Proceedings of the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS 2023)

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33 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Quan Zhang
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium during the 28th-30th, August, 2023 in Macau, SAR, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the PROMS Board and other invited external reviewers and approved by...
Proceedings Article

Invariance and the Three Traditions of Measurement in the Human Sciences

George Engelhard Jr.
This chapter presents key aspects of invariant measurement. Invariant measurement can be broadly viewed as the application of scientific principles to the development of scales. Three traditions of measurement are identified and described (test-score, scaling, and structural traditions) for categorizing...
Proceedings Article

The JML estimation in the equi-distant unfolding model for polytomous responses

Guanzhong Luo
This paper operationalizes the general unfolding model for polytomous responses under the condition of equal-distances between the successive thresholds of an item. Using the joint maximum likelihood estimation (JML), two algorithms are proposed for parameter estimation, each with a different technique...
Proceedings Article

Measuring Scientific Creativity with Subjective Creativity Assessments: Psychometric Challenges and Suggestions

Sujie Yang, Jue Wang
The research on scientific creativity plays an increasingly important role in education. Scientific creativity can be viewed as a type of domain-specific creativity. Subjective creativity assessments (SCA) are particularly useful for measuring domain-specific creativity and earned wide popularity in...
Proceedings Article

The Most Updated Development of PROMS in China

----- A report from Chinese Organizers

Jian Fang Xiao, Yun Zhao, Qinglan Yao, Huiqing Xiao
This article reports a series of Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) conferences organized by Chinese counterparts of Rasch model in China. Starting from PROMS 2023, Macau, China, the authors summarized all the pre-conference workshops run and keynotes delivered at each PROMS conference...
Proceedings Article

Using Rasch Model to Assess the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) Among University Students in Salatiga, Indonesia

Rizki Parahita Anandi, Bambang Sumintono, Muhammad Azhar Zailaini, Resa Syafitri
This research was aimed to investigate the use of the instrument Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) with Rasch measurement model approach. About 46 Arabic Language Education students have participated in the study. Rasch model provided some analysis to examine the quality aspect of an instrument...
Proceedings Article

The Validation of the Inventory of Peer Attachment (IPA) among Chinese Migrant and Urban Adolescents

Wenjing Mo, Chen Chen
Background: The Inventory of Peer Attachment (IPA), developed by Armsden and Greenberg, is a widely used self-report questionnaire that measures peer attachment in youth. However, previous research has found that the factor-structure of the IPA is inconsistent in different cultures and among different...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Co-Creation Efforts on Unfavourable Experience and Response Behaviour: A Hybrid of Rasch Measurement and PLS-SEM Analysis

Nor Irvoni Mohd Ishar
This paper aims to verify the constructs validity, and to investigate the relationship between variables understudy by combining the Rasch Measurement Analysis and PLS-SEM approach. A number of 350 self-administered structured questionnaires were distributed to mobile telco subscribers in Klang Valley,...
Proceedings Article

Development and Validation of a Leadership Competency Scale for High School Students Using the Partial Credit Model and the Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Sun-Geun Baek, Woori Song, Seojin Kim, Yunah Kang, Hyun-Gyung Yang
This study aims to develop and validate a leadership competency scale for high school students using the partial credit model (PCM) and the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). To do this, based on a comprehensive literature review, three sub-domains were newly set as ‘futuristic vision’, ‘group management’,...
Proceedings Article

Content Analysis of Gender Differential Item Functioning of Mathematics Items among Secondary Students in an Eastern Chinese Culture

S. Kanageswari Suppiah Shanmugam, Siti Noor Ismail, Arsaythamby Veloo
This study reports on preliminary findings of gender differential item functioning (DIF) in an Eastern school culture, which is known for ‘special’ teaching approaches and successful mathematics learning that produces impressive mathematics results. This study aimed to identify mathematics items that...
Proceedings Article

Assessing of career adaptability for students and their preference work in digital era Via Rasch Model

Siti Aminah, Nur Hidayah, Fattah Hanurawan, Henny Indreswari, Li Lei, Juster Donal Sinaga
This study examines students’ career adaptability and their preference for work in the digital era. The Career Adapt-Ability Scale Short Form (CAAS-SF) is used as a measuring tool. This study involved 660 students (mean age = 20.25, SD = 2.10), consisting of 543 female and 117 male students. The reliability...
Proceedings Article

Assessing of Parental Feeding Practice for Childhood in Indonesia: A Rasch Insight

