Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018)
229 articles
Proceedings Article
Student’s Perception of Chemistry Department Towards Assessment Approach
Muchlis Muchlis, Suhadi Ibnu, Subandi Subandi, Siti Marfuah
Many researches related students’ perception towards assessment types, assessment tasks and classroom assessment environment, but related perception of assessment approach (assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning) seldom be done. The aim of this research was describe...
Proceedings Article
Development Of Student Worksheet Based on Inquiry in Carbohydrate Metabolism Material to Increase Study Results of 2015 Biology Education Student
Sari Kusuma Dewi, Yuliani Yuliani, Yuni Sri Rahayu
The purpose of this research was produce carbohydrate metabolism student worksheet based on valid and effective inquiry. Validity of student worksheet was gained by validation sheet instrument, and the effectiveness was obtained from study result completeness and student’s response to student worksheet....
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Geoscience Conceptions and Research Skills through Field Work
Eko Hariyono, Liliasari Liliasari
The research aim was to describe geoscience project design to improve students’ conception and research skill in geoscience. This research was conducted to undergraduate physics student at one of the state university of education in Bandung-Indonesia. The total subject were 34 students and divided into...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Overtime Work On Family Social Aspects
M Yusuf, Wira Ditta Lokantara, I Made Anom Santiana, I Wayan Sudiasa
Overtime is defined as work carried out by employees, on the basis of orders from superiors, which exceeds normal working hours on weekdays, or work carried out on employees' weekly rest days or official holidays. The time and overtime pay are already regulated in Law Number 13 year 2003 concerning Employment,...
Proceedings Article
Workload Analysis of Rice Field Workers in Bali
I Made Anom Santiana, Wira Ditta Lokantara, M Yusuf, I Nyoman Sutapa
Indonesia is an agricultural country. Agricultural land still extends throughout the archipelago. In modern times, there are many agricultural lands that have been done with machine tools, like the rice paddy hand tractor. Hand tractors are widely used in rural or inland rice fields. Its function is...
Proceedings Article
The Control Design for Trajectory Tracking of Four-wheeled Mobile Robot using Model Predictive Control: A Preliminary Study
Dimas Maulana, Yusuf Fuad, Yuliani Puji Astuti
The mobile robot is one of the Unmanned Vehicle that belongs to Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) which has the ability to be remotely controlled. The advancement in navigation has enabled new opportunity to send the UGV to explore new area or disaster mitigation. The path is set with the help of digital...
Proceedings Article
Capacitance Stability of Supercapacitor
Lydia Rohmawati, Woro Setyarsih, Nuricha Anggraini, Sahara Hamas Intifadhah, Siti Holisa SP
The aim of research was to be aware stability of supercapacitor capacitance for 50 cycles. Supercapacitor device in this research was fabrication into sandwich form, that consist a pair of activated carbon/10 wt% PVDF electrode separated with hydrogel polymer. Furthermore do characterization using cyclic...
Proceedings Article
Characteristic Solar Tree Construction on Solar Panel Power Plant
Syafriyudin Syafriyudin
Every year the population in Indonesia is increasing so that the electricity needs needed will also be greater. Considering that environmentally friendly electrical energy generation is needed, solar cells are the right choice. Today many have used and developed solar cells as PLTS (Solar Power Plants)....
Proceedings Article
Effect of Tower Construction Analysis Against Reliability Level of SUTET 500kV to Lightning Strike
Riza Alfita, Musa Abdul Basith, Diana Rahmawati, Rosida Vivin Nahari, Kunto Aji Wibisono, Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah, Mirza Pramudia
The Extra High Voltage Air Line (SUTET) is a transmission line conductor with a voltage of 500kV which aims to deliver electrical energy from the plant to the load center, so that electrical energy can be efficiently discharged. The gap between the distant towers and the different tower construction...
Proceedings Article
Sri Wahyuni, M. Izar Bahroni, Faikul Umam
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has many uses, including aerial photography, aerial mapping and monitoring activities. Quadcopter is a type of UAV that uses four rotors. The speed of each rotor has a considerable influence on the movement. The quadcopter movement can be done in this research, namely the...
Proceedings Article
Design Of Modified Microstrip Antenna And 4x1 Microstrip Array For Data Communication At 2.4 GHz Frequency
Koko, Koko Joni, Haryanto Haryanto, Silviana Nur Azizah
The use of wireless or wireless communication technology is currently growing rapidly. To establish a wireless communication device, an antenna is needed to send and receive electromagnetic waves or signals during the data transmission process. In this research we undertook simulation, fabrication, parameter...
Proceedings Article
Implementation 4 – DoF Arm Robot Object Sorting Controlled Based On Color Using Inverse Kinemathics Algorithm
Kunto Aji Wibisono, Haryanto Haryanto, Edi Nuralim, Riza Alfita, Rosida Vivin Nahari, Mirza Pramudia, Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah
Arm manipulator is one type of robot that is widely applied in the industrial world. Robots of this type are commonly used to help people in the hard work, dangerous or repetitive work. The needs of industrial machine in Indonesia have been increasing based on industrial development that has been increasing...
