Proceedings of the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS 2023)
Conference: Proceedings of the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS 2023)
Date: 29-30 May 2024
Location: Macau, China (Offline)
Website: Preface Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2023 was held successfully from 29-30 August, 2023, at World Sports University (WSU)1, Macau, SAR, China. This is a grand international on site conference to have been held after the global fighting COVID-19 period. The Conference is featured with keynote speeches, parallel sessions, poster presentation, and pre-conference> A Truly On-Site International Academic Event Since the first PROMS was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2005, PROMS 2023 Macau, China is the 18th PROMS conference to have been held in China. As proposed first by Prof. Trevor Bond (2012) and agreed upon by all the PROMSboardmembers, the conference is held in China every other year. This year, the conference organizers have selected Macau, China, which facilitates the visa application and travel for both domestic and foreign experts and scholars from the USA, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Germany (Springer Nature), South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, China Hong Kong, China Macau, China Taiwan, and China Mainland. The Conference Theme focuses on Rasch Model: Traditions, Trends, and Challenges after COVID-19. The aim is to provide an academic platform for Rasch researchers and practitioners to share new ideas, research results, and development experiences. PROMS 2023 Macau China is not held virtually. Rather, it is the first large-scale international on-site seminar successfully organized by the World Sports University, Macau, China, after the fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic years under the global environment. We screened among a number of presentations and ultimately accepted thirty-two articles including a special report for publication, covering topics ad hoc devoted to Rasch and ScaleArticles contributed by scholars fromMalaysia, Indonesia,China, South Korea, and Singapore. Rasch and Testing Articles with focus on test equating submitted by scholars from China, Malaysia, and Indonesia, and Teaching and Learning Articles contributed by scholars from China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, and USA. There are five highlights on the articles published this year. At the first place, the content of all the papers is consistent with the conference theme, mostly about Rasch model or Rasch-based research. All the papers were presented at the conference parallel sessions and underwent Q & A sessions. Next, text similarity screening automatically generated by the Springer Editorial System indicates that both Overall Similarity Score (OSS) and Highest Score from Single Source (HSSS) inherent in the submissions eligible for publication are kept well below25%. This shows all the submissions here are original papers. Apart from this,wehave authors from Pacific-rim countries and regions and USA. The fourth highlight is that sample sizes the authors collected are big and most used WINSTEPS for data calibration.Finally, the most important one is that each manuscript was peer-reviewed. The writer believes that it is necessary to share such collections with the researchers and scholars in and outside the researchers and scholars in and outside Pacific-rim countries and regions so as to get more feedback from professional counterparts for our steering further Rasch-based research. However, three limitations remain: At first, all the manuscripts have been carefully reviewed, but some are not well revised due to time limit. This shows we have improvement to make. Next, Rasch-based software has not yet been popularized in research field conducted by scholars in liberal arts, foreign language teaching and learning in particular. For Chinese scholars, there exist language barriers because no Chinese version of the software is available. Although the Chinese version of (SPSS) can perform most statistical analyses, it does not offer the specific functions for item analysis, test reports, and test equating, not to mention Rasch model and IRT. We need assessment project on large scale to be conducted by professionals aiming to disseminate or promote the training to apply CTT or Rasch analysis to support formative assessment in both classrooms and schools. Bond and Yanzi(2016)2 once said that the adoption of Rasch measurement remain in its infancy. Thus, there has been actually forming vast space between Rasch theory and actual practice. The third limitation worth mentioning is that in spite of the topics collected in the present conference proceedings, not all the Rasch-based or Rasch-related research being practiced in China as well as in the Pacific-rim regions and countries can be feasibly covered within such annual conference proceedings. The present one is just the tip of the iceberg. The availability of such a broad range of materials will help readers realize the status quo, ongoing practice and development of Rasch model or/and Rasch-based research in the Pacific-Rim countries and regions. Hopefully, such profiles would contribute to building up Rasch Model and objective measurement into an independent discipline in universities and colleges worldwide. Finally, the writer would like to thank all the anonymous reviewer(s) for their valu- able comments, suggestions, and for Atlantis Press/Springer Nature giving us such a wider platform to air our views. Without their guidelines, the publication of the present conference proceedings would not have been possible. We hope that our readers will find PROMS conference proceedings useful yet enlightened in their research fields as well. Quan Zhang Welcome Speech Dr.CheKuongHon1 1 Chairman of PROMS 2023 Organizing Committee and President of the World Sports University