Proceedings of the 2ND International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2023)
29 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Ediyanto Ediyanto, Dedi Kuswandi, Ali Imron, Burhanuddin, Ahmad Suriansyah
All articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2023) in Malang. These articles have been peer-reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board and Reviewer Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms...
Proceedings Article
Increase Creativity Learning and Pedagogical Skills of Teachers in Remote Schools based Hybrid Smart System (HSS) with K-Jalakar
Nurul Ulfatin, Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Putra, Azizatuz Zahro’, Rochmawati
This research aims to map the needed components to improve literacy activity and case solving skills by developing M-Module System Technology with 3D Makerless technology. The SAM development model fits the context of learning development to design modules with interactive and adaptive approaches. The...
Proceedings Article
Visualizing Knowledge Domains for University Research Strategic
Arbin Janu Setiyowati, Citra Kurniawan, Rizka Apriani, Arif Prastiawan
A university’s research strategy impacts the implementation of university governance in terms of publication. This study aims to visualize research conducted in 2012–2021 and provide an overview of future university research. A total of 1608 articles were searched based on the search strategy based on...
Proceedings Article
Hasta Brata: Main Values of Educational Leadership in Multicultural based International Learning School of Indonesia
Rida Rimadani, Agus Timan, Vika Ardianti
Multicultural education is a necessity in the current era to meet the rapid progress and globalization. Multicultural education requires special formation in order to achieve the goal of harmony and broad cultural meaning. This research reviews how a leader in a multicultural educational institution...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Institutional Support and Learning Management Strategies on Student Participation in MBKM Programs in Higher Education Institutions
Vika Ardianti, Agus Timan, Rida Rimadani
The objectives of this study are: (1) analyzing institutional support for student participation in the implementation of the MBKM program and (2) analyzing management strategies for student participation in the implementation of the MBKM program. This research uses a quantitative approach with a correlation...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Information Technology-Based Management Processes in the Educational Environment
Moch. Faza Pramudya, Hasan Argadinata, Mustiningsih
The use of information technology aims to determine the increase in people's productivity so that they can be more creative, innovative and also affective. Therefore, information technology should be applied to the planning, implementation and evaluation of education. This application aims to improve...
Proceedings Article
Identifying Risks Based on ISO 31000:2018 Using Risk Factors at Public Universities of Legal Entities
Hasan Argadinata, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Ali Imron, Mustiningsih, Moch. Faza Pramudya
Risk identification in incorporated universities is an important activity to identify potential risks that may affect the viability of the institution. The implementation of the international standard ISO 31000:2018 can help incorporated universities carry out risk identification in an effective and...
Proceedings Article
Acceleration of Principals’ Skills in E-Learning Leadership in the Digital Age
Mustiningsih, Djum Djum Noor Benty, Hasan Argadinata
The use of digital technology today is not only as a complement, but has become a top priority in efforts to provide services to the community, especially students. As managers, principals have a responsibility to provide access to digital technology and provide an understanding of how important its...
Proceedings Article
Prevalence Psychological Welfare of Vocational High School Students in Semarang City Post Pandemic Covid-19Prevalence Covid-19
Mulawarman, Eni Rindi Antika, Sigit Hariyadi, Mayang T. Afriwilda, Kristin Melliyati Benu, Nilna Aula Niswah, Yasmin Meilana Tsani, Alvia Ainil Lathifah, Nawang Purbo Aji, Shania Dea Menany Soputan
The global pandemic has brought significant impacts across various aspects of life, including the realm of education. The focus of this research is to provide an overview of the psychological well-being of students in Vocational High Schools (SMK) in the city of Semarang after the pandemic period. The...
Proceedings Article
Digitalization of Early Childhood Learning Media Based on 3D Virtual Teacher Figures
Ica Purnamasari, Sri Wahyuni, Iriaji, Alby Aruna, Eka Putri Surya
Digitizing early childhood learning media is an innovative educational solution to help children learn and develop independence in their learning process. This research focuses on the development of augmented reality (AR) technology-based learning media using virtual teacher figures in 3D form. The aim...
