Proceedings of the International Conference On Social Studies, Globalisation And Technology (ICSSGT 2019)

173 authors
Mulyana, Eldi
Nation Character Building for Millennial Generation Based on Local Wisdom of Saminism
Nagari Madani Movement: A Social Policy-Based Islamic Values In Agam Regency
Learning Motivation In Street Children (Case Study on Street Children Who Attend School in Public Elementary School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri/SDN) Mawar 2 Banjarmasin)
Nasution, Ilman
Cadre Model Inspirative Based on Islamic Parenting and Minangkabau Local Wisdom
Nawing, Kaharuddin
Anticipatory Strategies of Social Problems Based on Social Deviations in Students of Public Junior High School 8 Palu
Dampieng Salendang Reconstruction in Building Millenial Generation Characters in the Field of Dance
Nisa, Aisyah Nur Sayidatun
To Increase Professional Competence of Social Sciences Teachers (in Utilizing Local Wisdom-Based Learning Resources Through History Trips in Batang Regency)
Nopitalia, Tassya
Ba’usung Tradition in Wedding Ceremonies of Banjar Ethnic Group in Indragiri Hilir District
Novera, DillaTriyanda
An Analysis of Guguak Manyambah Song Created by B. Andoeska in Minangkabau Song
Nurdin, Buchari
Using Mind Mapping in Social Studies at Public Junior High School No.1 South Siberut Mentawai
Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti Wahyu
Development of Macromedia Captivate-Based Instructional Media of Social Studies on Scarcity and Human Needs Material of Grade VII at Islamic Junior High School of Assyafiiyah Gondang Tulungagung
Analysis of Factors Affecting Students Interest in Business Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Dharma Andalas Padang
Nursi, M.
The Influence of Lecturer Competence and Self Concepts on Student Learning Motivation (Study on the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program at Higher Education in Padang)
Palimbong, Anthonius
Tolerance Learning to Develop Students Social Skills in the 21st Century
Impact of Political Education to the Participation of Beginner Voters in General Election
Permana, Rahayu
Integrating Local History into Lessons of History Subject in the 2013 Curriculum Revise at Senior High School Level
Pernantah, Piki Setri
Integration of Siak Songket Weaving Values Through Value Clarification Technique to Reinforcement of the Meaningful History Learning
Pratama, Febta
Integrating Local History into Lessons of History Subject in the 2013 Curriculum Revise at Senior High School Level
Purwasih, Atik
The Development of Local Wisdom and Islamic Values-Based Democratic Material in IAIN Metro
Purwati, Sherly
Evaluation of Teacher’s Understanding and Experience About the Structure and Publication of Scientific Articles in Scientific Journals
Puspitasari, Ratna
Outdoor Learning as the Development of Eco Literacy Skills in Learning Social Studies in Secondary School
Putra, Deswa Yodi Eka
Worksheet for Application of Word Square Learning Models at Publik Junior High School Number I Kapur IX District
Putra, ZE. Ferdi Fauzan
Ecolabel in Environmental Education
Putri, Eti Siska
Mapping and Resolution of Conflicts Pagang-Gadai Land Ulayat in Minangkabau: Case study: clan customary land conflict in Jorong Kajai, Nagari Ladang Panjang, Tigo Nagari District, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra
Putri, Noviani Achmad
To Increase Professional Competence of Social Sciences Teachers (in Utilizing Local Wisdom-Based Learning Resources Through History Trips in Batang Regency)
Putri, Wulandari Dwianty
Women’s Representation in Media News During the Japanese Period
Putro, Herry Porda Nugroho
Learning Model of History to Wetlands for Historical Consciousness
Rachmah, Huriah
Social Studies Learning Model for Early Childhood
Rachman, Tubagus Ali
Social Studies Learning Model Based on Socio-Cultural Through Blanded Learning (Study in Junior High School in the Depok West Java)
Rahayu, Sri
Worksheet for Application of Word Square Learning Models at Publik Junior High School Number I Kapur IX District
Rahmi, Yulia
The Effect of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Condition on Management of Communities-Based Online Report Management in Padang Pariaman District
Ramadhani, Anggia
Worksheet for Application of Word Square Learning Models at Publik Junior High School Number I Kapur IX District
Rani, Santi Mustika
A Study of Olang Bubega Silat Changes From Tradition to Entertainment Arts in the Community Wedding Ceremony in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau
