Proceedings of the 2nd Lawang Sewu International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences 2023 (LEWIS HUSO 2023)
92 authors
- Adnan, Mazlini
- The Application Of Stem To The Brebes Local Wisdom-Based Mathematics Textbook
- Alqo’idah, Wardah
- Forecall Method to Reduce Kidult Behavior: The Unfinished Business in Childhood
- Alwiyah, Alwiyah
- Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure Model in Indonesian Banking Industry 2018-2022
- Ambarsari, Arum
- The Reactualization of Students ‘Honest Character at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Ed after Covid-19
- Amril, La Ode
- Exploring Science Learning Strategies for Visually Impaired and Blind Students In Higher Education Inclusive Class
- Ansori, Muhammad
- Digital Literacy Management Based On Open Artificial Intelligence (Open AI) In PGMI Student Research Development
- Apriadi, Deny Wahyu
- Development Dynamics of Former Mining Site as Tourist Area SETIGI Based on Local Community
- Apriani, Rani
- Paralegals in Digital Learning Transformation: Profession or Competence?
- Apriani, Rani
- Goverment Efforts To Reduce Electronic Waste In Msmes Based On Existing Regulations Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Ar-raza, Muhammad Firdaus
- Forecall Method to Reduce Kidult Behavior: The Unfinished Business in Childhood
- Arum, Prizka Rismawati
- Learning Impact Using SETS Approach On Motivation And Its Effect On Student’s Cognitive Score
- Aziz, Abdul
- Difficulties of Prospective Teachers in Proving Algebra Based on Understanding Concepts
- Budiastuti, Riana Eka
- Learning Autonomy and Challenges in Mastering English Listening Skills: EFL Learners’ Voices
- Deni Wijayatiningsih, Testiana
- Peer-Review Statements
- Dwi Santoso, Heri
- Peer-Review Statements
- Gunawan, Reihan Nisha
- Declutter Challenge: Decluttering as a Method to Decrease the Tendency of Hoarding in Teenagers
- Handayani, Cut Intan Mega
- Aceh Students’ Perspectives on Using Digital Media for Learning: A Gender-Based Study
- Hanisy, Asmad
- Digital Literacy Management Based On Open Artificial Intelligence (Open AI) In PGMI Student Research Development
- Hanum, Ayu Noviani
- Determination Model of Muzakki’s Interest in Paying Zakat
- Hanum, Farida
- The Role Of Religion In Higher Education: A Need For Assessment On Religious Education In Indonesia
- Haripin, Muhammad
- Economic Empowerment of Coastal Communities with Making Processed Crab By-Products in Tanjung Mas Village-North Semarang
- Hastangka, Hastangka
- The Role Of Religion In Higher Education: A Need For Assessment On Religious Education In Indonesia
- Hidayat, Muhamad Taufik
- Learning Impact Using SETS Approach On Motivation And Its Effect On Student’s Cognitive Score
- Ibad, Taqwa Nur
- Digital Literacy Management Based On Open Artificial Intelligence (Open AI) In PGMI Student Research Development
- Janie, Dyah N. A.
- The Determinants of School Operational Assistance Fund Management
- Janie, Dyah N. A.
- Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure Model in Indonesian Banking Industry 2018-2022
- Janie, Dyah Nirmala Arum
- The Impact of Governance on Corporate Value With Corporate Risk Management As Moderator
- Janie, Dyah Nirmala Arum
- Determination Model of Muzakki’s Interest in Paying Zakat
- Khairunisa, Sabrina
- Declutter Challenge: Decluttering as a Method to Decrease the Tendency of Hoarding in Teenagers
- Khasanah, Uswatun
- The Application Of Stem To The Brebes Local Wisdom-Based Mathematics Textbook
- Kustati, Asihing
- Samar Village Towards Tourism Village: Identification Of Stakeholder Influence In Village Tourism Development
- Lukman, Isna Rezkia
- Aceh Students’ Perspectives on Using Digital Media for Learning: A Gender-Based Study
- Mardhiyah, Nisa’ul
- Declutter Challenge: Decluttering as a Method to Decrease the Tendency of Hoarding in Teenagers
- Marlena, Fitri Suci
- Determination Model of Muzakki’s Interest in Paying Zakat
- Masitoh, Siti
- Education Of Carbon Footprint And Energy Efficiency In Higher Education: Insights From A Bibliometric
- Masrukhi, Masrukhi
- Factors Inhibiting Character Education on Muhammadiyah Primary Students at Semarang City
- Mawarsari, Venissa Dian
- The Application Of Stem To The Brebes Local Wisdom-Based Mathematics Textbook
- Mawarsari, Venissa Dian
- The Analysis of Student’s Needs to Optimize Geometric Thinking Abilities
- Meiji, Nanda Harda Pratama
- Development Dynamics of Former Mining Site as Tourist Area SETIGI Based on Local Community
- Mulyadi, Dodi
- Learning Autonomy and Challenges in Mastering English Listening Skills: EFL Learners’ Voices
- Nabila, Tsania Zahrotun
- Forecall Method to Reduce Kidult Behavior: The Unfinished Business in Childhood
- Nofrion, Nofrion
- Implementation of Case Based Learning through the GeoSMART Approach to Increase Student Participation in Geography Learning
- Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
- The Impact of Governance on Corporate Value With Corporate Risk Management As Moderator
- Nurhanifah, Afifa
- Goverment Efforts To Reduce Electronic Waste In Msmes Based On Existing Regulations Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Nurlaela, Raden Siti
- Exploring Science Learning Strategies for Visually Impaired and Blind Students In Higher Education Inclusive Class
- Oktaviani, Hevi Dwi
- Paralegals in Digital Learning Transformation: Profession or Competence?
