Proceedings of the 5th Asia Pasific Education Conference (AECON 2018)
129 authors
- Adi Prayitno, Baskoro
- A Profile Analysis of Scientific Thinking Ability of XI Grade Senior High School Students in Pacitan Regency
- Adi Prayitno, Baskoro
- Validity of Generative Learning Based Respiratory System Module to Empower Students’ Analytical Thinking Skills
- Adita, Arum
- Development of Digital Education Game as an Alternative Assesment Instruments In Science Learning for Junior High School
- Akhdinirwanto, R. Wakhid
- Student Computational Logical Thinking of Block Programming Concept in Arduino Learning By S4A (Scratch for Arduino)
- Akhsani, Lukmanul
- Improving Students’ Learning Motivation On Graph Theory Course Through Snow Ball Throwing Method
- Alfarizqi Nizamuddin Ghiffari, Muhammad
- Teacher Pedagogic Competency Development Model: A Literature Review
- Anata Rahman, Hermia
- Innovation in Education: the Social Sciences Teaching Materials Development to Encourage Students’ Culture- Based Intelligence at SMP N 8 of Surakarta
- Andayani, Andayani
- Indonesian Assesment Communicatively For Foreign Students
- Andayani, Andayani
- Needs Analysis of Interactive Audio Visual Media Development in Speaking Course at Islamic Universities
- Andriani, Ana
- The Role of TPQ (Educational Garden of Qur'an) on Children's Mental Development Toward Civil Society (Madani Society)
- Anggraeny Siwi, Dwi
- The Need Analysis of Development of Local Excellence-based Science Instructional Materials for Elementary Schools
- Ariyati, Tatik
- Nurturing Students’ Curiosity through Contextual Learning
- Ashadi, Ashadi
- Using Authentic Material to Develop Students’ Critical Reading Ability
- Ashadi, Ashadi
- Profile Analysis of Students' Problem Solving Ability in Learning Biology in Surakarta State High School
- Badarudin, Badarudin
- The Role of TPQ (Educational Garden of Qur'an) on Children's Mental Development Toward Civil Society (Madani Society)
- Bagiya, Bagiya
- Needs Analysis of Interactive Audio Visual Media Development in Speaking Course at Islamic Universities
- Bessu, Lidia Vera
- Using Authentic Material to Develop Students’ Critical Reading Ability
- Cahaya, Fatima Harahap
- Profile Analysis of Students' Problem Solving Ability in Learning Biology in Surakarta State High School
- Candradewi, Wahyu Anggraeni
- TED-ED for Autonomous Listener:
- Chabibatus Zahro, Umi
- Developing Full Day School Model Based On Multiple Intelligencesat Primary School Level
- Damayanti, Damayanti
- Using Bosarang in Enhancing Students’ Interest and Creativity on Learning Descriptive Text
- Daud, Daud
- Device Learning Development Using Cabri 3d With Problem-Solving Method Based On Oriented Critical Thinking Ability And Learning Achievements Of Junior High School Students
- Dian Novia Nasution, Angrayni
- Using Authentic Material to Develop Students’ Critical Reading Ability
- Dwi, Jatmoko
- Developing E-Module Inquiry Based Website of Gasoline Motor Technology At Second Semester of Automotive Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
- Dwiyaning Raharjanti, Ratna
- Using Bosarang in Enhancing Students’ Interest and Creativity on Learning Descriptive Text
- Efendi, Agus
- E-Learning for a Better Advancement of National Education
- Emzir, Emzir
- Reading Model Development of Context Based Chinese Cultural TextsforIndonesian Student
- Emzir, Emzir
- Ideology Of Domestication And Foreignization Translation Of Madogiwa No Totto-Chan Novel
- Emzir, Emzir
- At Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School Jakarta (An Ethnography Study)
- Emzir, Emzir
- Improving Students’ Initial Reading Skills Through Big Bookmedia In Class Ib Of Mi Muhammadiyah Kedung Jampang
- Faizah, Umi
- Needs Analysis of Interactive Audio Visual Media Development in Speaking Course at Islamic Universities
- Febi, Nur Biduri
- Reading Model Development of Context Based Chinese Cultural TextsforIndonesian Student
- Febrianta, Yudha
- Role Schools In The Implementation Of Extracurricular Drumband In Mi Muhammadiyah
- Handayani, Reni
- Self-Reflections of Introvert Students towards Problems of Speaking English
- Hari Yuwono, Pratik
- Role Schools In The Implementation Of Extracurricular Drumband In Mi Muhammadiyah
- Hartanto, Dody
- Teacher Pedagogic Competency Development Model: A Literature Review
- Hartini, Sri
- Teacher Pedagogic Competency Development Model: A Literature Review
- Haryadi, Haryadi
- A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness between Jigsaw technique and Conventional technique on Reading Comprehension for Grade VII Students of State Junior High School in Purwokerto
- Haryadi, Haryadi
- The Application Of Field Trip Methods To Improve The Ability To Write Poetry On Students Of Smp Grade Vii Using Chairil Anwar’s "Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil"
- Heri Santoso, Rusgianto
- Device Learning Development Using Cabri 3d With Problem-Solving Method Based On Oriented Critical Thinking Ability And Learning Achievements Of Junior High School Students
- Hidayanto Pancoro, Nur
- Students' Writing Anxiety: How Does It Affect Students' Writing Performance in EFL Context?
