Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Phenomena in Multimodal Communication (KLUA 2018)
64 articles
Proceedings Article
Hegemony in Film: How Holocaust is Legitimized through Visual and Linguistic Texts?
Riskia Setiarini
Within the late of 1980s to the early 1990s, a myriad of films containing Holocaust were produced. One of which was Schindlers’ List. The depiction of eeriness of holocaust was wrapped in a scantily flawed film, subtly permeated into people’s minds. The filmmaker spreads their power, asking for people’s...
Proceedings Article
Approaches in Forming and Interpreting the Translation of Reading Text in the Diploma Class
Mr Dewanto
Translation is the process of transferring one language to another language by changing source language (SL) into target language (TL). Translation is the changing of one language into other language (Webster, 1984). Translation involves a process of language transmitting that turns out to be problematic...
Proceedings Article
“This is me with Augustine, February 21, 1943”: Importance of Photographs in Everything Is Illuminated
Md Abu Shahid Abdullah
Multimodal communication can simply be defined as communication through modes such as pictures, gestures, sign languages, and such. Photographs are relevant to literary studies because they too can narrate. Photographs can perform as unreliable narrators, drawing fuzzy borders between reality and imagination...
Proceedings Article
Apology Strategies of Indonesian Hotel Managements in Handling Complaints Written in Travel Site
Agita Risma Nurhikmawati, Dhika Puspitasari
The research which is entitled "Apology Strategies of Indonesian Hotel Managements in Handling Complaints Written in a Travel Site” tries to describe the apology strategies used by hotel managements in responding the complaints from their customer regarding the hotel services. The way they react to the...
Proceedings Article
Signs of Multilingualism at Religious Places in Surabaya: A Linguistic Landscape Study
Ali Wafa, Sheila Wijayanti
This paper aims to present the languages used as public signs at the places of worship in Surabaya. The area is selected for its multilingual society. The data is in the forms of photos of outdoor and indoor signs and is taken from ten outstanding religious places in the city namely two mosques, two...
Proceedings Article
Multimodal communication and learning in on-line instruction videos
Andrew Jocuns
This study analyzes the multimodal communication patterns within on-line instruction videos on such social media platforms as Youtube and Instagram raising such questions as: what does it mean to learn on-line and how can multimodal communication and analysis be used as a tool for learning? First, the...
Proceedings Article
Multimodality in Property Commercial: Linguistics Cityscape of Batu
Feny Anggeria, Levinda Hesty Suryawardhani, Ni Wayan Sartini
Property has always been a topic of discussion for the news media and among Indonesian. In terms of property advertising in Indonesia, the focus of this paper is on the linguistic landscape of Batu City as one of the tourism destinations in Indonesia. This study is a multimodal discourse analysis of...
Proceedings Article
Developing Student Teachers’ Academic Language in Collaborative and Reflective Multimodality??"Assisted Content Learning in an Indonesian Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Context
Elih Sutisna Yanto, Muhammad Reza Pahlevi
This article discusses the evidence from recent classroom research where 70 student teachers learned statistics for second language research course to develop new ways of embedding technology for content learning. This research also reports on findings of qualitative investigation into the use of online...
Proceedings Article
Using Wearable Technology to Collect Multimodal Data in the Study of Learners’ Digital Literacy Practices
Freek Olaf De Groot
Technology allows us to learn new languages and communicate with others relatively free of time and place. Although technology has already proven its effectiveness for language learning outside the classroom, the potential of this effectiveness for in-class learning and teaching has yet to be explored...
Proceedings Article
Political Discourse: Genre and Figurative Language in the Discourse Debate of the Central Java Governor’s Candidate 2018
Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi, Ana Setyandari
The research aims at describing the genre and the figurative language chosen in the discourse debate of the governors’ candidate of the Central Java 2018. Descriptive qualitative is used in the research. While, the object of the research is the used of the genre and figurative language by the candidates...
