Proceedings of the International Symposium Southeast Asia Vegetable 2021 (SEAVEG 2021)
62 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Irham Irham, Muhammad Firdaus, Stefaan De Neve
All of the articles in this proceedings volume would be have been presented at the International Symposium of Southeast Asia Vegetable (SEAVEG) 2021 during 4 18 to 20 November 2021 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved...
Proceedings Article
Vegetable Farmers and Social Innovations in Food Estate Development Areas
Collaborative Arrangements in Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Idha Widi Arsanti, Acep Hariri
Vegetable farmers in food estate areas of Humbang Hasundutan are seeking new types of collaborations and economic opportunities in the new adaptation era. Market opportunities, however, have incurred demanding environmental, financial and labour requirements, and created trade-offs between expanding...
Proceedings Article
Covid-19 and Its Effect on Home Gardening Behaviour in Indonesia
Nur Fajrina, Derek Baker, R. R. Rukmowati Brotodjojo
Home gardening offers one approach to improving the Indonesian diet, which is known to contain inadequate vegetables and fruit. It is also a suitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly to improve food security but also to promote secondary benefits. We report on a household online survey...
Proceedings Article
Smallholder Farmers Market Options Within the Emerging Agri-Food Value Chain
Shaf Rijal Ahmad, Kodrad Winarno
Agriculture in Indonesia is facing challenges in the mid of agri-food value chain transformation. The transformation allows farmers to grow, however this also presented more barriers particularly for smallholder farmers with unfavorable characteristics. Unfortunately, these farmers are dominating agriculture...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Various Drying Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Telang Flower (Clitoria ternatea L.)
Endah Puspitojati, Novia Aristi Rahayu, Nur Fatimah, Bambang Sudarmanto
Telang flower is a biopharmaceutical horticulture commodity known as a functional food source since it contains rich nutrients. The drying methods influence the physicochemical properties of this flower. This study aimed to investigate the physicochemical properties of telang flowers using the sun and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Hydroponic Planting System and Media on Lettuce Growth (Latuca Sativa L.)
Hamyana Hamyana, Budianto Budianto, Mohamad Imron Bukori
The hydroponic effect as growing systems and media on the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L). Based on the results of identification in the hydroponic farming group, hydroponic cultivation of plants is used as a solution to the problem of lack of land in farming, and lettuce is a top priority that...
Proceedings Article
Development Model of School Gardens Through Vegetables Go to School (VGtS) Activities for Improving Nutrition of Elementary Age Children in Batang Regency, Central Java Province
Mochamad Zakky, Heri Suliyanto, Temy Indrayanti, Rinna Syawal
Indonesia was currently facing multiple nutritional problems. One of the nutritional problems was caused by a lack of consumption of vegetables. The Vegetables Go to School (VGtS) activity was a solution to promote a balanced nutrition menu, nutrition education and family nutrition development. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Design and Construction of Multipurpose Grating Machine for Household and Micro/Small-Scale Business with Electric Motor
Athoillah Azadi, Mochamad Zakky, Heri Suliyanto
The accuracy and speed of preparation of raw materials was one of the keys to the success of a food processing business during the Pandemic and digital era. Mini multipurpose grating machine that was effective, efficient and hygienic was a tool for processed food production needed by micro and small...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of Eco-Friendly Agriculture and Marketing Innovation on Shallot Farming
Case Study: Lestari Mulyo Farmer Group, Selopamioro Village, Imogiri Subdistrict, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region
Tri Martini, Kurnianita Triwidyastuti, Hano Hanafi, Joko Pramono, Soeharsono Soeharsono
The habit of farmers selling crops with a slash system is a practice of buying and selling carried out by wholesalers by buying agricultural products before entering the harvest period. The practice of buying and selling without perfect use sometimes causes the unclear amount of the goods sold, to cause...
Proceedings Article
Farmers’ Motivation in Controlling White Tip Disease (Phytoptora porri) of Shallot (Allium cepa) in Onanrunggu District, Samosir Regency, Indonesia
Mahmudah Mahmudah, M. Jufri, Yuliana Kansriri, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar, Jhon Rizki Oktomi Purba
The shallot is the beneficial plantation for future in our community. This extension study aims to find out; (1) the motivation of farmers in controlling white tip disease (Phytoptora porri) of shallot (Allium cepa); (2) to examine the factors that influence farmers’ motivation in controlling white tip...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Pre-cooling and Cold Storage on the Shelf Life of Betel Fruit (Piper Betel)
Widyaningrum Widyaningrum, Nurtania Sudarmi
Betel nut (Piper betel) is a fruit that is widely consumed by people in Papua which is combined with lime and areca nut in the tradition of eating areca nut. However, this Betel fruit is quickly damaged and rotten. The purpose of this study was to increase the shelf life and maintain the quality of betel...
