatty Acid Content of Friesian Holstein Crossbred’s Milk Fed Fermented Completed Feed or Silage as Forage Replacement

Cuk Tri Noviandi, Zeka Septa Riyadi, Ristianto Utomo, Ali Agus, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Abdul Razak Alimon, Andriyani Astuti
This research was intended to determine the effect of replacing forage with fermented completed feed or silage on milk production and fatty acids of Friesian Holstein Crossbred. This research used 6 of 3rd – 6th month lactating cows in average weight of 386.2±30.3 kg. The study consisted of 3 dietary...
Proceedings Article

Technical Performance Evaluation of Rice Transplanter Prototype for “Tapak Macan” on Planting Arm and Seedling Tray Mechanism

Gigieh Henggar Jaya, Radi, Alfitra Widya Yubastama, Amiq Nurul Azmi, Bambang Purwantana
Rice cultivation is an effort made by humans to meet basic food needs. However, the world’s population growth continues to increase, so it is necessary to improve the cultivation quality to meet these needs. Researchers have developed many cultivation methods to meet these needs, one method discovered...
Proceedings Article

Bioinformatics Analysis of the Glucosyltransferase Gene (UGT74B1) in Cabbage (Brassica Oleracea Var. Capitata)

Bo Sun, Min Jiang, Qiao Yuan, Fen Zhang, Haoru Tang
UGT74B1 is an important glucosyltransferase enzyme in glucosinolate biosynthesis. Here, the Brassica oleracea var. capitata UGT74B1 (BocUGT74B1) gene sequence was obtained from Brassica database (BRAD), and preformed for bioinformatics analysis. The BocUGT74B1 gene mapped to chromosomes 5, and contains...
Proceedings Article

Crystallization of the Racemic Conglomerate and Racemic Compound of Efonidipine

Linyuan ZHU, Zhanjun LI, Yuzhen YU, Wen LI
Efonidipine is a dual blocker of T-type and L-type calcium channels with 1, 4-dihydropyridine structure attached to a phosphonate skeleton. As a chiral compound, it has a special property that can exist as a racemic conglomerate or a racemic compound based on the different crystallization conditions....
Proceedings Article

Study of Cerebellum Structure and Histomorphometry of Local Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) Before and After Hatching

Arief Maulana, Dian Masyitha, Muslim Akmal, Sri Wahyuni, Zainuddin, Rosmaidar
Cerebellum is an organ that plays an important role in controlling and coordinating motoric nerves and maintaining body balance. This study aimed to observe the histological and histomorphometric structures of the cerebellum in native chickens before and after hatching. The samples of this study were...
Proceedings Article

Preference of Simpai (Presbytis melalophos melalophos) on Forage Plant Types in Bukit Daun Protevted Forest of Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency

Serly Rahmadinie, Rizwar, Darmi
Sumatran Simpai has a preference for certain forage plant varieties in their habitat. Preference is a result of all factors determining the animals’ interest level in their food. Generally, the preferred food is affected by its taste, smell, and colour. The study aimed to find Sumatran Simpai’s (Presbytis...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Bacterial Cellulose Composite–Gardenia Leaf Extract (Gardenia Jassminoides J. Ellis) with Addition of Crosslinker

Muhammad Iqbal, Ananda Putra, Ali Amran, Elsa Yuniarti
Bacterial cellulose (BC) can be applied in various fields such as biomedical, separation membranes, artificial blood vessels, and substrates for cartilage tissue engineering. BC still has low mechanical properties, so a bacterial cellulose composite was formed with Gardenia Leaf Extract (BC-GLE) to obtain...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Tonifying Kidney and Spleen, Detoxification of Throat Method to MMP-9,TIMP-1 of IgA Nephropathy Model Rat

Di Zou, Yinping Wang, Tianying Chang, Shoulin Zhang
Purpose:To study the method of tonifying kidney and spleen, detoxification of throat in treatment of IgA nephropathy. Methods:72 Wistar rats were randomly divided into blank group, model group, Lotensin group, tonifying the kidney and spleen, detoxification of method of high, medium and low dose group...
Proceedings Article

The Depreciation Costs of Hand Tools in Paddy Farming in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Farmers own and use hand tools in paddy farming. Although they are not always purchased in every planting season, hand tools’ depreciation is still considered a cost. This study’s objectives were to calculate and identify the factors affecting the variation of depreciation costs among paddy households....
Proceedings Article

Coconut Shell Biochar, Rhizobium and NPK Fertilizer Increased Soil Chemical Properties and NPK Uptake of Edamame in Inceptisol Tempuran, Magelang, Indonesia

