Proceedings of the International Conference On Social Studies, Globalisation And Technology (ICSSGT 2019)
173 authors
- Mulyana, Eldi
- Nation Character Building for Millennial Generation Based on Local Wisdom of Saminism
- Murniyetti
- Nagari Madani Movement: A Social Policy-Based Islamic Values In Agam Regency
- Mutiani
- Learning Motivation In Street Children (Case Study on Street Children Who Attend School in Public Elementary School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri/SDN) Mawar 2 Banjarmasin)
- Nasution, Ilman
- Cadre Model Inspirative Based on Islamic Parenting and Minangkabau Local Wisdom
- Nawing, Kaharuddin
- Anticipatory Strategies of Social Problems Based on Social Deviations in Students of Public Junior High School 8 Palu
- Nerosti
- Dampieng Salendang Reconstruction in Building Millenial Generation Characters in the Field of Dance
- Nisa, Aisyah Nur Sayidatun
- To Increase Professional Competence of Social Sciences Teachers (in Utilizing Local Wisdom-Based Learning Resources Through History Trips in Batang Regency)
- Nopitalia, Tassya
- Ba’usung Tradition in Wedding Ceremonies of Banjar Ethnic Group in Indragiri Hilir District
- Novera, DillaTriyanda
- An Analysis of Guguak Manyambah Song Created by B. Andoeska in Minangkabau Song
- Nurdin, Buchari
- Using Mind Mapping in Social Studies at Public Junior High School No.1 South Siberut Mentawai
- Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti Wahyu
- Development of Macromedia Captivate-Based Instructional Media of Social Studies on Scarcity and Human Needs Material of Grade VII at Islamic Junior High School of Assyafiiyah Gondang Tulungagung
- Nurlina
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Students Interest in Business Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Dharma Andalas Padang
- Nursi, M.
- The Influence of Lecturer Competence and Self Concepts on Student Learning Motivation (Study on the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program at Higher Education in Padang)
- Palimbong, Anthonius
- Tolerance Learning to Develop Students Social Skills in the 21st Century
- Pebriyenni
- Impact of Political Education to the Participation of Beginner Voters in General Election
- Permana, Rahayu
- Integrating Local History into Lessons of History Subject in the 2013 Curriculum Revise at Senior High School Level
- Pernantah, Piki Setri
- Integration of Siak Songket Weaving Values Through Value Clarification Technique to Reinforcement of the Meaningful History Learning
- Pratama, Febta
- Integrating Local History into Lessons of History Subject in the 2013 Curriculum Revise at Senior High School Level
- Purwasih, Atik
- The Development of Local Wisdom and Islamic Values-Based Democratic Material in IAIN Metro
- Purwati, Sherly
- Evaluation of Teacher’s Understanding and Experience About the Structure and Publication of Scientific Articles in Scientific Journals
- Puspitasari, Ratna
- Outdoor Learning as the Development of Eco Literacy Skills in Learning Social Studies in Secondary School
- Putra, Deswa Yodi Eka
- Worksheet for Application of Word Square Learning Models at Publik Junior High School Number I Kapur IX District
- Putra, ZE. Ferdi Fauzan
- Ecolabel in Environmental Education
- Putri, Eti Siska
- Mapping and Resolution of Conflicts Pagang-Gadai Land Ulayat in Minangkabau: Case study: clan customary land conflict in Jorong Kajai, Nagari Ladang Panjang, Tigo Nagari District, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra
- Putri, Noviani Achmad
- To Increase Professional Competence of Social Sciences Teachers (in Utilizing Local Wisdom-Based Learning Resources Through History Trips in Batang Regency)
- Putri, Wulandari Dwianty
- Women’s Representation in Media News During the Japanese Period
- Putro, Herry Porda Nugroho
- Learning Model of History to Wetlands for Historical Consciousness
- Rachmah, Huriah
- Social Studies Learning Model for Early Childhood
- Rachman, Tubagus Ali
- Social Studies Learning Model Based on Socio-Cultural Through Blanded Learning (Study in Junior High School in the Depok West Java)
- Rahayu, Sri
- Worksheet for Application of Word Square Learning Models at Publik Junior High School Number I Kapur IX District
- Rahmi, Yulia
- The Effect of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Condition on Management of Communities-Based Online Report Management in Padang Pariaman District
- Ramadhani, Anggia
- Worksheet for Application of Word Square Learning Models at Publik Junior High School Number I Kapur IX District
- Rani, Santi Mustika
- A Study of Olang Bubega Silat Changes From Tradition to Entertainment Arts in the Community Wedding Ceremony in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau
- Ratnawati, Nurul