Proceedings Article
Characterization of Two New Varieties of Curly Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) for Quality Standard
Qanytah Qanytah, Dondy S. Anggono, Wisnu Broto
Two commercial curly red chili varieties cv. Amro-99 and cv. Kencana was identified and analyzed. The purpose of this research is to recognize and describe the physical and chemical contents of the two potential chilies for sorting, welding, and packaging technology to meet consumer needs and export...
Proceedings Article
Facilitating Business of Young Agro-Preneurship Through Value Chain Partnership and Optimizing the Digital Channel/Technology to Improve the Market
Tri Ismono, Amelia Gita Tifani, M. Sukri
The lack of young farmers is one factor that inhibits the development of the agriculture sector in Indonesia. The number of older farmers is increasing, while the younger ones are decreasing [1]. John Deere and Mercy Corps Indonesia initiated the POWER 2 program, which focuses on assisting young farmers...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Number and Age of TSS (True Shallot Seed) Seedling on Shallot Seed Production
Pitri Ratna Asih, Agus Wartapa, Mustakim Mustakim, Sukiyanto Sukiyanto
Shallot seed production using true shallot seed (TSS) is more effective and efficient in terms of storage and distribution, but it must be sown first. The purpose of this study was to determine response and obtain the best combination of number and age of TSS seedlings in increasing shallot seeds production....
Proceedings Article
Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetable Crops for Resilience During Pandemic
Tri Ismono, M. Sukri, Amelia Gita Tifani
In the effort to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and to help keep the Indonesian people safe, since June 2020 the Indonesian Government has issued policies that limit people’s mobility. With people unable to freely move throughout their communities, and beyond, there has been a significant decline in economic...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Farmer Group Members in Building Farmers’ Economic Institutions Through the Agribusiness Sub-terminal (AST) in Sidodadi Ramunia Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency
Dwi Febrimeli, Muhammad Teguh Prayogie, M. Jufri
Farmers must be involved in the process of growing and developing the Agribusiness Sub Terminal (AST). Only then can this terminal play an optimal role. Therefore, they must be the subjects of the process. This study examined the level of the role of farmer group members and the factors that influence...
Proceedings Article
Developing Detection Methods for Tomato Diseases
Innovation to Support Food Availability
Muslihah Nur Hidayati, Suranto Suranto, Ari Susilowati
Plant mortality and reductions in yields caused by plant pathogens can affect food availability and food security. One of the most important bacterial diseases of tomatoes can be caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. Michiganensis (Cmm). This pathogenic bacterium induced cancer and bacterial wilt...
Proceedings Article
Distribution of Major Viruses on Shallot in Indonesia
Heri Harti, Sobir Sobir, Suryo Wiyono, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat
High infestation of viruses on shallot’s bulb has been reported in Indonesia, although little is known on the effect of virus infection on shallot productivity. The use of virus-free seeds is assumed to be the key factor to improve productivity. The study was conducted to detect the main viruses infecting...
Proceedings Article
Productivity of SS Sakato Shallot Variety in Three Locations in Indonesia
Maulidia Nabilah, Heri Harti, Kusuma Darma, Endang Gunawan, Awang Maharijaya, M. A. Chozin
To reduce fluctuations in the supply and price of shallots, the release of shallot varieties is necessary because shallots are an important vegetable crop in Indonesia and as an effort to increase the productivity of shallots in Indonesia. The availability of high-yielding and disease-resistant shallot...
Proceedings Article
Supply Chain for Horticultural Agribusiness
With Reference to Indonesian Processed Potato Industry
Arifin Tasrif, Harniati Harniati, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin
The government’s alignment has not been optimally in encouraging the development of domestic processed potato seed industry. Thus, processed potato seeds have to be imported from overseas annually. The method used to support this study is by analyzing the statistical imported industrial processed potatoes,...
Proceedings Article
The Economic Impact of Carbosulfan Use on Shallot Farm
(Case Study: Brebes and Enrekang Regency)
Hastuti Hastuti, Dea Amanda
Carbosulfan is one of the pesticides widely used by farmers of shallot. Excessive use of pesticides has caused controversy, particularly with regard to the environment and health, as pesticide residues can accumulate in agricultural products and pollute rivers. Even though, the use of Carbosulfan pesticide...
