Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018)
303 articles
Proceedings Article
Rating System for Personnel Professional Effectiveness: Principles, Models and Algorithmic Modules
M. I. Rabinovich, А. V. Morozova
General problems connected with the design, introduction and application of a rating system for personnel professional effectiveness are analyzed. The technology of the design of such a system is developed with the purpose of ensuring the effectiveness of the development and application of a corporate...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development of Industrial Territories (on the Example of the Urals)
P. Kokovin, R. Kovalev, Y. Lebedev
The modern development of society (spiritual, moral, ecological, social, economic, focused primarily on the maximum satisfaction of the growing needs of people, leads, in the opinion of the world community (UN, ECE, UNDP, etc.), to a systemic crisis, (Rio 92, Johannesburg 2002, Rio + 20) Developed countries...
Proceedings Article
Сontinuing Vocational Education in Russia: Challenges, Problems and Principles of Implementation
T. B. Rusakova, O. A. Saychenko
The problem of continuing professional education is relevant and complex. It is relevant because the system of continuous professional education should become an adequate response, both to global trends and to reducing the sources of Russia's sustainable economic growth under the sanctions. Its complexity...
Proceedings Article
Tools to Improve the Energy Efficiency of the Russian Regions in a Nonstationary Economic Regime
E. Grigorieva, T. Kreydenko
Reducing energy intensity, increasing energy efficiency are key areas for achieving sustainable growth of the country's economy in conditions of non-stationarity. Reforms related to tariff regulation, the development of subsidies and the abandonment of cross-subsidization, the delineation of social and...
Proceedings Article
The Economic Situation of Russia at the Present Stage
B. A. Ershov, I. A. Obertyaeva, V. N. Fursov, N. E. Muhina, I. A. Ashmarov
The article examines the specifics of Russia's economic policy, as well as the factors of intensive economic growth at the present stage. Particular attention is paid to social justice and economic efficiency, the level of remuneration of labor and social security. All these elements are inextricably...
Proceedings Article
Investment Attractiveness of the Region
Т. E. Rodina
The article deals with the problem of activation of the investment process of the region as one of the key in the system of economic relations of the country. The dynamics, types and principles of investment activity as the main factor of production and condition of implementation of strategic and tactical...
Proceedings Article
Development of Engineering Education According to Demands of World Standards
S. I. Osipova, N.V. Gafurova, V.V. Osipov
System gap between market of educational services and labor market determines the crisis of engineering education. It causes necessity of essential changes in training of qualified personnel, competitive in world`s labor market in accordance with its demands. Perspective direction of engineering education`s...
Proceedings Article
Critical Thinking Skills in Information-Oriented Society
T. Pavlova, S. Igonina, A. Zhelyabina
Nowadays a man exists under the continuous impact of information flows, in which it can sometimes be difficult to navigate. The development of communication technologies has contributed to a large amount of sources both true and fraudulent, so-called “fake” information, intentionally misleading its readers....
Proceedings Article
Patriotic Education of Youth in Contemporary Conditions
S. Abramova, O. Kopalova, V. Cherkasova
The main purpose of the research was to identify how the policy of patriotic education should be formed in the conditions of a transforming society. The authors consider patriotism in the context of realities of Soviet and modern Russian society, what allows them to demonstrate the possibilities and...
Proceedings Article
Free Economic Zones as the Basement to Increase Innovation and Investment Activity of Economic Units
O.G. Timchuk, L.G. Nikityuk, E.Yu. Gorbachevskaya
The fundamental objective of the existing economic system changes is its transition on to a new stage of innovative development by forming of novel models considering territorial, innovative, investment, knowledge-intensive potential of a region. Creation and operation of free economic zones in the RF...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of External Shocks on the Structure of Enterprise Financing: a Retrospective of 2000-2017
O. Ivanckenko, O. Renzin, A. Grigoreva
The authors carried out a research of changes in the structure of used financ-ing sources on the basis of activity monitoring of about 300 enterprises of the Khabarovsk Territory during 2000 - 2017. There were several external shocks (crisis periods) in the economy during the analyzed period: in 2004,...
Proceedings Article
Happiness Economics: Motivational Environment, Objective and Subjective Factors
А.А. Ilyukhin, S.V. Ilyukhina
Economic growth factors in the new economic reality are associated with the formation of a qualitatively new motivational environment. From this perspective, it is rather promising to develop and implement economic policy that ensures welfare and other aspects of happiness as an economic phenomenon....