- The Quality of Learning Tools With Constructivist Approaches on the Juvenile Delinquency Theme
- Rivauzi, Ahmad
- Cadre Model Inspirative Based on Islamic Parenting and Minangkabau Local Wisdom
- Rosa, Yenni Del
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Students Interest in Business Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Dharma Andalas Padang
- Ruja, I Nyoman
- The Quality of Learning Tools With Constructivist Approaches on the Juvenile Delinquency Theme
- Sabri, Rika
- Policy to Improve the Quality of Life and Welfare of the Elderly in Nursing Homes in West Sumatra Province
- Safitri, Desy
- Social Studies Learning Model Based on Socio-Cultural Through Blanded Learning (Study in Junior High School in the Depok West Java)
- Safitri, Desy
- Ecolabel in Environmental Education
- Sahir, Syafrimen
- Enhancing the Ability to Make Asian Continent Mockups Map in Groups of Social Sciences Subjects at MTsN 3 Padang
- Sakti, Eri
- Fiqih Ibadah Competence Model Developments Through Jurisprudential Inquiry Model Based on Local Wisdom in Students’ Learning
- Samad, Duski
- Cadre Model Inspirative Based on Islamic Parenting and Minangkabau Local Wisdom
- Sarbaini
- Building the Values of Environmental Awareness Through the Adiwiyata School
- Subiyakto, Bambang
- Learning Motivation In Street Children (Case Study on Street Children Who Attend School in Public Elementary School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri/SDN) Mawar 2 Banjarmasin)
- Suherman, Ade
- Nation Character Building for Millennial Generation Based on Local Wisdom of Saminism
- Sujarwo
- Social Studies Learning Model Based on Socio-Cultural Through Blanded Learning (Study in Junior High School in the Depok West Java)
- Sujarwo
- The Development of Local Wisdom and Islamic Values-Based Democratic Material in IAIN Metro
- Sujarwo
- Ecolabel in Environmental Education
- Sukamto
- The Quality of Learning Tools With Constructivist Approaches on the Juvenile Delinquency Theme
- Suryanef
- Political Education for Novice Voters Through Students’ Democracy Jamboree Program
- Suwarno, Ezra Imanuel
- Aceh Women’s Contribution of Military Affairs During Western Colonialism in Indonesia
- Syaharuddin
- Building the Values of Environmental Awareness Through the Adiwiyata School
- Syamsir
- The Effect of Employee Satisfaction on Service Quality Through Delivery and Professionalism in Labor and Industrial Agency of Padang City
- Syeilendra
- Explicit Instruction In Unisono Singing Lessons in Class VII Public Junior High School (Sekolah Menengah Pertama-SMPN) 1 Padang Panjang
- Tetep
- Nation Character Building for Millennial Generation Based on Local Wisdom of Saminism
- Tiara, Monica
- Analysis of Student Interest on Blended Learning
- Tiara, Monica
- Analysis of Teacher Questions in Improving High Order Thinking Skills of Students Through Learning of Pancasila and Civic Education
- Triwidayanti, Lina
- Development of Macromedia Captivate-Based Instructional Media of Social Studies on Scarcity and Human Needs Material of Grade VII at Islamic Junior High School of Assyafiiyah Gondang Tulungagung
- Tsaury, Adang M.
- Social Studies Learning Model for Early Childhood
- Wahyuningtyas, Neni
- Developing Appypie-Based Android to Support Teacher’s Quality and Creativity in 21st Century
- Widyanti, Triani
- Nation Character Building for Millennial Generation Based on Local Wisdom of Saminism
- Wiyanarti, Erlina
- The Innovation of Online-Based Social Studies Lesson Plan Models to Face the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Yanti, Anggun Mustika
- The Strategy of Nagari For Children’s Protection in Realizing Children Friendly Nagari at Batu Balang
- Yefterson, Ridho Bayu
- Development of Students’ Competencies in Social Studies Learning by Using the Field Trip Method in Junior High School
- Yesya, Jefer Oktri
- The Implementation of Asset Handover Based on Law Number 25 of 2008 Concerning the Establishment of Sungai Penuh City
- Yudhiani, Walan
- Pre-Married Education: Movement Responsibility in a Family
- Yuliantoro
- Development of Historical Learning Evaluation Instruments Based on High Order Thinking Skills for Riau History course at Departement of History Education in Riau University
- Yuliati
- Aceh Women’s Contribution of Military Affairs During Western Colonialism in Indonesia
- Yusran, Rahmadani
- Nagari Madani Movement: A Social Policy-Based Islamic Values In Agam Regency
- Yusran, Rahmadani
- Policy to Improve the Quality of Life and Welfare of the Elderly in Nursing Homes in West Sumatra Province
- Zulmirawati
- Development of Modesty Based Learning Design at Anugrah Sayang Ibu Padang Pariaman District
- ‘Asri, Zul
- Historical Empathy Learning Model for Strengthening Character Education 2013 Curriculum