Proceedings Article
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Controller Design Based on Routh’s Crution Stability Analysis in Diesel-Based Power Plants
Paulus Mangera, Frederik Hariyanto Sumbung, Daniel Parenden
Changes in load on electric power systems are unavoidable at all times. But the increase in load that is not accompanied by additional capacity will cause the system to operate abnormally. The normal or abnormal condition of the power system leads to electrical voltage problems. Excessive reactive power...
Proceedings Article
Simulation of Flood Detection System Using Atmega 8535 Microcontroller
Reza Zubaedah, Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies, Nasra Pratama Putra
Flood disasters are usually caused by the rising of sea water and high rainfall resulting in high water discharge. One way to reduce the impact of losses caused by standing water is to measure the height of the water discharge. An ultrasonic sensor that is based on a microcontroller can be used to measure...
Proceedings Article
IoT-based Drip Irrigation Monitoring and Controlling System using NodeMCU and Raspberry Pi
I Nyoman Kusuma Wardana, Padma Nyoman Crisnapati, Komang Agus Ady Aryanto, Ngakan Nyoman Kutha Krisnawijaya, I Wayan Aditya Suranata
Drip irrigation can be applied in greenhouse farming system, which small amounts of water and fertilizer can be feed uniformly to the crop root zone. In this work, an IoT-based drip irrigation monitoring and controlling strategy for greenhouse farming systems is proposed. It aims to automatically control...
Proceedings Article
Comparing Traditional and Agile Software Development Approaches: Case of Personal Extreme Programming
Sri Andriati Asri, I Gusti Made Agung Sunaya, Putu Manik Prihatini, Widyadi Setiawan
Generally, there are two approaches to software development, traditional and agile. Traditional is heavy and well documented, agile is light and less documentation. Personal Extreme Programming (PXP) is one of the agile approaches that iterative, more flexible and responsive to changes. This research...
Proceedings Article
Robust License Plate Detection using Convolutional Neural Network
I Nyoman Gede Arya Astawa, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Caturbawa, Elina Rudiastari, I Made Ari Dwi Suta Atmaja
In general, the vehicle number plate detection system in an image should be able to overcome two problems, first how to determine the position of the vehicle number plate or which vehicle number plate is on an image and the second how big is the plate. A number of vehicle license plate detection methods...
Proceedings Article
Document Retrieval System Based on Topic Clustering Method
P.M. Prihatini, I.K.G.D. Putra, I.A.D. Giriantari, M. Sudarma
Document retrieval aims to find documents in a collection of unstructured text to meet the needs of user information. The search engine was required in the document retrieval system to perform the entire process automatically, starting from the processing of document text in the collection, feature selection,...
Proceedings Article
Comparing Selection Method in Course Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm
Ni Gusti Ayu Putu Harry Saptarini, Putu Indah Ciptayani, Ni Wayan Wisswani, I Wayan Suasnawa, Nyoman Eddy Indrayana
Selection technique is one of the genetic operator in genetic algorithm (GA). Define the best selection technique is critical in order to get the optimum solution for certain problem. The purpose of this study was to compare 3 selection technique in high school scheduling problem using distributed GA...
Proceedings Article
A Study of Heat Pipe as Thermal Management on 30 Wp Solar Panel
Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Sapteka, Anak Agung Ngurah Made Narottama, I Nyoman Sugiarta, Purnomo Sidi Priambodo, Nandy Setiadi Djaya Putra
This paper discusses the application of copper pulsating heat pipe as passive thermal management on solar cell panel. In this study, an analysis of 30 Wp polycrystalline solar panel surface temperature with heat pipe is discussed. A 1000 W halogen lamp is used to illuminate and heat the solar panel indoor...
Proceedings Article
Affective Household Assessment Activities of Electrical Installation Practices
Hantje Ponto, Rudy Sanger
In the process of learning electrical installations, practical activities are very important to be carried out so that students have the skills. Affective domain is one aspect of learning. This affective domain affects individual activities in learning activities including the practice of electrical...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors That Affect Consumer Preference on Coffee Consumption in Surabaya
Sudiyarto Sudiyarto, Resti Prastika Destiarni, Gyska Indah Harya
There are two variants of processed coffee, there are brewed coffee and instant coffee . Each coffee have their own consumers. The difference of consumer preference on coffee consumption led to research idea about factors that affecting consumer preference on coffee consumption. This research was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Consumer Preferences In Purchasing Packaged Meatball Products
Syarif Imam Hidayat, Pawana Nur Indah, Meilia Zakiyah Darojah Hayati, Laksmi Diana
Increased consumption of meat consumers supports consumer patterns including consumption of processed meat. The purposes of this study are (1) Identifying consumer characteristics of several packaged meatball products in the study area (2) Analyzing consumer ratings based on the performance of the packaged...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Excise Tariffs on The Performance of White Cigarette Industry
Indra Tjahaja Amir, Nuhfil Hanani, Syafrial Syafrial, Abdul Wahid Muhaimin
The aims of this study was a) to analyze the factors that affect the performance of production of white cigarette industry, b) analyze the factors that affect the performance of the consumption and c) simulate, if the government a tax increase of 5 percent or 20 percent of the performance of the industry....
Proceedings Article
Preference and Consumer Behavior Agrotourism on Campus UPN “Veteran” East Java
Setyo Parsudi, Juli Santoso, Mubarokah Mubarokah, Gyska Indah Harya
Development of agrotourism in unirversities are still rare in Indonesia, including in East Java, especially in Surabaya. National Development University "Veteran" (UPN "Veteran") East Java, especially the Faculty of Agriculture is one of the universities in Surabaya that plans to develop agro-tourism...
