Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Science and Character Educations (ICoSSCE 2019)

155 authors
Ama, Siti Zya
The Socialization of Multiculturalism Values Based on Abdurrahman Wahid’s Thoughts in History Learning to Create Student Cultural Equality
Strategy of Prabowo Populism in 2019 General Elections
Discourse on the Improvement of History Learning Quality Through HOTS Assessment Instrument Based on Learning Trajectory
The Development of Contemporary Islamic Thought in Indonesia in the 2013 Curriculum (Ahmad Syafi’i Ma’arif’s Thoughts)
Material Development of Sultan Baabullah’s Resistance (1570–1583) for Character Education
Revitalizing the Local Interests of Tabot in the Effort of Strengthening Identity in the Bengkulu
Implementation of Multicultural Values in Indonesian History Learning to Build Tolerance and Nationalism Attitudes of Students of Ngaglik 1 Senior High School, Sleman
Gender Inequality and Labor Market in Indonesia (Between 2014–2018)
Religious Example of Character Nyi Ageng Serang in 2013 Curriculum
The Effectiveness of Picture Simulation Game Method to Improve Critical and Creative Ability in Learning History in SMA N 1 Bandar
Astuti, Dwi Sri
Promoting Inclusive Education for Social Justice in Indonesia
Batubara, Ulfah Nury
Becoming a Teacher with Character
Budiati, Suci
The Impact of Education on Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Communities in Indonesia
Chandra, Yulie Neila
Local Wisdom in The Form of Traditonal Food, Corn in Karo People Tradition
Christianti, Martha
Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education Based on Multiculturism
Damayanti, Septi Nur
Freedom with Responsibility: Building Student’s Integrity Through a Democratic School Culture
Dewi, Kirana Prama
Indigenous Knowledge: Develop Cross-Cultural Literacy and Character of Indonesia in Multicultural Society
Jamuran Game in Improving 4- to 6-year-old Children’s Responsibility at TK Nasional Samirono, Yogyakarta
Dinda, La Ode
Material Development of Sultan Baabullah’s Resistance (1570–1583) for Character Education
Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
Decreasing the Violence in the School Through the Initiation Policy of Children Friendly School
Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
Social Capital and School Quality
Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
The Implementation Values of Multicultural Education Based on Tolerance in Indonesian Schools
Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
Examining the Basic Educational Rights in the Newly-Implemented School Zoning Policy in Indonesia
Efianingrum, Ariefa
Managing Multicultural Classrooms of Schools in Indonesia: Some Considerations
Fadhilah, Siti Umi
The Role of Private Tuition Classes as a Supplementary Agency in the Indonesia Education System
Fajariah, Mutiarawati
Teacher’s Education for Character Education
Farida, Isna
Gender Inequality and Labor Market in Indonesia (Between 2014–2018)
Fauzi, Restu
Education of National Characters Based on Local Cultural Values in History Learning Through Traditional Philosophy of Minangkabau
Discourse on the Improvement of History Learning Quality Through HOTS Assessment Instrument Based on Learning Trajectory
Gea, Titian B.
Teaching Historical Empathy to Z Generation Through Musical Poetry in Senior High School
Hamidah, Nur
The Policy of Commercialization Abolition in Indonesia Equality Education Effort: The Explanation of the Coleman’s Report
Hanum, Farida
Digital Literacy: Empowering Indonesian Women In Overcoming Digital Divide
Hanum, Farida
Quo Vadis Gender Mainstreaming Policy to Fight Against the Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence in Indonesia
Hanum, Farida
The Role of Private Tuition Classes as a Supplementary Agency in the Indonesia Education System
Hartati, C. Dewi
Local Wisdom in The Form of Traditonal Food, Corn in Karo People Tradition
Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education Based on Multiculturism
Moral Education and its Challenges in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Hestiliani, Teti
The Nationalism of Giyugun Officers in South Sumatra
Humaerah, Putri Dwi
Teacher’s Roles on the Implementation of Character Education in Elementary Schools
Ihsanat, Agung
Building Teacher Resilience to Face Juvenile Delinquency
Indartono, Setyabudi
Disaster Mitigation Curriculum-Based on Local Wisdom to Support Sustainable Development Programs
Indartono, Setyabudi
The Policy of Commercialization Abolition in Indonesia Equality Education Effort: The Explanation of the Coleman’s Report
Indartono, Setyabudi
Building Teacher Resilience to Face Juvenile Delinquency
Indartono, Setyabudi
Fulfillment of Education Rights for Diffable Students
Indartono, Setyabudi
The Role of Teachers in Strengthening Character Education to Prepare Students to Enter the Age of Disruption and Abundance Technology
Indrahadi, Deri
The Influence of Socio-Economic Background of Parents on Academic Expectations of Their Children: Data From Indonesian Family Live Survey in 2014
Indrahadi, Deri
Teaching Social Studies Education to Foster Civic Characters at the Secondary School in Indonesia: A Review
Indrahadi, Deri
The Waning Gotong-Royong: Assessing the Intergenerational Decline of Social Trust in the Contemporary Indonesia Society
Indrahadi, Deri
Examining the Basic Educational Rights in the Newly-Implemented School Zoning Policy in Indonesia
