Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019)
182 authors
- Abdulfattah, Ahsan
- The Development of Mobile Learning-Assisted Local Culture-Based Subject Specific Pedagogy in Realizing the Learning Outcomes of Physics Subject
- Agustika, Dyah K.
- Noise Reduction of Simplified Phonocardiograph Through Flexural Tube Adjustment
- Agustika, Dyah Kurniawati
- Classification Between Normal Heartbeat and Angina Pectoris in Phonocardiograph Using Neural Network
- Ali, Abdul Jalil Mohamed
- Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia
- Ameliandari, Dea Resti
- Developing a Hand Puppet Book Media to Improve the Higher Order Thinking Skill and Character of Elementary School Students
- Antony, Muhammad Khoirul
- Biology Teacher’s TPACK Profile in Central Java: Description of TPACK Mastery Based on Teaching Experience
- Anwar, Muhammad Hamid
- Physical Activity Experience Among Transnational Young People Living in New Zealand
- Ardiyati, Tiara Kusuma
- The Effectiveness of Android-Based Interactive Physics Mobile Learning Media to Improve Students’ Psychomotor and Self-Efficacy
- Arifin, Fatchul
- Smart System for Diagnosing Motorcycle Damage Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Future Transportation
- Arifin, Fatchul
- Digital Signal Processor as Learning Media with DSK TMS320C6713-Based Remote Laboratory
- Arifin, Zainal
- Smart System for Diagnosing Motorcycle Damage Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Future Transportation
- Arifin, Zainal
- A Suitability of Competency Certification Scheme for Automotive Vocational High School with LSP P1 Against Business and Industrial World Needs in Semarang City
- Ashadi
- A Rasch Model Analysis on Designing Needs-Based Teacher Professional Development Programs
- Asnawi, Rustam
- Art of Painting to Decorate the Surface of Metal Crafts in the “Wastraloka” Creative Industry
- Astono, Juli
- Classification Between Normal Heartbeat and Angina Pectoris in Phonocardiograph Using Neural Network
- Astono, Juli
- Noise Reduction of Simplified Phonocardiograph Through Flexural Tube Adjustment
- Astuti, Budi
- Individual Student Planning Model to Develop Career Readiness in High School*
- Astuti, Fitria Eka Cahya
- Teaching Performance of High School Biology Teachers in Applying TPACK: A Descriptive Study
- Aw, Suranto
- Preventing Student Delinquency Through Three Education Center Communication
- Budhi, Galih Setiyo
- Digital Signal Processor as Learning Media with DSK TMS320C6713-Based Remote Laboratory
- Carnia, Ema
- Algebraic Properties of the Multistate Population Matrix Model
- Daher, Irawan Syarifuddin
- Experiential Learning Model for Accounting Literacy Development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
- Dahlan, Suratman
- The Category Shifts in English–Indonesian Translation
- Darma, Rio Sandhika
- The Development of Physics Learning Media Based on Local Wisdom Belogo and Traditional Rowing Contest to Improve the Physics Representative Ability of High School Students in Realizing Learning Outcomes
- Darma, Rio Sandhika
- The Development of Terbang Papat and Larung Sesaji Local Wisdom-Based Physics Learning Module to Increase the Senior High School Students’ Physics Representation Ability in Realizing Nature of Sciences
- Dasilva, Beatrix Elvi
- The Effectiveness of Android-Based Interactive Physics Mobile Learning Media to Improve Students’ Psychomotor and Self-Efficacy
- Dewi, Utami
- Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia
- Dewi, Utami
- Elderly Healthy Home for Promoting Inclusive Health Services in Indonesia
- Dharmono