Proceedings Article
Reviewing Government Policy on Rice Price: Study Through Rice Price In East Java Market
Zainal Abidin, Resti Prastika Destiarni, Fanny Septya
That HET is considered too low to absorp farmer’s rice so that rice processing industry becomes farmer’s choice to sell rice and their product become choice on middle and upper class consumer, especially urban society. This research was conducted to analyze the HET policy by forecasting on rice price...
Proceedings Article
Analysis and Evaluation Service Quality with Fuzzy - Banking Service Quality in East Java, Indonesia
Rachmad Hidayat, Harliwanti Prisilia
The research aimed ad analyzing and evaluating the banking service quality in East Java. The research to know the service standard which is suitable for the customer's desire and arranges an improvement priority of service quality that should be given to the customers. The method used to measure quality...
Proceedings Article
Fuzzy Evaluation of Service Quality in The Banking
Endang Suprihatin, Rachmad Hidayat
The measurement of banking service quality was done by Fuzzy servqual method. Service quality used five dimensions contained in servqual was tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty. The results of this study indicated that the gap value of the five dimensions had a negative value. It...
Proceedings Article
Role of Livestock to Improve the Economy of Sota Border Community Based on Environment
Nurcholis Nurcholis, Lilik Surmaryanti, Dirwan Muchlis, Syetiel Maya Salamony
Sota communities mostly depend on local agricultural income. The purpose of this research is to know the role of business in the field of livestock to social level (welfare) in Sota District community in environmentally border area. The method used is a survey using questionnaires to 90 respondents selected...
Proceedings Article
Learning Result Management on Vocational Blended Learning Implementation
Kadek Cahya Dewi, Herman Dwi Surjono, Putu Indah Ciptayani, Priyanto Priyanto
Vocational Blended Learning (VBL) has been applied in Information Systems Management courses at one of the vocational colleges in Indonesia. This research objective was to measure student learning result after going through the learning process with the VBL model. The research was conducted using descriptive...
Proceedings Article
The E-Servicescape of Mobile-Based Online Shopping Application Assessment: An Indonesian M-Commerce Fact
Rifan Jefri Sunarsono, Sri Hartini, Teguh Soedarto
The e-servicescape as a valuable variable in the development of the digital industry needs more attention to be explored to improve the organizational performance so that this research uses e-servicescape as the main variable. This study attempts to explore the mobile-based online shopping in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Environmentally Friendly Catfish Cultivation Engineering: Probiotic Use in Feed With Addition of Spices
Dyah Hariani, D A Rahayu, P S W Kusuma
The objective of the study was to examine production performance with probiotic use in a feed with an addition of spices as an environmentally friendly catfish culitivation engineering by measuring growth based on looking at SGR (Specific Growth Rate), FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio), PR (Protein Retention)...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Influencing Processed Cocoa Industry in East Java Indonesia
Pawana Nur Indah, Gyska Indah Harya, Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi, Sri Widayanti
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the environment in the effort to develop the processed cocoa industry and the efforts made to encourage the development of the East Java processed cocoa industry. The basic method used was descriptive quantitative and qualitative descriptive with...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of the Use of AFO (Ankle Foot Orthotics) with the MOXFQ (Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire) Method
Bayu Bawono, Paulus Wisnu Anggoro, M. Tauviqirrahman, A.P. Bayuseno, J. Jamari
This research aims to find the influence of the insole in the shoe for the patient who suffered from disorders of the feet. Diabetic patients generally experience a disruption in the feet. This disorder is a stabbing pain when the patient performs activities. The patient is asked to use footwear Ankle...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Service Quality using Service Quality and Importance Performance Analysis Methods in LION SUPER INDO Company
Akmal Suryadi, Farida Pulansari, Moch Sudhafi
To fulfill customer satisfaction, the company must have strategies for managing services properly. The strategies are meant that can affect customer satisfaction, image, and loyalty. Public lack of confidence in the Lion Super Indo Company caused by services is still not good enough. Complaints that...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Modularization Strategy and Life Cycle Design Concept to Increase Product Variety and Reduce Environmental Burden A Case Study in Manufacturing Industry
Dira Ernawati, Dwi Sukma D, Endang Pudji, Ni Ketut Sari
The design stage is the greatest stage in determining quality of a product and production process cost. Manufacturers have to apply the concept of supporting the optimization of raw material to produce good quality products at competitive prices. Modularization is an approach to simplify complex products...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Slope Angle of Stairs on Energy Consumption and Work Productivity on Male and Female Workers
Sunardi Sunardi, Purwati Purwati, Tranggono Tranggono, Budi Santoso, Oryza Tannar
Material handling can be done with the help of equipment or manually with various methods or working positions. One of the real work which we seen everyday is material handling from warehouse to truck with using stairs, where we don’t know how to use slope angle by right so that it can result high productivity....
