Proceedings of the International Conference of Tropical Studies and its Applications (ICTROPS 2022)
50 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Tantra Diwa Larasati, Resty Intan Putri, Nur Rani Alham, Nur Asriatul Kholifah, Retno Wulandari, Pandu K. Utomo
Proceedings Article
Activated Carbon Produced by Carbonization and Chemical Activation of Coconut Frond for Air Batteries
Tantra Diwa Larasati, Ari Susandy Sanjaya, Beryl Ariella Vania Agatha, Noveno Paolo Tebay
Coconut waste is an abundant biomass that not fully utilized as raw material for producing high added value materials. One of the product that can be made from coconut waste is activated carbon. Activated carbon is an amorphous carbon material with high degree of porosity and an extended surface area....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Problems Related to the Development of Learning Devices on Biotechnology Materials by Utilizing Mandai as the Potential of the East Kalimantan Region
Nurfadilah A. Patang, Elsje Theodora Masaawet, Evie Palenewen
Learning tools are certain or several preparation which provided by educators or teachers both as individual or group so that the implementation and evaluation of learning can be conducted sistematically and gained the expected result. The use of regional potential in learning has been recommended based...
Proceedings Article
Antagonistic Test of Dark Septate Endophyte (DSE) Against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on Chili Plantation (Capsicum annuum)
Krisna Suzana, Apriwi Zulfitri, Muhammad Ilyas, Titik Kartika, Ikhsan Guswenrivo
Dark Septate Endophyte (DSE) is an endophytic fungus with dark, septate hyphae and has the potential as a biocontrol agent in controlling pathogenic fungi in plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the antagonism of DSE fungi isolated from chili roots against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides...
Proceedings Article
Antibacterial Effect of Methanol Extracts from Edible Rhizomes Against Salmonella typhi ATCC-422
Alma Yulvita Pebriana, Eva Marliana, Ritbey Ruga
This research was conducted to determine the antibacterial effect of methanol extracts of four edible rhizomes namely temu putih (Curcuma zedoaria), temu ireng (Curcuma aeruginosis), temu giring (Curcuma heyneana) and temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata). The extracts of temu putih, temu ireng, temu giring...
Proceedings Article
Anti-inflammatory Activity Test of Pacing Putih Flower (Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.)
Madaniah Fathirah, Eva Marliana, Ritbey Ruga
The anti-inflammatory activity of pacing putih flower (Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.) was tested. This study aims to determine the anti-inflammatory activity of the ethyl acetate fraction and methanol-water fraction. The method used was inhibition of protein denaturation using bovine serum albumin...
Proceedings Article
Bibliometric Analysis of Research Development in the Field of Science Cartilage Regeneration Using Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
Astrid Jessica Halim, Imam Rosadi
In order to analyze trends of development bibliometric analysis of researches development in major of science cartilage regeneration using adipose-derived stem cells that conducted in 2013–2022, wished could help other researches to comprehend latest information of this trend. This study is directed...
Proceedings Article
Caribi Mobile Application Business Process Modeling
Rahmi Nur Shofa, Heni Sulastri, Firmansyah, Maulana Sugiarta Nursuwars
People’s behavior in buying and selling or investing in livestock has become a culture in Indonesia, this is even in some areas giving the term; “maro”, “paron”, “gadoh”, “maparoh”, “gaduh”. Currently, livestock investment is still done conventionally, where investors meet directly with farmers to make...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of the Effect of Adding Coca-Cola and Sugar on Setting Time and Concrete Compressive Strength
Tamrin Rahman, Annisa Miranda, Juli Nurdiana, Mardewi Jamal
This study aims to compare the effect of the addition of Coca-Cola and granulated sugar on the performance of the mixture. This research is using experimental method. First, watch the effect of granulated sugar and sugar content in Coca-Cola given on the weight of cement at the initial setting time and...