Proceedings Article
Validity of SIPEJAR Material about Career Planning using Team Based Project Learning to Improve Generation Z Career Readiness
Muslihati, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Riskiyana Prihatiningsih, Widya Multisari, Arifah Wulandari, Nur Mega Aris Saputra
The digital era makes the learning process unlimited by space and time which allows students to access information from anywhere and anytime. The world of education is a sector that needs to adapt to changes in the digital era. This condition requires an overhaul and change in tertiary institutions to...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Creative Thinking based on Loose Parts: A Case in Frugal context
Zahid Zufar At Thaariq, Fikri Aulia, Reno Nurdiyanto, Jasmine Nurul Izza, Devi Mariya Sulfa, Alby Aruna, Dhimas Adhitya Wijanarko
Utilizing underutilized items is a crucial aspect of fostering environmental consciousness. This encompasses the utilization of miscellaneous components (loose parts) to create a frugal experience. The objective of this qualitative research is to investigate the perspectives expressed by junior high...
Proceedings Article
Exploration of Integrating Local Wisdom Values in Education: Focus on Feasible Learner Management Activities and the Stakeholders
Ali Imron, Rochmawati, Kamilatun Nisa, Amelia Dwi Lestari, Moch. Haris Purwanto
Indonesia has long been an integral part of the globalized world. In this era, humans are needed who have a competitive advantage in order to be able to compete in the global arena, but also at the same time who have a strong identity in order to make a major contribution to the needs of the people of...
Proceedings Article
Publication Trends on the Javanese Leadership Construct
Imam Gunawan, Djum Djum Noor Benty, Ahmad Nurabadi, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Teguh Triwiyanto, Wildan Zulkarnain, Muh. Arafik, Erika Mei Budiarti, Muchammad Tamyiz
Leadership behavior performed by a leader is inseparable from cultural influences. Leadership requires an understanding of the culture of the people it leads when dealing with the development of community culture. This study used content analysis to investigate research development and find out significant...
Proceedings Article
Transformational-Digital Leadership of School Principals for Service Acceleration and Digital Literacy: Empirique Study Literature Review
Primardiana Hermilia Wijayati, Ali Imron, Syamsul Hadi, Kamilatun Nisa, Amelia Dwi Lestari
The influence of technological sophistication and the internet has caused various disruptions that are currently global in nature in society, especially in the leadership of school principals who are required to keep up with the times with their relation to the digital world. Elementary schools have...
Proceedings Article
Obstacles to the Implementation and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesian Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
Luthfia Amanda Sari, Teguh Triwiyanto, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Ahmad Nurabadi, Ahmad Furqon Akhbar, Sasi Maulina, Asmaa Abusamra
This study aims to determine the implementation of the independent curriculum held in elementary schools and the obstacles or problems that occur along with the implementation of this curriculum. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach with a literature study method, namely taking several...
Proceedings Article
Passion Trend Based Learning Scale Validation
Maisyaroh, Juharyanto, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Ibrahim Bafadal, Maulana Amirul Adha, Bagus Rachmad Saputra, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Indra Lesmana
This study aims to test the validity and reliability of the passion trend-based student learning measurement scale. In order to accomplish the research aims, two analytical procedures were employed, specifically the Pearson product moment to assess the validity of the instrument items, and Cronbach’s...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Vocational High School: The Crucial Role of Leadership in Building Management Capacities of Regional Public Service Agency
Arin Ika Puspitaningsih, Burhanuddin, Ali Imron, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri
This study aims to provide insights into the important role of leadership in building Regional Public Service Agency (RPSA)-Oriented Management at Vocational High Schools (VHS). The research was conducted as a descriptive qualitative study at SMKN 3 Banjarbaru, one of the state vocational high schools...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Digital Pedagogy for Teacher Internship Program through E-Training to Realize Smart Society
Ghasa Faraasyatul ‘Alam, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Burhanuddin, Muslihati
Technological developments that are increasingly advanced make all kinds of fields continue to make updates, as well as the world of education where the integration of digital pedagogy for educators must be improved, especially for those who take part in the teacher internship program. One of the factors...