Proceedings Article
Use of Six Sigma and Kaizen Methods to Reduce Concrete Iron Defects (Case Study of PT. Hanil Jaya Steel)
Yustina Ngatilah, Farida P, Alif L, C Pujiastuti, Indri P
Concrete iron produced by PT. Hanil Jaya Steel still has product defects in the form of line defects, village defects, nguping defects and flattened tip defects of 3.22%. The company wants to control the quality of this concrete iron, thereby reducing product defects. This study aims to determine the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Working Position of Sandal Operator Using RULA and REBA Approach at Sisman Corporation (SISCO)
Rullie Annisa
One of the determinant factors in work productivity is an employee. An employee who feels comfortable with his work activities can increase productivity. In implementing the comfort for the employees, it is necessary to pay attention to the work position or posture which is ergonomic. this is because...
Proceedings Article
Application of PLS and TRIZ Method in Optimizing Customer Satisfaction Insurance of PT X
Kukuh Winarso, Dyah Ayuning Tyas
Partial Least Square is a more flexible SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) method because it does not assume normally distributed data such as CB-SEM. PLS can also be applied to reflective and formative models with smaller sample quantities. In this study, PLS serves as a predictor to look for variable...
Proceedings Article
An Identification of the Predominance Factors of Sustainable Manufacturing Industry Competitiveness
Ni Luh Putu Hariastuti, Pratikto Pratikto, Purnomo Budi Santoso, Ishardita Pambudi Tama
Small and Medium Industry (SMI) is an industry that drives national economic growth in Indonesia. Its existence makes it as the main industry supporting the activity of manufacturing industries globally. Since the existence of SMIs for the nation’s economy is important, it is necessary to make an effort...
Proceedings Article
An Open Source Software Quality Model and Its Applicability for Assessing E-commerce Content Management Systems
Wahyudi Agustiono
Content Management Systems (CMS) are widely known to provide a simple and practical way to create and administer a web application including e-commerce. A variety of CMSs exist which offer different features needed to develop an e-commerce. Nonetheless, there is limited knowledge on what framework can...
Proceedings Article
A New framework of e-Participation using data science to support community empowerment
Muhammad Yusuf, Budi Dwi Satoto, Sri Herawati, Imamah Imamah
e-Participation is an interesting field capturing how technology can support community empowerment in public decision making. Data Science is also an emerging field that uses methods, processes, algorithms and systems to develop pattern, knowledge and insights from tructured and unstructured data. It...
Proceedings Article
Multi-objective Linear Programming for Supplier Selection and Order Allocation of Raw Material
Ika Deefi Anna
The production process of a company is very dependent on the availability of raw materials. Raw materials will be available if there are suppliers who send raw materials continuously to the company. As we know that each supplier has difference in price, supply capacity, delivery time and quality of raw...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Node Velocity and Traffic Congestion on The Performance of AODV in MANET
Achmad Ubaidillah, Miftachul Ulum, Heni Astutik, S. Ida Kholida
There were many researches that discussed about performance of Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV) in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). Some of them used mobile velocity and traffic congestion as variables in their observation. This research becomes very important because the writer of this paper was...
Proceedings Article
Dwi Kuswanto, Aeri Rachmad
Cloud computing is a technology model in which resources such as computer components (processor, memory, network, storage) are no longer real problems, but abstract. One cloud service is Cloud Storage. With Cloud storage facilities, users can store digital data that is kept secret securely via the internet...
Proceedings Article
Automatic Application Of Graphic Design To Banner Model
Achmad Jauhari, Devie Rosa Anamisa, Sigit Susanto Putro, Faizah Mauliana Rizqi
Banners are one of the promotional tools. Banners have been printed with digital printing. Banners are usually used as media announcements or conveying aspirations about an activity. Banner is a simplification of billboards. Banners are usually designed in portrait or vertical form. Until now, banner...
Proceedings Article
Clustering of Potency of Shrimp In Indonesia With K-Means Algorithm And Validation of Davies-Bouldin Index
Firman Tempola, Achmad Fuad Assagaf
Among ASEAN countries, Indonesia is first ranked shrimp producers. Although shrimp from Indonesia is one of the main producers in the ASEAN region, in fact the potential of each province has not been explained in detail, so it needs to be studied further related to shrimp production in every province...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of NVIS HF Radio As Alternative Technologies In Rural Area of North Maluku
Saiful Do. Abdullah, Assaf Arief, Miftah Muhammad
this study is still an initiation stage for implementation in Northern Maluku Archipelago. Because of the characteristics of the archipelago and many black spots in rural area. An alternative research is conducted to overcome technical problems in rural areas of the archipelagoes. One of the alternative...
Proceedings Article
Underwater Image Correction Using Bilateral Filter
Nursanti Abdurrachman, Moh. Jamil, Iis Hamsir Ayub Wahab
Bilateral filter is one method of image quality improvement that is nonlinear and adaptive. Bilateral filters combine geometric proximity and color intensity similarity in mathematical calculations. This method has advantages in improving image quality compared to previous methods. Bilateral filters...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Information Technology Maturity Level Based At the Department of Informatics Engineering on Po and Ai Domains Using Cobit 4.1
Agus Prayitno, Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau, Nilfred Patawaran
Technology for communication in business processes by companies or organizations, in the form of services, is increasingly felt the benefits that ultimately encourage the use of information technology, with a guarantee of good service management becoming a fundamental need. Nowadays the Informatics Engineering...
Proceedings Article
Web Services Technology Using Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Availability Coding On The Distribution Area Map To Reach The Community
Deril Alfiance Kaligis, Teddy Istanto
Displacement of kerosene to Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), giving a positive impact as one of the staples in several respects. Viewed from the increasing demand for gas fuel (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), government through Pertamina launched a system to monitor the process of distribution of liquefied petroleum...