Yulita Windi Nuraini, Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami, Cahyo Wulandari
This study aims to determine the effect of coconut shell biochar, Rhizobium, and recommended doses of Urea+TSP 36+KCl fertilizer on changes in soil chemical properties and NPK nutrient uptake of edamame plants. Soil sampling was carried out at the beginning before treatment and at harvesting. Sampling...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Soil Properties in Several Land Uses

Nuzul H. Darlan, Iput Pradiko, Muhammad A. Yusuf, Rizki D. P. Pane, Eko N. Ginting
Oil palm is the most efficient vegetable oil producer whose products can be used in various food, pharmaceutical, oleochemical, and biodiesel industries. Expanding the new planting area, starting from land clearing, and planting oil palm, to young and mature oil palm plants, will affect the abiotic environment...
Proceedings Article

Typology and Characterization of Siompu Goat Production Systems in Siompu Island, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Syam Rahadi, Kuswati, Nurul Isnaini, Lukman Hakim, Gatot Ciptadi, Trinil Susilawati, Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih
Siompu goat is one of local breeds that are bred and kept well in Siompu Island, Southeast Sulawesi. Siompu goat farming has contributed to the local economic and social development. This study aimed to explore the typology and production characteristics of Siompu goat farms. The study was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Application of Deep (Machine) Learning for Phytoplankton Identification Using Microscopy Images

Arief Rachman, Aulia Salsabella Suwarno, Susanna Nurdjaman
As a hot spot of marine diversity, between 150 – 400 phytoplankton species have been reported in various Indonesian marine ecosystems. However, phytoplankton identification in Indonesia is mainly made manually by a human expert, which is a time-consuming process with many limitations. Thus, this study...
Proceedings Article

Review: Nutrient, Fiber, and Bioactive Content of Fruit Pomace, Major By-product of Juice Industry

Florence Ignatia, Kezia Meivira, Irvan Setiadi Kartawiria, Maria D.P.T. Gunawan-Puteri
The market of the juice industry is increasing globally including in Indonesia and one of the factors that support the developing market of juice is the sufficient supply of raw material. Consequently, the increasing production of juice has resulted in a high amount of solid waste such as under-ripe...
Proceedings Article

A Multicriteria Decision Making and Fuzzy-AHP Approach for Formulating Strategy to Develop Organic Agriculture in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia

Arief Firdaus, Teguh Adiprasetyo, Hery Suhartoyo
Strategy formulation was conducted to develop organic agriculture in Bengkulu Province. This research used multi-criteria decision-making tools which were analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and strength-weakness-opportunity-threat (SWOT) analysis to generate alternative strategies. Then, fuzzy analytical...
Proceedings Article

Anticancer Potential of Lactobacillus acidophilus IIA-2B4 Extracts Against MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line

Reza Adiyoga, Irma Isnafia Arief, Cahyo Budiman
Lactobacillus acidophilus IIA-2B4 is an indigenous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) extracted from Ongole Cross beef. Previous studies shown that this bacteria has probiotic properties such as antibacterial activity and antiproliferative effect on HeLa cervix cancer cell line. This study aimed to investigate...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Calcium Silicate Supplementation on the Growth of Trigonella Foenum-Graecum L. Variety Hisar Sonali Under Saline Conditions

Riti Thapar Kapoor
Salinity is a major abiotic stress which decreases crop productivity. Salt stress also causes osmotic, water, ionic and oxidative stresses. Plants exposure to salt can check their growth by reduction in water and nutrient uptake, osmotic imbalance and cytotoxicity incited by sodium and chloride ions....
Proceedings Article

Semen Quality of Etawah Crossbreed Bucks Fed with Urea Moringa Molasses Multinutrient Block Supplemented with Native Grass Basal Feed

Nursyam Andi Syarifuddin, Muhammad Rizal, Muhammad Riyadhi, Anis Wahdi
Moringa leaves contain high and complete nutrients, so they can be used as a making block for multinutrient blocks to improve semen quality. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of using moringa leaf flour in a multinutrient block on the semen quality of Etawah crossbreed (EC) bucks fed by the native...
Proceedings Article

The Content of Biologically Active Substances in the Aboveground Phytomass of Catmint (Nepeta Cataria L.) in Ontogenesis