Itsar Bolo Rangka, Nur Hidayah, Fattah Hanurawan, Nur Eva
Parental feeding practice is a topic that has developed rapidly over the last three decades because it has a significant impact on the formation of healthy eating habits, optimal nutritional satisfaction, weight control, positive eating patterns, and the development of child’s eating skills. Regretfully,...
Proceedings Article

Aligning the Attitude towards Math Inventory

Chue Kah Loong
The aim of this study is twofold: 1) to align the Attitude towards Math Inventory so that it fits the construct of an attitude and 2) to investigate the psychometric properties and possible gender biasness in the inventory. The short version of the attitude towards math inventory was modified to fit...
Proceedings Article

Validation of the Supervision Outcome Scale in Counselor Professional Education in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach

Afriyadi Sofyan, Nur Hidayah, Bambang Budi Wiyono, M. Ramli, Yuying Tsong
This study investigates the applicability of the Supervision Outcome Scale (SOS), initially developed by Yuying Tsong, in the context of counselor professional education (CPE) in Indonesia. The research objective was to validate the Indonesian SOS (ID-SOS) version using the Rasch Rating Scale Model....
Proceedings Article

Selecting the Top Artisan Woodcraft Projects Using Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) Model

Mohd Zali Mohd Nor, Bambang Sumintono, Mohd Shaharul Nizam, Zulkifle Sani
Once a year, the Geng Seni Kayu Kreatif (GSKK – Creative Woodworkers Group) society conducts a competition for budding craft persons to showcase their ideas and skills. The main objectives were two-fold. First is to check if the selected rubrics are suitable. Second was to rank the woodcraft entries,...
Proceedings Article

Evaluating the Accuracy of Peer Assessment of ESL Argumentative Writing Using a Mixed-Methods Approach

Xiao Xie, Vahid Nimehchisalem, Mei Fung Yong, Ngee Thai Yap
In the context of ESL writing, the prevalent approach of utilising inter-rater reliability measures, particularly Pearson’s r coefficient, for the scrutiny of peer assessment comes with inherent constraints. Rasch models have emerged as an alternative method to conventional correlation analysis for assessing...
Proceedings Article

The Indonesian Version of Triangular Hate Scale: A Validation and Current Mapping on Young Adults via Rasch Analysis

Nila Zaimatus Septiana, Adi Atmoko, Muslihati, Septinda Rima Dewanti
The problem of hatred in society is still urgently needed, especially in light of the detrimental effects associated with social conflict, discrimination and inequality, psychological harm, and social polarization. Instruments are required to measure the extent to which hatred occurs to map the conditions...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian version of Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale via Rasch analysis

Restu Dwi Ariyanto, Nur Hidayah, I M. Hambali, Henny Indreswari, Arizona, Ulfah Muhayani, Brelyantika Indra Jesa
This study focuses on translating and validating the Indonesian version of the Runco Ideational Behaviour Scale (RIBS) to assess creative thinking among high school students in Indonesia. Creativity assessment in education and psychology often faces challenges, balancing between detailed, time-consuming...
Proceedings Article

Rasch Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Learning Arabic Instrument (I-SMA) for Malaysian Universities

Nur Afiqah Athirah Mohd Rushdi, Lily Hanefarezan Asbulah, Kaseh Abu Bakar, Firuz-Akhtar Lubis, Ashinida Aladdin
This study employs Rasch Model analysis to assess the validity and reliability of the I-SMA instrument, aimed at measuring students’ motivation in learning Arabic language. Utilizing a cross-sectional survey design, data was gathered from 273 graduating students majoring in Arabic language across eight...
Proceedings Article

Development and Validation of Students’ Competency Instrument on Science Process Skills

Ellyza Karim, Syakima Ilyana Ibrahim, Hanani Harun Rasit, Bambang Sumintono
Science process skills are fundamental to science learning and consequently promote scientific literacy among students. Scientists use these skills to construct knowledge during investigation. Thus, science process skills should be acquired not only by scientists, but by all individuals. This study reviews...
Proceedings Article

Identifying Student Goal Orientations for the Improvement of Business Education: Results from Classical Test Theory and the Rasch Model

Jeffrey Durand, Roger Durand, Phillip J. Decker, Jordan P. Mitchell
The research reported in this paper focuses on the goal orientations (GO) and, especially the measurement of such orientations, among university business students. Goal orientations are the tendencies or motivations to attain specific, desired results in settings, like universities, where achievement...
Proceedings Article

RASCH-GZ: The Most Updated Rasch-Based Research Development in China

Quan Zhang
The present article introduced (RASCH-GZ) from the perspective of both Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Rasch Model. (RASCH-GZ) is the recently developed software based on Rasch model particularly used for item analysis and test equating. The system was successfully developed during the global fighting...
Proceedings Article

