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189328 articles

Compulsory Labor as a Social Compromise in Modern Criminal Law Relations

V.F. Anisimov, V.F. Lapshin, N.Yu. Akinina
The domestic criminal policy at the present stage of its development is oriented, in general, to the humanization of criminal legislation. One of the key means of ongoing humanization is the institution of criminal punishment, the norms of which determine the various types of measures of state coercion...

Creative Dance for Teaching Motor Skills for the Blind Students

Delika Auliya Ulfa, Tati Narawati
The purpose of writing this article is to improve creative dance for blind students. The obstacles in vision; makes blind children unable to move freely, hesitate, and tend to have difficulty in moving actively. Through an implementation with auditory stimulus, the creative dance activities of blind...

Indonesian Legal Challenges Regarding Electronic Contracts in International Trade

Nizia Kusuma Wardani, Arie Afriansyah
The development of technology, information, and communication at this time, especially in the field of trade requires that each country has its own legal rules to regulate cross-border trade using electronics. Every business is closely related to the agreement. In the digital era, an agreement to produce...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Agroforestry to the Plant Communities and Community Welfare in Ternate

Abdul Kadir Kamaluddin, Fadila Tamnge, Mahdi Tamrin
An agroforestry system is land use developed to provide economic, ecological and social benefits to improve the welfare of the community. The aim of this study are (1) to determine the contribution of agroforestry to plant diversity, and (2) to calculate the contribution of agroforestry to community...

The Diamond Princess Cruise: An Accidentally Experimental Model of COVID-19

Liyuan 里远 Liu 刘
Pages: 23 - 25
On February 2020, the Diamond Princess Cruise, which left Japan, was obliged to stay at sea for 14 days-quarantine after it was found that a Hong Kong passenger had been diagnosed SARS-COV2 pneumonia after disembarking. As a result shocked the world, an outbreak of infection occurred on board; the number...

Learning Styles and the Role of Technology in Second Language Learning

Fauzan Atsari
Language learning is an aspect of life that is affected by technology. As we realize, for example, a smartphone can function as reading text and dictionary. However, since every learner has distinct learning style, it is important for teacher to consider the way technological tools are used in teaching....

Why is Luxun’s “Nora” Different: The Cultural Account for the Divergent Heroines Between A Doll’s House and Lament Over the Dead

Fangming Gong
“Nora” is originally the heroine in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House who seeks for her dignity and independence by way of leaving her family. In 1925, Chinese leading writer Luxun imitated Nora’s runaway and composed a novel Lament over the Dead. However, this work’s heroine Zijun sinks to a miserable anti-hero...

Testing System for Corporation Productivity Improvement Department

E.V. Lavrenova, A.M. Kalinina, M.I. Bocharov
The article is devoted to the development and implementation of a model for improving the efficiency of the testing department of the MBM LLC Company. The organization and process of software testing play an important role in the digital economy since it is the business continuity that determines the...

Subak Local Wisdom as Social Studies Learning Source in Junior High School

I Putu Sriartha, I Wayan Kertih
Subak local wisdom is the Balinese agricultural culture that has been declared by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. Subak which is based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana has social, religious and ecological values and serves as the basis for a harmonious community life. This study aims to determine:...

Business Model Canvas for Animal Health Business Using IoT Application

Dikky Indrawan
Animal health business has an opportunity to utilize the Internet of Things (IoT). A change in industrial direction was caused by this technological leap that focuses on the improvement of biological and chemical hazards detection for an animal. This paper aims to describe an improved business based...

The Effect of Social Media Destination Branding: The Use of Facebook and Instagram

Abdul Basit, Adie Dwiyanto Nurlukman, Achmad Kosasih
The growth of social media in terms of features and number of users makes its use broader, including in destination branding. The conventional destination branding model is transformed by utilizing social media, which tends to have a positive impact. This study attempted to find out about the effects...

Evaluation of E-Learning Implementation in Gorontalo State University

Rachmat M Thohir Yassin, Dian Novian
UNG has implemented online learning since 2006. At first, the implementation was still in one Faculty, namely the Faculty of Education. It was continued in 2007 in which PJJ PGSD began using moodle-based e-learning. In 2009, the Faculty of Engineering, especially the Informatics Engineering Department...
Proceedings Article

Association Between Toothbrushing and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: A Systematic Review

Sabrina Intan Zoraya, Abdillah Adipatria Budi Azhar
Background: Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death globally. For a decade, interest has been growing in linking cardiovascular disease risk factors and oral hygiene. A method that is commonly applied to maintain oral hygiene is toothbrushing. The purpose of this review is to synthesize...