Ratnawati, Nurul
The Quality of Learning Tools With Constructivist Approaches on the Juvenile Delinquency Theme
Rivauzi, Ahmad
Cadre Model Inspirative Based on Islamic Parenting and Minangkabau Local Wisdom
Rosa, Yenni Del
Analysis of Factors Affecting Students Interest in Business Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Dharma Andalas Padang
Ruja, I Nyoman
The Quality of Learning Tools With Constructivist Approaches on the Juvenile Delinquency Theme
Sabri, Rika
Policy to Improve the Quality of Life and Welfare of the Elderly in Nursing Homes in West Sumatra Province
Safitri, Desy
Social Studies Learning Model Based on Socio-Cultural Through Blanded Learning (Study in Junior High School in the Depok West Java)
Safitri, Desy
Ecolabel in Environmental Education
Sahir, Syafrimen
Enhancing the Ability to Make Asian Continent Mockups Map in Groups of Social Sciences Subjects at MTsN 3 Padang
Sakti, Eri
Fiqih Ibadah Competence Model Developments Through Jurisprudential Inquiry Model Based on Local Wisdom in Students’ Learning
Samad, Duski
Cadre Model Inspirative Based on Islamic Parenting and Minangkabau Local Wisdom
Building the Values of Environmental Awareness Through the Adiwiyata School
Subiyakto, Bambang
Learning Motivation In Street Children (Case Study on Street Children Who Attend School in Public Elementary School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri/SDN) Mawar 2 Banjarmasin)
Suherman, Ade
Nation Character Building for Millennial Generation Based on Local Wisdom of Saminism
Social Studies Learning Model Based on Socio-Cultural Through Blanded Learning (Study in Junior High School in the Depok West Java)
The Development of Local Wisdom and Islamic Values-Based Democratic Material in IAIN Metro
Ecolabel in Environmental Education
The Quality of Learning Tools With Constructivist Approaches on the Juvenile Delinquency Theme
Political Education for Novice Voters Through Students’ Democracy Jamboree Program
Suwarno, Ezra Imanuel
Aceh Women’s Contribution of Military Affairs During Western Colonialism in Indonesia
Building the Values of Environmental Awareness Through the Adiwiyata School
The Effect of Employee Satisfaction on Service Quality Through Delivery and Professionalism in Labor and Industrial Agency of Padang City
Explicit Instruction In Unisono Singing Lessons in Class VII Public Junior High School (Sekolah Menengah Pertama-SMPN) 1 Padang Panjang
Nation Character Building for Millennial Generation Based on Local Wisdom of Saminism
Tiara, Monica
Analysis of Student Interest on Blended Learning
Tiara, Monica
Analysis of Teacher Questions in Improving High Order Thinking Skills of Students Through Learning of Pancasila and Civic Education
Triwidayanti, Lina
Development of Macromedia Captivate-Based Instructional Media of Social Studies on Scarcity and Human Needs Material of Grade VII at Islamic Junior High School of Assyafiiyah Gondang Tulungagung
Tsaury, Adang M.
Social Studies Learning Model for Early Childhood
Wahyuningtyas, Neni
Developing Appypie-Based Android to Support Teacher’s Quality and Creativity in 21st Century
Widyanti, Triani
Nation Character Building for Millennial Generation Based on Local Wisdom of Saminism
Wiyanarti, Erlina
The Innovation of Online-Based Social Studies Lesson Plan Models to Face the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Yanti, Anggun Mustika
The Strategy of Nagari For Children’s Protection in Realizing Children Friendly Nagari at Batu Balang
Yefterson, Ridho Bayu
Development of Students’ Competencies in Social Studies Learning by Using the Field Trip Method in Junior High School
Yesya, Jefer Oktri
The Implementation of Asset Handover Based on Law Number 25 of 2008 Concerning the Establishment of Sungai Penuh City
Yudhiani, Walan
Pre-Married Education: Movement Responsibility in a Family
Development of Historical Learning Evaluation Instruments Based on High Order Thinking Skills for Riau History course at Departement of History Education in Riau University
Aceh Women’s Contribution of Military Affairs During Western Colonialism in Indonesia
Yusran, Rahmadani
Nagari Madani Movement: A Social Policy-Based Islamic Values In Agam Regency
Yusran, Rahmadani
Policy to Improve the Quality of Life and Welfare of the Elderly in Nursing Homes in West Sumatra Province
Development of Modesty Based Learning Design at Anugrah Sayang Ibu Padang Pariaman District
‘Asri, Zul
Historical Empathy Learning Model for Strengthening Character Education 2013 Curriculum