Proceedings Article
E-Blood Bank Application For Organizing and Ordering The Blood Donation
Lilik Sumaryanti, Suwarjono Suwarjono, Lusia Lamalewa
Blood Transfusion Unit (BTU) is a blood bank of Indonesian Red Cross (IRC) which duties are to give service, collect blood donation, store and distribute blood according to the request of people in need. Administration process of BTU Merauke is in trouble due to conventional blood donation data management....
Proceedings Article
Android-Based Geographic Information System in Mapping Location of Health Facilities and Infrastructure in Merauke District
Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies, Hermin Agian Kaba, Izak Habel Wayangkau
Information needs by the community of Merauke Regency in this era are becoming more complex and diverse. The community needs a quick and easy access to obtain the information needed, one of them is by using a smartphone that is now owned by almost all people in the city of Merauke from various backgrounds....
Proceedings Article
Geographic Information System of Government Service Office Mapping in Merauke Regency
Susanto Susanto, Lilik Sumaryanti, Suwarjono Suwarjono, Teddy Istanto
Government agency is one of the elements supporting the implementation of regional autonomy in any fields applying decentralization tasks. Service offices in Merauke Regency consist of 20 regional agencies, 7 regional technical institutions, 1 regional public hospital, 1 civil service police unit, and...
Proceedings Article
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Methods For Evaluation of Teacher Quality
Julyeta P.A. Runtuwene, Irene R.H.T. Tangkawarow, Mario T. Parinsi
Generally, if there are several complex criteria, constraints will occur in decision making. The decision making process faces the priority of several alternatives. Sometimes, decision making occurs using mere subjective values. This is not supposed to happen in determining teacher’s quality. Based on...
Proceedings Article
Bioremediation of Cadmium and Chromium Metal Polluted Soil Using Compost
Rusmini Rusmini, Sukarmin Sukarmin, Muchlis Muchlis
Research on remediation of chromium and cadmium metal contaminated soil using compost has been carried out. Added compost was 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% w/w. The study was conducted for 14 days and observed a decrease in the concentration of heavy metals in the soil. Measurement of heavy metal concentrations...
Proceedings Article
The effect of oxygen plasma treatment on the hydrophobicity of polyaniline surface
Nugrahani Primary Putri, Rani Putri Lavinia, D.J. Djoko H. Santjojo, Masruroh Masruroh, Setyawan Purnomo Sakti
Polyaniline is one of the conductive polymers that can be funcionalized as a sensitive layer on quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). The sensitivity of polyaniline can be enhanced via dedicated its morphology. The plasma oxygen treatment is used to modify the surface of polyaniline coating. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Electrical Performances of Lithium-Ion Coin Cell Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO)
Zainul Arifin Imam Supardi, Munasir Munasir, Dwi Astuti Ningsih, Bambang Prihandoko
Recently many portable devices need electrical energy which instant and high capacity. Lithium-ion battery is one of very popular as mobile electrical energy source for them. This study focused to elaborate the electrical performances of reduced graphene. They were electrical conductivity, cycle performance...
Proceedings Article
Morphology and Porosity of Fe3O4@SiO2 Core-Shell: Adsorption for Heavy Metal Pb(II)
M. Munasir, Novi Setyaningsih, Sari Yanasin, Zainul Arifin Imam Supardi
The Analysis of morphology, porosity and absorption of Fe3O4 nano particles coated with SiO2-NPs has been carried out; use polyethelen glycol as a core for forming core-shell Fe3O4@ SiO2/PEG. SiO2-NPs is prepared from quartz sand by hydrothermal and coprecipitation methods; Fe3O4-NPs have been prepared...
Proceedings Article
Low-cost fabrication of optical waveguide as directional coupler using CO2 laser cutting
Asnawi Asnawi, M. S. Muntini, Yono Hadi Pramono
Engraving of polymer materials using cutting laser is a popular process in some manufacturing industries. This research presents the manufacture of waveguides channels on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) substrate using CO2 cutting laser process. The CO2 laser engraving machine has cost effective and takes...
Proceedings Article
Graphite Particle Reduction Process using High Energy Milling
Diah Hari Kusumawati, Muhammad Nurhuda, D.J. Djoko Herry Santjojo, Masruroh Masruroh
Graphite is a material that has excellent mechanical and thermal properties, as well as a wide application level, especially in the form of nanoparticles. High Energy Milling (HEM) is one of the methods used in the formation of nanoparticles by reducing particle size mechanically. In this research, variation...
Proceedings Article
Nanofluids with Enhanced CHF Prepared from Solgel Synthesized Al2O3 Nanoparticles Utilizing Urea as Chelating Agent
Dani Gustaman Syarif, Djoko Hadi Prajitno, Jupiter Sitorus Pane
In order to develop a new coolant for nuclear and non-nuclear applications, nanoparticles of Al2O3 for nanofluids have been successfully synthesized by solgel method utilizing AlCl3 as precursor and urea as chelating agent. The mole ratio of the AlCl3 and urea was 1:2. The solution was stirred to form...
