Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)

772 authors
Rakian, Sandra
An Analysis Of Educational Values In The Novel Madogiwa No Totto-Chan By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Rampengan, Mercy
Spatial model in Determining the Distribution of tuna Fishery Policy in the Bitung City
Rantung, Margareth
A Study of Police Service Behavior in Minahasa Regency
Rantung, Margareth
The Role of Women Farmers in Building Family Economy in Sampiri Village; Airmadidi District; North Minahasa Regency
Ratodi, Muhamad
Readiness of Indonesian Higher Education Programs in the Big Data Era
Ratu, Donal
Tipology Ecotourism Based On Community; A Case On Manado Gulf Area
Ratu, Donal
Tracing the Meaning of Funny stories; Expressions; and terminologies of Kema Malay Languange
Ratu, Donal
Language Options Used By Communities manado Service Language Writingbased On Social Dimensions
Reski, Andi
Profile Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Prospective Teacher of PPL Participants
Reski, Andi
Utilization Isomorphic Physics (FORFIS) Application to Improve Physics Analogical Transfer Skill of Senior High School Students
Retno, MS
Utilization of Karst Water Resources by Residents in the Gremeng Cave Spring
Rewah, Fonny
Tumoyo’s Tradition in Agriculture Product Distribution Systems in Taraitak Village; Minahasa Regency
Ridha, Muh.
Children Caring Patterns in Fishermens; Punggawa and Sawi in Laggoppo Sub-distric Kajuara Bone Regency
Fisheries and Economic Relationship in Kelurahan Gusung Makassar
Rinawati, Herrukmi
Food Security in Poor Families (Study of Public Policy and Local Initiative at East Java)
The Relationship of Parental Socio-Economics Level with Children Education Pattern In Benowo Subdistrict; Surabaya
Riwu, Lay
Think Pair Share Solutions of Storytelling Learning
Application of Vi-Learning Based on Rotation Model
Challenges to Create a Pluralism Education amid the Battle of Democracy and Theocracy in Indonesia
Riyana, Minuk
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Methods and Interest in Learning to the Ability Sort the Mathematical Pattern
Rizal, Muh
Dimensions and Prospects of Sumpang Bita Tourism Development in Pangkep District
Rizaq, Agung
The Urgency of Hikayat Hang-Tuah's Character Value in Building Young Generation Nationalism
Rizaq, Agung
Embracing Institutional Partners: As an Effort to Eradicate Street Children in Surabaya Children's Village
Rolliawati, Dwi
Readiness of Indonesian Higher Education Programs in the Big Data Era
Rombepajung, Paula
The Application of Special Self-Made Word Card for Vocabulary Teaching Particularly Irregular Verbs
Romdioni, Agus
Analysis Impact Of Fiscal Capacity Direct Expenditure And Social Inequality Between Regions In Papua Province
Ronaboyd, Irfa
Questioning the Management of Intellectual Property in Universities in Indonesia
Ronaboyd, Irfa
Indonesian Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS): A Legal Discourse Analysis about Sailing Permits
Rorong, Ferdy
Role of Song in Learning Japanese (Historical Study of Japanese Population in Minahasa)
Rosdiana, Weni
The Challenges of Civil Servant’s Payroll Service in Local Government
Rosdiana, Weni
Characteristic of Women Leaders in the Millennials Perspective
Rosdiana, Weni
Stakeholder Analysis In Flood Disaster Management Policy In Bojonegoro District
Rotty, Viktory
Tracing the Meaning of Funny stories; Expressions; and terminologies of Kema Malay Languange
Rozas, Indri
Readiness of Indonesian Higher Education Programs in the Big Data Era
Ruffaida, Fatma
The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Counseling on Social; Emotional and Spiritual Response in HIV/AIDS Patients
Ruhama, M.D.
The Influence of Service Quality and CRM on Patient Satisfaction (Clinical Studies at DKT Nganjuk Health Clinic)
Ruki, Made
The Involvement of women on Business Activities in Kuta Tourism Area to support Sustainable Tourism
Rumengan, Norselady
The Zen Concept related to Language Politeness Expression in Chanoyu Ceremony
Runtunuwu, Yoan
Comparison of Authority of Criminal and Commission of Eradication of Corruption in Handling Corruption in Indonesia
Runtuwarouw, Jourike
The Effectiveness of Using Picture Card as Learning Media to Teaching of Japanese Tadoushi and Jidoushi
Rusdiana, Emmilia
Violent Behavior of Teacher and Comprehension of The Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers
Rusdiana, Erma
Necrophilia in Wedderrechterlijkheid Perspective
Sadewo, FX
Food Security in Poor Families (Study of Public Policy and Local Initiative at East Java)
Sadia, I Ketut
The Implication of the Development of Serangan Tourist Village from the Economic Perspective
Said, Muh.