Larisa Gagieva, Valentina Tsugkieva, Vladimir Cherniavskih, Elena Dumacheva, Elena Markova
The need for a systematic phytochemical studying of Nepeta cataria L. is related to solving the problem of using of this valuable plant resource. The purpose of the work was to study the dynamics of the accumulation of biologically active substances in the aboveground phytomass of N. cataria L. in the...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics and Application Analysis of Proprietary Chinese Medicine Containing Chrysanthemum

Zhen-Zhen Wei, Xiao-Yan Fang, Ming Bai, Ming-San Miao
Purposes: To sum up the characteristics of Chinese medicine with chrysanthemum and lay a foundation for the development of new dosage forms and the rational application of Chinese Medicine. Methods: According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia contains chrysanthemum in the pharmaceutical dosage form, drug...
Proceedings Article

State Exclusivity of Fisheries Resources on Exclusive Economic Zone in Efforts to Support the Fisheries Availability as a Means of Increasing Food Security for the State

Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya, Afandi Sitamala, Danial
Based on United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982), Indonesia has sovereignty in the Indonesian waters and has exclusive rights in natural resources utilization in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). By having sovereignty in the Indonesian waters and exclusive rights in the EEZ,...
Proceedings Article

Plastic Wastes in the Aquatic Environment: Ecotoxicological Impacts and Mitigation Strategies

Ebele Geraldine Okeke, Oluseun Motunrayo Osineye, Chidalu Irene Okeke
Plastic products are in high demand due to their broad applications, resulting to a corresponding rise in the production of plastics. As a result of poor waste management practices such as uncontrolled open dumping, coastal littering, fishing, shipping and other industrial activities, plastics end up...
Proceedings Article

The Role of in Vintro Culture to Support Sustainable Agriculture and Agroindustry

Sutini, Widiwurjani, Nora Augustien, Didik Utomo Pribadi, Risqi Firdaus Setiawan
Various plants grown on land have been widely used to support sustainable agriculture and in various industries, including to produce medicines, beauty ingredients, food and beverage ingredients, biofuels, bioenergy, land conservation, produce early stress-resistant varieties, and plant breeding. The...
Proceedings Article

Feasibility Analysis of Beef Development Based on Local Resources

Femi Hadidjah Elly, Sintya J. K. Umboh
The development of beef cattle farming is currently an important concern for the government due to its role in supporting the availability of beef nationally. Beef cattle developed by small farmers were expected to support the availability of the meat. The problem was whether beef cattle business was...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Agricultural Development Based on Leading Commodities

(Case Study in Blora Sub-District, Blora District, Central Java, Indonesia)

Rena Satya Tungga Dewi, Rika Harini, Rina Dwi Ariani, Luthfi Muta’ali
Sustainable agricultural development emphasises the utilisation of natural resources, especially leading commodities, according to the ability of a region to improve the welfare of its farmers and stimulate economic growth. Agriculture is a sector supporting the economy of the Blora Sub-district. This...
Proceedings Article

Subset Optimization of Adaptive Coding and Modulation Modes According to DVB-S2X

Chuang Wang, Dongming Bian, Feilong Li, Yongqiang Li, Jing Hu
With the increasing requirement in satellite communication, Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite extension (DVB-S2X) standard is proposed to reach higher efficiency. DVB-S2X provides 112 adaptive coding and modulation modes to get high efficiency which approaches the Shannon limit. However, with the...
Proceedings Article

The Potential Use of Patchouli Root to Prevent Mosquito Bite

Fardhiasih Dwi Astuti, Putri Puspitasari
Mosquitoes are spread all over the world, mosquito-borne diseases are serious health problems. Mosquito coil can prevent contact between mosquitos and humans. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin B.) contains active ingredients that can serve as insecticide which are saponin, flavonoid, and essential oils. In...
Proceedings Article

Spatial Analysis in Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection of Corynebacterium diphtheriae Post-outbreak in Samarinda 2018

N Tandirogang, G P D Pratama, Yuniati, I Fikriah, V Abrizal, D E Bulan, Yadi
Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheria, which primarily infects the throat and upper airways, and produces a toxin affecting other organs. In severe cases, it causes myocarditis or peripheral neuropathy. In Indonesia, diphtheria has once been an epidemic...
Proceedings Article

Citric Acid Production Optimation from Toba Banana Peel Through Submerged Fermentation by Aspergillus niger Using Central Composite Design

Merry Meryam Martgrita, Adelina Manurung, Herti Novalia Hutapea, Fauziah Balqis Anggi Fitriani
Toba Banana (Musa acuminata Colla) is a local banana in Toba region, North Sumatera, Indonesia. People only utilize its pulp fruit, then its peels can cause environmental problems. Carbohydrate in banana peel can be utilized as substrate to produce citric acid through fermentation. Citric acid is an...
Proceedings Article

