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189597 articles

A Probe Into the Reform of “Curriculum Thought and Politics” in Colleges and Universities From the Perspective of Teachers

Xiaoyun He
Teachers, as the main implementers and the main organizers of “curriculum ideological and political “, play a very important role in the effective implementation of” curriculum ideological and political “. On the one hand, the teacher’s words and deeds can bring great influence to the students, and the...

Improvement of Internal Audit System in the Institutions of the Public Sector in Russia

N.N. Kosteva, M.K. Kopytina, T.N. Pavliuchenko, E.Y. Bunina, I. Shamrina
The subject of the study is the problem of organizing internal control in budgetary institutions. The article discusses the theoretical issues of the formation of the system for internal financial control carried out by budgetary organizations of our country. The relevance of assessing the effectiveness...

Building-Blocks: Children’s Reflection on Gender

Marina Trie Ramadhany Gunawan, Hani Yulindrasari
This article discusses how gender is constructed through building blocks toys. Using the perspective of post developmentalism, we examined the building blocks as learning media in early childhood education. We conducted a two-month focused ethnography in a kindergarten in the city of Bandung, Indonesia....

The Effect of Consumer Interaction on Social Media (e-WOM) Towards Desire to Visit Tomohon City

Agung Stefanus Kembau
Research on marketing communication has been growing ever since the internet has become one of the communication media that become basic needs. With the emergence of eWOM as form of consumer interaction for tourist destinations on social media, “the game” have changed, the more tourist destinations are...

Cooperative Learning Structures (CLS) to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill

In learning a language, we learn the four skills, they are speaking, listening, reading, and writing.One of the important skills that must be mastered by the learners is speaking. Mastering speaking is a need in order to be able to use the language to communicate. One of the methods that attracts many...

Developing Mind Mapping Model With Multimedia Evaluation Based for Research Methodology Module

Arif Hidayad, Ita Fitriati, M. Ghazali, Muliansani Muliansani
This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of module for the Research Methodology course. The module material developed is associated with surrounding facts and problems as a basis for students to raise research themes. Explanation of the material was developed in the “mind mapping” model,...

Simulation of SPWM Fed Three-phase Induction Motor Drive Mathematical Model Using MATLAB Simulink

Amir Rasyadan, Sazali bin Yaacob, Pranesh Krishnan, Mohamed Rizon, Chun Kit Ang
Pages: 170 - 174
Three-phase induction motors are used in a vast area of applications mainly due to their simplicity, ruggedness and high reliability. With recent advancement in semiconductor technologies, the use of fixed speed induction motor drive is becoming obsolete, majority of the applications now requires inverter-based...

Design Perspectives From Co-Creation Experiences in Brazilian Complex Social Contexts

Maria Luiza D. Viana, Dra. Maria Cecília Loschiavo dos Santos
This paper presents reflections about the dynamics of articulation among people to solve urban problems, having as reference initiatives of popular participation existing in a Brazilian favela1. These are collective initiatives that involve partnerships with the private sector and dialogues with government...

Privatization of Correctional Facilities as a Model of Efficient and Effective Inmate Empowerment

Desy Maryani, Nur Rochaeti
The imprisonment system which emphasized revenge and detention was removed and changed with the concept of social rehabilitation and reintegration. The Correctional system aims to improve inmates’ behavior and restore correctional inmates as good citizens who can be accepted well by the community. The...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Psychological Problems Towards Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic

A Literature Review Study

Nila Inayatillah, Munawaroh, Khairunnisa, Yolanda Demiza, Adrian Dinata Dwi Dharma
This literature review study highlights the current issues about online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, which focused on students’ psychological problems. This critical review presents any relevant studies about the pandemic effect on the educational field, which shifted the conventional learning...

Design of a Data-Driven Control System based on Reference Model using Predicted Input/Output Responses

Yuki Nakatani, Takuya Kinoshita, Toru Yamamoto
Pages: 170 - 174
In recent years, data-driven control schemes that do not require system modeling have been actively studied. These schemes use only a set of experimental data to design a controller that realizes the desired reference output offline. However, it is necessary to consider the output response and the input...
Proceedings Article

Biochemical Changes in Maxillofacial Infection

Taghreed H. Alsadoon, Zainab. G. Saade, Marwa. M. Abd Alrasool, Taif. J. Ghanim, Hussien. A. Khadim
Maxillary operation includes treating cases of congenital distortion, if the upper jaw has a large depression or protrusion, cross blockage, too much or too few teeth and lack of growth in the middle of the face (mid-facial hypoplasia), in order to continue performing the vital functions easily and smoothly...