- Hidayaturrahman, Mohammad
- The Role of Local People in Improving Education of the Archipelagoand and Remote Communities of Indonesia
- Hoerunnisa, Alin
- E-Learning for a Better Advancement of National Education
- Indriani, Lilia
- TED-ED for Autonomous Listener:
- Intan Sari, Ratih
- Analysis of Critical Thinking Skill Based on The Difference of Gender at SMA Surakarta in Biology Subject
- Jaelani, Anton
- Improving Students’ Learning Motivation On Graph Theory Course Through Snow Ball Throwing Method
- Jubaidah, Siti
- At Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School Jakarta (An Ethnography Study)
- Kadaryati, Kadaryati
- Needs Analysis of Interactive Audio Visual Media Development in Speaking Course at Islamic Universities
- Karlina, Ishanisha
- Students' Writing Anxiety: How Does It Affect Students' Writing Performance in EFL Context?
- Karyanto, Puguh
- Profile Analysis of Students' Problem Solving Ability in Learning Biology in Surakarta State High School
- Karyanto, Puguh
- Analysis of Critical Thinking Skill Based on The Difference of Gender at SMA Surakarta in Biology Subject
- Khoirul Mar’ah, Ayutya
- Using Bosarang in Enhancing Students’ Interest and Creativity on Learning Descriptive Text
- Krishnapatria, Kriswanda
- Utilization of Google Drive in Improving the Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Management
- Kun Prasetyo, Zuhdan
- Development of Living Values (Responsibilities) Assessment Instryments in Learning Physics
- Kurnia Sari, Nurratri
- The Need Analysis of Development of Local Excellence-based Science Instructional Materials for Elementary Schools
- Kurniawati, Henie
- Innovative Teaching: Spiritual Care And Information Processing
- Luqman Arifin, Muh.
- Developing Full Day School Model Based On Multiple Intelligencesat Primary School Level
- Masykuri, Muhammad
- An Analysis of The Initial Profile of Students` Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Circulator System at XI Grader of SMA N 1 Gondang Sragen
- Muhammad, Malim
- The Effect of Group Investigation (GI) Cooperative Learning Type on Mathematical Problem and Self-Confidence of the Students in SMP Negeri 2 Rembang
- Muryaningsih, Sri
- Nurturing Students’ Curiosity through Contextual Learning
- Mustolikh, Mustolikh
- The Correlation Ofphilosophy, Science, Religion, Education, Language, And Geography
- Muzzazinah, Muzzazinah
- Analysis of Critical Thinking Skill Based on The Difference of Gender at SMA Surakarta in Biology Subject
- Nababan, Mangatur
- Translation Analysis of Circumstances in The Novel "The Old Man and The Sea" by Ernest Hemingway and Its Indonesian Translation by Yuni Kristianingsih
- Nugroho, Agung
- The Role of TPQ (Educational Garden of Qur'an) on Children's Mental Development Toward Civil Society (Madani Society)
- Nurhalimah, Nurhalimah
- A Semantic Analysis on The Students’ Ability to Identify Icons and Symbol in The Third Year at Mts Al-Ulum Medan
- Nurlina, Laily
- Indonesian Assesment Communicatively For Foreign Students
- Pratiwi, Umi
- Student Computational Logical Thinking of Block Programming Concept in Arduino Learning By S4A (Scratch for Arduino)
- Prawita, Widya
- Validity of Generative Learning Based Respiratory System Module to Empower Students’ Analytical Thinking Skills
- Prihadi, Singgih
- Teacher’s Problems in Developing An Environment-Based Geography Instructional Model to Create A Fun School
- Primartadi, Aci
- Developing E-Module Inquiry Based Website of Gasoline Motor Technology At Second Semester of Automotive Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
- Prio Asmoro, Seto
