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189328 articles

Research on Marketing Communication of E-sports Industry

--The Example of the Variety Show “We Are the Champions”

Boyang Zhou
After decades of development, the e-sports industry has been changing its communication format in recent years. Based on the analysis of the e-sports-themed online variety show “We Are the Champions”, we explore the characteristics of the online variety show’s presentation in the context of e-sports....

Factors Influencing Strategic Food Price Fluctuations Against Inflation in Pangkalpinang City

Darman Saputra, Julia Julia, Ari Agung Nugroho, Dony Yanuar
The research aims to analyze the influence of food prices on the development of inflation in Pangkalpinang. Analysis of the influence of food prices on the development of inflation is needed to evaluate changes in food prices that cause and contribute to inflation. The analytical method used is multiple...
Proceedings Article

Compressor Speed Variation toward Solar Display Cabinet Cooling System Performance

I. D. M. Cipta Santosa, I. G. N. Suta Waisnawa, I. G. A. B. Wirajati, P. W. Sunu
The conversion of an alternating current (AC) motor-compressor of refrigeration system toward a direct current (DC) motor need to be good analysis to get better performance of the system. The compressor type changing can affect lower compressor work due to a changing refrigerant used and also power supply...

The Concept of Game Theory in Determining the Competition Strategy for Gojek and Grab Online Transportation Services

Nurhasanah, Ridho Purnama Gustifa, Nany Salwa, Amiruddin Hasan
In 2021, Gojek and Grab emerged as the leading and most widely embraced online transportation service providers. Their shared commitment to meeting customer needs fueled intense competition, prompting both companies to enhance their respective advantages. A crucial aspect of gaining a competitive edge...

Participatory approach, mixed methods, and urban sustainable development in the Horizon 2020 URBiNAT project

Anna Maria Bagnasco, Guido Ferilli, Marco Acri, José Miguel Lameiras
This study examines critically the methodologies used in the H2020 EU Financed URBiNAT (Urban Innovative and Inclusive Nature) project, with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of different methods analysing intervention areas in deprived urban environments prior to the implementation of nature-based...

Analysis of Article 27 Paragraph (4) of The UU ITE for Perpetrators Who Transmit Indecent Content Through Electronic Media

Muhamad Ari Abdillah, Farhan Touska Nasty, Yudanagara Maulana Yusuf, Muhammad Ridho Sinaga
As technology advances in Indonesia, the spread of immoral content in electronic media has become increasingly rampant. The Electronic Information and Transaction Law (ITE Law) is a crucial regulation that needs strict enforcement. Its purpose is to protect users of technology and information media,...
Proceedings Article

The Walking Palm Tree algorithm: A new Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems

Farouq Zitouni, Saad Harous, Seyedali Mirjalili, Abdelhai Mohamed Bouaicha, Hocine Abdellatif Houari, Ali Wagdy Mohamed, Abdelhadi Limane, Rihab Lakbichi, Aridj Ferhat
We introduce the Walking Palm Tree (WPT) optimizer, a novel metaheuristic optimization algorithm inspired by the movement pattern of the Socratea Exorrhiza palm tree species. This species adapts to sunlight by growing roots towards the desired direction while allowing older roots to fade away. We provide...
Proceedings Article

Weather and Water Level Monitoring System for Hydrometeorological Analysis in the Lake Toba Region

Dyah P. Djenal, Santoso Soekirno, Prada Wellyantama, Aly Ilyas, Sugiarto, Maulana Putra
Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake in Southeast Asia that has a multi-sectoral role, both for the benefit of local communities and for national and even international interests. Lake Toba as a tourist destination where in 2020 the Toba Regency Central Statistics Agency recorded the number of passenger...

Pre-service Preschool Teachers’ Practice Inspection and Quality Improvement of “Child Behavior Observation and Support”

Heng Tan
The Professional Standards for Early Childhood Teachers state that teachers must master the fundamental methods of understanding children, such as observation, conversation, and record-keeping. Pay attention to children’s daily performance; discover and appreciate each child’s progress promptly; focus...

