Advances in Health Sciences Research
4234 articles
Proceedings Article
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) For Nursing Documentation: A Concept Analysis
Muhammad Sulaiman, Arifudin Arifudin, Rib’hanul Hakim
Electronic medical records (EMR) have revolutionized the healthcare landscape as a digitized rendition of conventional (paper-based) medical records, prominently adopted across various health facilities. These digital archives encapsulate a plethora of records and information meticulously curated by...
Proceedings Article
Jakarta Head and Neck Oncology Surgery Priority Score (Ja-HOP)
Indra Parmaditya Pamungkas, Marlinda Adham, Bambang Hermani, Ika Dewi Mayangsari, Ferucha Moulanda
COVID-19 Pandemic has made a major change in the health care system including oncologic services. Elective surgery was mostly delayed to preserve resources and decreased COVID-19 transmission. Head and neck oncologic surgery will often be classified as “urgent” surgery and need special management in...
Proceedings Article
Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Taro Leaf Herbal Tea (Colocasia esculenta L.Schoot) Based on Variations in Drying Time and Steeping Time
Ria Purnawian Sulistiani, Yuliana Noor Setyawati Ulvie, Elvina Oktavia Kusningrum
Taro leaves are wild plants that are commonly found in Indonesia and are proven to have chemical bioactive compounds that are beneficial to health. Making taro leaf herbal tea has the potential to boost the immune system because it contains antioxidants and is a preventive and curative effort against...
Proceedings Article
Long-Term Induction by Duck Egg Yolk Resulting in Increased Total Cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein, High Density Lipoprotein and Atherogenic Index in Experimental Animals
Muhammad Hanif Al As’ad Budiyanto, Dimas Agus Cholili, Diva Berliana Adhyaksa, Dwina Permatasari, Fathiyatul Mudzkiroh, Anindya Amanda Damayanti, Dwi Nur Ahsani
Induction by high-fat diet (HFD) is frequently performed for research on hypercholesterolemia in experimental animals. In general, HFD is obtained by combining various components, but only few studies have investigated the potential of each component to induce hypercholesterolemia in experimental animals....
Proceedings Article
Student Experience and Perception of Blended Learning: A Case Study on Basketball Course Delivery During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Agam Akhmad Syaukani, Nur Subekti, Vera Septi Sistiasih, Mohammad Sanggita, Noval Karunia Ramadhan
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education. The right learning strategy is needed to get around the situation to achieve learning objectives amid pandemic challenges. This research aims to explore the perceptions and experiences of students during basketball lectures in a blended...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness Of Water Filter With Circulation Method As A Control Of Larva Aedes Aegypti And Clean Water On Household Enterprises
Jubaidi, Yusmidiarti
Cartridge filter is a tool that can filter solid substances dissolved in water both organic and inorganic substances. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) is an important indicator in water sanitation, the greater the TDS the greater the level of pollution. Aedes aegypti mosquito is a vector of dengue disease...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Allium Sativum and Olive Oil in Overcoming Pruritus in Kidney Failure Patients at Hemodialysis Unit of Dr. Soekardjo Hospital, Tasikmalaya City
Hana Ariyani, Rikky Gita Hilmawan, Lutfi S Baharudin
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Allium Sativum and Olive Oil in overcoming pruritus in kidney failure patients at Hemodialysis Unit of dr. Soekardjo Hospital Tasikmalaya City. Method: This study was a pre-experimental study “one group pre-test post-test” design. The sample...
Proceedings Article
Validity and Reliability Tests of Quality Management Football School Instruments
Sulistiyono Sulistiyono, Wawan S. Suherman, Martono Martono, Duwi K. Pambudi
The aim of the research is to formulate an instrument which is used to assess the quality of football school management using a development research approach. The development procedure determines the purpose of the instrument, compiling a theoretical framework, indicators of instrument/question items,...
Proceedings Article
A New Approach to the Treatment of Oral Cancer With Cempedak Sea Cucumber (Bohadsch Marmorata) of Mentawai Islands
Utmi Arma, Sisca Yudistira
Oral Squamous cell carcinoma cases tend to increase and account for more than 90% of all oral cancers. Among the standard treatments are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or combination, however most patients with oral carcinoma, especially tongue carcinoma, are admitted to the hospital at an advanced...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Foot Massage Using Lemongrass Oil on Reducing the Intensity of Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain in the Elderly at the Aisyiyah Clinic, Ambulu Sub-district, Jember Regency
Siti Aisyah, Musrifatul Uliyah, Mila Ulfaiza
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorder that attacks the joints causing damage to the joints and being a source of morbidity that can cause considerable death. Foot massage using lemongrass oil is a non-pharmacological therapy that can reduce pain and provide a relaxing effect....
Proceedings Article
Morphometric Indices of Multilocular Adipose Tissue Cells When Adapting to Cold
Elena D. Kolodeznikova, Elena V. Pshennikova, Irina V. Nikolaeva, Tuyaara P. Sivtseva
The article presents the results of experimental studies of interscapular and peri-adrenal brown adipose tissue of rats kept at low temperatures. Experimental animals were kept at a temperature of + 50 °C for 1.3, 7, 15, 30, 90 days. The skin temperature of the lateral surfaces of the body, ears, paws,...