Proceedings Article
The Social and Economic Impact of Carbosulfan Use on Chili Farm
Muhammad Firdaus, Dea Amanda, Hastuti Hastuti
Pest management plays big role in chili production. Most chili farmer in Indonesia uses chemical pesticide, among various pesticide active substances, Carbosulfan is one of the pesticides widely used by farmers. Even though there are some controversial issues related to health and environment, the use...
Proceedings Article
Opportunity for Development of Chili in Peri-Urban Regions
(Case Study: Lemah Duhur Village, Bogor Regency, West Java Province)
Tri Ratna Saridewi, Wasrob Nasruddin
Large-scale development of chili cultivation highly requires social capital. On the contrary, an individual tendency that characterizes peri-urban citizens could be an obstacle. This study aimed to analyse the feasibility study of chili farming, the potency of community social capital, and the development...
Proceedings Article
A Review: TSS (True Shallot Seed) Development in Indonesia and Its Health Benefit
Adriyanita Adin, Rohim Firdaus, Haerudin Haerudin, Fatkhu Rokhman, Asep Harpenas
With annually 145,000 ha cultivated area, shallot is widely used in Indonesian daily cuisine and therefore an important crop for farmers and consumers in Indonesia. Bulb propagation for many years resulted in yield reduction. Alternatively, True Shallot Seed (TSS) has many advantages to offer as lower...
Proceedings Article
True Shallot Seed Efficiency on the Production and Income of Shallot Farmers
Muhammad Ivan Fadzil, Muhammad Firdaus, Netti Tinaprilla
Shallot is included in volatile food groups in Indonesia. Any fluctuation in shallot production will influence the inflation level. One of the main problems that reduce local shallot production capacity is high production cost. Local shallot is mainly produced from bulb seeds that consume roughly about...
Proceedings Article
Disruption to Supply Chain of Red Chili
Case Study in Cirebon District
Harniati Harniati, Thomas Widodo, Arifin Tasrif
Business of red chili was fragile resulting in uncertain and vulnerable supply chain. Once price fluctuation or crop failure, farmers could not buy production’s input, the next production of chili declined. Then, disrupted in chili supply chain occurred. The purpose of this study was to figure out the...
Proceedings Article
Factor Affecting the Behaviour of the Households of Food Waste of Vegetables and Fruits in Sleman District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Reno Budi Setiawan, Irham Irham, Any Suryantini
Food waste is bad behaviour that is throwing away food that is still fit for consumption. While the world is facing the problem of food safety and malnutrition, on the other hand, the food waste produced is increasing. Does this also happen with vegetables and fruit commodities in Indonesia? This study...
Proceedings Article
Development of Climate Resilient Year Round Home Garden Model for Improving Food and Nutritional Security of Resource-Poor Households in Eastern India
(Homegarden Model for Resource-Poor Households)
Kumari Shubha, Anirban Mukherjee, Ujjwal Kumar, Tanmay K. Koley, Arbind K. Choudhary
Improving food security as well as reducing poverty and hunger is the most important challenges the world is facing during COVID-19 period. Indians are facing the same particularly, in eastern part where poverty and malnutrition is a big problem. Climate change has impacted productivity of crops and...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Fintech Financing System for Vegetable and Fruit Farmers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Trisna Al Hadji, Jamhari Jamhari, Irham Irham
Financial technology (Fintech) offers capital cash through a financing system that is claimed to be easier to access because it uses digitalized technology. This study has three objectives: (1) to know the vegetable and fruit farmers attitudes towards the fintech, (2) to assess the level of sustainability...
Proceedings Article
Intercropping Shallots with Aromatic Plants
Lilis Wulandari, Rika Despita, Gunawan Gunawan
Spodoptera exigua is the main pest on shallot plants. The attack rate can reach 40% which results in a decrease in onion production. One way of controlling the environment that is environmentally friendly and reduces pest resistance is by intercropping using aromatic plants. This study aims to control...
Proceedings Article
Performance Test of Shallot Dehuller Machine (Type BEJE PB 01)
Annisa Nur Ichniarsyah, Linda Liswanti, Titis Pury Purboningtyas, Yul Harry Bahar, Nawangwulan Widyastuti
Shallot is widely used in daily life. Its demand tends to increase even though Indonesia is still facing global pandemic due to Covid-19 outbreak. Before processing, its outer layer should be removed. However, it is time and energy consuming. Therefore, a shallot dehuller machine with theoretical capacity...
