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188542 articles

The Most Important Dimension of the Corporate Culture of Indonesian Companies (A Case Study)

Daenulhay Kamsin
Kotler et al., underlined that Corporate Culture provides guide to employees. It provides consensus among people in an organization about how to run a business. Corporate Culture contributes to the cohesiveness among employees [1]. Therefore, it reflects how close the relations between the company and...

Analysis of Optimism and Procrastination in Students Who are Writing Thesis

Sitti Murdiana, Ahmad Ridfah, Walidah Nudhar Anhar
Obstacles faced by students whilst preparing their thesis could lead to a decline in their motivation. Thus, they will prefer to procrastinate instead of trying to finish their thesis work. It is believed that procrastination is highly correlated with optimism. Hence, this study aims to investigate the...

The Application of Online and Offline Hybrid Mode in the Teaching of Piano

Na Hu
As the new teaching mode, online and offline hybrid mode can improve the students’ ability in piano acquisition and promote the teaching efficiency. This essay mainly aims at the importance of traditional teaching supplement based on the online and offline hybrid mode. Firstly, it clarifies the concept...

Situation and Free Choice—An Interpretation of Animal Farm With the Perspective of Sartre’s Existentialism

Ruilin Yang
Animal Farm, a political allegorical novel written by George Orwell three years after his conception, was a huge sensation when published. Orwell from his unique perspective reveals the alienation of revolutionaries by power and presents the establishment process of totalitarian rule, showing that even...

Implementation of Quizziz as a Pretest and Post-Test to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Small Group Learning

Prema Hapsari Hidayati, Ratih Natasha, Shofiyah Latief, Nasruddin, Syarifuddin Wahid
Background and aims: Since the Indonesia Covid-19 pandemic spread out in March 2020, the online learning method was applied in a professional medical program, and we started to use “Quizziz,” an educational game online. The study aimed to evaluate Small Group Learning activity’s effectiveness using “Quizziz”...

Ways with Words: Exploring Children Author’s Voices in Indonesia’s Children Book Series (KKPK)

R Akbar, I Rifai, J Lee
Voice in literacy studies has been defined and redefined from different theories or perspectives. Current studies on voices in children literary work have explored the relationship between the authors’ voices with their agency, identity, or even ideologies. Authors of young children’s literatures are...
Proceedings Article

Phenomenology Study of Menopause Experiences About Physical and Psychological Changes in Menopause Period in Nagari Tabek Pariangan District of Tanah Datar 2020

Sandra Hardini, Ninin Marlina, Sri Yudawati
Every woman will experience menopause in her life cycle. Significant changes in menopause seen in physical and psychological changes. Menopause occurs because hormonal changes in the body. The physical and psychological changes during menopause will cause variety of complaints in menopause. This will...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of Ultrasound Examination in Patients With Suspected Acute Appendicitis

Ana Majdawati, I Gusti Ayu Putri Anom Sari
Background: Acute Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, which manifests as pain in the lower right abdomen that can develop into an acute abdomen. This situation can end in the emergency room and require immediate surgical treatment. Ultrasound is the initial choice most often used for the diagnosis...

Influence of Government Accounting Standards and Internal Control System on the Achievement of Auditor Opinion

Suryanih, Hari Setiyawati, Ratna Mappanyuki
In order to obtain an unqualified opinion, several instruments that are used as a standard for achieving opinion are required, including the application of government accounting standards and sufficiently good internal controls so that the management of financial statements can be accounted for in accordance...

Research on Current State, Problems and Countermeasures of Rural E-Commerce Development

Ya Yue, Guoxian Wang, Mei Zhao, Xiani Yang, Lihong Song
As an emerging business model, rural e-commerce has been widely practiced in rural areas. It can drive rural production and consumption and promote rapid growth of the local economy. In the context of frequent rural e-commerce policies, strong rural e-commerce demand, increasingly mature rural e-commerce,...

