Proceedings of the International Conference on Social, Economics, Business, and Education (ICSEBE 2021)
191 authors
- Mustari
- E-Business-Based Marketing Strategy in the Silk Fabric Industry of Non-Machine Weaving Equipment (ATBM) in Wajo Regency
- Mutatqin, Muchammad Zaenal
- The Effect of Intellectual Capital Disclosure on The Performances of Private Universities
- Nahriana
- Increasing the Economic Value of Locally Processed Food
- Ningsih, Sri
- Telehealth Business Potential in Indonesia
- Nugroho, Fresy
- The Implementation of E-Commerce for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) in Covid 19 Pandemic Era
- Nuraisyiah
- Analysis of Factors Affecting the Development of MSME Business Scale in the Agricultural Sector of Soppeng Regency
- Nurdiana
- The Effect of Government Budget in Education and Health Sector, GRDP and Gini Ratio on the Human Development Index (IPM) n Makassar City
- Nurjannah
- How Does Macroeconomic Variables Affect Human Development Index
- Nurjannah
- Millennial Entrepreneur Ecosystem Based on Digital (Digital Entrepreneurship) in Pandemic Covid 19 in Makassar City
- Nurjaya
- Effects of Leader Empathy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Nursyamsi, Idayanti
- Digitalist Literacy in Women’s Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in the Midst of the Covid-19 Crisis: Conceptual Paper
- Nurzannah
- The Economic in International Islamic Education Strategy Collaboration: A Rapid Review
- Oktaviyah, Nurafni
- WhatsApp Business Application as a Digital Marketing Strategy of UMKM
- Palangda, Listriyanti
- How Does Macroeconomic Variables Affect Human Development Index
- Patrianti, Tria
- Integrated Marketing Communications Sharia Banking Economy
- Pratiwi, Endang Tri
- The Effect of Intellectual Capital Disclosure on The Performances of Private Universities
- Pratiwi, Nurul Intan
- Integrated Marketing Communications Sharia Banking Economy
- Pratiwi, Ratih
- Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Satisfaction in the Context of Special Occasion at Trade Exhibitions and the Halal Business in Indonesia: A Method Based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) Path Modeling
- Pujiastuti, Nurul
- Empowerement of Mompreneurs in Creating Economic Independence
- Pujiastuti, Nurul
- Telehealth Business Potential in Indonesia
- Purnamawati
- The Industrial Electronics Learning Model Needs Analysis Based on Industrial Teaching at Vocational School
- Purwoko
- Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Satisfaction in the Context of Special Occasion at Trade Exhibitions and the Halal Business in Indonesia: A Method Based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) Path Modeling
- Puspitasari, Diana
- Green Economy for Degenerative Society
- Puspitasari, Diana
- Influence of Green Accounting and Environmental Performance on Profitability
- R, Tasnim Nikmatullah
- Blockchain Technology Adoption, Benefit and Challenges for Halal Food Traceability
- Rachmawaty
- Study of Marketing Education Communication in Increasing the Capability of Mismes to Survive in the Time of Covid 19 Pandemic: Digital Literature Perspective
- Rahim, Abd.
- Determinants of Fresh Marine Fish Price Fluctuations, 2000-2019 in South Sulawesi, Indonesia: A Qualitative Independent Variable Estimation Method
- Rahmawati
- Study of Marketing Education Communication in Increasing the Capability of Mismes to Survive in the Time of Covid 19 Pandemic: Digital Literature Perspective
- Rastrawan, Dedy
- Analysis Welfare Determinants of Poor Family in Makassar City on SDGS Perspective
- Rasyidah, Ummi
- Economic Education and Character Well-being of Art Therapy students
- Refika
- The Effect of Intellectual Capital Disclosure on The Performances of Private Universities
- Ridwan, Muannif
- Increasing the Added Value of Shorea Javanica Resin from the Pesisir Barat District Through the Geographical Indication Regime
- Roswiyanti
- The Effect of Knowledge Sharing, Competitive Advantage Strategy Implementation on Employee Performance
- Roswiyanti
- Function Analysis of Household Consumption in South Sulawesi Province (Case Study of Makassar, Gowa, Maros and Pare-Pare City)
- Rulyansah, Afib
- The Economic in International Islamic Education Strategy Collaboration: A Rapid Review
- Rustiarini, Francaisca Elizabeth
- Analysis Factor of Teacher Performance Mediated by Work Motivation on Productive Teachers in Vocational School
- Sabran
- The Industrial Electronics Learning Model Needs Analysis Based on Industrial Teaching at Vocational School
- Safitri, Nurhidaya
- Pentagon Fraud Analysis in Detecting Fraudulent Financial Statements in Pharmaceutical Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- Saleh, Sirajuddin
- The Roles of Educators in Stimulating the Development of Early Childhood
- Samosir, Frans Judea
- The Effect of Intellectual Capital Disclosure on The Performances of Private Universities
- Sangkala, Masnawaty
- Pentagon Fraud Analysis in Detecting Fraudulent Financial Statements in Pharmaceutical Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- Santoso, Ivan Rahmat
- The Impact of Government Policies and Regulations on the Development Islamic Economics Distribution
- Sari, Dian Cita
- The Economic in International Islamic Education Strategy Collaboration: A Rapid Review
- Sari, Dian Cita
- Economic Education and Character Well-being of Art Therapy students
- Sari, Mieke Yustia Ayu Ratna
- Student as Child Labor in Agriculture Sector During Pandemic Covid-19
- Sari, Mieke Yustia Ayu Ratna
- Increasing the Added Value of Shorea Javanica Resin from the Pesisir Barat District Through the Geographical Indication Regime
- Sasongko, Agung Hari
- Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Satisfaction in the Context of Special Occasion at Trade Exhibitions and the Halal Business in Indonesia: A Method Based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) Path Modeling
- Saudi, Nur Dwiana Sari
- Function Analysis of Household Consumption in South Sulawesi Province (Case Study of Makassar, Gowa, Maros and Pare-Pare City)
- Sawe, Riesso Andi
- Study of Marketing Education Communication in Increasing the Capability of Mismes to Survive in the Time of Covid 19 Pandemic: Digital Literature Perspective
- Seituni, Siti
- Integrated Marketing Communications Sharia Banking Economy
- Setiawan, Ari
- The Economic in International Islamic Education Strategy Collaboration: A Rapid Review
- Setyawati, Sri Panca
- Telehealth Business Potential in Indonesia
- Setyowati, Dina Lusiana
- Student as Child Labor in Agriculture Sector During Pandemic Covid-19
- Sheyoputri, Aylee Christine A.