Proceedings Article
Spirituality Analysis in Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Phenomenology Study
Natar Fitri Napitupulu, Adi Antoni, Siti Isma Sari Lubis, Asnil Adli Simomora, Mastiur Napitupulu
Spiritual connects between intrapersonal (relationship with self), interpersonal (relationship between self and others), and transpersonal (relationship between self and god/occult power). The purpose of the study were expected to be developed through research by exploring more deeply the spiritual experience...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Health Promotion Media on Adolescents’ Willingness to Use Electronic Cigarettes: A Literature Review
Anis Yunita, Shofiyatul Masyiyah, Nazira Dyah Maharani, Dian Mawarni
Electronic cigarettes are rapidly emerging into a new trend among adolescents. There are concerns about the impact of electronic cigarettes at both individual and public health levels. Health promotion efforts with various media have been conducted but are not optimal to reduce adolescent electronic...
Proceedings Article
Autistic Children Parenting Stress
A Study on Parents Taking Caring of Children with Autism during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Inke Ayu Pertiwi, Samsunuwiyati Mar’at, Naomi Soetikno
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of brain development disorders characterized by stereotyped behavior and deficits in communication as well as social interaction. This usually appears before the age of three. Handling children with autism in the COVID-19 pandemic situation can be challenging...
Proceedings Article
Healthy Breakfast on Learning Concentration of Junior High School Students
Reni Ilmiasih, Nur Lailatul Masruroh, Dini Ramulia
Healthy breakfast is a complete morning menu consists of first food, side dish, vegetables and fruits and also drinks. Healthy breakfast provides students cognitive performance and gives energy for brain while learning process like learning concentration. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Light Intensity On Eye Fatigue
Restu Kurniawati, Mr. Mardji, Agung Kurniawan
The improper light intensity can cause eye fatigue in a person. Based on preliminary observation in the Technical Implementation Unit of Job Training (UPTPK) Singosari-Malang, it was known that the light intensity in the welding room at UPTPK Singosari-Malang was ranging from 101,25 lux to 102,97 lux....
Proceedings Article
Exercise Method of Hockey Basic Technique Skills
Much. Samsul Huda, Janje J Sapulete, Zulfikar Zulfikar
In this research, 20 from 54 the cluster of the student is random sampling. The research was focused on three aspect; training method and motivation achievement to the ability of the basic techniques of hockey students. The data were collected with questionnaire and analyzed with tuckey analysis. Result...
Proceedings Article
Osteopenia Leading to Dystrophy of Alveolar Ridges at Persons Suffering from Hypothyroidism
S.K. Khetagurov, E.V. Alborova, G.A. Kotsoeva, Z.R. Dzaraeva, A.O. Gatsalova, A.Ch. Tskhovrebov, D.V. Kabaloeva
The paper presents the study of features of parodentium microhaemodynamics via laser doppler flowmetry at patients with osteopenia caused by hypothyroidism. The study covered patients of 30-57 years old, among which there were 35 women and 20 men. Adequate hormonal therapy was carried out in the main...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of morphological and functional status of children with spastic tetraparesis in the process of physical recreation and hydrorehabilitation
Marina Morozova, Natalia Kadochnikova, Maria Sazanova
The purpose of this research is to prove the need for scientific and methodological support for children with spastic tetraparesis in the process of physical recreation. The study involved 15 children of both sexes of 7-12 years old, who had the process of recreation with elements of hydrorehabilitation...
Proceedings Article
Cold Pressor Test for Predicting Risk of Pregnancy Hypertension: A Case Control Study
Linda Yanti, Mariah Ulfah
As 60% of maternal deaths occurred during childbirth, 26.32% occurred during pregnancy and 13.68% occurred at the time of delivery. The causes of maternal mortality include metabolic disorders was 0.87%, infections of 4.34%, circulatory system disorders, 12.36%, bleeding 30.37%, hypertension in pregnancy...
Proceedings Article
Analysis on Incidents of Helminthiasis Based on Home Sanitation of Elementary-School Children in Seluma Regency
Mario Sandro, Achmad Fickry Faisya, Rostika Flora, Mohammad Zulkarnain, Nur Alam Fajar, Samwilson Slamet
Intestinal helminthiasis is a worm infection transmitted from soil contaminated by helminths (soil- transmitted helminths). The incident of helminthiasis is commonly found in school-age children. Frequent outdoor activities, contact with soil, and poor environmental sanitation increase the incident of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Guava Extracts on Ferritin Levels in Pregnant White Rats
Febby Herayono, Hasanalita, Silvie Permata Sari, Hartati Deri Manila
Background: Anemia affects almost a quarter of the world population. Irondeficiency is a cause of anemia. Pregnant women are declared to have anemia when using the 11g / dL limit in the first and third trimesters and 10.5 g / dL in the second trimester while ferritin acts as aniron reserve. Guava is...
Proceedings Article
Psychosocial Distress in Breast Cancer Patients
Wenny Savitri, Amin Haryati
Background: Cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in Indonesia. Breast cancer and its therapy cause several impacts on patients, including physical, psychological, and social. Little information has been gathered regarding non-physical impacts on patients with breast cancer in the form...
Proceedings Article
Development of Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Anti-Ag85B Protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Sabar Pambudi, Tika Widayanti, Febby N. Ningsih, Asri Sulfianti, Jodi Suryanggono, Ika Nurlaila
One of the abundant biomarkers in tuberculosis (TB) infected human serum is the Ag85B antigen. The quest for protein biomarkers has been conducted to develop a diagnostic kit and vaccine for TB. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the development of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that recognize a specific...