Proceedings Article
Designing and Implementing Trajectory Planning and Inverse Kinematics Algorithms using Hexapod Robot Platform
Miftachul Ulum, M. Khoirut, Haryanto Haryanto, Riza Alfita, Diana Rahmawati, Kunto Aji Wibisono, Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah
Among various forms of developed robots, legged robots are often used to overcome problems that cannot be solved by wheeled robots. The often occurred problem while developing this typical robot is about the flexibility and efficiency of the robot movement. In addressing the problem, this research aimed...
Proceedings Article
Facilitating Classroom Discussion In Mathematics Instruction To Promote Students’ Understanding
Rini Setianingsih, Cholis Sa’dijah, Abdur Rahman As’ari, Makbul Muksar
This paper presents findings of a qualitative study on efforts to engage elementary school students in small-group and whole-class discussions as part of the process of learning mathematics. Characteristics of the process of facilitating small-group and whole-class discussion are examined, as well as...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ views and experiences on mathematical literacy and context-based task
Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, Ahmad Wachidul Kohar, Sugi Hartono, Abdul Haris Rosyidi, Pradnyo Wijayanti
This study aimed at exploring middle school mathematics teacher’s views on mathematical literacy and context-based task. Data were collected through questionnaire items filled out by 91 teachers at two districts in East Java province, Indonesia. Data were analyzed by scoring the teacher responses and...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Critical Thinking Skills and their Relationship with Metacognitive Skills in Middle School Students in Solving Mathematical Problems
Ismail Ismail
Critical thinking skills are one of the most important life skills in the 21st century, because critical thinking skills can improve intelligence in life skills. Critical Profiles of critical thinking skills and their relationship to students' metacognitive skills are obtained from in-depth problem-based...
Proceedings Article
Dynamics and Numerical Simulation of Stage Structure Prey-Predator Models
Dian Savitri, Abadi Abadi
In the present paper we discuss dynamics and numeric simulation of prey-predator model with stage structure. Prey populations which is divided into sub populations, one is immature prey and the other is mature prey The focus of the study of the stability of prey predator prey models as well as local...
Proceedings Article
An Identification of Teachers’ Ability on Posing HOTS mathematics problems
Endah Budi Rahaju, Dini Kinati Fardah
Higher-Order Thinking skills (HOTs) are needed to form our students to become more critical and creative individuals facing this sophisticated age. Teachers are required to be able to present learning that trains students to reason, think critically and creatively. This article presents the results of...
Proceedings Article
Generalized Extreme Value for Climate Change Analysis
Affiati Oktaviarina, Ayunin Sofro, Hery Sutanto
Impact of climate change is very complex because it occurs in various sector of live such as health, agriculture, forestry and transportation. Extreme weather is one of climate change effect, that is a weather condition or phenomenon above normal that occurs in a particular area with short term duration,...
Proceedings Article
Classification Of Plants And Weeds In Multi-Leaf Image With Support Vector Machine Based On Leaves Shape And Texture Features
Etriana Meirista, Imam Mukhlash, Budi Setiyono, Dessy Riski Suryani, Evy Nurvitasari
We often find plants that have similarities in terms of shape and texture. In agriculture if we want to plant a plant species, other plants will be called weeds as they can inhibit plant growth. We can easily classify plants and weeds using image processing. Watermelon plants were the objects of this...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Grade IV’s Error on Whole Number based on Newman Procedure’s Cognitive Style
Dessy Rizki Suryani, Luluk Wahyu Nengsih, Murni Sianturi, Khumaeroh Dwi Nur ‘Aini, Etriana Meirista
This research aims to describe students' errors based on the Newman procedure in solving narrative questions on whole number reviewed from cognitive style and its causing factors. This was a descriptive qualitative research with the students of fourth grade of SD Negeri 1 Merauke of 2017/2018 served...
Proceedings Article
Structural Model External and Internal Factors that Influence Students' Mathematical Learning Achievement
Hariani Fitrianti, Andi Saparuddin Nur
The development of science and technology in various parts of the world is influenced by progress in the field of mathematics. Therefore, the countries that ignore mathematics education as a top priority will be left behind from other countries that provide a place for mathematics as an important subject....
Proceedings Article
Development of Quadrilateral and Triangle Learning Problem Solving Ability Devices in Lower Secondary with the Scientific Approach Oriented to
Inggrid Marlissa, Nurhayati Nurhayati
This research aimed to produce Lower Secondary Mathematics Teaching Materials with the Scientific Approach Oriented to Problem Solving Ability including Lesson Plan (RPP), Student Working Sheet (LKS), and a valid, practical and effective student Learning Achievement Test (TPB). This type of research...
Proceedings Article
Correspondence Analysis To Identify Alumni Profiles A Case Study on ITB Alumni Class of 2008
Khumaeroh Dwi Nur’aini, Dessy Rizki Suryani, Minuk Riyana, Utriweni Mukhaiyar, Murni Sianturi, Evy Nurvitasari
In today’s world of work, the rate of competition among job-hunters is getting increasingly higher. In addition, some companies want to recruit human resources who have more work skills and knowledge in order to improve their quality and productivity. Both skills and knowledge are necessary regardless...
Proceedings Article
Detection of Motorbike Speed Estimates Using Moving Object Detection with Frame Difference
Eva Y. Puspaningrum, M.Syahrul Munir, Wahyu S.J. Saputra, Haris Ardianto W
The application of technology has developed in the field of traffic. The occurrence of traffic violations and an increase in the number of accidents triggered by the speed of vehicles that exceed the maximum limit specified. It especially two-wheeled vehicle or motorbike. The small form of a motorbike...
