Proceedings of the 5th Asia Pasific Education Conference (AECON 2018)
52 articles
Proceedings Article
E-Learning for a Better Advancement of National Education
Alin Hoerunnisa, Nunuk Suryani, Agus Efendi
The millennium era which is marked by the rapid progress and development of technology should be utilized as well as possible so that it will have a positive impact on various aspects of human life, especially in the field of education. E-Learning is a website-based learning media technology providing...
Proceedings Article
The Role of TPQ (Educational Garden of Qur'an) on Children's Mental Development Toward Civil Society (Madani Society)
Ana Andriani, Badarudin Badarudin, Agung Nugroho
Globalization gives birth to advanced science and technology products that on the one hand can facilitate the work and fulfillment of human needs, but on the other hand can cause adverse effects. This condition occurs because of cultural shock (cultural shock) which resulted in ethical erosion, moral...
Proceedings Article
Using Authentic Material to Develop Students’ Critical Reading Ability
Lidia Vera Bessu, Angrayni Dian Novia Nasution, Ashadi Ashadi
Having a critical reading ability is crucial for students to survive the modern societies. Especially now with the massive development of technologies and internet, we can easily access information produced elsewhere in the world. However, it makes us faced with a new challenge. The information we found...
Proceedings Article
Profile Analysis of Students' Problem Solving Ability in Learning Biology in Surakarta State High School
Fatima Harahap Cahaya, Ashadi Ashadi, Puguh Karyanto
This study was aimed to analyze the problem solving ability of high school students in biology learning. The method used was descriptive-quantitative. Data collection techniques used was problem solving essay test. The subjects were high school students grade XI in Surakarta which are divided into A...
Proceedings Article
TED-ED for Autonomous Listener:
Wahyu Anggraeni Candradewi, Lilia Indriani
In the era of Education 4.0, it is important to use the development of information and technology in English language learning especially in listening class. There are many ways to support the success of Education 4.0 in listening class. One of the ways to support it is by using TED-ED videos in listening...
Proceedings Article
Device Learning Development Using Cabri 3d With Problem-Solving Method Based On Oriented Critical Thinking Ability And Learning Achievements Of Junior High School Students
Daud Daud, Rusgianto Heri Santoso
This study aims to produce device learning development using CABRI 3D software on geometry with problem-solving method was oriented on critical thinking ability and student achievement in good quality. This material has been developed that can be used as reference materials for teachers as implementation...
Proceedings Article
Developing E-Module Inquiry Based Website of Gasoline Motor Technology At Second Semester of Automotive Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
Jatmoko Dwi, Aci Primartadi
The purpose of this study is to develop e-module learning media with inquiry based website in the subject of gasoline motor technology of automotive education program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo. The subjects of the study were the second semester students of Automotive Education, Universitas...
Proceedings Article
A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness between Jigsaw technique and Conventional technique on Reading Comprehension for Grade VII Students of State Junior High School in Purwokerto
Falah Rufaida, Haryadi Haryadi
The study aims to compare the effectiveness of the Jigsaw technique and Conventional technique in improving the students’ reading comprehension ability on the descriptive text material of year VII. This research was quasi experiment conducted at State Junior High School 2 Purwokerto in the second semester...
Proceedings Article
Reading Model Development of Context Based Chinese Cultural TextsforIndonesian Student
Nur Biduri Febi, Yumna Rasyid, Emzir Emzir
This study aims to develop a product that can be used in Indonesian educational institutions considering the context-based Chinese linguistics, cultural aspects. Borg and Gall’s theory was employed as the method of this study consisting of eight steps: needs analysis, planning, design, piloting test,...
Proceedings Article
Innovative Teaching: Spiritual Care And Information Processing
Henie Kurniawati, Sofia Retnowati, Bagus Riyono, Widyawati Widyawati
innovative teaching combinesspritual care and information processing. Objective: reviewing references related to information processing and spiritual care. Method:review for teaching methods and practices affecting the spiritual care process. Review and conclusions: human behavior is determined by internal...
Proceedings Article
Students' Writing Anxiety: How Does It Affect Students' Writing Performance in EFL Context?