Proceedings Article
Junk Food Consumption Related to Female Adolescent Obesity
Faurina Risca Fauzia, Evi Wahyuntari
Research background. The prevalence of obesity status in female teenagers aged 13–15 in Bantul Regency in 2018 had seen an increase of 6.43%. The obesity status in teenagers can be caused by several factors, one of which is excessive consumption of junk food. Aim of research: This research seeks to understand...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing a Public Health Centre Volunteers in Promoting Dengue Eradication Program
Lisa Elfiana Malik, Makhfudli Makhfudli, Setho Hadisuyatmana
Dengue eradication program in Surabaya was far from success. It is arguable that this is because the volunteers who are responsible for promoting the programs did not do their best. Anecdotally, they were lack of knowledge, attitude, and skills in empowering the community to support the program. The...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Balance Exercise for Older People in Posyandu Wreda Pratama Padukuhan Kalirandu, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta
Dinasti Binoriang
Aging is a natural process characterized by the decrease in the function of various organs of the body. This process is causing older people to have the risk of various health problems. One of the health problems this experienced by older people is body balance disorders. Body balance is influenced by...
Proceedings Article
Clinical Effects of Scaling With Subgingival Application of 25% Metronidazole Alginate Base Topical Gel Towards Chronic Periodontitis Patient
Jelita Rindly Fachrina, Irma Ervina, Hakim Bangun
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Bacteriodes spp., Capnocytophaga spp., and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans are bacteries that cause periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is treated by eliminating pathogen bacteries through scaling and systemic or local antibiotics. One of the local antibiotics that...
Proceedings Article
The influence of hunting activity on haematological parameters of local dogs in Tabek Panjang, Baso, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Radhiati Kemala Sari, Triva Murtina Lubis
This study aims to determine whether a physical activity such as hunting wild boars has effects on erythrocyte counts, haemoglobin concentration, and haematocrit values of local dogs (Canis familiaris)in Tabek Panjang, Baso Subdistrict, West Sumatera, Indonesia. The study used ten healthy male local...
Proceedings Article
Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
Desmi Sartika, Berliana Berliana, Komarudin Komarudin, Mesianna Simbolon, Alimin Hamzah, Puji Astuti
In the current era, team sports are very popular and become the centre of attention. One of the most popular sports, both internationally and domestically, is basketball. Basketball not only supports physical training, but also must support tactical training. In general, mental toughness is a general...
Proceedings Article
Dengue Spatial Distribution and Environment Factor in Banjarnegara District, Central Java Province
Sunaryo, Tri Ramadhani, Dyah Widiastuti
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is caused by dengue virus that is spread through the bite of the Aedes aegypti.spp mosquitoes. Banjarnegara District is a new DHF endemic area in Central Java Province. Insidence Rate in 2018 was 14/1.00.000 population. The larval free rate in Banjarnegara District was...
Proceedings Article
Development of the Snake Game Model for Basic Movement Skills in SD Medan Struggle Students
Eny Yusnita Pardede
In general, the purpose of this research is a development research that aims to produce a product in the form of a game model of ladder snakes that is modified game rules. This research is to produce a new book which will be developed for elementary students. The subjects in this study were Medan Perjuangan...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Blood Sugar Level Toward Cognitive Function of Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus
Umi Faridah, Indanah, Sulistyani
Background: Elderly is a person with advanced age who experiences biological, physical, psychological and social changes. This change will affect all aspects of life, including their health. There are several risk factors that encourage cognitive function including age, gender, race, genetics, blood...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Adolescent Reproductive Health Policies in Bandung District
Nurhayati, F Handayani, A Kamila
One of the efforts to equip adolescents is to make policies on adolescent reproductive health that can accommodate the needs of adolescents in educational institutions or schools. This study aims to determine the implementation of learning policies on adolescent reproductive health programs or the likes....
Proceedings Article
Learning Stages Issues Identification in Implementing of Learning Process by Physical Education Teachers in High School
Widhea Wahyu Anantha, H.W Lokananta Teguh
This study aimed to find out the problems faced by the physical education teacher at senior high and vocational high school and find out alternative solutions used by physical education teachers. This study uses descriptive qualitative research design. The data collection was done by using a closed questionnaire,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Aromatherapy of Cardamom on Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting Among Cancer Patients
D Hudiyawati, AN Devi, FN Rosyid, P Primalia
Chemotherapy is one of the therapies for cancer patients with side effects of nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting experienced by the patient can be a new problem and cause a decrease in health. Aromatherapy is a therapy that can reduce nausea and vomiting. This study aimed to determine the effect...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Pass AB Training on Increasing Volleyball Passing Skills in Junior High School Students
Suhadi Suhadi, Amat Komari, Agus Marhaendro, Nur Majid
The lack of students’ skills in the basic techniques of passing over and under in volleyball is the background in this study. This study aims to determine the effect of AB pass training on volleyball passing skills in junior high school students. This research method is Quasi Experimental, the research...
