Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Da'wah and Communication Disruptios Era 5.0 (ICDCDE 2024)

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26 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Nasrullah Hidayat, Soiman Soiman, Irma Yusriani, Kamalia Kamalia, Khatibah Khatibah, Fakhrur Rozi
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 1st International Conference Da’wah and Communication Disruption Era 5.0 (ICDCDE) during 3-4 May 2024 in Marianna Resort Hotel, Samosir Island, Lake Toba, North Sumatera, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the...
Proceedings Article

The Role Of Islamic Media In Spreading And Applying SDG’s

Hamdan Daulay, Rania Khaled Hussein, Kamarul Azman bin Khamis
We always hear this sentence “power of media” and mostly we translated it to the role of media in shaping people’s opinion and way of thinking towards some issues or general opinion, and its true media has such powers but mostly this power are miss used for political agendas. Fortunately a good example...
Proceedings Article

Pancasila is Objective (Maqsad) of Tafseer: Perspective of Preaching (Da’wah) Tafsir Inspirasi in Indonesia

Zainal Arifin
Pancasila is five sila or five principles consisting of divinity, humanity, ethics, and knowledge, and moderation. In the seventh edition of “Tafsir Inspirasi: Inspiration from the holy book Koran” 2022 it is emphasized that this tafsir was built with the spirit of Islam in Indonesia and the national...
Proceedings Article

Waqf Literacy Strategy for Empowering Waqf Based on Digital Media Platforms (Case Study at the Indonesian Waqf Board)

Syafira Nurina Arrasya, Muhtadi Muhtadi
This research was conducted at the Indonesian Waqf Agency (BWI) which empowers wakifs through waqf literacy on their digital platforms, using qualitative research methods in a descriptive form which consists of three problem formulations, namely, 1) how is BWI’s waqf literacy strategy to increase awareness...
Proceedings Article

Transcendence On The Beach: A Critical Reflection On The Sustainability Of The Jamu Laut Tradition In Jaring Halus Village, Langkat District

Muhammad Yasir, Maryam Khodimatullah Lubis, Novia Sri Hartati, Aznila Br Simbolon
This research aims to reveal the complexity and sustainability of the Jamu Laut tradition in Jaring Halus Village, North Sumatra, and its impact on the spiritual and cultural awareness of the community. The Jamu Laut tradition reflects a unique balance between local culture, spirituality, and human interaction...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Counselling Innovation for Successful Aging in The Global Era

Casmini Casmini
The paper aims to describe a holistic and integrated approach to address the challenges of aging through Islamic Counseling in the global era. The method employed in the study is a literature review with the data selected based on relevant keywords: successful aging, successful aging principles, successful...
Proceedings Article

Intrapersonal Communication in the Qur’an

Hamidi Ilhami, Imadduddin Imadduddin, M. Abduh
The communication discourse in the Qur’an has been around for a long time since the Qur’an was revealed. It’s just that because the term communication was born in Western countries, the Qur’anic communication discourse was certainly not touched. This research discusses the theme “Intrapersonal Communication...
Proceedings Article

Da’wah and Social Media: Analysis of the Da’wah Model for Community Empowerment on the Trace Bang Ibra Youtube Channel

Cucu Cucu, Amalia Irfani
This research aims to explore da’wah in the form of community empowerment on social media through a pioneering approach or building personal branding through YouTube. Community empowerment focuses on efforts to find dluafa groups, share videos with the wider community to attract donors, and carry out...
Proceedings Article

Strategies in Building Motivation for Da’wah Leadership in a Mualaf Study Group in Banda Aceh

Sakdiah Sakdiah, Khairul Habibi, Rasyidah Rasyidah, Dicky Cahya
This study aims to determine “The strategy of building motivation for Da’wah leadership in the study group of Mualaf in Banda Aceh”. The number of mualafs continues to increase, demanding seriousness in their guidance and motivating them in leading the Islamic study group. The variety of mualaf problems...
Proceedings Article

Policy Communication in Rural Regulation Formulation: Why Is It Difficult to Be Realized?

Siti Malaiha Dewi
Policy communication in village regulation formulation is a crucial aspect that often faces significant obstacles between village governments and their communities. This study aims to identify and analyze the factors causing difficulties in policy communication during the stages of village regulation...
Proceedings Article

Social Communication Panglima Uteun in Forest Management at Aceh Besar Regency

Mahmuddin Mahmuddin, Eka Januar, Mansari Mansari, Salmawati Salmawati
This research discusses the social communication of Panglima Uteun in forest management based on reduced cultural capital between the State and privatization of forest management which ignores the social power of forest customs. This study uses a qualitative approach sourced from observation data, in-depth...
Proceedings Article

Media and Politics Identify The New Threat in the South China Sea

Alya Rahmayani Siregar, Azrai Harahap, Totok Wahyu Abadi, Bustami Bustami
The South China Sea (SCS) is a strategic maritime area and is rich in natural resources. However, this area is also contested by several countries, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. This debate was triggered by the emergence of identity politics initiated by social...
Proceedings Article

Gender Representation in Da’wah Programs On Radio Republik Indonesia Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia

Uus Uswatusolihah, Dedy Riyadin Saputro, Turhamun, Ulul Aedi, Atipa Muji, Arsam Arsam
The issue of gender equality is one of the problems of the Muslim community in the era of democracy and liberalism. The article examines gender representation in Islamic da’wah programs on Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Purwokerto. This study uses a descriptive-qualitative method, with Norman Fairclough’s...
Proceedings Article