Green Economy and Green Waqf Opportunities of Digital Assets

Husnul Hatimah, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Ali Djamhuri, Noval Adib
Green economy and green waqf opportunities of digital assets. This study aims to explore an understanding of green economy collaboration and green waqf opportunities using digital assets. Exploratory studies are an option to photograph new phenomena that will arise in the management of digital waqf assets....
Proceedings Article

Healthy Behavior and Psychological Well-Being in Migrant High School Students

Carly Nathania Lenge, Arthur Huwae
Migrating is a form of educational exploration for adolescents, particularly those in high school. Various issues are confronting migrants in their adolescence impact individuals’ psychological well-being, which is inextricably linked to the practice of healthy behavior. Therefore, this study aimed to...

Research on Classification of Railway Freight Customers Based on Customer Value Analysis

Yang Yi, Huang Lei
Customer segmentation can divide the existing customers of an enterprise into different customer groups according to certain standards, and the research on customer segmentation based on customer value has important theoretical and practical significance. Based on the huge customer data accumulated by...
Proceedings Article

Designing Hypothetical Learning Trajectory of Descriptive Statistics Through Ethnomathematics Problem Assisted TinkerPlots

Rahmi Ramadhani, Sahat Saragih, Suci Dahlya Narpila, Doni Irawan Saragih, Dwi Novita Sari, Nuraini Nuraini
Integration of Technology, Information, and Communication (ICT) in learning mathematics are one of the focuses developed in implementing “Kurikulum Merdeka.“ One of the ICT integrations is TinkerPlots. TinkerPlots is ICT-based mathematics learning media that allows students to explore learning flexibly...

Food Waste Management of Green-Pesantren; Experience and Strategy From Pondok Pesantren as Salafy Al Asror

Ahmad Nurkhin, S. Martono, Fachrurrozie Fachrurrozie, Hasan Mukhibad, Kardoyo Kardoyo, Muhammad Feriady, Ahmad Rofiq
The problem of waste management in educational institutions (pondok pesantren) is increasingly becoming an important concern. This study aims to reveal the experience of Pondok Pesantren As Salafy Al Asror Semarang Indonesia in managing food waste. The research method used is qualitative descriptive....
Conference Abstract


Ilana Ariel, Galina Skarzinski, Vitali Belzer, Wiessam Abu-Ahmad, Zaid Abassi, Michael Bursztyn*
Pages: 19 - 19
Introduction: Endovascular trophoblasts (EVasT) of the rat express smooth muscle (SM) proteins and contract ex vivo upon exposure to endothelin-1 (ET1). Contraction is mediated via ET1 receptors A and B (ETA, ETB). In vascular SM ETB, in variance from ETA, exerts relaxation through activation of nitric...
Conference Abstract


Vasyl Yagensky
Pages: 19 - 19
Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is widely used for arterial stiffness assessment. Increased arterial stiffness is a predictor of cardiovascular risk in adults. There are limited data on PWV and its determinants in young people. Study was performed to compare PWV and its association with blood pressure (BP)...

A Study of the Effect of Participating in Outdoor Social Activities on the Degree of Depression in the Elderly

Shiyu Liu, Xiaojie Gong, Xiaofeng Cong, Jia Cong
With the intensification of the aging of the population in China, our society has begun to pay close attention to the current situation of the elderly participating in outdoor social activities and the current status of depression. We expect to promote the mental health of the elderly by increasing the...

Deforming the Lie Superalgebra of Contact Vector Fields on S1|1 Inside the Lie Superalgebra of Superpseudodifferential Operators on S1|1

N. Ben Fraj, S. Omri
Pages: 19 - 33
We classify nontrivial deformations of the standard embedding of the Lie superalgebra K(1) of contact vector fields on the (1,1)-dimensional supercircle into the Lie supealgebra of superpseudodifferential operators on the supercircle. This approach leads to the deformations of the central charge induced...

Word Similarity from Dictionaries: Inferring Fuzzy Measures from Fuzzy Graphs

Vicenc Torra, Yasuo Narukawa
Pages: 19 - 23
WORD SIMILARITY FROM DICTIONARIES: INFERRING FUZZY MEASURES FROM FUZZY GRAPHS The computation of similarities between words is a basic element of information retrieval systems, when retrieval is not solely based on word matching. In this work we consider a measure between words based on dictionaries....

