Proceedings of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2019)

176 authors
Abdillah, Autar
Building Professionalism of Lecturers through the Development of Blended Learning
Aditya, Rendy
Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course
Aditya, Rendy
The Development of Mandarin Hanzi Instructional Videos to Increase Writing Skills
Agustin Kocimaheni, Amira
Research Theme Identification by Japanese Education Department Lecturers
Ahmadi, Anas
Creative Writing, Behaviour, and Behavioral Psychology: Descriptive Study in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department
Aini Fitria Dewi, Ninies
Hermione Granger’s Act of Equality in Harry Potter Saga Movies
Al Rosyiidah, Afiifah
Film Literacy Culture and Identity Expression of Madurese Women in Pesantren (Santriwati) in Madura
Amalia Ramdhani, Risky
Vocabulary Profile of the Abstracts Written by Students Majoring in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies: A Comparative Analysis
Amri, Miftachul
Developing Student Worksheet to Support Kanji Teaching
Amri, Miftachul
Ojigi: The Ethics of Japanese Community's Nonverbal Language
Andriyanto, Octo Dendy
Biosemiotics in Tulus S. Novel Artworks
Anggun Camelia, Ika
Art and Fun Digital Learning for Children with Special Needs: A Case Study on Applying Art as a Learning Technology
Anugrah Santoso, Dea
Hyperreal Identity in William Gibson’s Neuromancer
Ardhy Perkasa, Baskara
Criticism of the Titarubi’s Sculpture Entitled “Hallucinogenic” in the Senyap Exhibition at the Salian Art Gallery in Bandung 2015
Arifin, Samsul
Teaching Speaking Using Sainstagram: Its Implementation to Collegian
Arista, Cicik
Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course
Arista, Cicik
The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes
Ariyanti, Lisetyo
Maintaining Confessional Discourse through Presupposition in Feminist Speech
Artanti, Yessy
Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior: A Review on the Social Capital Theory and Individual Motivation
Aryanto, Hendro
Comedy Film Posters in the 70’s Era: Content Analysis of Changing Trends
The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
Students’ Perception on Note-taking Skill and Strategy
Azmi, K.
Improving Anaerobic Capacity using Speed Agility and Quickness Training
Bangsawan, Arjuna
The Representation of Javanese Culture in the “Knight Kris” Animated Movie: Charles Sanders Pierce’s Semiotic Analysis
Bangsawan, Arjuna
Developing Teaching Module of Visual Perception Course
Bayu Tejo Sampurno, Muchammad
Art and Fun Digital Learning for Children with Special Needs: A Case Study on Applying Art as a Learning Technology
Bird, S.P
Improving Anaerobic Capacity using Speed Agility and Quickness Training
Butler, Diane
A Re-Turn to Place-based Practice of the Arts for Lifelong Learning and Creativity
Chakim, Nur
Students’ Perception on Note-taking Skill and Strategy
Chasanatun, Fida
A View of Indonesian Anti Corruption Class for Academic Students
Damanhuri, Adam
The Language Attitude of Adolescence: A Case Study of an Indonesian-American Mixed Marriage Family
Damanhuri, Adam
Translation Shift in George Orwell’s Animal Farm as Assessing Readability in Indonesian Translation
The Sandur of Bangkalan Nowadays: Performing Arts in the Prestige and Social Status
Dianing Kartika, Ajeng
The Correlation between Tracer  Study and Curriculum Relevance
Didik Santoso, Dwi
The Development of Mandarin Hanzi Instructional Videos to Increase Writing Skills
Edliani Lestari, Tri
Quasi-Final Particle in Japanese Language: A Case Study of Nanchatte and Various-Nanteitteshimatte
Edliani Lestari, Tri
Idiom Structure with Plan Lexicon in German Language
Ernawati, Yunita
Jaranan Turonggo Bimo in Nganjuk: Development and Representation of Identity
Ernawati, Yunita
Beauty Myth in Novels by Tiwiek S.A
Ervina Dewi, Vivi
Gunungkidul Community as an Agent of Resistance in the “Rasulan” Tradition towards Mass Cultural Domination
Eva Savitri, Wiwiet
Students’ Perception on Note-taking Skill and Strategy
Farhan Masrur, Muhammad
Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course
Farhan Masrur, Muhammad
The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes
Faris Firdaws S, Ahmad
Vocabulary Profile of the Abstracts Written by Students Majoring in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies: A Comparative Analysis
Fitri Kholidya, Citra
Mr. Mustache and Friends: A Song Animation Video Development Based on Signalong Indonesia
Ganap, Victor
Discourse on Indonesian Piano Composition for Music Education
Gilang Aris Pradana, Febryansah
The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
Handayaningrum, Warih
Building Professionalism of Lecturers through the Development of Blended Learning
Hidayat, Nurul
The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
Ika Pratita, Ina