Proceedings Article
Agro-Industrial Clusters in the Russian Economy as a Logical Stage of Integration in the Digital Economy
N. E. Bondarenko, T. P. Maksimova
The global trend in recent years is the consideration as the main determinant of the competitiveness of national economies NBIC - the synthesis of nano-bio-information technology and cognitive science. Therefore, the issues of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex in the Russian economy are a...
Proceedings Article
The Economic Potential of the Region: Methodical and Practical Aspects of Evaluation
E.V. Gorshenina
The article deals with the methodical and practical aspects of the evaluation of the Russian Federation Regions’ economic potential. The writer uses multidimensional evaluation of the economic potential on the basis of regional labor resources and fixed capital endowments, and also considers financial...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Supply Management in the Logistics Systems of Industrial Enterprises
Т.Е. Evtodieva, N.P. Karpova, I.A. Toymentseva
The strategic capacity of the subsystem of supply in the industrial environment is underused. Conscious of the need to supply with taking into account the long-term development trends of the company, macroeconomic factors, and integrative unity with the sources of material resources industrial enterprises...
Proceedings Article
Cluster Model of the Organization of Logistic Activity
T. E. Evtodieva, D.V. Chernovа
The development of logistics in domestic economy considerably lags behind the European countries both in the area of logistics’ availability to business entities and on the implemented competences. In many respects it is connected with the application of hierarchical forms of the organization of logistic...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Planning of Social and Economic Development of Rural Territory of the Region on the Basis of Foresight Technologies
A. Askarov, E. Stovba, A. Stovba
The article proves the necessity of the use of foresight technologies in the strategic planning of social and economic development of rural territories at the regional level. It shows the foresight methodology, which is used as a system tool for the formation and implementation of the development strate-gy...
Proceedings Article
System Diagnostics Methods of Regional Sustainability Assessment
N. E. Buletova, E. V. Stepanova
There is discrepancy between characteristics and properties of Russian regional economies regarded as ecological and economic systems, on the one hand, and strategic planning and management tools of economic development, on the other hand. The issue arises because of misperception of the environmental...
Proceedings Article
Features of the Transition to the Second Stage of Commercialization of Scientific Research
E. Roganova, S. Gushchin, V. Roganov, M. Chirkina, I. Gvozdyova
The article presents the results of the analysis of successful implementation by small enterprises of various projects on the commercialization of scientific research. Three enterprises LLC "Video3", LLC NPP "Kristall" and LLC "Penzaplav" were co-founders of the informal holding, whose work predetermined...
Proceedings Article
BRICS Currencies' Internationalization
M. V. Zharikov
The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the positions of the BRICS currencies in the contemporary world system of currencies (WSC) and to work out theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to their internationalization. The results of the research are based on the hypothesis that...
Proceedings Article
Influence of the Income Taxation in the Quality of Life of the Population
M. M. Shadurskaya, Y. N. Prokofyeva, N. N. Istomina
In the article the question of influence of a progressive rate of an income tax on social moods and level (quality) of life of the population is investigated. Importance of consideration of influence of taxes on social and economic processes in society is caused by need of the solution of a problem of...
Proceedings Article
Estimation of Crimean Tour Operating Innovation Level: Results of the Research
I. Yakovenko, N. Strachkova
A set of parameters for assessing the level of innovation of tour operators in the region is proposed. There are four groups of parameters: the parameters of innovative potential of the company, the update parameters of the tourist product, competitiveness parameters and the parameters of innovative...
Proceedings Article
New Approaches to the Branding of Tourism Destination
I. Yakovenko, N. Strachkova
The article deals with the content and stages of research of tourist destination image, They include the identification and study of factors of geospatial image of the territory, the priority image-forming objects selection, the formation of the rating and the search for variants of visualization and...
Proceedings Article
Investigation of Active Operations as a Threat to the Economic Security of Commercial Banks in Times of Crisis
S. Golovan, O. Onoshko, E. Golovan
At present there is an increasing interest in corporate governance in commercial banks - in general and in asset management - in particular. This suggests that corporate governance aimed at minimizing risks becomes the leading link in the system of effective management of a credit institution. The article...
Proceedings Article
Structurally Functional Opportunities of a «Smart» Life-Support System
N. A. Volkov, L. Y. Logunova, N. V. Nyatina
The system of essential services is a network of interrelated principles, methods, and tools aimed at achieving and maintaining a certain standard of living in the social and personal space and at providing comfort in the space of life. Such system solves the task of providing conditions, resources,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Polytechnic Education at Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping
Yu. Ezhov, P. Garibin, E. Ol’khovik
The principles and approaches of polytechnic education are continuously developing all over the world and combine studies in natural and applied sciences with broad practice. The historical aspects of the development of polytechnic education in Europe, as a set of professional engineering skills with...