An Analysis of Digital Leadership in the Pandemic Covid-19 Era

Fujy Puspita Damayanti, Aceng Muhtaram Mirfani
The development of technology globally and spread of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) around Indonesia has necessitated social distancing measures to minimize the disease dissemination. Along with this deal, it is necessary to have a leader’s role in face this problem. This research addressed to identify...
Proceedings Article

Determining the Efficient Weighing Area for Food Commodities in Port by Discrete Event Simulation

Asep Ridwan, Ade Irman Saeful, Rino Emil Agusta
DF Inc. is a company provided in port services. One of its activities is the loading and unloading of food commodities such as soybeans, corn, wheat, and so on. There are around 500 trucks that want to carry out the loading and unloading process at DF Inc. so that there is a queuing of trucks in the...

Scientific Reasoning Abilities in Religion Major on Biology Course to Utilize the Project-Based Learning

L Luzyawati, I Hamidah, A Ratnasari
The Curriculum 2013 facilitates students to learn across subjects of interest, such as students in the religious department at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (State Islamic Senior High School) 1 in Indramayu to take biology matter. Biology is closely related to scientific phenomena to develop student abilities,...

Study on Flores Tourist Destinations Post New Normal: Opportunity and Challenge

Laurentius Dominicus Gadi Djou, Mansyur Abdul Hamid
This study aimed at determining and examining the opportunities and expectations of the tourism sector after the New Normal policy treatment. The analytical method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive one. The opening of government policies after the lockdown, which lasted for a long time...

The Influence of Job Insecurity and Organizational Commitment to Honourer Nursery Intention Turnover in Dr M Salamun Hospital

Neng Siti Solihat, Dikdik Purwadisastra, Putri K Anindhita
This study aims to determine the effect of Job Insecurity and Organizational Commitment on Intention Turnover for Honorary Nurses at Dr M Salamun Hospital, Bandung City. The method used in this research is quantitative and descriptive research methods. The population used in this study were honorary...

YouTube as Digital Learning Resources for Teaching Bilingual Young Learners

Ni Kadek Meri Listiani, Ni Komang Arie Suwastini, Gede Rasben Dantes, Ni Luh Putu Sri Adnyani, I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantin
As YouTube has become an integral part of the students’ daily social media consumption, the present study argues that it can also be a valuable language learning source. Following George’s (2008) model of Library Research and Aveyard’s (2010) concept of Systematic Literary review, the present study selected...
Research Article

Monocyte Reconstitution and Gut Microbiota Composition after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Sejal Morjaria, Allen W. Zhang, Sohn Kim, Jonathan U. Peled, Simone Becattini, Eric R. Littmann, Eric. G. Pamer, Michael C. Abt, Miguel-Angel Perales
Pages: 156 - 164
Background: Monocytes are an essential cellular component of the innate immune system that support the host’s effectiveness to combat a range of infectious pathogens. Hemopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) results in transient monocyte depletion, but the factors that regulate recovery of monocyte populations...

Learning Pragmatic Aspects Acquired by a Three-Year-Old Indonesian Child

Ayu Trisna, Rahmad Husein, Anni Holila Pulungan
Learning pragmatic aspects is used to build harmonious relationships between adults and a child. The main advantage of this learning lies in adults understanding a three-year-old child on conversations that can improve the child’s pragmatic skills. The purpose of this study is to find out the pragmatics...

Sovereignty in Cyberspace: A Scholarly and Practical Discussion

Dmitry V. Krasikov, Nadezhda N. Lipkina
Sovereignty is a central principle of modern international law and is traditionally defined as the supreme power of a state within its territory. While acknowledging the applicability of the principle of sovereignty to the relations between nations in cyberspace, states attach different importance to...

Upbringing Potential of Educational Technologies in Online Learning

Irina I Burlakova, Olga S Efimova, Elizaveta S Burlakova, Olga V Gribkova, Larisa V Gubanova, Darya V Shcheglova
Upbringing is a priority area of modern education. The teacher educates in the learning process. And the necessary element of educational activity is the upbringing, which is the formation process of such personal qualities that determine worldview, culture, attitude to people and study, social behavior,...