Communication Model in Conflict Cases “Closing the Statue of the Virgin Mary” in Yogyakarta

Pajar Hatma Indra Jaya
Indonesia is considered capable of maintain diversity, but recently, conflicts and violations of religion and belief have increased. One of the religious conflicts that often arises is the case of establishing places of worship. In fact, the government already had regulations regarding the construction...
Proceedings Article

Opportunities and Challenges of Podcasts as an Effective Da’wah Media in Era 5.0

Muhammad Randicha Hamandia
The presence of podcasts as digital audio-visual content that is unlimited in space and time greatly facilitates preaching in the 5.0 era. The aim of this research is to determine the opportunities and challenges of podcasts as an effective propaganda medium in the 5.0 era. This research uses the library...
Proceedings Article

Counseling-based Education and Psychological Support for Muslim Adolescents Online Islami

Mujhirul Iman, Ira Wirtati, Hotni Sari, Abdul Hamid Siregar, Tamimi Mujahid
Counseling practices in this modern era seem to be increasingly dynamic and in line with developments in information technology. Counseling practices have now also penetrated the virtual world through the nuances of online counseling. This research aims to describe a practice called online counseling....
Proceedings Article

New Media and Convergence: The Existence Of The Banyumas Wayang Museum As One Of Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage In The Era Of Disruption 5.0

Anas Azimi Qolban, Ahmad Muttaqin, Hendra Herdiyana, Naufal Nabhan, Inggit Melani Putri, Inggit Melani Putri
During the Disruption 5.0 era, new media and convergence occurred and have since altered the global cultural scene. To continue existing, the Banyumas Wayang Museum needs to resolve this problem. This essay looks at how the Banyumas Wayang Museum responds to this shift and seizes the chance presented...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of the Personal Competities of BK Teachers Understanding Adolescent Behavior

Alief Budiyono, Nur Azizah, Nur Fathonatus Salamah
Adolescents can better build knowledge of what’s in their brains when their cognitive talents grow during adolescence. As a result, all competencies, particularly personality competencies, must be mastered by a competent BK instructor. The pedagogical, professional, personality, and social abilities...
Proceedings Article

Hikmah-Based Logotherapy Counseling for Meaningful of Life Post-Psychosis Patients

Fatma Laili Khoirun Nida, Farida, Ahmad Mujahidin
One mental health problem that has not been resolved is related to the survival of patients after psychosis treatment. The experience of psychosis often triggers a crisis in the meaning of life felt by post-psychotic patients and has an impact on reducing their quality of life. This research aims to...
Proceedings Article

Padalan Porsa Mapping Symbolic Communication In The Death Messages of The Simalungun Ethnic Group

Bakhrul Khair Amal, Supsiloani Supsiloani, Puspitawati, Abdul Rahman Matondang, Nona Khairiah, Ali Akbar Harahap
The aim of this research is to map and deeply analyze the symbolic communication contained in the death messages of the Padalan Porsa tradition among the Simalungun ethnic group, a practice rich in meaning and crucial for understanding the social and spiritual dynamics of the Simalungun society. This...
Proceedings Article

Critical Response of Indonesian Ulema Council Social Media Users Concerning Public Policy Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Hasan Sazali
The purpose of this research is to analyze the response of social media users concerning public policy communications from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in supporting the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This is explorative qualitative research with a case study approach used to determine...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Prosocial Behavior of Male and Female Students in Inclusive Elementary School

Desvi Yanti Mukhtar, Elisabeth Prisda Magdalena Situmorang
This study aims to determine the differences in prosocial behavior of male and female students in inclusive elementary schools. This study involved 90 grade 5 and 6 students in one of the public elementary schools in Padang Genting, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra. This research is a mixed method research...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Of Public Information Campaigns To Support Women’s Rights And Children’s Protection From Sexual Harassment In The Labuhanbatu Regency (Islamic Communication Perspective)

Hafsah Juni Batubara, Cut Andyna, Nurhamidah Pulungan, Hasan Sazali, Tisi Maulidya Putri
The study’s conclusion is that when it comes to managing cases of sexual assault, DP3A Kabupaten Labuhanbatu is not performing as effectively as it might. Two aspects of DP3A’s Islamic communication activities are being examined in this study: (1) how well are they treating incidents of sexual assault;...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing Kinship Values in Polygamy Perpetrators In a Family Communication Approach

Mardhiah Rubani
This research examines the optimization of kinship values in polygamous families in a communication psychology approach using a mixed-method explanation model. A mixed-method approach was chosen to overcome the limitations of a single study. Quantitative data from respondents to measure the correlation...
Proceedings Article

Dynamics of Political Communication in Identity and Diversity Issues in Indonesia: A Study of the 2024 Presidential Election of the Republic of Indonesia

Mumhammad Latip Kahpi
The 2024 Presidential Election of the Republic of Indonesia is an important event to study the dynamics of political communication, especially related to identity and diversity issues. This study aims to explore how candidates and political parties use these issues in their communication strategies,...
Proceedings Article

Representation Film 3 (Alif Lam Mim) In the Perspective of Islamic Political Communication

Nova Dwiyanti, Ahmad Arifin, Hendro Wibowo, Hasan Sazali, Muharri Muharri
The purpose of this study is to find the meaning of denotations, connotations and myths of Islamic communication in dialogue and images in film 3 which tells the story of three friends of alif lam mim who are looking for the path of truth and looking for the mastermind of their kiyai slander. This led...