Proceedings Article
Polytechnic Education for Specialists in Hydraulic Engineering
P. Garibin, Yu. Ezhov, E. Ol’khovik
Hydrotechnical construction has always been considered a prestigious profession, which attracted the most talented students. The international practice of education also involves the allocation of transport maritime engineering from general and civil construction. The Institute of Water Transport in...
Proceedings Article
Perspectives of Engineering Education: Project-Oriented Experience of NEFU
S. Antsupova, G. Parnikova
The purpose of this article is to describe some experience of project-oriented training of engineering students atNEFU. The task of the project is to construct an energy efficient individual house in Tiksi settlement (Yakutia). The prototype of full-life cycle training was business forum “Engineer” among...
Proceedings Article
Integrated Assessment of Sanitary and Epidemiological Safety Management Efficiency of the Population in Industry – Based Cities in the Russian Federation
E. G. Zinovyeva, S. V. Koptyakova
The article is devoted to the efficiency of management process of sanitary and epidemiological safety of people, living in Russian single-industry cities and towns for the period of 2014-2016. Comprehensive assessment of efficient management of sanitary and epidemiological safety of population is offered,...
Proceedings Article
Pre-Lecture Preparation As a Key-Component in Achieving the Goals and Objectives of IT Teaching: A Case of Networks-on-Chip
A. Yu. Romanov, I. I. Romanova, Yu. A. Romanov
This paper is dedicated to pre-lecture preparation of Russian-speaking L2 students learning IT disciplines (in particular, “System Design of Digital Devices”) in English. Goals and objectives of IT teaching (acquisition of theoretical and practical skills in the development of networks-on-chip) are described....
Proceedings Article
Forming Future Economists` Competitiveness as a Qualitative Indicator of Human Capital
E. A. Snigireva, O. V. Lebedeva
The article considers the problem of the increased role of human capital whose competitiveness becomes one of its main qualitative indicators. The structural components of this concept, which initially included knowledge, skills and excellence acquired by people through education and training in accordance...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Factors Influencing the Development of Public-Private Partnership Mechanisms in the Rostov Region
O. A. Lykova, E. N. Sidorenko
The article proposes to assess the investment climate of the region and, accordingly, the opportunities for the development of public-private partnership (PPP) on the basis of an expanded methodology that determines the rating of regions. This methodology determines the perspectives of PPP based on five...
Proceedings Article
Structurally-Functional Model of the Information System for Gas Transportation Company
E.Yu. Vinogradova, S.L. Andreeva
In article is considered the problem of formalization and optimization of activity, business processes according to grocery lines and functional divisions and their coordination in the through processes of the enterprise aimed at creation of products and rendering of services to clients are alocated....
Proceedings Article
State Legal Regulation of Production and Use of Immunobiological Drugs in Russia
V.B. Turkutyukov, N.V. Strelnikova, V.I. Panfilova
The article analyzes legal aspects of regulation of vaccination, production and circulation of medical immunobiological drugs. The state provision of vaccination is necessary for preserving the life and health of the nation in every country. The politics of general vaccination was formed in the Soviet...
Proceedings Article
Innovation Systems in the Small Entrepreneurship Economic Development in Russian Regions
E.S. Lovkova
Innovations, alongside with the accumulation of physical and human capital, are known to be a universally recognized factor of economic growth. This article is devoted to a study of the innovation system role in the economic development of small entrepreneurship at the regional level. The main goal is...
Proceedings Article
Fuzzy Strategic Decision –Making Models Based on Formalized Strategy Maps
K. Solodukhin
The paper suggests fuzzy methods to solve multicriteria problems related to resources’ optimal use for implementing a strategy based on formalized strategy maps. Fuzzy methods of strategy maps’ formalization are described. Two groups of criteria are considered: "strategic" and "economic". The degrees...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Economic Processes of Oil Companies
D. R. Peskova, R. B. Sharafutdinov
Within the framework of this article the impact of digital technologies on the economic processes of oil companies was analyzed. Digital (information) technologies were considered as a significant economic resource, and special attention was paid to the implementation of the program “Industry 4.0” in...
Proceedings Article
Approach to Modeling Promotion of the Destination of the Republic of Crimea on the Market of Services
I. Pavlenko, E. Osmanova
The research is focused on the role of the tourism industry in the region’s economy and studies the economic category of a tourist destination with further elaboration of a definition specifically applicable for the research. The article pinpoints the major goals in the development of the region which...