Exploring the Use of Montage in Chinese Films

Shiya xu
Montage is one of the key elements in determining the art of film, which plays an irreplaceable role in the film. In attracting the audience, shaping the characters, the construction of the story also plays a key role. For the art of film, whether artistic or technical, montage is very important. How...

Analysis of the Business Model of “Internet +” Intellectual Property Trading Platform—Based on

Yan Zhang, Yan Li
In China, innovative development has become a national strategy. Both the government and enterprises attach more and more importance to intellectual property rights. How to effective use of intellectual property rights, make technology transfer more efficient and realize the industrialization of science...

Reform Analysis of Practical Teaching System of Mechanical Drawing Course Based on the Goal of Improving Innovation Ability

Xiaohao Li
At present, the orientation of the training goal of engineering major determines that the education process of college students is not only the teaching process of professional theory and knowledge but also the cultivation of innovative practical ability in combination with the actual situation. The...

Research on the Application of Face Recognition System

Chen Mingtsung, Lu Cai
For the unrestricted investment of face recognition technology, whether it is to protect the safety of people’s life and property or to infringe on people’s basic rights. Face recognition is the most typical one of pattern recognition. It extracts the feature information of face in different ways, compares...

Implementation of the Learning Process of Physical Education, Sport, and Health

Rendy Hardi Putra, Zarwan, Nurul Ihsan
This study aimed to describe the data on the implementation of the learning process of physical education and sports health at SMP Negeri Sungai Penuh City. This research is a descriptive study that involved 71 students from 5 schools. Data collection techniques used observation and distributing questionnaires...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Xylanase Thermophilic Bacteria in the Pulp Biobleaching Process

Irdawati, Nilam Devinda Putri, Syamsuardi, A. Agustien, Y. Rilda
Xylanase enzyme is an extracellular enzyme that has the ability to hydrolyze xylan to xylose. Xylanase can be produced by thermophilic bacteria and is a natural xylanase that is active and stable at high temperatures and alkaline pH, so it has the potential to be used in industrial and biotechnology...

Abnormal Returns in Corporate Action: The case of Indonesia and Taiwan

Aries Heru Prasetyo
The rapid numbers of corporate action which is known as mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Asian market for the past three decades is growing tremendously. The two actions are widely used as a means to pursue strategic targets – for example to maintain stable growth and to gain strong power to control...

Burnout in Completing Undergraduate Thesis and Its Implications to Guidance and Counseling Program

Kurnia Sari, Syska Purnama Sari
Burnout for final semester students couldn’t be considered trivial. Someone experiencing burnout activities will be hampered, as well as a trigger for the emergence of disease either physical or psychic. The objective of this study was to identify the condition of the student burnout level in completing...

Teachers’ Needs for Authentic Assessment to Assess Writing Skill at Grade X of Senior High Schools in Tanah Datar

Kessy Pamela, Refnaldi, M. Zaim
Authentic assessment as an important form of assessment that can demonstrate meaningful action of essential skills and knowledge to be performed in real situation, not only in learning process. Moreover, this article aims to find out the teachers’ need on authentic assessment for assessing one of the...

The Use of Kerinci Greeting in Jujun Dialect

Vera Yudi Aditama, R Syahrul, Tressyalina, Afnita, Amril Amir
This study aims to describe and explain the use of the Kerinci Jujun dialect. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods that do not use statistical formulas in the data processing. The data in this study are speech in the form of greetings from the Kerinci community in the village of Jujun, Jambi...

The Training of Computational Thinking in Basic Computer Teaching in Universities

Jian Peng
In the present stage of basic university computer teaching, training students’ computational thinking has become the most important one, on the one hand, it is because training students’ computational thinking can strengthen students’ thinking logic ability, also can improve students’ ability to solve...

On the k-Metric Dimension of a Barbell Graph and a t-fold Wheel Graph

Eri Setyawan, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi
Let G be a connected and simple graph with the vertex set V(G) and the edge set E(G). The set S ⊆ V (G) is called a k-metric generator for G if and only if for every two pairs different vertices u,v ∈ V(G), there are at least k vertices w1,w2,..,wk ∈ S such that d(u,wi) ≠ d(v,wi) for every i ∈ {1, 2,...

Russian Provincial Musical Theatre in the First Quarter of the 20th Century in Saratov: Main Trends and Phenomena

Irina Viktorovna Polozova, Arina Sergeyevna Chirila
Based on the archive materials, the article looks more closely at the development of musical theatre in Russian provinces in the first quarter of the 20th century in Saratov. The study is centred around the main trends in the development of the theatrical life of the city, the projects realized, as well...