Proceedings Article
Design for Application of Solar Power Plant in the Faculty of Engineering Mulawarman University
Indra Nusantara, Nur Rani Alham, Happy Nugroho, Muslimin, Restu Mukti Utomo
This research will discuss regarding the design of implementing Solar Power Plants (PLTS) through technical analysis with two systems, namely, the On-Grid system and the Off-Grid system. In addition, it will discuss economic analysis using the Net Present Value (NPV), Profitability Index/Benefit Cost...
Proceedings Article
Designing a Waste Power Plant (PLTSA) Prototype Based on the Type of Waste as a Renewable Energy Source
Nur Rani Alham, Restu Mukti Utomo, Tantra Diwa Larasati, Muslimin, Ade Kurniawan, R. S. Muhammad Yusril, Umar Faruq Al-Afifi
Renewable electricity from waste is one of the solution to overcome the problem of the energy crisis of fossil fuels and solutions to reduce the increasing waste population in Indonesia. The abundance of rubbish in Indonesia with the existence of Waste plant can produce enough electricity and can also...
Proceedings Article
Distribution Analysis of Leachate Using the Wenner Configuration Resistivity Method at Sambutan Tpa, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Ikhzan, Resty Intan Putri, Muhammad Amin Syam
The research located in Sambutan TPA, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, with an area of ±350 m2. This study aims to interpret the resistivity and direction of the distribution of subsurface leachate using the resistivity method of the Wenner configuration with a track length of 90...
Proceedings Article
Ecological and Anthropological Impact on Diversity Echinodermata in the South Beach Area, Indonesia
Purwati Kusarini, Vita Meylani, Ika Raymita Husna, Andri Wibowo
The Sancang Beach is overgrown by various types of seagrass, algae, coral reefs, and mangroves so it has the potential for the life of marine biota, including the Echinoderms phylum. This research aims to describe the diversity of the Echinoderms phylum in Sancang Beach, Garut District. This research...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Uv Light Variation and CaCO3 (Scavenger) Concentration in Reducing Humic Acid Using TiO2/Fe3O4
Salsabila Juwita Lestari, Fahrizal Adnan, Muhammad Busyairi, Searphin Nugroho
Photocatalyst using TiO2/Fe3O4 aims to degrade humic acid with the help of UVA and UVC. This study also studied the effect of scavengers using calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This study used the sol-gel method for the synthesis of TiO2/Fe3O4. The percentage of degradation using TiO2/Fe3O4 with the help of...
Proceedings Article
Effect of UVC Based Photocatalyst on the Degradation of Humic Acid with Variations of pH and Variations of Concentration
Dienita Hasna Faadiyah, Fahrizal Adnan, Yodi Papeta Dewi, Febrina Zulya
Humic acid is an organic compound that has changeable properties and is globally yellow and black in color. Humic substances act as substrates for the needs of the development of microorganisms and will give out unwanted yellow or brown colors (Adnan et al., 2022). Simply put, photocatalyst is a combination...
Proceedings Article
Estimation of Mangrove Carbon Stocks at Muara Badak Waters, Kutai Kartanegara
Fatimah, Muhammad Sumiran Paputungan, Dewi Embong Bulan
The most important ecological function of the mangrove ecosystem is to absorb and store carbon in efforts to mitigate global warming. This study aims to determine the density of mangrove species and analyze the amount of carbon stock in mangrove area at the Muara Badak Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Quality of Green Open Space as a Tourism Destination. Case Study: Mahakam Riverside Tenggarong
Nur Asriatul Kholifah
Green open space is one part of urban space that functions to improve environmental quality, city aesthetics, and social interaction. Tenggarong city in East Kalimantan Province, which is located on the riverside of the Mahakam River, has green open spaces along its riverbanks. The beginning of the concept...
Proceedings Article
Flood Vulnerability Analysis Using Ahp Method in Puwajaya Village, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Resty Intan Putri, Utari Alifia, Puspa Indah Rindawati, Retno Anjarwati
The analysis of flood-vulnerability areas in this study uses the help of a Geographic Information System (GIS) where GIS capabilities can be harmonized with remote sensing. This analysis uses five criteria, namely (1) Slope (2) Land Use (3) Distance to River (4) Rainfall (5) Rock Unit. By using three...
