Proceedings of the 2nd INDOEDUC4ALL - Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC 2018)
155 authors
- Aini, Farida
- Adaptation and Validation of PATCH (Parental Attitudes toward Children with Handicapped) Scale in the Indonesian Parents
- Ainin, Ima Kurrotun
- Are Indonesian Sign Language and Total Communication Beneficial for Teachers in Inclusive School?
- Akbar, Mr
- Self Alienation of Adolescents with Visual Impairments
- Amalia, Desica
- Implementation of Worksheet Moral Dilemma Through Problem Solving of Wetlands
- Amka, Mr
- Inclusive Education Policy in College Policy Analysis for Students with Special Needs
- Andriyanto, Fajar
- Sign Language for Learning The Pronunciation of the Qur'an An Effort to Compile and Implement a Sign Language System to Help Blind People Learn to Read the Qur'an Correctly
- Anwar, Mohammad
- The Development of Digital Sign Language Dictionary for Hearing Impaired
- Aprilia, Imas Diana
- Regular Students Responses to The Presence of Students with Hearing Impairment in Inclusive Classes
- Aprilia, Imas Diana
- Case Profile as a Basis of Early Helpful Intervention Programs to Optimize Authentic Children's Expressive Communication Ability
- Apriyanti, Mita
- Internship Strategy for Intellectual Disability Alumni on the Inclusive Workplace Setting
- Ardianingsih, Febrita
- Are Indonesian Sign Language and Total Communication Beneficial for Teachers in Inclusive School?
- Ardiansyah, Tirta
- The Influence of Communication Systems "Komputer (Komunikasipun tersampaikan)" to Students' Communication Capabilities with Communication Impairments
- Ardiansyah, Tirta
- Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
- Aulia, Jannatul
- Reducing Hyperactive Behavior Using Instrumental Classic Music on Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder At SLB Plus Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin
- Badiah, Lutfi Isni
- The Importance of Social Skills for Autism
- Badiah, Lutfi Isni
- The Study of Online Lecturing Implementation in Improving Skills of Early Childhood Teacher in Handling Children with Special Needs
- Badian, Lutfi Isni
- The Role of Counseling Guidance Teacher for Helping Self Adjustment of Special Needs Children in Inclusion School
- Bastian, Haikal
- Crystal Sand Table Media for Cerebral Palsy Student’s Fine Motor
- Boy, Soedarmadji
- The Role of Counseling Guidance Teacher for Helping Self Adjustment of Special Needs Children in Inclusion School
- Budiyanto, Mr
- The Development of Ict-Based Levelling Reading Books for Improving English Vocabulary for Inclusive Primary Students
- Damastuti, Eviani
- Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
- Damastuti, Eviani
- Improving The Expressive Languages of Deaf Children Using Reflective Maternal Method (RMM)
- Damastuti, Eviani
- The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
- Damastuti, Eviani
- The Problem of Special Needs Student in the Learning Process at Lambung Mangkurat University
- Damastuti, Eviani
- Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
- Damastuti, Eviani
- The Use of Token Economy Technique to Reduce The Impulsive Behavior of Children with Low Autistic Level in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarbaru
- Dapa, Aldjon Nixon
- Adaptive Learning Model for Children with Learning Problem on Inclusive School
- Darmiyati, Ms
- Optimalization of Mathematical Learning Outcome by Using the Smart Boxes Media at Primary School
- Dayani, Whisqa
- Improving the Ability to Memorize The Alphabet in Mild Intellectual Disability Student using the Letter Floor Puzzle
- Doreen, Rachel Ullynaria
- Gender Differences in Attitude Toward Students with Disabilities Among Primary Students in Jakarta
- Fathimatuzzahra, Ms
- 2013 Curriculum Authentic Assessment Study in Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin Extraordinary School
- Fathimatuzzahra, Ms
- The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
- Haeriah, Ms
- Development of Agricultural Skill Program Using Task Analysis Approach for Students with Low Mental Retardation Level in Korpri School Pandeglang
- Hermawan, Mr
- The Development of Digital Sign Language Dictionary for Hearing Impaired
- Hidayat, Mr
- Improve The Quality of Parenting for Parents who have Early Childhood with Visual Impairment Through Parents Attachment
- Irvan, Muchamad
- The Accessibility of Inclusive Schools in Surabaya
- Ismail, Murniyanti
- The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
- Ismail, Murniyanti
- The Implementation of The Inclusive Education Service Program for Autistic Children
- Jauhari, Muhammad Nurrohman
- The Accessibility of Inclusive Schools in Surabaya
- Jiyanta, Mr
- 2013 Curriculum Authentic Assessment Study in Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin Extraordinary School
- Juhanaini, Ms
- A Case Study of Reading Comprehension Instruction of Students with Learning Difficulties in Elementary School
- Juhanaini, Ms
- Internship Strategy for Intellectual Disability Alumni on the Inclusive Workplace Setting
- Karyono, Hari
- Feasibility Study of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children (WISC) Intelligence Test Application for Children with Hearing Impairment
- Kumalasari, Erma
- The Implementation of Inclusive Education in Regencies/Cities in Indonesia
- Kurniawati, Farida
- Gender Differences in Attitude Toward Students with Disabilities Among Primary Students in Jakarta
- Kurniawati, Farida
- Students with Disabilities in Universitas Indonesia: Lecturer Attitudes and Willingness to Practice Inclusive Teaching Strategies
- Kurniawati, Farida
- Adaptation and Validation of PATCH (Parental Attitudes toward Children with Handicapped) Scale in the Indonesian Parents
- Kurniawati, Farida
- Regular Students Attitude toward Students with Special Educational Needs: A Comparative Study in Inclusive Private and Public Primary Schools
- Kusumastuti, Dewi Eka
- Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
- Kusumastuti, Dewi Ekasari
- The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
- Kusumastuti, Dewi Ekasari