- Operma, Sukron
- Implementation of Case Based Learning through the GeoSMART Approach to Increase Student Participation in Geography Learning
- Pasaribu, Ali Imron
- Aceh Students’ Perspectives on Using Digital Media for Learning: A Gender-Based Study
- Pebrianto, Moh.
- Samar Village Towards Tourism Village: Identification Of Stakeholder Influence In Village Tourism Development
- Prasetyanti, Dian Candra
- Learning Autonomy and Challenges in Mastering English Listening Skills: EFL Learners’ Voices
- Prasetyo, Yogo Dwi
- Exploring Science Learning Strategies for Visually Impaired and Blind Students In Higher Education Inclusive Class
- Pratiwi, Aik Nur
- Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure Model in Indonesian Banking Industry 2018-2022
- Prihaswati, Martyana
- The Application Of Stem To The Brebes Local Wisdom-Based Mathematics Textbook
- Prihaswati, Martyana
- The Analysis of Student’s Needs to Optimize Geometric Thinking Abilities
- Priyantini, Wikke
- Development Dynamics of Former Mining Site as Tourist Area SETIGI Based on Local Community
- Purnomo, Agung Sulistyo
- Global Landscape On Current Immigration Visa Policy Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Purnomo, Eko Andy
- The Application Of Stem To The Brebes Local Wisdom-Based Mathematics Textbook
- Puspita, Nurul
- The Reactualization of Students ‘Honest Character at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Ed after Covid-19
- Puspita, Nurul
- Economic Empowerment of Coastal Communities with Making Processed Crab By-Products in Tanjung Mas Village-North Semarang
- Putra, Pamungkas Satya
- Paralegals in Digital Learning Transformation: Profession or Competence?
- Putra, Pamungkas Satya
- Goverment Efforts To Reduce Electronic Waste In Msmes Based On Existing Regulations Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Putri, Meilinda Dotama Charista
- The Determinants of School Operational Assistance Fund Management
- Rahmanelli, Rahmanelli
- Implementation of Case Based Learning through the GeoSMART Approach to Increase Student Participation in Geography Learning
- Ridwan, Mohammad
- The Determinants of School Operational Assistance Fund Management
- Rofii, Muhammad Syaroni
- Global Landscape On Current Immigration Visa Policy Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Rofi’ah, Siti Hamidahtur
- Digital Literacy Management Based On Open Artificial Intelligence (Open AI) In PGMI Student Research Development
- Salma, Annastya Okti
- The Effect of Education with Animated Videos on Knowledge and Attitudes in Preventing Obesity in Adolescents at SMA Negeri 9 Semarang
- Sarifuddin, Ahmad
- Economic Empowerment of Coastal Communities with Making Processed Crab By-Products in Tanjung Mas Village-North Semarang
- Septiana, Helyya
- The Impact of Governance on Corporate Value With Corporate Risk Management As Moderator
- Setiawaty, Sri
- Aceh Students’ Perspectives on Using Digital Media for Learning: A Gender-Based Study
- Setiowati, Erni Agustina
- Forecall Method to Reduce Kidult Behavior: The Unfinished Business in Childhood
- Setiowati, Erni Agustina
- Declutter Challenge: Decluttering as a Method to Decrease the Tendency of Hoarding in Teenagers
- Sinarasri, Andwiani
- Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure Model in Indonesian Banking Industry 2018-2022
- Suharto, Farul
- The Effect of Education with Animated Videos on Knowledge and Attitudes in Preventing Obesity in Adolescents at SMA Negeri 9 Semarang
- Sukestiyarno, Y. L.
- The Analysis of Student’s Needs to Optimize Geometric Thinking Abilities
- Sumardiyani, Listyaning
- Learning Autonomy and Challenges in Mastering English Listening Skills: EFL Learners’ Voices
- Sumarno, Alim
- Education Of Carbon Footprint And Energy Efficiency In Higher Education: Insights From A Bibliometric
- Suprayitno, Iswahyudi Joko
- Difficulties of Prospective Teachers in Proving Algebra Based on Understanding Concepts
- Supriyanto, Supriyanto
- Factors Inhibiting Character Education on Muhammadiyah Primary Students at Semarang City
- Tri Santosa, Budi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Unaida, Ratna
- Aceh Students’ Perspectives on Using Digital Media for Learning: A Gender-Based Study
- Utomo, Erwin Pri
- Implementation of Case Based Learning through the GeoSMART Approach to Increase Student Participation in Geography Learning
- Wahidah, Finadatul
- Digital Literacy Management Based On Open Artificial Intelligence (Open AI) In PGMI Student Research Development
- Waskito, Waskito
- Development Dynamics of Former Mining Site as Tourist Area SETIGI Based on Local Community
- Wijayatiningsih, Testiana Deni
- Learning Autonomy and Challenges in Mastering English Listening Skills: EFL Learners’ Voices
- Winaryati, Eny
- Learning Impact Using SETS Approach On Motivation And Its Effect On Student’s Cognitive Score
- Winaryati, Eny
- Learning Autonomy and Challenges in Mastering English Listening Skills: EFL Learners’ Voices
- Yektyastuti, Resti
- Exploring Science Learning Strategies for Visually Impaired and Blind Students In Higher Education Inclusive Class
- Yuliati, Yayuk
- Samar Village Towards Tourism Village: Identification Of Stakeholder Influence In Village Tourism Development
- Yuliyanto, Eko
- Peer-Review Statements
- Yuliyanto, Eko
- Education Of Carbon Footprint And Energy Efficiency In Higher Education: Insights From A Bibliometric
- Yusuf, Muhammad
- Economic Empowerment of Coastal Communities with Making Processed Crab By-Products in Tanjung Mas Village-North Semarang