Proceedings Article
Character Selection of Shade-Loving Tomatoes and Genetic Interaction X Shade Level on Tomato Plants Productivity
Dwiwanti Sulistyowati, Arya Widura Ritonga
Low light stress causes a variety of changes in morphology, anatomy, and phenology, these changes are intended to capture more photons in low light. This study consists of two experiments, the aim (1) this study was to investigate morphology, anatomy, and phenology characters of shade-loving tomato genotypes...
Proceedings Article
Profitability and Feasibility of Vegetable Farming in Urban Agriculture
A Case in Surakarta City
Nungki Maghdalia, Irham Irham, Anung Pranyoto
This study aims to: (1) estimate the income and profits, and (2) assess the feasibility of vegetable farming in urban agriculture in Surakarta. The data were generated from 30 respondents. The method that being used in this study are descriptive analytic, R/C Ratio, B/C Ratio, and breakeven point (BEP)....
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Vegetable Urban Farming on Household Food Expenditure in Yogyakarta City
Riskie Amanda Wahyu Primaningrum, Irham Irham, Sugiyarto Sugiyarto
Urban farming activities are expected to be a solution to improve food security condition of urban people household. Vegetable urban farming has contributed to the household food expenditure. This study aims to: analyze the level of household food expenditure of people who carrying out vegetable urban...
Proceedings Article
Relation Between Application of Shallot Cultivation Components by Alumni of SL UPSUS and Their Productivity in Kretek District, Bantul Regency
Ananti Yekti, Dyah Kartika Mayang Sekar, Asih Farmia
Sekolah Lapang Upaya Khusus (SL-UPSUS) shallot is one of the activities designed by the Ministry of Agriculture in order to oversee and assist farming in shallot production centers. This study aims to 1) analyze the level of application of shallot technology components of SL-UPSUS alumni farmers 2) determine...
Proceedings Article
Determination of Seed Physiological Maturity of Ipomoea reptans Poir. Based on Phenology, Seed Quality, and Heat Unit Accumulation
Neny Priska Yuliandira, Okti Syah Isyani Permatasari, Satriyas Ilyas
Kangkong (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) seeds have different colors at harvest due to differences in the seed maturity level, hence, differences in seed quality. Therefore, this study aimed to obtain information about the phenology of flowers, fruits, seeds, and to determine the appropriate heat unit accumulation...
Proceedings Article
Growth and Yield of Shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum Group) Affected by Transplanting Age and Varieties of TSS
Baaqiy Amri Annisa, Endang Sulistyaningsih, Retno Pangestuti
Shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum group) is an important commodity for spices, traditional medicines, and healthy diet components. Growth and yield shallot plants from TSS affected by different transplanting ages were determined in the research in RCBD with two factors and three replications. The first...
Proceedings Article
Gender Analysis of Vegetable Farmers During Pandemic in Cimande, Bogor Regency
Reni Suryanti, Wahyu Trisnasari, Intan Kusuma Wardani, Tri Ratna Saridewi, Sri Palupi
The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on vegetable farmers. The study focused on determining the gender equality of vegetable farmers’ households during the pandemic. The research involved 31 respondents from Cimande, Bogor Regency. The qualitative method was used to analyze gender equality using the Harvard...
Proceedings Article
Backward Regression
To Build the Best Model of Developing Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Service Business as Support to Vegetable Production
Intan Kusuma Wardani, Kusmiyati Kusmiyati, Achdiyat Achdiyat
Agriculture faces a challenge to the success of the zero-hunger program of SDGs. The Ministry of Agriculture has granted farm equipment and machinery service businesses to farmers’ organizations. However, these businesses are unsuccessful in increasing the farmer’ prosperity. Therefore, the study aims...
Proceedings Article
The Capacity of Extension Workers and Demonstration Methods to Farmers’ Behavior in Utilizing Yards with Vertical Vegetable Cultivation
Oeng Anwarudin, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin, Pandu Danar Raharjo
Agricultural extension activities were carried out to encourage the use of the yard. To deal with the narrowness of the yard, a vertical vegetable cultivation technique was used. The demonstration extension method was chosen to set an example and encourage changes in farmer behavior in the use of yards....