Human Resource Practices and Organizational Commitment Through Work Satisfaction as a Variable of Mediation

Retno Sari Murtiningsih
This study examines the impact of human resource (HR) practices on organizational commitment through job satisfaction as a mediator variable. The primary data was gathered and collected from 135 respondents being employees of some private companies in Jakarta. This study used hypothesis testing as a...

Conceptual Approach of Big Data Architecture Mozita Application in Industry 4.0

Aris Puji Widodo, Djalal ER Riyanto, Mukhammad Fakhir Rizal
In industry 4.0, the growth of data generated from an application will increase in a very large amount of volume and occur massively. The phenomenon of massive data growth with a wide variety of data formats is called the big data. The main problem with big data is that large volumes of data with a variety...
Research Article

Analysis of Political Sentiment From Twitter Data

Sikha Bagui, Carson Wilber, Kaixin Ren
Pages: 23 - 33
A new method of approaching sentiment classification is proposed where the likelihood of word embeddings to produce useful information from limited Twitter data is studied. The novelty of this work is in determining how short corpuses (taken from Twitter data) are polarized to multiple axes with respect...

Emotion Recognition from Speech: An Unsupervised Learning Approach

Stefano Rovetta, Zied Mnasri, Francesco Masulli, Alberto Cabri
Pages: 23 - 35
Speech processing is quickly shifting toward affective computing, that requires handling emotions and modeling expressive speech synthesis and recognition. The latter task has been so far achieved by supervised classifiers. This implies a prior labeling and data preprocessing, with a cost that increases...

Application of Deep Learning in Microbiome

Qiang Zhu, Ban Huo, Han Sun, Bojing Li, Xingpeng Jiang
Pages: 23 - 29
With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technology, massive microbial data has been accumulated. The understanding of the microbial data could help us to find the relationships between microbes and diseases. However, due to the high dimensionality, sparseness, and complexity of the data,...

That Unjust God: Critical Discourse Analysis on the Violations of Religious Freedom

Agustina, Muhammad Adek
West Sumatra is believed to have been hit by a crisis of religious freedom and intolerance in recent years. Thus, this paper aimed to reveal the portrait of democracy violations committed by the local government in West Sumatra focused on religious freedom. The critical discourse analysis methodology...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Study on Liquid-solid Separation Process of Oxytetracycline Residue

Yin-ping CAI, Yue-yun Li, Yu-xin Yu, Meng WANG
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an important part of traditional medicine in China. Ecological utilization of TCM residue is a hot research topic at present. The application of antibiotic residue is a difficult point in the study of resource utilization of drug residue in China. In this paper,...

Conceptual Fundamentals of the Labor Market Development in Ukraine in Terms of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dmitriy Babych, Svitlana Babych, Iryna Ternova
The article deals with the current trends in the labor market in Ukraine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a decline in demand for non-essential goods and products and limited mobility of human resources, which has slowed the pace of the manufacturing sector development. The structural...
Proceedings Article

A New Combined Model with Reduced Label Dependency for Malware Classification

Prishita Ray, Tanmayi Nandan, Lahari Anne, Kakelli Anil Kumar
With the technological advancements in recent times, security threats caused by malware are increasing with no bounds. The first step performed by security analysts for the detection and mitigation of malware is its classification. This paper aims to classify network intrusion malware using new-age machine...

The Correlation Between EFL College Students’ Self-Efficacy and Their Listening Anxiety at Intermediate Listening Class

Leni Marlina, Aryuliva Adnan, Edi Trisno, Faidhurrahmat
Self-efficacy is important for improving emotional states and to correct faulty self-beliefs and habits of thinking, academic skills and self-regulatory practices improvement. Anxiety prevents EFL learners in improving their language learning skills. This research inspect the self-efficacy and whether...

Research on the Shelf Display Strategy of Supermarkets in Amoy

Ziyun Yuan, Linbo Zhang, Yanqi Wang, Yanyi Wu
In order to meet people’s ever-changing shopping needs, the managers of supermarkets must improve their shelf display strategies. There are rarely any researches on the shelf display of supermarkets both from the perspective of the internal layout and commodity placement. Therefore, this study took the...
Proceedings Article

PCI in High Risk Advanced Breast Cancer Patients

Haider Shukur
Background: A high incidence of brain metastases has been conveyed in patients with triple-negative and her 2-positive breast cancer receiving trastuzumab therapy. The rationale for prophylactic cranial irradiation is to regulate or eliminate unnoticeable micro-metastases without making unwanted harm....

