Proceedings of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2019)
176 authors
- Abdillah, Autar
- Building Professionalism of Lecturers through the Development of Blended Learning
- Aditya, Rendy
- Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course
- Aditya, Rendy
- The Development of Mandarin Hanzi Instructional Videos to Increase Writing Skills
- Agustin Kocimaheni, Amira
- Research Theme Identification by Japanese Education Department Lecturers
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Creative Writing, Behaviour, and Behavioral Psychology: Descriptive Study in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department
- Aini Fitria Dewi, Ninies
- Hermione Granger’s Act of Equality in Harry Potter Saga Movies
- Al Rosyiidah, Afiifah
- Film Literacy Culture and Identity Expression of Madurese Women in Pesantren (Santriwati) in Madura
- Amalia Ramdhani, Risky
- Vocabulary Profile of the Abstracts Written by Students Majoring in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies: A Comparative Analysis
- Amri, Miftachul
- Developing Student Worksheet to Support Kanji Teaching
- Amri, Miftachul
- Ojigi: The Ethics of Japanese Community's Nonverbal Language
- Andriyanto, Octo Dendy
- Biosemiotics in Tulus S. Novel Artworks
- Anggun Camelia, Ika
- Art and Fun Digital Learning for Children with Special Needs: A Case Study on Applying Art as a Learning Technology
- Anugrah Santoso, Dea
- Hyperreal Identity in William Gibson’s Neuromancer
- Ardhy Perkasa, Baskara
- Criticism of the Titarubi’s Sculpture Entitled “Hallucinogenic” in the Senyap Exhibition at the Salian Art Gallery in Bandung 2015
- Arifin, Samsul
- Teaching Speaking Using Sainstagram: Its Implementation to Collegian
- Arista, Cicik
- Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course
- Arista, Cicik
- The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes
- Ariyanti, Lisetyo
- Maintaining Confessional Discourse through Presupposition in Feminist Speech
- Artanti, Yessy
- Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior: A Review on the Social Capital Theory and Individual Motivation
- Aryanto, Hendro
- Comedy Film Posters in the 70’s Era: Content Analysis of Changing Trends
- Asha
- The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
- Asrori
- Students’ Perception on Note-taking Skill and Strategy
- Azmi, K.
- Improving Anaerobic Capacity using Speed Agility and Quickness Training
- Bangsawan, Arjuna
- The Representation of Javanese Culture in the “Knight Kris” Animated Movie: Charles Sanders Pierce’s Semiotic Analysis
- Bangsawan, Arjuna
- Developing Teaching Module of Visual Perception Course
- Bayu Tejo Sampurno, Muchammad
- Art and Fun Digital Learning for Children with Special Needs: A Case Study on Applying Art as a Learning Technology
- Bird, S.P
- Improving Anaerobic Capacity using Speed Agility and Quickness Training
- Butler, Diane
- A Re-Turn to Place-based Practice of the Arts for Lifelong Learning and Creativity
- Chakim, Nur
- Students’ Perception on Note-taking Skill and Strategy
- Chasanatun, Fida
- A View of Indonesian Anti Corruption Class for Academic Students
- Damanhuri, Adam
- The Language Attitude of Adolescence: A Case Study of an Indonesian-American Mixed Marriage Family
- Damanhuri, Adam
- Translation Shift in George Orwell’s Animal Farm as Assessing Readability in Indonesian Translation
- Darni
- The Sandur of Bangkalan Nowadays: Performing Arts in the Prestige and Social Status
- Dianing Kartika, Ajeng
- The Correlation between Tracer Study and Curriculum Relevance
- Didik Santoso, Dwi
- The Development of Mandarin Hanzi Instructional Videos to Increase Writing Skills
- Edliani Lestari, Tri
- Quasi-Final Particle in Japanese Language: A Case Study of Nanchatte and Various-Nanteitteshimatte
- Edliani Lestari, Tri
- Idiom Structure with Plan Lexicon in German Language
- Ernawati, Yunita
- Jaranan Turonggo Bimo in Nganjuk: Development and Representation of Identity
- Ernawati, Yunita
- Beauty Myth in Novels by Tiwiek S.A
- Ervina Dewi, Vivi
- Gunungkidul Community as an Agent of Resistance in the “Rasulan” Tradition towards Mass Cultural Domination
- Eva Savitri, Wiwiet
- Students’ Perception on Note-taking Skill and Strategy
- Farhan Masrur, Muhammad
- Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course
- Farhan Masrur, Muhammad
- The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes
- Faris Firdaws S, Ahmad
- Vocabulary Profile of the Abstracts Written by Students Majoring in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies: A Comparative Analysis
- Fitri Kholidya, Citra
- Mr. Mustache and Friends: A Song Animation Video Development Based on Signalong Indonesia
- Ganap, Victor
- Discourse on Indonesian Piano Composition for Music Education
- Gilang Aris Pradana, Febryansah
- The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
- Handayaningrum, Warih
- Building Professionalism of Lecturers through the Development of Blended Learning
- Hidayat, Nurul
- The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
- Ika Pratita, Ina