- Development of Biology Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Dlis, Firmansyah
- The Effect of Drilling Exercise Using Level Net and Standard Net to Improve Forehand Overhead Lob Technique for Badminton Beginner Players
- Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
- School Policy for Bullying Prevention
- Efianingrum, Ariefa
- School Policy for Bullying Prevention
- Erriska, Reizka Rossalina
- Development of POE and SETS Based Science E-Module to Facilitate Creative Thinking Skill and Collaboration Skill
- Eryandi, Kholid Yusuf
- The 21st Century Ideal Skills for Vocational High Schools
- Evelin, Erlin
- Effectiveness of Interactive Physics Mobile Learning Media with Scaffolding Approach to Improve Students’ Tolerance and Students’ Self-Regulated Learning
- Fathurrohman
- Development of Big Book Media to Increase Understanding of Pancasila Values in Early Class
- Fauziah, Puji Yanti
- Homeschooling: An Alternative Education Based on Potential of Children
- Firmansyah, Feri Hidayatullah
- Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Google Application for Distance Learning in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
- Firmansyah, Feri Hidayatullah
- Developing a Tracer Study Information System Based on SMS Gateway to Support Career Development Program in UPI, Cibiru Campus
- Fitriana, Kurnia Nur
- Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia
- Fitriana, Kurnia Nur
- Elderly Healthy Home for Promoting Inclusive Health Services in Indonesia
- Frovihandika, Dhewa
- A Suitability of Competency Certification Scheme for Automotive Vocational High School with LSP P1 Against Business and Industrial World Needs in Semarang City
- Hajaroh, Mami
- Preventing Student Delinquency Through Three Education Center Communication
- Hapsari, Noviana
- Teaching Performance of High School Biology Teachers in Applying TPACK: A Descriptive Study
- Harith, Nor Hafizah Mohamed
- Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia
- Harlina, Mutiara
- Urgency of “Sahabatlekat” Android Application to Develop Self-Identity of Students’ Friendship in Z-Generation
- Harsono, Dwi
- Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia
- Harun
- Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education in Facing Industry Revolution 4.0
- Hasanah, Nur
- Smart System for Diagnosing Motorcycle Damage Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Future Transportation
- Hasibuan, Nurman
- The Effect of Drilling Exercise Using Level Net and Standard Net to Improve Forehand Overhead Lob Technique for Badminton Beginner Players
- Hastasari, Chatia
- Preventing Student Delinquency Through Three Education Center Communication
- Hastomo, Adi
- Mobile Learning-Based Science Mathematic Story: Attracting Students Studying Interest
- Hastuti, Woro Sri
- The Effectiveness of Javanese Graded Readers to Teach Reading Comprehension
- Hatmojo, Yuwono Indro
- Development of an Assessment Tutorial of Students’ Learning Achievements on Vocational High School
- Hernawan, Asep Herry
- Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Google Application for Distance Learning in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
- Hernawan, Asep Herry
- Developing a Tracer Study Information System Based on SMS Gateway to Support Career Development Program in UPI, Cibiru Campus
- Hertanto, Deny Budi
- User Satisfaction in Implementation of Table Tennis Games
- Ikhsan, Jaslin
- The Adsorption of Cr3+ onto Na+-Saturated Kaolinite
- Irawati, Eka
- Child-Friendly Based Lift-the-Flap Story Book: Does It Affect Creative Thinking Ability and Self-Actualization of 4th Grade of Elementary Student?