Proceedings Article
Organizational and Methodological Algorithm of Studying Economic Space Development
S. G. Cheremisina, V. I. Sribnyi, V. Yu. Nesterenko
The article is focused on the organizational and methodological algorithm of the economic scientific research. Methods of economic research have been systematized according to its stages. Priorities and development trends in methodological approaches to economic space have been specified. Complex evaluation...
Proceedings Article
On the Importance of Modernizing Training in Far Eastern Educational Establishments to Improve Learning Outcomes of Young Specialists
N.G. Grigoreva, A.A. Legenina
The article dwells on the issue of modernization of university educative process in the Russian Far East for efficient training of recent graduates. It presents the current system of the educative process in home universities and the comparative analysis of implementation of knowledge-based and competency-based...
Proceedings Article
Ideas of Psychotherapy of People of Different Age Groups in Modern Society
A.A. Legenina, Ya.V. Primachenko
The article is devoted to an important issue of how much age influences a general perception of psychotherapy in the modern information-oriented society. The article proves the point of view that emotions coming together with information shape perception to the most part. The main points of the research...
Proceedings Article
University Internet Marketing as an Effective Tool to Attract Students
E. N. Smoliyaninova, V. S. Prosalova, A. A. Nikolaeva
The present article considers the concept of Internet marketing in higher educational institution (university). Besides, the basic tools of university Internet marketing have been analyzed, its main advantages and disadvantages have been determined. As a result of the research the authors have developed...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Educational and Migration Strategies as a Factor of Formation of Human Capital of the Region
E. Kostina, N. Orlova, A. Vinokurova
The article, in the light of development of regional human capital, considers the dynamics of professional self-determination of students of Primorsky territory. Against the background of interpenetration of professional and educational social institutions, changes in the structure of the motives of...
Proceedings Article
On One Modern Approach in Economic-Mathematical Modeling
G.A. Pushkarev, E.Yu. Vorob'eva, V.A. Sokolov
The problem of economic growth has always been a major issue in literature on micro-economics traditionally based on advanced mathematical theories. Aggregation method ("consolidation") in economic-mathematical simulation of has been successfully used by many authors to build dynamic models in macroeconomics,...
Proceedings Article
Adaptive Management of System Parameters of Maintenance, As Well As Repair and Optimization of Spare Parts, Tools and Accessories of the Integrated Radar System on the Basis of Reliability Model and Control Data
S. Boev, D. Kiryanov, S. Matveeva
The paper deals with the development of the adaptive approach method to maintenance (MNT) arrangement and provision of spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA) for the integrated radar systems (IRS) with the purpose of increasing the indicators of its readiness in the conditions of digital transforma-tion....
Proceedings Article
Economic Evaluation of Variants of Allocation of Functions and Zones of Control Between the Staff in Logistics Systems
K. E. Kovalev, J. E. Galkina
Technical and technological development of logistics systems leads to the necessity for revision of staff’s functions. Some functions could be given to the machines. That’s why the staff can do many different functions. We can determine the problem of rational allocation of functions and zones of control...
Proceedings Article
Practical Experience in Improving Production Efficiency Through the Introduction of Lean Production
А.V. Kholodnova, G.А. Khachatryan
the article presents practical experience of reducing losses at a Russian industrial enterprise through the use of a logistic approach to production process organization through introduction of "lean" production, namely the 5C system
Proceedings Article
Economic Growth and Energy Development: Determining the Interaction
Y. Khomenko, O. Shumaieva, B. Chegodaev
The article reviews current trends in global energy sector for the last ten years, illustrating energy contribution to economic and social development and highlighting gains and losses from energy commercialization for producers and users. The interaction between economic growth and energy market movements...
Proceedings Article
Development of Entrepreneurial Activity in the Tourist Cluster
A. A. Pakhomova, E.A. Sokolova, L.S. Namestnikova
The article is devoted to the research of integration processes of the subjects of the tourist business as a factor of increasing activity and efficiency. Nowadays the world and domestic experience shows effectiveness of the application of the clusters’ theory in the field of tourism. Modern competitive...
Proceedings Article
Quality Function Deployment Method for Development of Innovative Production
A. V. Aleshkov, A. V. Zhebo, T. K. Kalenik, D. B. Solovev
This article contains results of research of Russian scientists in the field of innovative food technology based on one of the quality management methods as quality function deployment. The objective of this research is identification of the main technical parameters of chopped meat-contained semi-finished...