Proceedings Article
Perception of Behavior Control as a Dominant Factor Influencing Teacher Behavior in Conveying Information on Reproductive Health and Sexuality to Junior High School Students
Tanjung Anitasari Indah Kusumaningrum, Mayang Widya Saputri, Mohamad Fajar Emerald
Adolescents are vulnerable to reproductive health problems. Teachers are one of the most trusted sources of information for adolescents, but few teachers communicate reproductive health to students. This study aims to analyze the factors that most influence the teacher's behavior in providing reproductive...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Providing Early Childhood Education Program Integration to Prevent Stunting (PAUD-Incasting) Through Audiovisual Media for Improving Preschool Child Nutrition Status
Titih Huriah, Andri Hermawan
Introduction - Indonesia is the third country with the highest prevalence of stunting toddlers in Southeast Asia or South-East Asia Regional (SEAR). Efforts that can be made to prevent stunting in preschool-age children include providing early stimulation. This stimulation can be carried out through...
Proceedings Article
Clinical, Audiological and Radiological Features of Bilateral Enlarged Vestibular Aqueducts Syndrome: Case Series
Selvie Sira, Masyita Gaffar, Sri Wartati
Background: Enlarge Vestibular Aqueducts (EVA) is a vestibular aqueduct dilation bigger than 1 mm which can cause progressive hearing loss. EVA diagnosis regards clinical features, audiological examination, CT Scan and/or MRI. Objectives: Describing the knowledge about clinical features, audiological...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Contextual Learning in Improving the Quality of Motor Development Course for PETE Students
Agus Mahendra, Nuryadi Nuryadi, Lukmannul Haqim Lubay, Mesa Rahmi Steppani
Learning a theoretical lesson with so many contents related to facts and information like the course of “Children Motor Development,” can be so boring and non-motivating to the students. From repeated experiences, it can be observed that the class atmosphere is mostly relatively passive and characterized...
Proceedings Article
Potential of Family-Based Diet Management Programs to Behavior of Diet Hypertension Patients in Four Areas of Community Health Centers Cibeureum Working Areas in Tasikmalaya City, Indonesia
Anih Kurnia, Mamat Lukman, Desy Indrayani, Anna Yulyana, Teti Agustin
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of Family-Based Dietary Management Program For People with Hypertension Diet Behavior. Method: The research method used was quasi experiment, the design used was pre-test and post-test with control group design. The sampling technique...
Proceedings Article
State and Dynamics of Child Disability in Modern Russia
V.V. Brusneva, V.V. Gorbunova, N.K. Mayatskaya, L.Yu. Grazhdankina, K.D. Bondarenko
The paper presents the analysis of the state and dynamics of child disability in Russia taking into account structure, gender and level of certain classes of diseases on the basis of official statistics. It defines features in the development of child disability in modern Russia alongside with the main...
Proceedings Article
Pharmacokinetic of Flunixin Meglumine in Broiler Chicks by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
Zahraa Alhumdany, Yasser Albadrany
Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the concentration of flunixin in the plasma of chicks to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters.
Methods: A randomized controlled study was performed on forty five clinically healthy ross chicks of seven days old, chicks were administered into the...
Proceedings Article
Overview of Neonatal Death in Semarang City Central Java Province in 2018
Rany Ekawati, Purwanti Susantini
Neonatal death is a worldwide concern. Sustainable Development Goal targets by 2030 reduce neonatal mortality to below 12 per 1000 live births. Indonesia Demographic Health Survey in 2017 show that neonatal mortality is 15 per 1,000 live births. Semarang city is one of the provinces in Central Java....
Proceedings Article
The Relation Between D-dimer Level and Chest X-Ray (CXR) Scoring in COVID-19 Patients:
What We can Learn from?
Tersia Viradanti, Yudith Yunia Kusmala
Coronavirus disease is a kind of pneumonia cause by infection of SARS-CoV-2. In most cases, patients only get mild manifestation or even asymptomatic. Some patient can get severe disease, especially elderly people or someone with comorbid, leading to cytokines storm that triggers SIRS and induce coagulation...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between the Level of Consumption of Energy, Protein, Fe and Blood Tablets with Anaemia Status in Adolescent Girls at SLTPN 1 Menui Morowali Regency
Suriana Koro, La Banudi, Rofiqoh Rofiqoh, Asmita Asmita
A global health concern, anaemia stunts teenage girls’ motor development and impairs their cognitive function. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that between 40% and 88% of the world’s population suffers from anaemia in 2015. According to 2018 statistics from Riskesdas, the prevalence of anaemia...
Proceedings Article
The use of fitness trackers in the training process for increasing physical and functional abilities in athletes
Roman Nagovitsyn, Aleksander Osipov, Mikhail Kudryavtsev
The purpose of the study was to identify and justify the use of fitness trackers in the training process for increasing the level of physical and functional development in athletes of various ages. Materials and methods: athletes from aerobic sports (running and Nordic walking) aged from 18 to 65 years...
Proceedings Article
Health Impact of Pesticide Using Method At Sprayed Worker Farmer in Sumber Mufakat Village, Karo
Eka Lestari Mahyuni, Muhammad Makmur Sinaga
Pesticide using was a problem concern specialized in safety and health aspect. Missing at work method and not in procedure could increasing of health problem specialize to occupational accident and occupational disease. The purpose of this research was to know the health impact of pesticide from pesticide...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Physical Fitness and Principal Leadership on Physical Education Teacher Performance in the City of Ambon
Siti Divinubun, Moh. Asmawi, Firman Dils
The essence of the problem in this study is “How big is the influence of physical disability and Principal Leadership on the Performance of Physical Education Teachers?” The aim is to find out the effect of physical disability and Principal Leadership on Physical Education Teacher Performance. The hypothesis...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Contraceptives in Commercial Sex Workers in Yogyakarta
Yekti Satriyandari, Yushe Quasimah, Yuliana Umrotun
The economic crisis can increase the number of commercial sex workers (CSWs). The low infection prevention behavior and the low use of contraceptives while doing their work causes sex workers are potentially infected and transmitted by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including HIV-AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency...
