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189328 articles

SMEs: ‘Non’- Corporate Social Responsibility

Sri Yunan Budiarsi, Sri Hartini
The purpose of this study is to find out whether micro, small, and medium enterprises (SMEs) can be the subject to perform social responsibility and not only become an object of big companies to do their own CSR. Through a qualitative approach and using case studies as the method, The researcher found...

Politeness Strategies in Directive Speech Acts in a Short Movie “Mind Your Language”

Masitoh Oktavia, Warsono Warsono, L.B Dwi Anggani, Abdurrachman Faridi
The objective of the research is to recognize kind of politeness strategies, in directive speech acts in the short movie “Mind Your Language”. The method used in this research is a descriptive method using a qualitative approach that focuses on pragmatics. The data source is a script of “Mind Your Language”...

Efforts to Preserve Macapat by Mantradisi Art Group in Yogyakarta

Brigitta Puspa Juwita, Kusnadi
This study aims to find out and describe efforts to preserve the Macapat art by the Mantradisi group, and know the benefits experienced by the Mantradisi group after the group was formed. This qualitative research used a phenomenological approach and there were two sources of data, namely primary and...

Changes of Poor Family Behavior Through Family Development Session

Suradi, Nyi R Irmayani, Habibullah, Sugiyanto, Badrun Susantyo, Benecdiktus Mujiyadi, Togiaratua Nainggolan
Poverty reduction has become a priority for government of the Republic of Indonesia in the last decade. One among poverty reduction programs based on family called Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). PKH is a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program for poor families. PKH has addressed to cut off poverty...

Video Games as Motivators of English Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading

Audrey Ningtyas, Sonya P. Suganda
The current generation of students is keen on playing video games across platforms such as smartphones, personal computers, or other devices. Teachers could take advantage of their enthusiasm for gaming by integrating learning with games played in the classroom or at home. Most students in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Visual Continuity Evaluation of Transition Space on Shopfront of Shopping Center in Malang, Indonesia

Herry Santosa, Nur Fauziah, Wahyuni Eka Sari
The expansion of shopping centers has become an issue of interest in the formation of a transitional space between the shop fronts with a public area. Shopping facilities are expected to accommodate the continuity of motion and good visual on spaces that transition with the surrounding environment. The...

Trends and Mechanisms of Digital Transformations in the Russian Federation

G.S. Armashova-Telnik, A.M. Melnichenko, Yu.G. Terentyeva
The article is devoted to the issues of digitalization of a business entity model. Prospects for the development of technological transformations in Russia are highlighted, key positions of the integration of digital modernization in the business sector are analyzed, including the specific nature of...

The Effect of Audit Going Concern on the Prediction Model of Bankruptcy and Reputation Auditor

Hanny Oktaria
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of issuing going concern audit opinion by the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) against the predicted model of bankruptcy of manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The next goal is to find out how much influence will be generated on the reputation...

Budi Clinic: Actualization and Habituation of Mapalus Cultural Value

Darmawan Edi Winoto, Ridwan
Preliminary study results showed that students lacked a sense of solidarity, cooperation, or help and a low cultural awareness attitude. Need solution to overcome the problem is with Budi clinic. This article aims to describe the implementation, actualization and habituation of the cultural values of...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Plyometric and Resistive Run Training Program on Motor Fitness Components

Bimalkumar K. Joshi
For the purpose of this study 80 male students among 150 populations were selected randomly from Innovative Gujarati medium school, Rajkot city. Their age was ranging between 13 to 16 years and verified with school record. Total 80 subjects were divided randomly in three experimental groups A, B, C and...

Research on Ideological and Political Teaching Mode in Professional Courses in Colleges

Zhinuo Li, Keliang Jia
The paper analyses the connotation of ideological political education in professional courses, and then designs a teaching mode of professional courses from four aspects: excavating the ideological and political elements from the specialized courses, mode of integrating ideological and political education...

The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors Interest Rates and Exchange Rates Govern on Stok Index of LQ45

Tiar Lina Situngkir, Isro’iyatul Mubarokah
This research aimed to investigate the macroeconomic factors, represented by interest rate Bank Indonesia and exchange rate rupiah to US dollar in influencing volatility of LQ45 stock price index on the Jakarta stock exchange. The data was collected from secondary data. The periods were January 2013...

The Implementation of Simple, Expeditious, and Inexpensive Principle for Quality Private Court Decision Through E-Court

Heri Hartanto, Adi Sulistiyono, Isharyanto
E-court is one of the attempts in achieving a simple, expeditious, and inexpensive court process. The process of seeking justice in court is done to issue a quality decision to meet sense of equity of justice seekers as well as settling legal problems faced by parties. There are some problems faced by...