Ishanisha Karlina, Nur Hidayanto Pancoro
A rapidly growing body of research has been recently focusing on the various aspects of foreign language writing due to the fact that constructing a comprehensive and coherent written text is the most challenging task encountered by foreign language learners. Possessing a good writing ability is dependent...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of The Initial Profile of Students` Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Circulator System at XI Grader of SMA N 1 Gondang Sragen
Joko Suyamto, Muhammad Masykuri, Sarwanto Sarwanto
The critical thinking is an ability to think reflectively and reasonably in making decision. The research is a qualitative-descriptive research with an objective to analyze students` critical thinking in learning circulatory system. The samples were taken clustered-randomly. There were 36 science and...
Proceedings Article
Students' Perception on Teaching Minimalist Syntax (A Descriptive Analytic Study at One University in Karawang)
Kelik Wachyudi
In this research paper has a goal to explicate students’ perception on teaching English minimalist syntax theory. Thus, students enable to scrutinize simple sentencces by drawing tree diagram as manually or used online syntax tree generator in my interactional classroom by using of minimalist syntax...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Google Drive in Improving the Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Management
Maman Suryaman, Kriswanda Krishnapatria, Arip Solehudin
This research focuses on measuring the contribution of famousGoogle Drive(G-Drive) application in enhancing the effectiveness of students’ Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). Learning effectiveness is largely determined by several factors such as supportive classroom climate, learning opportunity, curricular...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Assesment Communicatively For Foreign Students
Laily Nurlina, Andayani Andayani, Retno Winarti, Slamet Slamet
The objectives of these research are (1) to describe assessment tool in BIPA before research, (2) to produce appropriate assessment tool for BIPA students to measure the real competence and (3) to produce assessment tool integrated four skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.BIPA Institution...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Models through Relay Games to Improve Fine Motoric Children Aged 5-6 Years
Lidia Vera Bessu, Panggung Sutapa
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning modelsthrough relay games to improve fine motor skills for children aged 5-6 years. This research and development refers to the Borg & Gall model. Development design is grouped into 3 steps, namely: (1) preliminary study, (2) development process,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Digital Education Game as an Alternative Assesment Instruments In Science Learning for Junior High School
Listika Yusi Risnani, Arum Adita
Digital education game not only can be used as a teacher of learning media but also can be used as a teacher instrument in the assessment / assessment of learning. The purpose of this research is to develop and implement digital educational game product to be used as an alternative assessment instrument...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students’ Learning Motivation On Graph Theory Course Through Snow Ball Throwing Method
Lukmanul Akhsani, Anton Jaelani
This study aimed to improve students’ learning motivation through Snow Ball Throwing on Graph Theory. The mean of students’ learning motivation showed 3.54 in good criteria. The score of students’ learning motivation then increased to 3.57 in good category. The conclusion of this study was the students’...
Proceedings Article
Developing Full Day School Model Based On Multiple Intelligencesat Primary School Level
Muh. Luqman Arifin, Umi Chabibatus Zahro
This study aimed/aims to find out a learning model that allowed students to develop a multiple intelligence of/at full day school system at/in the primary school level. The study used Research & Development Method which served to cultivate and validate the prototypes. The study sample was principals,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Group Investigation (GI) Cooperative Learning Type on Mathematical Problem and Self-Confidence of the Students in SMP Negeri 2 Rembang
Malim Muhammad
This study aims to determine the effect of Group Investigation type cooperative learning on mathematical problem solving abilities and confidence of class VII students of Rembang 2 State Junior High School 2017/2018 school year. The population in this study were seventh grade students of Rembang 2 State...
