Proceedings of the 5th Asia Pasific Education Conference (AECON 2018)
129 authors
- Sunardi, Sunardi
- Innovation in Education: the Social Sciences Teaching Materials Development to Encourage Students’ Culture- Based Intelligence at SMP N 8 of Surakarta
- Supriatna, Supriatna
- Improving Students’ Initial Reading Skills Through Big Bookmedia In Class Ib Of Mi Muhammadiyah Kedung Jampang
- Suryaman, Maman
- Utilization of Google Drive in Improving the Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Management
- Suryani, Nunuk
- E-Learning for a Better Advancement of National Education
- Sutapa, Panggung
- Development of Learning Models through Relay Games to Improve Fine Motoric Children Aged 5-6 Years
- Suwandi, Sarwiji
- Indonesian Language Textbook based on Educational Unit Level Curriculum for Senior High School Students
- Suwandi, Sarwiji
- Needs Analysis of Interactive Audio Visual Media Development in Speaking Course at Islamic Universities
- Suwandi Suyitno, Sarwiji
- Prophetic Ethics of Banyumas Women In Kubah Novels By Ahmad Tohari As A Teaching Materials And Media For Strengthening Character
- Suyamto, Joko
- An Analysis of The Initial Profile of Students` Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Circulator System at XI Grader of SMA N 1 Gondang Sragen
- Suyanto, Slamet
- Influence of the Science Game "Sing and Floating" on Classification Ability of Children 5-6 Years Old at Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten School of Wangon
- Syamsiah, Nur
- Self – Questioning Strategy on Reading Comprehension Process
- Syamsu Rizal, Ahmad
- The Correlation Ofphilosophy, Science, Religion, Education, Language, And Geography
- Tini Paradina, Ni Luh Putu
- The Use of Reinforcement in Writing and Speaking Skill for Adult Learners in Mahasaraswati University
- Ulfa Mareta, Vidia
- Innovation in Education: the Social Sciences Teaching Materials Development to Encourage Students’ Culture- Based Intelligence at SMP N 8 of Surakarta
- Vera Bessu, Lidia
- Development of Learning Models through Relay Games to Improve Fine Motoric Children Aged 5-6 Years
- Wachyudi, Kelik
- Students' Perception on Teaching Minimalist Syntax (A Descriptive Analytic Study at One University in Karawang)
- Wahyu Dianty, Winda
- Influence of the Science Game "Sing and Floating" on Classification Ability of Children 5-6 Years Old at Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten School of Wangon
- Warohmah Azhari, Mawaddah
- The Application Of Field Trip Methods To Improve The Ability To Write Poetry On Students Of Smp Grade Vii Using Chairil Anwar’s "Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil"
- Wayan Ita Sari, Ni
- The Use of Reinforcement in Writing and Speaking Skill for Adult Learners in Mahasaraswati University
- Widyawati, Widyawati
- Innovative Teaching: Spiritual Care And Information Processing
- Wijayanti, Okto
- Cooperative Learning Strategy through Dancing Extracurricular as an Effort to Establish Hard Work and Patriotism Characters for Students at Primary School
- Wilujeng, Insih
- Development of Living Values (Responsibilities) Assessment Instryments in Learning Physics
- Winarti, Retno
- Indonesian Assesment Communicatively For Foreign Students
- Yuliansyah Bintaro, Tri
- Role Schools In The Implementation Of Extracurricular Drumband In Mi Muhammadiyah
- Yulisetiani, Septi
- Prophetic Ethics of Banyumas Women In Kubah Novels By Ahmad Tohari As A Teaching Materials And Media For Strengthening Character
- Yunus, Ahmad
- Indonesian Language Textbook based on Educational Unit Level Curriculum for Senior High School Students
- Yusi Risnani, Listika
- Development of Digital Education Game as an Alternative Assesment Instruments In Science Learning for Junior High School
- Zainnuri, Hasan
- Indonesian Language Textbook based on Educational Unit Level Curriculum for Senior High School Students
- Zuhaili Bin Sabudin, Muhammad
- The Implementation of Financial Strategy in Empowering Diversity Education Globally