Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Da'wah and Communication Disruptios Era 5.0 (ICDCDE 2024)
Welcome to the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Da'wah and Communication Disruptios Era 5.0 (ICDCDE 2024). Regional development is basically a process of change that is carried out for the better through planned efforts. The purpose of the Dean Forum of the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication itself is to discuss important matters such as the development of the faculty of Da’wah and communication which includes AD/ART, work programme and recommendations). Various studies can be done in this forum such as to sharpen the language about the improvement of the quality of graduates, discussing the certification of professions and graduates SKPI, curriculum and implementation of curricula MBKM, discuss about scholarship, human resource and Association of Professions and Prodi in the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication as well as forming the Institute of Professional Certification (LSP) at the level of Islamic religious colleges in particular.
Please click here for the conference website.
Please click here for the conference website.