Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
772 authors
- Rakian, Sandra
- An Analysis Of Educational Values In The Novel Madogiwa No Totto-Chan By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
- Rampengan, Mercy
- Spatial model in Determining the Distribution of tuna Fishery Policy in the Bitung City
- Rantung, Margareth
- A Study of Police Service Behavior in Minahasa Regency
- Rantung, Margareth
- The Role of Women Farmers in Building Family Economy in Sampiri Village; Airmadidi District; North Minahasa Regency
- Ratodi, Muhamad
- Readiness of Indonesian Higher Education Programs in the Big Data Era
- Ratu, Donal
- Tipology Ecotourism Based On Community; A Case On Manado Gulf Area
- Ratu, Donal
- Tracing the Meaning of Funny stories; Expressions; and terminologies of Kema Malay Languange
- Ratu, Donal
- Language Options Used By Communities manado Service Language Writingbased On Social Dimensions
- Reski, Andi
- Profile Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Prospective Teacher of PPL Participants
- Reski, Andi
- Utilization Isomorphic Physics (FORFIS) Application to Improve Physics Analogical Transfer Skill of Senior High School Students
- Retno, MS
- Utilization of Karst Water Resources by Residents in the Gremeng Cave Spring
- Rewah, Fonny
- Tumoyo’s Tradition in Agriculture Product Distribution Systems in Taraitak Village; Minahasa Regency
- Ridha, Muh.
- Children Caring Patterns in Fishermens; Punggawa and Sawi in Laggoppo Sub-distric Kajuara Bone Regency
- Rifal
- Fisheries and Economic Relationship in Kelurahan Gusung Makassar
- Rinawati, Herrukmi
- Food Security in Poor Families (Study of Public Policy and Local Initiative at East Java)
- Rindawati
- The Relationship of Parental Socio-Economics Level with Children Education Pattern In Benowo Subdistrict; Surabaya
- Riwu, Lay
- Think Pair Share Solutions of Storytelling Learning
- Riyadi
- Application of Vi-Learning Based on Rotation Model
- Riyadi
- Challenges to Create a Pluralism Education amid the Battle of Democracy and Theocracy in Indonesia
- Riyana, Minuk
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Methods and Interest in Learning to the Ability Sort the Mathematical Pattern
- Rizal, Muh
- Dimensions and Prospects of Sumpang Bita Tourism Development in Pangkep District
- Rizaq, Agung
- The Urgency of Hikayat Hang-Tuah's Character Value in Building Young Generation Nationalism
- Rizaq, Agung
- Embracing Institutional Partners: As an Effort to Eradicate Street Children in Surabaya Children's Village
- Rolliawati, Dwi
- Readiness of Indonesian Higher Education Programs in the Big Data Era
- Rombepajung, Paula
- The Application of Special Self-Made Word Card for Vocabulary Teaching Particularly Irregular Verbs
- Romdioni, Agus
- Analysis Impact Of Fiscal Capacity Direct Expenditure And Social Inequality Between Regions In Papua Province
- Ronaboyd, Irfa
- Questioning the Management of Intellectual Property in Universities in Indonesia
- Ronaboyd, Irfa
- Indonesian Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS): A Legal Discourse Analysis about Sailing Permits
- Rorong, Ferdy
- Role of Song in Learning Japanese (Historical Study of Japanese Population in Minahasa)
- Rosdiana, Weni
- The Challenges of Civil Servant’s Payroll Service in Local Government
- Rosdiana, Weni
- Characteristic of Women Leaders in the Millennials Perspective
- Rosdiana, Weni
- Stakeholder Analysis In Flood Disaster Management Policy In Bojonegoro District
- Rotty, Viktory
- Tracing the Meaning of Funny stories; Expressions; and terminologies of Kema Malay Languange
- Rozas, Indri
- Readiness of Indonesian Higher Education Programs in the Big Data Era
- Ruffaida, Fatma
- The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Counseling on Social; Emotional and Spiritual Response in HIV/AIDS Patients
- Ruhama, M.D.