Proceedings Article
In Vitro Effect of Tetraprenyltoluquinone on Normal Human Leukocyte Cell
Dira Hefni, Fatma Sri Wahyuni, Surya Dharma, Dachriyanus, Rielenda Fadhilah
Tetraprenyltoluquinone is a compound that was successfully isolated from the hexane fraction of stem bark Garcinia cowa, Roxb. In previous studies, tetraprenyltoluquinone is known to have anticancer and anti-inflammatory activity. The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of tetraprenyltoluquinone...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Determinants of the Incident of Dysmenorrhea in the Al Mabrur Islamic Boarding School
Sherkia Ichtiarsi Prakasiwi, Endah Sulistyowati
Adolescence is a period of change, or transition from childhood to adulthood with an age range of 12–21 years. Menstruation is the process of the uterine wall (endometrium) experiencing repeated bleeding secretions every month. The type and severity of pain varies from mild to severe, dysmenorrhea is...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Accuracy Training to Improve Badminton Athletes’ Service Skills
Sigit Nugroho, Amat Komari, Riky Dwihandaka, Duwi Kurnianto Pambudi, Sulistiyono Sulistiyono, Fadli Ihsan, Rezha Arzan Hidayat
The serve is the first shot that starts a badminton game. This study aims to test and determine the effectiveness of accuracy training in improving the short service ability of badminton athletes. This study uses a research method of quasi-experiment designs with a one-group time series design (pretest,...
Proceedings Article
Academic Study of Obesity as a National Health Problem Based on Structural Equation Model Analysis
Hertog Nursanyoto, Ni Komang Wiardani, I. Putu Suiraoka, I. Wayan Juniarsana, I. Gusti Putu Sudita Puryana
Obesity is not a terminal problem, but is related to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Therefore, efforts to halt the rate of increase in obesity require a holistic approach and support from all stakeholders. The formulation of the problem that will be studied is: “Is it appropriate for the problem of...
Proceedings Article
COVID-19 Prediction Based on DWT and Moment Invariant Features of Radiography Image Using the Artificial Neural Network Classifier
Ditha Nurcahya Avianty, I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya, Fitri Bimantoro, Rina Lestari, Triana Dyah Cahyawati
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a family of coronaviruses, namely severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The fastest method to identify the presence of this virus is a rapid antibody or antigen test, but to confirm the positive status of a COVID-19 patient, further...
Proceedings Article
Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) in a 5-year-old Child: A Case Report
Riri Putria, Nazli Mahdinasari Nasution
Background: One of the most frequent emotional disorders in children is Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD), which can lead to poorer mental and physical health and is estimated at 50% of anxiety disorders. But based on the facts, many adults think that many symptoms of SAD are normal. When suffering from...
Proceedings Article
Large-Scale Social Restriction Legal Policy According to the Health Law During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Cornella Fithria Khairunnisa, Moch Syafrudin Dwisapto Laxamanahady
Contains some government policies regarding the health law and some steps on how the law can be implemented properly. In the concept of health rules include roles, functions, and responsibilities in it. Therefore, the core aspects that are the focus of research considering that the health sector is a...
Proceedings Article
Neurological Analysis of Brain Wave Disorders of Speech Delayed Child
Yulianita Yulianita, Rika Amran, Amrizal Arief
The brain is the most important part of the control center of the human body. Inside the brain, millions of neurons coordinate in transferring electric signs to form orders. The signs are recorded as brain waves indicating normalities and abnormalities of brain work by using one of the brain recorders;...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Dietary Pattern with Health Status of Elderly in the Area of Teladan Health Center in Medan
Henny Oktaviani Siregar, Erna Mutiara, Linda Maas
Globally, the elderly population is predicted to increase continously. The elderly population in Indonesia is predicted to increase higher than the population in the world. The increase is accompanied by dietary changes that affect the health status of the elderly. This research was conducted at Teladan...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Endurance Exercises Method to Increase VO2Max Wrestling Athlete in Indonesia
Rubianto Hadi, Hari Setijono, Soegiyanto Soegiyanto, Setya Rahayu
The results showed that VO2 Max as a whole result of pretest result 46,95%, result of test of Cycle I increased to equal to 49,43%, and result of Cycle II test become better reaching 50,21%. The conclusion from this study is that the training interval method can increase the VO2 Max Atlet Wrestling Program...
Proceedings Article
Dental Status of Children With Cerebral Palsy in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
M.D. Kabisova, E.V. Alborova, Z.F. Khumarov, Z.K. Sotieva, S.K. Khetagurov, M.G. Dzgoeva, D.K. Dzgoeva
The infantile cerebral palsy (ICP) is one of the most critical pathologies resulting in disability. Considering that the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is industrially developed mountain territory with high pollution level in some locations and a region with insufficient content of iodine in its biosphere,...