Parental Participation in Increasing Children’s Multiple Intelligence

Sance Mariana Tameon, Jeheskial Saudale, Tri Oktavia Oematan
The role of parents in assisting children to develop self-potential is an interesting research study because it will expose the extent parents’ perspective influences their activeness in managing children’s self-development. Similarly, the purpose of this research is to find out parents’ perspectives...

Online Media and Politics: Critical Discourse Analysis About Hoax News

Noni Marlianingsih, Yumna Rasyid, Ninuk Lusyantie
This research is an analysis of critical discourse from Viral news about proof of hoax regarding the founding of seven containers of punched ballots at Tanjung Priok in 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election. The emergence of this hoax or fake news seem to have led the public that there is an attempt...

Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Academic Performance in Students University During Virtual Learning

Bagus Hary Prakoso, Zulmi Ramdani, Lidwina Felisima Tae, Lucky Nindi Riandika M.
Optimization of virtual learning is not only supported by the availability of adequate facilities but also through developing student potential in the aspects of creativity and critical thinking. Both of these aspects are absolutely needed by students to adapt to the learning process, one of which will...

Rhetorical Moves Analysis in Soft and Hard Science Lecturers’ Master’s Thesis and Dissertation Abstracts

Fadlila Ghifarina Gani, Eri Kurniawan, Wawan Gunawan, Arif Husein Lubis
Move analysis is usually used to analyse academic writing and to investigate the rhetorical pattern of the text. However, the analysis of rhetorical moves in the abstract of lecturers’ final paper in different disciplines may not have been done. This study aims to analyse and compare the rhetorical moves...

The Strategy of Journalism Education Institutions in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Sri Mustika, Wininda Qusnul Khotimah
The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact not only on public health, but also on the economic, social, and humanitarian sectors. Institutions related to the press, such as press companies and press institute were no exception affected. One such institution is the Dr. Press Institute Soetomo (LPDS) Jakarta,...

More Flexible Working, More Productive Workers?

Case in Pandemic Situation

Metha Djuwita Supriatna, Nisha Faradilla Sofiani, Nadiarani Anindita
While globally the Covid-19 pandemic is at different stages and far from under control in some countries, it reveals that the organisation in any sector faces a simple and complex problem about health issues and organisational problems such as managing people remote working areas. Adaptive personnel...

Project-based Learning Model, Learning Facilities, and Media Variations on Student Achievement in Social Studies

Nur imamah Utami, Ninik Indawati
Based on the result, most of the teachers still using the speech method so that the student less enthusiastic in the teaching-learning process of geography. The availability of learning facilities and then the media variation that is used by teachers yet not maximal so that the achievement still low....

Ability of Students to Identify Intrinsic Elements in Short Stories from SMA Kesatrian 2 Semarang Students Through Problem-solving

Susi Sumarni, Yessi Fitriani, Darwin Effendi
This study aims to describe the ability to identify intrinsic elements in collecting short stories by students of SMA Kesatrian 2 Semarang for SMA Negeri 6 Ogan Komering Ulu through problem-solving-learning. The method in this study used was action research, and the instruments used were observation...

Why Did Borrowers Apply For Debt Restructuring During The COVID-19 Pandemic?

Hafidz Syihab, Zuliani Dalimunthe
The Coronavirus pandemic impacts Indonesia’s economic activity and increases bank loan default risk. Therefore, the Financial Services Authority regulates the provisions for restructuring credit facilities for debtors directly or indirectly affected by the pandemic. This study is to analyze the profile...

The Effect of Government Budget in Education and Health Sector, GRDP and Gini Ratio on the Human Development Index (IPM) n Makassar City

Nurdiana, Hajrah Hamzah, Citra Ayni Kamaruddin, Andi Tenri Ampa
This review intends to decide the impact of government financial plans in the instruction and wellbeing area, Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and the Gini proportion to the Human Development Index (HDI) in the city of Makassar. This exploration is quantitative examination. The examination strategy...