Proceedings Article
Valency Patterns in Indonesian
Ketut Artawa, Made Sri Satyawati, Ketut Widya Purnawati
Every language has a verb category. Verbs can be classified in a number of different ways. For this study, the classification used is based on the number of the elements needed by a certain verb in order to build a grammatical sentence. The element which is required by a verb is termed valency. The verbs...
Proceedings Article
Multimodal Analysis in English Teaching Video for Pre-School Children
Mahsyurotun Nikmah
The rapid development of information and communication technology renders the teaching and learning process to be easier, especially in English teaching. YouTube is one of the online websites that accommodates many videos with specific purposes and functions, including the videos of teaching English...
Proceedings Article
Multimodal Analysis of Kizuna, Oya Kara Ko E Dansu Advertisement
Muhammad Pujiono
Language as a communication tool is an integral part of human being. Verbal communication is daily communication delivered in spoken or written forms, while the nonverbal communication has somehow lost its significance even though these two ways of communication apparently creates a valuable unification...
Proceedings Article
Post-Truth and Echo Chamber Phenomena of Indonesian Social Media: Analysis of Political Contestation of Jokowi and Prabowo’s Supporters in Facebook
Moh. Gandhi Amanullah, Syahrur Marta Dwisusilo
The political contestation of President Joko Widodo’s supporting team and the opposing team from Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto, is one of the big issues that attracts Indonesian society’s attention over the last four years, since 2014 until today (2018). The political contestation which should be receding...
Proceedings Article
Expressive Speech Acts of Women’s Communication on Facebook
Rosita Ambarwati, Joko Nurkamto, Riyadi Santosa
Women communication is always interesting to discuss. Facebook as a media of communication is the most famous sosial media used by the women. In early 2012 the user of facebook in Indonesia is 40.6 % women. It can be imagined that women communication on facebook has complexity. This study covers expresive...
Proceedings Article
Eyeing Ideological Construction: Interrogating Women and Men Representations in the Language of Online Advertisements
Astelia Mihayo
This paper examines the language of online advertisements in telecom companies in Tanzania. The study in particular, interrogates the way language mediates cultural ideologies and media in relation to the status and position of women in the society. A total of 15 selected online advertisements from Tigo...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing Learning Multimodality: A Reflection of Audio-Visual Media Use in EFL Classes
Paulus Widiatmoko, Ignatius Tri Endarto
Text-based material is known to deliver merely visual messages, unlike audio-visual-media which offer both visual and auditory signals for learners to decode. Meanwhile, practicing English as a foreign language requires sufficient exposures to language input, both auditory and visual. In this study,...
Proceedings Article
Learning Korean Language in Multimodal Setting: A Case Study of an Indonesian Adult Learner’s Language Learning
Laily Maulida Septiana Harti
The emergence of new technology, such as the Internet, enables popular cultures to spread rapidly from one country to another. Korean pop culture, for example, has been infiltrating Indonesia approximately from the early 2000’s. The advanced information and communication technologies further enable human...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Halliday’s Interpersonal Metafunction in Creating Informative and Persuasive Advertisement: A Multimodal Analysis of AirAsia 2015 Commercial
Rosyid Anwar
Multimodality makes communication no longer limited to verbal expressions. The meaning formation of multimodal text involves different modalities. In advertisements, language, image and other modalities are used to create meaning in a marketing communication. One of advertisements that applies multimodality...
Proceedings Article
Interpretation of Meme Conversations Using Multimodality Analysis
Lutfi Gumilang, Mr Juanda
The research entitled “Interpretation of Meme Conversations Using Multimodality Analysis”. The research has purposes to analyze the meaning of the meme at 9GAG Official Instagram account and also to describe the steps can be taken by use a proper English grammatical rules for the remedial in improving...
Proceedings Article
The Advertisement of Sampoerna Hijau Cigarette Kondangan Edition: Semiotic Reviews by Roland Barthes
Dina Rizki Triana, Nadiyatul Adabiyyah
Each sign has a hidden meaning and meaning to be communicated to others in order that communication process functions properly. One example is the advertising media on television. Ads basically uses a persuasive sentence that aims to invite consumers to buy the products. The purpose of the research is...
