Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
772 authors
- Lonto, Apeles
- Community Participation in Child Protection in the City of Tomohon
- Lonto, Apeles
- School Organization Culture
- Lufiana Agnes, Yeni
- The Duration of Accident and Kind of Transportation as Death Predictor of the Patients with Severe Head Injury
- Lumenta, Henry
- Comparison of Authority of Criminal and Commission of Eradication of Corruption in Handling Corruption in Indonesia
- Lumingkewas, Elvis
- A Study of Police Service Behavior in Minahasa Regency
- Lumingkewas, Elvis
- The Role of Women Farmers in Building Family Economy in Sampiri Village; Airmadidi District; North Minahasa Regency
- Lumingkewas, Lexi
- A Study of Police Service Behavior in Minahasa Regency
- Lumingkewas, Lexi
- The Role of Women Farmers in Building Family Economy in Sampiri Village; Airmadidi District; North Minahasa Regency
- Luntungan, Grace
- Kabasaran Dance: Perspective Behind The Community Ritual Activities in Minahasa
- Lusy, Muharlisiani
- Improvement of Quality Management in Education and Competence Development Lecturer in the Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Lusy Tunik, Muharlisiani
- Improvement of Quality Management in Education and Competence Development Lecturer in the Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Lutfaidah, Anna
- The Optimalization of Local Character Values in Learning to Build Anti-Corruption Culture
- M.AppL, Dra.
- Terms of Address in Expressing Politeness and Solidarity in Sangir Community Indonesia
- Maliangkay, Deni
- Model of Flow Velocity Distribution and Change Along the Amano Ranoyapo Estuary during Tides
- Maliangkay, Denny
- Analysis of Surface Water Potentials of Noongan River For Rice Irrigation on Agriculture
- Maliangkay, Deny
- Spatial Planning of the Noongan Minahasa Watershed
- Malihu, La
- The Traces of Islam in Bumi Sawerigading; South Sulawesi
- Mambu, Joupy
- Legal Force of Deed under Hand on Land Ownership Rights
- Mambu, Joupy
- Legal Protection of Health Consumers from Medical Malpractice Acts
- Mamentu, Agustine
- Application of Emily Durkheim's Theory to 'Mapalus'; a Minahasan Culture in North Sulawesi; Indonesia
- Mamonto, Fitri
- Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the 2016 Supplementary Regional Heads Election of Manado City in 2016
- Manda, Darman
- Bugis Women (Status; Role and Function) in the Text of Lontara I La Galigo
- Mandagi, Marthinus
- Study on Academic Quality Assurance Standards at the Faculty of Social Sciences Manado State University
- Mandagi, Marthinus
- The Evaluation of Teacher Professional Allowance Policy in Minahasa Regency
- Mandagi, Marthinus
- Ethics of Public Services in the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services of Manado City
- Mandra, Mario
- Integration of Javanese Communities: a Study of the Sociology of Plural Communities in Tanete Rilau District; Barru Regency
- Mangare, Jans
- The Learning of Filigree Handcraft Art towards Junior High School Students at Junior High School 2 Lirung in Moronge
- Mantiri, Jeane
- The Evaluation of Teacher Professional Allowance Policy in Minahasa Regency
- Mantiri, Jeane
- Implementation of the Metatah Cultural Ceremony in Werdhi Agung Village; Dumoga Tengah District; Bolaang Mongondow Regency
- Mantiri, Jeane
- Ethics of Public Services in the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services of Manado City
- Mantiri, Jeane
- Evaluation of the Management of Population Administration Information System at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Tomohon City
- Mantiri, Jeane
- The Role of Mapalus Local Wisdom in Building the Tolerant Attitudes of the Tomohon City Community
- Mantiri, Jeane
- The Implementation of Micro Business Development in the Department of Cooperative and SMEs of Minahasa Regency
- Manuhutu, Natalia
- Designing Syllabus for Higher Education: A Reflective Study of Novice Lecturer in Merauke; Papua
- Manuhutu, Natalia
- The The Effectiveness of Short Film In Teaching A Cause - Effect Paragraph For English Literature Department Students of Musamus University
- Manuhutu, Natalia
- Analysis of Students’ Interest in Reading
- Manuhutu, Natalia
- Enhancing Literal and Interpretive Reading Comprehension through Collaborative Strategic Reading
- Mario
- Technology Transformation of Fishermen Communities in Beba Galesong Utara
- Marlian, Wadjidi
- The Effect of Mode of Admission and Place of Origin On Student Achievement in First Semester Study Program of Sociology Education at Manado State University
- Marnina
- Designing Syllabus for Higher Education: A Reflective Study of Novice Lecturer in Merauke; Papua
- Marnina
- The The Effectiveness of Short Film In Teaching A Cause - Effect Paragraph For English Literature Department Students of Musamus University
- Marnina
- Enhancing Literal and Interpretive Reading Comprehension through Collaborative Strategic Reading
- Maru, Mister
- The Effectiveness of Guiding Questions Technique To Improves Students’ Writing Recount Text
- Maru, Mister
- The Effect of Applying Internet Browsing in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill
- Maru, Mister
- Application of Emily Durkheim's Theory to 'Mapalus'; a Minahasan Culture in North Sulawesi; Indonesia
- Maru, Mister
- The Speech Acts of Parents' Advice on The Children of Tontemboan Language Speakers Residing in The Langowan Subdistrict
- Maru, Mister
- What Students Say: Scientific Approach as a New Learning Paradigm in Industrial Era 4.0
- Masengi, Evi
- A Study of Police Service Behavior in Minahasa Regency
- Masengi, Evi
