Proceedings of the 2nd INDOEDUC4ALL - Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC 2018)
155 authors
- Rochyadi, Endang
- A Case Study of Reading Comprehension Instruction of Students with Learning Difficulties in Elementary School
- Rochyadi, Endang
- A Case Study of Students with Visual Disabilities in Inclusive Higher Education
- Rochyadi, Endang
- Regular Students Responses to The Presence of Students with Hearing Impairment in Inclusive Classes
- Rochyadi, Endang
- The Influence of Communication Systems "Komputer (Komunikasipun tersampaikan)" to Students' Communication Capabilities with Communication Impairments
- Rochyadi, Endang
- The Needs Analysis of Increasing Teachers’ Pedagogical Competences of Inclusive Education
- Rochyadi, Endang
- Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
- Rochyadi, Endang
- Internship Strategy for Intellectual Disability Alumni on the Inclusive Workplace Setting
- Rochyadi, Endang
- Project Work Model of Lectures in the Department of Special Needs Education
- Rofiah, Khofidotur
- Are Indonesian Sign Language and Total Communication Beneficial for Teachers in Inclusive School?
- Rohana, Ms
- Improving the Ability of Addition for Mentally Retarted Students Using Counting Funnel Media
- Santosa, Budi
- Sign Language for Learning The Pronunciation of the Qur'an An Effort to Compile and Implement a Sign Language System to Help Blind People Learn to Read the Qur'an Correctly
- Sari, Indah Permata
- The Influence of Students’ Attitudes to Students with Special Needs
- Sasdiyarto, Kaysha Ainayya
- Optimization of Digital Technology to Create Accessible Learning in Universities
- Septiany, Gian Asri
- Improving the Ability to Memorize The Alphabet in Mild Intellectual Disability Student using the Letter Floor Puzzle
- Setianingsih, Dwi
- Sign Language as Accommodation for Deaf Students in Accessing Education at Universities
- Setiyatna, Hery
- Sign Language for Learning The Pronunciation of the Qur'an An Effort to Compile and Implement a Sign Language System to Help Blind People Learn to Read the Qur'an Correctly
- Sihadi, Mr
- Improving the Ability of Addition for Mentally Retarted Students Using Counting Funnel Media
- Sihadi, Mr
- The Learning of Musical Art for Students with Visual Impairement
- Soendari, Tjutju
- Development of Agricultural Skill Program Using Task Analysis Approach for Students with Low Mental Retardation Level in Korpri School Pandeglang
- Soendari, Tjutju
- Development of Social Interaction Programs for Students with Special Needs in the Inclusive Education Environment
- Soendari, Tjutju
- Acceptance Programs for Parents with Down Syndrome Children
- Soendari, Tjutju
- Internship Strategy for Intellectual Disability Alumni on the Inclusive Workplace Setting
- Subagya, Mr
- The Difference of User-Friendly Level Between Mathematic Learning in Blind Students Using Braille Book and Using Audiotactual Book
- Sujarwanto, Mr
- Are Indonesian Sign Language and Total Communication Beneficial for Teachers in Inclusive School?
- Sukinah, Ms
- The Needs Analysis of Increasing Teachers’ Pedagogical Competences of Inclusive Education
- Sukohanayu, Ganis
- The Effect of Using I-CHAT Medium on Deaf Students Ability to Arrange Sentence Structures
- Sunardi, Mr
- A Case Study of Students with Visual Disabilities in Inclusive Higher Education
- Sunardi, Mr
- The Difference of User-Friendly Level Between Mathematic Learning in Blind Students Using Braille Book and Using Audiotactual Book
- Sunardi, Mr
- Acceptance Programs for Parents with Down Syndrome Children
- Sunardi, Mr
- Improve The Quality of Parenting for Parents who have Early Childhood with Visual Impairment Through Parents Attachment
- Sunardi, Mr
- Ecological Counseling Model to Reduce Parenting Stress on Multiple Disabilities and A Visual Impairment (MDVI) Parents
- Sunardi, Mr
- The Needs Analysis of Increasing Teachers’ Pedagogical Competences of Inclusive Education
- Supratiwi, Mahardika
- The Implementation of Inclusive Education in Regencies/Cities in Indonesia
- Surjono, Herman Dwi
- The Difference of User-Friendly Level Between Mathematic Learning in Blind Students Using Braille Book and Using Audiotactual Book
- Tarjiah, Indina
- Crystal Sand Table Media for Cerebral Palsy Student’s Fine Motor
- Tarsidi, Didi
- Development of Social Interaction Programs for Students with Special Needs in the Inclusive Education Environment
- Thaibah, Hayatun
- The Influence of Students’ Attitudes to Students with Special Needs
- Thaibah, Hayatun
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Methods on Social Skills for Students with Special Needs
- Tias, Silfia Asning
- A Case Study in EFL Teaching and Learning Process for Students with Visual Impairement: Understanding Needs and Necessities
- Utomo, Mr
- The Effect of Using I-CHAT Medium on Deaf Students Ability to Arrange Sentence Structures
- Utomo, Mr
- 2013 Curriculum Authentic Assessment Study in Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin Extraordinary School
- Walujoyati, Gesang
- Improving the Ability of Addition for Mentally Retarted Students Using Counting Funnel Media
- Wicaksono, Tio Tegar
- Optimization of Digital Technology to Create Accessible Learning in Universities
- Widodo, Agus Pratomo Andi
- The Learning of Musical Art for Students with Visual Impairement
- Winarsih, Murni
- Media Balok Kata (BTA) to Stimulate the Ability of Reading Word Recognition for Student with Learning Problem
- Wulandari, Rona
- A Case Study of Reading Comprehension Instruction of Students with Learning Difficulties in Elementary School
- Wulandari, Rona
- Project Work Model of Lectures in the Department of Special Needs Education
- Yuliana, Syari
- Acceptance Programs for Parents with Down Syndrome Children
- Yuliana, Syari
- The Unique Things of Gifted Children Development
- Yusuf, Munawir
- The Implementation of Inclusive Education in Regencies/Cities in Indonesia
- Yuwono, Imam
- Increasing Children with Autism Understanding of Their Daily Activities Schedules Using Wacker Daily Activity
- Yuwono, Imam
- Physiotherapy Service Process on The Physical Development of Children with Physical Disabilities at Yayasan Melati Anak Bangsa Martapura
- Zuhdi, Ulhaq
- The Development of Ict-Based Levelling Reading Books for Improving English Vocabulary for Inclusive Primary Students
- Zulkifli, Mr
- Reducing Hyperactive Behavior Using Instrumental Classic Music on Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder At SLB Plus Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin
- Zwagery, Rika Vira
- Self Alienation of Adolescents with Visual Impairments