Proceedings Article
The Application Of Field Trip Methods To Improve The Ability To Write Poetry On Students Of Smp Grade Vii Using Chairil Anwar’s "Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil"
Mawaddah Warohmah Azhari, Haryadi Haryadi
This Paper aims to emphasize the application of the field trip method, especially in improving the ability to write poems “Senja Di Pelabuhan Kecil” by Chairil Anwar which is used as a medium for literary learning conducted in the classroom. Writing skills are one of the language skills gained from the...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Local People in Improving Education of the Archipelagoand and Remote Communities of Indonesia
Mohammad Hidayaturrahman
This study aims to explore how far the role of local leaders in improving education in the archipelago and remote areas in Indonesia. This research is also intended to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors to improve the education of fishermen community. This research uses qualitative explanative...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Financial Strategy in Empowering Diversity Education Globally
Muhammad Zuhaili Bin Sabudin
In this modern-day world, there are still some children who do not get official or unofficial education due to poverty and so on. Education is the key to freedom from poverty but opportunities are not given in full. The view of "Poverty is an obstacle to education" has become a norm to some people in...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Reinforcement in Writing and Speaking Skill for Adult Learners in Mahasaraswati University
Ni Wayan Ita Sari, Ni Luh Putu Tini Paradina
The purpose of the study was to find out the use of the use of reinforcement in writing and speaking skill for adult learners in Mahasaraswati University. The study employed qualitative method which qualitative data was collected. The subject of the study was the lecturers of Mahasaraswati University...
Proceedings Article
Self – Questioning Strategy on Reading Comprehension Process
Nur Syamsiah, Zainal Rafli, Sakura Ridwan
This study aim to get an in-depth understanding of the self-questioning strategy on reading comprehension process. The reading skill is essentially complicated by many things, not just pronunciation, but also involving visual, thinking, psycholinguistic, and metacognitive activities. Research subjects...
Proceedings Article
A Semantic Analysis on The Students’ Ability to Identify Icons and Symbol in The Third Year at Mts Al-Ulum Medan
Nurhalimah Nurhalimah
This study is talking about Semantic Analaysis on the Students’ Abbility to Identify Icons and Symbols. Semantic is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaniing. Meaning of English language covers a variety of language, and there is no very general agreement either about what meaning is...
Proceedings Article
The Need Analysis of Development of Local Excellence-based Science Instructional Materials for Elementary Schools
Nurratri Kurnia Sari, Dwi Anggraeny Siwi
The present research aims at describe preliminary condition of science learning in subdistricts of Sukoharjo and need analysis to develop Sukoharjo local excellence-based instructional materials. Data were taken using such methods as interview, observation, and documentation analysis. The development...
Proceedings Article
Cooperative Learning Strategy through Dancing Extracurricular as an Effort to Establish Hard Work and Patriotism Characters for Students at Primary School
Okto Wijayanti
This study aimed to describe cooperative learning strategies as an effort to establish the character of hard work and patriotismthrough dancing extracurricular activities. Participants in this study consisted of dance trainer and students. Observation, interviews, and documentationwere conducted to collect...
Proceedings Article
Ideology Of Domestication And Foreignization Translation Of Madogiwa No Totto-Chan Novel
Poppy Rahayu, Emzir Emzir, Zainal Rafli
Throughout Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation Studies journal, ideology is a system of ideas and beliefs that are born from the influence of economy base,politic, law, philosophy, moral, and etc., which exist in certain communities. Moreover, it gives aninfluence on society and forms...
Proceedings Article
Role Schools In The Implementation Of Extracurricular Drumband In Mi Muhammadiyah
Pratik Hari Yuwono, Yudha Febrianta, Tri Yuliansyah Bintaro
This study was conducted to determine the role of the principal, the coach of the marching band and the school committee in the marching band at MI Muhammadiyah learning Ajibarang Kulon. This study is a qualitative research method that use descriptive qualitative. The experiment was conducted in MI Muhammadiyah...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Critical Thinking Skill Based on The Difference of Gender at SMA Surakarta in Biology Subject
Ratih Intan Sari, Puguh Karyanto, Muzzazinah Muzzazinah
The aim of this research was to analyze critical thinking skill of students at SMA Negeri in Surakarta district based on gender. It used facione criteria including interpretation, analysis, conclusion and self-regulation, this study gave information that women were better than men in critical thinking...
Proceedings Article
Using Bosarang in Enhancing Students’ Interest and Creativity on Learning Descriptive Text
Ratna Dwiyaning Raharjanti, Damayanti Damayanti, Ayutya Khoirul Mar’ah
It is going to be difficult to teach English in a school which has high cultured of Javanese and Islam. Besides, the school is located in a village which is far enough from the center of the city. Therefore, the students could not have enough facilities that may support their learning process. It must...