Proceedings Article
Implicature and Presupposition of Japanese Conversation in 'Minna no Nihongo Volume II' (A Pragmatic Study)
Nadya Inda Syartanti
This study aims at describing the implicature and presupposition that occur in Japanese conversation in Minna no Nihongo Volume II. This study employs qualitative descriptive approach which will disclose the implicature and presupposition that occur in Japanese conversation in Minna no Nihongo Volume...
Proceedings Article
Ellipsis of Subject Pronouns in Laskar Pelangi Translation Niji no Shonentachi
Adis Kusumawati
The ellipsis of sentence elements commonly happens both in Bahasa Indonesia and Japanese language. In Japanese, the common sentence element in which ellipsis occurs is the sentence element that is categorized into nouns, such as subject and object. Although noun ellipsis also occurs in Bahasa Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article
Questioning “The Great Indonesian Dictionary” (KBBI)
Ahmad Sirulhaq, Mr Sukri, Syamsinas Jafar, Mr Burhanuddin
There are several aspects that should be considered in “the Great Indonesian Dictionary” or “Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia” (KBBI) that is related to the ignorance of potential forms of Indonesian language, which actually have capacity to enrich the KBBI. Although KBBI has undergone several improvements...
Proceedings Article
Construction of the Language and the Structure of News Text in Blog
Riskha Arfiyanti, Mr Syihabuddin, Vismaia S Damaianti, Dadang Anshori
Information dominates people's lives and becomes the main every day consumption in the digital age.This is supported by the easy and the speedy access of information that can be obtained from various sources, especially through online media. Production and dissemination of information belong to anyone....
Proceedings Article
Surabaya and Symptom of Sarcasm in Food and Beverage Stalls
Muhammad Fuad Izzatulfikri, Saharani Nurlaila Buamonabot, Khadijah Aufadina
Surabaya as an industrial city presents a wide range of food and beverage industries. The high number of food and beverage store owners has led business owners to present unique and creative names in their line of business. Some sarcastic names are selected and used as store names, such as: Mie Pecun,...
Proceedings Article
More on Problems in Indonesian??"Polish Contrastive Phraseology
Przemyslaw Wiatrowski
This article is theoretical in nature. Its subject matter includes selected issues in the field of Indonesian-Polish contrastive phraseology. It deals with the issue of excerption of research material, mainly from Indonesian and Polish phraseological dictionaries, and from general dictionaries to some...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Speech Act and Imperative Entity Analysis in TV ONE Indonesian Lawyers Club of June 7th, 2016
Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri
This analysis is related to the political speech acts that are used by the politician and the government officer in the Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) program, one most favorite program in TV ONE (one of the private television broadcaster in Indonesia). For this research, the qualitative data are used...
Proceedings Article
“Sosro, Ahlinya Teh” A Diachronic Analysis of Language Forms in Teh Botol Sosro’s Television Advertisements During Four Decades
Devi Melisa Saragi
Advertising has been becoming one of the persuasive techniques to announce or promote the availability of products or services to societies. One of the products continuously consumed by Indonesians from 1940 until now is Teh Sosro. The purposes of this research are to show the changes in language advertisement...
Proceedings Article
Text Reduction: Strategies Adopted in Audio Visual Subtitle Translation
Antonius Suratno, Devina Christine Wijaya
AVT (Audio Visual Translation), is one of the translation activities involving transfer of spoken and audial messages from the source text (ST) into written target texts (TT) to get displayed on digital screens. It is considered challenging because subtitle translation is constrained by the speed of...
Proceedings Article
Metafunction Meaning Realization in Lexicogrammar of Sermon Texts on ‘Language and Cultural Month’, Kupang Town: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach
Magdalena Ngongo, Mesakh Dethan, Hermyn B Hyna
This paper described metafunction meaning realization in lexicogrammar of sermon texts delivered in churches on May 2017 that was called A Language and Cultural Month. The data informing this study were taken from 38 texts and were analysed based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach. The results...