Ismaniati, Christina
The Implementation of Independent Character Education in SD N Terbansari 1, Yogyakarta
Juanda, Ahmad
Democratic Culture in Sanggar Anak Alam
Kumalasari, Dyah
Education of National Characters Based on Local Cultural Values in History Learning Through Traditional Philosophy of Minangkabau
Kumalasari, Dyah
Becoming a Teacher with Character
Kumalasari, Dyah
History Learning Based on Local Wisdom of Taluba
Kumalasari, Dyah
The Study of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan’s Entrepreneurship Values and it’s Urgency in Character Strengthening
Kumalasari, Dyah
The Primary Values of Tarakanita’s Educational Characters
Kurniawan, Budi Wahyu
Religious Value in Kuda Lumping Dance
Kurniawanti, Meri Robbi
The Study of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan’s Entrepreneurship Values and it’s Urgency in Character Strengthening
Laela, Uzratul
The Utilization of Faced Tradition in Historical Learning to Plant Religious Values in Students
Laoli, Citra Arniathy
Teaching Historical Empathy to Z Generation Through Musical Poetry in Senior High School
Lupitasari, Dyah
Decreasing the Violence in the School Through the Initiation Policy of Children Friendly School
Machfauzia, Niza
Elaboration and Reflection at the Practical Level Integrating Character Education in Schools
Maharani, Desy Artian
Moral Education and its Challenges in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Manaf, Abdul
Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education Based on Multiculturism
Marini, Sylvi
Digital Literacy: Empowering Indonesian Women In Overcoming Digital Divide
Marini, Tria
A Picture Story Book Based on Minangkabau Culture for Religion and Moral Early Childhood
Masruri, Muhsinatun Siasah
Improving Problem Solving Skills Through Problem-Based and Problem-Solving Learning Models Viewed From Cognitive Style in Social Science Learning
Ma’ruf, Hamka Mujahid
When Islam and Democracy Meet in Indonesia
Melati, Wahyu Putri
Traditional Games Based Learning for Character Development of Early Childhood
Religious Value in Kuda Lumping Dance
The Nationalism of Giyugun Officers in South Sumatra
Teacher’s Readiness in Using Digital Technology for Learning in Samarinda City High School
Teacher’s Roles on the Implementation of Character Education in Elementary Schools
Promoting Good Citizenship in the Social Studies Course at the Secondary School in Indonesia
Freedom with Responsibility: Building Student’s Integrity Through a Democratic School Culture
Mulyani, Tri
The Role of Siti Walidah in the Women’s Emancipation Process in the World of Education Through ‘Aisyiyah in Banyumas District
Murdiono, Mukhammad
Utilization of Schoology for the Development of PPKn Teaching Materials Based on E-learning
Musthofa, Zainal
Disaster Mitigation Curriculum-Based on Local Wisdom to Support Sustainable Development Programs
Harmony in Diversity: The Implementation of Multicultural Education at Indonesian Schools
Nugroho, Alifi Nur Prasetia
The Effectiveness of Picture Simulation Game Method to Improve Critical and Creative Ability in Learning History in SMA N 1 Bandar
Permatasari, Wahyu Ida
Religious Example of Character Nyi Ageng Serang in 2013 Curriculum
Pranata, Rendra Havid
Implementation of Multicultural Values in Indonesian History Learning to Build Tolerance and Nationalism Attitudes of Students of Ngaglik 1 Senior High School, Sleman
Prastyaningrum, Oktavia
The Role of National Character Building in History Learning as a Preventive Control of Violence Case Among Students
Puntaswari, Nugraheni Catur
Promoting Good Citizenship in the Social Studies Course at the Secondary School in Indonesia
Puspitaningrum, Ervina
The Implementation of Independent Character Education in SD N Terbansari 1, Yogyakarta
Puspitasari, Ratri
Character Education of Java Culture Based on Total Quality Management in State High School, 9 Yogyakarta
Putri, Dwi Chyntia
Harmony in Diversity: The Implementation of Multicultural Education at Indonesian Schools
Putri, Ridha Fadila
Jamuran Game in Improving 4- to 6-year-old Children’s Responsibility at TK Nasional Samirono, Yogyakarta
Rifqi, Muhammad Zuhad
Integrating Islamic School into the National Education of Indonesia: Balancing Between Intellectual and Spiritual Question
Rinenggo, Alil
Utilization of Schoology for the Development of PPKn Teaching Materials Based on E-learning
Rizki, Anisa
Quo Vadis Gender Mainstreaming Policy to Fight Against the Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence in Indonesia
Rochmat, Saefur
The Impact of Education on Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Communities in Indonesia
Local Wisdom in The Form of Traditonal Food, Corn in Karo People Tradition
Rozakiyah, Desy Santi
Common Disagreements and Misconceptions of Bullying Amongst Teachers: The Case Study at Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta
Character Education of Java Culture Based on Total Quality Management in State High School, 9 Yogyakarta
A Picture Story Book Based on Minangkabau Culture for Religion and Moral Early Childhood
Rukmana, Lisa
Strategy of Prabowo Populism in 2019 General Elections
Safitri, Diah
Managing Multicultural Classrooms of Schools in Indonesia: Some Considerations
Salbella, Mutia Wahyu
History Learning Based on Local Wisdom of Taluba
Sari, Jayanti Yusmah
Teacher’s Roles on the Implementation of Character Education in Elementary Schools