Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Science and Character Educations (ICoSSCE 2019)
155 authors
- Ama, Siti Zya
- The Socialization of Multiculturalism Values Based on Abdurrahman Wahid’s Thoughts in History Learning to Create Student Cultural Equality
- Aman
- Strategy of Prabowo Populism in 2019 General Elections
- Aman
- Discourse on the Improvement of History Learning Quality Through HOTS Assessment Instrument Based on Learning Trajectory
- Aman
- The Development of Contemporary Islamic Thought in Indonesia in the 2013 Curriculum (Ahmad Syafi’i Ma’arif’s Thoughts)
- Aman
- Material Development of Sultan Baabullah’s Resistance (1570–1583) for Character Education
- Aman
- Revitalizing the Local Interests of Tabot in the Effort of Strengthening Identity in the Bengkulu
- Aman
- Implementation of Multicultural Values in Indonesian History Learning to Build Tolerance and Nationalism Attitudes of Students of Ngaglik 1 Senior High School, Sleman
- Aman
- Gender Inequality and Labor Market in Indonesia (Between 2014–2018)
- Aman
- Religious Example of Character Nyi Ageng Serang in 2013 Curriculum
- Aman
- The Effectiveness of Picture Simulation Game Method to Improve Critical and Creative Ability in Learning History in SMA N 1 Bandar
- Astuti, Dwi Sri
- Promoting Inclusive Education for Social Justice in Indonesia
- Batubara, Ulfah Nury
- Becoming a Teacher with Character
- Budiati, Suci
- The Impact of Education on Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Communities in Indonesia
- Chandra, Yulie Neila
- Local Wisdom in The Form of Traditonal Food, Corn in Karo People Tradition
- Christianti, Martha
- Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education Based on Multiculturism
- Damayanti, Septi Nur
- Freedom with Responsibility: Building Student’s Integrity Through a Democratic School Culture
- Dewi, Kirana Prama
- Indigenous Knowledge: Develop Cross-Cultural Literacy and Character of Indonesia in Multicultural Society
- Dimyati
- Jamuran Game in Improving 4- to 6-year-old Children’s Responsibility at TK Nasional Samirono, Yogyakarta
- Dinda, La Ode
- Material Development of Sultan Baabullah’s Resistance (1570–1583) for Character Education
- Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
- Decreasing the Violence in the School Through the Initiation Policy of Children Friendly School
- Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
- Social Capital and School Quality
- Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
- The Implementation Values of Multicultural Education Based on Tolerance in Indonesian Schools
- Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
- Examining the Basic Educational Rights in the Newly-Implemented School Zoning Policy in Indonesia
- Efianingrum, Ariefa
- Managing Multicultural Classrooms of Schools in Indonesia: Some Considerations
- Fadhilah, Siti Umi
- The Role of Private Tuition Classes as a Supplementary Agency in the Indonesia Education System
- Fajariah, Mutiarawati
- Teacher’s Education for Character Education
- Farida, Isna
- Gender Inequality and Labor Market in Indonesia (Between 2014–2018)
- Fauzi, Restu
- Education of National Characters Based on Local Cultural Values in History Learning Through Traditional Philosophy of Minangkabau
- Febbrizal
- Discourse on the Improvement of History Learning Quality Through HOTS Assessment Instrument Based on Learning Trajectory
- Gea, Titian B.
- Teaching Historical Empathy to Z Generation Through Musical Poetry in Senior High School
- Hamidah, Nur
- The Policy of Commercialization Abolition in Indonesia Equality Education Effort: The Explanation of the Coleman’s Report
- Hanum, Farida
- Digital Literacy: Empowering Indonesian Women In Overcoming Digital Divide
- Hanum, Farida
- Quo Vadis Gender Mainstreaming Policy to Fight Against the Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence in Indonesia
- Hanum, Farida
- The Role of Private Tuition Classes as a Supplementary Agency in the Indonesia Education System
- Hartati, C. Dewi
- Local Wisdom in The Form of Traditonal Food, Corn in Karo People Tradition
- Harun
- Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education Based on Multiculturism
- Hastuti
- Moral Education and its Challenges in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Hestiliani, Teti
- The Nationalism of Giyugun Officers in South Sumatra
- Humaerah, Putri Dwi
- Teacher’s Roles on the Implementation of Character Education in Elementary Schools
- Ihsanat, Agung
- Building Teacher Resilience to Face Juvenile Delinquency
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Disaster Mitigation Curriculum-Based on Local Wisdom to Support Sustainable Development Programs
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- The Policy of Commercialization Abolition in Indonesia Equality Education Effort: The Explanation of the Coleman’s Report
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Building Teacher Resilience to Face Juvenile Delinquency
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Fulfillment of Education Rights for Diffable Students
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- The Role of Teachers in Strengthening Character Education to Prepare Students to Enter the Age of Disruption and Abundance Technology
- Indrahadi, Deri
- The Influence of Socio-Economic Background of Parents on Academic Expectations of Their Children: Data From Indonesian Family Live Survey in 2014
- Indrahadi, Deri
- Teaching Social Studies Education to Foster Civic Characters at the Secondary School in Indonesia: A Review
- Indrahadi, Deri
- The Waning Gotong-Royong: Assessing the Intergenerational Decline of Social Trust in the Contemporary Indonesia Society
- Indrahadi, Deri
- Examining the Basic Educational Rights in the Newly-Implemented School Zoning Policy in Indonesia
- Ismaniati, Christina