Development of Character Education-Based Learning Devices in Local History Subject
Analysis Of Human Resources Skill To GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) In The Fishery Processing Groups In Makassar City
Marketing Network’s Analysis of Coral Trout Grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) In Gusung Island; Selayar Archipelago Regency
Sajriawati, 0
Marketing Network’s Analysis of Coral Trout Grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) In Gusung Island; Selayar Archipelago Regency
Sakawati, Herlina
PDAM Challenge to Provide Water Services Industry in the Era 4.0: Case Study of Regency Jeneponto; South Sulawesi
Saleh, Sirajuddin
The Effect of School Head Academic Supervision on Pedagogic Capability of Basic School Teachers in Manggala District Kota Makassar
Salem, Veronika
The Meaning of Paji Nyili-Nyili Tradition in Goto Village Tidore Kota Sub-Distric Tidore Island
Salem, Veronike
Mekan Tradition in Tataaran 1 Community Of Minahasa Regency
Sambeka, Fince
Local Wisdom in Minahasa Traditional Songs
Samsu, N
The Analysis of Social Media Marketing towardBuying Interest (Case Study at J.Co Donnuts And Coffee Kediri)
Santie, Yoseph
Implementation of Government Management Functions in Warembungan Village; Pineleng Sub-District
Santo, Zem
Think Pair Share Solutions of Storytelling Learning
Santoso, A
Effect of Promotion Mix on Insurance Product Purchase Decisions Zurich Kediri; Indonesia
Sapoetra, Andi
Vi-Learning in understanding the History of Indonesian Culture in the Digital era
Saputra, Dewo
Moderation Effect Of Meaningful Work On The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Work Engagement
Saputro, Deny
Comparison of Psychological Skills of Pencak Silat and Boxing Athletes (Study on Indonesian Training Camp athletes)
Saragih, Dapot
Effect Of Work Motivation On The Performance Of Procurement Service Unit Employees With A Balanced Approach Scorecard To The Perspective Of Growth And Learning In Maros Regency
Saragih, Dapot
The Power Relations Of Local Bosses And Local Elites In Forest Governance In Muna Islands
Sarajar, Denny
The Effectiveness and Efficiency of German Language Learning as a Foreign Language in Senior High School 1 Tondano
Sari, Desy
Utilization Isomorphic Physics (FORFIS) Application to Improve Physics Analogical Transfer Skill of Senior High School Students
Sari, Maya
Radicalism and Political Indentity in Indonesia President Election 2019
Embracing Institutional Partners: As an Effort to Eradicate Street Children in Surabaya Children's Village
The Role of Political Social Institutions in Rural Managements in Managing Collabrications in the Religion
From Multicultural Towards National Identity: Teacher Construction on Strategies for Implementing Multicultural Education in Schools
School Principal Construction About the Culture Model of the Four Pillars of Nationality To Build Student Nationalism Towards Indonesian Generation 2025
Saslam, Rudi
Role of Village Head as Development Administrator in Mattirowalie Village Maniangpajo subdistrict Wajo District
Satriyono, Gandung
The Analysis of Social Media Marketing towardBuying Interest (Case Study at J.Co Donnuts And Coffee Kediri)
Segara, Nuansa
The Role of Political Social Institutions in Rural Managements in Managing Collabrications in the Religion
Sekeh, Wiesje
Local Wisdom in Minahasa Traditional Songs
Sembiring, Ade
Analysis Impact Of Fiscal Capacity Direct Expenditure And Social Inequality Between Regions In Papua Province
Sembiring, Ade
Financial Ratios Of The Company's Share Price Sub Sectors Toll Road; Port; Airport And Transportation Listed BEI
Sendouw, Recky
The Analysis of School-Based Management Implementation and Principals’ Managerial Competencies
Sendouw, Recky
Study on Academic Quality Assurance Standards at the Faculty of Social Sciences Manado State University
Sendouw, Recky
Community-Based Tourism Development in North Minahasa; North Sulawesi Indonesia
Sendouw, Recky
Political Accountability through the Legitimacy of the Regional House of Representatives in Regional Regulations Making
Sendouw, Recky
Intervening Aspects of Policy Implementation Neighborhood-Based Development in Manado City
Sendouw, Recky
Ethics of Public Services in the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services of Manado City
Sengkey, Marssel
Moderation Effect Of Meaningful Work On The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Work Engagement
Sengkey, Stevi
Moderation Effect Of Meaningful Work On The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Work Engagement
Setianingrum, Vinda
Alternative Languages for The Effectiveness of Early Children Learning Communicators
Setianingrum, Vinda
Tourist Village Program for Modern Tourism:A Study on City Branding “Shining Batu”of Batu City
Setiyawan, Herry
Instructional media with PHP (Programmer Hypertext Preprocessor) to eliminate the boredom of learning mathematics
Setyawan, Katon
The Role of Political Social Institutions in Rural Managements in Managing Collabrications in the Religion
Setyawan, Katon
Management of Centralized Waste Systems With Optimization of The use of Existing TPA In The City Of Mojokerto
Setyowati, Rr
From Multicultural Towards National Identity: Teacher Construction on Strategies for Implementing Multicultural Education in Schools
Setyowati, Rr
The Role of Family Resiliencethat Characterizes in Increasing Shame Culturein the Society
Setyowati, Rr
Radicalism and Political Indentity in Indonesia President Election 2019
Siman, Sebestina
Determinants Of Labor Absorption In Merauke Regency (2011-2017
Simbolon, Merta
Profile Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Prospective Teacher of PPL Participants
Simbolon, Merta
Utilization Isomorphic Physics (FORFIS) Application to Improve Physics Analogical Transfer Skill of Senior High School Students
Sindua, Nixon
The Impact of Stone Mining Activities in Relation to Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency
Singal, Zoni
Mapalus Marantong Culture in West Motoling District of South Minahasa Regency
Singal, Zoni
Mekan Tradition in Tataaran 1 Community Of Minahasa Regency
Singal, Zoni
The Effect of Mode of Admission and Place of Origin On Student Achievement in First Semester Study Program of Sociology Education at Manado State University
Siraj, Muhammad
Dimensions and Prospects of Sumpang Bita Tourism Development in Pangkep District
The Influence of Teaching Variations on Student Learning Motivation at State Vocational High School 4 Makassar