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189597 articles

Screening Strategy of Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Sheltered Homeless People in Marseille, 2019

Tran Duc Anh Ly, Floriane Holi-Jamovski, Van Thuan Hoang, Ndiaw Goumballa, Meriem Louni, Thi Loi Dao, Michel Drancourt, Philippe Gautret
Pages: 124 - 131
We aimed to assess the reliability of a screening questionnaire for Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis (APTB) in a population of sheltered homeless persons (HP). Participants from two homeless shelters completed a questionnaire specially designed to identify patients at high-risk of APTB (available at,...

The Readiness of School Health at The New Habits Adaptation Era

Nugroho Kuncoro Yudho, Apuanor, Muhamat Qahfi, Mahmu’ddin, Sudarmono, Siti Halimah, Anwar Muttaqien, Khilmi Zuhroni, Alivermana Wiguna
Health and education are human rights and investments in improving the quality of human resources, as well as contributing to improving the human development index. The implementation of learning is the most important part of education, should be in principle to the health and safety of students, educators,...

Readiness and Perception of the Faculty of Cultural Studies Lecturers Universitas Brawijaya About the Implementation of Blended Learning

Sugeng Susilo Adi, Hasbullah Isnaini, Putu Dian Danayanti Degeng
This article describes the lecturer readiness and teaching experience on the use of blended learning. The mode of instruction is a combination of convensional or face to face instruction with online or internet based one. This is a descriptive research using survey as a data collection technique which...

On the Transition to the Distant Learning as a Result of a Sudden External Shock: The Case of COVID 19 and HSE UrFU

V.I. Yeremenko, N.E. Reprintseva, R.M. Shishkin
The impact of COVID 19 pandemic, even in the first sight, seems to be enormous. Our paper describes the third-level or tertiary reaction to the COVID 19 by the educational system of the Russian Federation. Following the government orders, as well as the university decrees, the transition process of the...
Proceedings Article

Macro Thinking on 1+X Certificate System under the Background of Major Construction

Yumei Zhang, Qingshan Wu, Shiyi Ju
The policy of 1+X certificate system has pointed out the way for the development of vocational education from the perspective of top-level design.Nowadays, the 1+X certificate system construction still exists the main organization construction and the communication mechanism is not perfect, which leads...

Research on the Impact of Housing Price Volatility on Foreign Capital Entry from the Perspective of Spatial Spillover

Likui Lin, Xiumei Li, Danqi Li
Foreign direct investment in the local market is an indispensable driving force for China to accelerate the new development pattern of Chinese and international dual circulation. The continuous increase in the sale price of commercial housing in China will inevitably have an impact on the daily operations...

Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District

Fulia Aji Gustaman, Gunawan, Ninuk Sholikhah Akhiroh, Nurul Fatimah, Didi Pramono, Putri Sonia Purnawati, M Ulin Nuha Saputra
Natural resource management sustains to this day is agriculture. It remains the main source of making a living in rural communities despite its decreasing activity. According to the results of the 2018 Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS), the number of farmers in Indonesia was 33 487 806. Categorized...

A Study on the Application Mode of Foreign Media News Cases in Translation Teaching

Xihong Min
The main purpose of this study is to explore the application mode of case-based teaching of foreign media news in translation teaching of undergraduates in application-oriented universities. By carrying out empirical research on case selection, case editing and the process and effect of case teaching...

Research on Cultural Influence Based on the Immersive Entertainment IP Experience Project

Mao Wang, Zhucui Jing
With the continuous integration of culture and technology, new forms of cultural industry continue to emerge. As the intelligent product of the new era, the immersive entertainment IP experience project can not only reflect IP value with novel and innovative forms, but also enable participants to obtain...

Tinkercad Application Software to Optimize Teaching and Learning Process in Electronics and Microprocessors Subject

Enjang Akhmad Juanda, Falah Khairullah
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has hits many sectors, one of which is the educational sector. Lockdown policy has closed schools in most countries from natural teaching and learning process. This study aims to analyze students’ experiences during the online learning process in electronics and microprocessors...

