Proceedings of the 2016 6th International Conference on Mechatronics, Computer and Education Informationization (MCEI 2016)
681 authors
- Su, Xiaohui
- Study on the Control Strategy of Matrix Converter Motor System
- Sun, Chuan
- Study on the Social and Economic Background for the Development of Traditional Settlements in South Hubei
- Sun, Chuan
- On Design Philosophy of Public Environment Planning in Modern Cities
- Sun, Jihui
- Literature Review on the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements
- Sun, Jihui
- Review of Research on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Technology Evaluation System in China
- Sun, Mu
- The Application of Mind Map in English Reading Class
- Sun, Mu
- The Analysis of Current Research Situation and Development Trend for College English Writing
- Sun, Panlong
- Research on Image Dimension Reduction Method Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Discrete Cosine Transform
- Sun, Yougang
- Modeling and Dynamic Behavior Simulation Study on Offshore Container Crane Based on ADAMS
- Tan, Jixin
- Research and Application on Model Repairing Algorithm of 3D Modelling Technology
- Tan, Qing
- Research on Data Mining Framework Based on Improved Sequential Association Rule Discovery
- Tao, Jun
- 3D Modeling of the Relievo Based on the Computer Active Vision
- Tian, Jing
- Research on Channel Allocation Algorithm in Centralized WLAN Network
- Tian, Jing
- Analysis on Digital Library Construction in the Big Data Era
- Tian, Mei
- Study on the Principle and Method of Process Design for NC Milling
- Tian, Xinli
- Experimental Study on High Speed Grinding with Single Grit on Tooth Surface of 20CrMnTi Steel
- Tian, Xinli
- Automobile Gear Form Grinding Force Experiment and Forecasting of New Microcrystalline Grinding Wheels
- WU, Mengying
- A Novel Digital Sight Based on Intelligent Dynamic Parameters Modification Algorithm
- Wan, Hongqiang
- Influence of Wire-tool Speed on Kerf Quality in Wire-EDM 304 Strainless Steel
- Wang, Baoqing
- The Article Analysis of North China Electric Power University in Recent Years
- Wang, Chang
- Study on Fiber Optical Vibration Monitoring System for Electromechanical Equipment
- Wang, Chao
- The Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of College Counselors' Career Development
- Wang, Chao
- The Research on Integrating the Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture with College Students' Ideological and Political Education
- Wang, Chao
- Research on the Effectiveness of Improving Ideological and Political Education of College Students in the New Media Environment
- Wang, Chao
- Effective Integration of Education of College Students' Socialist Core Values into Campus Culture Construction
- Wang, Chunwei
- Effect on Private College Student's Morality caused by Network Media
- Wang, Chunyan
- The Application of Social Media in Education and Teaching in the Mobile Internet Era
- Wang, Di
- Empirical Analysis of The Dynamic Impact of Stock Market Sectors Order Flow on Return
- Wang, Di
- Application of ARIMA Model in the Prediction of the Gross Domestic Product
- Wang, Hongxi
- Mechanical System Design and Analysis of Three Dimensional Scanning Probe Based on Flexible Parallel Mechanism
- Wang, Hongxi
- Design and Experiment of Precision Flatness Measurement Device for Miniature Parts
- Wang, Hui
- Study on Market Competition Behaviors of Mobile Communication Industry in China Based on the Game Theory
- Wang, Jianqiang
- Research and Practice of Hybrid Teaching Mode Based on WeChat Public Platform
- Wang, Jin
- Improvement Algorithm of Background Updating Based on Kalman Filter
- Wang, Jing
- The Design and Implementation of Data System for Magnetic Alloys
- Wang, Jingchun
- Bionic Technology Research Study Based on the Non-smooth Surface Morphology of the Mosquito Mouthparts
- Wang, Jingchun
- A Biology Experimental Study on the Effect of Bionic Painless Needles on Pain Relief
- Wang, Junli
- A Study on the Correlation between Guangxi - ASEAN Trade and Guangxi Logistics Growth
- Wang, Junzheng
- The Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of College Counselors' Career Development
- Wang, Junzheng
- The Research on Integrating the Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture with College Students' Ideological and Political Education
- Wang, Junzheng
- Research on the Effectiveness of Improving Ideological and Political Education of College Students in the New Media Environment
- Wang, Junzheng
- Effective Integration of Education of College Students' Socialist Core Values into Campus Culture Construction
- Wang, Li
- Analysis of the Profession Development Layout of the University Teachers
- Wang, Li
- Application of Analogy Method in the Electromagnetism Teaching in College Physics
- Wang, Lihong
- Cross-cultural Management of Multinational Companies in China
- Wang, Lihua
- Study on the Students Moral Accomplishment Promoted by College Ideological and Political Theory Course
- Wang, Ling
- The Translation of Tourism Materials of Scenic Spots from the Perspective of Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory
- Wang, Liying