Proceedings Article
Multimodality and Multiliteracies: The Case of Language Socialization in Urban Family in Surabaya
Layli Hamida
This study examined the way language socialization fostered literacy development. It aims at exploring and illustrating how the richness of multimodal and multilingual communicative practices has been part of parent-child interaction at home in Jagir community in Surabaya. Twenty one first grade elementary...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Multimodal Communication in Language Learning: Making Meaning in Conventional Learning Spaces
Robiatus Shalihah, Mr Rusijono, Andi Mariono
There is space in conventional learning on language learning that must be filled with various ways or methods of delivering information, so it can be delivered to students. The space can be filled out by referring to the principle of multimodal communication by Kress and Van Leeuwen (1996) on how people...
Proceedings Article
Gender Representation and Cultural Value: The Comparison of Japanese and Indonesian Kit Kat Green Tea TV Commercials
Tia Saraswati
Commercial functions not only to promote a product from the sales aspect, but also to image a product. Commercial even also depicts the gender representation. This study employs two objects, that is the TV commercial of Kit Kat Green Tea Otona (Japan) and Kit Kat Green Tea (Indonesia) since the purpose...
Proceedings Article
Politeness System Portrayed in Social Media: A Case Study of Facebook Account “Sapawarga Kota Surabaya”
Intan Amalia, Kurnia Asri Prasetyorini
Facebook has become the most effective media used by many people to communicate and to interact. This phenomena used by Surabaya’s government to communicate and interact more with its citizen. This research revealed the politeness system used in their Facebook account, Sapawarga Kota Surabaya, by revealing...
Proceedings Article
Translation of Lexicons qala and its Derivation: Translation of Surah Taha by Mahmud Yunus
Rusda Salaeh
This research has some aims; 1) to describe qala and its derivations of surah Taha, 2) to explain the techinques in translating qala into Indonesian of surah Taha by Mahmud Yunus. This research uses qualitative and quantitative descriptive method which emphasize on describing the form of translating...
Proceedings Article
Fidelity In Graphic Novel Translation: A Multimodal Approach
Retno Wulandari Setyaningsih, Titien Diah Soelistyarini
Literary translation is not a simple and easy work due to the peculiar problems that often occur in the process. The problems may be cultural, linguistic, and psychological, or also include style and mode, especially when the translation does not only involve text in narratives but also in images. Focusing...
Proceedings Article
Maxims on Miss Teen USA Finalists’ Answers
Petani Bin Mohd Noor
In beauty pageants, the final question segment is undoubtedly the most intense moment for many contestants. This is the round of competition that ultimately detemines their faith, either they make it or break it. The ladies would have to demonstrate their ability to answer a thought provoking final question....
Proceedings Article
Men’s vs Women’s Words on Facebook: The Differences on the Use of Adjectives and Degree of Informality
Viqi Ardaniah
The present study concerns the differences between woman’s language and man’s language when women and men post or give their comments in such a social media like Facebook particularly in their adjectives. The study aims to identify the adjectives used by women and men in their Facebook and figure out...
Proceedings Article
Relocating Gender Stereotypes Online: Critical Analysis of Sexist Hate Speech in Selected Social Media
Stanley Elias, Nubar Gurbanova
The ever-increasing use of social media in African countries is celebrated as it has provided people with more spaces for dialogue and individual expressions. Whereas such ever-increasing of the accessibility and use of social media spaces offers users with freedom and democratic paradigms to comment,...
Proceedings Article
Revisiting Strategic Competence: Implications for Multimodal Language Learning
Lilla Musyahda
Most of educational institutions at various levels become more sensitive to the importance of accomplishing the objective for communicative purposes. Unfortunately, the fact shows that the university graduates in Indonesia still have some problems in dealing with communicative issue especially in the...
Proceedings Article
Politeness in E-mail of Konferensi Linguistik Universitas Airlangga (KLUA) 2018 Presenters: Cyberpragmatics Review
Ni Wayan Sartini
Nowadays, e-mail is kind of cyber media used widely in various fields including academics. The committees of Konferensi Linguistik Universitas Airlangga (KLUA) 2018 use e-mail for sending and receiving messages from the speakers. This article discusses the politeness strategy in e-mails that speakers...