A Development of Chinese and Japanese Culinary Teaching Materials in Asia Culinary Courses

N.W. Sukerti, Cok Istri R. Marsiti
The development of Asian Cuisine teaching resources is crucial, as there have been no updated Asian culinary teaching materials in the Culinary Arts Vocational Education Study Program for the last three years, according to a needs analysis. This will facilitate the acquisition of references in the form...

The Evaluation of Physical, Sports and Health Education (PSHE) Online Learning Implementation at the Junior High School Level in Sumbul District During Covid-19 Pandemic Period for the 2020/2021 Academic Year

Lokakarsa Purba, Nimrot Manalu, Muhammad Irfan
This study aims to describe the implementation of Physical, Sports and Health Education (PSHE) online learning at the State Junior High School in Sumbul Regency, measured from the Context, Input, Process and Product variables. This research is a descriptive evaluative research. The subjects of this study...

Identification of Herding Behavior, Overconfidence and Risk Tolerance Based on Gender Perspective on Stock Investors in Aceh

Zaida Rizqi Zainul, Irma Suryani
This study aims to compare herding behavior and risk tolerance between male and female investors in Aceh. The primary data used in this study was collected using questionnaires. The population in this study are investors in Aceh Province, Indonesia with a total sample of 386 respondents. The analytical...
Proceedings Article

Financing Health in Indonesia: A Literature Review

Nadhila C. Nurmalasari, Erna Yuliandri
The economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic poses challenges to healthcare systems as they reduce public revenue while increasing the need for publicly funded healthcare. This increases when people are entitled to means-tested benefits, can no longer afford privately funded treatment, or need more care...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Stress Level with Quality of Life in Elderly with Hypertension

Nayodi Permayasa, Suryadi, Regina Junisna Waldani, Indra Maulana Dongoran, Haslinah Ahmad
Hypertension is a disease that has a very close relationship with the elderly. This study aims to determine. The correlation Between Stress Levels With Elderly Quality Life of Hypertension Patients at Working. The Type of quantitative research with descriptive correlation design with cross sectional...

Skill, Organization and Politics: The Evolution of Chinese ‘Boxing’ in the Boxers Movement

Hongjun Liu, Zhixin Chen
‘Boxing’ as a synonym for Chinese martial arts plays a special role in the Boxers Movement. From the perspective of micro-history, combined with the situation of Sino-foreign relations in the late Qing Dynasty, to explore the evolution of ‘Boxing’ in the Boxers Movement. The results of research are :...

Design and Construction of Web-based Remote Interactive Training System for Agriculture-related Talents

Zhe Zhang, Youwen Zhang, Liling Xu, Jian Fang
In order to promote the further development of the process of “integration of urban and rural construction”, the state has launched the strategy of “rural revitalization”. In this regard, the society has also put forward higher requirements for technical talents related to agriculture. In order to ensure...

Myths in “Rokok Jablai”: Men’s Taste?

Edelleit Rose Widyatmoko
This study examines the concept of masculinity that forms a myth or perception about the phrase ‘Esse rokok jablai’ (cigarettes for prostitutes) in Indonesia. Aspects of masculinity that build these perceptions will be examined through texts and utterances circulating on Twitter using Roland Barthes’...

Development of Integrated Blog-Based Teaching Materials of Dyestuffs Adsorption to Improve Students’ Literacy in Chemistry

Areski Febriani, Septika A. Umaro, Euis Nursa’adah, M. Lutfi Firdaus
Chemical literacy is an understanding of the nature of chemical particles, chemical reactions, chemical laws and theories, as well as general chemical applications in everyday life. In Indonesia, students’ chemical literacy is still low that need further action to improve it. To boost the students’ chemical...

Types of Sentences Filled with Character Values in Elementary School Students’ Writings: A Syntactic Study

Ida Bagus Putrayasa
This research purpose, designed with a descriptive-qualitative approach, was to explain the types of sentences containing character values in the students’ writing. The study took the fourth-grade students’ essays as the study subject, and the study object was sentences containing character education...