Proceedings Article
Self-Reflections of Introvert Students towards Problems of Speaking English
Reni Handayani, Widyastuti Purbani
This article reports the findings of a phenomenological study investigating introvert students’ lived experiences in learning to speak English as long as they were studying in Senior High School. Being reflective is one of the characteristics of the students who are inclined to have introvert personality....
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Language Textbook based on Educational Unit Level Curriculum for Senior High School Students
Sarwiji Suwandi, Ahmad Yunus, Hasan Zainnuri
Indonesia has experienced a number of disasters recently causing enormous losses to the community, both materially as well as spiritually. The contributing factors to this incident include the low level of public environmental awareness. For this reason, the efforts to educate people and students are...
Proceedings Article
Prophetic Ethics of Banyumas Women In Kubah Novels By Ahmad Tohari As A Teaching Materials And Media For Strengthening Character
Septi Yulisetiani, Sarwiji Suwandi Suyitno, Slamet Subiyantoro
This article reveals the Banyumas women's prophetic ethics in the Kubah novels written by Ahmad Tohari. The source of the data in this research is the literature text in the Kubah novels. Kubah novels contain a narrative of the life story of a female character who lives in Banyumas Regency, Central Java,...
Proceedings Article
A Profile Analysis of Scientific Thinking Ability of XI Grade Senior High School Students in Pacitan Regency
Seto Prio Asmoro, Suciati Suciati, Baskoro Adi Prayitno
This study is aimed to analyse scientific thinking abilities profile of science students at XI Grade of Senior High School in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province. The population of this study was 664 students. The sample was taken by using cluster random sampling method on 68 students of SMAN 1 Pacitan,...
Proceedings Article
Teacher’s Problems in Developing An Environment-Based Geography Instructional Model to Create A Fun School
Singgih Prihadi
This research is based on the low motivation of students to study geography. Students assume that learning geography is just rote. Teachers also have a big role to design a fun geography instructional. The purpose of this research is 1) to know the problems of teachers in creating a fun geography instructional,...
Proceedings Article
At Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School Jakarta (An Ethnography Study)
Siti Jubaidah, Emzir Emzir
The purpose of the study is to investigate methods and strategies used in teaching and learning Arabic language at Darunnajah Islamic boarding school. The results showed that methods and strategies used in teaching and learning Arabic are lecturing, discussing, practicing, and listening.
Proceedings Article
Development of Living Values (Responsibilities) Assessment Instryments in Learning Physics
Siti Sarah, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, Insih Wilujeng
The circulation of fake cosmetics, fake drugs, and fake vaccines as well as drugs abuse showed the low sense of responsibility of certain individuals. It could lead to big danger such as low quality of life and even death. If left unattended. Various precautions have been taken in terms of regulation...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Pedagogic Competency Development Model: A Literature Review
Sri Hartini, Caraka Putra Bhakti, Dody Hartanto, Muhammad Alfarizqi Nizamuddin Ghiffari
The purpose of this paper is to provide references related to the teacher's pedagogic competency development model. Pedagogic competence is fundamental in education. This is because pedagogic competence is one of the important factors in teaching. Pedagogic competence relates to how a teacher can provide...
Proceedings Article
English Learning Process In The Vocational School Based On The Systemic Functional Linguistics (Sfl)
Sudar Sudar
Learning English in modern era needs flexibility and creativity. How to learn English interactively and appropriately with the learners needs is challenging to be investigated. In this study the researcher investigates the process of learning English, particularly in vocational school based on the Systemic...
Proceedings Article
The Profile of Students' Critical Thinking Ability in XI IPA SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon
Sugeng Riyadi, Sarwanto Sarwanto, Yudi Rinanto
The ability to think critically is very important to develop thinking in solving problems. Critical thinking and problem solving are considered to be a new basis for 21st century learning. The research objective is to analyze students' critical thinking skills. The research design uses quantitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students’ Initial Reading Skills Through Big Bookmedia In Class Ib Of Mi Muhammadiyah Kedung Jampang
Supriatna Supriatna, Emzir Emzir, Yumna Rasyid
This Classroom Action Research aimed to improve the students' initial reading skill through the big book media on the theme of Natural Events in the first grade of Elementary School. This study consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consisted of two meetings. The research design used in this study was Kemmis&Mc...