Macau, SAR, China Dear Esteemed Guests and Colleagues, On behalf of the PROMS 2023 Organizing Committee, it is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all to the 18th Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2023 in Macau, China. As the President of the World Sports University, I would like to express our gratitude for the opportunity to co-organize this important event. As we gather for the 18th PROMS 2023, here in Macau, China, we are presented with an exciting opportunity to learn from the distinguished keynote speakers and presenters from around the world. This year’s symposium promises to be an engaging and enlightening event, with workshops, presentations, and discussions that will contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in our field. This year’s theme, “Rasch Model: Tradition, Challenges, and Trends after COVID- 19,” is timely and relevant. As we continue to navigate the post-pandemic landscape, we are faced with new challenges and opportunities to advance our understanding of objective measurement in various fields. The Rasch Model has been a powerful tool in this regard, and we are excited to hear from our distinguished keynote speakers and presenters on how they have used this model to address the challenges of our times. At the WSU, a global institution that is committed to advancing knowledge and research in the field of sports, physical education, and related disciplines, we believe that objective measurement is essential for advancing knowledge and understanding in our field. TheWSU strives to promote excellence in teaching, research, and service, and to foster collaboration across cultures and borders. Our mission is to create a vibrant academic community that is dedicated to improving the lives of people through sports and physical activity. The PROMS conference is an excellent platform for scholars from around the world to share their research and to learn from each other.We are proud to partner with PROMS in this endeavor, and we are committed to supporting the development of objective measurement as a key tool for advancing our field. Moreover, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Prof. George Engelhard, Jr. for his leadership as the President of PROMS and for being one of our keynote speakers. Prof. Engelhard is a leading expert in the field of objective measurement, and his insights will be invaluable to us all. I also want to thank all the scholarswho have traveled from China, USA, China, Indonesia, Japan,Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, and China Hong Kong other regions to share their research with us. In conclusion, I hope that this conference will be a fruitful, rewarding, and enjoy- able experience for all of us, and that it will contribute to advancing knowledge and understanding in our field. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to learn from each other, to exchange ideas, and to build new collaborations. I wish you all a successful and productive symposium and an enjoyable stay in Macau, China. Thank you.
Date: 29-30 May 2024
Location: Macau, China (Offline)
Website: Preface Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2023 was held successfully from 29-30 August, 2023, at World Sports University (WSU)1, Macau, SAR, China. This is a grand international on site conference to have been held after the global fighting COVID-19 period. The Conference is featured with keynote speeches, parallel sessions, poster presentation, and pre-conference> A Truly On-Site International Academic Event Since the first PROMS was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2005, PROMS 2023 Macau, China is the 18th PROMS conference to have been held in China. As proposed first by Prof. Trevor Bond (2012) and agreed upon by all the PROMSboardmembers, the conference is held in China every other year. This year, the conference organizers have selected Macau, China, which facilitates the visa application and travel for both domestic and foreign experts and scholars from the USA, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Germany (Springer Nature), South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, China Hong Kong, China Macau, China Taiwan, and China Mainland. The Conference Theme focuses on Rasch Model: Traditions, Trends, and Challenges after COVID-19. The aim is to provide an academic platform for Rasch researchers and practitioners to share new ideas, research results, and development experiences. PROMS 2023 Macau China is not held virtually. Rather, it is the first large-scale international on-site seminar successfully organized by the World Sports University, Macau, China, after the fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic years under the global environment. We screened among a number of presentations and ultimately accepted thirty-two articles including a special report for publication, covering topics ad hoc devoted to Rasch and ScaleArticles contributed by scholars fromMalaysia, Indonesia,China, South Korea, and Singapore. Rasch and Testing Articles with focus on test equating submitted by scholars from China, Malaysia, and Indonesia, and Teaching and Learning Articles contributed by scholars from China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, and USA. There are five highlights on the articles published this year. At the first place, the content of all the papers is consistent with the conference theme, mostly about Rasch model or Rasch-based research. All the papers were presented at the conference parallel sessions and underwent Q & A sessions. Next, text similarity screening automatically generated by the Springer Editorial System indicates that both Overall Similarity Score (OSS) and Highest Score from Single Source (HSSS) inherent in the submissions eligible for publication are kept well below25%. This shows all the submissions here are original papers. Apart from this,wehave authors from Pacific-rim