Proceedings Article
Assessing Quality of Life in ESRD Patients: Sleep Quality and Associated Factors
Made Suandika, Woung Ru Tang
Background: Sleep disturbance is the most common problem in patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESRD). This study investigated the adverse events of sleep quality that affect Quality of Life (QoL) and identified risk factors of sleep disorders with general participant’s characteristics, related to...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Material Characteristics, Adequacy Intake of Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin C with Anemia Status in Women of Reliable Age (WUS)
Marisa Lia Anggraini, Ade Nurhasanah Amir, Putri Minas Sari, Honesty Diana Morika, Eliza Arman, Hartati Deri Manila
Women of childbearing age as prospective mothers are a vulnerable group whose health status must be considered, especially their nutritional status. The quality of the next generation will be determined by the condition of the mother since before pregnancy and during pregnancy. Preconception health is...
Proceedings Article
Can Academic Potential Tests Predict Students’ Learning Outcomes?
S. Sundari, SW Putro, GA Sadrina
The Medical Education Study Program is a favorable department study program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Thus, the department increases the students’ input standard to keep quality. There are various kinds of tests for selecting new students, including course tests, psychological tests (TPA...
Proceedings Article
Biomotor Analysis of Speed and Flexibility in the Karate Talented Athletes Coaching in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Widha Srianto, Siswantoyo Siswantoyo
Biomotor speed and flexibility are important components that must be possessed by a karate athlete. This study aims to analyze the biomotor abilities of speed and flexibility in karate talented athletes in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The research sample consisted of 20 karate athletes who participated...
Proceedings Article
Lifestyle, Mental Health and Quality of Life Among Obese Women during COVID-19 Pandemic in DKI Jakarta
Shirleen Gabriele Havelaar, Helda Khusun, Dian Novita Chandra, Saptawati Bardosono
Background: Obesity prevalence has been steadily rising over the world, including in Indonesia, particularly in DKI Jakarta, which has the highest obesity prevalence. Meanwhile, the global COVID-19 epidemic has impacted everyday activity, lifestyle, and mental health, as well as being linked to weight...
Proceedings Article
Prediction the Intentions of Behaviour of Prospective Brides Using Elsimil Applications on Stunting Prevention in Batu City
Autio Reza Asaddullah, Septa Katmawanti, Ema Novita Deniati, Sapto Adi
Results of Family Data Collection, 2021 Batu City, East Java states that there are 49.3% of families at risk of stunting, these results are predicted to increase the prevalence of stunting 15% if it is not prevented. Efforts to prevent stunting can be used in applications such as Elsimil who effort to...
Proceedings Article
Tombelu Extract (Bactronophorus Sp) Inhibits Plasmodium Falciparum Metabolism In Vitro
Wiralis Wiralis, Teguh Fathurrahman, Hariani Hariani, Suwarni Suwarni
Malaria is still a serious public health problem in the world, including Indonesia, because it is found with a fairly high prevalence. Malaria is a pathological condition caused by Plasmodium which is transmitted through the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. Subjects who live in endemic areas or have had...
Proceedings Article
COVID-19 Among Indonesian College Students; Epidemiology Characteristic and Clinical Phenomenon During Infection
Choirunisa Fauziah, Anna Suraya
The information about COVID-19 prevalence, symptoms, and treatment among Indonesian college students has been limited. This study aims to discover the epidemiological characteristic and clinical phenomenon of COVID-19 infection among university students in Indonesia to provide valuable references for...
Proceedings Article
Life Quality Assessment in Patients with Type 1 Spinocerebellar Ataxia in the Yakut Population
A.A. Maksimova, A.I. Fedorov, A.L Sukhomyasova, N.R. Maksimova
Parameters of life quality in 12 patients with type 1 spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA1) in the Yakut population were studied. The control group was 12 healthy individuals. A SF-36 questionnaire was used to determine life quality, reflecting overall well-being and satisfaction degree with the physical and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Training Paddle and Training Rubber Resistance on The Speed of 50-m Freestyle Swimming of South Sulawesi Swimming Athletes
Reza Mahyuddin, Muhammad Syawal, Nurul Musfira Amahoru
Swimming is a type of water sport, apart from beautiful diving, synchronized swimming, and water polo. The sport of swimming has become popular in quantity. This has been indicated by the increasing number of swimming associations in big cities and regions in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to determine...
Proceedings Article
A Case Report: Is There a Drug-Induced Gambling Disorder?
Afrendi Akbar, Mustafa M. Amin
Gambling disorder (GD) has been identified as a rare but serious adverse reaction to dopaminergic drugs that are widely used to treat mental problems. It is characterized as a recurrent and persistent sickness that results in clinically substantial pain or disability and threatens the patient’s capacity...
Proceedings Article
Develompment of Water Sport Tourism Based on Sustainable Tourism in Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands DKI Jakarta
Rahmat Darmawan, Jenal Abidin, H. Widyaningsih
This study aims to identify the potential of water sports tourism.This research uses qualitative research methods with reference to the concept of sports tourism, water based tourism and sustainable tourism. The population in this study was in the form of a social situation, namely Pramuka Island (land...