Understanding the Concept of Geometry Through the Connected Mathematics Project Learning by Using Online Media and Local Culture

Desi Andriani
Mathematics learning is very important but it is felt very difficult for the students. Geometry is a part of mathematics learning. The connected mathematics project-based learning (CMP) is mathematics learning that raised everyday problems in life to explore mathematical ideas so that to foster the student-centered...

Ibn Thufail’s Thought in Hayy ibn Yaqzhan: Psychological Reflection of Soul Development

Choeroni, Sholihah
Development is also interpreted by progressive and continuous changes in individuals from birth to death. Development can also mean changes experienced by individuals towards the level of maturity that takes place systematically that is mutually influencing between one another, progressively that changes...

Children Among the Natural Hazards and Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Ina Winangsih, Euis Kurniati, Vina Adriany
During the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, something that has escaped the public attention is the high level of natural disaster threats in Indonesia. If this condition is left unattended, the whole situation in Indonesia will become even more complex and will do harm to the children. Through the perspective...

Discussion on the Methods of Improving Computer Teaching

Qinghua Xu
Want to improve the students’ computer learning efficiency, first of all is the key to stimulate students interest in computer learning, let the students enthusiasm for learning computer, so that they can give full play to the ability of autonomic learning to active learning, if teachers computer classroom...

An Islamic Perspective on Factors and Behaviors of Adolescent Addiction to Online Gaming

Hardiyansyah Masya, M.A. Setiawan, Abdul Hamid, Indah Fajriani, Tri Dewantari
Addiction to online gaming is a sub type of Internet addiction disorder. The development and recognition of Internet (online) games in modern life inevitably comes with mixed impacts. Islam sees this as a call to increase people’s awareness and to help them deal with the negative impacts of technologies....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Project-Based Learning Model (PjBL) and Direct Instruction (DI) on Result Learning of the Basics Building Construction and Survey Engineering From Student Learning Motivation

Tri Rijanto, Kusnan Evany Iqrammah
This study aims to: (1) obtain information on differences in result learning, students who use the project based learning model and the direct instruction model in DKTB, (2) answer the differences in result learning of participants students who have high motivation to learn, and students who have low...

Legal Facts in Federal Constitutional Proceedings

Andrey Gusev, Oleg Kozhevnikov
Within the research we attempt to characterize the essence of the legal fact, its conceptual content and main features in the context of correlation with the bases of the constitutional judicial process. The authors first applied the approach to the study of the legal fact in the implementation by the...

Teaching Reform and Practice of Medical Microbiology Course Based on Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Training Mode

Chunjiang Li, Jinbo Zhang, Xiaojun Ma
In the context of innovation and entrepreneurship education, medical microbiology is characterized by close connection with clinical practice and strong practicality. In this work, innovation and entrepreneurship education was integrated with medical microbiology. It is conducive to improving teachers’...
Proceedings Article

Microwave Power and pH Regulating Solution Effect on Characteristics of Pectin from Sukun Peel (Artocarpus altilis) using Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE)

Nancy Siti Djenar, Joko Suryadi
Pectin, a biopolymer which is a natural additive, is widely used in various countries. In the food industries, it is used as a basis for functional food, including fat replacer. In Indonesia, however, pectin is still imported. Previous studies reported that pectin can be obtained through the extraction...

Potential Impacts of the Development of Textbook of Population and Environmental Education Subjects Based on Problem-Based Learning for Civics Education Study Program

Alfiandra, Sri Artati Waluyati, Kurnisar
The objective of this study was to analyse the potential impact potential impacts of the development of the textbook of Population and Environmental education subjects based on problem-based learning for the Civics education study program in improving students’ critical thinking skills. The textbook...