Gender Disparity and Discrimination in the Field of STEM

Xiaoyu Chen, Yike Liu, Yixin Luo, Siying Wang, Zhiyue Zhu
This paper focuses on finding different investigations linked to the issue of gender disparities and discrimination of women in STEM to examine the reasons and remedies for gender differences in STEM. This literature study also displays basic information about STEM to provide individuals a solid grasp...

Strengthening the Character of the Nation of NU Students Through PPKN Learning at International Indonesian Schools

N M Daud, A Masrukhin, H Sriyanto, M N. Willyarto
This study aimed to analyse strategies for strengthening the national character through the implementation of PPKn learning and evaluation of character strengthening in PPKn learning. The method used was qualitative with the Indonesian International School as the object of the research. Data was gathered...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Biofilm of Various Histatin 5 Concentrations Against Streptococcus Mutans From Salivary Isolate

Dharli Syafriza, Heriandi Sutadi, Ameta Primasari, Yahwardiyah Siregar
Streptococcus mutan is the main agent infection of dental caries. Histatin 5 has been reported as the antimicrobial agents also to prevent the formation of biofilms of oral pathogen biofilm, like S. mutans involve in dental caries pathogenesis. This study aims to determine the effect of anti-biofilm...

On the Cultivation of Students Self-Regulated Learning Ability in Chinese Teaching

Hanyuan Yang
It’s the important moment for students in the primary school stage to consolidate the basic knowledge. Forming good study habits is helpful to lay the foundation for students’ future study career. With the continuous development of all aspects of our society, more and more attention has been paid to...

Learning Organizations Employees of the Center for Data and Technology

Muhammad Hasan Chabibie, Mukhneri Muktar, R. Madhakomala
The purpose of this study is to understand how much the impact of transformational leadership, self-efficacy, and motivation on organizational learning of Data and Technology Employee soft the Ministry of Education and Culture. The research method uses quantitative research involving up to 193 employees...

An Analysis of Factors Influencing the Income Level of Cattle Ranchers on Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai

Arwansyah, Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi, Muhammad Yusuf, Joko Suharianto
One of sectors present a main contribution improving district net income on Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai is on agricultural with husbandry sub-sector, which sub-sector has a closed chain from upstream to down compared to another sector. The objective of this study is to determine the value influence of...

The Role of Persuasive Communication for the Construction of Religious Authority of the Pesantren’s Kyai

M Nasor
Human as a social being is required to have good social interaction with each other. In every community, communication is an important factor that can bridge the gap of communication between members of the community who want to achieve mutual understanding and eliminate disharmony. In fact, many of the...

Tourism Planning Development of Border Territory Rote Ndau Islands Indonesia

Adi Suryanto, Nurliah Nurdin
Indonesia is a country with the largest number of islands in the world. Tourism with thousands of beaches should not be a problem. Rote Ndau is one of exotics tourism at the southern border territory of Indonesia nearby Australia. Somehow, the development of tourism is still far behind. Hotels, transportation,...

Research on Parents’ Acceptance of Preschool Inclusive Education

Taking Sichuan Province as an Example

Xiu Li
This paper takes parents with registered permanent residence in Sichuan Province as the research objects. A questionnaire survey is conducted on the acceptance of preschool inclusive education. With the use of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and single factor...

Patterns and Functions of the Word Terus in Four-to-Five-Year-Old Children’s Speech

Agnes Sarila Wiridhani, Niken Pramanik, Bernadette Kushartanti, Untung Yuwono
In Standard Indonesian and Colloquial Jakarta Indonesian, terus, which is pronounced as trus has several meanings; ‘immediate, continuing, not stopping, always, and then’. This paper discusses the use of terus and its function as an adverb and a conjunction in Indonesian-speaking children’s speech. In...

Understanding Deep Learning by Methodology in the Dialectics of Nature

Zirui Cao, Yanghao Li
In this paper, deep learning is discussed which is considered a branch in the modern AI subject with fastest development. First of all, the history of the deep learning is reviewed and then the nature of the black-box in the deep learning is pointed out. With the nature of the black-box (a device, system...

Research and Practice of the Blending Teaching Mode in “Extensive French Reading” Based on the “Zone of Proximal Development”

Sisi Liu
Since the “zone of proximal development” theory was proposed, many Chinese and foreign scholars have continued to deepen it. The introduction of a famous American cognitive psychologist Bruner’s “scaffolding theory” has made this theory widely used in teaching practice. In recent years, the blending...

