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188265 articles

Student’s Self-Confidence and Their Learning Achievement on Elementary Schools

Gamar Gamar Abdullah, Gamar Abdullah, Isnanto Isnanto, Ni Putu Yuni Vidiyanti
Self-confidence is a very important aspect for someone to be able to develop their potential. If students have good self-confidence, then students can develop their potential well. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between student’s self-confidence and the learning achievement...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) in Learning Science through Group Investigation Learning to Train Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students

Enik Kurniawati, Tjandrakirana Tjandrakirana, Sifak Indana
The purpose of this study is to produce a Student Investigation Worksheet (LKPD) based on Group Investigation learning to train the appropriate Junior High School students’critical thinking skills based on validity, practicality, and effectiveness. LKPD was developed with a 4-D research design namely...

Research on the Construction of University Curriculum Map Supported by Big Data

Fan Yang, Yue Wang
Curriculum map is an important basis for student planning, teacher review courses, and school planning courses. It has been widely adopted in Europe, America and Taiwan, China. With the development of big data technology, the connotation of curriculum maps is constantly enriched. With the support of...

The Content of Coli Bacteria In Shallow Well Water In Surabaya Small Type Housing Is Very High. Why?

E. Titiek Winanti, Indiah Kustini
This research is motivated by the fact that the quality of groundwater in small type housing in Surabaya is low, with a high content of E-Coli bacteria. By this fact, it is necessary to study what factors are causing the high content of E-Coli bacteria. Continuing the previous research as a target of...

Tourism Industry: Development and Importance of Foreign Economic Relations of Russia

Elena I. Ohrimenko, Olga T. Ergunova
The paper discusses the essential characteristics of the international tourism industry; the importance of the development of regions that influence foreign economic relations has been determined; the comparative dynamics of business tourism and tourism with personal goals development has been shown;...

Theoretical Description of Caryopsis Segment Motion in Feed Grain Shredder with Curved Cutting Elements

Uakhit Sabiev, Evgeny Demchuk, Vladimir Myalo, Alexey Soyunov
A theoretical description of the motion of the caryopsis segment in the channel of the working body of the proposed feed grain shredder with curved cutting elements is presented. A system of differential equations is proposed that determines the required value of the channel necessary and sufficient...

Factors Influencing Carbon Emission Disclosure in Mining Companies of Indonesia

Winarsih, D.A. Supandi
The research aims to analyze the influence of Proper rank, company size, profitability, leverage, and media exposure on Carbon Emission Disclosure of mining companies in Indonesia. The Carbon Emission Disclosure measurement used a checklist from Choi et al. (2013) research, which was developed from the...

How Could Website, Motivation, Internet Literacy, and Satisfaction Influence Student’s Education Behavior

Enggal Sriwardiningsih
Purpose-This study are expected to provide benefits of using website for student’s education behavior, while other variable could be present for this purpose. There was some hypothesis that interactive website, motivation, internet literacy and satisfaction affected student’s education behavior. Methodology-...

Present Development Situation of Artificial Intelligence Law and Thinking on the Talent Cultivation

Teng Hu, Huafeng Lu
The development of artificial intelligence technology has attracted more and more attention and value; especially for legal education, it will determine the prospect of talent cultivation and career development. Therefore, based on the development and current situation of artificial intelligence law,...
Proceedings Article

Acoustical Abilities of Woven Bamboo to Absorbing and Transmitting of the Sound

Suyatno, M.A.N Dita, S Indrawati
Bamboo is mostly used in the architectural and room interior scope as additional material for room aesthetics. Handicrafts that are often used for this scope are woven bamboo in the form of sheets or board. This study aims to determine the acoustic abilities of bamboo woven panels based on the absorption...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Among Organizational Stressor, Social Support, and Sports Performance on Athletes Achievements

Mesianna Simbolon, Berliana Berliana, Mulyana Mulyana, Alimin Hamzah, Desmi Sartika, Nur’aini Safitri
Organizational stressors in sports had developed rapidly in the past decade and produced a theoretical framework that stimulated studies exploring the demands faced by athletes. Organizational stressors have the potential to cause many undesirable consequences for athletes. Organizational stressors have...

The Effects of Addition of Physical Activity Beyond Physical Education Learning Toward the Level of Physical Fitness

Syamsuardi, Maruful Kahri, AR. Shadiqin
The purpose of this study was to determine the Effect of Addition of Physical Activity 2 Times a Week Through Self-Assignment Outside of Physical education learning Against the Level of Physical Fitness in students of SMAN 3 Banjarmasin. The method used in this study is the Experimental method, namely...