Strategy of Development of the Regional Ecosystem “Education - Science – Industry”

O.P. Ivanova, Yu.V. Daneykin, V.M. Tumin, V.A. Trifonov, Yu.A. Levin
The article is devoted to the consideration of the regional ecosystem “Education - Science – Industry”, the definition of the role of regional universities and scientific institutions in the technological and economic development of regions. The author’s vision of strategizing the regional ecosystem...
Research Article

Structural and Optical Properties of BaO Nanoparticles Synthesized by Facile Co-precipitation Method

Manauwar Ali Ansari, Nusrat Jahan
Pages: 23 - 28
This paper presents the synthesis of Barium Oxide Nanoparticles (BaO-NPs) on a large-scale by a simple and cost-effective co-precipitation method. The as-synthesized BaO-NPs were characterized in aspects of their structural, morphological, compositional, and optical properties. X-ray diffraction was...

Molecular Characterization of Riau’s Mascot Flora (Oncosperma tigillarium)

Desti, Fitmawati, Putri Ade Rahma Yulis, Mayta Novaliza Isda
This research was aims to find out about the molecular characterization of the Nibung plant (Oncosperma tigillarium). It has been conducted in the Biology Laboratory. The results of DNA isolation were tested to determine the quality of DNA that has been isolated. DNA purity was determined based on A260/A280...

Consumer Behavior and Patterns During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Intan Nurrachmi, Setiawan, Udin Saripudin
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed many human life arrangements so that new habits have emerged that lead to different lifestyles from before. This study seeks to explain consumer behavior and habit patterns during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This research was conducted through literature study...

Digitalization of Production - a New Level of Personnel Safety and Health

Tatiana Freze, Artem Freze, Larisa Gorina
Preserving the life and health of employees should be a priority task of a modern leader. It is possible to solve this problem through the use of digital technologies in the management of production processes. Smart solutions are an opportunity to improve production efficiency and the level of occupational...

Does Background Linearity Matter? A Study About Teacher’s Professionalism in Early Childhood Education

Putri Aulia Juliyanti, Hani Yulindrasari
Teachers’ academic qualification is supposed to correlate with a person’s skill in a particular area. Thus, in many countries academic qualification has become a significant marker of professionalism. In Indonesia, the teacher’s professionalization scheme has emphasised academic linearity in every level...

PEST-Analysis of Factors of Medical Workers’ Professional Burnout

Vsevolod Adzhienko, Svetlana Soboleva, Dmitry Shuliko, Valeriya Orobinskaya
Objective: Testing the PEST-analysis for assessing of influence of environmental factors on the emotional state of the medical personnel of the Volgograd Region State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Central District Hospital of the Dubovsky Municipal District” in the context of professional burnout. Results:...

Study on Bullying Among Children

Case in an Islamic Primary School

Sundari, Laurens Kaluge
The reality was that there were still many students who bullied their peers. Therefore, the focus of this study was to identify the characteristics of bullying, the characteristics and the impact of perpetrators, and how to deal with it in an Islamic primary school. This descriptive qualitative study,...
Proceedings Article

Research on User Adoption Behavior of Internet Financing Products: Empirical Analysis Based on Structural Equation Model

Zong-na Xiao
From the perspective of empirical research, this paper studies the influencing factors of family investors’ adoption of Internet financial products. On the basis of Technology Acceptance Model and Planned Behavior Theory, this study introduces family lifecycle as a moderating variable, and proposes a...

The Relationship between Interaction and Student Satisfaction with Online Learning in Social Work Undergraduates in China

Fuwei Li, Fanghua Jhang
Little attention is paid to the association between interaction and satisfaction with online learning in social work students. Drawn on the interaction model, the purpose of the study is to explore whether three types of interaction predict student satisfaction within online learning environments during...
Proceedings Article

Characterization and Production of Biodegradable Plastics from Cassava Rubber Starch and Old Newsprint Using Glycerol Plasticizer

Sandy Novisa, Bagus Bayu Nugroho, Herawati Budiastuti, Rintis Manfaati
Plastic waste is the biggest problem faced by almost all countries. The long process of degradation and the large production of conventional plastics are the main causes of the accumulation of plastic waste, especially in Indonesia. The use of rubber cassava and old newsprint along with fillers in the...

Exploratory Analysis of Micro-Small Industries in Village Levels in Papua Province

Muhamad Fathul Muin, Dedy Susanto
The industry’s existence is essential to drive economic development in a region, particularly at the village level, the smallest area where the industry is located. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the factors influencing the micro-small industry (MSI) in the village area. This study involves 759...