Proceedings of the Business Innovation and Engineering Conference (BIEC 2022)
141 authors
- Abdullah, Asaduddin
- Peer-Review Statements
- Abdullah, Asaduddin
- Big Data Analytics as a Solution to Track Carbon Emission in Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review
- Abdullah, Asaduddin
- Seizing Opportunities: The Race Toward Digital Banking in ASEAN
- Abieza, Tegar
- Smart Water Tanks as a Drought Early Warning System
- Afrianto, Dedy Setyo
- The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
- Agnes, Sihotang
- Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
- Ambarwati, Sri
- Do Nudges and Prepaid Electricity Token Lead to Electricity Savings? Analysis of Urban Consumption Behaviour in Indonesia
- Andati, Trias
- Payment System Innovation and Retailer Efficiency: Measuring the Impact of National Payment Gateway Implementation in Indonesia
- Andati, Trias
- Analysis of Internal Fraud in the Microloan Process with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Method
- Anggraini, Raden Isma
- Needietary: Digital Platform for Providing Dietary Needs
- Anggraini, Raden Isma
- Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
- Anggraini, Raden Isma
- JakLingko: The Implementation of Integrated Transportation Approach in Jakarta Smart City
- Antonius, Alysha Samantha
- Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
- Antonius, Alysha Samantha
- Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City
- Anuar, Nik Nur Azhani
- Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
- Anwar, Auditia
- Smart Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain to Tackle Climate Change: Practice in Small-Holder Farmers and SME
- Arif, Azzam Akmal
- JakLingko: The Implementation of Integrated Transportation Approach in Jakarta Smart City
- Asfarian, Auzi
- Digital Twin Platform Architecture Design to Support Smart Aeroponic Potato Cultivation in Indonesia
- Aulia, Nur
- The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
- Awad, Jarrah
- The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
- Ayuningtias, Jilly
- The Future of Indonesia for Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Sustainability and Its Impact?
- Azhar, Irza Hani
- Tempe: Indonesian Vegan Protein for the World
- Aziz, Muhammad Hanif
- Business Model Development Using Lean Canvas Within Design Thinking Method at PT. Sumber Pangan Jaya
- Azzahra, Ardina Latifah
- Determining Success Criteria for Agricultural Social Start-Ups in Indonesia
- Cahyani, P. N. Aprilliyana
- Increasing Adoption of the Internet of Things in Indonesian Agriculture Based on a Review of Everett Rogers’ Diffusion Theory of Innovation
- Chandra, Michelle
- Property Category Prediction Model using Random Forest Classifier to Improve Property Industry in Surabaya
- Dardanella, Derry
- Factors Affecting Sustainable Agro-tourism: A Review Study
- Desa, Izzaatul Saadah
- Circular Economy: The Challenges and Opportunity in Fashion Recycling
- Dewantara, Elfrido Christian
- Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
- Dewi, Desi Elvera
- Increasing Adoption of the Internet of Things in Indonesian Agriculture Based on a Review of Everett Rogers’ Diffusion Theory of Innovation
- Dewi, Febriantina
- Determining Success Criteria for Agricultural Social Start-Ups in Indonesia
- Dewi, Febriantina
- Smart Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain to Tackle Climate Change: Practice in Small-Holder Farmers and SME
- Eka, Octavian
- Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
- Fadlurrahman, Haikal
- Determining Success Criteria for Agricultural Social Start-Ups in Indonesia
- Fahmi, Idqan
- Asessing the Role of Internet Development on Entrepreneurial Activity
- Falyani, Felicia Kyla
- JakLingko: The Implementation of Integrated Transportation Approach in Jakarta Smart City
- Farhana, Yulia
- Circular Economy: The Challenges and Opportunity in Fashion Recycling
- Fauziah, Yossy
- Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City
- Firyanza, Elsa
- Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
- Gufron, Eri Bunyamin
- Big Data Analytics as a Solution to Track Carbon Emission in Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review
- Hami, Norsiah
- A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
- Hanggoro, Bumiarsa
- Increasing the Business Competitiveness of “Brownies Buah Boome”
- Hartoyo, Hartoyo
- Needietary: Digital Platform for Providing Dietary Needs
- Hasanah, Nur
- Payment System Innovation and Retailer Efficiency: Measuring the Impact of National Payment Gateway Implementation in Indonesia
- Hasanah, Nur
- A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
- Hasanah, Nur
- Circular Economy: The Challenges and Opportunity in Fashion Recycling
- Hassan, Ghozali
- A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
- Helwah, Nunu Fauzan
- Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
- Hendrawan, Fahri
- The Future of Indonesia for Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Sustainability and Its Impact?
