Proceedings of the 2nd International Indonesia Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies (IICIS 2021)

145 authors
Ramadhani, Irma
Green Products Image in the Perspective of Young Consumers
Riniarti, Melya
Collaborative Strategy for the Sustainability of the Wan Abdul Rahman Forest Park (Tahura WAR) in Supporting Ecotourism in Lampung Province
Romando, Frans Salsa
Transformation of Transmigration Areas as Ethnic Political Identity (A Study of Javanese Ethnicity in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province)
Sanjaya, Fitri Juliana
Green Politics Theory: Industrialization and Environment
Sari, Novieta H
Exploring Relative Deprivation Theory with Social Identity Theory to Inequalities: Issue of Migrants in Biak, Papua
Sari, Putri Irmala
Impact of Green Innovation, Cultural Environment, Company Performance During Covid-19
Sari, Yunita Ratna
Public Service Innovation (Innovation of “Tape Pasar” in Surakarta, Central Java Province)
Sidik, Hasbi
Water Crisis as a Security Issue: Water Securitization in People’s Republic of China
Simbolon, Khairunnisa
Social Media, Public Participation, and Digital Diplomacy
Simbolon, Khairunnisa
Environmental Security Threats in Bandar Lampung
Soraya, Hana
Economic Solidarity Through Women Moslem Organization in response to Covid-19 Pandemic (A Case Muslimat NU Organization at Pringsewu Regency/Kabupaten Pringsewu)
Subagja, Ghia
Green Products Image in the Perspective of Young Consumers
Suharti, Bangun
Participatory Communication for Empowering Urban Farming Families
Sujadmiko, Bayu
The Agenda Setting Policy for Hajj and Umrah in Post Pandemic
Sulistio, Eko Budi
Disaster and Distance Learning: Exploratory Factors Analysis of Online Learning Effectiveness During Pandemic
Sulistiowati, Rahayu
Collaborative Strategy for the Sustainability of the Wan Abdul Rahman Forest Park (Tahura WAR) in Supporting Ecotourism in Lampung Province
Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna
Tebakak Leaves Plates as an Eco-friendly Disposable Plates: Cultural Roots, Technology and People Transformations
Impact of Green Innovation, Cultural Environment, Company Performance During Covid-19
Impact of Green Innovation, Cultural Environment, Company Performance During Covid-19
Suwarno, Suwarno
Transformation of Transmigration Areas as Ethnic Political Identity (A Study of Javanese Ethnicity in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province)
Syahrobi, Dani
Lampung Tourism Supply During the Pandemic and Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Telaumbanua, Mareli
Tebakak Leaves Plates as an Eco-friendly Disposable Plates: Cultural Roots, Technology and People Transformations
Trenggono, Nanang
Participatory Communication for Empowering Urban Farming Families
Tresiana, Novita
Sustainable Development Goals and Decent Work for Women Homeworkers: Is Public Policy Important?
Utami, Nabillah Audia Putri
Green Politics Theory: Industrialization and Environment
Vidiantara, M. Hanif Khairy
Urban Coffee Shop: Shifting Housing to Commercial Space
W, Andy Corry
Participatory Communication for Empowering Urban Farming Families
Wahdyudin, Achmad Yudi
The Impact of Migration on University Education
Wijaya, Toni
Community Empowerment Communication Model in Urban Agricultural Management in the City of Bandar Lampung
Wijaya, Toni
Boosting Public-Private Partnership for sustainable Waste Management in Metro City
Windah, Andi
Navigating the Dark Side of Digital Space
Windah, Andi
Designing Inter-Ethnic Communication Model in Hospitality Industry
Wiranata, Indra Jaya
Environmental Security Threats in Bandar Lampung
Wiranata, Indra Jaya
Study Comparison of Plastic Waste Ocean Pollution Management Strategies Between Japan and Indonesia
Wulandari, Christine
Collaborative Strategy for the Sustainability of the Wan Abdul Rahman Forest Park (Tahura WAR) in Supporting Ecotourism in Lampung Province
Wulandari, Jeni
Green Products Image in the Perspective of Young Consumers
Yanfika, Helvy
Community Empowerment Communication Model in Urban Agricultural Management in the City of Bandar Lampung
Yulianti, Devi
Explaining In-migration Using Measures of Accountability and Responsiveness of Local Governments
Yulianti, Devi
The Agenda Setting Policy for Hajj and Umrah in Post Pandemic
Yulianti, Devi
Examining Social Capital for Urban Societies in the Midst of Covid-19 Through Digital Gotong Royong
Zaina, Anna Gustina
Fake News as a Tool to Manipulate the Public With False Information
Zainal, Anna Gustina
Community Empowerment Communication Model in Urban Agricultural Management in the City of Bandar Lampung
Zenitha, Shabina Atma
Sustainable Development Goals and Decent Work for Women Homeworkers: Is Public Policy Important?
Zgurić, Borna
Climate Challenges of Small Island Developing States: Cases of Tuvalu, Seychelles and Barbados
Zulfikar, Muhammad
Food Insecurity and Agribusiness Expansion in Papua, Indonesia