Proceedings Article
The Transformation of Women Objectification in Multimodal Literary Adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Graphic Novel
Titien Diah Soelistyarini, Cindy Belinda Ramadhanty
Traditionally, literary analyses have tended to concentrate on the analysis of narrative texts presented in words. However, many works of contemporary literature appeal to readers not only through texts, but also images and even audios. Graphic novel is a contemporary literary work that enables texts...
Proceedings Article
Rhetorical Devices as the Strategy of Conceptualizing the Leadership Identity in American Political Speech
Zulvy Alivia Hanim, Hana Puspa Sari Dewi
Political leadership was conceptualized in interactional between politician and citizens through the sociolinguistics term. This article aims to investigate the use of rhetorical devices and how it applied in the political speech. Political speech is characterized by rich information related to the condition...
Proceedings Article
Amplifiers in International Journal Articles Ten Years on and Now
Almira Fidela Artha
In the last ten years on, amplifier in academic prose has been formulated by Biber et. al (1999). This study tends to compare amplifier by Biber et. al (1999) with current circumstance in international journal articles. This study used a corpus taken from 400-journal articles published by Elsevier across...
Proceedings Article
The Universal Language Phenomena in the Translation of English Modality into Indonesian
Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha
Modality is one of the language universal phenomena. This means that modalities can appear in all languages with their respective forms of disclosure. By using descriptive method, this research describes the futurity modalities in English and Indonesian based on its structure and meaning. The data was...
Proceedings Article
A Multimodal Analysis of Hospital Homepages
Lingwei Kong
The growingly wide use of hospital homepages extends patient resources locally and internationally. This study, adopting the socio-semiotic multimodal approach (Kress, 2010; Bezemer & Kress, 2016), examines the multimodal features of two hospital homepages which were collected from University College...
Proceedings Article
Slips of the Tongue Produced by Indonesian Children in Casual Conversation
Masitha Achmad Syukri
As the sources of evidence for explaining the speech production process by human beings, slips of the tongue (SOT) are unintentional errors that may occur in children speech. In this study, the writer aims at finding the types of SOT, the frequency SOT, and the involved linguistic units and error mechanisms...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Vocabulary Achievement in Grade VII A at SMPN 7 Jember by Using Visual Media
Sheila Wijayanti
This paper explained about how to improve the junior high school students’ vocabulary achievement by using visual media namely Pop-up Pictures. The research design used is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The data collection methods of this research were interview, observation, documentation, and vocabulary...
Proceedings Article
Using Corpus-Based Analysis to Explore the Academic Word Lists (AWL) Emerged in English Manuscript of SBMPTN Tests
Windy Ardianita Sari
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Academic Word Lists (AWL) as a mode in language and learning. The data source of this study were the English manuscript of SBMPTN tests for the last five years (2013-2017). Then, the data were analyzed by using AntWord Profiler 1.4.0w to find out the Academic...
Proceedings Article
The Outcome of Multimodality on Language Teaching and Learning
Mrs Miladiyah
Multimedia-based learning is becoming increasingly common. Despite its limitations, and certainly should not be seen as a substitute for face-to-face interaction, it does have many advantages for professional teacher development. ICT's have introduced new instructions that we use to think. New identities...
Proceedings Article
Multimodal Analysis of Car Advertisements
Eka Kuswandini
Critical discourse analysis (CDA) has an interest in concepts like communication patterns in public institutions, media discourse (reports, advertisements discourse, television broadcasts etc.), the constitution of individual and group identity that convey ideological attitudes, power and status. One...
Proceedings Article
Multimodal Analysis in Sprite Advertisement ‘Nyatanya Pas’ Edition
Hendri Zuliastutik
The word “advertisement” is originated from the word i’lan which means “notification”, that is the notice of products or services from the producers to the potential customers. This study discusses about Sprite advertisement ‘Nyatanya Pas’ edition by employing multimodal analysis. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
The Depiction of Erotism In Spanish and Indonesian Song Lyrics
Adinda Rizki Ramadhani
Culture and media are two beings that cannot be separated and influence each other, in which different cultures can be reflected through different media productions. One of those is by music or song as the media. Two cultures, Spanish and Indonesian cultures, are highlighted in this study due to the...