- Heriyanto, Albert
- Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
- Hubeis, Musa
- Developing an Integrated Conceptual Model of Dynamic Capabilities for MSME in Agribusiness Sector: A Systematic Review
- Iman, Mutiara Nurul
- Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
- Inanka, Adigna P.
- Smart Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain to Tackle Climate Change: Practice in Small-Holder Farmers and SME
- Indrawan, R. Dikky
- Peer-Review Statements
- Islam, Md Shaharul
- Sustainable Green Marketing Concepts for Green Construction Market Developments in Bangladesh
- Jahroh, Siti
- Peer-Review Statements
- Jahroh, Siti
- Developing an Integrated Conceptual Model of Dynamic Capabilities for MSME in Agribusiness Sector: A Systematic Review
- Kamilah, Khairiyah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kian, Lai Soon
- Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
- Komala, Kemal
- Tempe: Indonesian Vegan Protein for the World
- Kurnia, Pepey Riawati
- Digital Wallet Users in Indonesia: Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty
- Kurniawan, Adhy
- Smart Water Tanks as a Drought Early Warning System
- Lanny, Lanny
- Study on Early Detection of Potential Financial Statement Fraud: External Auditors’ Judgement Perspective
- Magdalena, Lay Agnes
- Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
- Mahomed, Anuar Shah Bali
- Factors Affecting Sustainable Agro-tourism: A Review Study
- Malika, Alya
- Determining Success Criteria for Agricultural Social Start-Ups in Indonesia
- Mazzara, Aisyah Lutfhi
- The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
- Ma’arif, Mohamad Syamsul
- Increasing the Business Competitiveness of “Brownies Buah Boome”
- Megawati, Lokita Rizky
- Is Wise? Use the Paylater Feature During a Pandemic Period
- Megawati, Lokita Rizky
- Increasing Adoption of the Internet of Things in Indonesian Agriculture Based on a Review of Everett Rogers’ Diffusion Theory of Innovation
- Megawati, Lokita Rizky
- Sustainability Business Model Tesla Motors
- Muditomo, Arianto
- Payment System Innovation and Retailer Efficiency: Measuring the Impact of National Payment Gateway Implementation in Indonesia
- Muhardi
- The Impact of Climate Change on Grape Production in Indonesia
- Muhibuddin, Fuad Wahdan
- The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
- Muhibuddin, Fuad Wahdan
- Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City
- Musa, Suria
- A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
- Najib, Mukhamad
- Factors Affecting Sustainable Agro-tourism: A Review Study
- Noviana, Pratiwi
- Circular Economy: The Challenges and Opportunity in Fashion Recycling
- Nur, Shamira
- Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
- Nuraisyah, Ani
- A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
- Nuraisyah, Ani
- Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
- Nuraisyah, Ani
- Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
- Nuraisyah, Ani
- The Future of Indonesia for Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Sustainability and Its Impact?
- Pangaribuan, James Hasudungan
- Digital Wallet Users in Indonesia: Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty
- Pradipta, Yudha
- Seizing Opportunities: The Race Toward Digital Banking in ASEAN
- Primaswari, Anita
- A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
- Priyarsono, Dominicus Savio
- Analysis of Internal Fraud in the Microloan Process with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Method
- Priyarsono, Dominicus Savio
- Analysis of Internal Fraud in the Microloan Process with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Method
- Putri, Ambinari Rachmi
- The Impact of Climate Change on Grape Production in Indonesia
- Putri, Indah Syelvia
- The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
- Putri, Virgie Alyka
- Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City
- Qin, Loo Wan
- Is Wise? Use the Paylater Feature During a Pandemic Period
- Rahman, Ahmad Auliya
- The Future of Indonesia for Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Sustainability and Its Impact?
- Rahman, Mohammad Masudur
- Factors Influencing Effective Communication in the Ready-Made Garment Sector of Bangladesh
- Rahmawati, Nabila Ramadhani
- Is Wise? Use the Paylater Feature During a Pandemic Period
- Rasha, Aulia
- Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
- Rauf, Adrin R.
- Smart Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain to Tackle Climate Change: Practice in Small-Holder Farmers and SME
- Regina, Carolyn
- Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
- Renda, Dania Samoda
- Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
- Rifqi, Reza Muhammad
- Big Data Analytics as a Solution to Track Carbon Emission in Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review