Proceedings Article
Detection of Indonesian Vehicle Plate Location using Harris Corner Feature Detector Method
Fawwaz Ali Akbar, Hendra Maulana
Intelligent transportation systems are now starting to develop. One aspect of the intelligent transportation support system is how to recognize a vehicle. Vehicle plate recognition is an important function of this system. Plate detection systems have two problems, namely where the plate is located and...
Proceedings Article
The Comparison of Gravitational Acceleration through Optical Sensor and Receptor Pad Apparatus
Nadi Suprapto, Alif Syaiful Adam, Utama Alan Deta, Husni Mubarok, Abdul Kholiq
The aim of this research is to compare the gravitational acceleration based on the two different apparatus measurement. That two apparatus are similar, use free fall setting. That difference is in time record method. This gravitational acceleration determined from metal ball fall’s time in a predetermined...
Proceedings Article
The Comparison of Static Friction Coefficient on Wood Between the Combination of Wood-Metal Load System and Wood-Sand Load System
Utama Alan Deta, Nadi Suprapto, Husni Mubarok, Alif Syaiful Adam, Abdul Kholiq
The aim of this research is comparison wood-metal load system (experiment 1) and wood-sand load system (experiment 2) to find the static friction coefficient on wood and the effectiveness of both system. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach by using graphical analysis method, the manipulation...
Proceedings Article
Clinical Test of Nanogold-Nanoseaweed Cosmetics For User Cosmetic Sociaty
Titik Taufikurohmah, Tjandrakirana Tjandrakirana, Siti Tjahjani, I Gusti Made Sanjaya, Hans Lumintang, Afaf Baktir, Achmad Syahrani, Adi Soeprijanto
The true using of cosmetics will give so many good effects such as healthy, elastic and younger face, otherwise bad using of cosmetics can cause many problems such as Acne, spot, oily skin and dry skin. This clinical research using nanogold and nanoseaweed was aimed as a solution for negative effect...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of College Students’ Misconception on Geometrical Optics
Setyo Admoko, Titin Sunarti, Mukhayyarotin Niswati Rodliyatul Jauhariyah, Suliyanah Suliyanah, Nadi Suprapto
This research aims to analyze college students’ misconception on optical concept. Participants were 36 college students of sixth semester from one intact class. College students’ misconception of geometrical optics were measured by a three-tier misconception test. From the data collected we were determined...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Reasoning on Physics Related to Visual Representation Case Study of College Students
Mukhayyarotin Niswati Rodliyatul Jauhariyah, Wasis Wasis
This paper present the description of students’ reasoning on physics related to visual representation. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects consist of 25 college students. Given some physics problem with visual representation, students answer it with different reasoning. Students...
Proceedings Article
Fostering Problem Solving Skills on Prospective Science Teachers: Sprint Exercise Theme
Wahono Widodo, Dhita Ayu Permata Sari, Elok Sudibyo
Fostering problem solving-skills on prospective science teacher is a challenging task, yet problem-solving skills is needed in 21st century live. The aim of this study is to foster problem solving skill on prospective science teacher through problem-solving tasks on sprint exercise theme. Method of this...
Proceedings Article
Validity of Project Based Laboratory Learning: An Innovative Physics Laboratory Learning to prepare Sciences Process Skills and Creativity of Physics Teacher Candidate
Dwikoranto Dwikoranto, Rahyu Setiani, Madlazim Madlazim, Erman Erman
The purpose of this study was to describe the validity of the project based laboratory learning (PjBLL) model to increase science process skills and scientific creativity of students. Collecting data use preliminary research and validation phase of physics learning expert in the focus group discussion....
Proceedings Article
Oxidation Ditch Algae Reactor (ODAR) for Nutrient and Pathogen Removal in Grey Water System
Aulia Ulfah Farahdiba, Rian Nurrohman, Andisvina Desliani, Any Juliany
Oxidation Ditch Algae Reactor (ODAR) is a wastewater treatment reactor utilizing symbiosis between algal cultures and bacteria. ODAR reactors have large circular basin equipped with aerators. Pathogenic Escherichia coli is believed to mostly live in the contaminated area, which it could influence human...
Proceedings Article
Development of Hot Press Molding for HDPE Recycling and Process Characterization
Sabarudin Akhmad, Ida Lumintu, Anis Arendra
The 2nd generation HDPE Recycle Hot Press machine is the revamps of the first generation machine. The first generation hot press still has many shortcomings that make production results not optimal, such as porosity defects, limited product dimensions and the manual pressing process. The method used...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing Process Parameter Machining From Combined Energy Consumption and Material Removal Rate On ST 41-3
Teguh Prasetyo, Mukhib Bussafi, Nachnul Anshori, Mahrus K. Umami, Mirza Pramudia
Machining processes are spent a lot of energy in the manufacturing industry. On the other hand, we understand that energy should be minimum. The purpose of this study is to find the optimal machining parameters that allow the most energy-efficient processes. The study focused on optimization of parametric...