Proceedings Article
Discourse Analysis of Argumentative and Persuasive Texts on GO-JEK Advertisement Text
Fadhila Kusumaningrum
Advertisement is a way in promoting something. Advertisement can be either audio, visual or both. Advertisement text is one of persuasive argumentative discourses. In this article, the main object is the advertisement text of one of online transportation providers in Indonesia, GO-JEK. The writer analyzed...
Proceedings Article
Religiosity in Multimodality: A Case Study of Wardah Advertisement
Levinda Hesty Suryawardhani
The shift of key factors affecting consumer behaviour in emerging markets from economic, social and politic to religion based consumption has expanded the territory of halal industry which was formerly and solely limited to food to now cover the concept of halal for non-food industry including cosmetics...
Proceedings Article
Critical Discourse Analysis of the Meme Makasih yang Lebih Cantik
Dita Dewi Palupi
In the study of Critical Discourse Analysis, Fairclough divides discourse into three dimensions, i.e., text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. This study aims at investigating the meme Makasih yang Lebih Cantik in Instagram and 1Cak by employing Fairclough’s (1989) framework. Furthermore,...
Proceedings Article
Beauty Construction on Pond’s White Beauty Gita Gutawa Version: Semiotic Analysis of Advertisement
Dona Rahayu Sugiharti
This study focuses on the semiotic analysis of advertisement video. This study will explore the value hidden that is displayed in the advertisement. The object of this study is Pond’s White Beauty Gita Gutawa version. This current study was conducted by using the method of semiotic analysis by Charles...
Proceedings Article
Multimodality in Indomie Advertisement
Dewi Yulia Wati
Every product advertises with its own way involving the excellence and uniqueness of the product advantages over others which presents their intention to consumers. One of Indonesia's leading brands is Indomie, famous for instant noodle products with unique taste of Indonesian culinary in product variants....
Proceedings Article
The Branding of Indonesian Woman Leader in Instagram: A Case Study of Khofifah Indar Parawansa as a Candidate of East Java Governor
Nurul Fitri Hapsari
Instagram is now considered as a good media for politicians to brand themselves attractively with greater impact. Nevertheless, it is still assumed to be not easy for woman leader to compete with man leader at political arena since patriarchal ideology has made women often considered as the second sex...
Proceedings Article
A Corpus-based Analysis of the Adjective Collocates of “Sorry” in Different Genres
Mr Mahdar
Sorry is commonly used to express apology to restore social relational agreement after the offense is committed (Deutschmann, 2003). The functions of sorry are easily recognized but it is difficult to identify what or whom the word sorry is uttered for. It is important to know the purpose why the speaker...
Proceedings Article
An Advocacy of English Posters Use in Kindergarten Classrooms as the Teaching Strategy
Ms Kurniawati
The walls in kindergarten classroom are mostly filled with colorful visual aids, whether it is a printed poster or students’ drawing. This study aims to observe the suitability of the teaching strategy towards the students to what extent the colors and pictures contribute to students’ learning interest....
Proceedings Article
The Diverse the Way of Naming the Entity Reference of Fauna Lexicons in Using Language
Ni Nyoman Sarmi
Indonesia is one of the countries which is rich with its culture including vernacular languages. One of those languages is Using language spoken by its speakers in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Indonesia. A lot of researches have done on this indigenous language, but it is still interesting to be conducted...
Proceedings Article
Language in Politics Features of the Soviet Language Policy in 1920s-1930s
Nubar Gurbanova, Rungthum Rangsikul
Political language is a necessary tool of politics and power, which not only reflects reality, but also shapes it through information impact. Any multinational and multilingual state inevitably encounters the problem of regulating the linguistic life of the country. After the formation of the Soviet...