Proceedings Article
Differentiation of Demographic Dynamics as a Result of Unevenness in Socio-Economic Development of China
E. V. Krasova
The article is devoted to an actual problem, which is characteristic of modern actively developing China – the strengthening of differentiation in internal demographic development. Such differentiation is reflected in significant differences between regions in trends of natural reproduction of the population,...
Proceedings Article
Vocationally Relevant Physical Qualities, Psychophysiological Functions, and Their Variability with Students of Railway Transport Universities
L. Tsareva, S. Smolyar, V. Mulin
This paper dwells on the scientifically proven methods and fundamentals of vocational physical education that can be applied to the process of students’ personality development throughout their vocational education. The paper presents the results of the research performed with the aim to establish the...
Proceedings Article
Peculiarities of the Formation of the Hospitality Industry in Russian Harbin
V. A. Chernov
The article firstly reveals the history of the establishment and development of the hospitality industry in Harbin, the capital of the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) in the late XIX - early XX century. Harbin is one of the largest cities of the Northeast of China which was founded in 1898 as the central...
Proceedings Article
Formation of the Mechanism of Risk – Oriented Management of the Regional Investment – Construction Complex on the Basis of Forecasting
N. Tsopa, V. Malakhova, L. Kovalskaya
Modern conditions for the functioning of the investment and construction complex are characterized by a high level of competition, an intensively changing market situation, an increase in the level of requirements for construction products. In this regard, it is urgent to address the challenges associated...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Grid Tariffs on the Competitiveness of Distributed Generating Sources in the Regions of Russia
T.G. Pankrushina, A.I. Solyanik, I.Y. Zolotova
The article focuses on the effectiveness of the distributed generating sources development as an economic choice of consumers under the existing electricity tariff regulation system in the regions of Russia. The existing impact of cross-subsidization in the distribution grid tariffs on the cost of electricity...
Proceedings Article
When Will Educational Reforms in Russia Come to The End?
R. Livschits
The radical breakdown of Soviet life order, that occurred in 1991-1993, required a fundamental change of society’s ideological supports and institutions. The system of education, as one of such basic institutions, became the object of reforms, which have not been completed so far. A logical question...
Proceedings Article
Classification of Innovative Reproduction Types of the Enterprises Main Funds in Rocket and Space Industry
A. A. Boyko, V. V. Kukartsev, E. A. Chzhan
The variants of reproduction of the basic production assets of enterprises by types of reproduction and service life are presented, as well as the classification of variants of reproduction of fixed assets by innovative features is given. The concept and strategy of development set a difficult task for...
Proceedings Article
Life Satisfaction and Migration Intention of Youth
A. V. Bakina, S. V. Yaremtchuk, O. A. Orlova, Y. V. Krasnoperova
The article focuses on the empirical study of within-country migration intention in young age. 136 people, aged 17-35, who live in the city Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia, took part in the study. This study examines the role of satisfaction with different life domains in desire to leave the city and move...
Proceedings Article
Algorithm for Corporate Startup Accelerator Implementation
V.V. Danshina
Currently, one of the main tasks facing the Russian Federation is to reach a sus-tainable, innovative path of development. Promoting innovation, the formation of innovative platforms allows the Russian Federation to effectively develop the country's economy, create a competitive environment, and successfully...
Proceedings Article
Modern Engineering Education as a Key Element of Russian Technological Modernization in the Context of Digital Economy
K. G. Prokofyev, O. V. Dmitrieva, T. R. Zmyzgova, E. N. Polyakova
The article deals with the problem of modernization of modern engineering educational system in Russia with regards to the transition to digital economy. Nowadays science and innovative technology play a principal role in the social and economic development of the society. The article explains new requirements...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Risks and Capabilities in an Innovative Project Quality Managing
G. I. Korshunov
Quality management in the creation of new products is always associated with different types of uncertainties. Formulating the tasks of development and production in the form of an innovative project allows structuring and identifying emerging uncertainties. Existing project management methods and requirements...
Proceedings Article
The Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Universities: Stakeholder Approach
M. A. Vakhrushina, A. A. Tolcheeva
The disclosure of Intellectual capital becomes urgent for universities, because of the fact that knowledge is the main output and input in these organizations. Furthermore, universities have ever-increasing external demands for greater transparency about the use of their intellectual capital in the globalization...