Proceedings Article
Geology and Groundwater Quality Analysis for Clean Water and Irrigation of Sanga-Sanga District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province
Nurhasimah, M. A. Syam, Herriyanto
The research location is in two sub-districts, namely Sanga-sanga District, Samarinda City and Palaran District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the quality of ground water in the study area. The research method used in this research...
Proceedings Article
House Physical Environment Condition of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient from Puskesmas Sempaja Geriatric Health Post Unit
Ronny Isnuwardana, Azkiah Mandarini Fakih, Cristine Triana Jimah, Nur Rahmatiah, Tiara Ramadhani
The prevalence rate of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) tends to increase in various parts of the world. T2D is characterized by high blood glucose level, and currently among the top diseases affecting millions of people in the world. T2D is a chronic disease that is prone to various complications, one...
Proceedings Article
Hydrogeology and Groundwater Modeling in the Mining Area of Pt. X in Berambai Area, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province
Gabriel Denny Lambe, Muhammad Amin Syam, Hamzah Umar
The world of mining, especially coal mining, is an activity that can cause changes in geological, hydrological, morphological and land use conditions. Changes in these conditions also have an impact or influence on the mining and post-mining processes. The location of the research was carried out in...
Proceedings Article
Impact of NaOH Concentration and Pretreatment Time on the Lignocellulose Composition of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse for Second-Generation Bioethanol Production
Panggulu Ahmad Ramadhani Utoro, Muhammad Alwi, Jatmiko Eko Witoyo, Bambang Dwi Argo, Rini Yulianingsih, Muryanto
Using lignocellulosic materials as raw materials to manufacture alternative fuels second generation (G2) is a solution for substituting fossil fuels. One source of lignocellulose is sweet sorghum bagasse. The pretreatment process is essential to increase the percentage of cellulose in the material before...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of User Center Design (UCD) in Achieving Design by Focusing on End Users in the Caribi Mobile Application
Heni Sulastri, Rahmi Nur Shofa, Andri Ulus Rahayu, Nurul Hiron
The industrial revolution 4.0 does not only have an impact on changes in technological culture in the fields of industry, agriculture and animal husbandry also have a significant impact. The application of technology in the field of animal husbandry can assist farmers in maximizing the results of their...
Proceedings Article
eLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Plastic Products to Support the Sustainable Develepment Goals/SDGS in Indonesia: Literature Review
Nugraheni Setiastuti, Iwan Guntoro, Abdul Rahman, Ramos Hutapea
The low-carbon and circular economy are part of the green economy development in the redesign strategy of Indonesia's economic transformation towards an advanced Indonesia. The concept of life cycle thinking in creating sustainable products is needed to prevent pollution that impacts the environment....
Proceedings Article
Livestock Weighing System Using the Internet of Things (Iot) for Caribi Marketplace
Andri Ulus Rahayu, Linda Faridah, Nurul Hiron, Firmansyah M. S. Nursuwars
The livestock investment system, or Maro, is one form of investment in great demand. Maro is a livestock-rearing system in which owners entrust their livestock maintenance to others for profit sharing. However, many potential investors have difficulty finding breeders willing to cooperate. This research...
Proceedings Article
Mangrove Health Condition Status Based on Canopy Cover in Coastal Ecotourism Areas in Kersik Village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency and Mangrove Ecotourism in Kampung Baru, Penajam Paser Utara Regency
Novi Oktaviani, Ristiana Eryati, Irma Suryana
Mangroves are plants that can live in areas that have salinity and are influenced by tides. Kersik Village and Kampung Baru are areas that have mangrove ecosystems in them. One of the parameters is knowing the health condition of the mangrove ecosystem by analyzing the mangrove canopy cover. This research...