Use of Information and Communication Technology by State Owned Enterprises in Bangladesh: Comparison between privatized and non privatized SOEs

Ahsanullah M. Dewan, Siafullah M. Dewan, Shams Ara Nazmin
Pages: 19 - 32
The objective of this paper is to compare the use of ICT by privatized and non-privatized SOEs to enhance competitiveness and productivity. The paper in particular addresses issues related to: the opportunities of using ICT applications in the value-creating processes for SOEs, and challenges in adopting...
Proceedings Article

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 to Where We Go

Made pramono
This article seeks to tell the challenges and opportunities of the industrial revolution 4.0 by restoring the social aspects of humanity from the core points of Society 5.0, especially in education. A successful higher education organization must be able to predict change so that it can deal with environmental...

Online Identification of Weaknesses of Subjective Tests in Javanese Course Assessment: A Case Study of Second Grade Students at SMAN 2 Malang

Natanael F. Rahmanda, Miftachul Amri, Syamsul Sodiq
The current pandemic has had a significant impact on the learning evaluation process in schools. One type of subjective test assessment is also affected by the imposition of a form of distance learning. This study aims to identify the weaknesses of the subjective test given online to second-grade students...

Design of Experimental Simulation of Computer Science and Technology Specialty Under Background of “Emerging Engineering Education”

Zhongyu Li, Geng Chen, Jie Zhang, Pingping Zhang, Wenhua Wang
To cultivate the practical needs of cultivating the compound engineering talents of computer science and technology under the background of “emerging engineering education”, this paper starts from the characteristics of computer science and technology, taking the course of sensor technology as an example....

COLLEGE: A Universal Tool to Assess Indonesian Student’s Soft Skills

Raden Muhammad Ali, Dwi Hastuti
Soft skills make significant contributions to university graduates’ success, especially when they are in the work field. However, it is not easy to access an instrument to measure Indonesian students’ soft skills. This article is aimed to promote COLLEGE, a valid, reliable, specific, and universal instrument...

Analysis of the Diversity of Learning Media for Cocoa Farmers in an Effort to Increase Economic Productivity in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era in South Sulawesi

Tuti Bahfiarti, Arianto, Andi Alimuddin Unde
Cocoa is the leading product in the Sulawesi Corridor. In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, cocoa farmers are still trying to maintain and increase the productivity of their cocoa plants. Cocoa farmers maximize learning media to develop themselves and their groups. The focus of learning is how to plant,...
Proceedings Article

Design of Geometric and Rigid Pavement Thickness on Jalan Lingkar Barat Sp. Sports Center - Bukit Sulap STA 0+100 - STA 7+583 Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatera Province

Kosim Kosim, Julian Fikri, Siswa Indra, Kiky Rizky Amalia, Intan Puspita Sari, Yudha Prasetya
Road construction is one of the government’s efforts to facilitate the mobilization of the Indonesian people, both economically and socially. The purpose of this study was to design the geometric and rigid pavement thickness on Jalan Lingkar Barat SP Sports Center - Bukit Sulap STA 0+100 to STA 7+583...

Case Base Method: A Collaborative Learning to Improve Students’ Soft Skills in Business Analytics

Ares Albirru Amsal, Rayna Kartika
This research aims to investigate the readiness of students using a case-based method in Business Analytics course subject in the Department of Management, Universitas Andalas. Since Business Analytics is a new course subject offered to the students in 2021 at the Management Department, the readiness...

Challenges of Vocational Teachers in Student-Teacher Interaction in Synchronous Online Learning in Indonesia

Maulana Noor Fajri Al Hajar, Ade Gafar Abdullah
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world, and it has made learning to switch to distance learning. One type of distance learning is online learning. Indeed, when students and teachers conduct learning connected via the internet, it becomes difficult to interact, especially synchronously. The interaction...