The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War

Dini Dewi Heniarti, Oentoeng Wahjoe, Anita Puspawati, Liya Sukma Muliya, Husni Syawali, Rahmadani Putri, Iip Saripudin, Novianto Novianto
The handling of criminal acts of terrorism has been carried out by the Police as the leading sector. The broad scope of the handling of terrorism resulted in the emergence of the idea of involving the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in efforts to eradicate terrorism. The purpose of this article is to...

The Relationship Between Human Basic (Human Rights) Obligations and Human Rights

Try Widiyono, Hamdan Azhar Siregar
In many discussions of Human Rights, it is rarely related to Human Basic (human rights) obligations. In fact, they complement each other to find justice. In the Greco-Roman era and the Middle Ages, the development of the School of irrational natural law laid the basis for obligations for humans that...

The Effect of Regional Original Revenue, Balance Funds, and Capital Expenditures on the Financial Performance of District Governments in West Java Province in 2013–2017

Rahmat Yuliansyah, Eva Indah Susanti, Asri Yanti
This study is aimed to test the Effect of Local Revenue on financial performance, Equalization Funds on financial performance, and Capital Expenditures on financial performance on Regencies in West Java for Year 2013 – 2017. This research uses descriptive quantitative approach, which is measured using...

Testing the Relationship of Leadership Style, Discipline of Work, and Organizational Culture on Performance of PT. K

Siti Maryam, Noveria Susijawati, Lisa Harry Sulistiyowati
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership style, discipline of work, and organizational culture on performance of pt. k. The research method used is quantitative research methods. The population in this study were employees of PT. K with 52 people. The technique of measuring...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Combination Therapy of Emotional Freedom Technique - Murottal Alqur’an on Blood Pressure of the Elderly with Hypertension

Noor Cholifah, Sukarmin, Ahmad Abdul Kholiq
Background: The health care coverage of elderly in Wonogiri in 2014 reached 108.002 (65.19%) of the 165.685 elderly, and in Jatiroto Sub-District there were 2.072 of the total of 3.164 elderly who got health care. The report from Wonogiri Departement of Public Health (2013), the case of Non-Communicable...

Class Assessment, Problems in Learning Physics in Senior High School

Novi Haryanti, Undang Rosidin, I Wayan Distrik
The ability to conduct classroom assessment is one of the competencies that must be possessed by the teacher. The implementation of class assessment should be able to record students’ activities during the learning process. Nevertheless, The implementation of the class assessment is applied at the end...
Proceedings Article

In Vitro Study of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Garcinia mangostana L. Peel Extract

Anastasia Wheni Indrianingsih, Vita Taufika Rosyida, Dwi Ratih, Batrisya
Plant extract are natural additives that are in great demand. Many biological capabilities of plant extracts in the fields of health and medicine, make research on plant extract quite rapid. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is one of the most famous fruits in Indonesia. In this paper, the antimicrobial...

Influence Service Quality, Brand Image, Location to Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (Case Study on Motorcycle Repair Shop Sahabat Motor-Cibinong Customer)

Lina Noersanti, Try Akbar Prasetyo
The purpose of this research was to know whether the quality of service, brand image, location will affect the satisfaction and make customers loyal. Research method used path analysis method with smartPLS application version 3.2.8. The type of data used is primary data. With the spread of quesioner...

Big Data Analysis and Decision Making of Chinese Paper-Cutting

Cheng Yang, Lingang Wu, Dan Li, Zhichao Zhang
Chinese paper-cutting is a traditional folk craftsmanship that cuts and carves patterns on paper. In urban civilization, how to protect and inherit traditional paper-cutting techniques is an urgent issue to consider. The continuous integration of social science and computing science provides a technical...

Traversal Tree Implementation in Chart of Account Design

Monika Handayani, Muhammad Hendra, Muhammad Bahit, Noor Safrina
This study aims to create a control of account (CoA) with the tree preorder traverser method with the development of the MPTT (Modified preorder tree traversal) method to facilitate the recording of financial information systems. The way that is now used to create an account is the manual way to analyze...

Digitalization of the Transport Industry: Technology of Blockchain

A.A. Bilyalova, I. Vaslavskaya, R. Gaifutdinova
Transport development trends and the digitalization of the economy pose new requirements for the level of service and the quality of freight transport, which are difficult to maintain without optimizing transport and logistics costs. To optimize the management of freight transport in modern conditions,...

Law Protection for Post Divorced Women Through Law Enforcement with a Gender Perspective

Lelita Dewi
The woman protection has been guaranteed by the state through the principle of equality before the law without discrimination. Women’s access to religious courts has a lot to do with divorce cases that indirect contact with women’s rights after divorce in form of iddah and mut’ah. In reality, law enforcement...