Preparation and Properties of Crosslinked Silk Fibroin Film

Ya-Fei Wang, Chen Lu, Dan Long, Qiang Zhang, Shu-Qin Yan
In this study, regenerated silk fibroin (SF) film was prepared by using 1-ethyl-3- (3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) as cross-linking agent and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), 2-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid (MES) as assistant agent. To evaluate the effects of EDC cross-linking agent...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis of Dinucleoside Triphosphates Containing Antiviral Nucleoside

Rong LIU, Shanshan GONG
A general and efficient method for the synthesis of asymmetrical dinucleoside triphosphates with an antiviral nucleoside moiety has been developed. The coupling of adenosine diphosphate with antiviral nucleoside phosphoropiperidate via the DCI activation of P-N bond afforded the desired products in good...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences Based Work Books on Biological Learning Competencies of Students Class X Senior High School

Niken Permata Putri, Yuni Ahda
During the learning process, teachers have not used workbooks, books used in the learning process, namely books borrowed from the library and Student Worksheets (LKS). LKS used by the teacher has several weaknesses such as the images presented are unclear and have unattractive colors. In addition, the...
Proceedings Article

Histology and Histomorphometry of Testes in Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) Based on Age Level

Nasya Nurma Zushita Firwan, Muslim Akmal, Dian Masyitha, M. Nur Salim, M. Jalaluddin, Tongku Nizwan Siregar
This study aims to determine the histological and histomorphometric features of the turkey testes based on age levels. Turkey testes were taken from 21 male turkeys which were grouped into 3 different age groups; 12, 20 and 33 weeks. The testes were then processed into histological preparations with...
Proceedings Article

Seed Micromorphology of Orthosiphon spp. and Its Relatives (Lamiaceae)

The genus Orthosiphon in the Lamiaceae or Mint family is closely related to Ocimum and is economically important for medicinal and ornamental plants. Even though the leaf and flower morphology look different, but the characteristics of the seeds (nutlets) are almost the same. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Seventy Years of Rice Crop Cultivation in Tidal Swampland: Potential, Constraints, and Limitations

Nukhak Nufita Sari, Riza Adrianoor Saputra, Muhammad Noor
The reclamation of tidal rice fields has a long history, from the beginning to seventy years of independence. Around 3.4 million ha of swamp land have been utilized, including 2.8 million ha to produce rice. An available area of 15.75 million ha has not been reclaimed from 20.10 million ha. The gap is...
Proceedings Article

Allometric Equations to Estimate the Aboveground Biomass of Seedling and Sapling Plants in 10 and 20 Years Old of Secondary Forests in Sarawak, Malaysia

Karyati, Isa B. Ipor, Ismail Jusoh, Mohd. Effendi Wasli
The seedlings and saplings plant stage determines the successional stages in the secondary forest establishment process. The estimation on aboveground biomass (AGB) of seedling and sapling plants is needed to describe undergrowth’s contribution in the secondary forest. This study’s objective was to develop...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Additional Leavening Agent on Physical and Sensorial Qualities of Fried Beef Meatballs

E Triyannanto, R O Sujarwanta, Jamhari Jamhari, Rusman Rusman, R F Indrajaya, E Suryanto
This study aims to determine the effect of the leavening agent on the physical and sensorial qualities of fried beef meatballs. The leavening agent used in this research was baking powder (NaHCO3+C4H4O6) as T1, baking soda (NaHCO3) as T2, and SAPP or sodium acid pyrophosphate (Na2H2P2O7) as T3 and control...
Proceedings Article

Paved Surface Fine Crack Study with 2017 MDP Method

Syamsul Arifin, Mashuri, Sukiman Nurdin, Rahmatang Rahman, Taslim Bahar
Fine cracks have a gap width of ≤ 3 MM, the distribution properties can be local or road surface area. Some of the main causes of fine cracks are pavement material is not good, surface weathering, and sub-surface soil or layer is less stable. Fine cracks will develop into larger cracks if left unchecked...
Proceedings Article

The Preparation and Research of Small Molecular Group Water

Pei Jiang, Qingshan Li, Mingyang Lian
The qualities of water are closely related with human health. Small molecular group water which contains 5-6 water molecules plays an important role to human body health. This paper reviewed the pure water was treated by the micro-nano powder of the Guhai rock to prepare a kind of small molecular group...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Activities of Polyphenol Extract of Peanut Skins