Proceedings Article
Photocatalyst with Various Ratios and Concentrations of TiO2-Fe3O4 to Remove Humic Acid Pollutants
Mariyatul Kibtiah, Fahrizal Adnan, Muhammad Busyairi, Searphin Nugroho
Humic acid is naturally generated from aerobic decomposition of organic matter by organisms. Treatment of humic acid by photocatalyst have some advantages, such as no saturation point, inexpensive, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Photocatalyst is a photochemical process which involved catalyst...
Proceedings Article
Photovoltaic Power Plant Monitoring by Using Low-Cost Internet of Things (IoT): Design and Implementation
Pangeran Yada’ Acang, Rahmawati Munir, Ahmad Zarkasi, Dadan Hamdani
A study on the monitoring system of a photovoltaic (PV) power plant using low-cost Internet of Things (IoT) technology for monitoring electrical output (voltage and current) and environmental parameters (solar irradiance and cell temperature) to measure the performance of PV power plant has been realized....
Proceedings Article
Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Antibacterial Activity of White Pacing Flower (Costus Speciosus (J. Koening) Sm.)
Ersa Marina Rahmawati, Eva Marliana, Ritbey Ruga
This study was conducted with the aim of identifying secondary metabolite compounds and antibacterial activity of white pacing flower extract (Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.). Phytochemical screening tests are performed qualitatively and antibacterial activity tests are carried out by agar well diffusion...
Proceedings Article
Potential Natural Enemies of Stingless Bee in Sleman Hortikultura Plantation, Yogyakarta
Fathimah Nurfithri Hashifah, Trisno Haryanto
Stingless bee is one of the bee species that pollinates many horticultural crops such as chili plants in Sleman plantations. The dominance of the presence of Stingless bee in the environment of chili plantations determines the success rate of chili fruit production. Apart from the fact that the distance...
Proceedings Article
Potential of Electric Energy from Organic Waste at TPA Bukit Pinang, Samarinda by Using Gasification Method
Muslimin, Tantra Diwa Larasati, Nur Rani Alham, Vicko Ghulam Fathurrohman, Siska Mayra Andini
The energy sector in Indonesia is a problem that the government must consider. Indonesia still relies on fossil energy as the main energy for power generation. However, the use of fossil energy that is carried out continuously will make Indonesia's energy reserves in the future will experience a...
Proceedings Article
Potential of Methanol Extract From Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) as an Alternative Dye in Gram Staining
Mohammad Indra Pratama, Rajun, Faradilla Dahlan, Nurul Anisa, Indri Yudita Ningsih, Khusnul Yumni Bulan Sari, Sri Sela Pratiwi, Niky Aulia Putri, Teguh Pribadi, Didimus Tanah Boleng, Dora Dayu Rahma Turista
Gram staining is one of the important steps to identify bacteria. This type of staining uses synthetic substances safranin and violet crystals which can result in environmental pollution. Rosella flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) contain natural dyestuffs, namely anthocyanins that have the potential to color...
Proceedings Article
Power Relations in Education: Smart-Domestic and Technology of Material
Achmad Ricky Zulfahmiddin, Marina Ratna Dila
In practice of power, the unit of domestic time to time has always being dociles target which maintain and perpetuate a power of regime by involving the role of Academical Institutions in the Power/Knowledge Nexus relations. This situation demands transformation in domestic units in any discourse of...
Proceedings Article
Profiling of Secondary Metabolites of Endemic Aromatic Rice in Enrekang Variety of Pulut Mandoti Emas (PME)
Hafsan Hafsan, Masriany Masriany, Afridha Sari, Selis Meriem, Eka Sukmawaty, Bram Kusbiantoro
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Pulu Mandoti Emas (PME) variety is an endemic rice typical of Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi which has a distinctive taste and fragrant aroma. The fragrant aroma of rice is generally caused by the content of secondary metabolites. The purpose of this study was to determine the...