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Women Groups in Bogor-Urban Agriculture
Homework to Upscale Their Practices Towards Sustainable Horticulture Value Chain
Ika Satyasari, Peter J. Meer
This action research was undertaken in 2019 as part of the “Our Garden, Our Healthy Food” initiative of the DeTara Foundation in Bogor, Indonesia and as a master thesis project for the Agriculture Production Chain Management program at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. The purposes...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Types of Local Organic Matter on Vertisol Soil on Growth and Yield of Three True Shallot Seed Varieties
Rajiman Rajiman, Sari Megawati, Ananti Yekti, Arif Anshori
The success of shallot cultivation in vertisol soil is influenced by the use of seeds and the application of organic matter. This aim of this study aims to determine was to the effect of local organic matter on vertisol soil on the growth and yield of three true shallot seed (TSS) varieties. The research...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Biocontrol Agents Against Bacterial Wilt in Tomato Using Seedling Screening
Lourena Arone Maxwell, Hung-Chia Chang, Jaw-Rong Chen, Lawrence Kenyon, Srinivasan Ramasamy
Tomato is among the most cultivated vegetable crops worldwide, and bacterial wilt (BW) caused by the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC) is the most devastating disease affecting tomato, impacting food and nutrition security in many areas. Pesticides used for controlling plant diseases are...
Proceedings Article
Yield and Quality of Two Varieties of Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) with Different Harvest Ages of Young Pods
Destia Susanti S., Maya Melati, Ani Kurniawati
Winged bean is a tropical vegetable crop that has the potential to be developed as legumes. The age of harvest can determine the quality of the young pod of winged bean. This study aims to determine the yield and quality of two varieties of winged bean pods with different harvest ages. The experiment...
Proceedings Article
Social Innovation for Creating Local Food Source and Empowering Young Farmers
Community-Supported Agriculture
Ibnu Budiman, Silviana Chandra
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed vulnerabilities in Indonesia’s complex food systems that threaten food security (including vegetables) in Indonesia. These vulnerabilities are mainly seen in the value chain’s logistics and long distribution process that got highly impacted by lockdown policy. As a...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Fungi Associated with Potato Tuber Causes Dry Rot in Lembang
Novi Irawati, Asma Sembiring
Dry rot, caused by various species of Fusarium, is one of the most important fungal storage rots affecting potatoes. Infection of tubers occurs through wounds during planting, mechanical harvesting, and grading into size bands. The research aim was to identify the fungus carried by the tuber and its...
Proceedings Article
Young Farmers in Action
The Future of Horticulture and Its Challenges in East Nusa Tenggara
Luthfi Retriansyah
The purpose of this study was to look over young farmers’ entrepreneurial behavior and attitude toward challenges in agriculture. Data collection was done through semi-structured interview. This study involved 50 young horticultural farmer respondents in 10 regencies of East Nusa Tenggara. The result...
Proceedings Article
Binary Logistics Regression Model to Analyze Factors Influencing Technology Adoption Process Vegetable Farmers Case in Central Java Indonesia
Muhamad Rusliyadi, Yanuar Wahyu Yudistira Ardi, Kodrad Winarno
Agricultural extension activities as a form of educational facilities for the community, especially farmers have an important role in making changes with innovations delivered to vegetable farmers. The adoption process of innovation can affect the occurrence of behavior changes that can be observed directly...
Proceedings Article
Harnessing the Potential of the Economic and Nutritional Power of Integrated Farming
Achmad Nizar, Rika Despita, Setya Budhi Udrayana
The agricultural system in Indonesia has changed to meet the needs. The green revolution farming system has begun to be abandoned and switched to integrated agriculture. Integrated agriculture, in principle, is to integrate several components that work together to produce products. Integrated agriculture...
Proceedings Article
Resistance Test of 6 Eggplant (Solanum melongena Linn.) Genotype Against Bacterial Wilt Disease (Ralstonia solanacearum) in the Greenhouse and on the Field
Awang Maharijaya, Devi Oktavia, Giyanto Giyanto, Heri Harti, Kusuma Darma
Proper testing parameters of eggplant resistance to bacterial wilt in the greenhouse are needed for efficient and effective development of resistant eggplant varieties in order to increase eggplant fruit productivity and quality. This research aims to obtain the most accurate observed resistance testing...
Proceedings Article
Transaction Cost Estimation in Vegetable Marketing Involving Modern Food Retail Chains
Impact on Profitability of Chili Growers
Kedar Vishnu, Chengappa P. G.
This paper is an attempt to empirically measure the Transaction Costs (TCs) incurred by the farmers across different Modern Food Retail Chains (MRFCs). Evidence from existing studies indicate that MFRCs tend to behave opportunistically towards farmers due to an incomplete contract, lack of enforcement...