- One Way Fluid Solid Coupling Analysis of Gas Mask Based on ANSYS-CFX
- Wang, Long
- Experimental Study on High Speed Grinding with Single Grit on Tooth Surface of 20CrMnTi Steel
- Wang, Long
- Automobile Gear Form Grinding Force Experiment and Forecasting of New Microcrystalline Grinding Wheels
- Wang, Lunyue
- Adaptability of Carbon Taxes and Carbon Trading in the Multimodal Transport Development
- Wang, Mulan
- Intelligent Maintenance of Moving Joints on Large-scale Machine Tool
- Wang, Nan
- A Method Based on Dense Trajectory for Violent Video Classification
- Wang, Ning
- The Simulation and Analysis of the Tilt Rotor Aircraft Model Transition
- Wang, Ning
- Tilt Rotor Aircraft Coupling Research
- Wang, Ning
- Simulation and Analysis of Nonlinear Controller
- Wang, Ning
- Structure Improvement and Flow Field Analysis of Condenser in Freeze - drying Equipment
- Wang, Qiangfeng
- The Establishment of Three Dimensional Parametric Model of End Mill Based on MBD Technology
- Wang, Qin
- A Multiple Attribute Decision Method Based on Fuzzy Flexibility Optimum Seeking Theory
- Wang, QinYun
- Study on the Financial Support Mechanism of Enterprise in Development Zone
- Wang, Qinghua
- Research on Image Dimension Reduction Method Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Discrete Cosine Transform
- Wang, Shu
- Self-network Server Based on Ultra - miniature Web Technology
- Wang, Tingxin
- Study on Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Factors in Bottled Water
- Wang, Tingxin
- Vegetable Safety Risk Early-warning Model Based on Fault Tree
- Wang, Wenjun
- Research of Humanized Design of Urban Bus Station
- Wang, Xiaopeng
- RETRACTION: Towards the Analysis of Hierarchical Databases
- Wang, Xiaopeng
- RETRACTION: Visualizing Expert Systems Using Client-Server Technology
- Wang, Xiong
- Design of Control System for the Intelligent Auxiliary Medicine Taking Device
- Wang, Xiong
- Research on Kinematic Analysis of A Tandem Attitude Control Platform
- Wang, Xirong
- Study on City Competitiveness of YuLin ---Based on SWOT
- Wang, Yanping
- Constitutive Model of Shape Memory Alloy and its Finite Element Implementation for Medical Applications
- Wang, Yaxiao
- Mechanical System Design and Analysis of Three Dimensional Scanning Probe Based on Flexible Parallel Mechanism
- Wang, Yili
- A Novel Ultrasonic Water Pollution Detector Based on WSN
- Wang, Yongming
- Cathode Modification method for electrolytic machining of face gear
- Wang, Yongming
- Influence of SLA rapid prototyping process parameters on the forming precision
- Wang, Yuzhen
- Analysis and Discussion on the Present Situation of the Teaching Reform in Colleges and Universities
- Wang, Yuzhen
- Research into the Application of "Flipped Classroom" in Teaching Management Courses at Colleges and Universities
- Wang, Zhengyang
- Lipase Catalyzed Naproxen Methyl Ester Enantioselective Hydrolysis in Ionic Liquids
- Wang, Zhengyang
- Chemo enzymatic Synthesis for Poly3-hydroxypropionate in Solvent-free System
- Wang, Zhenxing
- Lipase-catalyzed Kinetic Resolution of Naproxen in Aqueous-organic Solvent Biphase System
- Wang, Zhiying
- A Reflection on Management Reform to Cultivation Process of Part-time Postgraduate in Local Agricultural Colleges
- Wang, Zhiying
- Study on the Construction of Teachers in the Background of Charge on Postgraduate Education
- Wang, ZhongYuan
- Study on the Influencing Factors of TFP in Development Zone Enterprises --Take Baoshan Industrial zone as an Example
- Wang, Zhongsheng
- Design of geological hazard monitoring system
- Wang, Zhongsheng
- Design of high precision time synchronization system based on GPS/BD dual mode
- Wang, Zhongsheng
- An Analog Circuit Fault Diagnosis Method Based on SVM Optimized with BQPSO
- Wang, Zuotie
- Research on Green Agricultural Products Closed Supply Chain Operation Mode and Strategy
- Wei, Chen
- The Dilemma and Breakthrough of the Solution of Medical Dispute
- Wei, Fengyun
- Research on the Internet's Impact on Tourism Distribution Channels in the Era of Smart Tourism
- Wei, Min
- Discussion on the Application of "WeChat Public Platform" in the Fine Management of Universities
- Wei, Min
- Factors Influencing the Construction of Management Information at Colleges and Universities and Analysis of Countermeasures
- Wei, Min
- Research into the Educational Management Mechanism and System Management Innovation at Colleges and Universities
- Wei, Wei
- Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Common Spectrum Correction Methods
- Wei, Xiaoling
- Research on Construction of NC Technology Practice Teaching Base
- Wei, Xiaoling
- Constructing the Curriculum System of Cultivating High - end Skilled Talents through Secondary Vocational Education and Undergraduate Teaching
- Weng, Tianxiang
- A Novel 3-Dof Electronic-driven Balanced Structure Model
- Wu, Beibei
- Mechanical System Design and Analysis of Three Dimensional Scanning Probe Based on Flexible Parallel Mechanism
- Wu, Gui
- 3D Modeling of the Relievo Based on the Computer Active Vision
- Wu, Li
- Study on the Network Externality of The Sharing Bikes
- Wu, Li
- Research on Two-stage Consumption Decision Based on the Social Software