Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Automobile and Traffic Science, Materials and Metallurgy Engineering

146 authors
An, Tong
Selection of Optimal Third-party Logistics Recycler Based on Fuzzy DEA
An, Zhi-sheng
Research On The Estimation Of Lithium Battery SOC Based On EKF
BAI, Shu-sheng
Study on the Method of Fatigue Test Loading Spectrum of the Connecting Rod in Diesel Engine
Bian, Fenglan
Applied Research on Optimum Dosage of Flexible Waterproof Material for Bridge Deck
Experimental Study of The Driving-characteristic of Occupational Drivers and Non-occupational Drivers
CHEN, Chang-hong
Dynamic performance of a pure electric vehicle experimental analysis
CHEN, Qing
Experimental Study of The Driving-characteristic of Occupational Drivers and Non-occupational Drivers
Cai, Haiquan
Applied Research on Optimum Dosage of Flexible Waterproof Material for Bridge Deck
Chen, Bin
The security of medium truck with Engine brake (Jacobs) driving through the mountain highway long downhill slope
Chen, Hongxia
Reliability Analysis of Railway Signaling System Based Petri Net
Chen, Qing
Special deceleration strip design of Yaxi Expressway
Chen, Wenlong
Research of the Assessment for Agricultural Machinery Driving Safety Based on AHP-FUZZY Method
Chen, Xiaofan
The Mould Management System and Application Based on Agile Supply Chain
Chen, Yong
A Study on Control Strategy under Tip-in Condition Based on AMT Vehicle
Dou, Younian
Applied Research on Optimum Dosage of Flexible Waterproof Material for Bridge Deck
Du, Gang
Selection of Optimal Third-party Logistics Recycler Based on Fuzzy DEA
Du, Meili
Study on Analysis of Chenghe Fly Ash and Preparation of molecular sieve
FAN, Ruo-xun
Analysis and Optimize of the Vibration of Mini-Electrical Vehicle Frame
FENG, Shuai
Research on Preheating Pulverized Coal to Ameliorate the Blast Furnace Coal Injection
Fang, Ruiwei
Application of Anchor Spray Combine Arch Rib Reinforce Technology of Stone Arch Bridge
Fang, Wen
Diagnostic testing and analysis of Independent ignition system based on the Volkswagen 1.8T engine
GAO, Shi-zhan
Dynamic performance of a pure electric vehicle experimental analysis
Gao, Yang
A Study on Control Strategy under Tip-in Condition Based on AMT Vehicle
Gu, Mingqi
A Study on Control Strategy under Tip-in Condition Based on AMT Vehicle
Gu, Wenjuan
Research on Impregnation Coatings for Protecting Concrete
Guo, Fengrun
Research on the Optimization of the Transportation of the Hazardous Materials
Guo, Junqiang
The Control Effect of Traffic Information on Traffic Assignment
Guo, Li-shu
Comparison of the improvement of directional stability for Anti-lock Brake control algorithm
HE, Cao
Experimental Study of The Driving-characteristic of Occupational Drivers and Non-occupational Drivers
HU, Yu
Study on C/C Composites Ablated in Plasma jet
Han, Wentao
Research on the Optimization of the Transportation of the Hazardous Materials
Han, Wentao
Research of the Assessment for Agricultural Machinery Driving Safety Based on AHP-FUZZY Method
Han, Wentao
Study the proneness of long-distance driving accident
He, Banggui
Research on Impregnation Coatings for Protecting Concrete
He, Cao
The security of medium truck with Engine brake (Jacobs) driving through the mountain highway long downhill slope
He, Haixia
Emergency Information Extraction of Transport Congestion Based on Object-oriented Classification Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image
He, Qiu-sheng
Research On The Estimation Of Lithium Battery SOC Based On EKF
Hou, Dongxiao
Research on Rolling Mill Vibration Based on the Rolling Piece Hysteretic Nonlinear Deformation
Hou, Zhonghai
Research Status and Development Trend of Dimethyl Ether Fuel Supply System
Jin, Liqiang
Differential Strategy Research for Vehicle with Motorized Wheels Based on Torque Control
LI, Xing-quan
Dynamic performance of a pure electric vehicle experimental analysis
LI, Yangyang
Research on Combustion Characteristics and Performances of an HCCI Engine Fuelled with Methanol
LIANG, Chunzhao
Research on Preheating Pulverized Coal to Ameliorate the Blast Furnace Coal Injection
LIU, Ran
Research on Preheating Pulverized Coal to Ameliorate the Blast Furnace Coal Injection
LUO, Qing-guo
Study on the Method of Fatigue Test Loading Spectrum of the Connecting Rod in Diesel Engine
Lei, XiaoYan
The Analysis of Vibration for High-Speed Train-Ballastless Track-Bridge base on a hybrid FE-SEA method
Li, Chungui
Coordinate Signal Control in Urban Traffic of Two-direction Green Wave based on Genetic BP Neural Network
Li, Jie
Research on Impregnation Coatings for Protecting Concrete
Li, Jing
Comparison of the improvement of directional stability for Anti-lock Brake control algorithm
Li, Peng
