Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural (ICLC 2022)

202 authors
Mau, Muliadi
Instagram Accounts for Parenting Education: A New Culture
Men, Bau
Prehistoric Trade in Papua, Indonesia
Mokoginta, Karmila
Compliments in Indonesian Cultures: A Literature Review
Muchtar, Ramdhani Utamy
Analysis of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Good Governance in the Department of Community Empowerment and Village of Gowa Regency
Collaboration of the 3 Pillars of Good Governance in Overcoming Abuse Drugs in Bone Regency
Muslim, K. D. Dimas
The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods
Women’s Resistance to Religious Values in the Novel Adam Hawa by Muhidin M. Dahlan: Feminist Literary Criticism Review
Mustari, Nuryanti
Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
N, Paulina E. H.
Waruga: A Stone Coffin in Minahasa, North Sulawesi
Nawawi, Juanda
Collaboration of the 3 Pillars of Good Governance in Overcoming Abuse Drugs in Bone Regency
Nawawi, Juanda
Improving the Quality of Life for Beneficiary Families Through the Family Hope Program in Sopai District, North Toraja
Nugroho, Dimas
Grogol Village: Majapahit Settlement in Trowulan
Nugroho, Dimas
Dolmen: Grave Coverings in Sangihe Island
Nuralia, Lia
Cultural Traces of the Plantation Industry of Gutta Percha Cipetir in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Nurani, Indah Asikin
The Adaptation Pattern as the Development of Lithic Technology in the Southern and Northern Mountains Areas of Java
Nurdin, Asy’ari
Auditing Communication Sinjaimo Work Culture in the New Normal Era at KPPN Sinjai
Nurfaidah, Resti
How to Be a Leader: The Power of Kidung
South Sulawesi Tales as the Character of the Nation Through Animation Film Learning Models
Women’s Resistance to Religious Values in the Novel Adam Hawa by Muhidin M. Dahlan: Feminist Literary Criticism Review
Representation of Local Culture of “Apresiasi Budaya” Program in the South Sulawesi TVRI
Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
Analysis of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Good Governance in the Department of Community Empowerment and Village of Gowa Regency
Improving the Quality of Life for Beneficiary Families Through the Family Hope Program in Sopai District, North Toraja
Analysis of the Planning for Sustainable Development of the Bantimurung Natural Park (Sustainability Tourism) (Simbang District, Maros Regency)
Okitasari, Indah
Promoting Equitable Tourism by Improving the National Musem’s Accessibility for People with Impairments
Pagessa, Muh.Gemilang
Analysis of the Planning for Sustainable Development of the Bantimurung Natural Park (Sustainability Tourism) (Simbang District, Maros Regency)
Pammu, Abidin
The New American Women Concept as Modern Women in the Novel My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather: A Feminist Literary Criticism
Pamumpuni, Astyka
Cultural Traces of the Plantation Industry of Gutta Percha Cipetir in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Pasha, Kemal
Professionalism of State Civil Services in Public Services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Luwu District
Pattu, M. Amir
The New American Women Concept as Modern Women in the Novel My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather: A Feminist Literary Criticism
Pratama, Henki Riko
Waruga: A Stone Coffin in Minahasa, North Sulawesi
Prayoga, Reza Amarta
Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
Priswanto, Hery
Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
Purnamasari, Nurul Adliyah
Existence and Cultural Influence of Malay Peoples in the Banda Islands of the Central Moluccas from the 16th to the 19th Century
Purwanti, Retno
The Traces of Multiculturalism in Islamic Tombs in Palembang
Putro, Sutanto Trijuni
Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
Rahman, Fathu
The New American Women Concept as Modern Women in the Novel My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather: A Feminist Literary Criticism
Rahman, Fathu
Women’s Resistance to Religious Values in the Novel Adam Hawa by Muhidin M. Dahlan: Feminist Literary Criticism Review
Rahmat, Aceng
The Impact of Linguistic Intelligence on Indonesian Narrative Writing Skills
Considering the Position of Men and Women in Kabanti Ajonga Indaa Malusa: The Concept of Preparing Ideal Family in Buton
Ramadini, Febyasti Davela
Promoting Equitable Tourism by Improving the National Musem’s Accessibility for People with Impairments
Rasyid, Yumna
The Impact of Linguistic Intelligence on Indonesian Narrative Writing Skills
Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
Rema, Nyoman
Local Wisdom in the Spatial Patterns of the Fatubesi Traditional Village, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara
Rema, Nyoman
Application of the AHP Method in the Study of Archaeological Resources Management Based on Indigenous Community in Central Sumba Regency
Restiyadi, Andri
Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
Riyanto, Sugeng
Ancient Liyangan: Settlements Friend Mountain
Rizal, Awaludin
Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
Islamic Cultural Acculturation in Arabic Inscription in the Katangka Ancient Tomb Complex, Gowa South Sulawesi
Rupa, I Wayan
Local Wisdom in the Spatial Patterns of the Fatubesi Traditional Village, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara
Rusli, A. M.