Proceedings Article
Removal of Heavy Metals (Fe and Pb) in The Mahakam River Water Using Eggshells and Rubbing Ash as Adsorbent
Alris Sanca Pratama Putra, Akbar Perdana, Ahmad Zarkasi, Dadan Hamdani, Rahmawati Munir
Pollution of heavy metals (Fe and Pb) in the Mahakam River water has become an important problem. The solution for this case is water purification using natural product. There are several purification methods, one of them is the adsorption method to reduce the levels of heavy metals (Fe and Pb). The...
Proceedings Article
Short Perspective on Membrane Integration in Microalgae Bioreactor for CO2 Capture
Soen Steven
The global warming issue has reached an alarming level due to the continuous increase of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. They are released into the atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities and contributions from many industries that employ coal, fuel oil, and natural gas. To achieve environmentally...
Proceedings Article
Simulation of the Use of Solar and Wind Energy as a Hybrid Power Plant in Malahing Village Using Software Homer
Bima Sakti, Restu Mukti Utomo, Aji Ery Burhandenny, Ira Riyana Sari Siregar, Akmal Ridho
The need for electricity is increasingly becoming a problem because of limited energy sources so that there are several villages that have not received electricity supply from PLN, one of which is Mallahing Village. The geographical location of the village supports the use of Solar and Bayu Hybrid Power...
Proceedings Article
Sustainability Status and Factor Analyses to Improve Post-mining Land Use Sustainability Level with Pepper and Rice Plants
Ansahar, S. R. P. Sitorus, H. Hardjomidjojo, E. I. K. Putri, Y. H. Lawing, D. Wahyudi
This study aimed to: (1) Determine the sustainability status and factors that can be used to improve the post-mining land use with the Multidimensional-Scaling (MDS) method based on the ecological, economical, social, law, infrastructure, and technological dimensions, (2) Calculate the business investment...
Proceedings Article
Study of Natural Food Sources of Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in the Buffer Zone of New Capital City of Indonesia
Dijan Sunar Rukmi, Medi Hendra, Mawaddah Bashar
The riparian forest area along the Tunan river in Waru District, Penajam Paser Utara, is one of the proboscis monkey habitats in East Kalimantan. This area is included in the buffer zone closest to the new nation’s capital city. As a result of the ongoing land use conversion, this area is divided into...
Proceedings Article
The Combination of Jicama (Pachyrizus erosus L.) and Tofu and Alternative Medium for the Growth of Escherichia coli Bacteria
Teguh Pribadi, Niky Aulia Putri, Cindi Arista Putri, Fitrah Mega Fitriani, Yasmin Athi Ramadhani, Novita Indah Faradilla, Didimus Tanah Boleng, Dora Dayu Rahma Turista
Bacterial growth media is necessary for bacterial culture in laboratory. Bacterial growth media is sold commercially, but its distribution has not yet reached all regions. Local raw materials that have potential to fertilize the growth of microorganisms are jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus L.) and tofu. Jicama...
Proceedings Article
The Conservation and Development Model Design of Camphor (Dryobalanapos Aromatica) Biodiversity in Sibagindar Champor Forest Pakpak Bharat District North Sumatra
R. Sabrina, Hardiansyah Sinaga
Camphor trees (Dryobalanops aromatica) are one of the typical trees with a high prospect in Nusantara, especially in North Sumatra. Camphor was in high demand in the 2nd century so the price was almost equal to gold, Europe and the Middle East showed a high interest in this commodity. The camphor tree...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of L-Ascorbic Acid-2-Phosphate on Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Population Doubling Time and Angiogenic Potency
Imam Rosadi, Karina Karina, Viol Dhea Kharisma, Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori
Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) have been developed as substitute cells for tissue engineering. However, in order to get a high number of cells, over-repassage leads the cells to become big in spread size indicating that senescence occurred. This study aimed to evaluate the potency of ascorbic acid...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Wind Speed on the Power Generated in a Wind Power Plant Prototype
Muslimin, Nur Rani Alham, Muhammad Sugianto, Andika, Restu Mukti Utomo, Wisnu Chandra Margono
Bayu or known as wind is one of several renewable energy sources that have the potential to produce electrical energy. Wind conditions that are not the same between places affect the energy produced. This wind condition is closely related to wind speed, so an experiment is needed to determine the effect...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of Pheromone Traps Glue Formula for Monitoring of Spodoptera exigua Hubner (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) in Shallot Fields
Rafika Yuniwati, Wawan, Yusup, Riri Sundari, Hery Widyanto, I Made Samudra, Koswanudin, Yadi Suyadi, Vani Nur Oktaviany Subagio, Ikhsan Guswenrivo
Spodoptera exigua is considered as one of the most important pests in shallot plant. The objective of the research was to evaluate activity of synthetic pheromone which diluted in glue (glue formulation) for monitoring the Spodoptera exigua moth populations. This research was conducted from November...