Evaluation of the Visual Navigation Chart Based on Visual Perception
Li, Renshan
Study on Analysis of Chenghe Fly Ash and Preparation of molecular sieve
Li, Ruolei
Cylindrical Cam Profile by CMM Based on Pro/E Model
Li, Zheming
Coordinate Signal Control in Urban Traffic of Two-direction Green Wave based on Genetic BP Neural Network
Liu, Bin
Design and Realization of the Safe Driving Speed Analytical System
Liu, Fei
Research on Rolling Mill Vibration Based on the Rolling Piece Hysteretic Nonlinear Deformation
Liu, Haoran
Research on Rolling Mill Vibration Based on the Rolling Piece Hysteretic Nonlinear Deformation
Liu, Jie
Analysis and Optimize of the Vibration of Mini-Electrical Vehicle Frame
Liu, Jike
Research on Impregnation Coatings for Protecting Concrete
Liu, Ruonan
Test Study on Slipping Performance of the Flexible Nodes of the Precast Concrete Exterior Wall Cladding Panel
Liu, Weidong
Research on the Optimization of the Transportation of the Hazardous Materials
Liu, Wenzhong
A Study on Control Strategy under Tip-in Condition Based on AMT Vehicle
Liu, Zongyu
Braking Force Distribution Strategy for Comfort of Tractor and Semi-Trailer Combination
Luo, Daguo
A Study on Control Strategy under Tip-in Condition Based on AMT Vehicle
Luo, Wen Jun
The Analysis of Vibration for High-Speed Train-Ballastless Track-Bridge base on a hybrid FE-SEA method
Lv, Shaojiao
Coordinate Signal Control in Urban Traffic of Two-direction Green Wave based on Genetic BP Neural Network
MA, Yue
Management Measures of Public Bicycle System
Ma, Bin
The impact of contact pressure and road surface character to sliding friction coefficient
Ma, Chao
Cylindrical Cam Profile by CMM Based on Pro/E Model
Ma, Chao
Design of Automobile Body Welding Fixture
Ma, Chao
The Mould Management System and Application Based on Agile Supply Chain
Ma, Dan
Analyzing on post-impact equivalent velocity of the vehicle side-slipping and rotating
PAN, Jiangru
Research on Combustion Characteristics and Performances of an HCCI Engine Fuelled with Methanol
Pan, Jiang
Research on Green Transportation and Transfer System in Urban Areas
Peng, Rongrong
Research on Rolling Mill Vibration Based on the Rolling Piece Hysteretic Nonlinear Deformation
Peng, Silun
Differential Strategy Research for Vehicle with Motorized Wheels Based on Torque Control
Ren, Bingzhong
The Control Effect of Traffic Information on Traffic Assignment
Shi, Zheng-tang
Comparison of the improvement of directional stability for Anti-lock Brake control algorithm
Song, Chuanxue
Differential Strategy Research for Vehicle with Motorized Wheels Based on Torque Control
Song, Liang Lian
The Analysis of Vibration for High-Speed Train-Ballastless Track-Bridge base on a hybrid FE-SEA method
Sun, Jing
Research Status and Development Trend of Dimethyl Ether Fuel Supply System
Sun, Qiang
Reliability Analysis of Railway Signaling System Based Petri Net
Sun, Zhi-yi
Research On The Estimation Of Lithium Battery SOC Based On EKF
Tang, Tong
Emergency Information Extraction of Transport Congestion Based on Object-oriented Classification Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image
Tao, Menglan
Test Study on Slipping Performance of the Flexible Nodes of the Precast Concrete Exterior Wall Cladding Panel
WANG, De-Wen
Study on C/C Composites Ablated in Plasma jet
WANG, Feng
Study on the Method of Fatigue Test Loading Spectrum of the Connecting Rod in Diesel Engine
WANG, Jian Bo
Experimental Study of The Driving-characteristic of Occupational Drivers and Non-occupational Drivers
WANG, Tan-li
Dynamic performance of a pure electric vehicle experimental analysis
WANG, Xingjuan
Research on Preheating Pulverized Coal to Ameliorate the Blast Furnace Coal Injection
WANG, Xu-dong
Study on the Method of Fatigue Test Loading Spectrum of the Connecting Rod in Diesel Engine
WU, Han
Research on Combustion Characteristics and Performances of an HCCI Engine Fuelled with Methanol
Wang, Bin
Cylindrical Cam Profile by CMM Based on Pro/E Model
Wang, Hengkai
The security of medium truck with Engine brake (Jacobs) driving through the mountain highway long downhill slope
Wang, Hong-yong
Evaluation of the Visual Navigation Chart Based on Visual Perception
Wang, Jianbo
The security of medium truck with Engine brake (Jacobs) driving through the mountain highway long downhill slope
Wang, Ping
Emergency Information Extraction of Transport Congestion Based on Object-oriented Classification Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image
Wang, Sixia
Special deceleration strip design of Yaxi Expressway
Wang, Tan-li
Analysis and Optimize of the Vibration of Mini-Electrical Vehicle Frame
Wang, Zihan
Comparison of the improvement of directional stability for Anti-lock Brake control algorithm
Xie, Xia
Design of Automobile Body Welding Fixture