Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language and Arts (ICLA 2020)
164 authors
- Nerosti
- Salendang Dance Choreography Developing the Arts of Tourism Performance in Mandeh Area
- Ngusman
- Teacher’s Expressive Speech Act in Indonesian Learning Process at SMPN 2 Lareh Sago Halaban
- Novalinda
- The English Teaching of Tenses, Aspects, and Moods in Senior High Schools in Padang
- Nurizzati
- Technology Becomes a Learning Problem During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Oktalia, Lastri
- The Effects of Field Trip Method and Reading Interest Towards Description Text Writing Skills Grade XI ADP SMK Negeri 1 Baso
- Ovilia, Ririn
- Students’ Preferences and Their Needs of Reading in Writing Class
- Pramutomo, RM
- Educational Values in Minangkabau Opera Malin Nan Kondang
- Puspitaloka, Nina
- Teacher’s Perception on How Multisensory Approach in Teaching Reading for EYL with Dyslexia
- Putra, Irdhan Epria Darma
- Original Galombang Dance Clothes: As Dance Elements in Reconstruction of Traditional Dance Clothing in Pariangan West Sumatra
- Putra, Rafles Eko
- Illocutionary Speech Acts in the Discourse of Advertisements in Sindo Newspaper
- Putri, Wilona Ayunda
- Teacher’s Expressive Speech Act in Indonesian Learning Process at SMPN 2 Lareh Sago Halaban
- Qodriani, Laila Ulsi
- The ‘New’ Adjacency Pairs in Online Learning: Categories and Practices
- Rahayu, Tri
- Problems in Learning English Faced by Elementary School Students in Jambi City
- Rahayuningtyas, Wida
- Making Prints: How Learning Printmaking During Pandemic Can Boost Students’ Creativity
- Rahmadina, Yufebri
- The Contribution of Students’ Linguistic Intelligence Towards Reading Comprehension
- Rahmawati, Aulia
- Intent and Meaning of Information About Corona Virus on Social Media: Forensic Linguistic Study in the Case of Spreading Hoax
- Ratmanida
- Students’ Linguistics Problem in Reading Comprehension
- Ratnawati, Ike
- Making Prints: How Learning Printmaking During Pandemic Can Boost Students’ Creativity
- Refnaldi
- Creating Waste Coconut Coir as A Creative Art
- Ronaldo, Okri
- Need Analyses of English Learning Material for Students’ Diploma Degree of Mechanical Engineering at Institute Technology of Padang (ITP)
- Rosa, Rusdi Noor
- Analysis of Teachers’ Code Switching in Teaching English at MTsN 7 Agam
- Rosa, Rusdi Noor
- Techniques Used by English Department Students of Universitas Negeri Padang in Translating Report Text
- Rosa, Rusdi Noor
- Exploring Lecturers’ Written Corrective Feedback on Students’ Research Proposal Writing
- Rosa, Rusdi Noor
- Problems in Learning English Faced by Elementary School Students in Jambi City
- Rozimela, Yenni
- The Implementation of Scaffolding Strategies at Speaking English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare East Java
- Rozimela, Yenni
- Students’ Preferences and Their Needs of Reading in Writing Class
- Rusdinal
- Analysis of Global Perspectives and Principal Policies on Their Influence on the Professional Commitment of Public Vocational Teachers in Padangsidimpuan
- Salam, Aprinus
- Reassuring Feasibility of Using Bourdieusian Sociocultural Paradigm for Literary Translation Study
- Sandra, Yofita
- Creating Waste Coconut Coir as A Creative Art
- Saputra, Dedi
- The Differences Between the Kerinci Greeting Words in Dialect of Jujun with Dialect of Lolo
- Sari, Diniyati Kesuma
- The Implementation of Scaffolding Strategies at Speaking English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare East Java
- Sastrawati, Elsa