Proceedings Article
The Identification of Microplastics in Karang Mumus and Karang Asam Kecil River Estuary, Samarinda
Searphin Nugroho, Dwi Ermawati Rahayu, Yarinse Seleng, Ika Meicahayanti, Ibrahim
Bacterial growth media is necessary for bacterial culture in laboratory. Bacterial growth media is sold commercially, but its distribution has not yet reached all regions. Local raw materials that have potential to fertilize the growth of microorganisms are jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus L.) and tofu. Jicama...
Proceedings Article
The Potential and Characterization of Oil Palm Loose Fruits (Lf) by Steaming and Pressure Steaming (Autoclaving) Process
D. S. Indah Prihatiningtyas, Ridho Ramadhan, Agus Purnomo, N. R. Muhammad Wafi, S. Bella Rinda, Retno Wulandari
Generally the palm loose fruits (LF) that have passed the processing time are considered as solid waste. In this study, the potential of palm loose fruits (LF) will be investigated. Mechanical extraction to obtain crude palm oil (CPO) from palm loose fruits (LF) will be carried out. Before enter the...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Plastic Waste as Subtitute for Coarse Aggregate of Concrete
Tamrin Rahman, Raisha Meydiana Damayanti Datu Hamid, Juli Nurdiana, Ery Budiman
Many waste materials are produced from manufacturing processes, service industries, and municipal solid waste, one of which is plastic waste. Plastic consumption from year to year is increasing uncontrollably. The amount of use is getting higher every year because of the high population density that...
Proceedings Article
Using Ergonomic Checkpoints in Agriculture to Support the Improvement of Work Systems in Rubber Plantations a Case Study in CV. Eja Nursery, East Kalimantan
Lina Dianati Fathimahhayati, Theresia Amelia Pawitra, Tri Budi Purnomo, Jenny Noviani
CV. Eja Nursery is one of the rubber plantations located in Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan. Indonesia is the second largest rubber producer in the world. Based on the initial observations it was found that there was not ergonomic work environment at CV. Eja Nursery. Not ergonomic work environment...
Proceedings Article
Voltage and Current Calculation on Hybrid PV and Microhydro Power Plant Prototypes Based on Arduino
Nur Rani Alham, Muslimin, Restu Mukti Utomo, Idham Apriliyanto, Muhammad Rifaldi, Abdul Mubarak
Hybrid Power Plant is a combination of power plants that use solar and micro hydro power sources. The purpose of this research is to measure the value of power, measure the value of current and voltage measurements using a DC voltage sensor and ACS712 current sensor. The experiment was conducted to determine...
Proceedings Article
Green Open Space Planning Using the Sustainable Child-Friendly Concept (Case Study: Kampung Seketeng, Sumbawa)
Dharwati P. Sari, Pandu K. Utomo, Nabeela Amalia Putri, Deltaven Yoma
Green open space has a variety of functions that will be useful in creating environmental management balance and harmony. A decent city is not only about luxurious buildings, but also has space and facilities to support children’s growth and development. The purpose of this research is to develop a green...