- A Profile Analysis of Scientific Thinking Ability of XI Grade Senior High School Students in Pacitan Regency
- Purbani, Widyastuti
- Self-Reflections of Introvert Students towards Problems of Speaking English
- Purwaningsih, Tri
- Translation Analysis of Circumstances in The Novel "The Old Man and The Sea" by Ernest Hemingway and Its Indonesian Translation by Yuni Kristianingsih
- Putra Bhakti, Caraka
- Teacher Pedagogic Competency Development Model: A Literature Review
- Rafli, Zainal
- Self – Questioning Strategy on Reading Comprehension Process
- Rafli, Zainal
- Ideology Of Domestication And Foreignization Translation Of Madogiwa No Totto-Chan Novel
- Rahayu, Poppy
- Ideology Of Domestication And Foreignization Translation Of Madogiwa No Totto-Chan Novel
- Rakhmawati, Ani
- Needs Analysis of Interactive Audio Visual Media Development in Speaking Course at Islamic Universities
- Rasyid, Yumna
- Reading Model Development of Context Based Chinese Cultural TextsforIndonesian Student
- Rasyid, Yumna
- Improving Students’ Initial Reading Skills Through Big Bookmedia In Class Ib Of Mi Muhammadiyah Kedung Jampang
- Retnowati, Sofia
- Innovative Teaching: Spiritual Care And Information Processing
- Ridwan, Sakura
- Self – Questioning Strategy on Reading Comprehension Process
- Rinanto, Yudi
- The Profile of Students' Critical Thinking Ability in XI IPA SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon
- Riyadi, Sugeng
- The Profile of Students' Critical Thinking Ability in XI IPA SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon
- Riyono, Bagus
- Innovative Teaching: Spiritual Care And Information Processing
- Rufaida, Falah
- A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness between Jigsaw technique and Conventional technique on Reading Comprehension for Grade VII Students of State Junior High School in Purwokerto
- Saefurrohman, Saefurrohman
- EFL Teachers Assessment Methods in Oral Communications
- Santosa, Riyadi
- Translation Analysis of Circumstances in The Novel "The Old Man and The Sea" by Ernest Hemingway and Its Indonesian Translation by Yuni Kristianingsih
- Sarah, Siti
- Development of Living Values (Responsibilities) Assessment Instryments in Learning Physics
- Sarwanto, Sarwanto
- An Analysis of The Initial Profile of Students` Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Circulator System at XI Grader of SMA N 1 Gondang Sragen
- Sarwanto, Sarwanto
- The Profile of Students' Critical Thinking Ability in XI IPA SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon
- Sauri, Sofyan
- The Correlation Ofphilosophy, Science, Religion, Education, Language, And Geography
- Slamet, Slamet
- Indonesian Assesment Communicatively For Foreign Students
- Solehudin, Arip
- Utilization of Google Drive in Improving the Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Management
- Sriyono, Sriyono
- Student Computational Logical Thinking of Block Programming Concept in Arduino Learning By S4A (Scratch for Arduino)
- Subiyantoro, Slamet
- Prophetic Ethics of Banyumas Women In Kubah Novels By Ahmad Tohari As A Teaching Materials And Media For Strengthening Character
- Suciati, Suciati
- A Profile Analysis of Scientific Thinking Ability of XI Grade Senior High School Students in Pacitan Regency
- Sudar, Sudar
- English Learning Process In The Vocational School Based On The Systemic Functional Linguistics (Sfl)
- Sugiyarto, Sugiyarto
- Validity of Generative Learning Based Respiratory System Module to Empower Students’ Analytical Thinking Skills
- Suharno, Suharno
- Innovation in Education: the Social Sciences Teaching Materials Development to Encourage Students’ Culture- Based Intelligence at SMP N 8 of Surakarta