The Urgency of Regulating Fintech Peer to Peer Lending Sharia in Indonesia

Otih Handayani, Adi Sulistiyono, Yudho Taruno Muryanto
This reserch aims to analyze the urgency of Fintech Peer to Peer Lending (P2P Lending) Sharia law in Indonesian Muslim communities. This research is normative legal research that is authoritative and technical/applied. The research approach uses the law approach. The licensed material of this research...

Learning Technology Development Through Podcasts for Auditory Learning Styles

Berri Brilliant Albar, Indah Maya Sari
Students have a variety of learning styles, with most of them being auditory learners. Auditory learners need at least a sound learning tool, while the available tools are written in a more visual form. Audio podcasts are a solution for auditory learners to understand and improve their understanding...

The Practical Dilemma and Improvement Suggestions of Individual Account of Medical Insurance for Urban Employees

Yanlei Cui
Through the introduction of personal accounts, the medical insurance system for urban employees in China has constructed a medical insurance system in which employees and enterprises pay together. This system is in line with the national conditions at that time, breaking the state that medical expenses...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Renewable Energy Resources in Generation Expansion Planning and GHG Emission Reduction: A Case Study of West Papua

Elias K. Bawan, Rahmat A. Al Hasibi
The impact of the implementation of the renewable energy power plant to GHG emission has been analyzed in this study. Four types of the renewable power plant have been simulated in the model which are hydro, biomass, solar, and wind power plant. The bottom-up model has been developed to conduct the analysis....

An Efective Learning Method During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tita Heliyani, Cepi Triatna
As an effort to prevent and break the chain of spread of the covid-19 virus, the Indonesian government has implemented a large-scale distancing policy, which regulates a number of activities of residents in areas suspected of contracting COVID-19. The impact of this large-scale social distancing effect...

Guided Inquiry Learning in the Concept of Carbon Compounds to Enhance Students’ Science Process Skills

Euis Nursa’adah, Sanjaya, Irah Namirah, Agus Sundaryono
Science process skills are very important for every student as a provision to use the scientific method in developing science. Through a quasi-experimental research method with a non-equivalent control group design, this study aims to implement guided inquiry learning on the concept of carbon compounds...

Wayang: How is it Used to Improve Children’s Language Skills?

Santi Alfiyah, Choirun Nisak Aulina, Agus Salim
Language skills are the ability to express something in mind through communication. The development of language skills in early childhood is significant because it is a provision for children to communicate with people around them. This study aims to determine the improvement of children’s language skills...

Building an Intention Model Using the Grab Health Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Didik Setyawan, Maria Lusia Viany Noe, Nang Among Budiadi, Budi Setyanta
This study aims to identify the variables that form the intention model of using the Grab Health application during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic forces individuals to spend less at drugstores and pharmacies so that health product shopping applications have the opportunity to gain abundance....

Influence of Pore Ratio of Clay Layer on Regression Relationship Between Depth and Shear Wave Velocity in Yuxi Area

Tiefei Li, Xueliang Chen, Zongchao Li, Sen Qiao
Shear wave velocity of soil layer is a key parameter in the numerical simulation model of ground motion for various sites. For three-dimensional model, the cost of direct measurement of shear wave velocity is high. It is a common method to estimate the shear wave velocity based on the depth shear wave...

Determinants of Stunting in Children Aged 0-24 Months in Bangka Belitung Province

Ori Pertami Enardi, Ade Devriany, Emmy Kardinasari
Children under five are an age group that susceptible to malnutrition and considered as one of the vulnerable groups in nutrition. Malnutrition in infants may result in disruption of physical growth and intelligence of children. Failure to grow due to malnutrition in infancy (the golden age) will have...

Village Innovation Based on Community:

Lesson Learned From Indonesia

Moh Said, Erlita Cahyasari
Discussions on village innovation have become the most recent topic. Village innovation is a great hope for social change that encourages community welfare. The creativity of the village government requires the support of other entities that produce a large force for change. Collaboration between actors...

Cost of the Accounting Scandal of Luckin Coffee to Multiple Aspects and the Influence Under Current Economy and Pandemic Time

Qiyao Wang
Luckin Coffee, as one of the most successful marketing cases in China or even the world, break the fastest IPO record in China in 2019. However, the recent fraud has led to the great attention, fear of the reliability and value of Chinese stock market. This paper analyzes the fraud of Luckin Coffee,...

Relational Bullying in Religious School at the Senior High School Level

Denok Setiawati, Muhammad Shiddiq Al Fathoni
Relational bullying is an act of systematic weakening and can happen anywhere, including religious schools at the senior high school level. This study included a qualitative study with informants, students who were victims, guidance and counseling teachers. Data collection method is observation, interview...
Proceedings Article

The Study and Analysis of Different CNC Model Based on Image CAPTCHA Recognition

Ligong Cui, Yanyan Cao, Liqiang Nie
With the development of the AI technology, Machine learning and deep learning have been paid attention on increasing extensively. The neural network in deep learning, especially the CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) were used in aspect of image processing and many kinds of AI projects. Deep learning...