Divorce Decision-Making in Javanese Women: A Review from Social, Cultural, and Gender Perspective

Devi Puspitasari, Jatie. K. Pudjibudojo, Hartanti
Divorce phenomenon all across the globe has shown significant increases, which also happens in Indonesia. Based on records from the Supreme Court, there were 480.618 divorces cases in 2019, with 25% cases filed by the husbands and 75% cases filed by the wives. This study aims to identify divorce decision...

The Restorative Justice: A Better Alternative to Reduce Recidivism

Vita Mahardhika
Reforming the criminal justice system in Indonesia from retributive to restorative rehabilitative or a model of balance of interests is imperative. Despite the debate around the emergence of a new justice system model, It is providing insights into the current system that could be improved, namely the...

The Effect of Brand Image, Website Quality, and Trust Towards Customer Loyalty in the Indonesian Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) E-Commerce Business

Nicholas Wilson
This study was commenced to understand the effect of brand image, website quality, and trust on loyalty in the Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) E-Commerce business in Indonesia. This study used a survey method with the questionnaire as an instrument to gather the data required. As many as 350 respondents participated...

Analysis of Urban Male Consumers Attitude and Behavioral Intention Towards Skincare Product in Indonesia

Rhey Tyas Ferry, Rifelly Dewi Astuti
This study aims to examine the phenomenon of male consumers buying skincare as a product category which traditionally evolve in women market segmentation. The main purpose was to find the most influential variables from three dimensions, namely personal (i.e., self-image congruity, ageing effect, physical...

Online Millennial Women’s Financial Literation in Tulungagung District, Indonesia

Sri Umi Mintarti, Dian Rachmawati, Sri Handayani, Ahmad Munjin Nasih, Halimah Mohd. Yusof
This research theme is financial literation. This study aims to measure the level of financial literacy of millennials which have online businesses in Tulungagung District 2020. The are 31 respondents who share their views and give their answer to this research. The are several aspects of financial literacy...

Behavior of Female Entrepreneurs in Tempe Small Micro Enterprises in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java as Proof of Gender Equality Against AEC

Ivonne Ayesha, Finny Redjeki, Acai Sudirman, Avid Leonardo Sari, Diena Fanny Aslam
MSEs are the primary modes of industry in Indonesia, up to 90% of them. However, there is a tendency for entrepreneurs to be associated with big companies. The purposive sampling technique was carried out by selecting 121 respondents. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is often used to predict entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article

Abundance and Distribution Patterns of Megadrilli Earthworms at Different Altitude in Kabawetan Tea Plantation, Bengkulu

Darmi, Rizwar, Helmiyetti
Earthworms are an important component of natural and agricultural land ecosystems. The existence of earthworms in agricultural land can increase soil fertility and also support a sustainable agricultural system. This study aims to determine the abundance and distribution patterns of megadrilli earthworms...
Proceedings Article

The Overview of Nutritional Status of Children Between 6-24 Months with Feeding Difficulties in Working Area of North Cimahi Primary Health Center

Elly Noer Rochmah, Dini Ismayanti Permana, Sutedja, Nadhilah Lailani
Feeding difficulties in children is the lack of appetite or inability to eat and refuse certain foods. Feeding difficulties can be caused by several factors, specifically organic and non-organic factors. Feeding difficulties will be at high-risk of causing nutritional problems if not treated as they...

Enlightenment of Confucius’ Thought of People Oriented on Modern Education

Weiwei Bi
Confucius’ educational thought includes a wide range of contents. Whetherthe saying “teaching without discrimination” or “teaching students in accordance with their aptitude” has a far-reaching impact on the education of later generations. Confucius also served as a predecessor of private education,...