- Student as Child Labor in Agriculture Sector During Pandemic Covid-19
- Shofiah, Vivik
- Economic Education and Character Well-being of Art Therapy students
- Sidanti, Heny
- Financial Performance and Economic Growth of Government in the Province of Papua in the Pandemic
- Sikar, Muhammad Alfa
- WhatsApp Business Application as a Digital Marketing Strategy of UMKM
- Sikar, Muhammad Alfa
- Millennial Entrepreneur Ecosystem Based on Digital (Digital Entrepreneurship) in Pandemic Covid 19 in Makassar City
- Simarmata, Hengki Mangiring Parulian
- Analysis Factor of Teacher Performance Mediated by Work Motivation on Productive Teachers in Vocational School
- Sinlae, Alfry Aristo J
- The Implementation of E-Commerce for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) in Covid 19 Pandemic Era
- Siswanto, Sri Purwaningsih
- How Does Macroeconomic Variables Affect Human Development Index
- Srifitriani, Abditama
- Green Economy for Degenerative Society
- Sudarmi
- WhatsApp Business Application as a Digital Marketing Strategy of UMKM
- Sufiyanto, Mohammad Imam
- Green Economy for Degenerative Society
- Suhartina
- Increasing the Added Value of Shorea Javanica Resin from the Pesisir Barat District Through the Geographical Indication Regime
- Sulaiman, Eman
- Telehealth Business Potential in Indonesia
- Sumarlin, K. A.
- Study of Marketing Education Communication in Increasing the Capability of Mismes to Survive in the Time of Covid 19 Pandemic: Digital Literature Perspective
- Sumiati, Ati
- Influence of Green Accounting and Environmental Performance on Profitability
- Suriadi
- The Effect of Intellectual Capital Disclosure on The Performances of Private Universities
- Susanti, Santi
- Analysis Factor of Teacher Performance Mediated by Work Motivation on Productive Teachers in Vocational School
- Susanti, Santi
- Influence of Green Accounting and Environmental Performance on Profitability
- Susilawati, Evi
- Empowerement of Mompreneurs in Creating Economic Independence
- Sutrisno
- How Does Macroeconomic Variables Affect Human Development Index
- Sutrisno, Eko
- Small-scale Coconut Farmers in Indragiri Hilir District as a Model of Youth Entrepreneurship in the Plantation Sector
- Suzana, Yenny
- The Influence of Investor Intrinsic Motivation on Islamic Stock Investment Decision Making
- Syam, Agus
- WhatsApp Business Application as a Digital Marketing Strategy of UMKM
- Syamsuardi
- Business Incubator Model in Support Makassar State University Edupreneur
- T., Ratnawati
- Increasing the Economic Value of Locally Processed Food
- Tahir, Muhammad Ilyas Thamrin
- Effects of Leader Empathy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Tikollah, M. Ridwan
- The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility, Revenue Growth, and Ownership Structure on Tax Avoidance
- Vikaliana, Resista
- Green Economy for Degenerative Society
- Wahda
- Digitalist Literacy in Women’s Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in the Midst of the Covid-19 Crisis: Conceptual Paper
- Widaryanti
- Analysis Factor of Teacher Performance Mediated by Work Motivation on Productive Teachers in Vocational School
- Widiawati, Andi
- Digitalist Literacy in Women’s Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in the Midst of the Covid-19 Crisis: Conceptual Paper
- Yahya, Muh.
- A Study of Marketing Communication in Improving the Ability of MSMEs to Survive in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Digital Literacy Perspective
- Yahya, Muhammad
- The Industrial Electronics Learning Model Needs Analysis Based on Industrial Teaching at Vocational School
- Yuliani
- Poverty in Indonesia
- Zulaihati, Sri
- Analysis Factor of Teacher Performance Mediated by Work Motivation on Productive Teachers in Vocational School
- Zulfaida
- A Study of Marketing Communication in Improving the Ability of MSMEs to Survive in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Digital Literacy Perspective
- Zulfikar, Ahmad Arif
- The Impact of Government Policies and Regulations on the Development Islamic Economics Distribution
- Zunan, Setiawan
- Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Satisfaction in the Context of Special Occasion at Trade Exhibitions and the Halal Business in Indonesia: A Method Based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) Path Modeling