Linkages Between Crude Oil and the Islamic Stock Market

Evidence from Islamic Stock Market in Asian Countries

Tandya Vera Devi, Muhammad Budi Prasetyo
In this paper, the impact of oil price shocks on the stock exchanges of Asian Countries – Saudi Arabia, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Turkey – was examined through the GARCH BEKK method. For the research, daily data from the stock...

The Influence of Penta Helix Model on Organizational Innovativeness and Product Innovation Performance at Creative Economy Supporting Jember District Tourism Destination

Sri Sundari, Cholyubi Yusuf, A Ahsin Kusuma, Muksin
Technology-based MSMEs creative economy startups that support Jember tourism destinations are important to be developed. Regarding the creative economy, Penta Helix which includes: 1) Academics, 2) Business, 3) Government, 4) Media and 5) Community, plays an important role in ensuring industrial creativity...

Fredholm Property of Operators from 2D String Field Theory

Hai-Long Her
Pages: 170 - 184
In a recent study of Landau-Ginzburg model of string field theory by Gaiotto, Moore and Witten, there appears a type of perturbed Cauchy-Riemann equation, i.e. the ζ-instanton equation. Solutions of ζ-instanton equation have degenerate asymptotics. This degeneracy is a severe restriction for obtaining...

No periodic orbits for the type A Bianchi's systems

Claudio A. Buzzi, Jaume Llibre
Pages: 170 - 179
It is known that the 6 models of Bianchi class A have no periodic solutions. In this article we provide a new, direct, unified and easier proof of this result.
Proceedings Article

Molecular and Phylogenetic Analysis of Hemaglutinin Gene of Avian Influenza a Viruses Subtype H5N1 Isolate from Quail

Teuku Zahrial Helmi, Wayan Tunas Artama, Aris Haryanto, Rumi Sahara Zamzami
Based on the level of infection, the Avian Influenza (AI) virus can be grouped into 2 levels of infection, namely highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI). The pathogenicity of AI viruses was determined by the amino acid sequence at the site of the hemaglutinin...

Development of Teaching Materials Based on Technology Literacy Through the Website for PGSD FKIP UHAMKA Students

Khoirunnisa Pertiwi, Mimin Ninawati
This study aims to develop literacy-based teaching materials through a website called BAGUR’SD for PGSD FKIP UHAMKA students, and to find out the quality of this product that has been produced so that it is suitable for use in the learning process on campus. The research method was carried out in two...

Education System in Financial Life Skills (FLS) Training - USAID YEP

Illa Susanti
The Financial Life Skill (FLS) Training is conducted by USAID’s YEP is an effort to prepare young people to provide life skills and financial literacy so they can manage finances well and not make financial mistakes. This qualitative approach will evaluate the FLS training program with a system approach...

Detection of Tax Avoidance Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic with the Tax Aggressiveness Model

Kevin Septiawan, Nurmala Ahmar, Dwi Prastowo Darminto
Tax aggressiveness is an action designed to reduce taxable income. Avoidance is done through tax planning. This study aims to analyze indications of tax avoidance with the tax aggressiveness model. Measurements are made by proxy for the abnormal book-tax difference. The way to measure it is by connecting...

The Model of E-Administration and COVID-19 Multi Helix Collaboration Policy in Indonesia

Ayuning Budiati, Ipah Ema Jumiati
Indonesia is coping Covid-19 pandemic since the beginning of March 2020. Many policies and strategies that have already been conducted by the government to resolve and prevent this outbreak. The use of technology information in administration (e-administration) is very important during this outbreak....

Working Fluid Selection for a Simple System of Low-Temperature Organic Rankine Cycle Plant

Budi Ismoyo, M. Idrus Alhamid, Muswar Muslim
Heat sources such as geothermal brine, biomass, and other waste heat sources have the potential to be recovered. Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) plants can use to convert low-temperature heat sources into electrical energy. Working fluid selection for a simple system of the Organic Rankine Cycle plant is...

Research on the SCL-90 and UPI Investigation of Freshmen’s Mental Health in a Chinese College

Shuxian He, Hanjie Wang
This study used two professional psychological testing tools, SCL-90 and UPI, to evaluate the psychological status of all 2020 freshmen in a Chinese private college. After the investigation it is found that among the 2275 measured freshmen, the SCL-90 results showed 501 abnormalities, accounting for...

The Effectiveness of Governer Regulation Number 142 Year 2019 Concerning the Obligation to Use the Environmentally-Friendly Shopping Bags at Shopping Centers, Swalayan Stores, and Traditional Markets for Reducing the Use of Plastic Bags in Lindeteves Trade Center (LTC) Glodok

Hansen Joneri, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
This Governor Regulation does not yet provide a transition period for business actors in shopping centers and markets, as well as managers in supermarkets to ensure a transition from using single-use plastic packaging bags to more environmentally friendly packaging bags. There are no social sanctions...