Proceedings Article
Criminality and Antisocial Behavior in Young Adult
Andiyani Yanuari, Naomi Soetikno, Riana Sahrani
Crime is a social phenomenon caused by normative deviations that are detrimental and cannot be tolerated. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the crime rate increased by 19.47% which was dominated by conventional crimes. The high crime rate that occurs can cause anxiety and concern in the community. Crime...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Initial Glascow Coma Scale Score and Treatment Duration with Independency Level of Patients with Head Injury in Emergency Room dr. R. Koesma tuban hospital
Moh. Ubaidillah Faqih, Hyan Oktodia Basuki
Head injury is the main cause of disability and mortality. Several factors that can lead to high disability are the initial GCS score and the treatment duration. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of initial GCS score and treatment duration to the independence level of patients...
Proceedings Article
Psychosocial Relationship With Working Stress In Workers Of Sinar Harapan Trading Company In Padang Serai Bengkulu City
Mely Gustina, Mualim, Ullya Rahmawati, Ranti Ashabul Jannah
Safety and Health at Work (K3) is a condition of factors that influence the safety and health of workers (including workers from contractors) and also guests or other people at work. This study aims to determine the psychosocial relationship with work stress on workers of Sinar Harapan Teknik Trading...
Proceedings Article
Multilateral Training Model in Sport Performance
Ria Lumintuarso
This research aims to produce the training method in sport performance base on multilateral development and its effect in performance. This study uses a research and development approach. The samples consist of 16 primary schools extracurricular in Yogyakarta Province, by purposive sampling technique....
Proceedings Article
Using the Objective Structured Clinical Examination for Evaluation Nursing Students’ Performances in Psychiatric Nursing Practicum
Kesorn Saithanu, Somchit Luprasong, Sanguan Thanee
The purpose of this descriptive research study was to examine the outcome of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) on nursing students’ performances in psychiatric nursing area. The participants were 62 of 4th year nursing students in Faculty of Nursing, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Bleaching on the Morphology of Enamel
Kavita, Sumadhi Sastrodihardjo
Enamel of the teeth is the hardest tissue in the human body which protects them. The composition of enamel is 94-96% inorganic, 1% organic, and 4-5% water. Discoloration of the enamel which may be caused by chemicals, medicine or trauma has a psychological impact in person, characterized by lack of self-confidence....
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Among Organizational Stressor, Social Support, and Sports Performance on Athletes Achievements
Mesianna Simbolon, Berliana Berliana, Mulyana Mulyana, Alimin Hamzah, Desmi Sartika, Nur’aini Safitri
Organizational stressors in sports had developed rapidly in the past decade and produced a theoretical framework that stimulated studies exploring the demands faced by athletes. Organizational stressors have the potential to cause many undesirable consequences for athletes. Organizational stressors have...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of the Combination Therapy of Emotional Freedom Technique - Murottal Alqur’an on Blood Pressure of the Elderly with Hypertension
Noor Cholifah, Sukarmin, Ahmad Abdul Kholiq
Background: The health care coverage of elderly in Wonogiri in 2014 reached 108.002 (65.19%) of the 165.685 elderly, and in Jatiroto Sub-District there were 2.072 of the total of 3.164 elderly who got health care. The report from Wonogiri Departement of Public Health (2013), the case of Non-Communicable...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Leg Power to the Long Jump Capability UKM Students Sport
Long jump is one of the athletic sports. Indonesian’s current athletics events have gradually shown a very satisfying appearance. In recent years, sports in this athletic branch have been able to compete with Asian countries, especially in Southeast Asia. However, there are several Indonesian athletic...
Proceedings Article
Formulating Business Strategy With SWOT Analysis Approach in Sekarpuro Medical Clinic Malang
Ervina Febrianti Dewi Safitri, Supriyadi, Sapto Adi, Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari
Quality service and human resources in healthcare as well as an adequate budget will affect public health status. Service quality at Sekarpuro Medical Clinic is one of the indicators seen from the number of visits. Sekarpuro Clinic has experienced a decline in the number of patient visits. However, the...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude with Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in One of Malang City Health Center
Alfinadelasari Putri Fariadi, Septa Katmawanti, Agung Kurniawan, Supriyadi Supriyadi
Pregnancy is a time to increase fetal growth and development. The growth and development of children certainly cannot be separated from the nutritional status of the mother. Lack of knowledge about nutrition can cause mothers not to know how to fulfill nutrition during pregnancy. The purpose of the research...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Integrated Building Post for Non-communicable Disease Patients in Ngrampal District, Sragen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Adela Widi Etania, Rizky Rizani, Yusa Muhammad Thoriq, Leny Purnamasari, Wahyu Cipto Utomo, Pradhana Satria Pinandhita, Nengah Adnyana Oka Manuaba, Sani Rachman Soleman
Integrated Building Post (Posbindu) is a health-community resource-based to tackle non-communicable diseases provided by the Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia. Application this program focuses on diabetes and hypertension in the population. However, community utilization to come to the Posbindu...
Proceedings Article
The Influence Of Education On Early Detection Of Cervical Cancer Against The Level Of Knowledge And Interest Checks Wus Iva In The Working Area Clinics Kuin Raya
Linda Kusumawati, Sitti Khadijah, Novita Dewi Iswandari
Objective: To identify the effect education about cervical cancer early detection to women's knowledge and interest for IVA examination at the working area of Kuin Kingdom public health center. Method: Quantitative research using the quasy experimental method with one group pretest-posttest. The population...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Profile of Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of Eimeria maxima and Eimeria tenella Through Propagative Level and Histopathological Changes in Site Infection for Exploration of Optimal Low Doses of Bivalent Chicken Coccidiosis Live Vaccine
Endang Suprihati, Muchammad Yunus
Live vaccines group was the first to be studied, due to the fact that live parasites reduce further reinfection. The development of vaccine to control coccidiosis caused by E. maxima and E. tenella in chickens is intensifying because of the increasing threat of drug resistance to anticoccidial agents....