- The Implementation of Independent Character Education in SD N Terbansari 1, Yogyakarta
- Juanda, Ahmad
- Democratic Culture in Sanggar Anak Alam
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- Education of National Characters Based on Local Cultural Values in History Learning Through Traditional Philosophy of Minangkabau
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- Becoming a Teacher with Character
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- History Learning Based on Local Wisdom of Taluba
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- The Study of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan’s Entrepreneurship Values and it’s Urgency in Character Strengthening
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- The Primary Values of Tarakanita’s Educational Characters
- Kurniawan, Budi Wahyu
- Religious Value in Kuda Lumping Dance
- Kurniawanti, Meri Robbi
- The Study of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan’s Entrepreneurship Values and it’s Urgency in Character Strengthening
- Laela, Uzratul
- The Utilization of Faced Tradition in Historical Learning to Plant Religious Values in Students
- Laoli, Citra Arniathy
- Teaching Historical Empathy to Z Generation Through Musical Poetry in Senior High School
- Lupitasari, Dyah
- Decreasing the Violence in the School Through the Initiation Policy of Children Friendly School
- Machfauzia, Niza
- Elaboration and Reflection at the Practical Level Integrating Character Education in Schools
- Maharani, Desy Artian
- Moral Education and its Challenges in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Manaf, Abdul
- Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education Based on Multiculturism
- Marini, Sylvi
- Digital Literacy: Empowering Indonesian Women In Overcoming Digital Divide
- Marini, Tria
- A Picture Story Book Based on Minangkabau Culture for Religion and Moral Early Childhood
- Masruri, Muhsinatun Siasah
- Improving Problem Solving Skills Through Problem-Based and Problem-Solving Learning Models Viewed From Cognitive Style in Social Science Learning
- Ma’ruf, Hamka Mujahid
- When Islam and Democracy Meet in Indonesia
- Melati, Wahyu Putri
- Traditional Games Based Learning for Character Development of Early Childhood
- Miftahuddin
- Religious Value in Kuda Lumping Dance
- Miftahuddin
- The Nationalism of Giyugun Officers in South Sumatra
- Milawati
- Teacher’s Readiness in Using Digital Technology for Learning in Samarinda City High School
- Mukminan
- Teacher’s Roles on the Implementation of Character Education in Elementary Schools
- Mukminan
- Promoting Good Citizenship in the Social Studies Course at the Secondary School in Indonesia
- Mukminan
- Freedom with Responsibility: Building Student’s Integrity Through a Democratic School Culture
- Mulyani, Tri
- The Role of Siti Walidah in the Women’s Emancipation Process in the World of Education Through ‘Aisyiyah in Banyumas District
- Murdiono, Mukhammad
- Utilization of Schoology for the Development of PPKn Teaching Materials Based on E-learning
- Musthofa, Zainal
- Disaster Mitigation Curriculum-Based on Local Wisdom to Support Sustainable Development Programs
- Nasiwan
- Harmony in Diversity: The Implementation of Multicultural Education at Indonesian Schools
- Nugroho, Alifi Nur Prasetia
- The Effectiveness of Picture Simulation Game Method to Improve Critical and Creative Ability in Learning History in SMA N 1 Bandar
- Permatasari, Wahyu Ida
- Religious Example of Character Nyi Ageng Serang in 2013 Curriculum
- Pranata, Rendra Havid
- Implementation of Multicultural Values in Indonesian History Learning to Build Tolerance and Nationalism Attitudes of Students of Ngaglik 1 Senior High School, Sleman
- Prastyaningrum, Oktavia
- The Role of National Character Building in History Learning as a Preventive Control of Violence Case Among Students
- Puntaswari, Nugraheni Catur
- Promoting Good Citizenship in the Social Studies Course at the Secondary School in Indonesia
- Puspitaningrum, Ervina
- The Implementation of Independent Character Education in SD N Terbansari 1, Yogyakarta
- Puspitasari, Ratri
- Character Education of Java Culture Based on Total Quality Management in State High School, 9 Yogyakarta
- Putri, Dwi Chyntia
- Harmony in Diversity: The Implementation of Multicultural Education at Indonesian Schools
- Putri, Ridha Fadila
- Jamuran Game in Improving 4- to 6-year-old Children’s Responsibility at TK Nasional Samirono, Yogyakarta
- Rifqi, Muhammad Zuhad
- Integrating Islamic School into the National Education of Indonesia: Balancing Between Intellectual and Spiritual Question
- Rinenggo, Alil
- Utilization of Schoology for the Development of PPKn Teaching Materials Based on E-learning
- Rizki, Anisa
- Quo Vadis Gender Mainstreaming Policy to Fight Against the Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence in Indonesia
- Rochmat, Saefur
- The Impact of Education on Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Communities in Indonesia
- Rosramadhana
- Local Wisdom in The Form of Traditonal Food, Corn in Karo People Tradition
- Rozakiyah, Desy Santi
- Common Disagreements and Misconceptions of Bullying Amongst Teachers: The Case Study at Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta
- Rukiyati
- Character Education of Java Culture Based on Total Quality Management in State High School, 9 Yogyakarta
- Rukiyati
- A Picture Story Book Based on Minangkabau Culture for Religion and Moral Early Childhood
- Rukmana, Lisa
- Strategy of Prabowo Populism in 2019 General Elections
- Safitri, Diah
- Managing Multicultural Classrooms of Schools in Indonesia: Some Considerations
- Salbella, Mutia Wahyu
- History Learning Based on Local Wisdom of Taluba
- Sari, Jayanti Yusmah
- Teacher’s Roles on the Implementation of Character Education in Elementary Schools