Proceedings of the ICON ARCCADE 2021: The 2nd International Conference on Art, Craft, Culture and Design (ICON-ARCCADE 2021)
182 authors
- Putri, Citra Kemala
- The Analysis Of Bahasa Rupa And Digital Storytelling In Raya And The Last Dragon Movie
- Putri, Kiki Rizky Soetisna
- The Application of Photography as an Art Medium in The Contemporary Era
- Putri, Kiki Rizky Soetisna
- Semiotic Analysis of the Role of Covid-19 Prevention Protocol in “L.A. Bold: New Normal” 2020 Cigarette Advertisement
- Putri, Maria Karina
- Engaging Children in Reading Jataka Reliefs of Borobudur Temple in Indonesia through Digital Picture Book
- Rahardyan, Benno
- Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment of Pineapple Leaf Fibres
- Rahayu, Anita
- Factor Identification on Consumer Behavior of Fashion Department Store in The New Normal Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia
- Ramadhansyah, Diaz
- Recreation And Commodification Of The Palang Pintu Tradition In The Betawi Cultural Heritage Of Rawa Belong
- Ratri, Cintantya Sotya
- Gender Perspective in Design and Illustration of Children’s Books
- Ratri, Dianing
- Engaging Children in Reading Jataka Reliefs of Borobudur Temple in Indonesia through Digital Picture Book
- Ratri, Dianing
- Elaborating Visual Narrative into Modern Adaptation Concept for Picture Book with Indonesian Folklore Theme
- Riyadi, Slamet
- Rapid Prototyping as an Experimentation Method of Designing Tools to Improve the Quality and Variety of Stitch-Resist Dyed Motifs
- Riyadi, Slamet
- Service Design of Motor Vehicle Tax Service in West Java Province
- Riyanto, Bedjo
- Dialectics Of Surakarta Society Perception Of Murals At Gatot Subroto Street, Surakarta, Indonesia
- Roihan, Zusfa
- A Preliminary Conservation Study for Art and Culture in Indonesia
- Rokhim, Abdul
- The Dynamic Website of Islamic History in Gresik as a Historical Learning Medium
- Roradi, Samosir Fanriston Riko
- Design of Borneo Virtual Tour Website as a Media for Promotion of Dayak Cultural Tourism Objects, Pampang Village Samarinda
- Rosandini, Morinta
- Innovation Design on Batik Kembang Turi, Blitar
- Ruci, Wening Hesti Nawa
- Symbol Dimensions Statue Of A Snake With The Head Of Gatotkaca In Banyuwangi
- Ruki, Ulli Aulia
- Harmonize The Interior Retail Space in Era Post Covid-19, Study Case The Element Of Servicescape In Jakarta Mall
- Sabana, Setiawan
- Development of Natural Dyeing Color Decorations on Traditional Nias Pandanus Weaving as a Souvenir Product
- Safeyah, Muchlisiniyati
- Perceiving Coastal Spatial Expression
- Saffira, Mega
- Effect of Narrative with Cross-cultural Innovation as Cultural Heritage Branding Strategy
- Saidi, Acep Iwan
- From Domestic to Public: Representation of Working Women in Damar Kurung Painting
- Sakina, Sabrina Ilma
- Ornament Exploration Based on the Beliefs of Sangihe
- Sakina, Sabrina Ilma
- Biodegradable PPE Made of Pineapple Fiber Paper
- Sakina, Sabrina Ilma
- Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment of Pineapple Leaf Fibres
- Sakina, Sabrina Ilma
- Biodegradable Food Container Made of Abaca Fiber Pulp with Beeswax Biocoating
- Salam, Muhammad Risfan Badrus
- A Study on Museum Artifact Digitization using Photogrammetry Method for Preservation and Design Education
- Salsabila, Putri Rizky
- Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment of Pineapple Leaf Fibres
- Sandra, Ni Putu Anindhitha Ayesha
- The Embodiment of Kübler-Ross Model through Game Elements in GRIS and Its Impact on Player Experience
- Santosa, Imam
- Gesture in Visual Narrative Reliefs of Karmawibhangga Borobudur as An Ancient Javanese Locality Value
- Saphiranti, Dona
- Factor Identification on Consumer Behavior of Fashion Department Store in The New Normal Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia
- Saputra, Angga
- The Potential of Digital Application Development for Learning Local Language Paser
- Sari, Bilyan Putra
- Comparative Study of Information Display Media for Bank Indonesia Museum and Bank Mandiri Museum
- Sarumpaet, Damang
- Service Design of Motor Vehicle Tax Service in West Java Province
- Sayahdikumullah, Dikdik
- A Preliminary Conservation Study for Art and Culture in Indonesia
- Sayahdikumullah, Dikdik
- Art Installation of Farmer’s Plant Guardian
- Sayahdikumullah, Dikdik
- Printmaking Expansion by The Other Form of Presentation
- Setiawan, Pindi
- Gesture in Visual Narrative Reliefs of Karmawibhangga Borobudur as An Ancient Javanese Locality Value
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- From Domestic to Public: Representation of Working Women in Damar Kurung Painting
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- Design Activities as a Literation for Introduction to Horticulture Agriculture for Children Aged 5 - 12 Years Old
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- Engaging Children in Reading Jataka Reliefs of Borobudur Temple in Indonesia through Digital Picture Book