The Implementation of Education Games Media Applications with Local Culture-Based to Improve the Basic Reading Ability of Students in TK Islam Al-Azhar 34 Makassar

Andi Nur Maharani Islami, Suparno Suparno, Andi Makkasau
This study aims to improve the basic reading skills of educational media game applications with students based on local culture at the Al-Azhar 34 Islamic Kindergarten Makassar. Reading skills are very important for children in preparation to move on to the next level. This research must be done because...

Online Teaching: Model and Perspective in Arabic Class

Dessy Suryawati, Nuril Mufidah
Online learning carried out in the new normal era provides opportunities for the academic community to analyze technology for learning better. This online system is implemented starting from campus introduction activities for new students, library access to lecturing activities. This research used a...

Profile of Learning Experiences and Students’ Scientific Inquiry Skills in Science Subjects

Rumondang Purwati, Suci Paramitha Liestari, Tri Suwandi, Ana Ratna Wulan, Setiya Utari
Indonesia’s PISA results are relatively low when compared to other countries. Student learning experience is thought to be an important factor that influences students’ lack of scientific inquiry skills. This study aims to describe the profile of students’ learning experiences and scientific inquiry...

The Use of Spreadsheet-Based Basic Accounting Practice Applications in Online Learning

I Made Ariana, I Made Bagiada, I Komang Sugiarta, I Dewa Made Mahayana
Learning media is one of the components in online learning as one type of distance learning. The research objectives are to describe the spreadsheet-based basic accounting practice applications with a perpetual method, to test student acceptance of the use of the spreadsheet-based basic accounting practice...

Effectiveness Guidance and Counselling Services in the Formation of Character and Self-Control

Yulinda Siregar, Bernadetha Nadaek
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling Services in Character Development and Student Self-Control SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi. The sub-focus of research is the significance of guidance and counselling services; (B) Implementation Guidance and Counselling Services; and (c)...

Application Analysis of Palliative Nursing Intervention in Nursing Care of Elderly Cancer Patients

Shuhua Li
With the trend of population aging, palliative care interventions are becoming more and more essential in the treatment of senile cancer diseases. This paper mainly researches palliative care intervention in elderly cancer patients by comparing the psychological、pain and death education of the three...

Bipartite Industrial Relations Settlement Assistance to Reduce Disputes Between Garment Company Workers and Entrepreneurs in Malang Regency

Fullchis Nurtjahjani, Joni Dwi Pribadi, Masreviastuti, Sanita Dhakira, Ane Fany Novitasari
This study discusses the settlement of disputes between workers and employers of Garment Companies in Malang City. The purpose of this study is to analyze the bipartite settlement of industrial relations. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Primary data were obtained through...

Thoughts on the Construction of Network Ideological and Political Education Matrix in Local Colleges and Universities

Qiqi Wei
Based on a local university in central Guangxi, through the analysis of the problems existing in the network ideological and political education and the analysis of the current situation, this paper finds out the significance and methods of carrying out the network ideological and political work in colleges...

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Talking About the Renewal of Industrial Landscape as an Example in Houtan Park

Shengze Chen
With the transformation of Chinese industrial structure and the development of new urban planning, a large number of traditional industrial equipment or factories have been relocated or abandoned, leading to the emergence of many industrial abandoned land in the city, bringing a series of environmental...

The Use of Cartoon Film Media in Narrative Writing Skills for Elementary School Students

Asih Riyanti, Burhan Nurgiyantoro, Maman Suryaman
This study was to describe the use of cartoon film media with character education to improve narrative writing skills and describe the constraints in implementing learning narrative writing materials and methods. This study used a classroom action research design consisting of two cycles. Each stage...

Empirical Research of Corporate Governance and Firm Performance of Chinese New Energy Vehicle Manufacturing Enterprises

Hanlu Ling
As an important part of China’s carbon neutrality plan, the new energy vehicles industry has achieved rapid development in recent years, and several excellent new energy vehicle manufacturing enterprises have emerged, such as BYD. The corporate governance of such enterprises is a topic worthy of study....

Creating Harmony in the Dalihan Na Tolu Philosophy for Batak People in Yogyakarta

R. M. Simanjuntak, M Kause, V.H. Siahaan, E Modok, Y Sagala
Harmony is the important thing to do among the pluralistic Indonesian people. A harmony can construct a nation through a civilization. Therefore, the government tries to apply the value of Pancasila to create harmony among the nation. Harmony among the nation has been pursued in many aspects for example...