- The Role of Women Farmers in Building Family Economy in Sampiri Village; Airmadidi District; North Minahasa Regency
- Masih, Ni Ketut
- Feasibility of Spreadsheet Based Financial Management Learning Materials
- Masnun, Muh
- Questioning the Management of Intellectual Property in Universities in Indonesia
- Masoko, Marly
- Humanistic Psychology Analysis In Novel Madogiwa No Tottochan
- Mataram, I Gusti Agung Bagus
- Tourism Supply Chain Framework: A Case on Tourism Village
- Matey, Meyer
- The Learning of Filigree Handcraft Art towards Junior High School Students at Junior High School 2 Lirung in Moronge
- Mattayang, Basmin
- Snapshot Level of Principal Entrepreneurs Competency
- Mawitjere, Indria
- The Zen Concept related to Language Politeness Expression in Chanoyu Ceremony
- Mawitjere, Willem
- The Optimalization of Village Community Function in Accepting and Distributing Community Aspirations in Kemelembuais Village
- Mayasari, Dian
- The Metacognition of Junior High School Students in Posing Mathematical Problems Viewed From Cognitive Style
- Mayasari, Dian
- Exploration of College Student’s Representations in Solve The Problem of Numeric Methods
- Megawati
- The Role of the Nuhiyah Islamic Boarding School in Empowering Islamic Communities
- Mege, Revolson
- Spatial model in Determining the Distribution of tuna Fishery Policy in the Bitung City
- Mei Yunalia, Endang
- The Duration of Accident and Kind of Transportation as Death Predictor of the Patients with Severe Head Injury
- Meilvidiri, Wayrohi
- Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) And Poverty Level Performance In Sulawesi and Kalimantan Areas
- Meirejeki, Nyoman
- Integration of Cognitive-Social Competence and Business Risk of Tourism Support Services in Bali
- Meirinawati
- Measurement of Workload Analysis in Determining the Optimal Number of Workers
- Melo, Isye
- Legal Protection of Health Consumers from Medical Malpractice Acts
- Melo, Isye Junita
- Legal Force of Deed under Hand on Land Ownership Rights
- Merly, Sendy
- Character Education Based Local Wisdom Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou Through Informal Education in the City of Manado
- Meruntu, Oldie
- Language Options Used By Communities manado Service Language Writingbased On Social Dimensions
- Misna, Tati
- The Development of History Learning Media Based on Local Age in Increasing Students 'Understanding on Local History Lectures
- Mokat, Jetty
- Political Accountability through the Legitimacy of the Regional House of Representatives in Regional Regulations Making
- Mokat, Jetty
- Women's Leadership in Higher Education
- Mokat, Jetty
- Intervening Aspects of Policy Implementation Neighborhood-Based Development in Manado City
- Mokat, Jetty
- The Optimalization of Village Community Function in Accepting and Distributing Community Aspirations in Kemelembuais Village
- Mongan, Delbert
- Comparison of Authority of Criminal and Commission of Eradication of Corruption in Handling Corruption in Indonesia
- Mongi, Christo
- Evaluation of the Management of Population Administration Information System at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Tomohon City
- Monika
- Dialectics of Student Conflict in Makassar State University
- Muafa, Irfan
- Utilizing Instagram As A Promotional Media By Small And Medium Enterprises (SME) Arni Kripik Merauke
- Muhammad, Mu’tamar
- Cleaner Production Analysis in the Cassava Tape Industry
- Muhammad, Prasnowo
- Cleaner Production Analysis in the Cassava Tape Industry
- Mukuan, Jemmy
- The Application of Direct Strategy in Learning Japanese Language through Songs (Historical Study of Japan’s Occupation in Minahasa 1942-1945)
- Mumu, Selviana
- Language Options Used By Communities manado Service Language Writingbased On Social Dimensions
- Munfarikhatin, Anis
- The Metacognition of Junior High School Students in Posing Mathematical Problems Viewed From Cognitive Style
- Munfarikhatin, Anis
- Exploration of College Student’s Representations in Solve The Problem of Numeric Methods
- Murdiyanto
- Spatial Planning of the Noongan Minahasa Watershed
- Murni
- Murni, Ni Gusti
- The Involvement of women on Business Activities in Kuta Tourism Area to support Sustainable Tourism
- Murtini, Sri
- Selection of Tourism Development Center in The Southern District Banyuwangi
- Mustika, Maya
- The Role of Family Resiliencethat Characterizes in Increasing Shame Culturein the Society
- Mustiko, Boedi
- Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers in Pamekasan
- Muti'ah, Dewi
- The existence of Criminal Justice System As Legal Safeguards Against Women Victims of Domestic Violence
- Mutiah
- Child Marriage in Online Indonesia News (Discourse Analysis of A Contemporary Cases about SyehPuji and The Teen Wife)
- Mutiah
- Papuan Students Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Surabaya State University
- Muzayanah
- Utilization of Karst Water Resources by Residents in the Gremeng Cave Spring
- N Rahmadi, A
- Organizational Injustice toward Deviant Work Behavior through Moral Disengagement at Bank Perkreditan Rakyat; Kediri
- Naharawarin, Margaretha
- Analysis of Students’ Interest in Reading
- Nahidloh, Shofiyun
- Urgency Of The Supreme Court Regulation No. 5 Year 2016 About Certification Of Sharia Economic Judges In The Settlement Of Sharia Economic Disputes In Religious Court
- Najamuddin
- Bugis Women (Status; Role and Function) in the Text of Lontara I La Galigo
- Najamuddin
- Discourse and Power in Religious Social Practices of the Gowa Highland Society
- Najamuddin
- The Role of the Nuhiyah Islamic Boarding School in Empowering Islamic Communities