- In-Group Concept of the Apology Dialogue Statement in Business Comics
- Imam Samsul, Suwarno
- Developing Student Worksheet to Support Kanji Teaching
- Imam Samsul, Suwarno
- The Correlation between Tracer Study and Curriculum Relevance
- Imron, Ali
- The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
- Inayatillah, Fafi
- Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook
- Isa Gautama, Mohammad
- News Coverage of Romahurmuzy Arrest: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Three National Online Media
- Juwariyah, Anik
- Building Youth Awareness toward Indonesian Culture through Ballet Performance
- Juwariyah, Anik
- The Representation of Javanese Culture in the “Knight Kris” Animated Movie: Charles Sanders Pierce’s Semiotic Analysis
- Juwariyah, Anik
- Criticism of the Titarubi’s Sculpture Entitled “Hallucinogenic” in the Senyap Exhibition at the Salian Art Gallery in Bandung 2015
- Juwariyah, Anik
- The Sandur of Bangkalan Nowadays: Performing Arts in the Prestige and Social Status
- Khair, Imamatul
- Vocabulary Profile of the Abstracts Written by Students Majoring in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies: A Comparative Analysis
- Kisyani
- Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook
- Kristiana, Nova
- Comedy Film Posters in the 70’s Era: Content Analysis of Changing Trends
- Kristiandri, Dhani
- Gunungkidul Community as an Agent of Resistance in the “Rasulan” Tradition towards Mass Cultural Domination
- Kurniasih, Esti
- Creative Learning Model to Support Senior High Students in Reading Comprehension
- Kurniasih, Esti
- Implementing “4C’s” in Teaching Writing in Senior High School
- Kusnanik, N.W
- Improving Anaerobic Capacity using Speed Agility and Quickness Training
- Kusuma Dewi, Damajanti
- “It’s Pre-Service Teacher’s Time”: Shifting the Focus of Communication Apprehension (CA) Research
- Laksono, Kisyani
- The Elicitation of Madurese Language in the Disruption Era
- Laksono, Kisyani
- The Importance of Developing Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Local Culture for BIPA Students
- Lani Anggapuspa, Meirina
- Developing Teaching Module of Visual Perception Course
- Lastoro Simatupang, Lono
- Discourse on Indonesian Piano Composition for Music Education
- Leonard Simanjuntak, Hendrik
- Discourse on Indonesian Piano Composition for Music Education
- Lestari, Sri
- Applying Screencast and Google Classroom Application for EPT Online Course
- Lorry Juniarisca, Dwi
- The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District
- Machfud Fauzi, Agus
- Student Admission through Hafidz Path Program: A Case Study of an Indonesian University
- Mardiningsih
- Leech Politeness Maxim in Hitam Putih TV Program
- Mariana
- Banking Literacy for New College Students in Digital Era
- Marsudi
- Developing Teaching Materials for Three Dimensional Basic Fine Arts Subjects
- Maulida Septiana Harti, Laily
- Construing Masculinity in Men’s Perfume Advertisement: A Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis (SF-MDA)
- Mawanti, Cholis
- Father's Image in Digital Short Stories in September 2018 Edition
- Maya Setianingrum, Vinda
- Visual Storytelling of Infographic Design in News Media: A Comparative Study on Online Media Platforms in Indonesia
- Maya Setianingrum, Vinda
- Local Films as an Effort to Optimize Character Education
- Mega Diarti, Ayu
- Student Admission through Hafidz Path Program: A Case Study of an Indonesian University
- Megawati Simanjuntak, Nensy
- Father's Image in Digital Short Stories in September 2018 Edition
- Mintarsih
- Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors
- Mintarsih
- Ambiguity and Communicative Strategy in Japanese Story Retelling
- Mintowati
- The Elicitation of Madurese Language in the Disruption Era
- Mintowati, Maria
- Hate Speech: Forensic Linguistics Study
- Mintowati, Maria
- Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook
- Mr., Sukarman
- Educational Values in a Script “Ngelmi Karoyalan” - A Local Wisdom of Javanese Community
- Mrs., Mukhzamilah
- Developing Problem-Based Blended Learning Model for Syntax Course in Industrial Era 4.0
- Mudjito
- Mr. Mustache and Friends: A Song Animation Video Development Based on Signalong Indonesia
- Mufidah, Zakiyatul
- Film Literacy Culture and Identity Expression of Madurese Women in Pesantren (Santriwati) in Madura
- Muflihah, Tatik
- Representation of Language Awareness in Jokowi’s Terms
- Mukhzamilah
- Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook
- Mulyono
- Developing Problem-Based Blended Learning Model for Syntax Course in Industrial Era 4.0
- Munir, Ahmad
- Promoting University Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Implementation of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in Language Assessment: A Theoretical Prespective
- Mustofa, Ali
- Soap Opera Actors’ Social Climbing in the Digital Media: A Study of Digital Traces in Social Media
- Mustofa, Ali
- The Sandur of Bangkalan Nowadays: Performing Arts in the Prestige and Social Status
- Nur Cahyani Sri K., Dwi
- The Actantial and Functional Structure Analysis of Fairytale Beauty and The Beast