- Irianti, Riya
- Development of Biology Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Irmawati, Dessy
- Smart System for Diagnosing Motorcycle Damage Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Future Transportation
- Ismadi
- Art of Painting to Decorate the Surface of Metal Crafts in the “Wastraloka” Creative Industry
- Istiningsih
- The Teachings of Ki Hadjar Dewantara in Improving the Character of Elementary School Students in the Revolution of Industry 4.0 Era*
- Jaedun, Amat
- Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education in Facing Industry Revolution 4.0
- Jatmika, Herka Maya
- Physical Activity Experience Among Transnational Young People Living in New Zealand
- Kadaryanto, Budi
- A Rasch Model Analysis on Designing Needs-Based Teacher Professional Development Programs
- Kailola, Lisa Gracia
- Transformational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
- Kawuryan, Sekar Purbarini
- The Effectiveness of Javanese Graded Readers to Teach Reading Comprehension
- Kimianti, Febyarni
- Developing Science Electronic Module Based on Problem-Based Learning and Guided Discovery Learning to Increase Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
- Kuncorowati, Puji Wulandari
- Elderly Healthy Home for Promoting Inclusive Health Services in Indonesia
- Kurniawati, Hanif Alifah
- Development of POE and SETS Based Science E-Module to Facilitate Creative Thinking Skill and Collaboration Skill
- Kusmarwanti
- Aceh and Nias in Several Reviews of Literature in Indonesian National Newspapers
- Kusmiatun, Ari
- Indonesia–Thailand Culture Similarities and Their Contributions in BIPA Learning
- Latif, Saiful
- The Category Shifts in English–Indonesian Translation
- Liliani, Else
- Female Deities (Bidadari) in Indonesian Folklore: A Feminist Literary Critical Perspective
- Liliani, Else
- Indonesia–Thailand Culture Similarities and Their Contributions in BIPA Learning
- Listyarini, A. Erlina
- Strengthening Children’s Character Through School Sports Festival
- Madya, Suwarsih
- A Rasch Model Analysis on Designing Needs-Based Teacher Professional Development Programs
- Mahrudin
- Development of Biology Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Manaf, Abdul
- Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education in Facing Industry Revolution 4.0
- Marcelinus, Dyandang
- The Understanding and Acceptance of UKRIM Students on Plurality of Religions
- Melati, Inaya Sari
- Job Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Indonesian Lecturers: How Information Technology System May Define Them in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Muktiani, Nur Rohmah
- Strengthening Children’s Character Through School Sports Festival
- Murdiono, Mukhamad
- Global Citizenship Values in the Student’s Book of Pancasila and Civic Education
- Nisa, Ana Fitrotun
- The Teachings of Ki Hadjar Dewantara in Improving the Character of Elementary School Students in the Revolution of Industry 4.0 Era*
- Nopembri, Soni
- Strengthening Children’s Character Through School Sports Festival
- Novita, Diah
- Individual Student Planning Model to Develop Career Readiness in High School*
- Nugraha, Aan Yudha
- Analysis of Benefits and Obstacles from E-Budgeting Implementation in Educational Organizations
- Nurhadi, BW
- Aceh and Nias in Several Reviews of Literature in Indonesian National Newspapers
- Nurhayati, Endang
- The Effectiveness of Javanese Graded Readers to Teach Reading Comprehension
- Nurhayati, Riana
- School Policy for Bullying Prevention
- Nursuhud, Puji Iman
- The Development of Physics Learning Media Based on Local Wisdom Belogo and Traditional Rowing Contest to Improve the Physics Representative Ability of High School Students in Realizing Learning Outcomes
- Nursuhud, Puji Iman
- The Development of Terbang Papat and Larung Sesaji Local Wisdom-Based Physics Learning Module to Increase the Senior High School Students’ Physics Representation Ability in Realizing Nature of Sciences
- Nurulaeni, Fitria
- Mobile Learning-Based Science Mathematic Story: Attracting Students Studying Interest
- Nuryanto, Apri
- The 21st Century Ideal Skills for Vocational High Schools
- Oktavia, Danis Alif
- The Development of Physics Learning Media Based on Local Wisdom Belogo and Traditional Rowing Contest to Improve the Physics Representative Ability of High School Students in Realizing Learning Outcomes
- Oktavia, Danis Alif
- The Development of Terbang Papat and Larung Sesaji Local Wisdom-Based Physics Learning Module to Increase the Senior High School Students’ Physics Representation Ability in Realizing Nature of Sciences
- Paidi
- Biology Teacher’s TPACK Profile in Central Java: Description of TPACK Mastery Based on Teaching Experience
- Paidi
- Teaching Performance of High School Biology Teachers in Applying TPACK: A Descriptive Study
- Pelana, Ramdan
- The Effect of Drilling Exercise Using Level Net and Standard Net to Improve Forehand Overhead Lob Technique for Badminton Beginner Players