Proceedings Article
Superior Characteristics and Future of the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka) Management System in Indonesia Elementary Schools in the Era of Digital Technology
Ahmad Furqon Akhbar, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Teguh Triwiyanto, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Warapark Maitreepun, Luthfia Amanda Sari, Sasi Maulina
This study aims to determine the relationship between superior characteristics and the future of an independent curriculum (kurikulum merdeka) management system in Indonesian elementary schools in the era of digital technology. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with data...
Proceedings Article
Literature Study: The Role of Innovation in Education in the Learning Process Teaching Children with Special Needs Using Digital Technology
Dimas Arif Dewantoro, Rizqi Fajar Pradipta, Abdul Huda, Lilik Yulia Yasmine, Fadillah Ariani
In the world of education, required constant innovation to keep abreast of developments in various field. Technology has a positive impact nor negative. So that the negative impact can minimized, it is important to have good cooperation from various parties in using appropriate technology the goal. Innovation...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Branding Model of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions in East Java
Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Teguh Triwiyanto, Dandy Bayu Firdaus, Sasi Maulina, Warapark Maitreephun, Erika Mei Budiarti, Suwandi
The aim of this research is to find out an overview of the implementation of branding at the Integrated Islamic School (SIT) in the East Java region which is represented by 4 (four) institutions, namely SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid Jombang; SDIT Insan Kamil Sidoarjo; SDIT Al Uswah Magetan; and SDIT Insan Permata...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Use of Audiometers as an Assessment Instrument of Deaf Students in Preparation to Enter the World of Education: A Case Study of Deaf Students in Malang Raya
Rizqi Fajar Pradipta, Dimas Arif Dewantoro, Abd. Huda, Lilik Yulia Yasmine, Fadillah Ariani
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the condition of the process of accepting new deaf students in SLB B and the needs of institutions in the process of classifying students with hearing impairments. The research method used was qualitative data collection was carried out using a...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Branding Development of Integrated Islamic Education Institutions
Warapark Maitreephun, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Teguh Triwiyanto, Dandy Bayu Firdaus, Sasi Maulina, Erika Mei Budiarti, Suwandi
The purpose of this research is to: (1) find out the forms of activities in implementing school branding, (2) find out strategies for implementing school branding, (3) find out the obstacles or problems in implementing school branding, and (4) find out the implementation of Customer Relationship Management...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of REBT Group Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Reduce Academic Stress in High School Students
Shafa Rahmadiena Maulany, Widya Multisari, Irene Maya Simon
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) group counseling with reframing techniques to reduce academic stress in Senior High School students. The approach used is quantitative with an experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest...
Proceedings Article
Informal Education as a Realm of Developing Entrepreneur Skills of Students in Pondok Pesantren
R. Anggia Listyaningrum, Ellyn Sugeng Desyanti, Ica Purnamasari, Rezka Arina Rahma
The development of entrepreneur skills is one of the efforts made by educational institutions to provide provisions for their students so that after they complete their education, they are ready to face life in society, especially in the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity (VUCA) era. These...
Proceedings Article
Innovation in Early Childhood Fine Arts Learning with Drawing, Matching and Sticking Techniques
Retno Tri Wulandari, Usep Kustiawan
Art education is given to children with various purposes, but all are based on the belief that art shapes children’s sensitivity in life. Art is a branch of art that is created using visual elements and can be appreciated through the senses of the eye. One of the activities of creating fine art in early...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Implementation of Technology-Based School Management in Elementary Schools in the Kupang Region
Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Muslihati, Sowiyah, Zummy Anselmus Dami, Nur Mega Aris Saputra, Achmad Miftachul ‘Ilmi
Current technological developments are moving towards the forefront and have a significant influence on all sectors, one of which is the implementation of school management. The implementation of school management by utilizing technology provides convenience and difficulty if viewed from the habit and...
Proceedings Article
Field Study Learning Construction Social Communication Interaction Approach for Students as Village Community Empowerment Mentors Labsite PLS FIP UM
Zulkarnain, Kukuh Miroso Raharjo, Ach. Rasyad
Social communication interactions are dynamic social relationships that involve relationships between individuals, between human groups, and between individuals and human groups. Field study mentor students are students who are selected to assume the role of mentors in field study learning and provide...