Enhancing Case-based Reasoning Approach using Incremental Learning Model for Automatic Adaptation of Classifiers in Mobile Phishing Detection

San Kyaw Zaw, Sangsuree Vasupongayya
Pages: 152 - 161
This article presents the threshold-based incremental learning model for a case-base updating approach that can support adaptive detection and incremental learning of Case-based Reasoning (CBR)-based automatic adaptable phishing detection. The CBR-based adaptive phishing detection model detects the phishing...

Improving Virus Lesson Mastery by Using Web-Based Learning Media

Setyo Prabowo, Herman Dwi Surjono, Mulyo Prabowo
This research aims to find out the improvement of the students’ virus lesson mastery by using web-based learning media. This research is a type of classroom action research with the subjects of class X students in MA Nur Iman Mlangi, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The action taken in this research in this research...

Motivation as a Factor of Professional Competence Development in Students

Elena Lazarevna Guseynova
Nowadays the issue of developing competencies of students is extremely relevant. The article is devoted to the development of professional competencies in bachelors of a technical university, studying the discipline “Hydraulics and oil and gas hydromechanics” and “Oil and gas business”. The article analyzes...

Improving the Moral Education System in Higher Vocational Colleges with the Concept of Practical Education

Meizhen Huang
To practice the idea of educating people as a guide to reform and improve the moral education system in higher vocational colleges. can play a very effective role. The importance of moral education in higher vocational colleges is obvious to all, students begin to accept moral education from primary...

The Religiosity Dimension and Resilience of Teachers of Students with Dissabilities at Special Schools in Sleman, Yogyakarta

Halimatus Sakdiyah, Erika Setyanti Kusumaputri
This study aims to examine the contributions of seven religiosity dimensions toward the resilience of disability teachers at SLB in Sleman, Yogyakarta. This research uses quantitative method for analyzing the data. In collecting data, Resilience and Religiosity Scale is used as the instrument. The subjects...

Research on Training Talents of Intelligent Logistics in Higher Vocational Colleges Against the Background of New Western Land-Sea Corridor

Ke Wang
This paper analyzes the future demand for intelligent logistics talents against the background of the national development strategy of the new western land-sea corridor, and puts forward the future intelligent logistics enterprise talent needs three main aspects, one is skill type pipe intelligent logistics...

Restricting Creativity: How Regulations Control Indonesian Advertisements

Sekarini Ashri Fitria
This study analyzes several advertising regulations in Indonesia. Policymakers cannot clearly explain some of the points in the regulation so that multi-perception appears in the interpretation. Ads that are supposed to be creative to persuade the audience are limited by their regulation. These regulations...

The Causes and Solutions on the Problems of Internet Education for Children

Fan Jun-qing
Children’s Internet education as a product of the age has an important influence on the growth and development of children which is beneficial in some aspects, but unfavorable in some aspects. This paper analyzes and explores the causes for the problems of Internet education for children which includes...

Estimation of Self-Posture of a Pedestrian Using MY VISION Based on Depth and Motion Network

Joo Kooi Tan, Tomoyuki Kurosaki
Pages: 152 - 155
A system is proposed that performs gait analysis of a pedestrian to improve a walk posture and at the same time to prevent a fall. In the system, a user walks with a chest-mounted camera. His/her walking posture is estimated using a pair of images obtained from the camera. Normally it is difficult to...

Analysis of the Effect of Brand Image, Tourist Perception, Service Quality Toward Revisit Intention in Recreational Parks in DKI Jakarta

Sofia Maulida, Farida Jasfar, Mhd Zilal Hamzah
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brand image, tourist perceptions and service quality toward revisit intention in Taman Rekreasi in DKI Jakarta. This research was conducted in four recreation parks in Jakarta, namely Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Ragunan...

The Effectiveness of Inquiry Jurisprudential Development Model in Civics Learning Process at SMA Negeri 1 Kawangkoan Minahasa

Telly Delly Wua, Julien Biringan, Mardan Umar
This is a research development aimed to get a description of the effectiveness of the application of the Jurisprudential Inquiry model and to find out the various obstacles on its application for Civics learning in SMA 1 Kawangkoan. The used method is a classroom action research and data collection techniques...

On the Function of Enterprise Business Administration Under the New Situation

Lingli Lv
In the past few decades, China’s economy has been developing continuously, and the speed of development is very fast, so China has become the second largest economy in the world. It is also because of the rapid development of China’s economy that more and more enterprises have emerged in the market,...

A Readily Executable System Designed for Graduation Requirements Evaluation

Yuanyao Lu, Xiaohan Guan, Xiaowei Dong, Shengnan Chen
The evaluation of achievement of graduation requirements is the crucial procedure in the continuous improvement of the education quality of undergraduate engineering major. It supports the achievement of education objectives and plays a guiding role in the continuous improvement of teaching activities....