Human Capital Development Through Reinventing, Retooling and Reskilling Strategies

Learning from 20 Multiple Cases

Lukman Raimi
For mitigating the ravaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic interests of employees, employers, and governments, this paper discusses three human capital development strategies of reinventing, re-tooling, and re-skilling (3Rs) as effective ways of stimulating the economy including saving...

Analysis of Online Learning Strategies in a Pandemic Period

Rizqi Fajar Pradipta, Yon Ade Lose Hermanto, Herlina Ike Oktaviani, Dimas Arif Dewantoro, Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin
This study aims to analyse the form of distance learning strategies for students with special needs in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the type of case study. This research was conducted at the Inclusive Elementary School in Malang City. Collecting...
Conference Abstract


Timothy Phan*, John Li
Pages: 22 - 23
Background: Arterial compliance is pressure-dependent due to the nonhomogeneous composition of the arterial wall. Wall distending pressure varies within each cardiac cycle, thus arterial compliance is dynamic and time-varying within any given cycle. As compliance is a component of the pulsatile load...

Student Perception of ESP Teachers’ Performance at Indonesian State Polytechnics

Nidia Sofa, Lis Mariam, Restu Jati Saputro
There are two divisions of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) teachers at the early established state Polytechnics throughout Indonesia: first and second-generation teachers. The first generation participated in the Polytechnic Education Development Centre (PEDC) from 1987-1994, and the second generation...

The Importance of Integrating Ecolinguistics Dimensions in Indonesian Language Textbooks in Higher Education

An Ecolinguistics Study

Agata Krismonita Permatasari, Remigius Kunjana Rahardi
The integration of ecolinguistics within Indonesian courses in higher education needs to be pursued and linguistic diversity and biodiversity in certain environments can be the material for academic writing activities as well as efforts to preserve local languages and Indonesian. This study aimed to...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study on Scientific and Technological Innovation Ability of High-Tech Parks From The Perspective of High-Quality Development Based on SFA Regression Method

Jian-bo Li, Yue YIN
China's economy has changed from a a high-speed growth stage to high-quality development stage. Innovation is the core driving force leading high-quality development, and national high-tech zones will be the main force and main position of innovation-driven development strategy. Using the methods...
Proceedings Article

The Carrying Capacity Analysis For Food Agriculture: Case Study In Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi

Irwan Lakani, Muhd Nur Sangadji, Selvy Mozin, Zulkifli, Hauris Pati, Rostiati, Reinal Putalan
This study aims to analyze the carrying capacity of agricultural food land, which will help determine rice sufficiency in Donggala Regency. That information can also be used for evaluating and planning sustainable management of agricultural food land in Donggala Regency. The research was carried out...

Research on How to Strengthen Women's Right to Employment in MNEs

Yuxin Yan
Women's equal employment encounters challenges such as gender-blindness in legal protection, a cultural environment where traditional conservative views are at odds with women's equal employment, the absence of international and domestic gender discrimination intervention links, and invisible...

Study on Hierarchical Service Management Mode of Students in Student-Centered Higher Vocational Colleges

Yijie Ding
Student affairs management plays an irreplaceable role in guiding, standardizing and guaranteeing the growth and development of students. With the popularity of the concept of “student-centered”, the hierarchical service-oriented work mode has been recognized and accepted by more and more colleges and...
Conference Abstract


Robert Pasławski
Pages: 22 - 22
Arteriosclertic lesions leading to increased stiffnes of the walls. The goal of the research was to estimate changes in the mechanical properties of femoral artery in swine with experimentally induced arteriosclerotic changes by western type diet. Methods: 32 white female pigs (40 kg), were divided...

Feasibility of Developing Butterfly Park as Educational Tourism in Wanagiri Village Forest in Bali

Putu Indah Rahmawati, Trianasari Trianasari, I Nengah Suarmanayasa
Wanagiri village has a beautiful natural landscape, located above Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan, so it is very suitable for selfie tours. In Wanagiri Village there is also a waterfall that has been visited by many tourists. The addition of a butterfly garden in the location around the waterfall will...

The Role of Small Business in the Region Innovation Ecosystem Formation

Viktoriya E. Barkovskaya, Natalia S. Khoroshavina, Olga P. Ivanova
The article is devoted to studying the possibilities and conditions for increasing the role of small business entities operating in the science towns territory in the process of forming and developing the regions innovation ecosystem. A bibliographic review of scientific views on interpreting the “innovation...