countries and regions and USA. The fourth highlight is that sample sizes the authors collected are big and most used WINSTEPS for data calibration.Finally, the most important one is that each manuscript was peer-reviewed. The writer believes that it is necessary to share such collections with the researchers and scholars in and outside the researchers and scholars in and outside Pacific-rim countries and regions so as to get more feedback from professional counterparts for our steering further Rasch-based research. However, three limitations remain: At first, all the manuscripts have been carefully reviewed, but some are not well revised due to time limit. This shows we have improvement to make. Next, Rasch-based software has not yet been popularized in research field conducted by scholars in liberal arts, foreign language teaching and learning in particular. For Chinese scholars, there exist language barriers because no Chinese version of the software is available. Although the Chinese version of (SPSS) can perform most statistical analyses, it does not offer the specific functions for item analysis, test reports, and test equating, not to mention Rasch model and IRT. We need assessment project on large scale to be conducted by professionals aiming to disseminate or promote the training to apply CTT or Rasch analysis to support formative assessment in both classrooms and schools. Bond and Yanzi(2016)2 once said that the adoption of Rasch measurement remain in its infancy. Thus, there has been actually forming vast space between Rasch theory and actual practice. The third limitation worth mentioning is that in spite of the topics collected in the present conference proceedings, not all the Rasch-based or Rasch-related research being practiced in China as well as in the Pacific-rim regions and countries can be feasibly covered within such annual conference proceedings. The present one is just the tip of the iceberg. The availability of such a broad range of materials will help readers realize the status quo, ongoing practice and development of Rasch model or/and Rasch-based research in the Pacific-Rim countries and regions. Hopefully, such profiles would contribute to building up Rasch Model and objective measurement into an independent discipline in universities and colleges worldwide. Finally, the writer would like to thank all the anonymous reviewer(s) for their valu- able comments, suggestions, and for Atlantis Press/Springer Nature giving us such a wider platform to air our views. Without their guidelines, the publication of the present conference proceedings would not have been possible. We hope that our readers will find PROMS conference proceedings useful yet enlightened in their research fields as well. Quan Zhang Welcome Speech Dr.CheKuongHon1 1 Chairman of PROMS 2023 Organizing Committee and President of the World Sports University Macau, SAR, China Dear Esteemed Guests and Colleagues, On behalf of the PROMS 2023 Organizing Committee, it is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all to the 18th Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2023 in Macau, China. As the President of the World Sports University, I would like to express our gratitude for the opportunity to co-organize this important event. As we gather for the 18th PROMS 2023, here in Macau, China, we are presented with an exciting opportunity to learn from the distinguished keynote speakers and presenters from around the world. This year’s symposium promises to be an engaging and enlightening event, with workshops, presentations, and discussions that will contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in our field. This year’s theme, “Rasch Model: Tradition, Challenges, and Trends after COVID- 19,” is timely and relevant. As we continue to navigate the post-pandemic landscape, we are faced with new challenges and opportunities to advance our understanding of objective measurement in various fields. The Rasch Model has been a powerful tool in this regard, and we are excited to hear from our distinguished keynote speakers and presenters on how they have used this model to address the challenges of our times. At the WSU, a global institution that is committed to advancing knowledge and research in the field of sports, physical education, and related disciplines, we believe that objective measurement is essential for advancing knowledge and understanding in our field. TheWSU strives to promote excellence in teaching, research, and service, and to foster collaboration across cultures and borders. Our mission is to create a vibrant academic community that is dedicated to improving the lives of people through sports and physical activity. The PROMS conference is an excellent platform for scholars from around the world to share their research and to learn from each other.We are proud to partner with PROMS in this endeavor, and we are committed to supporting the development of objective measurement as a key tool for advancing our field. Moreover, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Prof. George Engelhard, Jr. for his leadership as the President of PROMS and for being one of our keynote speakers. Prof. Engelhard is a leading expert in the field of objective measurement, and his insights will be invaluable to us all. I also want to thank all the scholarswho have traveled from China, USA, China, Indonesia, Japan,Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, and China Hong Kong other regions to share their research with us. In conclusion, I hope that this conference will be a fruitful, rewarding, and enjoy- able experience for all of us, and that it will contribute to advancing knowledge and understanding in our field. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to learn from each other, to exchange ideas, and to build new collaborations. I wish you all a successful and productive symposium and an enjoyable stay in Macau, China. Thank you.