Proceedings Article
Nurturing Students’ Curiosity through Contextual Learning
Sri Muryaningsih, Tatik Ariyati
The character of a country can be seen from the character of its citizens. Character education should be taught as early as possible from the age of children.Curiosity needs to be owned by everyone. Having the attitude of curiosity, students can know what is happening, can feel what is happening and...
Proceedings Article
Translation Analysis of Circumstances in The Novel "The Old Man and The Sea" by Ernest Hemingway and Its Indonesian Translation by Yuni Kristianingsih
Tri Purwaningsih, Mangatur Nababan, Riyadi Santosa
Circumstance is one of the three components of transitivity process in Hallidayan’s Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The study aims at investigating the types of circumstances in the source text and how they are translated in the target language. Circumstance in the source language is not always...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of Interactive Audio Visual Media Development in Speaking Course at Islamic Universities
Umi Faizah, Sarwiji Suwandi, Andayani Andayani, Ani Rakhmawati, Bagiya Bagiya, Kadaryati Kadaryati
The purposes of this study are to describe: 1) the use of instructional media in speaking courses, 2) problems/constraints faced by lecturers in the teaching of speaking course, and 3) forms of learning media that need to be developed in speaking course. Data collection techniques are carried out by...
Proceedings Article
Student Computational Logical Thinking of Block Programming Concept in Arduino Learning By S4A (Scratch for Arduino)
Umi Pratiwi, Sriyono Sriyono, R. Wakhid Akhdinirwanto
The purpose of this study was to determine the change in students computational logical thinking ability after the implementation of Scracth for Arduino (S4A) in block programing learning. The population in this research were all students of physics application for computer (Aplikom) course, consisted...
Proceedings Article
Innovation in Education: the Social Sciences Teaching Materials Development to Encourage Students’ Culture- Based Intelligence at SMP N 8 of Surakarta
Vidia Ulfa Mareta, Sunardi Sunardi, Suharno Suharno, Hermia Anata Rahman
Technology is currently growing rapidly over time and demands changes in various fields. One of the expected changes is in the field of education. Changes in education are needed to improve the quality of education. Education as a developer of human resources (HR), should always experience changes in...
Proceedings Article
Validity of Generative Learning Based Respiratory System Module to Empower Students’ Analytical Thinking Skills
Widya Prawita, Baskoro Adi Prayitno, Sugiyarto Sugiyarto
Module is a medium that assist teachers to transfer information in learning process. Nevertheless, many activities in conventional module do not really emphasize on students’ analytical thinking skill. Therefore, the module needs innovation. Generative learning-based module is a module integrated with...
Proceedings Article
Influence of the Science Game "Sing and Floating" on Classification Ability of Children 5-6 Years Old at Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten School of Wangon
Winda Wahyu Dianty, Slamet Suyanto
The purpose of this research is knowed influence of the science game about sink and floating toward classificationability children at age 5-6 years old at KemalaBhayangkari kindergarten School of Wangon. This research is quasi experimentresearch, with kind of reseach is nonequivalent control group design....
Proceedings Article
The Correlation Ofphilosophy, Science, Religion, Education, Language, And Geography
Mustolikh Mustolikh, Sofyan Sauri, Ahmad Syamsu Rizal
This study aimed to describe the correlation of (1) philosophy, science, and religion; (2)philosophy and education; (3) philosophy and language; adn (4) philosophy, geography, and religion. This study used biblioghraphymethod, which aimed to collect the data of documents. This was a descriptive study...
Proceedings Article
EFL Teachers Assessment Methods in Oral Communications
Saefurrohman Saefurrohman
Assessing oral communications (speaking and listening) appropriately can helps students to have a good oral language development as well as their language literacy. Thus, this study aimed at finding out the answer of a question: “Howthe respondents’ classroom assessment practices may be described in...