The Collapse of the USSR as a Factor in the Delegitimization of the Ethnopolitical Statuses of Minorities

On the Example of South Ossetia

Inal B. Sanakoev, Marina L. Ivleva, Dina G. Alborova, Lina T. Kulumbegova
The article is devoted to the study of the processes of delegitimization of the ethno-political statuses of ethnic minorities in the territory of the former USSR. The goal is to find out the complex factors that contributed to this process and to study the local manifestations of this situation. The...

The Correlation of Regional Stage Exam (UTB) and Progress Test (PT) to Grade Point Average (GPA) of Medical Students at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia

F Khadafianto
Background A regional stage exam, called Ujian Tahap Bersama (UTB) and Progress Test (PT) are formative assessments. UTB II is tested on 4th year medical students to measure their knowledge of pathomechanism to therapy. The PT has been implemented in Faculty of Medicine (FoM), Universitas Islam Indonesia...

Making the Administrative Law Enforcement in Indonesia Effective as an Effort to Prevent Violations Reclamation and Post-Mining Obligations (Study in East Kalimantan Province)

Muhammad Bagus Adi Wicaksono, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Lego Karjoko
This study has purpose to provide input and suggestions regarding the concept of an effective administrative law enforcement system to prevent violations of reclamation and post-mining obligations in East Kalimantan Province. This study was a non-doctrinal legal research that analyzes the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article

The Contribution of Leg Power to the Long Jump Capability UKM Students Sport

Long jump is one of the athletic sports. Indonesian’s current athletics events have gradually shown a very satisfying appearance. In recent years, sports in this athletic branch have been able to compete with Asian countries, especially in Southeast Asia. However, there are several Indonesian athletic...

Multiple Logics of the Development Plight of Bicycle-Sharing in the Context of Sharing Economy: An Analytical Framework

Jiamin Xu, Yinchu Wang
As a typical representative of sharing economy, bicycle-sharing, featured by the concept of “solving the problem of the last kilometer travel”, has become an important practice in the field of short-distance trip by urban public transportation. However, problems such as poor competition in the bicycle-sharing...

Economic Valuation of Forests as a Natural Tourism Service Provider by Using Travel Cost Method in Ecotourism in Kampung Nipah Sei Nagawalan Village Serdang Bedagai Regency

Malahayati, Zahari Zein, Fitrawaty
Mangrove ecosystems have the potential to serve as a tourist attraction. The use of mangrove forests as a tourist attraction can develop the economy of the surrounding community. This study aims to analyze the economic value of the Mangrove tourism in Kampung Kampung Nipah Sei Nagalawan based on the...

Public Relations Activity to Shape Brand Awareness of Lounge and Bar in Jakarta

William, La Mani, Syahdimar Anggita
The purpose of this research is to study the public relations strategies used by Jakartan bar and lounge to shape the brand awareness. The research method is qualitative descriptive that is validated by triangulation technique. Data is collected through observation and in-depth interview. Public Relations...

Models of the Early Stages of Criminal Justice and Ensuring Access to Justice in a Digital Environment

Larisa Maslennikova, Tatyana Vilkova, Andrew Sobenin
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the models of the initial stage of criminal proceedings operating in different states, identifying their most important characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, determining the procedural and organizational directions for the further development...

Internet and Juvenile Prevention: A New Format of Prophylactic Activities with Children

Mykola Veselov, Serhiy Vitvitsky
The research study focuses on specific issues of delinquency prevention and other deviant juvenile manifestations. Taking into account the impact of virtual environment on the formation of communication links within society and the consciousness of social groups or individuals, it has turned out on the...

The Role of Parents as Teachers at Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Rohita, Sinta Krisnawati
This study aims to illustrate the implementation of parents’ roles as teachers at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The subjects of this study were 15 parents with the criteria of having children aged 4-6 years, located in Kampung Bonjol RT 04, Pondok Karya sub-district, Pondok Aren district, and were...

Co-creator Imagination: Construction of Teacher-Student Subject Relationship Based on Virtual Community Interaction

Feng Zhai, Lijie Du
The development of the Internet has provided a new space and form for teaching interaction, thereby producing new changes in the teacher-student subjective relationship. This research adopts the network ethnography method. Through crawling and analysis of all the virtual community discussion data since...

Determinants of Tourism Competitiveness in Malang City

Arik Prasetya
The tourism is one of the strategic and potential sectors in national and regional economic development. Various research results and studies have proven that the development of the tourism sector has been proven to be able to improve the welfare of the community. The purposes of this study are (1) to...