In-Group Concept of the Apology Dialogue Statement in Business Comics
Imam Samsul, Suwarno
Developing Student Worksheet to Support Kanji Teaching
Imam Samsul, Suwarno
The Correlation between Tracer  Study and Curriculum Relevance
Imron, Ali
The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
Inayatillah, Fafi
Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook
Isa Gautama, Mohammad
News Coverage of Romahurmuzy Arrest: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Three National Online Media
Juwariyah, Anik
Building Youth Awareness toward Indonesian Culture through Ballet Performance
Juwariyah, Anik
The Representation of Javanese Culture in the “Knight Kris” Animated Movie: Charles Sanders Pierce’s Semiotic Analysis
Juwariyah, Anik
Criticism of the Titarubi’s Sculpture Entitled “Hallucinogenic” in the Senyap Exhibition at the Salian Art Gallery in Bandung 2015
Juwariyah, Anik
The Sandur of Bangkalan Nowadays: Performing Arts in the Prestige and Social Status
Khair, Imamatul
Vocabulary Profile of the Abstracts Written by Students Majoring in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies: A Comparative Analysis
Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook
Kristiana, Nova
Comedy Film Posters in the 70’s Era: Content Analysis of Changing Trends
Kristiandri, Dhani
Gunungkidul Community as an Agent of Resistance in the “Rasulan” Tradition towards Mass Cultural Domination
Kurniasih, Esti
Creative Learning Model to Support Senior High Students in Reading Comprehension
Kurniasih, Esti
Implementing “4C’s” in Teaching Writing in Senior High School
Kusnanik, N.W
Improving Anaerobic Capacity using Speed Agility and Quickness Training
Kusuma Dewi, Damajanti
“It’s Pre-Service Teacher’s Time”: Shifting the Focus of Communication Apprehension (CA) Research
Laksono, Kisyani
The Elicitation of Madurese Language in the Disruption Era
Laksono, Kisyani
The Importance of Developing Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Local Culture for BIPA Students
Lani Anggapuspa, Meirina
Developing Teaching Module of Visual Perception Course
Lastoro Simatupang, Lono
Discourse on Indonesian Piano Composition for Music Education
Leonard Simanjuntak, Hendrik
Discourse on Indonesian Piano Composition for Music Education
Lestari, Sri
Applying Screencast and Google Classroom Application for EPT Online Course
Lorry Juniarisca, Dwi
The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
Machfud Fauzi, Agus
Student Admission through Hafidz Path Program: A Case Study of an Indonesian University
Leech Politeness Maxim in Hitam Putih TV Program
Banking Literacy for New College Students in Digital Era
Developing Teaching Materials for Three Dimensional Basic Fine Arts Subjects
Maulida Septiana Harti, Laily
Construing Masculinity in Men’s Perfume Advertisement: A Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis (SF-MDA)
Mawanti, Cholis
Father's Image in Digital Short Stories in September 2018 Edition
Maya Setianingrum, Vinda
Visual Storytelling of Infographic Design in News Media: A Comparative Study on Online Media Platforms in Indonesia
Maya Setianingrum, Vinda
Local Films as an Effort to Optimize Character Education
Mega Diarti, Ayu
Student Admission through Hafidz Path Program: A Case Study of an Indonesian University
Megawati Simanjuntak, Nensy
Father's Image in Digital Short Stories in September 2018 Edition
Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors
Ambiguity and Communicative Strategy in Japanese Story Retelling
The Elicitation of Madurese Language in the Disruption Era
Mintowati, Maria
Hate Speech: Forensic Linguistics Study
Mintowati, Maria
Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook
Mr., Sukarman
Educational Values in a Script “Ngelmi Karoyalan” - A Local Wisdom of Javanese Community
Mrs., Mukhzamilah
Developing Problem-Based Blended Learning Model for Syntax Course in Industrial Era 4.0
Mr. Mustache and Friends: A Song Animation Video Development Based on Signalong Indonesia
Mufidah, Zakiyatul
Film Literacy Culture and Identity Expression of Madurese Women in Pesantren (Santriwati) in Madura
Muflihah, Tatik
Representation of Language Awareness in Jokowi’s Terms
Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook
Developing Problem-Based Blended Learning Model for Syntax Course in Industrial Era 4.0
Munir, Ahmad
Promoting University Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Implementation of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in Language Assessment: A Theoretical Prespective
Mustofa, Ali
Soap Opera Actors’ Social Climbing in the Digital Media: A Study of Digital Traces in Social Media
Mustofa, Ali
The Sandur of Bangkalan Nowadays: Performing Arts in the Prestige and Social Status
Nur Cahyani Sri K., Dwi
The Actantial and Functional Structure Analysis of Fairytale Beauty and The Beast