Developing Tourism in Indonesia Through Functional Asymmetrical Decentralization

Andy Omara, Gunawan Tauda
Existing literatures explain two different models on how a country is governed i.e. centralized and decentralized models. [1] Centralization means central government is the sole authority in governing the country. [5] Local governments within centralized model do not have significant power to determine...

Psychological Well-Being of Atopic Dermatitis Sufferer Since Childhood

Putri Milenia Gusdian, Diana Septi Purnama
Atopic dermatitis also known as atopic eczema or eczema can attach to individuals into adulthood or even in adulthood. Atopic dermatitis can influence psychological well-being aspects because it is closely related with the self-acceptance of atopic sufferers, positive relationship with others, environmental...

Comparative Analysis of Economic and Social Status of Japan and South Korea

Fanyu Lin
Japan and South Korea are both countries with high per capita GDP. Japan and South Korea have become a highly urbanized countries, but are disadvantaged in terms of natural resources. Japan and South Korea have very few agricultural laborers, choosing instead to focus on the service industry. And employment...

Ethnolinguistic Perspective: Correlational Superstition and Sumbang Duo Baleh Minangkabau Society

Ridha Hasnul Ulya, Erizal Gani, Ena Noveria
The superstitions and sumbang duo baleh are one of many local wisdoms in Minangkabau. Superstition is a statement that contains supernatural meaning, while sumbang duo baleh is a condition that describes unethical behavior carried out by someone. Contextually, there is a relationship between superstitions...
Proceedings Article

Cooperative learning vs problem-based learning: which one is better for basketball learning?

Muhammad Sigit Antoni, Saryono Saryono, Agus Sumhendartin Suryobroto, Nur Rohmah Muktiani
One of the study materials in physical education is basketball. Based on several research results, there are several obstacles in implementing game learning in physical education (PE): low enthusiasm, motivation, and students’ seriousness. This research aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning...

The Effect of Price to Book Value, Cash Ratio, and Net Profit Margin on Stock Return in Coal Sub Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017-2021 Period

Michael Horas Korompis, Pristin Prima Sari, Alfiatul Maulida
Between 2016 and 2020, the stock price development of the coal subsector was abnormal. When benchmark coal prices declined, coal stock prices climbed. This study seeks to determine, in part and concurrently, the influence of net profit margin, cash ratio, and price to book value on stock return in businesses...
Proceedings Article

Strategies for Improving Soil Health in the Southeastern United States’ Coastal Plain

Thomas F. Ducey, Ariel A. Szogi
Rather than being viewed as an inert matrix to hold nutrients and water that promotes plant growth, the soil should be understood as a living and life-giving natural resource. Soil health, a term often used interchangeably with soil quality or soil fertility, is defined as the soil’s capacity to sustain...

Mechanisms for Forming Currency- Financial Crises in Developing Markets

David Tereladze, Ernie Hendrawaty
The subject of the study is the formation of monetary and financial crises in emerging markets. The author’s classification of crises is proposed, and the main mechanisms for the formation of financial instability are also given. The article discusses the issues of cross-border international capital...

Weaving Collaboratively for Competitiveness: Revitalizing Sumbawa’s Weaving Industry

Ninik Probosari, Andi Kusmayadi, Ari Wijayani, Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari, Ilham Ramadan Pandu Setia Negara Siregar, Ari Okta Viyani
This study focuses on developing the weaving industry in Sumbawa Regency using the One Village, One Product (OVOP) approach. The aim is to identify and address the weaknesses in the association of weaving craftsmen, the people’s weaving trade system, production facilities and infrastructure, and capital...

NPV and IRR’s Comparative Analysis in Enterprises Investment Decision Making

Xuanrun Liu
In the economic evaluation of engineering projects, the net present value and internal rate of return (IRR) are generally used to measure the economic benefits of the project. However, the analysis of the two indices is sometimes self-contradictory. This article points out that the net present value...