Proceedings Article
Vegetables for Food Security and Economic Growth
Idha Widi Arsanti, Henri Wira Perkasa
The agriculture sector is one of the sectors that showed a positive trend during the Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia. This positive trend is partly contributed by an increase in horticultural products such as fruits and vegetables during the period. Vegetables are considered a highly-valued commodity...
Proceedings Article
Farmers’ Interest in Processing Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in South Binjai, Binjai, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Farmers Interest, Factors, Sweet Potato, South Binjai
Nurliana Harahap, Gusti Setiavani, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar, Lukman Hakim
Sweet potato is one of the typical foods of the Indonesian people. In addition to its sweet taste, nutritional value, sweet potatoes are foods that are easy to process so they have the potential to increase added value through processed products. This study aims to analyze the interest of farmers and...
Proceedings Article
Motivation of Farmers in Controlling Powdery Mildew (Peronospora destructor) on Shallot in Food Estate Hortikultura, Humbang Hasundutan Regency
Tama Sari Kartikasih Napitupulu, Tience Elisabet Pakpahan, Elrisa Ramadhani
This country has a big responsibility to the National food fulfillment. Food Estate is a big step taken by the Government to maintain the sustainability of food security in the country as well as a certain step to anticipate the occurrence of a food crisis especially in horticulture sector. Shallot is...
Proceedings Article
Performance and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Granola Variety from Five Generations in Toba, North Sumatra
Vitho Alveno, Awang Maharijaya, Nerlileng Purba, Bambang S. Purwoko
Potato is one of the major horticulture crop in Indonesia, but potato productivity in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to several European countries such as Belgium and Netherlands. One of the major problem was the availability of Generation 4 tuber as potato extension seed, which then forced...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of Member’s Participation on a Business Development of Processing Ceriping Puyur
(Case in Condongraos Business Group, Ngaditirto, Selopampang, Temanggung, Central Java)
Halimah Nur Hidayati, Rika Nalinda, Suharno Suharno
Study aims to determine the influence of internal factors (age, level of education, motivation) and external factor (family support) on the participation of Condongraos Business Group’s members in a development business of processing Ceriping Puyur. This study held on November 2020 to July 2021 in Ngaditirto...
Proceedings Article
Farmers’ Preferences in Implementing the Six Right Principles of Pesticide Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumedang Regency
Lukman Effendy, Yoyon Haryanto, Rudi Hartono, Tri Mulyana
A study on the tendency (preference) of farmers in the application of the six proper principles (P6T) in the application of pesticides to conventional farming communities has been carried out in several villages in Tanjungsari Sumedang District. The research objectives were (1) to describe the level...
Proceedings Article
Optimalization of Yard Land Through the Lumbung Mataraman Program to Support Urban Food Security During the Pandemic Covid 19
Siti Astuti
The COVID-19 crisis has had a lasting impact around the world, including Indonesia. Indonesia as an agricultural country that makes farmers has an important role in the national economy. Farmers hope in this pandemic outbreak they can still carry out farming activities as usual. The method of this research...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Vegetable Urban Farming to Household Income in the City of Yogyakarta
Salsabila Nur Almagthani, Kodrad Winarno, Irham Irham, Anung Pranyoto
Urban farming adopted technological advancement in agriculture, beautify the environment as well as resilient future farming. Within household level, this paper examine endowed income through vegetable urban farming, its share to total household income and its determinants in Yogyakarta. Purposively...
Proceedings Article
Traditional Knowledge of Women from the Ammatoa Kajang Custom for COVID-19 Mitigation in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi
Sri Endang Sukarsih, Makkarennu Makkarennu, Andang Suryana Soma
The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult to predict when it will end. Community resilience is needed in the face of this pandemic. Indigenous women have traditional knowledge in mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Indigenous people believe traditional knowledge as potential resilience that can...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Rabbit Urine Fertilizer Application on the Growth of Water Spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica)
Budi Wijayanto, Anang Sucahyo, Geraldo Adinugra Rimartin
Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) is a highly nutritious vegetable. The demand for these vegetables, as well as consumer awareness of the importance of eating vegetables, is increasing. The application of fertilizers has an impact on the growth of water spinach. The study aimed to determine the effect...
Proceedings Article
Vegetable Research Matters for Southeast Asia
M. C. S. Wopereis, C. G. Kuo
Malnutrition presents a significant challenge across most Southeast Asian countries. Vegetable-enriched diets can contribute to reducing malnutrition by supplying phytonutrients, minerals, phytonutrients, proteins, vitamins and dietary fiber. However, average vegetable consumption in many Southeast Asian...