Proceedings of the 5th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2019)
277 authors
- Setiawan, Renaldi
- The Nexus Between Operational Risk and Profitability in Islamic Banking
- Shaleh, Syirod
- Economic Growth, Export, Debt, and FDI: The Agriculture Case of Indonesia
- Siregar, Memito Nigel
- The Effect of Financial Performance, Auditor Reputation and Audit Opinion on Bond Ratings
- Siregar, Muhammad Ichsan
- Stock Market Development and Commodity Price on ASEAN-5 Economic Growth
- Slamet, Alim Setiawan
- Developing E-Commerce Success Model by Measuring Website Quality of Indonesian MSMEs
- Soebyakto, Bambang Bemby
- Joint Effect of Banking Competition and Risk-Taking on Profitability: Evidence from ASEAN’s Countries
- Soebyakto, Bambang Bemby
- Does Palembang City’s Population Growth Affect Optimal City Size: Minimum Cost and Maximum Net Benefit Approach?
- Soediro, Achmad
- Debt Costs and Acquisition in Indonesia
- Soediro, Achmad
- Limping Toward the Sharia Legitimacy
- Soediro, Achmad
- The Application Study of Green Metrics at 2 Indonesian Conservation Universities
- Subardin, Muhammad
- Industrialization in South Sumatera
- Subardin, Muhammad
- Revealed Comparative Advantage in Indonesian Coffee Commodity in the International Market
- Subeki, Ahmad
- Conflict Management Style and Role Stress on Government Auditor: A Perspective from Conservation of Resources Theory
- Suhel
- Household Rice Consumption Model in Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatera Province
- Sukanto
- Economic Growth, Export, Debt, and FDI: The Agriculture Case of Indonesia
- Sukanto
- Can Increased Transfer Fund Efficiency Contribute to Poverty in South Sumatra, Indonesia?
- Sulastri
- Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Manufacturing Firms: The Effects of Planning Flexibility and Entrepreneurship with Business Environment as a Moderating Variable
- Sulastri
- Behavior of Accumulated Assets and Sources of Funding
- Sulastri
- Customers’ Preference in Choosing Islamic Banks
- Sulastri
- Financing Decision and Dividend Policy to Corporate Value
- Sulbahri, Rifani Akbar
- Stock Market Development and Commodity Price on ASEAN-5 Economic Growth
- Suryosukmono, Gerry
- Effects of Emotional Labor, Organizational Support, and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention
- Susanti, Eka
- Application of Material Requirement Planning with ARIMA Forecasting and Fixed Order Quantity Method in Optimizing the Inventory Policy of Raw Materials of Sederhana Restaurant in Palembang
- Susetyo, Didik
- Effect of Progressive Tax and Tax Arrears on Revenue Transfer of Motor Vehicle Fee in South Sumatra Province
- Susetyo, Didik
- Compensation, Leadership Style, and Employee Performance: A Case Study at PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk
- Susetyo, Sugeng
- The Impact of Career Development on Employee Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance as a Mediator at PT. Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Bengkulu Area
- Syathiri, Ahmad
- The Influence of Financial Performance and Types of Financing on the Stability of Indonesian Islamic Rural Bank
- Syathiri, Ahmad
- The Effect of Financial Literacy on University Student Consumptive Behavior: Case Study on the Economic Faculty of Sriwijaya University
- Tamara, Ferisa Halifah
- Happiness: An Approach to Measure Economics of Well-Being
- Tania, Ken Ditha
- A Student Compliance Intention Model for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutes
- Taufik
- Moderating Influence of Gender on the Association Between Financial Attitude, Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge, and Financial Literacy
- Taufik
- The Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial Distress of Concentrated Ownership of Manufacturing Firms on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Teguh, Muhammad
- Education Mismatch on Women’s Workers’ Income in Southern Sumatra
- Teguh, Muhammad
- Socioeconomic Characteristic of Household Food Security in South Sumatra
- Thamrin, K. M. Husni
- The Analysis of Food Security and Vulnerability in South Sumatra, Indonesia
- Thamrin, K.M. Husni
- Financing Decision and Dividend Policy to Corporate Value
- Thamrin, Kemas M H
- The Effect of Dividend Policy on Stock Price Changes in the Bank Sub Sector Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Tjandrakirana, Rina
- Factors That Influence Companies to Transfer Pricing
- Trianto, Anton
- Analysis of Islamic Commercial Bank Health Level Based on RGEC Methods 2014–2017 Periods