Proceedings Article
Matrix Assessment Method for Financial Risks
K. R. Naniz, T. A. Martynova, V. N. Deynega
In the present-day business environment, the impact of financial risks on the efficiency and performance of the organization’s financial security system as well as on its financial security level becomes increasingly important. The issues related to the approaches and methods of financial risk assessment,...
Proceedings Article
Optimal Management of The Economic System of The Region Taking into Account The Dynamics of Human Capital
E. A. Saburova, K. V. Ketova, I. G. Rusyak
The article presents the numerical algorithm of solving the optimal management problem for a regional economic system adjusted for demographic dynamics in the conditions of scientific and technical and socio-educational progress. Based on the model of a regional economic system, the optimal management...
Proceedings Article
Educational Robotics as a Factor in The Development of Polytechnic Education
O. Golubev, V. Testov
With wide implementation of information technologies in education, there is a transition to a new paradigm. The traditional forms, methods, means and content of education do not fit into the new paradigm and so need theoretical reconsideration. The methodological basis for the new para-digm has to be...
Proceedings Article
Innovative Infrastructure in Depressed Regions
E. V. Karanina, M. V. Palkina
The problem of development of depressive regions is extremely urgent in modern conditions. It is explained by the fact that due to unfavorable development factors in these regions, it is most difficult to ensure economic and social growth, to carry out infrastructure development, to attract external...
Proceedings Article
Diagnostics of Flexibility and Adaptability of Enterprises' Production and Marketing Value Based Control Systems (aspects of corporate control systems’ harmonization with regional industrial policy)
N. V. Shashlo, A. V. Rodionov, D. P. Musienko
Increasing of competition on the domestic market, as well as a set of strategic threats associated with instability on the financial and investment markets, require flexibility and adaptability of enterprises' production and marketing value based control systems. Ensuring of this kind of managerial capabilities...
Proceedings Article
Development of Methods and Models for Analysis and Evaluation of The Functioning of Entrepreneurship Structures in The Territories of Advance Development
V. Smirnov
The creation of territories with a special institutional regime in the far East of Russia creates a favorable environment for the development of entrepreneurship. Scientific approaches should be used to use the opportunities in the analysis and assessment of the development of entrepreneurial structures...
Proceedings Article
Ways to Improve Quality of the Inclusive Clothing Designing Process
I. A. Slesarchuk, L. A. Koroleva, O. V. Panyushkina, T. A. Zaytseva
The article reveals the issue of improving the quality level of the automated process of designing inclusive clothes. The complexity of designing this type of clothing as a multifunctional system object is associated with the need to take into account a set of special requirements that allow to level...
Proceedings Article
Food Safety Management System: Concept and Practical Implementation
N. M. Beliaev, L. A. Donskova, D. A. Prostova
In this paper the authors analyze modern food safety management systems and note that the emergence of the new danger generate a need for the modern concept’s development of the security management system, which is based on an integrated approach, which provides the identification of all hazards posing...
Proceedings Article
Development of the System of Quality Indicators for Multi Apartment Building Surrounding Grounds
I. A. Slesarchuk, L. A. Terskaya
Building surrounding grounds in a great measure create quality of urban environment, necessary for every resident, and are one of the main sources of its development. Nowadays the qualitative assessment of building surrounding grounds is subjective and not complete enough. Regulatory and legal framework...
Proceedings Article
‘Glocalization’ Models for the Social Formation of the ‘Mankind Community of the Common Destiny’
A. A. Radugin, L. S. Perevozchikova, O. A. Radugina
The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that the key process of the modern era is the community formation of the common mankind’s destiny. A specific feature of the current stage of this process is the determining role of mechanisms and tools of ‘glocalization’. Based on these mechanisms...
Proceedings Article
Zoning Based on Comfort of Living Using The Example of Yakutia
M. P. Solomonov
The article explores the comfort of the region and its zoning based on natural and climatic, social and economic conditions for human living.We completed this study by solving the following tasks: – Selection of statistical indicators characterizing the comfort of living; – Calculation of synthetic indicators...
Proceedings Article
Imported Goods’ Demand Functions by the Main Areas of Use
M. V. Selivanova, L. A. Strizhkova, L. I. Tishina
The article is devoted to the questions of the perfection of estimations of the connection between the demand on import goods, external and internal (includ-ing the government policy) factors. The authors highlighted the importance of taking into account the objective mechanisms of development of real...
Proceedings Article
Development of Innovative Activities in Depressed Regions
V. V. Kislitsyna, M. V. Palkina
One of the urgent problems of social and economic development in modern Russian conditions is the search for ways to activate innovation in depressed regions. It is necessary to study the existence and strength of the link between the level of development of innovation activity and the state of the socio-economic...