The Effect of Profitability and Liquidity on Firms Value

Ratu Dintha IZFS, Eded Tarmedi, Yusuf Murtadlo Hidayat, Ahim Surachim, Christy Debora
This study aims to determine the description of Profitability as measured by Return on Equity (ROE), Liquidity as measured by the Current Ratio (CR) and Firm Value as measured by Price to Book Value (PBV) and the influence between these variables. This research uses descriptive and verification research...
Proceedings Article

Performance Analysis of Intrusion Detection System using CNN, ANN and DNN

R. C. Jeyavim Sherin, K. Parkavi
The Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is a crucial aspect of safeguarding against cyber threats in the domain of cybersecurity. The major drawback of conservative approaches like Machine Learning (ML) that involve manual feature selection is their dependency on human involvement, which can hinder...

The Effect of Corporate Financial Pressure on Financial Statement Fraud during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wahyu Manuhara Putra
This study aims to test the accuracy of the financial statement fraud model in companies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is assumed that companies will commit financial statement fraud due to economic pressure during the COVID-19 pandemic by analyzing various factors in predicting financial...

Does Corporate Governance Affect Market Performance as Well as Fundamental Performance? Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Sectors

Zunairoh Zunairoh, Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Bertha Silvia Sutejo, Marwin Antonius Rejeki Silalahi, Michelle Natasya Gozali
This research aims to determine corporate governance’s impact on the firm’s financial performance (ROE and Tobin’s Q) in the manufacturing sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2016–2020. This research applied a quantitative approach with a sample of 615 observations from 123 manufacturing...

Identifying Students’ Conceptual Profile on Science Through Series Electrical Circuits Conceptual Survey with Four-Tier Diagnostic Test

Reza Hesti
Series Electrical Circuit material is one of the basic materials in physics. Despite its applications in everyday life literacy, many electrical concepts are abstract so they are difficult to learn. Many students have difficulty in understanding the concept. Therefore, a diagnostic test instrument is...

Influence of Governance and Technology on the Environment and Economy Under Dual-Carbon Target

Ran Zhao, Pinglin He, Linlin Sun
As carbon emission increases significantly with the development of the economy, a series of environmental problems have occurred so far. The investigation of the dual-carbon target has become a frontier science to alleviate the contradiction between the environment and the economy. To investigate the...

Childhood Trauma Along Life and Correlations Between Childhood Trauma, Attachment Style and Emotion Regulation

Jiani Jiang
Individuals who experience trauma as children can suffer long-term mental and physical consequences. Earlier intervention and assessment of children at risk of dissociation can be made possible with a better understanding of childhood trauma and validated assessments. In this literature review, we will...
Proceedings Article

Application of the Conjugate-Gradient Method for Analysing the Optimum Thrust Force for the Pico-Hydropower

Sunardi Sunardi, Jamrud Aminuddin, Wuryatmo Akhmad Sidik, Akmal Ferdiyan, Urip Nurwijayanto Prabowo, Zulkaida Akbar
A water thrust from the nozzle is the main factor for the optimizing of the pico-hydropower system. The previous study indicated that the optimal water trust resulting from the balance between the forebay tank and penstock pipe. The study of the balances has been conducted by governing of Bernoulli equation...

Higher Education Quality Assurance: Sustainable Development Policies

Baasanjav Ganbaatar
Higher Education Quality Assurance, which aims to promote continuous improvement and accountability in universities, places a strong emphasis on proper resource allocation that aligns with strategic management and leadership. Furthermore, the role of higher education institutions in preparing a skilled...

Ruminating on the Construction of a Corpus of Talents for Emergency Language Services in China

Yuxin Xiong, Weihan Meng, Hui Li
People are the foundation of a thousand years of work. The outbreak of the new global epidemic and the joint response of countries around the world further illustrate the validity of the concept of a community of human destiny in the context of globalization. In the face of such global public emergencies,...