Collaboration of the 3 Pillars of Good Governance in Overcoming Abuse Drugs in Bone Regency
Rusli, A. M.
Professionalism of State Civil Services in Public Services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Luwu District
Saiful, A. M.
New Data on the Occupation and Culture of Toalean and Austronesian Speakers in Maros, South Sulawesi
Sajekti, Andjarwati Sri
The Megalithic Culture of Rampi Valley, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province: Its Important Contribution During the Early Metal Period in the Indonesian Archipelago
Saleh, Firman
Convention and the Function of Reading Sure’ Meongpalo Karellae for Bugis Farming Communities in South Sulawesi
Saleh, Noerjihad
The Essence of Shalat as an Islamic Spiritual Ritual in Semiotics Study
Sanubarianto, Salimulloh Tegar
Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
Saptaningrum, Irna
Commodities and the Dynamics of Commercial Shipping Activity at Gorontalo in 19th Century
Saptono, Nanang
Ancient Liyangan: Settlements Friend Mountain
Saputra, Lukman Nul Hakim Amran
Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
Saraka, Erwin Mansyur Ugu
Islamic Cultural Acculturation in Arabic Inscription in the Katangka Ancient Tomb Complex, Gowa South Sulawesi
Sari, Vivi Sandra
Waruga: A Stone Coffin in Minahasa, North Sulawesi
The Beauty of West Java Cities Through Tourism Slogans
Existence and Cultural Influence of Malay Peoples in the Banda Islands of the Central Moluccas from the 16th to the 19th Century
The Evidence of Malay Ethnicity in Sedanau and Its Surrounding, Natuna, 18–19 Century
Sa’diyah, Umiatun
Trace the Traces of Austronesian Culture and Language Families in the Java Sea Area: Connectivity Between Bawean, Rembang, and Sampang
Sekarningrum, Retno
Commodities and the Dynamics of Commercial Shipping Activity at Gorontalo in 19th Century
Shanti, Desril Riva
Railways and Sugar in Cirebon
Sitanggang, Natal P.
Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
Social and Religious Functions of Megalithic Culture in Sangihe Island, North Sulawesi
Dolmen: Grave Coverings in Sangihe Island
Sujaini, Herry
Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
Sukesti, Restu
Trace the Traces of Austronesian Culture and Language Families in the Java Sea Area: Connectivity Between Bawean, Rembang, and Sampang
Sukesti, Restu
Social Criticism on “Nah Ini Dia” Rubric in Poskota Online Newspaper
Sukma, Bayu Permana
Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
Sultan, M Iqbal
Uwatta’s Interpersonal Communication Patterns in Maintaining Sect of Belief Through Tolotang Community Rituals
New Data on the Occupation and Culture of Toalean and Austronesian Speakers in Maros, South Sulawesi
The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods
Swastiwi, Anastasia Wiwik
Trace of Malay History in Sumatra: In the Frame of Indonesia
Considering the Position of Men and Women in Kabanti Ajonga Indaa Malusa: The Concept of Preparing Ideal Family in Buton
Syam, Husain
Effectiveness Writing Drama Based Scripts Local Wisdom of High School Students Country 2 Majene
Syamsu, Suhardiman
Analysis of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Good Governance in the Department of Community Empowerment and Village of Gowa Regency
Tadda, Muh. Rivaldi A.
Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
Taha, Mujahid
Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
Taniardi, Putri Novita
Ancient Liyangan: Settlements Friend Mountain
Tjahjono, Baskoro Daru
Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
Triwurjani, Rr.
The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods
Vieriawan, Andi
Convention and the Function of Reading Sure’ Meongpalo Karellae for Bugis Farming Communities in South Sulawesi
Wahyudiono, Joko
The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods
Effectiveness Writing Drama Based Scripts Local Wisdom of High School Students Country 2 Majene
Social Stratification in Melattigi Mallariada Balanipa Mandar Tribe
Warami, Hugo
Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
Widiastuti, Rini
The Beauty of West Java Cities Through Tourism Slogans
Widyastuti, Endang
Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
Wijaya, Dendi
The Lexicostatistics of Hitu Language: Relationship of the Old Hitu Dialect, Larike, and Kaitetu
Wulandari, Ratri
Cultural Traces of the Plantation Industry of Gutta Percha Cipetir in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Yuniawati-Umar, Dwi Yani
The Megalithic Culture of Rampi Valley, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province: Its Important Contribution During the Early Metal Period in the Indonesian Archipelago
Yunus, Ahsan
Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
Yunus, Rabina
Professionalism of State Civil Services in Public Services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Luwu District