- The Influence of Service Quality and CRM on Patient Satisfaction (Clinical Studies at DKT Nganjuk Health Clinic)
- Ruki, Made
- The Involvement of women on Business Activities in Kuta Tourism Area to support Sustainable Tourism
- Rumengan, Norselady
- The Zen Concept related to Language Politeness Expression in Chanoyu Ceremony
- Runtunuwu, Yoan
- Comparison of Authority of Criminal and Commission of Eradication of Corruption in Handling Corruption in Indonesia
- Runtuwarouw, Jourike
- The Effectiveness of Using Picture Card as Learning Media to Teaching of Japanese Tadoushi and Jidoushi
- Rusdiana, Emmilia
- Violent Behavior of Teacher and Comprehension of The Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers
- Rusdiana, Erma
- Necrophilia in Wedderrechterlijkheid Perspective
- Sadewo, FX
- Food Security in Poor Families (Study of Public Policy and Local Initiative at East Java)
- Sadia, I Ketut
- The Implication of the Development of Serangan Tourist Village from the Economic Perspective
- Said, Muh.
- Development of Character Education-Based Learning Devices in Local History Subject
- Sajriawati
- Analysis Of Human Resources Skill To GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) In The Fishery Processing Groups In Makassar City
- Sajriawati
- Marketing Network’s Analysis of Coral Trout Grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) In Gusung Island; Selayar Archipelago Regency
- Sajriawati, 0
- Marketing Network’s Analysis of Coral Trout Grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) In Gusung Island; Selayar Archipelago Regency
- Sakawati, Herlina
- PDAM Challenge to Provide Water Services Industry in the Era 4.0: Case Study of Regency Jeneponto; South Sulawesi
- Saleh, Sirajuddin
- The Effect of School Head Academic Supervision on Pedagogic Capability of Basic School Teachers in Manggala District Kota Makassar
- Salem, Veronika
- The Meaning of Paji Nyili-Nyili Tradition in Goto Village Tidore Kota Sub-Distric Tidore Island
- Salem, Veronike
- Mekan Tradition in Tataaran 1 Community Of Minahasa Regency
- Sambeka, Fince
- Local Wisdom in Minahasa Traditional Songs
- Samsu, N
- The Analysis of Social Media Marketing towardBuying Interest (Case Study at J.Co Donnuts And Coffee Kediri)
- Santie, Yoseph
- Implementation of Government Management Functions in Warembungan Village; Pineleng Sub-District
- Santo, Zem
- Think Pair Share Solutions of Storytelling Learning
- Santoso, A
- Effect of Promotion Mix on Insurance Product Purchase Decisions Zurich Kediri; Indonesia
- Sapoetra, Andi
- Vi-Learning in understanding the History of Indonesian Culture in the Digital era
- Saputra, Dewo
- Moderation Effect Of Meaningful Work On The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Work Engagement
- Saputro, Deny
- Comparison of Psychological Skills of Pencak Silat and Boxing Athletes (Study on Indonesian Training Camp athletes)
- Saragih, Dapot
- Effect Of Work Motivation On The Performance Of Procurement Service Unit Employees With A Balanced Approach Scorecard To The Perspective Of Growth And Learning In Maros Regency
- Saragih, Dapot
- The Power Relations Of Local Bosses And Local Elites In Forest Governance In Muna Islands
- Sarajar, Denny
- The Effectiveness and Efficiency of German Language Learning as a Foreign Language in Senior High School 1 Tondano
- Sari, Desy
- Utilization Isomorphic Physics (FORFIS) Application to Improve Physics Analogical Transfer Skill of Senior High School Students
- Sari, Maya
- Radicalism and Political Indentity in Indonesia President Election 2019
- Sarmini
- Embracing Institutional Partners: As an Effort to Eradicate Street Children in Surabaya Children's Village
- Sarmini
- The Role of Political Social Institutions in Rural Managements in Managing Collabrications in the Religion
- Sarmini
- From Multicultural Towards National Identity: Teacher Construction on Strategies for Implementing Multicultural Education in Schools