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Adolescent Reproductive Health Promotion Models About Puberty in Young Adolescents
Noor Azizah, Dewi Noor Wakhidah, Sokhiyatun
One of the characteristics of female puberty is menstruation. First menstruation is usually experienced by women around the age of 10 years but can be faster or slower. The first menstruation for girls will cause problems, namely someone who faces feeling the first menstruation feeling fear and anxiety....
Proceedings Article
Musculoskeletal Disorder of Workers During Work From Home on Covid-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study
Condrowati, Farahdina Bachtiar, Fandita T. Maharani, Dyah Utari
Background: Musculoskeletal disorder is one of the health problems which can be caused by the workforce. Work-related to musculoskeletal disorder signed by general chronic pain. Due to the impact of Covid-19, the change of the work from the office to be work from home is worried to trigger musculoskeletal...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing ENT Patients Management Guidelines During COVID-19 Pandemic
Asti Kristianti
An ENT specialist have a higher risk transmission of contracting COVID-19 due to procedures in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oral cavity, and oropharynx. This risk of transmission does not only affect the ENT specialist caring for the patient, but all staff in the room has potential for infection. Clinical...
Proceedings Article
Pharmacist Counselling Can Change Adherence to Iron Supplementation and Physical Activity Lifestyle of Anaemic Pregnant Women in Yogyakarta
Nurul Kusumawardani, Endang Darmawan, Sri Suprapti, Eliza Dwinta, Daru Estiningsih, Emelda
Pharmacists have a role in reducing maternal mortality in 2030 to less than 70 per 100.000 live births. One of the causes of maternal mortality is anemia in pregnancy. The study objective was to assess the determinant factor and effect of solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC) by pharmacists to decrease...
Proceedings Article
Factors Related to Nurse Manager’s Job Satisfaction: An Integrative Literature Review
Sultan Jabata, Waleed Debis, Musab Abdullah, Ahmad Qudah, Noura Ismail, Malek Khalil, Nidal Eshah
Nurse managers have a bearing on the quality and safety of healthcare services, therefore understanding the factors that influence their job satisfaction can help healthcare organizations retain nurse managers. This study aims to develop an understanding of the factors that shape nurse managers’ job...
Proceedings Article
Validity and Reliability of Penalty Stroke Tests in Hockey Games for Junior High School Students
Rikky Ridwan, Angga M. Syahid
A penalty shot often determines the team's success in winning. Penalty skills are needed because they have a role and contribution to the success of the team to achieve victory if the match is held in the match-making competition. The purpose of this study is to standardize and cultivate a measuring...
Proceedings Article
Perception of Athlets And Trainers on Use, Security, and Company Tools of Extinguishers on The Exercise Skills of Bolavoli Motion
Agung Wahyudi
The problem brought from this study is how the trainer and bolavoli athlete respond to the application and the use of the bolavoli thrower on the practice of bolavoli motion skills. The objective is to know the perception of trainers and athletes on the application and the use of the ball-throwing tools...
Proceedings Article
Stigma and Discrimination Against People Living with HIV and AIDS in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Desak Made Sintha Kurnia Dewi, Jayanti Dian Eka Sari, Mohammad Zainal Fatah, Erni Astutik
Banyuwangi occupies the third highest position for HIV cases in East Java. Stigma and discrimination is one of the challenges in the success of controlling HIV and AIDS. Stigma increases the prevalence of HIV and AIDS and stops social and medical support to the patients. The study aim to explore stigma...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Management of the All-Indonesian Athletics Federation of North Tapanuli Branch Management
Roni Siringo Ringo
In general, the purpose of this study is descriptive with a qualitative approach that is data that is described by words or sentences separated by categories to obtain conclusions. Qualitative is used to get in-depth data, a data that contains data. Having the real meaning, the exact data which is a...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Cardiovascular System of Teenagers Aged 12–14 Years at Medium Intensity Aerobic Physical Load
V.V. Gorrelik, V.N. Vlasov, A.A. Podlubnaya, A.N. Pianzin
The paper considers peculiarities of aerobic physical exercises for 12–14-year old teenagers suffering from arterial hypertension. Cardiovascular diseases in teenagers affect the development of the body and its functional stability. In this regard, this paper discusses the peculiarities of CVS optimization...
Proceedings Article
Using Whatsapp Group to Increase Mother’s Knowledge on TBC in Sambisari Village, Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Falasifah Ani Yuniarti
The Covid-19 pandemic period that occurred lately, directly changed the plan for the community service process. Health education which is done by face to face meeting, must be changed to an online meeting. Definitely, for people who have not been familiar yet with the applications used, it becomes a...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Eye and Leg Coordination to Sepak Sila Skill in the Sepak Takraw Game in Extracurricular Students Activities
Alwin Saputra
Based on observations, found the phenomenon, among others there are students who do football but the leg cannot touch the ball properly. This is due to the weak coordination of eye and foot coordination of students in doing sepak sila. Furthermore the ball of sepak sila is not well controlled, this is...