Proceedings Article
Prototype of Heat Exchanger U-Tube Model Shell and Tube Counter Flow
Hairil Budiarto, Faikul Umam
This research aimed to discuss the manufacturing of The Heat Exchanger Cooler Type U-Tube with 2 types of fluid, water as cold fluid and oil as hot fluid, which flew in opposite direction. There were 2 methods which used in this research, the empirical method and the experimental method. The empirical...
Proceedings Article
Designing Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate Using Contactless Infrared MLX90614 Temperature Sensor Based On PID Controller
Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah, Diana Rahmawati, Elfa Elismawati, Riza Alfita, Kunto Aji Wibisono, Miftachul Ulum, Haryanto Haryanto, Achmad Ubaidillah, Rosida Vivin Nahari
hot plate, magnetic stirrer, infrared MLX90614, PID controller
Proceedings Article
Dehumdifier Heat Pump Dryer for Corn Drying and Process Characterization
Anis Arendra, Sabarudin Akhmad, Ida Lumintu
How to build a corn dryer that is not weather dependent yet energy efficient? And how the characteristics of corn dryer?. This research objectives are: Design and develop a dehumidifier heat pump dryer for corn drying. Observing the characteristics of drying time, temperature and humidity of drying air...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Potential Micro hydro for Water Treatment Plant
Tri Suyono, Lita Asyriati Latif
The operation of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) requires electrical energy to drive chemical systems, namely dossing pumps and chemical mixers and lighting lamps. In WTP, most of the gravity systems are located far from settlements and most of the access roads are quite difficult, and there is no electricity...
Proceedings Article
The Study of Wind Potential in Merauke Used as an Energy Source
Daniel Parenden, Peter Sahupala
Renewable energy is environmental-friendly energy compared to the conventional one. Wind energy is a renewable energy having big potential in supporting clean energy revolution in Indonesia. This research aims to calculate the wind energy potential power that can be used as a power plant. The data collection...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Wind Speed Distribution at the Mopah Airport in Merauke
Maria Fransina Veronica Ruslau, Helga Charolina Antonia Silubun
Modeling of wind speed characterstic in a particular location is often conducted, one of which is to find out the potential of wind energy in the interest of wind power plants. Of the many probability distributions, the following distributions are distributions that are quite commonly used to model the...
Proceedings Article
Production and Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Sago Pulp Composite Board
Mitra Rahayu, Jeffri Parrangan, Syamsul Bahri, Helga Charolina Antonia Silubun, Dina Limbong Pamuttu
A study was performed on the production of sago pulp composite board and characterization of its mechanical property, i.e. tensile strength test. Sago pulp composite board was made using resin epoxy amplifier. A sago tree can produce 75-85% sago pulp which contains 65.7% starch, 21% lignin, and 20% cellulose....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Using Innovative Furniture on Space Circulation in Lease Houses in Merauke
Muchlis Alahudin, Atizah Nurhusna, Yosi Valentina Simorangkir
The thermal condition in lease houses in Merauke is very uncomfortable, one of the causes is that the existence of home furniture that are not well organized in many lease houses causes the circulation of space to be not smooth. With the condition of a narrow house with more and more needs, the need...
Proceedings Article
Investigation on Porosity and Microstructure of Molecular Sieve Wick Heat Pipe
Luh Putu Ike Midiani, IWA Subagia, IBG Widiantara, WN Septiadi, INS Winaya, M Sucipta, N Putra
Wick must provide in order that heat pipe can be operate in any orientation. Wick provide the driving forces to circulate working fluids. A novel sintered molecular sieve and hybrid molecular sieve-Cu would be use as wick heat pipe. This paper presents the results of investigation on porosity and microstructure...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of Performance between Two Phase Ejector with Accomulator and COS Split Air-Conditioning Dual Evaporator
Made Ery Arsana, I G N Wijaya Kusuma, Made Sucipta, I Nyoman Suamir
The purpose of this study is to increase the coefficient of performance (COP) of the split air conditioner (SAC) by reducing the compressor work and increasing cooling capacity which can be achieved with a two phase ejector as an expansion device with novel design dual evaporator temperature. Numerical...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Copper Coated Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Using Electroless Plating Process
I DM Pancarana, Rudy Soenoko, Djarot B. Darmadi, Yudy Surya Irawan
The copper coating process on multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) has been carried out by electroless plating method to improve interfacial bonding between MWCNT and alumininium matrix. The initial step of electroless plating is to pre-treat MWCNT which includes oxidation (hydrophilic treatment), sensitization...
Proceedings Article
Air Distribution Analysis in Drying Tumpeng Process with Dry Racking Machine Type
I Made Arsawan, I Putu Sastra Negara, Gede Santosa, I Gede Oka Pujiadi, Ketut Bangsa
The Balinese people cannot be separated from their cultural and religious customs. The religious procession for Balinese people is conducted to express our gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa (The Almighty God) for the gift he has given. One of the ceremonial facilities used is tumpeng, and in aseries...
Proceedings Article
Experimental Test Of Tire Cooling Equipment Using Air Devotion Method To Reduce Tire Weight Rate In Engkel Trucks
I Wayan Suastawa, Ida Bagus Putu Sukadana
Components in the field of transportation that greatly affect the amount of transportation costs are fuel, tires and maintenance costs. On average, a tire used by commercial vehicles such as a truck, must replace all of six tires every 3 months, with a cost of approximately 1.5 to 2 million rupiah on...