- Sarmini
- School Principal Construction About the Culture Model of the Four Pillars of Nationality To Build Student Nationalism Towards Indonesian Generation 2025
- Saslam, Rudi
- Role of Village Head as Development Administrator in Mattirowalie Village Maniangpajo subdistrict Wajo District
- Satriyono, Gandung
- The Analysis of Social Media Marketing towardBuying Interest (Case Study at J.Co Donnuts And Coffee Kediri)
- Segara, Nuansa
- The Role of Political Social Institutions in Rural Managements in Managing Collabrications in the Religion
- Sekeh, Wiesje
- Local Wisdom in Minahasa Traditional Songs
- Sembiring, Ade
- Analysis Impact Of Fiscal Capacity Direct Expenditure And Social Inequality Between Regions In Papua Province
- Sembiring, Ade
- Financial Ratios Of The Company's Share Price Sub Sectors Toll Road; Port; Airport And Transportation Listed BEI
- Sendouw, Recky
- The Analysis of School-Based Management Implementation and Principals’ Managerial Competencies
- Sendouw, Recky
- Study on Academic Quality Assurance Standards at the Faculty of Social Sciences Manado State University
- Sendouw, Recky
- Community-Based Tourism Development in North Minahasa; North Sulawesi Indonesia
- Sendouw, Recky
- Political Accountability through the Legitimacy of the Regional House of Representatives in Regional Regulations Making
- Sendouw, Recky
- Intervening Aspects of Policy Implementation Neighborhood-Based Development in Manado City
- Sendouw, Recky
- Ethics of Public Services in the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services of Manado City
- Sengkey, Marssel
- Moderation Effect Of Meaningful Work On The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Work Engagement
- Sengkey, Stevi
- Moderation Effect Of Meaningful Work On The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Work Engagement
- Setianingrum, Vinda
- Alternative Languages for The Effectiveness of Early Children Learning Communicators
- Setianingrum, Vinda
- Tourist Village Program for Modern Tourism:A Study on City Branding “Shining Batu”of Batu City
- Setiyawan, Herry
- Instructional media with PHP (Programmer Hypertext Preprocessor) to eliminate the boredom of learning mathematics
- Setyawan, Katon
- The Role of Political Social Institutions in Rural Managements in Managing Collabrications in the Religion
- Setyawan, Katon
- Management of Centralized Waste Systems With Optimization of The use of Existing TPA In The City Of Mojokerto
- Setyowati, Rr
- From Multicultural Towards National Identity: Teacher Construction on Strategies for Implementing Multicultural Education in Schools
- Setyowati, Rr
- The Role of Family Resiliencethat Characterizes in Increasing Shame Culturein the Society
- Setyowati, Rr
- Radicalism and Political Indentity in Indonesia President Election 2019
- Siman, Sebestina
- Determinants Of Labor Absorption In Merauke Regency (2011-2017
- Simbolon, Merta
- Profile Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Prospective Teacher of PPL Participants
- Simbolon, Merta
- Utilization Isomorphic Physics (FORFIS) Application to Improve Physics Analogical Transfer Skill of Senior High School Students
- Sindua, Nixon
- The Impact of Stone Mining Activities in Relation to Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency
- Singal, Zoni
- Mapalus Marantong Culture in West Motoling District of South Minahasa Regency
- Singal, Zoni
- Mekan Tradition in Tataaran 1 Community Of Minahasa Regency
- Singal, Zoni
- The Effect of Mode of Admission and Place of Origin On Student Achievement in First Semester Study Program of Sociology Education at Manado State University
- Siraj, Muhammad
- Dimensions and Prospects of Sumpang Bita Tourism Development in Pangkep District
- Sirajuddin
- The Influence of Teaching Variations on Student Learning Motivation at State Vocational High School 4 Makassar