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- Gender Perspective in Design and Illustration of Children’s Books
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- Elaborating Visual Narrative into Modern Adaptation Concept for Picture Book with Indonesian Folklore Theme
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- The Meaning of Visual Representation Of The COVID-19 Pandemic In The Visual Journals of Children Aged 6-8 Years
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- Designing Children Picture Book Themed Empathy for High Function Autism Classmate
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- Designing Picture Book about The Javanese Vocabulary through Lift a Flap for Children 4-5 Years Old
- Sihombing, Riama Maslan
- The Role of Digital Books in Increasing Reading Motivation among Children with Dyslexia
- Sijabat, Sara Melati
- Urban Farming Learning Application in Simulation Games for Generation Z in Indonesia
- Siregar, Ismail Alif
- PUNTO: Designing for Pandemic
- Sosa, Cristina Rodriguez
- Kartono Yudhokusumo’s Landscapes and his influence in Modern Indonesian Art
- Sriwarno, Andar Bagus
- Designing Games To Understand User Preferences Based Player-Centered Design of Indonesian National Heroes
- Sriwarno, Andar Bagus
- Collecting Artifact Data from Craftsmen with Participatory Design Methods
- Sudarisman, Irwan
- The influence of the activity of street vendors on zone utilization patterns and circulation patterns in Tegallega Park, Bandung, Indonesia
- Sulistyati, Apika Nurasi
- Dialectics Of Surakarta Society Perception Of Murals At Gatot Subroto Street, Surakarta, Indonesia
- Susanti, Ardina
- Relationship between Coffee to Go’s Serviscape with Brand Loyalty Perceptions of Z gens
- Susanti, Wiwik Dwi
- Perceiving Coastal Spatial Expression
- Syarief, Achmad
- Archives Development of Cultural Objects based on 3D Documentation Method for Digital Museum
- Titisari, Bintan
- Development of Textile Made From Clothing Fasteners Material Using Weaving Technique
- Titisari, Bintan
- Rapid Prototyping as an Experimentation Method of Designing Tools to Improve the Quality and Variety of Stitch-Resist Dyed Motifs
- Triharini, Meirina
- Archives Development of Cultural Objects based on 3D Documentation Method for Digital Museum
- Triharini, Meirina
- The Effects of Pine Needles Biocomposites Floor Mats on Consumers Tactile Perception of Comfort during Sitting on the Floor while Eating at a Restaurant
- Triharini, Meirina
- A Study on Museum Artifact Digitization using Photogrammetry Method for Preservation and Design Education
- Udayana, Anak Agung Gde Bagus
- Processing Visual Communication
- Wardono, Prabu
- The Effects of Pine Needles Biocomposites Floor Mats on Consumers Tactile Perception of Comfort during Sitting on the Floor while Eating at a Restaurant
- Wardono, Prabu
- Factor Identification on Consumer Behavior of Fashion Department Store in The New Normal Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia
- Wardono, Prabu
- Studies on the Application of Nostalgia Supergraphic for Inducing Positive Emotions Among Elderly in The Abiyoso Nursing Home, Yogyakarta
- Waspada, Agung Eko Budi
- Usability Testing Over E-Tourism Information System to Measure Domestic Tourist Satisfaction In Balikpapan
- Wibisono, Andriyanto
- Comparative Study of Information Display Media for Bank Indonesia Museum and Bank Mandiri Museum
- Widagdo, Jati
- Study of the Function, Meaning, and Shape of Indonesian Batik From Time To Time
- Widiawati, Dian
- Development of Natural Dyeing Color Decorations on Traditional Nias Pandanus Weaving as a Souvenir Product
- Widiawati, Dian
- Preservation of Traditional Ikat Ulos by Motif Design Development and Natural Dye Utilization in Muara District, North Tapanuli
- Widiawati, Dian
- Development of Textile Made From Clothing Fasteners Material Using Weaving Technique
- Winata, Gita
- The design of ceramic wall hanging products for café interior with an industrial-style theme in the city of Tasikmalaya
- Wiratmi, Apsari Retno
- Sharing Space Experiences through Augmented Reality as An Alternative Educational Game to Introduce Historic Buildings in Semarang Old Town
- Wiryadinata, Stephanie Graciela
- Biodegradable PPE Made of Pineapple Fiber Paper
- Wiyatiningsih, Wiyatiningsih
- Bamboo Furniture Design Development with Used Newspaper as an environmentally friendly product in Sleman Regency
- Yasmine, Fiona
- Collecting Artifact Data from Craftsmen with Participatory Design Methods
- Yohanda, Derena Martha
- Jemparingan Tradition as a Traditional Media to Shaping The Character of Teenagers in Klaten
- Yosselina, Wenny
- Designing Children Picture Book Themed Empathy for High Function Autism Classmate
- Yustiono
- Kartono Yudhokusumo’s Landscapes and his influence in Modern Indonesian Art
- Zaelani, Rizky A.
- A Preliminary Conservation Study for Art and Culture in Indonesia