- Ulum, Muhammad Bahrul
- Stock Market Development and Commodity Price on ASEAN-5 Economic Growth
- Umrie, Rasyid HS
- Analysing of Determining Factors of Customers Decision to Choose Mudharabah Saving in Four BUMN Shariah Bank at Palembang
- Umrie, Rasyid Hs
- Asset Growth, Investment Opportunity Set, Free Cash Flow as Determination of Dividend Payment Probability for Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
- Utami, Dinarossi
- Behavior of Accumulated Assets and Sources of Funding
- Utami, Nabila Tri
- Household Rice Consumption Model in Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatera Province
- Vialeta, Putri
- Economic Growth, Export, Debt, and FDI: The Agriculture Case of Indonesia
- Vialeta, Putri
- Effect of Progressive Tax and Tax Arrears on Revenue Transfer of Motor Vehicle Fee in South Sumatra Province
- Wadud, Muhammad
- Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Manufacturing Firms: The Effects of Planning Flexibility and Entrepreneurship with Business Environment as a Moderating Variable
- Wahab, Zakaria
- Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Manufacturing Firms: The Effects of Planning Flexibility and Entrepreneurship with Business Environment as a Moderating Variable
- Wahab, Zakaria
- Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership, Their Impacts on Job Satisfaction: Islamic Banking in South Sumatra
- Wahid, Risqo M.
- Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Manufacturing Firms: The Effects of Planning Flexibility and Entrepreneurship with Business Environment as a Moderating Variable
- Wahyuni, Heny
- Happiness: An Approach to Measure Economics of Well-Being
- Wakos, Abi
- The Role of Non-Financial Performance and Job-Tension
- Wiardi, Akram Harmoni
- Effect of Customer Orientation Attitude on Emotional Exhaustion Through Mediation of Surface Acting
- Wibowo, Pamungkas Adi
- University Governance and Structuration Perspective in Indonesian Higher Education Policies
- Widad, Achmad
- Influence of Perceived Value and Perceived Risk to Trust and the Implications on Buying Intention
- Widarni, Wulan
- The Effect of Gender, Financial Experience, and Money Attitude on Financial Literacy
- Widiyanti, Marlina
- Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Manufacturing Firms: The Effects of Planning Flexibility and Entrepreneurship with Business Environment as a Moderating Variable
- Widiyanti, Marlina
- Behavior of Accumulated Assets and Sources of Funding
- Widiyanti, Marlina
- Customers’ Preference in Choosing Islamic Banks
- Widiyanti, Marlina
- Analysing of Determining Factors of Customers Decision to Choose Mudharabah Saving in Four BUMN Shariah Bank at Palembang
- Widodo, Slamet
- Effects of Emotional Labor, Organizational Support, and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention
- Yanto, Desri
- Debt Costs and Acquisition in Indonesia
- Yuliana, Saadah
- Testing Baumol-Tobin Model Toward Millennials in Palembang City
- Yuliana, Saadah
- Socioeconomic Characteristic of Household Food Security in South Sumatra
- Yuliani
- The Mediating Role of Management Accounting Systems that Influence Management Style on Managerial Performance
- Yuliani
- Moderating Influence of Gender on the Association Between Financial Attitude, Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge, and Financial Literacy
- Yuliani
- The Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial Distress of Concentrated Ownership of Manufacturing Firms on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Yulianita, Anna
- Regional Economic Convergence in Sumatera Island: An Analysis by Industrial Sector
- Yulianita, Anna
- Effect of Progressive Tax and Tax Arrears on Revenue Transfer of Motor Vehicle Fee in South Sumatra Province
- Yulianita, Anna
- University Governance and Structuration Perspective in Indonesian Higher Education Policies
- Yunisvita
- Education Mismatch on Women’s Workers’ Income in Southern Sumatra
- Yunisvita, Yunisvita,
- Does Palembang City’s Population Growth Affect Optimal City Size: Minimum Cost and Maximum Net Benefit Approach?
- Yunita, Dessy
- The Effect of Social Media Users Behavior on Customer Engagement
- Yunita, Dessy
- Consumer Decision on Online Food Delivery
- Yusuf, M. Komri
- Mapping of Human Development Index in Regencies/City Over South Sumatera
- Zoraya, Intan
- The Effect of Gender, Financial Experience, and Money Attitude on Financial Literacy
- Zunaidah
- Compensation, Leadership Style, and Employee Performance: A Case Study at PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk