Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural (ICLC 2022)
202 authors
- Mau, Muliadi
- Instagram Accounts for Parenting Education: A New Culture
- Men, Bau
- Prehistoric Trade in Papua, Indonesia
- Mokoginta, Karmila
- Compliments in Indonesian Cultures: A Literature Review
- Muchtar, Ramdhani Utamy
- Analysis of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Good Governance in the Department of Community Empowerment and Village of Gowa Regency
- Musakkar
- Collaboration of the 3 Pillars of Good Governance in Overcoming Abuse Drugs in Bone Regency
- Muslim, K. D. Dimas
- The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods
- Muslimat
- Women’s Resistance to Religious Values in the Novel Adam Hawa by Muhidin M. Dahlan: Feminist Literary Criticism Review
- Mustari, Nuryanti
- Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
- N, Paulina E. H.
- Waruga: A Stone Coffin in Minahasa, North Sulawesi
- Nawawi, Juanda
- Collaboration of the 3 Pillars of Good Governance in Overcoming Abuse Drugs in Bone Regency
- Nawawi, Juanda
- Improving the Quality of Life for Beneficiary Families Through the Family Hope Program in Sopai District, North Toraja
- Nugroho, Dimas
- Grogol Village: Majapahit Settlement in Trowulan
- Nugroho, Dimas
- Dolmen: Grave Coverings in Sangihe Island
- Nuralia, Lia
- Cultural Traces of the Plantation Industry of Gutta Percha Cipetir in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
- Nurani, Indah Asikin
- The Adaptation Pattern as the Development of Lithic Technology in the Southern and Northern Mountains Areas of Java
- Nurdin, Asy’ari
- Auditing Communication Sinjaimo Work Culture in the New Normal Era at KPPN Sinjai
- Nurfaidah, Resti
- How to Be a Leader: The Power of Kidung
- Nurhayati
- South Sulawesi Tales as the Character of the Nation Through Animation Film Learning Models
- Nurhayati
- Women’s Resistance to Religious Values in the Novel Adam Hawa by Muhidin M. Dahlan: Feminist Literary Criticism Review
- Nurjanna
- Representation of Local Culture of “Apresiasi Budaya” Program in the South Sulawesi TVRI
- Nurlinah
- Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
- Nurlinah
- Analysis of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Good Governance in the Department of Community Empowerment and Village of Gowa Regency
- Nurlinah
- Improving the Quality of Life for Beneficiary Families Through the Family Hope Program in Sopai District, North Toraja
- Nurlinah
- Analysis of the Planning for Sustainable Development of the Bantimurung Natural Park (Sustainability Tourism) (Simbang District, Maros Regency)
- Okitasari, Indah
- Promoting Equitable Tourism by Improving the National Musem’s Accessibility for People with Impairments
- Pagessa, Muh.Gemilang
- Analysis of the Planning for Sustainable Development of the Bantimurung Natural Park (Sustainability Tourism) (Simbang District, Maros Regency)
- Pammu, Abidin
- The New American Women Concept as Modern Women in the Novel My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather: A Feminist Literary Criticism
- Pamumpuni, Astyka
- Cultural Traces of the Plantation Industry of Gutta Percha Cipetir in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
- Pasha, Kemal
- Professionalism of State Civil Services in Public Services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Luwu District
- Pattu, M. Amir
- The New American Women Concept as Modern Women in the Novel My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather: A Feminist Literary Criticism
- Pratama, Henki Riko
- Waruga: A Stone Coffin in Minahasa, North Sulawesi
- Prayoga, Reza Amarta
- Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
- Priswanto, Hery
- Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
- Purnamasari, Nurul Adliyah
- Existence and Cultural Influence of Malay Peoples in the Banda Islands of the Central Moluccas from the 16th to the 19th Century
- Purwanti, Retno
- The Traces of Multiculturalism in Islamic Tombs in Palembang
- Putro, Sutanto Trijuni
- Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
- Rahman, Fathu
- The New American Women Concept as Modern Women in the Novel My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather: A Feminist Literary Criticism
- Rahman, Fathu
- Women’s Resistance to Religious Values in the Novel Adam Hawa by Muhidin M. Dahlan: Feminist Literary Criticism Review
- Rahmat, Aceng
- The Impact of Linguistic Intelligence on Indonesian Narrative Writing Skills
- Rahmawati
- Considering the Position of Men and Women in Kabanti Ajonga Indaa Malusa: The Concept of Preparing Ideal Family in Buton
- Ramadini, Febyasti Davela
- Promoting Equitable Tourism by Improving the National Musem’s Accessibility for People with Impairments
- Rasyid, Yumna
- The Impact of Linguistic Intelligence on Indonesian Narrative Writing Skills
- Ratnawati
- Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
- Rema, Nyoman
- Local Wisdom in the Spatial Patterns of the Fatubesi Traditional Village, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara
- Rema, Nyoman
- Application of the AHP Method in the Study of Archaeological Resources Management Based on Indigenous Community in Central Sumba Regency
- Restiyadi, Andri
- Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
- Riyanto, Sugeng
- Ancient Liyangan: Settlements Friend Mountain
- Rizal, Awaludin
- Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
- Rosmawati
- Islamic Cultural Acculturation in Arabic Inscription in the Katangka Ancient Tomb Complex, Gowa South Sulawesi
- Rupa, I Wayan
- Local Wisdom in the Spatial Patterns of the Fatubesi Traditional Village, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara
- Rusli, A. M.