On the Objective Necessity of Environmental Design and Construction in Emerging Rural Areas

Zheng Xiaoping
By interpreting the concept and elements of new countryside, this paper explains the subjective and objective basis of new countryside design and construction, in order to interpret the content and system of rural cultural design, especially its necessity. Rural design needs to define its concept and...

Does FinTech Promote the Profitability of Real Enterprises in China?

Jiali Yan
The innovative development of fintech has optimized the function of financial services and resource allocation, thus consolidating and strengthening the foundation of the real economy. Based on the data set of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2011 to 2018, this paper uses a fixed-effect model to...
Proceedings Article

Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Agarwood Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. Leaves Extract Using DPPH, FRAP and ABTS Assays

Aprilliani Prissilla Halim, Nastiti Wijayanti, Lisna Hidayati, Tri Rini Nuringtyas
Indonesia has been known to have large forest areas and rich in biodiversity, which could be the source of primary and secondary metabolites. Along with the technological development and research in medicine, agarwood, which was initially used only for topical body treatments, room fragrances, and religious...

Supervision Strategy in Decision Making of Business Cooperation Contracts by Director of Regional Companies (BUMD) Through the Implementation of Legal Due Diligence (Legal Audit), Financial Due Diligence, and Feasibility Study

Rina Yulianti
Commissioner is an organ of a limited liability company that is responsible for supervising and providing advice to the Board of Directors in carrying out the management activities of a Regional Owned Company (BUMD). Management and representation by the board of directors in running the company, one...
Proceedings Article

The Pier Foundation Design of the Beijing-shenyang Passenger Line Liaohe Super-large Bridge

Zhao Wan, Chen Chen
In recent years, with the rapid economic development of the China, the railway construction also experiences a fast growth. State Department adopts The Twelfth Five-Year Plan of Transportation in 2012, and plans to build a batch of great railway projects. The construction program of Beijing-Shenyang...
Proceedings Article

A New Type of Automatic Opening and Closing Light-Operated Curtain

Biqing Li, Hongyan Zhang, Congjun Yang, Shiyong Zheng
The automatic opening and closing light-operated curtain device designed in this paper applies the photosensitive resistance to collect current light intensity, then transforms the collected analog signal to digital signal by a serial A/D chip TLC549, and finally the converted data is transmitted to...

The Study of China Outward Foreign Direct Investment's Location Choice

Zhenli Wang, Ying Hu
To pave the road of pushing China OFDI forward in the right direction, targeted experiments have been in full blossom. Through choosing 70 main recipient countries aging from 2003 to 2014 as research subjects when Chinese overseas investment expanded faster and faster, and establishing multiple panel...
Proceedings Article

Study on Prediction Model of Tourist Amount of Scenic Spot Based on BP Neural Network Algorithm

Yongqiu Liu
In recent years, the expansion of tourism market has put forward new requirements to strengthen the management of scenic spots, in this paper, it takes Mount Tai Scenic Area as the researching object, establishing the prediction model of tourist amount by using BP neural network algorithm, so as to predict...
Proceedings Article

Bioinformatics Analysis on Molecular Mechanism of Poria Cocos in Treatment of Jaundice

Shan Si, Nie Peng, Jiang Li, Yuwen Yan, Xiaojun Yan
Objective: To study the molecular mechanism of P.cocos in the treatment of Jaundice by building molecular networks and comparing canonical pathways. Methods: Target proteins of P.cocos related genes of Jaundice were searched from Pubchem and Gene databases online respectively. Molecular networks and...
Proceedings Article

Research on the New Full View Detection Equipment of Bridge Superstructure

Jinbo Song
New perspective of the upper structure of the bridge detection device comprises a detection device body, detection support, crawling mechanism, gas spring, motor, image acquisition device, the buckle plate, the chassis and the control device, the detection device is installed on the cable body, body...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Interference from L1 Culture to L2 Writing &. Handling Suggestions

Ruxiang Ye
In view of high frequent occurrence of mistakes in China’s college students’ writing, the paper tries to analyze and discuss the types and reasons of these mistakes, identifying that most of the mistakes in college students’ writing are caused by the interference of Chinese language, that is, negative...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Interlanguage Fossilization in Second Language Acquisition and Its Teaching Implications