Proceedings Article
Methodological Issues of the Study of Export Efficiency Based on the Example of Russia's Oil Industry
V. M. Vlasova, E. V. Litvinenko
Financial and economic factors influencing the efficiency of oil export are investigated in the article. The methodological issues of evaluating the efficiency of exports on the example of the oil industry are considered. The relationship between factors influencing the export of oil and its effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Optimizing Technologies for The Economic Security of Complex Manufacturing Systems
D.Yu. Minkin, Т.V. Vlasova
The article is devoted to the actual problem of economic security of complex production systems. Examined are structure and capabilities of complex production systems that implement complex business processes including research and development, preparation and production process itself and are highly...
Proceedings Article
Redistribution of Structural Positions of Stakeholders within The Framework of a Modern Industrial Park Structure
A. Plakhin, E. Ogorodnikova, I. Tkachenko
The purpose of this article is to develop and test the methodology to identify changes in the structural positions of stakeholders as the cooperative ties evolve in the production corporation. The titanium cluster of the Sverdlovsk region was selected as the object of research. The authors hypothesize...
Proceedings Article
Evaluating of Effectiveness of Financial and Economic Activity of The Integrated Structures
E. V. Belik, E. I. Berezhnova, O. L. Mikhalyova
The article presents a new form of management of trade organizations in the form of a group of interrelated trading companies (Group of companies). The evaluation of the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of the Group of companies at each level of its organizational structure is given,...
Proceedings Article
Methodological Peculiarities of the Development of Emotional Intelligence of Competitive Graduates from Regional Higher Educational Institutes
T. I. Melnik, A. Maletina, N. S. Mushketova
Russia and other countries have to solve a great number of problems during the training of competitive specialists in regional institutes, and namely functioning of the world, national and regional labour markets where supply is oriented not to specialists who have different theoretical and practical...
Proceedings Article
Artificial Neural Network Model for Systems of Economic Security of Bank
A. Gontar, D. B. Solovev
Relevancy of the scientific work is due to necessity in studying problems of securing economic security, as in the modern market conditions the process of successful functioning and development of the bank system depends, to a large extent, on selection and perfection of measures to ensure its financial...
Proceedings Article
Institutional and Managerial Aspects of Innovation Activity in Hotel Industry
G.A. Gomilevskaya, A.Y. Kononov, V.V. Schur
Researched is the institutional and managerial innovation activity in hotel industry, which consists of well-targeted production process changes and various management arrangements, carried out in the course of creating the hospitality industry’s product. Current level of project financing for innovation...
Proceedings Article
Infrastructure and Personnel Provisioning for Innovation Activity of Hotel Facilities
A.Y. Kononov, G.A. Gomilevskaya, V.V. Schur
Developing existing innovation infrastructure objects as well as creating new ones is a key aspect of expending innovation activity of hotel facilities. This will allow the promising innovative concepts to complete the innovation cycle. It will also be beneficial for training of innovative human resources,...
Proceedings Article
Tools of Labor Market Regulation
V. Lukinykh, Y. Lukinykh
Labor market occupies its place as one of the main factors of production in the system of market relations. This market faces the interests of employers and employees who represent the interests of the majority of the population. The labor market in Russia is still characterized by a devaluation of the...
Proceedings Article
In Search of a New Development Paradigm for the City of Komsomolsk-on-Amur
A.V. Gotnoga, K.V. Borovikova
In recent years in Russia attempts have been made to modernize the national economy. One component of the aforementioned policy is the wager on an advanced development status for several territories; Komsomolsk-on-Amur has been granted such status in 2016. As a result, a conceptual framework must be...
Proceedings Article
Theory and Methodology of Small Business Development in an Innovative Economy
E. V. Romanenko, L. F. Rakhuba
This article presents the results of scientific research on the development of theoretical and methodological provisions for the development of small businesses in an innovative economy. The purpose of the research is to develop methodology and conceptual framework, as well as methodological and practical...
Proceedings Article
The Legal Aspect of the Organization of the Education-al Process in Higher Educational Institutions of Russia
Yu. R. Popkovа
Education is the most important socio-economic factor in the formation of society. The publication analyzes the issues of state regulation of the educational process in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, and also reveals the features of the activities of specialized bodies that...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of the Russia's Fisheries Management Impact on its Food Security
O. V. Korneiko
The research object is the Russian Federation fisheries management as the basic source of resource supply to its food market. The research subject is the network of socio-economic relations concerning food security between the entities of fisheries management and the society. The authors examine in detail...