Research on the Blended Teaching Mode of Chinese Dance in Colleges and Universities in the Information Age

Weijie Feng
Based on the globalization of economy, politics and culture, the Ministry of education has put forward the important guidance of “Educational Informationization”, and the research on the integration of modern science and technology into dance to create a new educational model is in the ascendant. This...
Proceedings Article

Novel operational strategy of anaerobic processes to recover volatile fatty acids from food wastes

Meng Sun, Xi Zhang, Rajeev Goel, Bing Liu, Mitsuharu Terashima, Hidenari Yasui
In order to determine the critical pH for acid failure and establish the optimal operating condition for the VFA recovery reactor, the existing model was refined by incorporating a pH suppression equation. Through simulation of experimental data from other researchers, a range of pH parameters were identified...
Proceedings Article

Health Monitoring System for Elderly Patients

Erna Rochmawati, Winny Setyonugroho, Sentagi Sesotya Utami, Iman Permana, Tri Lestari
Indonesia experienced an increase in the number of elderly people from 18 million people (7.56%) in 2010 to 25.9 million people (9.7%) in 2019, and is expected to continue to increase where in 2035 to 48.2 million people (15,77%). On the other hand, this increase in age is accompanied by complexity of...

Digital Literacy Mastery and its Role in Human Resource Competitiveness

Mohamad Miftah, Andjar Prasetyo
This study analyses the 2022 Human Development Index development in Central Java Province, exploring its correlation with challenges and opportunities in the education sector, particularly digital literacy. The primary goal is to assess the HDI trends and identify areas for improvement, focusing on the...

Analysis of TikTok’s Popular Videos from a Semiotic Perspective

Hanqing Jia
As a social media application, TikTok has developed a unique combination of visuals and visual symbols, which has had an inevitable impact on the way young people communicate. The application combines visual and visual elements to build a diverse and dynamic environment. However, by encouraging users...
Proceedings Article

English Teaching Evaluation Model Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

Yiran Chen, Qianchun Ma, Jiaxin Li
English teaching is a worldwide and essential education component for human society and talent innovation system. Therefore, the correct evaluation for English teaching methods has become a necessary condition for education system and can assist the supervisors to adjust the education methods to reach...

Exploration of lean teaching mode of engineering project management courses under a new engineering background

Zhenquan Zhou, Yinli Du, Hongjiao Yu, Deprizon Syamsunur
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has significantly affected the higher education in recent years. The disparity in proficiency between project development schemes and the feasibility of graduating students is a prevalent challenge for construction management education. While the students enrolling in...
Proceedings Article

Closed-Loop Supply Chain Cooperation Decision-Making under Echelon Utilization

Jiaqi Shang
This paper introduces the echelon utilization of retired power batteries and constructs a closed-loop supply chain including echelon utilizer. A cooperative mode between echelon utilization merchants and recyclers is established and compared with a non-cooperative mode. The following conclusions are...

Psychological Aspects of Official Activities of Police Officers of Cargo and Mobile Objects Security Orders

Volodymyr Ostapovich, Vadym Barko, Liubov Protsyk
The article is devoted to the generalization of psychological aspects of the service activities of police officers of cargo and mobile objects of the security police as one of the components of the National Police of Ukraine. On the basis of a large-scale experimental study with the participation of...

Priority Determination According to Millennial Surakarta for Decision-Making Management of Islamic Philanthropy

Mansur Efendi, Betty Eliya Rokhmah, Ismail Yahya
In managing Islamic philanthropy, it is necessary to consider and make the right decisions to optimize the results. Currently, the millennial generation is the actor in the management of Islamic philanthropy, thus the views of the millennial generation are needed to achieve maximum Islamic philanthropy...
Proceedings Article

Improving Performance of Edible Coating Protection on The Honey Pineapple Quality Attributes Through the Addition of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Bioactive Compounds

Ike Sitoresmi Mulyo Purbowati, Ali Maksum, Gunawan Wijonarko
Honey pineapple, as superior fruit commodity in Pemalang Regency, has a higher fructose content (1.94%) than regular pineapple (1.42%). This causes limited market share due to the shelf life of sliced ​​pineapple, which is only 1–3 days. One way to extend the shelf life of cut pineapple is by coating...