Study on the Creation Dimension of the TV Series on the Theme of Police in “Trident”

Yan Tian, Zongsheng Yue
The TV series “Trident” has been widely praised since it was broadcast. The popularity of the series also indicates the return of series on the theme of police. By virtue of its realistic creation rooted in life, the drama broadens the genre of TV dramas on the subject of police, and shapes the multi-dimensional...

Labor Productivity and Its Managerial Implications at XYZ Tea Processing Company, Indonesia

Azizatun Nurhayati, Putri Perdana
As one of the business units of A-University, XYZ should be managed based on appropriate managerial principles and apply Smart Eco Bioproduction. This study was conducted to understand the workload and managerial implications needed to increase employee productivity. The method used in this study is...

Democracy, Direct Presidential Election and Challenge of Deep Divide State: Politics in an Age of Distrust

Chusnul Mar’iyah
When Indonesia’s President Soeharto step aside from the government in 1998, we believe Indonesia was changing into democratic regime. In 2004, it was the first time, Indonesia conducted direct presidential election. The changing of election system from MPR (People Consultative Assembly) into direct system...
Proceedings Article

Morphological Characteristics Of Some Local Upland Rice Strain New Type Of Mass Selection Results

Jeki Jeki, Rezi Amelia, Muhammad Adnan Khalik, Mustakim Mustakim, Sitti Rasidah
Identification of morphological characters is one way to distinguish the nature of an individual plant from other plants which are the characteristics of each plant. This research was conducted to identify several new types of local upland rice lines resulting from the mass selection with the best morphological...

Understanding Philosophy of Mathematics Education Through Numeracy Task with the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic

Tatag Y. E. Siswono, Masriyah Masriyah, Shofan Fiangga, Ahmad W. Kohar
Philosophy as a science that studies general objects of knowledge needs to be introduced in various activities, such as solving problems related to numeracy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, this study aims to explore students’ understanding of the general philosophy of completing numeracy...

Problems faced by English lecturers in teaching students of Non-English Education Study Program during COVID-19 pandemic

Mutmainah, H. Basri, S. Usman, A. M. Syafar, M. M. Said, S. Aminah
This research aims to investigate the problems, the factors causing the problems and the solutions to solve the problems faced by the English lecturers who teach at the non-English study program at Tadulako University during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher used a qualitative design with an exploratory...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Demographic Characteristics and Anxiety Syndrome in Advanced-Stage Breast Cancer Patients

Sadar Rohana Br. Manik, Mustafa M. Amin, Vita Camellia, Elmeida Effendy, Kamal Basri Siregar
Background: Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancer worldwide and is associated with anxiety in over 40% of patients due to social factors, such as education level, occupation, and socioeconomic status. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between demographic characteristics...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Administration of Honey on Maximal Physical Activity in Malondialdehyd (Mda) Levels of Male Mice (Mus musculus L.)

Pudia M. Indika, Randi Kurniawan, Ridho Bahtra, Elsa Yuniarti
Maximum physical activity creates an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s antioxidant defense system known as oxidative stress. Maximum physical activity increases the need for oxygen, which leads to an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radical products. Thus...

Comparative Study of The Phonetic Systems of Indonesian and Thai Patani Malay

Manavavee Mamah, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Mardi Adi Armin, Tammasse Tammasse
This research is motivated by the differences and similarities in the phonetic systems of Indonesian and Thai Patani Malay. While both are Austronesian languages that have a close kinship correlation. The research aimed at analyzing the differences and similarities in the phonetic systems of Indonesian...

On Translation and Overseas Communication of Chinese Dunhuang Culture: A Review of Key Concepts in Dunhuang Culture

Yifan Zhang, Yong Liang
The unique Dunhuang culture and the large volumes of well-preserved manuscripts have been drawing worldwide attention after its discovery in 1900. The translation of these key terms or concepts is vital for its overseas communication, which is no easy task for translators because of its close relation...

Science Process Skills of Pre-service Teacher Through Inorganic Chemistry Practicum Activities

Mellyzar Mellyzar, Ayu Rahmi, Henni Fitriani
This study aims to analyze the science process skills of students by studying indicators of basic science process skills through inorganic chemistry practicum experiments on the properties of alkaline earth elements. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. The research sample was 30 students...

The Influence of Profitability, Leverage, and Market Value on Income Smoothing in Coal Mining Industries Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Andreas Turnip, Isfenti Sadalia, Rina Bukit
This study aims to analyze the effect of profitability, leverage, and market value on income smoothing in Coal Mining industries listed on IDX. An important information for investors is profit and loss performance. Profit gives a signal that the company’s performance is in a positive trend so that it...