Proceedings Article
Mechanisms and Directions for Investment Process Enhancement in the Region for Foreign Investors
O. V. Korneiko, A. E. Mazur
The relevance of the issue chosen for the study is directly related to the need of searching for the factors of revival and recovery of both the Russian economy as a whole and its individual subjects. First of all, the Russian economic science faces the tasks of theoretical substantiation and practical...
Proceedings Article
Ensuring the Needs of the Economy of the Far East in Railway Passenger Transportation
V.A. Podoba, A.N. Kobylitskу, A.V. Chudaev
This article supplies the population and the developing economy of the Far East in the passenger needs of transportation. The study estimated the condition of the passenger railway complex and the satisfaction of consumers in transport ser-vices. Perspectives of development and reforming of the passenger...
Proceedings Article
The Tools of Financial Engineering to Strategiring "SMART" Economy of the Region
D. V. Lanskaya, V. V. Ermolenko, M. V. Zelinskaya
The article discusses the solution of the actual scientific and practical problem connected with the purposeful financing of the strategic development process of the "smart" economy based on the development by the financial engineering tools of the financial infrastructure, new financial institutions,...
Proceedings Article
Factors of Spatial Differentiation of Non-Observed Economy: Regional Aspect
O. A. Tsepelev, V. V. Bobrova
The article typifies factors influencing the spatial differentiation of the non-observed economy and provides grounds for grouping them together. The author also details the specific features of the factors' occurrence in the constituent regions of Russia. The grouping approach is special due to the...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of the Accounting Method for Finished Products on Financial Accounting Assessment
L.E. Tumali, A.V. Lapaeva
The report reveals the impact of alternative methods of accounting for finished goods on the valuation of current assets of the balance sheet and financial results reflected in the company's financial statements; explanations of possible legal distortions in the estimation of assets and profit indicators...
Proceedings Article
Specific Features of Financial Management of Budgetary Educational Institutions
N. Derbas, L. Bryleva, N. Basina
The article dwells on the issue of financial management in state funded educational institutions of the Russian Federation. There are two sources for providing revenue for such institutions – the federal fund and additional sources of income. The research done presents the analysis of the Far-Eastern...
Proceedings Article
Methodological Approaches to the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Basic Branches of the Region’s Economy
G.S. Kovrov, P.V. Gulyaev, N.N. Konstantinov
The authors consider issues of cost-effectiveness analysis of the region’s economy in the article. The purpose of this research is to develop methodological approaches to cost-effectiveness analysis of basic industry of the region’s economy. The authors propose a methodology for an inter-grated cost-benefit...
Proceedings Article
PAbout Problems and Trends of Labor and Capital Convergence
M. Tarasov, I. Sleptcov, O. Tarasova-Sivtceva
The first part of the article reflects such acute issues as equitable distribution of entrepreneurial income on the basis of social partnership which mainly has a for-mal nature in Russia, unsettled topical issues of remuneration of labor and deter-mination of a minimum wage which could act as an effective...
Proceedings Article
Modern Mechanisms of Efficient Forms of Rural Social and Economic Relations
M.S. Yurkova, А.А. Golubeva, V.I. Trofimova
Nowadays the theory and methodology of the problem of rural social and economic relations has been elaborated in the papers of many scientists dealing with Economics. At the same time insuf-ficient attention is paid to the thorough elaboration of the questions of efficient forms of rural social and economic...
Proceedings Article
On Implementing the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian North and the Arctic
V.A. Tsukerman, E.S. Goryachevskaya
In the work problems of development and successful implementation of the medium and long-term strategy of scientific and technological development are considered. It is shown that there is a need for assessing activities that take into account the specific features of the northern macroregion. Methodological...
Proceedings Article
To a Question of Effective Management in the Sphere of Land Improvement by Local Government Bodies
S.V. Tolmacheva
Studying of management efficiency from local governments is, as a rule, limited to management efficiency researches at the level of city districts. Questions of ef-ficiency of adoption of administrative decisions by local governments of level of villages and rural territories are still out of the interests...
Proceedings Article
Algorithm for Assessing the Risks of Small Business Project Financing
N. R. Astarkina, E.S. Kurbatova, E. A. Puzanova
The article examines the algorithm for estimation of the risks of small business financing, based on the method of median distributions in the formation of the en-terprise's investment strategy with subsequent vector optimization of local evalua-tion criteria. The choice of the optimal method for estimation...