- Analysis of Reading Material and Students’ Perception Towards Buku Bahasa Inggris at Grade X Semester II of SMAN 4 Payakumbuh
- Satriani, Estika
- Needs Analysis: E-Learning-Based of Intensive Reading with Moodle Application
- Savitri, Diah
- Analysis of Students’ Speaking Ability in Video Project at STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo
- Shalihah, Maratus
- Analysis of Teachers’ Code Switching in Teaching English at MTsN 7 Agam
- Sidin, Sri Andriani
- The Application of Reward and Punishment in Teaching Adolescents
- Sinar, T. Silvana
- A Visual Grammar Design Analysis of Channel’s Spring-Summer 2021 Campaign Teaser Pictures in the Pandemic Era
- Suisno, Edi
- Educational Values in Minangkabau Opera Malin Nan Kondang
- Sujatna, Eva Tuckyta Sari
- Configuration of Lampung Mental Clause: a Functional Grammar Investigation
- Suparli, Lili
- Educational Values in Minangkabau Opera Malin Nan Kondang
- Syamsu, Fadhelya
- Gender Discrimination in NH. Dini’s Pada Sebuah Kapal and Okky Madasari’s Entrok
- Syarif, Hermawati
- Analysis of Reading Material and Students’ Perception Towards Buku Bahasa Inggris at Grade X Semester II of SMAN 4 Payakumbuh
- Syarif, Hermawati
- Using Graphic Organizers to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at Grade XI of SMAN 3 Lubuk Basung
- Syarif, Hermawati
- Teacher’s Perception on How Multisensory Approach in Teaching Reading for EYL with Dyslexia
- Syarif, Hermawati
- Grammatical Competence in Constructing Wh-Questions in Reading Comprehension Test: A Proposed Study
- Syarifah, Imma
- Teaching and Learning Challenges in EFL Classrooms During the Pandemic Era
- Syasli, David
- Comparing Ustaz Abdul Somad’s Language Style to Ustazah Mama Dedeh’s Language Style
- Thahar, Harris Effendi
- The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Methods and Reading Interest Towards Anecdote Writing Skills
- Thahira, Kharisma
- Illocutionary Speech Acts in the Discourse of Advertisements in Sindo Newspaper
- Vinolia
- Educative Values and Local Awareness in Folklore of Si Boko in Sungai Pisang West Sumatera
- Wijana, I Dewa Putu
- The ‘New’ Adjacency Pairs in Online Learning: Categories and Practices
- Wisesa, Agnisa Maulani
- Making Prints: How Learning Printmaking During Pandemic Can Boost Students’ Creativity
- Yeni, Try Ulva
- Need Analysis of Text for Translation Material in Universitas Negeri Padang
- Yonafri, Cindy
- The Effectiveness of Online Learning on the Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum
- Yuliasma
- The Application of the Tagunta Learning Model in Elementary School 02 Lubuk Buaya, Padang
- Zaim, M.
- Needs Analysis: E-Learning-Based of Intensive Reading with Moodle Application
- Zaim, M.
- Need Analyses of English Learning Material for Students’ Diploma Degree of Mechanical Engineering at Institute Technology of Padang (ITP)
- Zaim, M.
- Creating Waste Coconut Coir as A Creative Art
- Zaim, Rifqi Aulia
- Creating Waste Coconut Coir as A Creative Art
- Zainil, Yetti
- Teaching and Learning Challenges in EFL Classrooms During the Pandemic Era
- Zainil, Yetty
- Language Learning Strategies in Speaking Classroom Activity: Extrovert and Introvert Learners
- Zulfadhli
- Morphology of the Legend of Folklore on Unruly Daughter in West Sumatra’s Minangkabau
- Zulfadhli
- Social Function of Text of Oral Tradition of Lullaby Song Coastal Region of Minangkabau Collective in West Sumatra
- Zulfadhli
- Implementation of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Models in Literacy of Urban Society Life Style Based on the Popular Metropop Novel