Examining the Qualities of Anchor Items in Rasch Model Test Linking

Chieng Zouh Fong
Study of invariance measurement in examining quality of anchor items in Rasch model Test Linking are essential in safeguard test fairness especially in high stake examinations. Rasch model provide sufficiency, invariance, and objectivity in resultant measures (Stenner, 2001). The primary objective of...
Proceedings Article

A Rasch-based Analysis of Malaysian Students’ Hierarchical Understanding of Rational Numbers

Ahmad Zamri Khairani, Hasni Shamsuddin
Rational numberis an important topic in mathematics since the knowledge and skills in this topic are very useful in more advanced topics. However, many students are unable to master this topic due to various misconceptions that exist because of properties of Rational Numbers. As such, in this study,...
Proceedings Article

Item Analyses and Test Equating Using Rasch-GZ

Jinyu Wu, Xue Yang, Jinggang Wei, Quan Zhang
This article is a user guide to RASCH-GZ, the first Chinese platform for both CCT-based Item Analysis and Rasch-based Test Equating successfully developed over the past three years (2019–2023). It provides Chinese-speaking researchers and scholars with lots of help in promoting the use of Rasch model,...
Proceedings Article

Teacher’s Perception on Project Based Learning and Acceptance of “The Wonders of PBL” Kit to Implement Project-Based Learning

Mei-Teng Ling, Huang Yew Wong, Fung Yong Teo, Seng Ai Law, Wong Kung Kui, Sie Siek Law, Zulfadhli Al Fahmi Bin Abdul Hamid
Project-basedlearning (PBL)isan educational approachthat involvesstudentsworkingonaprojectora series of projects over an extended period. In this study, the perception of teachers towards PBL was examined. A kit named “The Wonders of PBL” was introduced to help teachers implement PBL in school, and their...
Proceedings Article

Application of Rasch Model for Cloze Test Quality Analysis in Language Teaching Situation

Chang Xinping, Cao Jiaying
The fundamental function of language testing is to facilitate language teaching and learning. Hence, teachers need to be informed of effective measurement methods. Quality control of routine language tests in daily teaching situations needs to be given more attention. This research employs the Rasch...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Strategies to Remotivate Chinese Vocational Students in English Learning in the Era of Informatization

Yutong Xie, Jianfang Xiao
This paper attempts to address, through qualitative research, the strategies to remotivate Chinese vocational students in English language learning. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed to share the expectations. The study results showed that the same group of students (n = 52) were tested College...
Proceedings Article

An Investigation of Four Types of Conjunctions in Argumentative Writings among Non-English Major Students

Ci Zhang, Yunfeng Zhang, Xiaoshu Xu
Motivated by the importance of the pedagogical application of Functional Grammar, and the potential influence of L1 on Chinese English learners’ usage of conjunctions in writing discourse, the author aims to find out the frequency and difference between two majors—liberal arts and engineering—have in...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of ChatGPT on Chinese Postgraduates’ English Learning Interest and Proficiency: An Experience of IELTS Speaking Project

Yu-die Rong, Wan-yang Xiao, Yun-feng Zhang, Xiao-shu Xu
The study explores the potential applications of ChatGPT in language learning and evaluates its effectiveness specifically in the context of the IELTS speaking section. A carefully conducted questionnaire was administered to 48 postgraduates who incorporated ChatGPT into their IELTS speaking practice...
Proceedings Article

Learners’ Acceptance of Chat GPT in Higher Education: A Comparison among Overseas and Chinese Undergraduates

Zhiyao Li, Ruohao Wang, Yunfeng Zhang
This study employs a mixed-methods approach to examine undergraduate students’ acceptance of ChatGPT in higher education, specifically comparing views of Chinese students with those from other countries. The research uses the Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2), questionnaires, and interviews to gather...
Proceedings Article

Assessing Scaffolding Tools Adopted in Emergency Remote Teaching for English Public Speaking

Yimeng Zhu, Jiangbo Wan
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, emergency remote teaching, blended teaching, and other modes of technology-mediated teaching have been practiced in order to sustain education under stringent social distancing requirements. This study examines the teaching and learning process and the outcome of the “English...
Proceedings Article

Interpretating Rasch Ability and Difficulty Estimates to Inform Mathematics Learning through an Adaptive Learning System

Che Yee Lye, Lyndon Lim
The Rasch model has been utilized in adaptive learning to provide personalized learning and timely assessment feedback to students in tertiary education. However, much of the work has been focusing on validating the tools, and estimating student ability and item difficulty, with very little research...