- The Problem of Special Needs Student in the Learning Process at Lambung Mangkurat University
- Kusumastuti, Dewi Ekasari
- Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
- Kusumawardhani, Indira
- Optimization of Digital Technology to Create Accessible Learning in Universities
- Luthfah, Siti
- Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
- Manar, Mayasari
- A Case Study of Students with Visual Disabilities in Inclusive Higher Education
- Ma’rifah, Annisa Arif
- The Implementation of The Inclusive Education Service Program for Autistic Children
- Mirnawati, Ms
- Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
- Mirnawati, Ms
- The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
- Mirnawati, Ms
- The Problem of Special Needs Student in the Learning Process at Lambung Mangkurat University
- Mirnawati, Ms
- The Influence of Students’ Attitudes to Students with Special Needs
- Mirnawati, Ms
- Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
- Mudhar
- Feasibility Study of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children (WISC) Intelligence Test Application for Children with Hearing Impairment
- Mudhar, Mr
- The Study of Online Lecturing Implementation in Improving Skills of Early Childhood Teacher in Handling Children with Special Needs
- Muniroh, Nadya
- Development of Social Interaction Programs for Students with Special Needs in the Inclusive Education Environment
- Mursita, Rohmah Ageng
- Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
- Mursita, Rohmah Ageng
- The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
- Mursita, Rohmah Ageng
- The Problem of Special Needs Student in the Learning Process at Lambung Mangkurat University
- Mursita, Rohmah Ageng
- Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
- Musayaroh, Siti
- Regular Students Responses to The Presence of Students with Hearing Impairment in Inclusive Classes
- Mustikasari, Mahrita Ayu
- Optimalization of Mathematical Learning Outcome by Using the Smart Boxes Media at Primary School
- Noormiyanto, Faiz
- Improving Assertive Attitude Through Assertive Trainning Techniques for Deaf Student
- Novita, Shillerida
- Students with Disabilities in Universitas Indonesia: Lecturer Attitudes and Willingness to Practice Inclusive Teaching Strategies
- Nugroho, Ermanto
- Case Profile as a Basis of Early Helpful Intervention Programs to Optimize Authentic Children's Expressive Communication Ability
- Nuraeni, Nunur
- Media Balok Kata (BTA) to Stimulate the Ability of Reading Word Recognition for Student with Learning Problem
- Nurfina, Laela
- Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
- Nurfitriani, Dieni
- Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
- Nurtasila, Silvia
- Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
- Nurunnisa, Hanifa
- Physiotherapy Service Process on The Physical Development of Children with Physical Disabilities at Yayasan Melati Anak Bangsa Martapura
- Oktaviani, Dwi Amilia
- The Use of Token Economy Technique to Reduce The Impulsive Behavior of Children with Low Autistic Level in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarbaru
- Pasani, Chairil Faif
- Improving The Expressive Languages of Deaf Children Using Reflective Maternal Method (RMM)
- Pasani, Chairil Faif
- The Use of Token Economy Technique to Reduce The Impulsive Behavior of Children with Low Autistic Level in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarbaru
- Prakosha, Donni
- The Development of Digital Sign Language Dictionary for Hearing Impaired
- Putra, Aminuddin Prahatama
- Implementation of Worksheet Moral Dilemma Through Problem Solving of Wetlands
- Putri, Nimas Lintang
- Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
- Qiftiah, Mariatul
- Improving The Expressive Languages of Deaf Children Using Reflective Maternal Method (RMM)
- Rachmah, Dwi Nur
- The Role of School in Helping Learning Discussion and Improving Psychological Development of Special Needs Students
- Rafikayati, Ana
- Feasibility Study of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children (WISC) Intelligence Test Application for Children with Hearing Impairment
- Rafikayati, Ana
- The Study of Online Lecturing Implementation in Improving Skills of Early Childhood Teacher in Handling Children with Special Needs
- Rafikayati, Ana
- The Role of Counseling Guidance Teacher for Helping Self Adjustment of Special Needs Children in Inclusion School
- Rahayu, Dina Istiqomah
- Improving the Ability to Memorize The Alphabet in Mild Intellectual Disability Student using the Letter Floor Puzzle
- Rahmah, Dewi Norliani
- The Learning of Musical Art for Students with Visual Impairement
- Rahman, Mr
- The Influence of Communication Systems "Komputer (Komunikasipun tersampaikan)" to Students' Communication Capabilities with Communication Impairments
- Rakhmat, Cece
- The Needs Analysis of Increasing Teachers’ Pedagogical Competences of Inclusive Education
- Rapisa, Dewi Ratih
- Reducing Hyperactive Behavior Using Instrumental Classic Music on Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder At SLB Plus Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin
- Rapisa, Dewi Ratih
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Methods on Social Skills for Students with Special Needs
- Ratumbuysang, Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian
- Increasing Entrepreneurial Interest for Children with Special Needs Through Entrepreneurship Education
- Ratumbuysang, Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian
- Physiotherapy Service Process on The Physical Development of Children with Physical Disabilities at Yayasan Melati Anak Bangsa Martapura
- Riahta, Rafidah
- Regular Students Attitude toward Students with Special Educational Needs: A Comparative Study in Inclusive Private and Public Primary Schools
- Riana, Bagaskorowati
- Media Balok Kata (BTA) to Stimulate the Ability of Reading Word Recognition for Student with Learning Problem
- Riega, Ofi
- Improve The Quality of Parenting for Parents who have Early Childhood with Visual Impairment Through Parents Attachment