Wen-xu XIA, Ping ZHAO, Jia-bin WANG, Zhan-juan LI, Nanju Alice LEE
In this study, the cardinal and purple peanut testa were used as the raw materials for extracting polyphenol substances with ultrasonic and freeze-drying. Then the bacteriostasis and antifungal activities of the extracts were investigated by the methods of disc diffussion and equivalent against the Benzylpenicillin...
Proceedings Article

eLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Plastic Products to Support the Sustainable Develepment Goals/SDGS in Indonesia: Literature Review

Nugraheni Setiastuti, Iwan Guntoro, Abdul Rahman, Ramos Hutapea
The low-carbon and circular economy are part of the green economy development in the redesign strategy of Indonesia's economic transformation towards an advanced Indonesia. The concept of life cycle thinking in creating sustainable products is needed to prevent pollution that impacts the environment....
Proceedings Article

Performance of Local Lambs Fed Total Mixed Rations Based on Forages with Different Sorghum Cultivars

Teguh Wahyono, Dewi Apri Astuti, Anuraga Jayanegara, Komang Gede Wiryawan, Irawan Sugoro, Widhi Kurniawan, Wijaya Murti Indriatama
Total mixed rations (TMR) containing conventional forage sorghum (Pahat), brown mid rib (BMR) forage sorghum (G5), or green midrib (GMR) forage sorghum (G8) were fed to local lambs to determine the effect on digestibility, performance and ruminal fermentation. Fifteen ewe lambs (aged < 1 year) with...
Proceedings Article

The Allelopathic Effect of Marigold Infusion on the Mustard Seeds Swelling

Tatyana Glubsheva, Elena Dumacheva, Vladimir Cherniavskih, Svetlana Grigorenko
The results of the experiments connected with the study of the allelopathic effect of marigolds daily water infusion on the mustard seeds swelling in combination with the different concentrations of infusion, different temperatures and acidity of the medium are presented. The complex dependence of water...
Proceedings Article

Cooking Fumes and Relative Diseases

Chunyan WANG, Lifang LIU, Guoping HE
Cooking fumes are mixture of various toxic components such as aldehydes, heterocyclic amines (HCAs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), fat aerosols and particulate matters (PM), which are mainly produced during or after cooking. Due to the toxic contents of CFs, CFs might cause lung toxicity,...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Recycle the Tofu Waste Through Learning Project Based Entrepreneurship

Sa’diatul Fuadiyah, Ristiono Ristiono, Astuti Muh Amin, Romi Adiansyah, Adi Maladona, Dina Rahmawati
Our research to apply learning project based entrepreneurship to high school students. The research method is weak experiment. The sample used in this study were 1 class taken using cluster random sampling. The instrument used in this study was the assessment of student performance. The results of the...
Proceedings Article

Productivity of Different Types of Grass That is Produced on Ex Coal Mining Land

Harmini Harmini, Sajimin Sajimin, Achmad Fanindi
This study aims to determine the productivity of cut and carry grass in ex-coal mining land. Samples of soils for analysis at the Soil Research Institute were taken at three points. The design used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD), with plant varieties as treatment, namely Brachiaria brizantha cv....
Proceedings Article

Decision Analysis of Farmers for Local Corn in Madura (Case Study of Local Corn Farmers in Sumenep Regency)

Heri Susanto, Teguh Soedarto, Hamidah Hendrarini
Madura has excellent potential for corn cultivation because it has land reserves based on agroecosystem potential. The problem is the trend of corn production in Madura in the last five years is fluctuating and tends to decrease; this is because in local corn farming in Madura, especially in Sumenep...
Proceedings Article

Profiles of Oligosaccharides Synthesized from Under-Explored Tuber Starches Using Aspergillus oryzae Amylase

Achmad Dinoto, Rini Handayani, Sulistiani, Ninu Setianingrum, Mulyadi, Heddy Julistiono
Oligosaccharides are beneficial compounds for human health that are widely used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. Our knowledge on the synthesis of oligosaccharides from tropical plant sources using amylases of indigenous microorganisms are still limited. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Molecular Confirmation of Forensic Important Flies Collected in Palembang, South Sumatra

Ahmad Ghiffari, Chairil Anwar, Dalilah, Mansuri, Elfinchia Tiara Switha
The identification of insect species is an important key in forensic entomology. Molecular examination of the nucleotide sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene has been widely performed before the morphology identification. We analyzed the partial conserved COII nucleotide sequence...