- Collaboration of the 3 Pillars of Good Governance in Overcoming Abuse Drugs in Bone Regency
- Rusli, A. M.
- Professionalism of State Civil Services in Public Services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Luwu District
- Saiful, A. M.
- New Data on the Occupation and Culture of Toalean and Austronesian Speakers in Maros, South Sulawesi
- Sajekti, Andjarwati Sri
- The Megalithic Culture of Rampi Valley, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province: Its Important Contribution During the Early Metal Period in the Indonesian Archipelago
- Saleh, Firman
- Convention and the Function of Reading Sure’ Meongpalo Karellae for Bugis Farming Communities in South Sulawesi
- Saleh, Noerjihad
- The Essence of Shalat as an Islamic Spiritual Ritual in Semiotics Study
- Sanubarianto, Salimulloh Tegar
- Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
- Saptaningrum, Irna
- Commodities and the Dynamics of Commercial Shipping Activity at Gorontalo in 19th Century
- Saptono, Nanang
- Ancient Liyangan: Settlements Friend Mountain
- Saputra, Lukman Nul Hakim Amran
- Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
- Saraka, Erwin Mansyur Ugu
- Islamic Cultural Acculturation in Arabic Inscription in the Katangka Ancient Tomb Complex, Gowa South Sulawesi
- Sari, Vivi Sandra
- Waruga: A Stone Coffin in Minahasa, North Sulawesi
- Sariah
- The Beauty of West Java Cities Through Tourism Slogans
- Sarjiyanto
- Existence and Cultural Influence of Malay Peoples in the Banda Islands of the Central Moluccas from the 16th to the 19th Century
- Sarjiyanto
- The Evidence of Malay Ethnicity in Sedanau and Its Surrounding, Natuna, 18–19 Century
- Sa’diyah, Umiatun
- Trace the Traces of Austronesian Culture and Language Families in the Java Sea Area: Connectivity Between Bawean, Rembang, and Sampang
- Sekarningrum, Retno
- Commodities and the Dynamics of Commercial Shipping Activity at Gorontalo in 19th Century
- Shanti, Desril Riva
- Railways and Sugar in Cirebon
- Sitanggang, Natal P.
- Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
- Sriwigati
- Social and Religious Functions of Megalithic Culture in Sangihe Island, North Sulawesi
- Sriwigati
- Dolmen: Grave Coverings in Sangihe Island
- Sujaini, Herry
- Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
- Sukesti, Restu
- Trace the Traces of Austronesian Culture and Language Families in the Java Sea Area: Connectivity Between Bawean, Rembang, and Sampang
- Sukesti, Restu
- Social Criticism on “Nah Ini Dia” Rubric in Poskota Online Newspaper
- Sukma, Bayu Permana
- Swear Words from the Transgender Lexicon in the Hate Speech Law Case in Indonesia
- Sukri
- Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
- Sultan, M Iqbal
- Uwatta’s Interpersonal Communication Patterns in Maintaining Sect of Belief Through Tolotang Community Rituals
- Suryatma
- New Data on the Occupation and Culture of Toalean and Austronesian Speakers in Maros, South Sulawesi
- Suryatman
- The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods
- Swastiwi, Anastasia Wiwik
- Trace of Malay History in Sumatra: In the Frame of Indonesia
- Syaifuddin
- Considering the Position of Men and Women in Kabanti Ajonga Indaa Malusa: The Concept of Preparing Ideal Family in Buton
- Syam, Husain
- Effectiveness Writing Drama Based Scripts Local Wisdom of High School Students Country 2 Majene
- Syamsu, Suhardiman
- Analysis of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Good Governance in the Department of Community Empowerment and Village of Gowa Regency
- Tadda, Muh. Rivaldi A.
- Information Management Based on Digital Government: Experience for Luwu Regency
- Taha, Mujahid
- Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
- Taniardi, Putri Novita
- Ancient Liyangan: Settlements Friend Mountain
- Tjahjono, Baskoro Daru
- Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
- Triwurjani, Rr.
- The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods
- Vieriawan, Andi
- Convention and the Function of Reading Sure’ Meongpalo Karellae for Bugis Farming Communities in South Sulawesi
- Wahyudiono, Joko
- The Iron Civilization of Matano Lake, South Sulawesi: Paleometallic to Historical Periods
- Wahyuni
- Effectiveness Writing Drama Based Scripts Local Wisdom of High School Students Country 2 Majene
- Wahyuni
- Social Stratification in Melattigi Mallariada Balanipa Mandar Tribe
- Warami, Hugo
- Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
- Widiastuti, Rini
- The Beauty of West Java Cities Through Tourism Slogans
- Widyastuti, Endang
- Tracking Multicultural Indication at Muria Peninsula in the Hindu-Buddhist Period
- Wijaya, Dendi
- The Lexicostatistics of Hitu Language: Relationship of the Old Hitu Dialect, Larike, and Kaitetu
- Wulandari, Ratri
- Cultural Traces of the Plantation Industry of Gutta Percha Cipetir in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
- Yuniawati-Umar, Dwi Yani
- The Megalithic Culture of Rampi Valley, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province: Its Important Contribution During the Early Metal Period in the Indonesian Archipelago
- Yunus, Ahsan
- Repetation of Personal Pronouns in Taba Language
- Yunus, Rabina
- Professionalism of State Civil Services in Public Services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Luwu District