Hongping Chen, Bo Zhao
In the course of learning English, inter-language fossilization is a widely-present and inevitable phenomenon, which deserves to arouse the attention of language educators and learners. Through introducing the definition and classification of fossilization, this paper finds out the major causes of fossilization...
Proceedings Article

Strategies and Marketing Situation on Agricultural products in Western China ---Based on Coffee beans in Yunnan

Jiyan Xu
In 2012, the sale of coffee bean was not very good in Yunnan of China. The purchase price has been declining, and there have been poor sales in some places. The main reasons are expanding of planting area, reduced quality of coffee beans, inadequate processing, and inaccurate market expectation of growers...
Proceedings Article

A New Algorithm of Tracking Ballistic Missiles

Lifeng Qi, Guanglong Jiao, ChuangMing Tong
A new algorithm for the problem of initiating the tracks assuming the target trajectories follow a deterministic state propagation, through the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator combined with the probabilistic data association (PDA) First some well-known approaches for statistical model selection and...
Proceedings Article

Research Of Spectrum Sensing Based On Decode and Forward Retransmission

Yuebin Chen, Qian Wang, Tuanwei Tian
In spectrum sensing, single point detection due to their own limitations is facing some problems such as hidden terminal, perceived sensitivity of the end, etc. Two nodes cooperative spectrum sensing schemes based on DF (Decode and Forward) protocols were proposed to achieve spatial diversity gains in...
Proceedings Article

Deployment and Performance Evaluation of Virtual Network based on OpenStack

Zhao Shaoka, Li Liyao, Yang Jiahai, Xu Cong, Ling Xiao, Huang Shuxiao
In the context of the ever-developing virtual network, OpenStack officially launches its new network component-Quantum, but the comparative performance between single-host and multi-host deployment is yet unknown. The paper introduces detailed deployment strategies of single-host and multi-host after...
Proceedings Article

A Trial Attempt by a Museum Guide Robot to Engage and Disengage the Audience on Time

Madhumita Ghosh, Hideaki Kuzuoka
Social robots may perform a variety of services like conveying information, guiding an audience, providing assistance to troubled customers and so on. In these situations, there might be a number of people who might need such assistance at the same time. Therefore, it is important to engage the audience,...
Proceedings Article

Production Resource Molding of Grid-based Steel-Auto Industry Chain

Zong-hui Xiong, Feng Xiong, Zhen Li, Tao Yu
This paper divides steel-auto industry chain from core business and value-added into steel unit, trade unit, machining unit, auto unit and general service unit in the light of the industry chain characteristics. Then product resource in the steel-auto industry chain is defined. By means of Grid technology...
Proceedings Article

Extreme Events on Correlated Networks

Fei Wang, Weiguo Fang, Chang Chen
In this paper, we study the extreme events taking place on complex net-works with different assortative net-work structures. Using random walk models, we build the formalism of ex-treme events on networks. We then present the definition of network as-sortativity, and discussed its relation-ship with...
Proceedings Article

The Static Voltage stability research based on the improved continuous power flow

Junjun An, Shengnan Lv
This paper proposes an improved method of continuation power flow calculation to trace the PV curve of power systems .A new parametric method which is based on the algorithm principle is proposed to reduce the possibility of parametric method that does not converge in the correction process, which improves...

The Research on EHA Based Aircraft Braking System and Its Nonlinear Control

Li Bingqiang, Xing Hualing
An Electro-hydrostatic actuator (EHA) structure with joint of pump control and valve control is proposed for more electric aircraft (MEA) braking system, the working principle of the system is analyzed, and on the basis of that, the mathematical models of the system components are established. To compromise...
Proceedings Article

Human-Machine Interface: Design Principles of Interactive Waiting in Web and App

Minghui Hu, Peng Bian
This paper analyzed and generalized the content and characteristics of interactive waiting, which should care more about user’s psychological sense about waiting time. Based on the discussion, the article advanced several principles to help designer to do user-centered interaction design, such as put...